/* Implements exception handling. Copyright (C) 1989, 1992-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Mike Stump . This file is part of GNU CC. GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* An exception is an event that can be signaled from within a function. This event can then be "caught" or "trapped" by the callers of this function. This potentially allows program flow to be transferred to any arbitrary code associated with a function call several levels up the stack. The intended use for this mechanism is for signaling "exceptional events" in an out-of-band fashion, hence its name. The C++ language (and many other OO-styled or functional languages) practically requires such a mechanism, as otherwise it becomes very difficult or even impossible to signal failure conditions in complex situations. The traditional C++ example is when an error occurs in the process of constructing an object; without such a mechanism, it is impossible to signal that the error occurs without adding global state variables and error checks around every object construction. The act of causing this event to occur is referred to as "throwing an exception". (Alternate terms include "raising an exception" or "signaling an exception".) The term "throw" is used because control is returned to the callers of the function that is signaling the exception, and thus there is the concept of "throwing" the exception up the call stack. There are two major codegen options for exception handling. The flag -fsjlj-exceptions can be used to select the setjmp/longjmp approach, which is the default. -fno-sjlj-exceptions can be used to get the PC range table approach. While this is a compile time flag, an entire application must be compiled with the same codegen option. The first is a PC range table approach, the second is a setjmp/longjmp based scheme. We will first discuss the PC range table approach, after that, we will discuss the setjmp/longjmp based approach. It is appropriate to speak of the "context of a throw". This context refers to the address where the exception is thrown from, and is used to determine which exception region will handle the exception. Regions of code within a function can be marked such that if it contains the context of a throw, control will be passed to a designated "exception handler". These areas are known as "exception regions". Exception regions cannot overlap, but they can be nested to any arbitrary depth. Also, exception regions cannot cross function boundaries. Exception handlers can either be specified by the user (which we will call a "user-defined handler") or generated by the compiler (which we will designate as a "cleanup"). Cleanups are used to perform tasks such as destruction of objects allocated on the stack. In the current implementation, cleanups are handled by allocating an exception region for the area that the cleanup is designated for, and the handler for the region performs the cleanup and then rethrows the exception to the outer exception region. From the standpoint of the current implementation, there is little distinction made between a cleanup and a user-defined handler, and the phrase "exception handler" can be used to refer to either one equally well. (The section "Future Directions" below discusses how this will change). Each object file that is compiled with exception handling contains a static array of exception handlers named __EXCEPTION_TABLE__. Each entry contains the starting and ending addresses of the exception region, and the address of the handler designated for that region. If the target does not use the DWARF 2 frame unwind information, at program startup each object file invokes a function named __register_exceptions with the address of its local __EXCEPTION_TABLE__. __register_exceptions is defined in libgcc2.c, and is responsible for recording all of the exception regions into one list (which is kept in a static variable named exception_table_list). On targets that support crtstuff.c, the unwind information is stored in a section named .eh_frame and the information for the entire shared object or program is registered with a call to __register_frame_info. On other targets, the information for each translation unit is registered from the file generated by collect2. __register_frame_info is defined in frame.c, and is responsible for recording all of the unwind regions into one list (which is kept in a static variable named unwind_table_list). The function __throw is actually responsible for doing the throw. On machines that have unwind info support, __throw is generated by code in libgcc2.c, otherwise __throw is generated on a per-object-file basis for each source file compiled with -fexceptions by the C++ frontend. Before __throw is invoked, the current context of the throw needs to be placed in the global variable __eh_pc. __throw attempts to find the appropriate exception handler for the PC value stored in __eh_pc by calling __find_first_exception_table_match (which is defined in libgcc2.c). If __find_first_exception_table_match finds a relevant handler, __throw transfers