/* JSON parsing Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by David Malcolm . This file is part of GCC. GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see . */ #include "config.h" #include "system.h" #include "coretypes.h" #include "json-parsing.h" #include "pretty-print.h" #include "math.h" #include "make-unique.h" #include "selftest.h" using namespace json; /* Declarations relating to parsing JSON, all within an anonymous namespace. */ namespace { /* A typedef representing a single unicode character. */ typedef unsigned unichar; /* An enum for discriminating different kinds of JSON token. */ enum token_id { TOK_ERROR, TOK_EOF, /* Punctuation. */ TOK_OPEN_SQUARE, TOK_OPEN_CURLY, TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE, TOK_CLOSE_CURLY, TOK_COLON, TOK_COMMA, /* Literal names. */ TOK_TRUE, TOK_FALSE, TOK_NULL, TOK_STRING, TOK_FLOAT_NUMBER, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER }; /* Human-readable descriptions of enum token_id. */ static const char *token_id_name[] = { "error", "EOF", "'['", "'{'", "']'", "'}'", "':'", "','", "'true'", "'false'", "'null'", "string", "number", "number" }; /* Tokens within the JSON lexer. */ struct token { /* The kind of token. */ enum token_id id; /* The location of this token within the unicode character stream. */ location_map::range range; union { /* Value for TOK_ERROR and TOK_STRING. */ char *string; /* Value for TOK_FLOAT_NUMBER. */ double float_number; /* Value for TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER. */ long integer_number; } u; }; /* A class for lexing JSON. */ class lexer { public: lexer (bool support_comments); ~lexer (); std::unique_ptr add_utf8 (size_t length, const char *utf8_buf); const token *peek (); void consume (); private: bool get_char (unichar &out_char, location_map::point *out_point); void unget_char (); location_map::point get_next_point () const; static void dump_token (FILE *outf, const token *tok); void lex_token (token *out); void lex_string (token *out); void lex_number (token *out, unichar first_char); bool rest_of_literal (token *out, const char *suffix); std::unique_ptr make_error (const char *msg); bool consume_single_line_comment (token *out); bool consume_multiline_comment (token *out); private: auto_vec m_buffer; int m_next_char_idx; int m_next_char_line; int m_next_char_column; int m_prev_line_final_column; /* for handling unget_char after a '\n'. */ static const int MAX_TOKENS = 1; token m_next_tokens[MAX_TOKENS]; int m_num_next_tokens; bool m_support_comments; }; /* A class for parsing JSON. */ class parser { public: parser (location_map *out_loc_map, bool support_comments); ~parser (); std::unique_ptr add_utf8 (size_t length, const char *utf8_buf); parser_result_t parse_value (int depth); parser_result_t parse_object (int depth); parser_result_t parse_array (int depth); std::unique_ptr require_eof (); private: location_map::point get_next_token_start (); location_map::point get_next_token_end (); std::unique_ptr require (enum token_id tok_id); result> require_one_of (enum token_id tok_id_a, enum token_id tok_id_b); std::unique_ptr error_at (const location_map::range &r, const char *fmt, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_3; void maybe_record_range (json::value *jv, const location_map::range &r); void maybe_record_range (json::value *jv, const location_map::point &start, const location_map::point &end); private: lexer m_lexer; location_map *m_loc_map; }; } // anonymous namespace for parsing implementation /* Parser implementation. */ /* lexer's ctor. */ lexer::lexer (bool support_comments) : m_buffer (), m_next_char_idx (0), m_next_char_line (1), m_next_char_column (0), m_prev_line_final_column (-1), m_num_next_tokens (0), m_support_comments (support_comments) { } /* lexer's dtor. */ lexer::~lexer () { while (m_num_next_tokens > 0) consume (); } /* Peek the next token. */ const token * lexer::peek () { if (m_num_next_tokens == 0) { lex_token (&m_next_tokens[0]); m_num_next_tokens++; } return &m_next_tokens[0]; } /* Consume the next token. */ void lexer::consume () { if (m_num_next_tokens == 0) peek (); gcc_assert (m_num_next_tokens > 0); gcc_assert (m_num_next_tokens <= MAX_TOKENS); if (0) { fprintf (stderr, "consuming token: "); dump_token (stderr, &m_next_tokens[0]); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } if (m_next_tokens[0].id == TOK_ERROR || m_next_tokens[0].id == TOK_STRING) free (m_next_tokens[0].u.string); m_num_next_tokens--; memmove (&m_next_tokens[0], &m_next_tokens[1], sizeof (token) * m_num_next_tokens); } /* Add LENGTH bytes of UTF-8 encoded text from UTF8_BUF to this lexer's buffer. Return null if successful, or the error if there was a problem. */ std::unique_ptr lexer::add_utf8 (size_t length, const char *utf8_buf) { /* Adapted from charset.c:one_utf8_to_cppchar. */ static const uchar masks[6] = { 0x7F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01 }; static const uchar patns[6] = { 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC }; const uchar *inbuf = (const unsigned char *) (utf8_buf); const uchar **inbufp = &inbuf; size_t *inbytesleftp = &length; while (length > 0) { unichar c; const uchar *inbuf = *inbufp; size_t nbytes, i; c = *inbuf; if (c < 0x80) { m_buffer.safe_push (c); *inbytesleftp -= 1; *inbufp += 1; continue; } /* The number of leading 1-bits in the first byte indicates how many bytes follow. */ for (nbytes = 2; nbytes < 7; nbytes++) if ((c & ~masks[nbytes-1]) == patns[nbytes-1]) goto found; return make_error ("ill-formed UTF-8 sequence"); found: if (*inbytesleftp < nbytes) return make_error ("ill-formed UTF-8 sequence"); c = (c & masks[nbytes-1]); inbuf++; for (i = 1; i < nbytes; i++) { unichar n = *inbuf++; if ((n & 0xC0) != 0x80) return make_error ("ill-formed UTF-8 sequence"); c = ((c << 6) + (n & 0x3F)); } /* Make sure the shortest possible encoding was used. */ if (( c <= 0x7F && nbytes > 1) || (c <= 0x7FF && nbytes > 2) || (c <= 0xFFFF && nbytes > 3) || (c <= 0x1FFFFF && nbytes > 4) || (c <= 0x3FFFFFF && nbytes > 5)) return make_error ("ill-formed UTF-8:" " shortest possible encoding not used"); /* Make sure the character is valid. */ if (c > 0x7FFFFFFF || (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF)) return make_error ("ill-formed UTF-8: invalid character"); m_buffer.safe_push (c); *inbufp = inbuf; *inbytesleftp -= nbytes; } return nullptr; } /* Attempt to get the next unicode character from this lexer's buffer. If successful, write it to OUT_CHAR, and