(* M2Batch.mod implements a queue for modules pending compilation. Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2Batch ; FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT MakeModule, MakeDefImp, IsModule, IsDefImp, GetScope, GetLocalSym, GetCurrentScope, GetSym, NulSym ; FROM NameKey IMPORT GetKey, WriteKey ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf2 ; FROM M2Error IMPORT InternalError ; FROM M2MetaError IMPORT MetaError1 ; FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, InitIndex, GetIndice, HighIndice, RemoveIndiceFromIndex, IncludeIndiceIntoIndex, InBounds ; FROM Lists IMPORT List, InitList, IncludeItemIntoList, RemoveItemFromList, GetItemFromList, NoOfItemsInList ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String ; FROM M2Pass IMPORT IsPass1, IsPass2, IsPass3, IsPassC ; TYPE Module = POINTER TO RECORD SymNo : CARDINAL ; Key : Name ; DefFile, ModFile: String ; END ; VAR SeenList : Index ; PendingQueue: List ; (* MakeProgramSource - is given a Name, n, which is used to create a program module. The program module will be placed onto the compilation pending queue if it has not yet been compiled. If the module has been compiled then no action is taken. The Module Sym is returned. *) PROCEDURE MakeProgramSource (tok: CARDINAL; n: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR Sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN Sym := Get (n) ; IF Sym = NulSym THEN Assert ((NOT IsPass1 ()) AND (NOT IsPass2 ()) AND (NOT IsPass3 ()) AND (NOT IsPassC ())) ; (* Neither been compiled or on the Pending Queue *) Sym := MakeModule (tok, n) ; Put (Sym, n) ; Push (Sym) END ; RETURN Sym END MakeProgramSource ; (* MakeDefinitionSource - is given a Name, n, which is used to create a Definition module. The Definition Module will be placed onto the compilation pending queue if it has not yet been compiled. If the module has been compiled then no action is taken. The Module Sym is returned. *) PROCEDURE MakeDefinitionSource (tok: CARDINAL; n: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR Sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN Sym := Get (n) ; IF Sym = NulSym THEN Assert ((NOT IsPass1 ()) AND (NOT IsPass2 ()) AND (NOT IsPass3 ()) AND (NOT IsPassC ())) ; (* Neither been compiled or on the Pending Queue *) Sym := MakeDefImp (tok, n) ; Put (Sym, n) ; Push (Sym) END ; RETURN Sym END MakeDefinitionSource ; (* MakeImplementationSource - is given a Name, n, which is used to create an implementation module. The implementation Module will be placed onto the compilation pending queue if it has not yet been compiled. If the module has been compiled then no action is taken. The Module Sym is returned. *) PROCEDURE MakeImplementationSource (tok: CARDINAL; n: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR Sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN Sym := Get (n) ; IF Sym = NulSym THEN Assert ((NOT IsPass1 ()) AND (NOT IsPass2 ()) AND (NOT IsPass3 ()) AND (NOT IsPassC ())) ; (* Neither been compiled or on the Pending Queue *) Sym := MakeDefImp (tok, n) ; Put (Sym, n) ; Push (Sym) END ; RETURN Sym END MakeImplementationSource ; (* GetSource - returns with the symbol Sym of the next module to be compiled. If Sym returns with value 0 then no module should be compiled. *) PROCEDURE GetSource () : CARDINAL ; BEGIN RETURN Pop () END GetSource ; (* GetModuleNo - returns with symbol number of the nth module read during Pass 1. *) PROCEDURE GetModuleNo (nth: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR m: Module ; BEGIN Assert (nth#0) ; IF InBounds (SeenList, nth) THEN m := GetIndice (SeenList, nth) ; RETURN m^.SymNo ELSE RETURN NulSym END END GetModuleNo ; (* IsModuleKnown - returns TRUE if the Name n matches a module. *) PROCEDURE IsModuleKnown (n: Name) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN Get (n) # NulSym END IsModuleKnown ; (* Get - returns the module symbol matching name n. *) PROCEDURE Get (n: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR i, no: CARDINAL ; m : Module ; BEGIN i := 1 ; no := HighIndice (SeenList) ; WHILE i <= no DO m := GetIndice (SeenList, i) ; WITH m^ DO IF Key = n THEN RETURN SymNo ELSE INC (i) END END END ; RETURN NulSym END Get ; PROCEDURE Put (Sym: CARDINAL; n: Name) ; VAR m: Module ; BEGIN NEW (m) ; IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (SeenList, m) ; WITH m^ DO SymNo := Sym ; Key := n ; DefFile := NIL ; ModFile := NIL END END Put ; PROCEDURE Push (Sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IncludeItemIntoList (PendingQueue, Sym) END Push ; PROCEDURE Pop () : CARDINAL ; VAR n : CARDINAL ; Sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN n := NoOfItemsInList (PendingQueue) ; IF n = 0 THEN RETURN NulSym ELSE Sym := GetItemFromList (PendingQueue, n) ; RemoveItemFromList (PendingQueue, Sym) ; RETURN Sym END END Pop ; (* DisplayModules - a debugging routine to textually emit the names of modules in the SeenList. *) PROCEDURE DisplayModules ; VAR m : Module ; n, i: CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := 1 ; n := HighIndice (SeenList) ; WHILE i<=n DO m := GetIndice (SeenList, i) ; WITH m^ DO printf2 ('Module %a %d\n', Key, i) END ; INC (i) END END DisplayModules ; (* AssociateDefinition - associate the source file, filename, with the definition module, Sym. *) PROCEDURE AssociateDefinition (filename: String; Sym: CARDINAL) : String ; VAR no, i: CARDINAL ; m : Module ; BEGIN i := 1 ; no := HighIndice (SeenList) ; WHILE i <= no DO m := GetIndice (SeenList, i) ; WITH m^ DO IF SymNo = Sym THEN DefFile := filename ; RETURN filename ELSE INC (i) END END END ; InternalError ('failed to find module sym') END AssociateDefinition ; (* GetDefinitionModuleFile - returns the filename associated with the definition module, Sym. It may return a temporary preprocessed file. *) PROCEDURE GetDefinitionModuleFile (Sym: CARDINAL) : String ; VAR no, i: CARDINAL ; m : Module ; BEGIN i := 1 ; no := HighIndice (SeenList) ; WHILE i <= no DO m := GetIndice (SeenList, i) ; WITH m^ DO IF SymNo = Sym THEN RETURN DefFile ELSE INC (i) END END END ; RETURN NIL END GetDefinitionModuleFile ; (* AssociateModule - associate the source file, filename, with the implementation/program module, Sym. *) PROCEDURE AssociateModule (filename: String; Sym: CARDINAL) : String ; VAR no, i: CARDINAL ; m : Module ; BEGIN i := 1 ; no := HighIndice (SeenList) ; WHILE i<=no DO m := GetIndice (SeenList, i) ; WITH m^ DO IF SymNo = Sym THEN ModFile := filename ; RETURN filename ELSE INC (i) END END END ; InternalError ('failed to find module sym') END AssociateModule ; (* GetModuleFile - returns the filename associated with the implementation/program module, Sym. It may return a temporary preprocessed file. *) PROCEDURE GetModuleFile (Sym: CARDINAL) : String ; VAR no, i: CARDINAL ; m : Module ; BEGIN i := 1 ; no := HighIndice (SeenList) ; WHILE i <= no DO m := GetIndice (SeenList, i) ; WITH m^ DO IF SymNo = Sym THEN RETURN ModFile ELSE INC (i) END END END ; RETURN NIL END GetModuleFile ; (* ForeachSourceModuleDo - for each source file call procedure, p. *) PROCEDURE ForeachSourceModuleDo (p: DoProcedure) ; VAR i, no: CARDINAL ; m : Module ; BEGIN i := 1 ; no := HighIndice (SeenList) ; WHILE i<=no DO m := GetIndice (SeenList, i) ; WITH m^ DO IF ModFile # NIL THEN p (SymNo) END END ; INC (i) END END ForeachSourceModuleDo ; (* IsSourceSeen - returns TRUE if the source for the program module or implementation module has been seen. *) PROCEDURE IsSourceSeen (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN Assert (IsModule (sym) OR IsDefImp (sym)) ; RETURN GetModuleFile (sym) # NIL END IsSourceSeen ; (* IsModuleSeen - returns TRUE if the source for module, name, has been seen. *) PROCEDURE IsModuleSeen (n: Name) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN Get (n) # NulSym END IsModuleSeen ; (* LookupModule - looks up a module in the current scope, if a module does not exist then it creates a DefImp module. *) PROCEDURE LookupModule (tok: CARDINAL; n: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN sym := GetSym (n) ; IF sym = NulSym THEN RETURN MakeDefinitionSource (tok, n) ELSIF IsModule (sym) OR IsDefImp (sym) THEN RETURN sym ELSE RETURN MakeDefinitionSource (tok, n) END END LookupModule ; (* LookupOuterModule - looks up a module in the order of: current scope, then outer scope, finally if a module does not exist then it creates a DefImp module. *) PROCEDURE LookupOuterModule (tok: CARDINAL; n: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR outer: CARDINAL ; sym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN sym := GetSym (n) ; IF sym = NulSym THEN outer := GetScope (GetCurrentScope ()) ; IF outer # NulSym THEN sym := GetLocalSym (outer, n) END ; IF sym = NulSym THEN (* not a local module, so it must be refering to a definition module. *) sym := MakeDefinitionSource (tok, n) END END ; IF IsModule (sym) OR IsDefImp (sym) THEN RETURN sym ELSE RETURN MakeDefinitionSource (tok, n) END END LookupOuterModule ; BEGIN InitList (PendingQueue) ; SeenList := InitIndex (1) END M2Batch.