control directly to it. If a handler for the context being thrown from can't be found, __throw walks (see Walking the stack below) the stack up the dynamic call chain to continue searching for an appropriate exception handler based upon the caller of the function it last sought a exception handler for. It stops then either an exception handler is found, or when the top of the call chain is reached. If no handler is found, an external library function named __terminate is called. If a handler is found, then we restart our search for a handler at the end of the call chain, and repeat the search process, but instead of just walking up the call chain, we unwind the call chain as we walk up it. Internal implementation details: To associate a user-defined handler with a block of statements, the function expand_start_try_stmts is used to mark the start of the block of statements with which the handler is to be associated (which is known as a "try block"). All statements that appear afterwards will be associated with the try block. A call to expand_start_all_catch marks the end of the try block, and also marks the start of the "catch block" (the user-defined handler) associated with the try block. This user-defined handler will be invoked for *every* exception thrown with the context of the try block. It is up to the handler to decide whether or not it wishes to handle any given exception, as there is currently no mechanism in this implementation for doing this. (There are plans for conditionally processing an exception based on its "type", which will provide a language-independent mechanism). If the handler chooses not to process the exception (perhaps by looking at an "exception type" or some other additional data supplied with the exception), it can fall through to the end of the handler. expand_end_all_catch and expand_leftover_cleanups add additional code to the end of each handler to take care of rethrowing to the outer exception handler. The handler also has the option to continue with "normal flow of code", or in other words to resume executing at the statement immediately after the end of the exception region. The variable caught_return_label_stack contains a stack of labels, and jumping to the topmost entry's label via expand_goto will resume normal flow to the statement immediately after the end of the exception region. If the handler falls through to the end, the exception will be rethrown to the outer exception region. The instructions for the catch block are kept as a separate sequence, and will be emitted at the end of the function along with the handlers specified via expand_eh_region_end. The end of the catch block is marked with expand_end_all_catch. Any data associated with the exception must currently be handled by some external mechanism maintained in the frontend. For example, the C++ exception mechanism passes an arbitrary value along with the exception, and this is handled in the C++ frontend by using a global variable to hold the value. (This will be changing in the future.) The mechanism in C++ for handling data associated with the exception is clearly not thread-safe. For a thread-based environment, another mechanism must be used (possibly using a per-thread allocation mechanism if the size of the area that needs to be allocated isn't known at compile time.) Internally-generated exception regions (cleanups) are marked by calling expand_eh_region_start to mark the start of the region, and expand_eh_region_end (handler) is used to both designate the end of the region and to associate a specified handler/cleanup with the region. The rtl code in HANDLER will be invoked whenever an exception occurs in the region between the calls to expand_eh_region_start and expand_eh_region_end. After HANDLER is executed, additional code is emitted to handle rethrowing the exception to the outer exception handler. The code for HANDLER will be emitted at the end of the function. TARGET_EXPRs can also be used to designate exception regions. A TARGET_EXPR gives an unwind-protect style interface commonly used in functional languages such as LISP. The associated expression is evaluated, and whether or not it (or any of the functions that it calls) throws an exception, the protect expression is always invoked. This implementation takes care of the details of associating an exception table entry with the expression and generating the necessary code (it actually emits the protect expression twice, once for normal flow and once for the exception case). As for the other handlers, the code for the exception case will be emitted at the end of the function. Cleanups can also be specified by using add_partial_entry (handler) and end_protect_partials. add_partial_entry creates the start of a new exception region; HANDLER will be invoked if an exception is thrown with the context of the region between the calls to add_partial_entry and end_protect_partials. end_protect_partials is used to mark the end of these regions. add_partial_entry can be called as many times as needed before calling end_protect_partials. However, end_protect_partials should