its location to *OUT_POINT, and return true. Otherwise, return false. */ bool lexer::get_char (unichar &out_char, location_map::point *out_point) { if (m_next_char_idx >= (int)m_buffer.length ()) return false; if (out_point) *out_point = get_next_point (); out_char = m_buffer[m_next_char_idx++]; if (out_char == '\n') { m_next_char_line++; m_prev_line_final_column = m_next_char_column; m_next_char_column = 0; } else m_next_char_column++; return true; } /* Undo the last successful get_char. */ void lexer::unget_char () { --m_next_char_idx; if (m_next_char_column > 0) --m_next_char_column; else { m_next_char_line--; m_next_char_column = m_prev_line_final_column; /* We don't support more than one unget_char in a row. */ gcc_assert (m_prev_line_final_column != -1); m_prev_line_final_column = -1; } } /* Get the location of the next char. */ location_map::point lexer::get_next_point () const { location_map::point result; result.m_unichar_idx = m_next_char_idx; result.m_line = m_next_char_line; result.m_column = m_next_char_column; return result; } /* Print a textual representation of TOK to OUTF. This is intended for debugging the lexer and parser, rather than for user-facing output. */ void lexer::dump_token (FILE *outf, const token *tok) { switch (tok->id) { case TOK_ERROR: fprintf (outf, "TOK_ERROR (\"%s\")", tok->u.string); break; case TOK_EOF: fprintf (outf, "TOK_EOF"); break; case TOK_OPEN_SQUARE: fprintf (outf, "TOK_OPEN_SQUARE"); break; case TOK_OPEN_CURLY: fprintf (outf, "TOK_OPEN_CURLY"); break; case TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE: fprintf (outf, "TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE"); break; case TOK_CLOSE_CURLY: fprintf (outf, "TOK_CLOSE_CURLY"); break; case TOK_COLON: fprintf (outf, "TOK_COLON"); break; case TOK_COMMA: fprintf (outf, "TOK_COMMA"); break; case TOK_TRUE: fprintf (outf, "TOK_TRUE"); break; case TOK_FALSE: fprintf (outf, "TOK_FALSE"); break; case TOK_NULL: fprintf (outf, "TOK_NULL"); break; case TOK_STRING: fprintf (outf, "TOK_STRING (\"%s\")", tok->u.string); break; case TOK_FLOAT_NUMBER: fprintf (outf, "TOK_FLOAT_NUMBER (%f)", tok->u.float_number); break; case TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER: fprintf (outf, "TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER (%ld)", tok->u.integer_number); break; default: gcc_unreachable (); break; } } /* Treat "//" as a comment to the end of the line. This isn't compliant with the JSON spec, but is very handy for writing DejaGnu tests. Return true if EOF and populate *OUT, false otherwise. */ bool lexer::consume_single_line_comment (token *out) { while (1) { unichar next_char; if (!get_char (next_char, nullptr)) { out->id = TOK_EOF; location_map::point p = get_next_point (); out->range.m_start = p; out->range.m_end = p; return true; } if (next_char == '\n') return false; } } /* Treat '/' '*' as a multiline comment until the next closing '*' '/'. This isn't compliant with the JSON spec, but is very handy for writing DejaGnu tests. Return true if EOF and populate *OUT, false otherwise. */ bool lexer::consume_multiline_comment (token *out) { while (1) { unichar next_char; if (!get_char (next_char, nullptr)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; gcc_unreachable (); // TODO location_map::point p = get_next_point (); out->range.m_start = p; out->range.m_end = p; return true; } if (next_char != '*') continue; if (!get_char (next_char, nullptr)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; gcc_unreachable (); // TODO location_map::point p = get_next_point (); out->range.m_start = p; out->range.m_end = p; return true; } if (next_char == '/') return false; } } /* Attempt to lex the input buffer, writing the next token to OUT. On errors, TOK_ERROR (or TOK_EOF) is written to OUT. */ void lexer::lex_token (token *out) { /* Skip to next non-whitespace char. */ unichar next_char; location_map::point start_point; while (1) { if (!get_char (next_char, &start_point)) { out->id = TOK_EOF; location_map::point p = get_next_point (); out->range.m_start = p; out->range.m_end = p; return; } if (m_support_comments) if (next_char == '/') { location_map::point point; unichar next_next_char; if (get_char (next_next_char, &point)) { switch (next_next_char) { case '/': if (consume_single_line_comment (out)) return; continue; case '*': if (consume_multiline_comment (out)) return; continue; default: /* A stray single '/'. Break out of loop, so that we handle it below as an unexpected character. */ goto non_whitespace; } } } if (next_char != ' ' && next_char != '\t' && next_char != '\n' && next_char != '\r') break; } non_whitespace: out->range.m_start = start_point; out->range.m_end = start_point; switch (next_char) { case '[': out->id = TOK_OPEN_SQUARE; break; case '{': out->id = TOK_OPEN_CURLY; break; case ']': out->id = TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE; break; case '}': out->id = TOK_CLOSE_CURLY; break; case ':': out->id = TOK_COLON; break; case ',': out->id = TOK_COMMA; break; case '"': lex_string (out); break; case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': lex_number (out, next_char); break; case 't': /* Handle literal "true". */ if (rest_of_literal (out, "rue")) { out->id = TOK_TRUE; break; } else goto err; case 'f': /* Handle literal "false". */ if (rest_of_literal (out, "alse")) { out->id = TOK_FALSE; break; } else goto err; case 'n': /* Handle literal "null". */ if (rest_of_literal (out, "ull")) { out->id = TOK_NULL; break; } else goto err; err: default: out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->u.string = xasprintf ("unexpected character: '%c'", next_char); break; } } /* Having consumed an open-quote character from the lexer's buffer, attempt to lex the rest of a JSON string, writing the result to OUT (or TOK_ERROR) if an error occurred. (ECMA-404 section 9; RFC 7159 section 7). */ void lexer::lex_string (token *out) { auto_vec content; bool still_going = true; while (still_going) { unichar uc; if (!get_char (uc, &out->range.m_end)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_end = get_next_point (); out->u.string = xstrdup ("EOF within string"); return; } switch (uc) { case '"': still_going = false; break; case '\\': { unichar next_char; if (!get_char (next_char, &out->range.m_end)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_end = get_next_point (); out->u.string = xstrdup ("EOF within string");; return; } switch (next_char) { case '"': case '\\': case '/': content.safe_push (next_char); break; case 