/* Program to write C++-suitable header files from a Java(TM) .class file. This is similar to SUN's javah. Copyright (C) 1996, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. The Free Software Foundation is independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ /* Written by Per Bothner , February 1996. */ #include #include "jcf.h" #ifdef __STDC__ #include #endif #include /* The output file. */ FILE *out = NULL; /* Nonzero on failure. */ static int found_error = 0; /* Directory to place resulting files in. Set by -d option. */ char *output_directory = ""; char *output_file = NULL; /* Directory to place temporary file. Set by -td option. Currently unused. */ char *temp_directory = "/tmp"; /* Number of friend functions we have to declare. */ static int friend_count; /* A class can optionally have a `friend' function declared. If non-NULL, this is that function. */ static char **friend_specs = NULL; /* Number of lines we are prepending before the class. */ static int prepend_count; /* We can prepend extra lines before the class's start. */ static char **prepend_specs = NULL; /* Number of lines we are appending at the end of the class. */ static int add_count; /* We can append extra lines just before the class's end. */ static char **add_specs = NULL; /* Number of lines we are appending after the class. */ static int append_count; /* We can append extra lines after the class's end. */ static char **append_specs = NULL; int verbose = 0; int stubs = 0; struct JCF *current_jcf; struct JCF *main_jcf; /* This holds access information for the last field we examined. They let us generate "private:", "public:", and "protected:" properly. If 0 then we haven't previously examined any field. */ static JCF_u2 last_access; #define ACC_VISIBILITY (ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_PROTECTED) int seen_fields = 0; static void print_field_info PROTO ((FILE *, JCF*, int, int, JCF_u2)); static void print_method_info PROTO ((FILE *, JCF*, int, int, JCF_u2)); static void print_c_decl PROTO ((FILE*, JCF*, int, int, JCF_u2, int)); JCF_u2 current_field_name; JCF_u2 current_field_value; JCF_u2 current_field_signature; JCF_u2 current_field_flags; #define HANDLE_START_FIELD(ACCESS_FLAGS, NAME, SIGNATURE, ATTRIBUTE_COUNT) \ ( current_field_name = (NAME), current_field_signature = (SIGNATURE), \ current_field_flags = (ACCESS_FLAGS), current_field_value = 0) #define HANDLE_END_FIELD() \ print_field_info (out, jcf, current_field_name, current_field_signature, \ current_field_flags); #define HANDLE_CONSTANTVALUE(VALUEINDEX) current_field_value = (VALUEINDEX) #define HANDLE_METHOD(ACCESS_FLAGS, NAME, SIGNATURE, ATTRIBUTE_COUNT) \ print_method_info (out, jcf, NAME, SIGNATURE, ACCESS_FLAGS) #include "jcf-reader.c" /* Some useful constants. */ #define F_NAN_MASK 0x7f800000 #define D_NAN_MASK 0x7ff0000000000000LL /* Return 1 if F is not Inf or NaN. */ static int java_float_finite (f) jfloat f; { int32 *ip = (int32 *) &f; /* We happen to know that F_NAN_MASK will match all NaN values, and also positive and negative infinity. That's why we only need one test here. See The Java Language Specification, section 20.9. */ return (*ip & F_NAN_MASK) != F_NAN_MASK; } /* Return 1 if D is not Inf or NaN. */ static int java_double_finite (d) jdouble d; { int64 *ip = (int64 *) &d; /* Now check for all NaNs. */ return (*ip & D_NAN_MASK) != D_NAN_MASK; } void DEFUN(print_name, (stream, jcf, name_index), FILE* stream AND JCF* jcf AND int name_index) { if (JPOOL_TAG (jcf, name_index) != CONSTANT_Utf8) fprintf (stream, ""); else jcf_print_utf8 (stream, JPOOL_UTF_DATA (jcf, name_index), JPOOL_UTF_LENGTH (jcf, name_index)); } /* Print base name of class. The base name is everything after the final separator. */ static void print_base_classname (stream, jcf, index) FILE *stream; JCF *jcf; int index; { int name_index = JPOOL_USHORT1 (jcf, index); int i, len; unsigned char *s, *p, *limit; s = JPOOL_UTF_DATA (jcf, name_index); len = JPOOL_UTF_LENGTH (jcf, name_index); limit = s + len; p = s; while (s < limit) { int c = UTF8_GET (s, limit); if (c == '/') p = s; } while (p < limit) { int ch = UTF8_GET (p, limit); if (ch == '/') fputs ("::", stream); else jcf_print_char (stream, ch); } } /* Return 0 if NAME is equal to STR, nonzero