/* More subroutines needed by GCC output code on some machines.  */
/* Compile this one with gcc.  */
/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
   2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005  Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GCC.

GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later

In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
from the use of this file.  (The General Public License restrictions
do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine

GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.  */

/* We include auto-host.h here to get HAVE_GAS_HIDDEN.  This is
   supposedly valid even though this is a "target" file.  */
#include "auto-host.h"

/* It is incorrect to include config.h here, because this file is being
   compiled for the target, and hence definitions concerning only the host
   do not apply.  */
#include "tconfig.h"
#include "tsystem.h"
#include "coretypes.h"
#include "tm.h"

/* Don't use `fancy_abort' here even if config.h says to use it.  */
#ifdef abort
#undef abort

#define ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN  __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("hidden")))

#include "libgcc2.h"

#if defined (L_negdi2)
__negdi2 (DWtype u)
  const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  const DWunion w = { {.low = -uu.s.low,
		       .high = -uu.s.high - ((UWtype) -uu.s.low > 0) } };

  return w.ll;

#ifdef L_addvsi3
__addvSI3 (Wtype a, Wtype b)
  const Wtype w = a + b;

  if (b >= 0 ? w < a : w > a)
    abort ();

  return w;
__addvsi3 (SItype a, SItype b)
  const SItype w = a + b;

  if (b >= 0 ? w < a : w > a)
    abort ();

  return w;
#ifdef L_addvdi3
__addvDI3 (DWtype a, DWtype b)
  const DWtype w = a + b;

  if (b >= 0 ? w < a : w > a)
    abort ();

  return w;
#ifdef L_subvsi3
__subvSI3 (Wtype a, Wtype b)
  const Wtype w = a - b;

  if (b >= 0 ? w > a : w < a)
    abort ();

  return w;
__subvsi3 (SItype a, SItype b)
  const SItype w = a - b;

  if (b >= 0 ? w > a : w < a)
    abort ();

  return w;
#ifdef L_subvdi3
__subvDI3 (DWtype a, DWtype b)
  const DWtype w = a - b;

  if (b >= 0 ? w > a : w < a)
    abort ();

  return w;
#ifdef L_mulvsi3
__mulvSI3 (Wtype a, Wtype b)
  const DWtype w = (DWtype) a * (DWtype) b;

  if ((Wtype) (w >> W_TYPE_SIZE) != (Wtype) w >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1))
    abort ();

  return w;
#undef WORD_SIZE
#define WORD_SIZE (sizeof (SItype) * BITS_PER_UNIT)
__mulvsi3 (SItype a, SItype b)
  const DItype w = (DItype) a * (DItype) b;

  if ((SItype) (w >> WORD_SIZE) != (SItype) w >> (WORD_SIZE-1))
    abort ();

  return w;
#ifdef L_negvsi2
__negvSI2 (Wtype a)
  const Wtype w = -a;

  if (a >= 0 ? w > 0 : w < 0)
    abort ();

   return w;
__negvsi2 (SItype a)
  const SItype w = -a;

  if (a >= 0 ? w > 0 : w < 0)
    abort ();

   return w;
#ifdef L_negvdi2
__negvDI2 (DWtype a)
  const DWtype w = -a;

  if (a >= 0 ? w > 0 : w < 0)
    abort ();

  return w;
#ifdef L_absvsi2
__absvSI2 (Wtype a)
  Wtype w = a;

  if (a < 0)
#ifdef L_negvsi2
    w = __negvSI2 (a);
    w = -a;

  if (w < 0)
    abort ();

   return w;
__absvsi2 (SItype a)
  SItype w = a;

  if (a < 0)
#ifdef L_negvsi2
    w = __negvsi2 (a);
    w = -a;

  if (w < 0)
    abort ();

   return w;
#ifdef L_absvdi2
__absvDI2 (DWtype a)
  DWtype w = a;

  if (a < 0)
#ifdef L_negvdi2
    w = __negvDI2 (a);
    w = -a;

  if (w < 0)
    abort ();

  return w;
#ifdef L_mulvdi3
__mulvDI3 (DWtype u, DWtype v)
  /* The unchecked multiplication needs 3 Wtype x Wtype multiplications,
     but the checked multiplication needs only two.  */
  const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  const DWunion vv = {.ll = v};

  if (__builtin_expect (uu.s.high == uu.s.low >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1), 1))
      /* u fits in a single Wtype.  */
      if (__builtin_expect (vv.s.high == vv.s.low >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1), 1))
	  /* v fits in a single Wtype as well.  */
	  /* A single multiplication.  No overflow risk.  */
	  return (DWtype) uu.s.low * (DWtype) vv.s.low;
	  /* Two multiplications.  */
	  DWunion w0 = {.ll = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.low
			* (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.low};
	  DWunion w1 = {.ll = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.low
			* (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.high};

	  if (vv.s.high < 0)
	    w1.s.high -= uu.s.low;
	  if (uu.s.low < 0)
	    w1.ll -= vv.ll;
	  w1.ll += (UWtype) w0.s.high;
	  if (__builtin_expect (w1.s.high == w1.s.low >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1), 1))
	      w0.s.high = w1.s.low;
	      return w0.ll;
      if (__builtin_expect (vv.s.high == vv.s.low >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1), 1))
	  /* v fits into a single Wtype.  */
	  /* Two multiplications.  */
	  DWunion w0 = {.ll = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.low
			* (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.low};
	  DWunion w1 = {.ll = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.high
			* (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.low};