'b': content.safe_push ('\b'); break; case 'f': content.safe_push ('\f'); break; case 'n': content.safe_push ('\n'); break; case 'r': content.safe_push ('\r'); break; case 't': content.safe_push ('\t'); break; case 'u': { unichar result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { unichar hexdigit; if (!get_char (hexdigit, &out->range.m_end)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_end = get_next_point (); out->u.string = xstrdup ("EOF within string"); return; } result <<= 4; if (hexdigit >= '0' && hexdigit <= '9') result += hexdigit - '0'; else if (hexdigit >= 'a' && hexdigit <= 'f') result += (hexdigit - 'a') + 10; else if (hexdigit >= 'A' && hexdigit <= 'F') result += (hexdigit - 'A') + 10; else { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = out->range.m_end; out->u.string = xstrdup ("bogus hex char"); return; } } content.safe_push (result); } break; default: out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->u.string = xstrdup ("unrecognized escape char"); return; } } break; default: /* Reject unescaped control characters U+0000 through U+001F (ECMA-404 section 9 para 1; RFC 7159 section 7 para 1). */ if (uc <= 0x1f) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = out->range.m_end; out->u.string = xstrdup ("unescaped control char"); return; } /* Otherwise, add regular unicode code point. */ content.safe_push (uc); break; } } out->id = TOK_STRING; auto_vec utf8_buf; // Adapted from libcpp/charset.c:one_cppchar_to_utf8 for (unsigned i = 0; i < content.length (); i++) { static const uchar masks[6] = { 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC }; static const uchar limits[6] = { 0x80, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE }; size_t nbytes; uchar buf[6], *p = &buf[6]; unichar c = content[i]; nbytes = 1; if (c < 0x80) *--p = c; else { do { *--p = ((c & 0x3F) | 0x80); c >>= 6; nbytes++; } while (c >= 0x3F || (c & limits[nbytes-1])); *--p = (c | masks[nbytes-1]); } while (p < &buf[6]) utf8_buf.safe_push (*p++); } out->u.string = XNEWVEC (char, utf8_buf.length () + 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < utf8_buf.length (); i++) out->u.string[i] = utf8_buf[i]; out->u.string[utf8_buf.length ()] = '\0'; } /* Having consumed FIRST_CHAR, an initial digit or '-' character from the lexer's buffer attempt to lex the rest of a JSON number, writing the result to OUT (or TOK_ERROR) if an error occurred. (ECMA-404 section 8; RFC 7159 section 6). */ void lexer::lex_number (token *out, unichar first_char) { bool negate = false; double value = 0.0; if (first_char == '-') { negate = true; if (!get_char (first_char, &out->range.m_end)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = out->range.m_end; out->u.string = xstrdup ("expected digit"); return; } } if (first_char == '0') value = 0.0; else if (!ISDIGIT (first_char)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = out->range.m_end; out->u.string = xstrdup ("expected digit"); return; } else { /* Got a nonzero digit; expect zero or more digits. */ value = first_char - '0'; while (1) { unichar uc; location_map::point point; if (!get_char (uc, &point)) break; if (ISDIGIT (uc)) { value *= 10; value += uc -'0'; out->range.m_end = point; continue; } else { unget_char (); break; } } } /* Optional '.', followed by one or more decimals. */ unichar next_char; location_map::point point; if (get_char (next_char, &point)) { if (next_char == '.') { /* Parse decimal digits. */ bool had_digit = false; double digit_factor = 0.1; while (get_char (next_char, &point)) { if (!ISDIGIT (next_char)) { unget_char (); break; } value += (next_char - '0') * digit_factor; digit_factor *= 0.1; had_digit = true; out->range.m_end = point; } if (!had_digit) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = point; out->range.m_start = point; out->u.string = xstrdup ("expected digit"); return; } } else unget_char (); } /* Parse 'e' and 'E'. */ unichar exponent_char; if (get_char (exponent_char, &point)) { if (exponent_char == 'e' || exponent_char == 'E') { /* Optional +/-. */ unichar sign_char; int exponent = 0; bool negate_exponent = false; bool had_exponent_digit = false; if (!get_char (sign_char, &point)) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = point; out->range.m_start = point; out->u.string = xstrdup ("EOF within exponent"); return; } if (sign_char == '-') negate_exponent = true; else if (sign_char == '+') ; else if (ISDIGIT (sign_char)) { exponent = sign_char - '0'; had_exponent_digit = true; } else { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = point; out->range.m_start = point; out->u.string = xstrdup ("expected '-','+' or digit within exponent"); return; } out->range.m_end = point; /* One or more digits (we might have seen the digit above, though). */ while (1) { unichar uc; location_map::point point; if (!get_char (uc, &point)) break; if (ISDIGIT (uc)) { exponent *= 10; exponent += uc -'0'; had_exponent_digit = true; out->range.m_end = point; continue; } else { unget_char (); break; } } if (!had_exponent_digit) { out->id = TOK_ERROR; out->range.m_start = point; out->range.m_start = point; out->u.string = xstrdup ("expected digit within exponent"); return; } if (negate_exponent) exponent = -exponent; value = value * pow (10, exponent); } else unget_char (); } if (negate) value = -value; if (value == (long)value) { out->id = TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER; out->u.integer_number = value; } else { out->id = TOK_FLOAT_NUMBER; out->u.float_number = value; } } /* Determine if the next characters to be lexed match SUFFIX. SUFFIX must be pure ASCII and not contain newlines. If so, consume the characters and return true. Otherwise, return false. */ bool lexer::rest_of_literal (token *out, const char *suffix) { int suffix_idx = 0; int buf_idx = m_next_char_idx; while (1) { if (suffix[suffix_idx] == '\0') { m_next_char_idx += suffix_idx; m_next_char_column += suffix_idx; out->range.m_end.m_unichar_idx += suffix_idx; out->range.m_end.m_column += suffix_idx; return true; } if (buf_idx >= (int)m_buffer.length ()) return false; /* This assumes that suffix is ASCII. */ if (m_buffer[buf_idx] != (unichar)suffix[suffix_idx]) return false; buf_idx++; suffix_idx++; } } /* Create a new error instance for MSG, using the location of the next character for the location of the error. */ std::unique_ptr lexer::make_error (const char *msg) { location_map::point p; p.m_unichar_idx = m_next_char_idx; p.m_line = m_next_char_line; p.m_column = m_next_char_column; location_map::range r; r.m_start = p; r.m_end = p; return ::make_unique (r, xstrdup (msg)); } /* parser's ctor. */ parser::parser (location_map *out_loc_map, bool support_comments) : m_lexer (support_comments), m_loc_map (out_loc_map) { } /* parser's dtor. */ parser::~parser () { if (m_loc_map) m_loc_map->on_finished_parsing (); } /* Add LENGTH bytes of UTF-8 encoded text from UTF8_BUF to this parser's lexer's buffer. */ std::unique_ptr parser::add_utf8 (size_t length, const char *utf8_buf) { return m_lexer.add_utf8 (length, utf8_buf); } /* Parse a JSON value (object, array, number, string, or literal). (ECMA-404 section 5; RFC 7159 section 3). */ parser_result_t parser::parse_value (int depth) { const token *tok = m_lexer.peek (); /* Avoid stack overflow with deeply-nested inputs; RFC 7159 section 9 states: "An implementation may set limits on the maximum depth of nesting.". Ideally we'd avoid this limit (e.g. by rewriting parse_value, parse_object, and parse_array into a single function with a vec of state). */ const int MAX_DEPTH = 100; if (depth >= MAX_DEPTH) return error_at (tok->range, "maximum nesting depth exceeded: %i", MAX_DEPTH); switch (tok->id) { case TOK_OPEN_CURLY: return parse_object (depth); case TOK_STRING: { auto val = ::make_unique (tok->u.string); m_lexer.consume (); maybe_record_range (val.get (), tok->range); return parser_result_t (std::move (val)); } case TOK_OPEN_SQUARE: return parse_array (depth); case TOK_FLOAT_NUMBER: { auto val = ::make_unique (tok->u.float_number); m_lexer.consume (); maybe_record_range (val.get (), tok->range); return parser_result_t (std::move (val)); } case TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER: { auto val = ::make_unique (tok->u.integer_number); m_lexer.consume (); maybe_record_range (val.get (), tok->range); return parser_result_t (std::move (val)); } case TOK_TRUE: { auto val = ::make_unique (JSON_TRUE); m_lexer.consume (); maybe_record_range (val.get (), tok->range); return parser_result_t (std::move (val)); } case TOK_FALSE: { auto val = ::make_unique (JSON_FALSE); m_lexer.consume (); maybe_record_range (val.get (), tok->range); return parser_result_t (std::move (val)); } case TOK_NULL: { auto val = ::make_unique (JSON_NULL); m_lexer.consume (); maybe_record_range (val.get (), tok->range); return parser_result_t (std::move (val)); } case TOK_ERROR: return error_at (tok->range, "invalid JSON token: %s", tok->u.string); default: return error_at (tok->range, "expected a JSON value but got %s", token_id_name[tok->id]); } } /* Parse a JSON object. (ECMA-404 section 6; RFC 7159 section 4). */ parser_result_t parser::parse_object (int depth) { location_map::point start = get_next_token_start (); require (TOK_OPEN_CURLY); auto obj = ::make_unique (); const token *tok = m_lexer.peek (); if (tok->id == TOK_CLOSE_CURLY) { location_map::point end = get_next_token_end (); maybe_record_range (obj.get (), start, end); if (auto err = require (TOK_CLOSE_CURLY)) return parser_result_t (std::move (err)); return parser_result_t (std::move (obj)); } if (tok->id != TOK_STRING) return error_at (tok->range, "expected string for object key after '{'; got %s", token_id_name[tok->id]); while (true) { tok = m_lexer.peek (); if (tok->id != TOK_STRING) return error_at (tok->range, "expected string for object key after ','; got %s", token_id_name[tok->id]); label_text key = label_text::take (xstrdup (tok->u.string)); m_lexer.consume (); if (auto err = require (TOK_COLON)) return parser_result_t (std::move (err)); parser_result_t r = parse_value (depth + 1); if (r.m_err) return r; if (!r.m_val) return parser_result_t (std::move (obj)); /* We don't enforce uniqueness for keys. */ obj->set (key.get (), std::move (r.m_val)); location_map::point end = get_next_token_end (); result> result (require_one_of (TOK_COMMA, TOK_CLOSE_CURLY)); if (result.m_err) return parser_result_t (std::move (result.m_err)); if (result.m_val == TOK_COMMA) continue; else { /* TOK_CLOSE_CURLY. */ maybe_record_range (obj.get (), start, end); return parser_result_t (std::move (obj)); } } } /* Parse a JSON array. (ECMA-404 section 7; RFC 7159 section 5). */ parser_result_t parser::parse_array (int depth) { location_map::point start = get_next_token_start (); if (auto err = require (TOK_OPEN_SQUARE)) return parser_result_t (std::move (err)); auto arr = ::make_unique (); const token *tok = m_lexer.peek (); if (tok->id == TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE) { location_map::point end = get_next_token_end (); maybe_record_range (arr.get (), start, end); m_lexer.consume (); return parser_result_t (std::move (arr)); } while (true) { parser_result_t r = parse_value (depth + 1); if (r.m_err) return r; arr->append (std::move (r.m_val)); location_map::point end = get_next_token_end (); result> result (require_one_of (TOK_COMMA, TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE)); if (result.m_err) return parser_result_t (std::move (result.m_err)); if (result.m_val == TOK_COMMA) continue; else { /* TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE. */ maybe_record_range (arr.get (), start, end); return parser_result_t (std::move (arr)); } } } /* Get the start point of the next token. */ location_map::point parser::get_next_token_start () { const token *tok = m_lexer.peek (); return tok->range.m_start; } /* Get the end point of the next token. */ location_map::point parser::get_next_token_end () { const token *tok = m_lexer.peek (); return tok->range.m_end; } /* Require an EOF, or fail if there is surplus input. */ std::unique_ptr parser::require_eof () { return require (TOK_EOF); } /* Consume the next token, issuing an error if it is not of kind TOK_ID. */ std::unique_ptr parser::require (enum token_id tok_id) { const token *tok = m_lexer.peek (); if (tok->id != tok_id) { if (tok->id == TOK_ERROR) return error_at (tok->range, "expected %s; got bad token: %s", token_id_name[tok_id], tok->u.string); else return error_at (tok->range, "expected %s; got %s", token_id_name[tok_id], token_id_name[tok->id]); } m_lexer.consume (); return nullptr; } /* Consume the next token, issuing an error if it is not of kind TOK_ID_A or TOK_ID_B. Return which kind it was. */ result> parser::require_one_of (enum token_id tok_id_a, enum token_id tok_id_b) { const token *tok = m_lexer.peek (); if ((tok->id != tok_id_a) && (tok->id != tok_id_b)) { if (tok->id == TOK_ERROR) return error_at (tok->range, "expected %s or %s; got bad token: %s", token_id_name[tok_id_a], token_id_name[tok_id_b], tok->u.string); else