otherwise. */ static int utf8_cmp (str, length, name) unsigned char *str; int length; char *name; { unsigned char *limit = str + length; int i; for (i = 0; name[i]; ++i) { int ch = UTF8_GET (str, limit); if (ch != name[i]) return 1; } return str != limit; } /* Generate an access control keyword based on FLAGS. Returns 0 if FLAGS matches the saved access information, nonzero otherwise. */ static void generate_access (stream, flags) FILE *stream; JCF_u2 flags; { /* FIXME: Java's "protected" and "no access specifier" modes don't actually map to C++ "protected". That's how we map them for now, though. */ if (! (flags & ACC_VISIBILITY)) flags = ACC_PROTECTED; if ((flags & ACC_VISIBILITY) == last_access) return; last_access = (flags & ACC_VISIBILITY); switch (last_access) { case ACC_PUBLIC: fputs ("public:\n", stream); break; case ACC_PRIVATE: fputs ("private:\n", stream); break; case ACC_PROTECTED: fputs ("protected:\n", stream); break; default: found_error = 1; fprintf (stream, "#error unrecognized visibility %d\n", (flags & ACC_VISIBILITY)); break; } } static void DEFUN(print_field_info, (stream, jcf, name_index, sig_index, flags), FILE *stream AND JCF* jcf AND int name_index AND int sig_index AND JCF_u2 flags) { if (flags & ACC_FINAL) { if (current_field_value > 0) { jlong num; char buffer[25]; generate_access (stream, flags); switch (JPOOL_TAG (jcf, current_field_value)) { case CONSTANT_Integer: fputs (" static const jint ", out); print_name (out, jcf, name_index); fputs (" = ", out); num = JPOOL_INT (jcf, current_field_value); format_int (buffer, num, 10); fprintf (out, "%sL;\n", buffer); break; case CONSTANT_Long: fputs (" static const jlong ", out); print_name (out, jcf, name_index); fputs (" = ", out); num = JPOOL_LONG (jcf, current_field_value); format_int (buffer, num, 10); fprintf (out, "%sLL;\n", buffer); break; case CONSTANT_Float: { jfloat fnum = JPOOL_FLOAT (jcf, current_field_value); fputs (" static const jfloat ", out); print_name (out, jcf, name_index); if (! java_float_finite (fnum)) fputs (";\n", out); else fprintf (out, " = %.10g;\n", fnum); } break; case CONSTANT_Double: { jdouble dnum = JPOOL_DOUBLE (jcf, current_field_value); fputs (" static const jdouble ", out); print_name (out, jcf, name_index); if (! java_double_finite (dnum)) fputs (";\n", out); else fprintf (out, " = %.17g;\n", dnum); } break; default: fprintf(out, " <>\n"); } return; } } generate_access (stream, flags); fputs (" ", out); if (flags & ACC_STATIC) fputs ("static ", out); print_c_decl (out, jcf, name_index, sig_index, flags, 0); fputs (";\n", out); if (! (flags & ACC_STATIC)) seen_fields++; } static void DEFUN(print_method_info, (stream, jcf, name_index, sig_index, flags), FILE *stream AND JCF* jcf AND int name_index AND int sig_index AND JCF_u2 flags) { unsigned char *str; int length, is_init = 0; if (JPOOL_TAG (jcf, name_index) != CONSTANT_Utf8) fprintf (stream, ""); str = JPOOL_UTF_DATA (jcf, name_index); length = JPOOL_UTF_LENGTH (jcf, name_index); if (str[0] == '<') { /* Ignore internally generated methods like . However, treat as a constructor. */ if (! utf8_cmp (str, length, "")) is_init = 1; else return; } /* We can't generate a method whose name is a C++ reserved word. For now the only problem has been `delete'; add more here as required. FIXME: we need a better solution than just ignoring the method. */ if (! utf8_cmp (str, length, "delete")) return; generate_access (stream, flags); fputs (" ", out); if ((flags & ACC_STATIC)) fputs ("static ", out); else if (! (flags & ACC_FINAL) && ! (jcf->access_flags & ACC_FINAL)) { /* Don't print `virtual' if we have a constructor. */ if (! is_init) fputs ("virtual ", out); } print_c_decl (out, jcf, name_index, sig_index, flags, is_init); /* FIXME: it would be nice to decompile small methods here. That would allow for inlining. */ fprintf(out, ";\n"); } static void DEFUN(print_c_decl, (stream, jcf, name_index, signature_index, flags, is_init), FILE* stream AND JCF* jcf AND int name_index AND int signature_index AND JCF_u2 flags AND int is_init) { if (JPOOL_TAG (jcf, signature_index) != CONSTANT_Utf8) fprintf (stream, ""); else { int length = JPOOL_UTF_LENGTH (jcf, signature_index); unsigned char *str0 = JPOOL_UTF_DATA (jcf, signature_index); register