// ast-dump.cc -- AST debug dump. -*- C++ -*- // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "go-system.h" #include #include #include "gogo.h" #include "expressions.h" #include "statements.h" #include "types.h" #include "ast-dump.h" #include "go-c.h" #include "go-dump.h" #include "go-diagnostics.h" // The -fgo-dump-ast flag to activate AST dumps. Go_dump ast_dump_flag("ast"); // This class is used to traverse the tree to look for blocks and // function headers. class Ast_dump_traverse_blocks_and_functions : public Traverse { public: Ast_dump_traverse_blocks_and_functions(Ast_dump_context* ast_dump_context) : Traverse(traverse_blocks | traverse_functions), ast_dump_context_(ast_dump_context) { } protected: int block(Block*); int function(Named_object*); private: Ast_dump_context* ast_dump_context_; }; // This class is used to traverse the tree to look for statements. class Ast_dump_traverse_statements : public Traverse { public: Ast_dump_traverse_statements(Ast_dump_context* ast_dump_context) : Traverse(traverse_statements), ast_dump_context_(ast_dump_context) { } protected: int statement(Block*, size_t* pindex, Statement*); private: Ast_dump_context* ast_dump_context_; }; // For each block we enclose it in brackets. int Ast_dump_traverse_blocks_and_functions::block(Block * block) { if (block == NULL) { this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << std::endl; return TRAVERSE_EXIT; } this->ast_dump_context_->print_indent(); this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << "{" << std::endl; this->ast_dump_context_->indent(); // Dump statememts. Ast_dump_traverse_statements adts(this->ast_dump_context_); block->traverse(&adts); this->ast_dump_context_->unindent(); this->ast_dump_context_->print_indent(); this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << "}" << std::endl; return TRAVERSE_SKIP_COMPONENTS; } // Dump each traversed statement. int Ast_dump_traverse_statements::statement(Block* block, size_t* pindex, Statement* statement) { statement->dump_statement(this->ast_dump_context_); if (statement->is_block_statement()) { Ast_dump_traverse_blocks_and_functions adtbf(this->ast_dump_context_); statement->traverse(block, pindex, &adtbf); } return TRAVERSE_SKIP_COMPONENTS; } // Dump the function header. int Ast_dump_traverse_blocks_and_functions::function(Named_object* no) { this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << no->name(); go_assert(no->is_function()); Function* func = no->func_value(); this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << "("; this->ast_dump_context_->dump_typed_identifier_list( func->type()->parameters()); this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << ")"; Function::Results* res = func->result_variables(); if (res != NULL && !res->empty()) { this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << " ("; for (Function::Results::const_iterator it = res->begin(); it != res->end(); it++) { if (it != res->begin()) this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << ","; Named_object* no = (*it); this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << no->name() << " "; go_assert(no->is_result_variable()); Result_variable* resvar = no->result_var_value(); this->ast_dump_context_->dump_type(resvar->type()); } this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << ")"; } this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << " : "; this->ast_dump_context_->dump_type(func->type()); this->ast_dump_context_->ostream() << std::endl; return TRAVERSE_CONTINUE; } // Class Ast_dump_context. Ast_dump_context::Ast_dump_context(std::ostream* out /* = NULL */, bool dump_subblocks /* = true */) : indent_(0), dump_subblocks_(dump_subblocks), ostream_(out), gogo_(NULL) { } // Dump files will be named %basename%.dump.ast const char* kAstDumpFileExtension = ".dump.ast"; // Dump the internal representation. void Ast_dump_context::dump(Gogo* gogo, const char* basename) { std::ofstream out; std::string dumpname(basename); dumpname += ".dump.ast"; out.open(dumpname.c_str()); if (out.fail()) { go_error_at(Linemap::unknown_location(), "cannot open %s:%m, -fgo-dump-ast ignored", dumpname.c_str()); return; } this->gogo_ = gogo; this->ostream_ = &out; Ast_dump_traverse_blocks_and_functions adtbf(this); gogo->traverse(&adtbf); out.close(); } // Dump a textual representation of a type to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_type(const Type* t) { if (t == NULL) this->ostream() << "(nil type)"; else // FIXME: write a type pretty printer instead of // using mangled names. if (this->gogo_ != NULL) this->ostream() << "(" << t->mangled_name(this->gogo_) << ")"; } // Dump a textual representation of a block to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_block(Block* b) { Ast_dump_traverse_blocks_and_functions adtbf(this); b->traverse(&adtbf); } // Dump a textual