return error_at (tok->range, "expected %s or %s; got %s", token_id_name[tok_id_a], token_id_name[tok_id_b], token_id_name[tok->id]); } enum token_id id = tok->id; m_lexer.consume (); return result> (id); } /* Genarate a parsing error. */ std::unique_ptr parser::error_at (const location_map::range &r, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); char *formatted_msg = xvasprintf (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return ::make_unique (r, formatted_msg); } /* Record that JV has range R within the input file. */ void parser::maybe_record_range (json::value *jv, const location_map::range &r) { if (m_loc_map) m_loc_map->record_range_for_value (jv, r); } /* Record that JV has range START to END within the input file. */ void parser::maybe_record_range (json::value *jv, const location_map::point &start, const location_map::point &end) { if (m_loc_map) { location_map::range r; r.m_start = start; r.m_end = end; m_loc_map->record_range_for_value (jv, r); } } /* Attempt to parse the UTF-8 encoded buffer at UTF8_BUF of the given LENGTH. If ALLOW_COMMENTS is true, then allow C and C++ style-comments in the buffer, as an extension to JSON, otherwise forbid them. If successful, return an json::value in the result. if there was a problem, return a json::error in the result. If OUT_LOC_MAP is non-NULL, notify *OUT_LOC_MAP about source locations of nodes seen during parsing. */ parser_result_t json::parse_utf8_string (size_t length, const char *utf8_buf, bool allow_comments, location_map *out_loc_map) { parser p (out_loc_map, allow_comments); if (auto err = p.add_utf8 (length, utf8_buf)) return parser_result_t (std::move (err)); parser_result_t r = p.parse_value (0); if (r.m_err) return r; if (auto err = p.require_eof ()) return parser_result_t (std::move (err)); return r; } /* Attempt to parse the nil-terminated UTF-8 encoded buffer at UTF8_BUF. If ALLOW_COMMENTS is true, then allow C and C++ style-comments in the buffer, as an extension to JSON, otherwise forbid them. If successful, return a non-NULL json::value *. if there was a problem, return NULL and write an error message to err_out, which must be deleted by the caller. If OUT_LOC_MAP is non-NULL, notify *OUT_LOC_MAP about source locations of nodes seen during parsing. */ json::parser_result_t json::parse_utf8_string (const char *utf8, bool allow_comments, location_map *out_loc_map) { return parse_utf8_string (strlen (utf8), utf8, allow_comments, out_loc_map); } #if CHECKING_P namespace selftest { /* Selftests. */ #define ASSERT_PRINT_EQ(JV, FORMATTED, EXPECTED_JSON) \ assert_print_eq (SELFTEST_LOCATION, JV, FORMATTED, EXPECTED_JSON) /* Implementation detail of ASSERT_RANGE_EQ. */ static void assert_point_eq (const location &loc, const location_map::point &actual_point, size_t exp_unichar_idx, int exp_line, int exp_column) { ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_point.m_unichar_idx, exp_unichar_idx); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_point.m_line, exp_line); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_point.m_column, exp_column); } /* Implementation detail of ASSERT_RANGE_EQ. */ static void assert_range_eq (const location &loc, const location_map::range &actual_range, /* Expected location. */ size_t start_unichar_idx, int start_line, int start_column, size_t end_unichar_idx, int end_line, int end_column) { assert_point_eq (loc, actual_range.m_start, start_unichar_idx, start_line, start_column); assert_point_eq (loc, actual_range.m_end, end_unichar_idx, end_line, end_column); } /* Assert that ACTUAL_RANGE starts at (START_UNICHAR_IDX, START_LINE, START_COLUMN) and ends at (END_UNICHAR_IDX, END_LINE, END_COLUMN). */ #define ASSERT_RANGE_EQ(ACTUAL_RANGE, \ START_UNICHAR_IDX, START_LINE, START_COLUMN, \ END_UNICHAR_IDX, END_LINE, END_COLUMN) \ assert_range_eq ((SELFTEST_LOCATION), (ACTUAL_RANGE), \ (START_UNICHAR_IDX), (START_LINE), (START_COLUMN), \ (END_UNICHAR_IDX), (END_LINE), (END_COLUMN)) /* Implementation detail of ASSERT_ERR_EQ. */ static void assert_err_eq (const location &loc, const json::error *actual_err, /* Expected location. */ size_t start_unichar_idx, int start_line, int start_column, size_t end_unichar_idx, int end_line, int end_column, const char *expected_msg) { ASSERT_TRUE_AT (loc, actual_err); const location_map::range &actual_range = actual_err->get_range (); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_range.m_start.m_unichar_idx, start_unichar_idx); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_range.m_start.m_line, start_line); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_range.m_start.m_column, start_column); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_range.m_end.m_unichar_idx, end_unichar_idx); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_range.m_end.m_line, end_line); ASSERT_EQ_AT (loc, actual_range.m_end.m_column, end_column); ASSERT_STREQ_AT (loc, actual_err->get_msg (), expected_msg); } /* Assert that ACTUAL_ERR is a non-NULL json::error *, with message EXPECTED_MSG, and that its location starts at (START_UNICHAR_IDX, START_LINE, START_COLUMN) and ends at (END_UNICHAR_IDX, END_LINE, END_COLUMN). */ #define ASSERT_ERR_EQ(ACTUAL_ERR, \ START_UNICHAR_IDX, START_LINE, START_COLUMN, \ END_UNICHAR_IDX, END_LINE, END_COLUMN, \ EXPECTED_MSG) \ assert_err_eq ((SELFTEST_LOCATION), (ACTUAL_ERR), \ (START_UNICHAR_IDX), (START_LINE), (START_COLUMN), \ (END_UNICHAR_IDX), (END_LINE), (END_COLUMN), \ (EXPECTED_MSG)) /* Verify that the JSON lexer works as expected. */ static void test_lexer () { lexer l (false); const char *str /* 0 1 2 3 4 . */ /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789. */ = (" 1066 -1 \n" " -273.15 1e6\n" " [ ] null true false { } \"foo\" \n"); auto err = l.add_utf8 (strlen (str), str); ASSERT_EQ (err, nullptr); /* Line 1. */ { const size_t line_offset = 0; /* Expect token: "1066" in columns 4-7. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 1066); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 4, 1, 4, line_offset + 7, 1, 7); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "-1" in columns 11-12. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, -1); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 11, 1, 11, line_offset + 12, 1, 12); l.consume (); } } /* Line 2. */ { const size_t line_offset = 16; /* Expect token: "-273.15" in columns 4-10. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_FLOAT_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (int(tok->u.float_number), int(-273.15)); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 4, 2, 4, line_offset + 10, 2, 10); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "1e6" in columns 12-14. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 1000000); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 12, 2, 12, line_offset + 14, 2, 14); l.consume (); } } /* Line 3. */ { const size_t line_offset = 32; /* Expect token: "[". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_OPEN_SQUARE); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 2, 3, 2, line_offset + 2, 3, 2); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "]". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_CLOSE_SQUARE); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 6, 3, 6, line_offset + 6, 3, 6); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "null". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_NULL); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 8, 3, 8, line_offset + 11, 3, 11); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "true". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_TRUE); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 15, 3, 15, line_offset + 18, 3, 18); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "false". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_FALSE); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 21, 3, 21, line_offset + 25, 3, 25); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "{". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_OPEN_CURLY); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 28, 3, 28, line_offset + 28, 3, 28); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "}". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_CLOSE_CURLY); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 31, 3, 31, line_offset + 31, 3, 31); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "\"foo\"". */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_STRING); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 34, 3, 34, line_offset + 38, 3, 38); l.consume (); } } } /* Verify that the JSON lexer complains about single-line comments when comments are disabled. */ static void test_lexing_unsupported_single_line_comment () { lexer l (false); const char *str /* 0 1 2 3 4 . */ /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789. */ = (" 1066 // Hello world\n"); auto err = l.add_utf8 (strlen (str), str); ASSERT_EQ (err, nullptr); /* Line 1. */ { const size_t line_offset = 0; const int line_1 = 1; /* Expect token: "1066" in columns 4-7. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 1066); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 4, line_1, 4, line_offset + 7, line_1, 7); l.consume (); } /* Expect error. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_ERROR); ASSERT_STREQ (tok->u.string, "unexpected character: '/'"); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 11, line_1, 11, line_offset + 11, line_1, 11); l.consume (); } } } /* Verify that the JSON lexer complains about multiline comments when comments are disabled. */ static void test_lexing_unsupported_multiline_comment () { lexer l (false); const char *str /* 0 1 2 3 4 . */ /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789. */ = (" 1066 /* Hello world\n" " continuation of comment\n" " end of comment */ 42\n"); auto err = l.add_utf8 (strlen (str), str); ASSERT_EQ (err, nullptr); /* Line 1. */ { const size_t line_offset = 0; const int line_1 = 1; /* Expect token: "1066" in line 1, columns 4-7. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 1066); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 4, line_1, 4, line_offset + 7, line_1, 7); l.consume (); } /* Expect error. */ { const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_ERROR); ASSERT_STREQ (tok->u.string, "unexpected character: '/'"); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_offset + 11, line_1, 11, line_offset + 11, line_1, 11); l.consume (); } } } /* Verify that the JSON lexer handles single-line comments when comments are enabled. */ static void test_lexing_supported_single_line_comment () { lexer l (true); const char *str /* 0 1 2 3 4 . */ /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789. */ = (" 1066 // Hello world\n" " 42 // etc\n"); auto err = l.add_utf8 (strlen (str), str); ASSERT_EQ (err, nullptr); const size_t line_1_offset = 0; const size_t line_2_offset = 26; const size_t line_3_offset = line_2_offset + 17; /* Expect token: "1066" in line 1, columns 4-7. */ { const int line_1 = 1; const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 1066); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_1_offset + 4, line_1, 4, line_1_offset + 7, line_1, 7); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "42" in line 2, columns 5-6. */ { const int line_2 = 2; const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 42); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_2_offset + 5, line_2, 5, line_2_offset + 6, line_2, 6); l.consume (); } /* Expect EOF. */ { const int line_3 = 3; const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_EOF); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_3_offset + 0, line_3, 0, line_3_offset + 0, line_3, 0); l.consume (); } } /* Verify that the JSON lexer handles multiline comments when comments are enabled. */ static void test_lexing_supported_multiline_comment () { lexer l (true); const char *str /* 0 1 2 3 4 . */ /* 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789. */ = (" 1066 /* Hello world\n" " continuation of comment\n" " end of comment */ 42\n"); auto err = l.add_utf8 (strlen (str), str); ASSERT_EQ (err, nullptr); const size_t line_1_offset = 0; const size_t line_2_offset = 26; const size_t line_3_offset = line_2_offset + 25; const size_t line_4_offset = line_3_offset + 23; /* Expect token: "1066" in line 1, columns 4-7. */ { const int line_1 = 1; const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 1066); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_1_offset + 4, line_1, 4, line_1_offset + 7, line_1, 7); l.consume (); } /* Expect token: "42" in line 3, columns 20-21. */ { const int line_3 = 3; const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_INTEGER_NUMBER); ASSERT_EQ (tok->u.integer_number, 42); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_3_offset + 20, line_3, 20, line_3_offset + 21, line_3, 21); l.consume (); } /* Expect EOF. */ { const int line_4 = 4; const token *tok = l.peek (); ASSERT_EQ (tok->id, TOK_EOF); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (tok->range, line_4_offset + 0, line_4, 0, line_4_offset + 0, line_4, 0); l.consume (); } } /* Helper class for writing JSON parsing testcases. Attempts to parse a string in ctor, and captures the result (either a json::value or a json::error), and a location map. */ struct parser_testcase { public: parser_testcase (const char *utf8_string, bool allow_comments = false) : m_loc_map (), m_result (parse_utf8_string (utf8_string, allow_comments, &m_loc_map)) { } const json::value *get_value () const { return m_result.m_val.get (); } const json::error *get_error () const { return m_result.m_err.get (); } const location_map::range * get_range_for_value (const json::value *jv) const { return m_loc_map.get_range_for_value (jv); } private: /* Concrete implementation of location_map for use in JSON parsing selftests. */ class test_location_map : public location_map { public: void record_range_for_value (json::value *jv, const range &r) final override { m_map.put (jv, r); } range *get_range_for_value (const json::value *jv) const { return const_cast &> (m_map) .get (jv); } private: hash_map m_map; }; test_location_map m_loc_map; json::parser_result_t m_result; }; /* Verify that parse_utf8_string works as expected. */ static void test_parse_string () { const int line_1 = 1; { parser_testcase tc ("\"foo\""); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_STRING); ASSERT_STREQ (as_a (jv)->get_string (), "foo"); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, true, "\"foo\""); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 4, line_1, 4); } { const char *contains_quotes = "\"before \\\"quoted\\\" after\""; parser_testcase tc (contains_quotes); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_STRING); ASSERT_STREQ (as_a (jv)->get_string (), "before \"quoted\" after"); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, true, contains_quotes); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 24, line_1, 24); } /* Test of non-ASCII input. This string is the Japanese word "mojibake", written as C octal-escaped UTF-8. */ const char *mojibake = (/* Opening quote. */ "\"" /* U+6587 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-6587 UTF-8: 0xE6 0x96 0x87 C octal escaped UTF-8: \346\226\207. */ "\346\226\207" /* U+5B57 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57 UTF-8: 0xE5 0xAD 0x97 C octal escaped UTF-8: \345\255\227. */ "\345\255\227" /* U+5316 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5316 UTF-8: 0xE5 0x8C 0x96 C octal escaped UTF-8: \345\214\226. */ "\345\214\226" /* U+3051 HIRAGANA LETTER KE UTF-8: 0xE3 0x81 0x91 C octal escaped UTF-8: \343\201\221. */ "\343\201\221" /* Closing quote. */ "\""); { parser_testcase tc (mojibake); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_STRING); /* Result of get_string should be UTF-8 encoded, without quotes. */ ASSERT_STREQ (as_a (jv)->get_string (), "\346\226\207" "\345\255\227" "\345\214\226" "\343\201\221"); /* Result of dump should be UTF-8 encoded, with quotes. */ ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, false, mojibake); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 5, line_1, 5); } /* Test of \u-escaped unicode. This is "mojibake" again, as above. */ { const char *escaped_unicode = "\"\\u6587\\u5b57\\u5316\\u3051\""; parser_testcase tc (escaped_unicode); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_STRING); /* Result of get_string should be UTF-8 encoded, without quotes. */ ASSERT_STREQ (as_a (jv)->get_string (), "\346\226\207" "\345\255\227" "\345\214\226" "\343\201\221"); /* Result of dump should be UTF-8 encoded, with quotes. */ ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, false, mojibake); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 25, line_1, 25); } } /* Verify that we can parse various kinds of JSON numbers. */ static void test_parse_number () { const int line_1 = 1; { parser_testcase tc ("42"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_INTEGER); ASSERT_EQ (as_a (jv)->get (), 42.0); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, true, "42"); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 1, line_1, 1); } /* Negative number. */ { parser_testcase tc ("-17"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_INTEGER); ASSERT_EQ (as_a (jv)->get (), -17.0); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, true, "-17"); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 2, line_1, 2); } /* Decimal. */ { parser_testcase tc ("3.141"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (JSON_FLOAT, jv->get_kind ()); ASSERT_NEAR (3.141, ((const json::float_number *)jv)->get (), 0.001); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 4, line_1, 4); } /* Exponents. */ { { parser_testcase tc ("3.141e+0"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_FLOAT); ASSERT_NEAR (as_a (jv)->get (), 3.141, 0.1); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 7, line_1, 7); } { parser_testcase tc ("42e2"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_INTEGER); ASSERT_EQ (as_a (jv)->get (), 4200); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, true, "4200"); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 3, line_1, 3); } { parser_testcase tc ("42e-1"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_FLOAT); ASSERT_NEAR (as_a (jv)->get (), 4.2, 0.1); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 4, line_1, 4); } } } /* Verify that JSON array parsing works. */ static void test_parse_array () { const int line_1 = 1; parser_testcase tc ("[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_ARRAY); const json::array *arr = as_a (jv); ASSERT_EQ (arr->length (), 10); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 29, line_1, 29); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { json::value *element = arr->get (i); ASSERT_EQ (element->get_kind (), JSON_INTEGER); ASSERT_EQ (as_a (element)->get (), i); range = tc.get_range_for_value (element); ASSERT_TRUE (range); const int offset = 1 + (i * 3); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, offset, line_1, offset, offset, line_1, offset); } ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, false, "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]"); } /* Verify that JSON object parsing works. */ static void test_parse_object () { const int line_1 = 1; std::unique_ptr err; /* 0 1 2 3 . */ /* 01 2345 678 9012 345 6789 0123456789012. */ parser_testcase