	  if (uu.s.high < 0)
	    w1.s.high -= vv.s.low;
	  if (vv.s.low < 0)
	    w1.ll -= uu.ll;
	  w1.ll += (UWtype) w0.s.high;
	  if (__builtin_expect (w1.s.high == w1.s.low >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1), 1))
	      w0.s.high = w1.s.low;
	      return w0.ll;
	  /* A few sign checks and a single multiplication.  */
	  if (uu.s.high >= 0)
	      if (vv.s.high >= 0)
		  if (uu.s.high == 0 && vv.s.high == 0)
		      const DWtype w = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.low
			* (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.low;
		      if (__builtin_expect (w >= 0, 1))
			return w;
		  if (uu.s.high == 0 && vv.s.high == (Wtype) -1)
		      DWunion ww = {.ll = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.low
				    * (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.low};

		      ww.s.high -= uu.s.low;
		      if (__builtin_expect (ww.s.high < 0, 1))
			return ww.ll;
	      if (vv.s.high >= 0)
		  if (uu.s.high == (Wtype) -1 && vv.s.high == 0)
		      DWunion ww = {.ll = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.low
				    * (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.low};

		      ww.s.high -= vv.s.low;
		      if (__builtin_expect (ww.s.high < 0, 1))
			return ww.ll;
		  if (uu.s.high == (Wtype) -1 && vv.s.high == (Wtype) - 1)
		      DWunion ww = {.ll = (UDWtype) (UWtype) uu.s.low
				    * (UDWtype) (UWtype) vv.s.low};

		      ww.s.high -= uu.s.low;
		      ww.s.high -= vv.s.low;
		      if (__builtin_expect (ww.s.high >= 0, 1))
			return ww.ll;

  /* Overflow.  */
  abort ();

/* Unless shift functions are defined with full ANSI prototypes,
   parameter b will be promoted to int if word_type is smaller than an int.  */
#ifdef L_lshrdi3
__lshrdi3 (DWtype u, word_type b)
  if (b == 0)
    return u;

  const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  const word_type bm = (sizeof (Wtype) * BITS_PER_UNIT) - b;
  DWunion w;

  if (bm <= 0)
      w.s.high = 0;
      w.s.low = (UWtype) uu.s.high >> -bm;
      const UWtype carries = (UWtype) uu.s.high << bm;

      w.s.high = (UWtype) uu.s.high >> b;
      w.s.low = ((UWtype) uu.s.low >> b) | carries;

  return w.ll;

#ifdef L_ashldi3
__ashldi3 (DWtype u, word_type b)
  if (b == 0)
    return u;

  const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  const word_type bm = (sizeof (Wtype) * BITS_PER_UNIT) - b;
  DWunion w;

  if (bm <= 0)
      w.s.low = 0;
      w.s.high = (UWtype) uu.s.low << -bm;
      const UWtype carries = (UWtype) uu.s.low >> bm;

      w.s.low = (UWtype) uu.s.low << b;
      w.s.high = ((UWtype) uu.s.high << b) | carries;

  return w.ll;

#ifdef L_ashrdi3
__ashrdi3 (DWtype u, word_type b)
  if (b == 0)
    return u;

  const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  const word_type bm = (sizeof (Wtype) * BITS_PER_UNIT) - b;
  DWunion w;

  if (bm <= 0)
      /* w.s.high = 1..1 or 0..0 */
      w.s.high = uu.s.high >> (sizeof (Wtype) * BITS_PER_UNIT - 1);
      w.s.low = uu.s.high >> -bm;
      const UWtype carries = (UWtype) uu.s.high << bm;

      w.s.high = uu.s.high >> b;
      w.s.low = ((UWtype) uu.s.low >> b) | carries;

  return w.ll;
#ifdef L_ffssi2
#undef int
__ffsSI2 (UWtype u)
  UWtype count;

  if (u == 0)
    return 0;

  count_trailing_zeros (count, u);
  return count + 1;
#ifdef L_ffsdi2
#undef int
__ffsDI2 (DWtype u)
  const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  UWtype word, count, add;

  if (uu.s.low != 0)
    word = uu.s.low, add = 0;
  else if (uu.s.high != 0)
    word = uu.s.high, add = BITS_PER_UNIT * sizeof (Wtype);
    return 0;

  count_trailing_zeros (count, word);
  return count + add + 1;
#ifdef L_muldi3
__muldi3 (DWtype u, DWtype v)
  const DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  const DWunion vv = {.ll = v};
  DWunion w = {.ll = __umulsidi3 (uu.s.low, vv.s.low)};

  w.s.high += ((UWtype) uu.s.low * (UWtype) vv.s.high
	       + (UWtype) uu.s.high * (UWtype) vv.s.low);

  return w.ll;
#if (defined (L_udivdi3) || defined (L_divdi3) || \
     defined (L_umoddi3) || defined (L_moddi3))
#if defined (sdiv_qrnnd)
#define L_udiv_w_sdiv

#ifdef L_udiv_w_sdiv
#if defined (sdiv_qrnnd)
#if (defined (L_udivdi3) || defined (L_divdi3) || \
     defined (L_umoddi3) || defined (L_moddi3))
static inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
__udiv_w_sdiv (UWtype *rp, UWtype a1, UWtype a0, UWtype d)
  UWtype q, r;
  UWtype c0, c1, b1;

  if ((Wtype) d >= 0)
      if (a1 < d - a1 - (a0 >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1)))
	  /* Dividend, divisor, and quotient are nonnegative.  */
	  sdiv_qrnnd (q, r, a1, a0, d);
	  /* Compute c1*2^32 + c0 = a1*2^32 + a0 - 2^31*d.  */
	  sub_ddmmss (c1, c0, a1, a0, d >> 1, d << (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1));
	  /* Divide (c1*2^32 + c0) by d.  */
	  sdiv_qrnnd (q, r, c1, c0, d);
	  /* Add 2^31 to quotient.  */
	  q += (UWtype) 1 << (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
      b1 = d >> 1;			/* d/2, between 2^30 and 2^31 - 1 */
      c1 = a1 >> 1;			/* A/2 */
      c0 = (a1 << (W_TYPE_SIZE - 1)) + (a0 >> 1);