unsigned char *str = str0; unsigned char *limit = str + length; int j; char *ctype; int need_space = 0; int is_method = str[0] == '('; if (is_method) { /* Skip to the return signature, and print that first. However, don't do this is we are printing a construtcor. */ if (is_init) { str = str0 + 1; /* FIXME: Most programmers love Celtic knots because they see their own code in the interconnected loops. That is, this is spaghetti. */ goto have_constructor; } else { while (str < limit) { int ch = *str++; if (ch == ')') break; } } } again: while (str < limit) { switch (str[0]) { case '[': for (str++; str < limit && *str >= '0' && *str <= '9'; str++) ; switch (*str) { case 'B': ctype = "jbyteArray"; goto printit; case 'C': ctype = "jcharArray"; goto printit; case 'D': ctype = "jdoubleArray"; goto printit; case 'F': ctype = "jfloatArray"; goto printit; case 'I': ctype = "jintArray"; goto printit; case 'S': ctype = "jshortArray"; goto printit; case 'J': ctype = "jlongArray"; goto printit; case 'Z': ctype = "jbooleanArray"; goto printit; case '[': ctype = "jobjectArray"; goto printit; case 'L': /* We have to generate a reference to JArray here, so that our output matches what the compiler does. */ ++str; fputs ("JArray<", out); while (str < limit && *str != ';') { int ch = UTF8_GET (str, limit); if (ch == '/') fputs ("::", stream); else jcf_print_char (stream, ch); } fputs (" *> *", out); need_space = 0; ++str; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "unparseable signature `%s'\n", str0); found_error = 1; ctype = "???"; goto printit; } break; case '(': fputc (*str++, stream); continue; case ')': fputc (*str++, stream); /* the return signature was printed in the first pass. */ return; case 'B': ctype = "jbyte"; goto printit; case 'C': ctype = "jchar"; goto printit; case 'D': ctype = "jdouble"; goto printit; case 'F': ctype = "jfloat"; goto printit; case 'I': ctype = "jint"; goto printit; case 'J': ctype = "jlong"; goto printit; case 'S': ctype = "jshort"; goto printit; case 'Z': ctype = "jboolean"; goto printit; case 'V': ctype = "void"; goto printit; case 'L': ++str; while (*str && *str != ';') { int ch = UTF8_GET (str, limit); if (ch == '/') fputs ("::", stream); else jcf_print_char (stream, ch); } fputs (" *", stream); if (*str == ';') str++; need_space = 0; break; default: need_space = 1; jcf_print_char (stream, *str++); break; printit: str++; need_space = 1; fputs (ctype, stream); break; } if (is_method && str < limit && *str != ')') fputs (", ", stream); } have_constructor: if (name_index) { if (need_space) fprintf (stream, " "); /* Declare constructors specially. */ if (is_init) print_base_classname (stream, jcf, jcf->this_class); else print_name (stream, jcf, name_index); } if (is_method) { fputs (" (", stream); /* Go to beginning, skipping '('. */ str = str0 + 1; goto again; /* To handle argument signatures. */ } } } int DEFUN(print_mangled_classname, (stream, jcf, prefix, index), FILE *stream AND JCF *jcf AND char *prefix AND int index) { int name_index = JPOOL_USHORT1 (jcf, index); fputs (prefix, stream); jcf_print_utf8_replace (out, JPOOL_UTF_DATA (jcf, name_index), JPOOL_UTF_LENGTH (jcf, name_index), '/', '_'); } /* Print PREFIX, then a class name in C++ format. If the name refers to an array, ignore it and don't print PREFIX. Returns 1 if something was printed, 0 otherwise. */ static int print_cxx_classname (stream, prefix, jcf, index) FILE *stream; char *prefix; JCF *jcf; int index; { int name_index = JPOOL_USHORT1 (jcf, index); int i, len, c; unsigned char *s, *p, *limit; s = JPOOL_UTF_DATA (jcf, name_index); len = JPOOL_UTF_LENGTH (jcf, name_index); limit = s + len; /* Explicitly omit arrays here. */ p = s; c = UTF8_GET (p, limit); if (c == '[') return 0; fputs (prefix, stream); while (s < limit) { c = UTF8_GET (s, limit); if (c == '/') fputs ("::", stream); else jcf_print_char (stream, c); } return 1; } int written_class_count = 0; /* Return name of superclass. If LEN is not NULL, fill it with length of name. */ static unsigned char * super_class_name (derived_jcf, len) JCF *derived_jcf; int *len; { int supername_index = JPOOL_USHORT1 (derived_jcf, derived_jcf->super_class); int supername_length = JPOOL_UTF_LENGTH (derived_jcf, supername_index); unsigned char *supername = JPOOL_UTF_DATA (derived_jcf, supername_index); if (len) *len = supername_length; return supername; } /* Print declarations for all classes required by this class. FIXME: the current implementation just prints every class name from the constant pool. This is too much. We really only need to print a declaration for each class which is the type of a return value, a field, or an argument. */ static void print_class_decls (out, jcf) FILE *out; JCF *jcf; { int i, seen_one = 0; for (i = 1; i < JPOOL_SIZE (jcf); ++i) { int kind = JPOOL_TAG (jcf, i); if (kind == CONSTANT_Class) { if (print_cxx_classname (out, "class ", jcf, i)) fputs (";\n", out); seen_one = 1; } } if (seen_one) fputs ("\n", out); } static void DEFUN(process_file, (jcf, out), JCF *jcf AND FILE *out) { int code, i; current_jcf = main_jcf = jcf; last_access = 0; if (jcf_parse_preamble (jcf) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Not a valid Java .class file.\n"); found_error = 1; return; } /* Parse and possibly print constant pool */ code = jcf_parse_constant_pool (jcf); if (code != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "error while parsing constant pool\n"); found_error = 1; return; } code = verify_constant_pool (jcf); if (code > 0) { fprintf (stderr, "error in constant pool entry #%d\n", code); found_error = 1; return; } jcf_parse_class (jcf); if (written_class_count++ == 0) fputs ("// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated -*- c++ -*-\n\n", out); print_mangled_classname (out, jcf, "#ifndef __", jcf->this_class); fprintf (out, "__\n"); print_mangled_classname (out, jcf, "#define __", jcf->this_class); fprintf (out, "__\n\n"); if (jcf->super_class) { int super_length; unsigned char *supername = super_class_name (jcf, &super_length); fputs ("#include <", out); jcf_print_utf8 (out, supername, super_length); fputs (".h>\n", out); /* FIXME: If our superclass is Object, then we include java-array.h. The right thing to do here is look at all the methods and fields and see if an array is in use. Only then would we need to include java-array.h. */ if (! utf8_cmp (supername, super_length, "java/lang/Object")) fputs ("#include \n", out); fputs ("\n", out); } print_class_decls (out, jcf); for (i = 0; i < prepend_count; ++i) fprintf (out, "%s\n", prepend_specs[i]); if (prepend_count > 0) fputc ('\n', out); if (! print_cxx_classname (out, "class ", jcf, jcf->this_class)) { fprintf (stderr, "class is of array type\n"); found_error = 1; return; } if (jcf->super_class) { if (! print_cxx_classname (out, " : public ", jcf, jcf->super_class)) { fprintf (stderr, "base class is of array type\n"); found_error = 1; return; } } fputs ("\n{\n", out); /* We make a single pass over the file, printing methods and fields as we see them. We have to list the methods in the same order that they appear in the class file, so that the Java and C++ vtables have the same layout. */ jcf_parse_fields (jcf); jcf_parse_methods (jcf); jcf_parse_final_attributes (jcf); /* Generate friend decl if we still must. */ for (i = 0; i < friend_count; ++i) fprintf (out, " friend %s\n", friend_specs[i]); /* Generate extra declarations. */ if (add_count > 0) fputc ('\n', out); for (i = 0; i < add_count; ++i) fprintf (out, " %s\n", add_specs[i]); fputs ("};\n", out); if (append_count > 0) fputc ('\n', out); for (i = 0; i < append_count; ++i) fprintf (out, "%s\n", append_specs[i]); print_mangled_classname (out, jcf, "\n#endif /* __", jcf->this_class); fprintf (out, "__ */\n"); } static void usage () { fprintf (stderr, "gjavah: no classes specified\n"); exit (1); } static void help () { printf ("Usage: gjavah [OPTION]... CLASS...