only be invoked once for each group of calls to add_partial_entry as the entries are queued and all of the outstanding entries are processed simultaneously when end_protect_partials is invoked. Similarly to the other handlers, the code for HANDLER will be emitted at the end of the function. The generated RTL for an exception region includes NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG and NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END notes that mark the start and end of the exception region. A unique label is also generated at the start of the exception region, which is available by looking at the ehstack variable. The topmost entry corresponds to the current region. In the current implementation, an exception can only be thrown from a function call (since the mechanism used to actually throw an exception involves calling __throw). If an exception region is created but no function calls occur within that region, the region can be safely optimized away (along with its exception handlers) since no exceptions can ever be caught in that region. This optimization is performed unless -fasynchronous-exceptions is given. If the user wishes to throw from a signal handler, or other asynchronous place, -fasynchronous-exceptions should be used when compiling for maximally correct code, at the cost of additional exception regions. Using -fasynchronous-exceptions only produces code that is reasonably safe in such situations, but a correct program cannot rely upon this working. It can be used in failsafe code, where trying to continue on, and proceeding with potentially incorrect results is better than halting the program. Walking the stack: The stack is walked by starting with a pointer to the current frame, and finding the pointer to the callers frame. The unwind info tells __throw how to find it. Unwinding the stack: When we use the term unwinding the stack, we mean undoing the effects of the function prologue in a controlled fashion so that we still have the flow of control. Otherwise, we could just return (jump to the normal end of function epilogue). This is done in __throw in libgcc2.c when we know that a handler exists in a frame higher up the call stack than its immediate caller. To unwind, we find the unwind data associated with the frame, if any. If we don't find any, we call the library routine __terminate. If we do find it, we use the information to copy the saved register values from that frame into the register save area in the frame for __throw, return into a stub which updates the stack pointer, and jump to the handler. The normal function epilogue for __throw handles restoring the saved values into registers. When unwinding, we use this method if we know it will work (if DWARF2_UNWIND_INFO is defined). Otherwise, we know that an inline unwinder will have been emitted for any function that __unwind_function cannot unwind. The inline unwinder appears as a normal exception handler for the entire function, for any function that we know cannot be unwound by __unwind_function. We inform the compiler of whether a function can be unwound with __unwind_function by having DOESNT_NEED_UNWINDER evaluate to true when the unwinder isn't needed. __unwind_function is used as an action of last resort. If no other method can be used for unwinding, __unwind_function is used. If it cannot unwind, it should call __terminate. By default, if the target-specific backend doesn't supply a definition for __unwind_function and doesn't support DWARF2_UNWIND_INFO, inlined unwinders will be used instead. The main tradeoff here is in text space utilization. Obviously, if inline unwinders have to be generated repeatedly, this uses much more space than if a single routine is used. However, it is simply not possible on some platforms to write a generalized routine for doing stack unwinding without having some form of additional data associated with each function. The current implementation can encode this data in the form of additional machine instructions or as static data in tabular form. The later is called the unwind data. The backend macro DOESNT_NEED_UNWINDER is used to conditionalize whether or not per-function unwinders are needed. If DOESNT_NEED_UNWINDER is defined and has a non-zero value, a per-function unwinder is not emitted for the current function. If the static unwind data is supported, then a per-function unwinder is not emitted. On some platforms it is possible that neither __unwind_function nor inlined unwinders are available. For these platforms it is not possible to throw through a function call, and abort will be invoked instead of performing the throw. The reason the unwind data may be needed is that on some platforms the order and types of data stored on the stack can vary depending on the type of function, its arguments and returned values, and the compilation options used (optimization versus non-optimization, -fomit-frame-pointer, processor variations, etc). Unfortunately, this also means that throwing through functions that aren't compiled with exception handling support will still not be possible on