      if (a1 < b1)			/* A < 2^32*b1, so A/2 < 2^31*b1 */
	  sdiv_qrnnd (q, r, c1, c0, b1); /* (A/2) / (d/2) */

	  r = 2*r + (a0 & 1);		/* Remainder from A/(2*b1) */
	  if ((d & 1) != 0)
	      if (r >= q)
		r = r - q;
	      else if (q - r <= d)
		  r = r - q + d;
		  r = r - q + 2*d;
		  q -= 2;
      else if (c1 < b1)			/* So 2^31 <= (A/2)/b1 < 2^32 */
	  c1 = (b1 - 1) - c1;
	  c0 = ~c0;			/* logical NOT */

	  sdiv_qrnnd (q, r, c1, c0, b1); /* (A/2) / (d/2) */

	  q = ~q;			/* (A/2)/b1 */
	  r = (b1 - 1) - r;

	  r = 2*r + (a0 & 1);		/* A/(2*b1) */

	  if ((d & 1) != 0)
	      if (r >= q)
		r = r - q;
	      else if (q - r <= d)
		  r = r - q + d;
		  r = r - q + 2*d;
		  q -= 2;
      else				/* Implies c1 = b1 */
	{				/* Hence a1 = d - 1 = 2*b1 - 1 */
	  if (a0 >= -d)
	      q = -1;
	      r = a0 + d;
	      q = -2;
	      r = a0 + 2*d;

  *rp = r;
  return q;
/* If sdiv_qrnnd doesn't exist, define dummy __udiv_w_sdiv.  */
__udiv_w_sdiv (UWtype *rp __attribute__ ((__unused__)),
	       UWtype a1 __attribute__ ((__unused__)),
	       UWtype a0 __attribute__ ((__unused__)),
	       UWtype d __attribute__ ((__unused__)))
  return 0;
#if (defined (L_udivdi3) || defined (L_divdi3) || \
     defined (L_umoddi3) || defined (L_moddi3))
#define L_udivmoddi4

#ifdef L_clz
const UQItype __clz_tab[] =
#ifdef L_clzsi2
#undef int
__clzSI2 (UWtype x)
  Wtype ret;

  count_leading_zeros (ret, x);

  return ret;
#ifdef L_clzdi2
#undef int
__clzDI2 (UDWtype x)
  const DWunion uu = {.ll = x};
  UWtype word;
  Wtype ret, add;

  if (uu.s.high)
    word = uu.s.high, add = 0;
    word = uu.s.low, add = W_TYPE_SIZE;

  count_leading_zeros (ret, word);
  return ret + add;
#ifdef L_ctzsi2
#undef int
__ctzSI2 (UWtype x)
  Wtype ret;

  count_trailing_zeros (ret, x);

  return ret;
#ifdef L_ctzdi2
#undef int
__ctzDI2 (UDWtype x)
  const DWunion uu = {.ll = x};
  UWtype word;
  Wtype ret, add;

  if (uu.s.low)
    word = uu.s.low, add = 0;
    word = uu.s.high, add = W_TYPE_SIZE;

  count_trailing_zeros (ret, word);
  return ret + add;

#if (defined (L_popcountsi2) || defined (L_popcountdi2)	\
     || defined (L_popcount_tab))
extern const UQItype __popcount_tab[] ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN;

#ifdef L_popcount_tab
const UQItype __popcount_tab[] =
#ifdef L_popcountsi2
#undef int
__popcountSI2 (UWtype x)
  UWtype i, ret = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < W_TYPE_SIZE; i += 8)
    ret += __popcount_tab[(x >> i) & 0xff];

  return ret;
#ifdef L_popcountdi2
#undef int
__popcountDI2 (UDWtype x)
  UWtype i, ret = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < 2*W_TYPE_SIZE; i += 8)
    ret += __popcount_tab[(x >> i) & 0xff];

  return ret;
#ifdef L_paritysi2
#undef int
__paritySI2 (UWtype x)
#if W_TYPE_SIZE > 64
# error "fill out the table"
#if W_TYPE_SIZE > 32
  x ^= x >> 32;
#if W_TYPE_SIZE > 16
  x ^= x >> 16;
  x ^= x >> 8;
  x ^= x >> 4;
  x &= 0xf;
  return (0x6996 >> x) & 1;
#ifdef L_paritydi2
#undef int
__parityDI2 (UDWtype x)
  const DWunion uu = {.ll = x};
  UWtype nx = uu.s.low ^ uu.s.high;

#if W_TYPE_SIZE > 64
# error "fill out the table"
#if W_TYPE_SIZE > 32
  nx ^= nx >> 32;
#if W_TYPE_SIZE > 16
  nx ^= nx >> 16;
  nx ^= nx >> 8;
  nx ^= nx >> 4;
  nx &= 0xf;
  return (0x6996 >> nx) & 1;

#ifdef L_udivmoddi4

#if (defined (L_udivdi3) || defined (L_divdi3) || \
     defined (L_umoddi3) || defined (L_moddi3))
static inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
__udivmoddi4 (UDWtype n, UDWtype d, UDWtype *rp)
  const DWunion nn = {.ll = n};
  const DWunion dd = {.ll = d};
  DWunion rr;
  UWtype d0, d1, n0, n1, n2;
  UWtype q0, q1;
  UWtype b, bm;

  d0 = dd.s.low;
  d1 = dd.s.high;
  n0 = nn.s.low;
  n1 = nn.s.high;

  if (d1 == 0)
      if (d0 > n1)
	  /* 0q = nn / 0D */

	  udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
	  q1 = 0;

	  /* Remainder in n0.  */
	  /* qq = NN / 0d */

	  if (d0 == 0)
	    d0 = 1 / d0;	/* Divide intentionally by zero.  */

	  udiv_qrnnd (q1, n1, 0, n1, d0);
	  udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);