\n\n"); printf ("Generate C++ header files from .class files\n\n"); printf (" --classpath PATH Set path to find .class files\n"); printf (" -d DIRECTORY Set output directory name\n"); printf (" --help Print this help, then exit\n"); printf (" -o FILE Set output file name\n"); printf (" -td DIRECTORY Set temporary directory name\n"); printf (" -v, --verbose Print extra information while running\n"); printf (" --version Print version number, then exit\n"); /* FIXME: print bug-report information. */ exit (0); } static void java_no_argument (opt) char *opt; { fprintf (stderr, "gjavah: no argument given for option `%s'\n", opt); exit (1); } static void version () { /* FIXME: use version.c? */ printf ("gjavah (GNU gcc) 0.0\n\n"); printf ("Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"); printf ("This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n"); printf ("warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n\n"); exit (0); } int DEFUN(main, (argc, argv), int argc AND char** argv) { JCF jcf; int argi; if (argc <= 1) usage (); for (argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++) { char *arg = argv[argi]; if (arg[0] != '-' || ! strcmp (arg, "--")) break; /* Just let all arguments be given in either "-" or "--" form. */ if (arg[1] == '-') ++arg; if (strcmp (arg, "-o") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) output_file = argv[++argi]; else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-d") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) output_directory = argv[++argi]; else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-td") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) temp_directory = argv[++argi]; else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-prepend") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) { if (prepend_count == 0) prepend_specs = (char**) ALLOC ((argc-argi) * sizeof (char*)); prepend_specs[prepend_count++] = argv[++argi]; } else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-friend") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) { if (friend_count == 0) friend_specs = (char**) ALLOC ((argc-argi) * sizeof (char*)); friend_specs[friend_count++] = argv[++argi]; } else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-add") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) { if (add_count == 0) add_specs = (char**) ALLOC ((argc-argi) * sizeof (char*)); add_specs[add_count++] = argv[++argi]; } else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-append") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) { if (append_count == 0) append_specs = (char**) ALLOC ((argc-argi) * sizeof (char*)); append_specs[append_count++] = argv[++argi]; } else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-classpath") == 0) { if (argi + 1 < argc) classpath = argv[++argi]; else java_no_argument (argv[argi]); } else if (strcmp (arg, "-verbose") == 0 || strcmp (arg, "-v") == 0) verbose++; else if (strcmp (arg, "-stubs") == 0) stubs++; else if (strcmp (arg, "-help") == 0) help (); else if (strcmp (arg, "-version") == 0) version (); else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal argument\n", argv[argi]); exit (1); } } if (argi == argc) usage (); if (classpath == NULL) { classpath = (char *) getenv ("CLASSPATH"); if (classpath == NULL) classpath = ""; } for (; argi < argc; argi++) { char *classname = argv[argi]; char *classfile_name, *current_output_file; if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "Processing %s\n", classname); classfile_name = find_class (classname, strlen (classname), &jcf, 1); if (classfile_name == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: no such class\n", classname); exit (1); } if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "Found in %s\n", classfile_name); if (output_file) { if (strcmp (output_file, "-") == 0) out = stdout; else if (out == NULL) out = fopen (output_file, "w"); if (out == NULL) { perror (output_file); exit (1); } current_output_file = output_file; } else { int dir_len = strlen (output_directory); int i, classname_length = strlen (classname); current_output_file = (char*) ALLOC (dir_len + classname_length + 4); strcpy (current_output_file, output_directory); if (dir_len > 0 && output_directory[dir_len-1] != '/') current_output_file[dir_len++] = '/'; for (i = 0; classname[i] != '\0'; i++) { char ch = classname[i]; if (ch == '.') ch = '/'; current_output_file[dir_len++] = ch; } strcpy (current_output_file+dir_len, ".h"); out = fopen (current_output_file, "w"); if (out == NULL) { perror (current_output_file); exit (1); } } process_file (&jcf, out); JCF_FINISH (&jcf); if (current_output_file != output_file) free (current_output_file); } if (out != NULL && out != stdout) fclose (out); return found_error; } /* TODO: * Do whatever the javah -stubs flag does. * Emit "structure forward declarations" when needed. * Generate C headers, like javah */