representation of an expression to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_expression(const Expression* e) { e->dump_expression(this); } // Dump a textual representation of an expression list to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_expression_list(const Expression_list* el, bool as_pairs /* = false */) { if (el == NULL) return; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = el->begin(); it != el->end(); it++) { if ( it != el->begin()) this->ostream() << ","; if (*it != NULL) (*it)->dump_expression(this); else this->ostream() << "NULL"; if (as_pairs) { this->ostream() << ":"; ++it; (*it)->dump_expression(this); } } } // Dump a textual representation of a typed identifier to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_typed_identifier(const Typed_identifier* ti) { this->ostream() << ti->name() << " "; this->dump_type(ti->type()); } // Dump a textual representation of a typed identifier list to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_typed_identifier_list( const Typed_identifier_list* ti_list) { if (ti_list == NULL) return; for (Typed_identifier_list::const_iterator it = ti_list->begin(); it != ti_list->end(); it++) { if (it != ti_list->begin()) this->ostream() << ","; this->dump_typed_identifier(&(*it)); } } // Dump a textual representation of a temporary variable to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_temp_variable_name(const Statement* s) { go_assert(s->classification() == Statement::STATEMENT_TEMPORARY); // Use the statement address as part of the name for the temporary variable. this->ostream() << "tmp." << (uintptr_t) s; } // Dump a textual representation of a label to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_label_name(const Unnamed_label* l) { // Use the unnamed label address as part of the name for the temporary // variable. this->ostream() << "label." << (uintptr_t) l; } // Produce a textual representation of an operator symbol. static const char* op_string(Operator op) { // FIXME: This should be in line with symbols that are parsed, // exported and/or imported. switch (op) { case OPERATOR_PLUS: return "+"; case OPERATOR_MINUS: return "-"; case OPERATOR_NOT: return "!"; case OPERATOR_XOR: return "^"; case OPERATOR_OR: return "|"; case OPERATOR_AND: return "&"; case OPERATOR_MULT: return "*"; case OPERATOR_OROR: return "||"; case OPERATOR_ANDAND: return "&&"; case OPERATOR_EQEQ: return "=="; case OPERATOR_NOTEQ: return "!="; case OPERATOR_LT: return "<"; case OPERATOR_LE: return "<="; case OPERATOR_GT: return ">"; case OPERATOR_GE: return ">="; case OPERATOR_DIV: return "/"; case OPERATOR_MOD: return "%"; case OPERATOR_LSHIFT: return "<<"; case OPERATOR_RSHIFT: return "//"; case OPERATOR_BITCLEAR: return "&^"; case OPERATOR_CHANOP: return "<-"; case OPERATOR_PLUSEQ: return "+="; case OPERATOR_MINUSEQ: return "-="; case OPERATOR_OREQ: return "|="; case OPERATOR_XOREQ: return "^="; case OPERATOR_MULTEQ: return "*="; case OPERATOR_DIVEQ: return "/="; case OPERATOR_MODEQ: return "%="; case OPERATOR_LSHIFTEQ: return "<<="; case OPERATOR_RSHIFTEQ: return ">>="; case OPERATOR_ANDEQ: return "&="; case OPERATOR_BITCLEAREQ: return "&^="; case OPERATOR_PLUSPLUS: return "++"; case OPERATOR_MINUSMINUS: return "--"; case OPERATOR_COLON: return ":"; case OPERATOR_COLONEQ: return ":="; case OPERATOR_SEMICOLON: return ";"; case OPERATOR_DOT: return "."; case OPERATOR_ELLIPSIS: return "..."; case OPERATOR_COMMA: return ","; case OPERATOR_LPAREN: return "("; case OPERATOR_RPAREN: return ")"; case OPERATOR_LCURLY: return "{"; case OPERATOR_RCURLY: return "}"; case OPERATOR_LSQUARE: return "["; case OPERATOR_RSQUARE: return "]"; default: go_unreachable(); } return NULL; } // Dump a textual representation of an operator to the // the dump file. void Ast_dump_context::dump_operator(Operator op) { this->ostream() << op_string(op); } // Size of a single indent. const int Ast_dump_context::offset_ = 2; // Print indenting spaces to dump file. void Ast_dump_context::print_indent() { for (int i = 0; i < this->indent_ * this->offset_; i++) this->ostream() << " "; } // Dump a textual representation of the ast to the // the dump file. void Gogo::dump_ast(const char* basename) { if (::ast_dump_flag.is_enabled()) { Ast_dump_context adc; adc.dump(this, basename); } } // Implementation of String_dump interface. void Ast_dump_context::write_c_string(const char* s) { this->ostream() << s; } void Ast_dump_context::write_string(const std::string& s) { this->ostream() << s; } // Dump statment to stream. void Ast_dump_context::dump_to_stream(const Statement* stm, std::ostream* out) { Ast_dump_context adc(out, false); stm->dump_statement(&adc); } // Dump expression to stream. void Ast_dump_context::dump_to_stream(const Expression* expr, std::ostream* out) { Ast_dump_context adc(out, false); expr->dump_expression(&adc); }