	  /* Remainder in n0.  */

      if (rp != 0)
	  rr.s.low = n0;
	  rr.s.high = 0;
	  *rp = rr.ll;


  if (d1 == 0)
      if (d0 > n1)
	  /* 0q = nn / 0D */

	  count_leading_zeros (bm, d0);

	  if (bm != 0)
	      /* Normalize, i.e. make the most significant bit of the
		 denominator set.  */

	      d0 = d0 << bm;
	      n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - bm));
	      n0 = n0 << bm;

	  udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
	  q1 = 0;

	  /* Remainder in n0 >> bm.  */
	  /* qq = NN / 0d */

	  if (d0 == 0)
	    d0 = 1 / d0;	/* Divide intentionally by zero.  */

	  count_leading_zeros (bm, d0);

	  if (bm == 0)
	      /* From (n1 >= d0) /\ (the most significant bit of d0 is set),
		 conclude (the most significant bit of n1 is set) /\ (the
		 leading quotient digit q1 = 1).

		 This special case is necessary, not an optimization.
		 (Shifts counts of W_TYPE_SIZE are undefined.)  */

	      n1 -= d0;
	      q1 = 1;
	      /* Normalize.  */

	      b = W_TYPE_SIZE - bm;

	      d0 = d0 << bm;
	      n2 = n1 >> b;
	      n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> b);
	      n0 = n0 << bm;

	      udiv_qrnnd (q1, n1, n2, n1, d0);

	  /* n1 != d0...  */

	  udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);

	  /* Remainder in n0 >> bm.  */

      if (rp != 0)
	  rr.s.low = n0 >> bm;
	  rr.s.high = 0;
	  *rp = rr.ll;

      if (d1 > n1)
	  /* 00 = nn / DD */

	  q0 = 0;
	  q1 = 0;

	  /* Remainder in n1n0.  */
	  if (rp != 0)
	      rr.s.low = n0;
	      rr.s.high = n1;
	      *rp = rr.ll;
	  /* 0q = NN / dd */

	  count_leading_zeros (bm, d1);
	  if (bm == 0)
	      /* From (n1 >= d1) /\ (the most significant bit of d1 is set),
		 conclude (the most significant bit of n1 is set) /\ (the
		 quotient digit q0 = 0 or 1).

		 This special case is necessary, not an optimization.  */

	      /* The condition on the next line takes advantage of that
		 n1 >= d1 (true due to program flow).  */
	      if (n1 > d1 || n0 >= d0)
		  q0 = 1;
		  sub_ddmmss (n1, n0, n1, n0, d1, d0);
		q0 = 0;

	      q1 = 0;

	      if (rp != 0)
		  rr.s.low = n0;
		  rr.s.high = n1;
		  *rp = rr.ll;
	      UWtype m1, m0;
	      /* Normalize.  */

	      b = W_TYPE_SIZE - bm;

	      d1 = (d1 << bm) | (d0 >> b);
	      d0 = d0 << bm;
	      n2 = n1 >> b;
	      n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> b);
	      n0 = n0 << bm;

	      udiv_qrnnd (q0, n1, n2, n1, d1);
	      umul_ppmm (m1, m0, q0, d0);

	      if (m1 > n1 || (m1 == n1 && m0 > n0))
		  sub_ddmmss (m1, m0, m1, m0, d1, d0);

	      q1 = 0;

	      /* Remainder in (n1n0 - m1m0) >> bm.  */
	      if (rp != 0)
		  sub_ddmmss (n1, n0, n1, n0, m1, m0);
		  rr.s.low = (n1 << b) | (n0 >> bm);
		  rr.s.high = n1 >> bm;
		  *rp = rr.ll;

  const DWunion ww = {{.low = q0, .high = q1}};
  return ww.ll;

#ifdef L_divdi3
__divdi3 (DWtype u, DWtype v)
  word_type c = 0;
  DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  DWunion vv = {.ll = v};
  DWtype w;

  if (uu.s.high < 0)
    c = ~c,
    uu.ll = -uu.ll;
  if (vv.s.high < 0)
    c = ~c,
    vv.ll = -vv.ll;

  w = __udivmoddi4 (uu.ll, vv.ll, (UDWtype *) 0);
  if (c)
    w = -w;

  return w;

#ifdef L_moddi3
__moddi3 (DWtype u, DWtype v)
  word_type c = 0;
  DWunion uu = {.ll = u};
  DWunion vv = {.ll = v};
  DWtype w;

  if (uu.s.high < 0)
    c = ~c,
    uu.ll = -uu.ll;
  if (vv.s.high < 0)
    vv.ll = -vv.ll;

  (void) __udivmoddi4 (uu.ll, vv.ll, (UDWtype*)&w);
  if (c)
    w = -w;

  return w;

#ifdef L_umoddi3
__umoddi3 (UDWtype u, UDWtype v)
  UDWtype w;

  (void) __udivmoddi4 (u, v, &w);

  return w;

#ifdef L_udivdi3
__udivdi3 (UDWtype n, UDWtype d)
  return __udivmoddi4 (n, d, (UDWtype *) 0);
#ifdef L_cmpdi2
__cmpdi2 (DWtype a, DWtype b)
  const DWunion au = {.ll = a};
  const DWunion bu = {.ll = b};

  if (au.s.high < bu.s.high)
    return 0;
  else if (au.s.high > bu.s.high)
    return 2;
  if ((UWtype) au.s.low < (UWtype) bu.s.low)
    return 0;
  else if ((UWtype) au.s.low > (UWtype) bu.s.low)
    return 2;
  return 1;