some platforms. This problem is currently being investigated, but no solutions have been found that do not imply some unacceptable performance penalties. Future directions: Currently __throw makes no differentiation between cleanups and user-defined exception regions. While this makes the implementation simple, it also implies that it is impossible to determine if a user-defined exception handler exists for a given exception without completely unwinding the stack in the process. This is undesirable from the standpoint of debugging, as ideally it would be possible to trap unhandled exceptions in the debugger before the process of unwinding has even started. This problem can be solved by marking user-defined handlers in a special way (probably by adding additional bits to exception_table_list). A two-pass scheme could then be used by __throw to iterate through the table. The first pass would search for a relevant user-defined handler for the current context of the throw, and if one is found, the second pass would then invoke all needed cleanups before jumping to the user-defined handler. Many languages (including C++ and Ada) make execution of a user-defined handler conditional on the "type" of the exception thrown. (The type of the exception is actually the type of the data that is thrown with the exception.) It will thus be necessary for __throw to be able to determine if a given user-defined exception handler will actually be executed, given the type of exception. One scheme is to add additional information to exception_table_list as to the types of exceptions accepted by each handler. __throw can do the type comparisons and then determine if the handler is actually going to be executed. There is currently no significant level of debugging support available, other than to place a breakpoint on __throw. While this is sufficient in most cases, it would be helpful to be able to know where a given exception was going to be thrown to before it is actually thrown, and to be able to choose between stopping before every exception region (including cleanups), or just user-defined exception regions. This should be possible to do in the two-pass scheme by adding additional labels to __throw for appropriate breakpoints, and additional debugger commands could be added to query various state variables to determine what actions are to be performed next. Another major problem that is being worked on is the issue with stack unwinding on various platforms. Currently the only platforms that have support for the generation of a generic unwinder are the SPARC and MIPS. All other ports require per-function unwinders, which produce large amounts of code bloat. For setjmp/longjmp based exception handling, some of the details are as above, but there are some additional details. This section discusses the details. We don't use NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_{BEG,END} pairs. We don't optimize EH regions yet. We don't have to worry about machine specific issues with unwinding the stack, as we rely upon longjmp for all the machine specific details. There is no variable context of a throw, just the one implied by the dynamic handler stack pointed to by the dynamic handler chain. There is no exception table, and no calls to __register_exceptions. __sjthrow is used instead of __throw, and it works by using the dynamic handler chain, and longjmp. -fasynchronous-exceptions has no effect, as the elimination of trivial exception regions is not yet performed. A frontend can set protect_cleanup_actions_with_terminate when all the cleanup actions should be protected with an EH region that calls terminate when an unhandled exception is throw. C++ does this, Ada does not. */ #include "config.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "eh-common.h" #include "system.h" #include "rtl.h" #include "tree.h" #include "flags.h" #include "except.h" #include "function.h" #include "insn-flags.h" #include "expr.h" #include "insn-codes.h" #include "regs.h" #include "hard-reg-set.h" #include "insn-config.h" #include "recog.h" #include "output.h" #include "toplev.h" #include "intl.h" #include "obstack.h" #include "ggc.h" #include "tm_p.h" /* One to use setjmp/longjmp method of generating code for exception handling. */ int exceptions_via_longjmp = 2; /* One to enable asynchronous exception support. */ int asynchronous_exceptions = 0; /* One to protect cleanup actions with a handler that calls __terminate, zero otherwise. */ int protect_cleanup_actions_with_terminate; /* A list of labels used for exception handlers. Created by find_exception_handler_labels for the optimization passes. */ rtx exception_handler_labels; /* Keeps track of the label used as the context of a throw to rethrow an exception to the outer exception region. */ struct label_node *outer_context_label_stack = NULL; /* Pseudos used to hold exception return data in the interim between __builtin_eh_return and the end of the function. */ static rtx eh_return_context; static rtx eh_return_stack_adjust; static rtx eh_return_handler; /* This is used for targets which can call rethrow