tc ("{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"baz\": [42, null]}"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_NE (jv, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_OBJECT); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 32, line_1, 32); const json::object *jo = static_cast (jv); json::value *foo_value = jo->get ("foo"); ASSERT_NE (foo_value, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (foo_value->get_kind (), JSON_STRING); ASSERT_STREQ (as_a (foo_value)->get_string (), "bar"); range = tc.get_range_for_value (foo_value); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 8, line_1, 8, 12, line_1, 12); json::value *baz_value = jo->get ("baz"); ASSERT_NE (baz_value, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (baz_value->get_kind (), JSON_ARRAY); range = tc.get_range_for_value (baz_value); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 22, line_1, 22, 31, line_1, 31); json::array *baz_array = as_a (baz_value); ASSERT_EQ (baz_array->length (), 2); json::value *element0 = baz_array->get (0); ASSERT_EQ (as_a (element0)->get (), 42); range = tc.get_range_for_value (element0); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 23, line_1, 23, 24, line_1, 24); json::value *element1 = baz_array->get (1); ASSERT_EQ (element1->get_kind (), JSON_NULL); range = tc.get_range_for_value (element1); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 27, line_1, 27, 30, line_1, 30); } /* Verify that the JSON literals "true", "false" and "null" are parsed correctly. */ static void test_parse_literals () { const int line_1 = 1; { parser_testcase tc ("true"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_NE (jv, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_TRUE); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, false, "true"); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 3, line_1, 3); } { parser_testcase tc ("false"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_NE (jv, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_FALSE); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, false, "false"); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 4, line_1, 4); } { parser_testcase tc ("null"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_NE (jv, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_NULL); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, false, "null"); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 3, line_1, 3); } } /* Verify that we can parse a simple JSON-RPC request. */ static void test_parse_jsonrpc () { std::unique_ptr err; const char *request /* 0 1 2 3 4. */ /* 01 23456789 012 3456 789 0123456 789 012345678 90. */ = ("{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"subtract\",\n" /* 0 1 2 3 4. */ /* 0 1234567 8901234567890 1234 56789012345678 90. */ " \"params\": [42, 23], \"id\": 1}"); const int line_1 = 1; const int line_2 = 2; const size_t line_2_offset = 41; parser_testcase tc (request); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_NE (jv, nullptr); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, line_2_offset + 28, line_2, 28); } /* Verify that we can parse an empty JSON object. */ static void test_parse_empty_object () { const int line_1 = 1; std::unique_ptr err; parser_testcase tc ("{}"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_NE (jv, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_OBJECT); ASSERT_PRINT_EQ (*jv, true, "{}"); auto range = tc.get_range_for_value (jv); ASSERT_TRUE (range); ASSERT_RANGE_EQ (*range, 0, line_1, 0, 1, line_1, 1); } /* Verify that comment-parsing can be enabled or disabled. */ static void test_parsing_comments () { const char *str = ("// foo\n" "/*...\n" "...*/ 42 // bar\n" "/* etc */\n"); /* Parsing with comment support disabled. */ { parser_testcase tc (str); ASSERT_NE (tc.get_error (), nullptr); ASSERT_STREQ (tc.get_error ()->get_msg (), "invalid JSON token: unexpected character: '/'"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_value (), nullptr); } /* Parsing with comment support enabled. */ { parser_testcase tc (str, true); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_error (), nullptr); const json::value *jv = tc.get_value (); ASSERT_NE (jv, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ (jv->get_kind (), JSON_INTEGER); ASSERT_EQ (((const json::integer_number *)jv)->get (), 42); } } /* Verify that we can parse an empty JSON string. */ static void test_error_empty_string () { const int line_1 = 1; parser_testcase tc (""); ASSERT_ERR_EQ (tc.get_error (), 0, line_1, 0, 0, line_1, 0, "expected a JSON value but got EOF"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_value (), nullptr); } /* Verify that JSON parsing gracefully handles an invalid token. */ static void test_error_bad_token () { const int line_1 = 1; parser_testcase tc (" not valid "); ASSERT_ERR_EQ (tc.get_error (), 2, line_1, 2, 2, line_1, 2, "invalid JSON token: unexpected character: 'n'"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_value (), nullptr); } /* Verify that JSON parsing gracefully handles a missing comma within an object. */ static void test_error_object_with_missing_comma () { const int line_1 = 1; /* 0 1 2. */ /* 01 2345 6789012 3456 7890. */ const char *json = "{\"foo\" : 42 \"bar\""; parser_testcase tc (json); ASSERT_ERR_EQ (tc.get_error (), 12, line_1, 12, 16, line_1, 16, "expected ',' or '}'; got string"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_value (), nullptr); } /* Verify that JSON parsing gracefully handles a missing comma within an array. */ static void test_error_array_with_missing_comma () { const int line_1 = 1; /* 01234567. */ const char *json = "[0, 1 42]"; parser_testcase tc (json); ASSERT_ERR_EQ (tc.get_error (), 6, line_1, 6, 7, line_1, 7, "expected ',' or ']'; got number"); ASSERT_EQ (tc.get_value (), nullptr); } /* Run all of the selftests within this file. */ void json_parser_cc_tests () { test_lexer (); test_lexing_unsupported_single_line_comment (); test_lexing_unsupported_multiline_comment (); test_lexing_supported_single_line_comment (); test_lexing_supported_multiline_comment (); test_parse_string (); test_parse_number (); test_parse_array (); test_parse_object (); test_parse_literals (); test_parse_jsonrpc (); test_parse_empty_object (); test_parsing_comments (); test_error_empty_string (); test_error_bad_token (); test_error_object_with_missing_comma (); test_error_array_with_missing_comma (); } } // namespace selftest #endif /* #if CHECKING_P */