#ifdef L_ucmpdi2
__ucmpdi2 (DWtype a, DWtype b)
  const DWunion au = {.ll = a};
  const DWunion bu = {.ll = b};

  if ((UWtype) au.s.high < (UWtype) bu.s.high)
    return 0;
  else if ((UWtype) au.s.high > (UWtype) bu.s.high)
    return 2;
  if ((UWtype) au.s.low < (UWtype) bu.s.low)
    return 0;
  else if ((UWtype) au.s.low > (UWtype) bu.s.low)
    return 2;
  return 1;
#if defined(L_fixunstfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_TF_MODE
__fixunstfDI (TFtype a)
  if (a < 0)
    return 0;

  /* Compute high word of result, as a flonum.  */
  const TFtype b = (a / Wtype_MAXp1_F);
  /* Convert that to fixed (but not to DWtype!),
     and shift it into the high word.  */
  UDWtype v = (UWtype) b;
  v <<= W_TYPE_SIZE;
  /* Remove high part from the TFtype, leaving the low part as flonum.  */
  a -= (TFtype)v;
  /* Convert that to fixed (but not to DWtype!) and add it in.
     Sometimes A comes out negative.  This is significant, since
     A has more bits than a long int does.  */
  if (a < 0)
    v -= (UWtype) (- a);
    v += (UWtype) a;
  return v;

#if defined(L_fixtfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_TF_MODE
__fixtfdi (TFtype a)
  if (a < 0)
    return - __fixunstfDI (-a);
  return __fixunstfDI (a);

#if defined(L_fixunsxfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE
__fixunsxfDI (XFtype a)
  if (a < 0)
    return 0;

  /* Compute high word of result, as a flonum.  */
  const XFtype b = (a / Wtype_MAXp1_F);
  /* Convert that to fixed (but not to DWtype!),
     and shift it into the high word.  */
  UDWtype v = (UWtype) b;
  v <<= W_TYPE_SIZE;
  /* Remove high part from the XFtype, leaving the low part as flonum.  */
  a -= (XFtype)v;
  /* Convert that to fixed (but not to DWtype!) and add it in.
     Sometimes A comes out negative.  This is significant, since
     A has more bits than a long int does.  */
  if (a < 0)
    v -= (UWtype) (- a);
    v += (UWtype) a;
  return v;

#if defined(L_fixxfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE
__fixxfdi (XFtype a)
  if (a < 0)
    return - __fixunsxfDI (-a);
  return __fixunsxfDI (a);

#if defined(L_fixunsdfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE
__fixunsdfDI (DFtype a)
  /* Get high part of result.  The division here will just moves the radix
     point and will not cause any rounding.  Then the conversion to integral
     type chops result as desired.  */
  const UWtype hi = a / Wtype_MAXp1_F;

  /* Get low part of result.  Convert `hi' to floating type and scale it back,
     then subtract this from the number being converted.  This leaves the low
     part.  Convert that to integral type.  */
  const UWtype lo = a - (DFtype) hi * Wtype_MAXp1_F;

  /* Assemble result from the two parts.  */
  return ((UDWtype) hi << W_TYPE_SIZE) | lo;

#if defined(L_fixdfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE
__fixdfdi (DFtype a)
  if (a < 0)
    return - __fixunsdfDI (-a);
  return __fixunsdfDI (a);

#if defined(L_fixunssfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE
__fixunssfDI (SFtype a)
  /* Convert the SFtype to a DFtype, because that is surely not going
     to lose any bits.  Some day someone else can write a faster version
     that avoids converting to DFtype, and verify it really works right.  */
  const DFtype dfa = a;

  /* Get high part of result.  The division here will just moves the radix
     point and will not cause any rounding.  Then the conversion to integral
     type chops result as desired.  */
  const UWtype hi = dfa / Wtype_MAXp1_F;

  /* Get low part of result.  Convert `hi' to floating type and scale it back,
     then subtract this from the number being converted.  This leaves the low
     part.  Convert that to integral type.  */
  const UWtype lo = dfa - (DFtype) hi * Wtype_MAXp1_F;

  /* Assemble result from the two parts.  */
  return ((UDWtype) hi << W_TYPE_SIZE) | lo;
  if (a < 1)
    return 0;
  if (a < Wtype_MAXp1_F)
    return (UWtype)a;
  if (a < Wtype_MAXp1_F * Wtype_MAXp1_F)
      /* Since we know that there are fewer significant bits in the SFmode
	 quantity than in a word, we know that we can convert out all the
	 significant bits in one step, and thus avoid losing bits.  */

      /* ??? This following loop essentially performs frexpf.  If we could
	 use the real libm function, or poke at the actual bits of the fp
	 format, it would be significantly faster.  */

      UWtype shift = 0, counter;
      SFtype msb;

      a /= Wtype_MAXp1_F;
      for (counter = W_TYPE_SIZE / 2; counter != 0; counter >>= 1)
	  SFtype counterf = (UWtype)1 << counter;
	  if (a >= counterf)
	      shift |= counter;
	      a /= counterf;

      /* Rescale into the range of one word, extract the bits of that
	 one word, and shift the result into position.  */
      a *= Wtype_MAXp1_F;
      counter = a;
      return (DWtype)counter << shift;
  return -1;
# error

#if defined(L_fixsfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE
__fixsfdi (SFtype a)
  if (a < 0)
    return - __fixunssfDI (-a);
  return __fixunssfDI (a);

#if defined(L_floatdixf) && LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE
__floatdixf (DWtype u)
  XFtype d = (Wtype) (u >> W_TYPE_SIZE);
  d *= Wtype_MAXp1_F;
  d += (UWtype)u;
  return d;

#if defined(L_floatditf) && LIBGCC2_HAS_TF_MODE
__floatditf (DWtype u)
  TFtype d = (Wtype) (u >> W_TYPE_SIZE);
  d *= Wtype_MAXp1_F;
  d += (UWtype)u;
  return d;

#if defined(L_floatdidf) && LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE
__floatdidf (DWtype u)
  DFtype d = (Wtype) (u >> W_TYPE_SIZE);
  d *= Wtype_MAXp1_F;
  d += (UWtype)u;
  return d;