with an offset instead of an address. This is subtracted from the rethrow label we are interested in. */ static rtx first_rethrow_symbol = NULL_RTX; static rtx final_rethrow = NULL_RTX; static rtx last_rethrow_symbol = NULL_RTX; /* Prototypes for local functions. */ static void push_eh_entry PROTO((struct eh_stack *)); static struct eh_entry * pop_eh_entry PROTO((struct eh_stack *)); static void enqueue_eh_entry PROTO((struct eh_queue *, struct eh_entry *)); static struct eh_entry * dequeue_eh_entry PROTO((struct eh_queue *)); static rtx call_get_eh_context PROTO((void)); static void start_dynamic_cleanup PROTO((tree, tree)); static void start_dynamic_handler PROTO((void)); static void expand_rethrow PROTO((rtx)); static void output_exception_table_entry PROTO((FILE *, int)); static int can_throw PROTO((rtx)); static rtx scan_region PROTO((rtx, int, int *)); static void eh_regs PROTO((rtx *, rtx *, rtx *, int)); static void set_insn_eh_region PROTO((rtx *, int)); #ifdef DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP static void jumpif_rtx PROTO((rtx, rtx)); #endif static void mark_eh_node PROTO((struct eh_node *)); static void mark_eh_stack PROTO((struct eh_stack *)); static void mark_eh_queue PROTO((struct eh_queue *)); static void mark_tree_label_node PROTO ((struct label_node *)); static void mark_func_eh_entry PROTO ((void *)); static rtx create_rethrow_ref PROTO ((int)); static void push_entry PROTO ((struct eh_stack *, struct eh_entry*)); static void receive_exception_label PROTO ((rtx)); static int new_eh_region_entry PROTO ((int, rtx)); static int find_func_region PROTO ((int)); static int find_func_region_from_symbol PROTO ((rtx)); static void clear_function_eh_region PROTO ((void)); static void process_nestinfo PROTO ((int, eh_nesting_info *, int *)); rtx expand_builtin_return_addr PROTO((enum built_in_function, int, rtx)); static void emit_cleanup_handler PROTO ((struct eh_entry *)); static int eh_region_from_symbol PROTO((rtx)); /* Various support routines to manipulate the various data structures used by the exception handling code. */ extern struct obstack permanent_obstack; /* Generate a SYMBOL_REF for rethrow to use */ static rtx create_rethrow_ref (region_num) int region_num; { rtx def; char *ptr; char buf[60]; push_obstacks_nochange (); end_temporary_allocation (); ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (buf, "LRTH", region_num); ptr = ggc_alloc_string (buf, -1); def = gen_rtx_SYMBOL_REF (Pmode, ptr); SYMBOL_REF_NEED_ADJUST (def) = 1; pop_obstacks (); return def; } /* Push a label entry onto the given STACK. */ void push_label_entry (stack, rlabel, tlabel) struct label_node **stack; rtx rlabel; tree tlabel; { struct label_node *newnode = (struct label_node *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct label_node)); if (rlabel) newnode->u.rlabel = rlabel; else newnode->u.tlabel = tlabel; newnode->chain = *stack; *stack = newnode; } /* Pop a label entry from the given STACK. */ rtx pop_label_entry (stack) struct label_node **stack; { rtx label; struct label_node *tempnode; if (! *stack) return NULL_RTX; tempnode = *stack; label = tempnode->u.rlabel; *stack = (*stack)->chain; free (tempnode); return label; } /* Return the top element of the given STACK. */ tree top_label_entry (stack) struct label_node **stack; { if (! *stack) return NULL_TREE; return (*stack)->u.tlabel; } /* get an exception label. These must be on the permanent obstack */ rtx gen_exception_label () { rtx lab; lab = gen_label_rtx (); return lab; } /* Push a new eh_node entry onto STACK. */ static void push_eh_entry (stack) struct eh_stack *stack; { struct eh_node *node = (struct eh_node *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct eh_node)); struct eh_entry *entry = (struct eh_entry *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct eh_entry)); rtx rlab = gen_exception_label (); entry->finalization = NULL_TREE; entry->label_used = 0; entry->exception_handler_label = rlab; entry->false_label = NULL_RTX; if (! flag_new_exceptions) entry->outer_context = gen_label_rtx (); else entry->outer_context = create_rethrow_ref (CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (rlab)); entry->rethrow_label = entry->outer_context; entry->goto_entry_p = 0; node->entry = entry; node->chain = stack->top; stack->top = node; } /* push an existing entry onto a stack. */ static void push_entry (stack, entry) struct eh_stack *stack; struct eh_entry *entry; { struct eh_node *node = (struct eh_node *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct eh_node)); node->entry = entry; node->chain = stack->top; stack->top = node; } /* Pop an entry from the given STACK. */ static struct eh_entry * pop_eh_entry (stack) struct eh_stack *stack; { struct eh_node *tempnode; struct eh_entry *tempentry; tempnode = stack->top; tempentry = tempnode->entry; stack->top = stack->top->chain; free (tempnode); return tempentry; } /* Enqueue an ENTRY onto the given QUEUE. */ static void enqueue_eh_entry (queue, entry) struct eh_queue *queue; struct eh_entry *entry; { struct eh_node *node = (struct eh_node *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct eh_node)); node->entry = entry; node->chain = NULL; if (queue->head == NULL) queue->head = node; else queue->tail->chain = node; queue->tail = node; } /* Dequeue an entry from the given QUEUE. */ static struct eh_entry * dequeue_eh_entry (queue) struct eh_queue *queue; { struct eh_node *tempnode; struct eh_entry *tempentry; if (queue->head == NULL) return NULL; tempnode = queue->head; queue->head = queue->head->chain; tempentry = tempnode->entry; free (tempnode); return tempentry; } static void receive_exception_label (handler_label) rtx handler_label; { emit_label (handler_label); #ifdef HAVE_exception_receiver if (! exceptions_via_longjmp) if (HAVE_exception_receiver) emit_insn (gen_exception_receiver ()); #endif #ifdef HAVE_nonlocal_goto_receiver if (! exceptions_via_longjmp) if (HAVE_nonlocal_goto_receiver) emit_insn (gen_nonlocal_goto_receiver ()); #endif } struct func_eh_entry { int range_number; /* EH region number from EH NOTE insn's. */ rtx rethrow_label; /* Label for rethrow. */ int rethrow_ref; /* Is rethrow referenced? */ struct handler_info *handlers; }; /* table of function eh regions */ static struct func_eh_entry *function_eh_regions = NULL; static int num_func_eh_entries = 0; static int current_func_eh_entry = 0; #define SIZE_FUNC_EH(X) (sizeof (struct func_eh_entry) * X) /* Add a new eh_entry for this function. The number returned is an number which uniquely identifies this exception range. */ static int new_eh_region_entry (note_eh_region, rethrow) int note_eh_region; rtx rethrow; { if (current_func_eh_entry == num_func_eh_entries) { if (num_func_eh_entries == 0) { function_eh_regions = (struct func_eh_entry *) xmalloc (SIZE_FUNC_EH (50)); num_func_eh_entries = 50; } else { num_func_eh_entries = num_func_eh_entries * 3 / 2; function_eh_regions = (struct func_eh_entry *) xrealloc (function_eh_regions, SIZE_FUNC_EH (num_func_eh_entries)); } } function_eh_regions[current_func_eh_entry].range_number = note_eh_region; if (rethrow == NULL_RTX) function_eh_regions[current_func_eh_entry].rethrow_label = create_rethrow_ref (note_eh_region); else function_eh_regions[current_func_eh_entry].rethrow_label = rethrow; function_eh_regions[current_func_eh_entry].handlers = NULL; return current_func_eh_entry++; } /* Add new handler information to an exception range. The first parameter specifies the range number (returned from new_eh_entry()). The second parameter specifies the handler. By default the handler is inserted at the end of the list. A handler list may contain only ONE NULL_TREE typeinfo entry. Regardless where it is positioned, a NULL_TREE entry is always output as the LAST handler in the exception table for a region. */ void add_new_handler (region, newhandler) int region; struct handler_info *newhandler; { struct handler_info *last; /* If find_func_region returns -1, callers might attempt to pass us this region number. If that happens, something has gone wrong; -1 is never a valid region. */ if (region == -1) abort (); newhandler->next = NULL; last = function_eh_regions[region].handlers; if (last == NULL) function_eh_regions[region].handlers = newhandler; else { for ( ; ; last = last->next) { if (last->type_info == CATCH_ALL_TYPE) pedwarn ("additional handler after ..."); if (last->next == NULL) break; } last->next = newhandler; } } /* Remove a handler label. The handler label is being deleted, so all regions which reference this handler should have it removed from their list of possible handlers. Any region which has the final handler removed can be deleted. */ void remove_handler (removing_label) rtx removing_label; { struct handler_info *handler, *last; int x; for (x = 0 ; x < current_func_eh_entry; ++x) { last = NULL; handler = function_eh_regions[x].handlers; for ( ; handler; last = handler, handler = handler->next) if (handler->handler_label == removing_label) { if (last) { last->next = handler->next; handler = last; } else function_eh_regions[x].handlers = handler->next; } } } /* This function will return a malloc'd pointer to an array of void pointer representing the runtime match values that currently exist in all regions. */ int find_all_handler_type_matches (array) void ***array; { struct handler_info *handler, *last; int x,y; void *val; void **ptr; int max_ptr; int n_ptr = 0; *array = NULL; if (!doing_eh (0) || ! flag_new_exceptions) return 0; max_ptr = 100; ptr = (void **) xmalloc (max_ptr * sizeof (void *)); for (x = 0 ; x < current_func_eh_entry; x++) { last = NULL; handler = function_eh_regions[x].handlers; for ( ; handler; last = handler, handler = handler->next) { val = handler->type_info; if (val != NULL && val != CATCH_ALL_TYPE) { /* See if this match value has already been found. */ for (y = 0; y < n_ptr; y++) if (ptr[y] == val) break; /* If we break early, we already found this value. */ if (y < n_ptr) continue; /* Do we need to allocate more space? */ if (n_ptr >= max_ptr) { max_ptr += max_ptr / 2; ptr = (void **) xrealloc (ptr, max_ptr * sizeof (void *)); } ptr[n_ptr] = val; n_ptr++; } } } if (n_ptr == 0) { free (ptr); ptr = NULL; } *array = ptr; return