#if defined(L_floatdisf) && LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE
#define DI_SIZE (W_TYPE_SIZE * 2)

__floatdisf (DWtype u)
  /* When the word size is small, we never get any rounding error.  */
  SFtype f = (Wtype) (u >> W_TYPE_SIZE);
  f *= Wtype_MAXp1_F;
  f += (UWtype)u;
  return f;

# error

#define REP_BIT ((UDWtype) 1 << (DI_SIZE - DF_SIZE))

  /* Protect against double-rounding error.
     Represent any low-order bits, that might be truncated by a bit that
     won't be lost.  The bit can go in anywhere below the rounding position
     of the SFmode.  A fixed mask and bit position handles all usual
     configurations.  It doesn't handle the case of 128-bit DImode, however.  */
      && DF_SIZE > (DI_SIZE - DF_SIZE + SF_SIZE))
      if (! (- ((DWtype) 1 << DF_SIZE) < u
	     && u < ((DWtype) 1 << DF_SIZE)))
	  if ((UDWtype) u & (REP_BIT - 1))
	      u &= ~ (REP_BIT - 1);
	      u |= REP_BIT;

  /* Do the calculation in DFmode so that we don't lose any of the
     precision of the high word while multiplying it.  */
  DFtype f = (Wtype) (u >> W_TYPE_SIZE);
  f *= Wtype_MAXp1_F;
  f += (UWtype)u;
  return (SFtype) f;
  /* Finally, the word size is larger than the number of bits in SFmode,
     and we've got no DFmode.  The only way to avoid double rounding is
     to special case the extraction.  */

  /* If there are no high bits set, fall back to one conversion.  */
  if ((Wtype)u == u)
    return (SFtype)(Wtype)u;

  /* Otherwise, find the power of two.  */
  Wtype hi = u >> W_TYPE_SIZE;
  if (hi < 0)
    hi = -hi;

  UWtype count, shift;
  count_leading_zeros (count, hi);

  /* No leading bits means u == minimum.  */
  if (count == 0)
    return -(Wtype_MAXp1_F * Wtype_MAXp1_F / 2);

  shift = W_TYPE_SIZE - count;

  /* Shift down the most significant bits.  */
  hi = u >> shift;

  /* If we lost any nonzero bits, set the lsb to ensure correct rounding.  */
  if (u & ((1 << shift) - 1))
    hi |= 1;

  /* Convert the one word of data, and rescale.  */
  SFtype f = hi;
  f *= (UWtype)1 << shift;
  return f;

#if defined(L_fixunsxfsi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE
/* Reenable the normal types, in case limits.h needs them.  */
#undef char
#undef short
#undef int
#undef long
#undef unsigned
#undef float
#undef double
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
#include <limits.h>

__fixunsxfSI (XFtype a)
  if (a >= - (DFtype) Wtype_MIN)
    return (Wtype) (a + Wtype_MIN) - Wtype_MIN;
  return (Wtype) a;

#if defined(L_fixunsdfsi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE
/* Reenable the normal types, in case limits.h needs them.  */
#undef char
#undef short
#undef int
#undef long
#undef unsigned
#undef float
#undef double
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
#include <limits.h>

__fixunsdfSI (DFtype a)
  if (a >= - (DFtype) Wtype_MIN)
    return (Wtype) (a + Wtype_MIN) - Wtype_MIN;
  return (Wtype) a;

#if defined(L_fixunssfsi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE
/* Reenable the normal types, in case limits.h needs them.  */
#undef char
#undef short
#undef int
#undef long
#undef unsigned
#undef float
#undef double
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
#include <limits.h>

__fixunssfSI (SFtype a)
  if (a >= - (SFtype) Wtype_MIN)
    return (Wtype) (a + Wtype_MIN) - Wtype_MIN;
  return (Wtype) a;
/* Integer power helper used from __builtin_powi for non-constant
   exponents.  */

#if (defined(L_powisf2) && LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE) \
    || (defined(L_powidf2) && LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE) \
    || (defined(L_powixf2) && LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE) \
    || (defined(L_powitf2) && LIBGCC2_HAS_TF_MODE)
# if defined(L_powisf2)
#  define TYPE SFtype
#  define NAME __powisf2
# elif defined(L_powidf2)
#  define TYPE DFtype
#  define NAME __powidf2
# elif defined(L_powixf2)
#  define TYPE XFtype
#  define NAME __powixf2
# elif defined(L_powitf2)
#  define TYPE TFtype
#  define NAME __powitf2
# endif

#undef int
#undef unsigned
NAME (TYPE x, int m)
  unsigned int n = m < 0 ? -m : m;
  TYPE y = n % 2 ? x : 1;
  while (n >>= 1)
      x = x * x;
      if (n % 2)
	y = y * x;
  return m < 0 ? 1/y : y;

#if ((defined(L_mulsc3) || defined(L_divsc3)) && LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE) \
    || ((defined(L_muldc3) || defined(L_divdc3)) && LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE) \
    || ((defined(L_mulxc3) || defined(L_divxc3)) && LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE) \
    || ((defined(L_multc3) || defined(L_divtc3)) && LIBGCC2_HAS_TF_MODE)

#undef float
#undef double
#undef long

#if defined(L_mulsc3) || defined(L_divsc3)
# define MTYPE	SFtype
# define CTYPE	SCtype
# define MODE	sc
# define CEXT	f
# define NOTRUNC __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ == 0
#elif defined(L_muldc3) || defined(L_divdc3)
# define MTYPE	DFtype
# define CTYPE	DCtype
# define MODE	dc
#  define CEXT	l
#  define NOTRUNC 1
# else
#  define CEXT
#  define NOTRUNC __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ == 0 || __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ == 1
# endif
#elif defined(L_mulxc3) || defined(L_divxc3)
# define MTYPE	XFtype
# define CTYPE	XCtype
# define MODE	xc
# define CEXT	l
# define NOTRUNC 1
#elif defined(L_multc3) || defined(L_divtc3)
# define MTYPE	TFtype
# define CTYPE	TCtype
# define MODE	tc
# define CEXT	l
# define NOTRUNC 1
# error