n_ptr; } /* Create a new handler structure initialized with the handler label and typeinfo fields passed in. */ struct handler_info * get_new_handler (handler, typeinfo) rtx handler; void *typeinfo; { struct handler_info* ptr; ptr = (struct handler_info *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct handler_info)); ptr->handler_label = handler; ptr->handler_number = CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (handler); ptr->type_info = typeinfo; ptr->next = NULL; return ptr; } /* Find the index in function_eh_regions associated with a NOTE region. If the region cannot be found, a -1 is returned. */ static int find_func_region (insn_region) int insn_region; { int x; for (x = 0; x < current_func_eh_entry; x++) if (function_eh_regions[x].range_number == insn_region) return x; return -1; } /* Get a pointer to the first handler in an exception region's list. */ struct handler_info * get_first_handler (region) int region; { int r = find_func_region (region); if (r == -1) abort (); return function_eh_regions[r].handlers; } /* Clean out the function_eh_region table and free all memory */ static void clear_function_eh_region () { int x; struct handler_info *ptr, *next; for (x = 0; x < current_func_eh_entry; x++) for (ptr = function_eh_regions[x].handlers; ptr != NULL; ptr = next) { next = ptr->next; free (ptr); } free (function_eh_regions); num_func_eh_entries = 0; current_func_eh_entry = 0; } /* Make a duplicate of an exception region by copying all the handlers for an exception region. Return the new handler index. The final parameter is a routine which maps old labels to new ones. */ int duplicate_eh_handlers (old_note_eh_region, new_note_eh_region, map) int old_note_eh_region, new_note_eh_region; rtx (*map) PARAMS ((rtx)); { struct handler_info *ptr, *new_ptr; int new_region, region; region = find_func_region (old_note_eh_region); if (region == -1) fatal ("Cannot duplicate non-existant exception region."); /* duplicate_eh_handlers may have been called during a symbol remap. */ new_region = find_func_region (new_note_eh_region); if (new_region != -1) return (new_region); new_region = new_eh_region_entry (new_note_eh_region, NULL_RTX); ptr = function_eh_regions[region].handlers; for ( ; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) { new_ptr = get_new_handler (map (ptr->handler_label), ptr->type_info); add_new_handler (new_region, new_ptr); } return new_region; } /* Given a rethrow symbol, find the EH region number this is for. */ static int eh_region_from_symbol (sym) rtx sym; { int x; if (sym == last_rethrow_symbol) return 1; for (x = 0; x < current_func_eh_entry; x++) if (function_eh_regions[x].rethrow_label == sym) return function_eh_regions[x].range_number; return -1; } /* Like find_func_region, but using the rethrow symbol for the region rather than the region number itself. */ static int find_func_region_from_symbol (sym) rtx sym; { return find_func_region (eh_region_from_symbol (sym)); } /* When inlining/unrolling, we have to map the symbols passed to __rethrow as well. This performs the remap. If a symbol isn't foiund, the original one is returned. This is not an efficient routine, so don't call it on everything!! */ rtx rethrow_symbol_map (sym, map) rtx sym; rtx (*map) PARAMS ((rtx)); { int x, y; for (x = 0; x < current_func_eh_entry; x++) if (function_eh_regions[x].rethrow_label == sym) { /* We've found the original region, now lets determine which region this now maps to. */ rtx l1 = function_eh_regions[x].handlers->handler_label; rtx l2 = map (l1); y = CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (l2); /* This is the new region number */ x = find_func_region (y); /* Get the new permanent region */ if (x == -1) /* Hmm, Doesn't exist yet */ { x = duplicate_eh_handlers (CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (l1), y, map); /* Since we're mapping it, it must be used. */ function_eh_regions[x].rethrow_ref = 1; } return function_eh_regions[x].rethrow_label; } return sym; } int rethrow_used (region) int region; { if (flag_new_exceptions) { int ret = function_eh_regions[find_func_region (region)].rethrow_ref; return ret; } return 0; } /* Routine to see if exception handling is turned on. DO_WARN is non-zero if we want to inform the user that exception handling is turned off. This is used to ensure that -fexceptions has been specified if the compiler tries to use any exception-specific functions. */ int doing_eh (do_warn) int do_warn; { if (! flag_exceptions) { static int warned = 0; if (! warned && do_warn) { error ("exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable"); warned = 1; } return 0; } return 1; } /* Given a return address in ADDR, determine the address we should use to find the corresponding EH region. */ rtx eh_outer_context (addr) rtx addr; { /* First mask out any unwanted bits. */ #ifdef MASK_RETURN_ADDR expand_and (addr, MASK_RETURN_ADDR, addr); #endif /* Then adjust to find the real return address. */ #if defined (RETURN_ADDR_OFFSET) addr = plus_constant (addr, RETURN_ADDR_OFFSET); #endif return addr; } /* Start a new exception region for a region of