#define CONCAT3(A,B,C)	_CONCAT3(A,B,C)
#define _CONCAT3(A,B,C)	A##B##C

#define CONCAT2(A,B)	_CONCAT2(A,B)
#define _CONCAT2(A,B)	A##B

/* All of these would be present in a full C99 implementation of <math.h>
   and <complex.h>.  Our problem is that only a few systems have such full
   implementations.  Further, libgcc_s.so isn't currently linked against
   libm.so, and even for systems that do provide full C99, the extra overhead
   of all programs using libgcc having to link against libm.  So avoid it.  */

#define isnan(x)	__builtin_expect ((x) != (x), 0)
#define isfinite(x)	__builtin_expect (!isnan((x) - (x)), 1)
#define isinf(x)	__builtin_expect (!isnan(x) & !isfinite(x), 0)

#define INFINITY	CONCAT2(__builtin_inf, CEXT) ()
#define I		1i

/* Helpers to make the following code slightly less gross.  */
#define COPYSIGN	CONCAT2(__builtin_copysign, CEXT)
#define FABS		CONCAT2(__builtin_fabs, CEXT)

/* Verify that MTYPE matches up with CEXT.  */
extern void *compile_type_assert[sizeof(INFINITY) == sizeof(MTYPE) ? 1 : -1];

/* Ensure that we've lost any extra precision.  */
# define TRUNC(x)
# define TRUNC(x)	__asm__ ("" : "=m"(x) : "m"(x))

#if defined(L_mulsc3) || defined(L_muldc3) \
    || defined(L_mulxc3) || defined(L_multc3)

  MTYPE ac, bd, ad, bc, x, y;

  ac = a * c;
  bd = b * d;
  ad = a * d;
  bc = b * c;

  TRUNC (ac);
  TRUNC (bd);
  TRUNC (ad);
  TRUNC (bc);

  x = ac - bd;
  y = ad + bc;

  if (isnan (x) && isnan (y))
      /* Recover infinities that computed as NaN + iNaN.  */
      _Bool recalc = 0;
      if (isinf (a) || isinf (b))
	  /* z is infinite.  "Box" the infinity and change NaNs in
	     the other factor to 0.  */
	  a = COPYSIGN (isinf (a) ? 1 : 0, a);
	  b = COPYSIGN (isinf (b) ? 1 : 0, b);
	  if (isnan (c)) c = COPYSIGN (0, c);
	  if (isnan (d)) d = COPYSIGN (0, d);
          recalc = 1;
     if (isinf (c) || isinf (d))
	  /* w is infinite.  "Box" the infinity and change NaNs in
	     the other factor to 0.  */
	  c = COPYSIGN (isinf (c) ? 1 : 0, c);
	  d = COPYSIGN (isinf (d) ? 1 : 0, d);
	  if (isnan (a)) a = COPYSIGN (0, a);
	  if (isnan (b)) b = COPYSIGN (0, b);
	  recalc = 1;
     if (!recalc
	  && (isinf (ac) || isinf (bd)
	      || isinf (ad) || isinf (bc)))
	  /* Recover infinities from overflow by changing NaNs to 0.  */
	  if (isnan (a)) a = COPYSIGN (0, a);
	  if (isnan (b)) b = COPYSIGN (0, b);
	  if (isnan (c)) c = COPYSIGN (0, c);
	  if (isnan (d)) d = COPYSIGN (0, d);
	  recalc = 1;
      if (recalc)
	  x = INFINITY * (a * c - b * d);
	  y = INFINITY * (a * d + b * c);

  return x + I * y;
#endif /* complex multiply */

#if defined(L_divsc3) || defined(L_divdc3) \
    || defined(L_divxc3) || defined(L_divtc3)

  MTYPE denom, ratio, x, y;

  /* ??? We can get better behavior from logarithmic scaling instead of 
     the division.  But that would mean starting to link libgcc against
     libm.  We could implement something akin to ldexp/frexp as gcc builtins
     fairly easily...  */
  if (FABS (c) < FABS (d))
      ratio = c / d;
      denom = (c * ratio) + d;
      x = ((a * ratio) + b) / denom;
      y = ((b * ratio) - a) / denom;
      ratio = d / c;
      denom = (d * ratio) + c;
      x = ((b * ratio) + a) / denom;
      y = (b - (a * ratio)) / denom;

  /* Recover infinities and zeros that computed as NaN+iNaN; the only cases
     are nonzero/zero, infinite/finite, and finite/infinite.  */
  if (isnan (x) && isnan (y))
      if (denom == 0.0 && (!isnan (a) || !isnan (b)))
	  x = COPYSIGN (INFINITY, c) * a;
	  y = COPYSIGN (INFINITY, c) * b;
      else if ((isinf (a) || isinf (b)) && isfinite (c) && isfinite (d))
	  a = COPYSIGN (isinf (a) ? 1 : 0, a);
	  b = COPYSIGN (isinf (b) ? 1 : 0, b);
	  x = INFINITY * (a * c + b * d);
	  y = INFINITY * (b * c - a * d);
      else if ((isinf (c) || isinf (d)) && isfinite (a) && isfinite (b))
	  c = COPYSIGN (isinf (c) ? 1 : 0, c);
	  d = COPYSIGN (isinf (d) ? 1 : 0, d);
	  x = 0.0 * (a * c + b * d);
	  y = 0.0 * (b * c - a * d);

  return x + I * y;
#endif /* complex divide */

#endif /* all complex float routines */
/* From here on down, the routines use normal data types.  */

#define SItype bogus_type
#define USItype bogus_type
#define DItype bogus_type
#define UDItype bogus_type
#define SFtype bogus_type
#define DFtype bogus_type
#undef Wtype
#undef UWtype
#undef HWtype
#undef UHWtype
#undef DWtype
#undef UDWtype

#undef char
#undef short
#undef int
#undef long
#undef unsigned
#undef float
#undef double
#ifdef L__gcc_bcmp

/* Like bcmp except the sign is meaningful.
   Result is negative if S1 is less than S2,
   positive if S1 is greater, 0 if S1 and S2 are equal.  */

__gcc_bcmp (const unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char *s2, size_t size)
  while (size > 0)
      const unsigned char c1 = *s1++, c2 = *s2++;
      if (c1 != c2)
	return c1 - c2;
  return 0;

/* __eprintf used to be used by GCC's private version of <assert.h>.
   We no longer provide that header, but this routine remains in libgcc.a
   for binary backward compatibility.  Note that it is not included in
   the shared version of libgcc.  */
#ifdef L_eprintf
#ifndef inhibit_libc

#undef NULL /* Avoid errors if stdio.h and our stddef.h mismatch.  */
#include <stdio.h>

__eprintf (const char *string, const char *expression,
	   unsigned int line, const char *filename)
  fprintf (stderr, string, expression, line, filename);
  fflush (stderr);
  abort ();


#ifdef L_clear_cache
/* Clear part of an instruction cache.  */

__clear_cache (char *beg __attribute__((__unused__)),
	       char *end __attribute__((__unused__)))
  CLEAR_INSN_CACHE (beg, end);
#endif /* CLEAR_INSN_CACHE */

#endif /* L_clear_cache */
#ifdef L_enable_execute_stack
/* Attempt to turn on execute permission for the stack.  */

__enable_execute_stack (void *addr __attribute__((__unused__)))

#endif /* L_enable_execute_stack */
#ifdef L_trampoline

/* Jump to a trampoline, loading the static chain address.  */

#if defined(WINNT) && ! defined(__CYGWIN__) && ! defined (_UWIN)

getpagesize (void)
#ifdef _ALPHA_
  return 8192;
  return 4096;

#ifdef __i386__
extern int VirtualProtect (char *, int, int, int *) __attribute__((stdcall));

mprotect (char *addr, int len, int prot)
  int np, op;

  if (prot == 7)
    np = 0x40;
  else if (prot == 5)
    np = 0x20;
  else if (prot == 4)
    np = 0x10;
  else if (prot == 3)
    np = 0x04;
  else if (prot == 1)
    np = 0x02;
  else if (prot == 0)
    np = 0x01;

  if (VirtualProtect (addr, len, np, &op))
    return 0;
    return -1;

#endif /* WINNT && ! __CYGWIN__ && ! _UWIN */

#endif /* L_trampoline */
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
#ifdef L__main

#include "gbl-ctors.h"
/* Some systems use __main in a way incompatible with its use in gcc, in these
   cases use the macros NAME__MAIN to give a quoted symbol and SYMBOL__MAIN to
   give the same symbol without quotes for an alternative entry point.  You
   must define both, or neither.  */
#ifndef NAME__MAIN
#define NAME__MAIN "__main"
#define SYMBOL__MAIN __main


#if !defined (HAS_INIT_SECTION) || !defined (OBJECT_FORMAT_ELF)

/* Some ELF crosses use crtstuff.c to provide __CTOR_LIST__, but use this
   code to run constructors.  In that case, we need to handle EH here, too.  */

#include "unwind-dw2-fde.h"
extern unsigned char __EH_FRAME_BEGIN__[];

/* Run all the global destructors on exit from the program.  */

__do_global_dtors (void)
  static func_ptr *p = __DTOR_LIST__ + 1;
  while (*p)
      (*(p-1)) ();
#if defined (EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME) && !defined (HAS_INIT_SECTION)
    static int completed = 0;
    if (! completed)
	completed = 1;
	__deregister_frame_info (__EH_FRAME_BEGIN__);

/* Run all the global constructors on entry to the program.  */

__do_global_ctors (void)
    static struct object object;
    __register_frame_info (__EH_FRAME_BEGIN__, &object);
  atexit (__do_global_dtors);
#endif /* no HAS_INIT_SECTION */

#if !defined (HAS_INIT_SECTION) || defined (INVOKE__main)
/* Subroutine called automatically by `main'.
   Compiling a global function named `main'
   produces an automatic call to this function at the beginning.

   For many systems, this routine calls __do_global_ctors.
   For systems which support a .init section we use the .init section
   to run __do_global_ctors, so we need not do anything here.  */

extern void SYMBOL__MAIN (void);
  /* Support recursive calls to `main': run initializers just once.  */
  static int initialized;
  if (! initialized)
      initialized = 1;
      __do_global_ctors ();
#endif /* no HAS_INIT_SECTION or INVOKE__main */

#endif /* L__main */
#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */
#ifdef L_ctors

#include "gbl-ctors.h"

/* Provide default definitions for the lists of constructors and
   destructors, so that we don't get linker errors.  These symbols are
   intentionally bss symbols, so that gld and/or collect will provide
   the right values.  */

/* We declare the lists here with two elements each,
   so that they are valid empty lists if no other definition is loaded.

   If we are using the old "set" extensions to have the gnu linker
   collect ctors and dtors, then we __CTOR_LIST__ and __DTOR_LIST__
   must be in the bss/common section.

   Long term no port should use those extensions.  But many still do.  */
#if defined (TARGET_ASM_CONSTRUCTOR) || defined (USE_COLLECT2)
func_ptr __CTOR_LIST__[2] = {0, 0};
func_ptr __DTOR_LIST__[2] = {0, 0};
func_ptr __CTOR_LIST__[2];
func_ptr __DTOR_LIST__[2];
#endif /* L_ctors */