code that has a cleanup action and push the HANDLER for the region onto protect_list. All of the regions created with add_partial_entry will be ended when end_protect_partials is invoked. */ void add_partial_entry (handler) tree handler; { expand_eh_region_start (); /* Make sure the entry is on the correct obstack. */ push_obstacks_nochange (); resume_temporary_allocation (); /* Because this is a cleanup action, we may have to protect the handler with __terminate. */ handler = protect_with_terminate (handler); /* For backwards compatibility, we allow callers to omit calls to begin_protect_partials for the outermost region. So, we must explicitly do so here. */ if (!protect_list) begin_protect_partials (); /* Add this entry to the front of the list. */ TREE_VALUE (protect_list) = tree_cons (NULL_TREE, handler, TREE_VALUE (protect_list)); pop_obstacks (); } /* Emit code to get EH context to current function. */ static rtx call_get_eh_context () { static tree fn; tree expr; if (fn == NULL_TREE) { tree fntype; fn = get_identifier ("__get_eh_context"); push_obstacks_nochange (); end_temporary_allocation (); fntype = build_pointer_type (build_pointer_type (build_pointer_type (void_type_node))); fntype = build_function_type (fntype, NULL_TREE); fn = build_decl (FUNCTION_DECL, fn, fntype); DECL_EXTERNAL (fn) = 1; TREE_PUBLIC (fn) = 1; DECL_ARTIFICIAL (fn) = 1; TREE_READONLY (fn) = 1; make_decl_rtl (fn, NULL_PTR, 1); assemble_external (fn); pop_obstacks (); ggc_add_tree_root (&fn, 1); } expr = build1 (ADDR_EXPR, build_pointer_type (TREE_TYPE (fn)), fn); expr = build (CALL_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (TREE_TYPE (fn)), expr, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE); TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (expr) = 1; return copy_to_reg (expand_expr (expr, NULL_RTX, VOIDmode, 0)); } /* Get a reference to the EH context. We will only generate a register for the current function EH context here, and emit a USE insn to mark that this is a EH context register. Later, emit_eh_context will emit needed call to __get_eh_context in libgcc2, and copy the value to the register we have generated. */ rtx get_eh_context () { if (current_function_ehc == 0) { rtx insn; current_function_ehc = gen_reg_rtx (Pmode); insn = gen_rtx_USE (GET_MODE (current_function_ehc), current_function_ehc); insn = emit_insn_before (insn, get_first_nonparm_insn ()); REG_NOTES (insn) = gen_rtx_EXPR_LIST (REG_EH_CONTEXT, current_function_ehc, REG_NOTES (insn)); } return current_function_ehc; } /* Get a reference to the dynamic handler chain. It points to the pointer to the next element in the dynamic handler chain. It ends when there are no more elements in the dynamic handler chain, when the value is &top_elt from libgcc2.c. Immediately after the pointer, is an area suitable for setjmp/longjmp when DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP is defined, and an area suitable for __builtin_setjmp/__builtin_longjmp when DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP isn't defined. */ rtx get_dynamic_handler_chain () { rtx ehc, dhc, result; ehc = get_eh_context (); /* This is the offset of dynamic_handler_chain in the eh_context struct declared in eh-common.h. If its location is change, change this offset */ dhc = plus_constant (ehc, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT); result = copy_to_reg (dhc); /* We don't want a copy of the dcc, but rather, the single dcc. */ return gen_rtx_MEM (Pmode, result); } /* Get a reference to the dynamic cleanup chain. It points to the pointer to the next element in the dynamic cleanup chain. Immediately after the pointer, are two Pmode variables, one for a pointer to a function that performs the cleanup action, and the second, the argument to pass to that function. */ rtx get_dynamic_cleanup_chain () { rtx dhc, dcc, result; dhc = get_dynamic_handler_chain (); dcc = plus_constant (dhc, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT); result = copy_to_reg (dcc); /* We don't want a copy of the dcc, but rather, the single dcc. */ return gen_rtx_MEM (Pmode, result); } #ifdef DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP /* Generate code to evaluate X and jump to LABEL if the value is nonzero. LABEL is an rtx of code CODE_LABEL, in this function. */ static void jumpif_rtx (x, label) rtx x; rtx label; { jumpif (make_tree (type_for_mode (GET_MODE (x), 0), x), label); } #endif /* Start a dynamic cleanup on the EH runtime dynamic cleanup stack. We just need to create an element for the cleanup list, and push it into the chain. A dynamic cleanup is a cleanup action implied by the presence of an element on the EH runtime dynamic cleanup stack that is to be performed when an exception is thrown. The cleanup action is performed by __sjthrow when an exception is thrown. Only certain actions can be optimized into dynamic cleanup actions. For the restrictions on what actions can be performed using this routine, see expand_eh_region_start_tree. */ static void start_dynamic_cleanup (func, arg) tree func; tree arg; { rtx dcc; rtx new_func, new_arg; rtx x, buf; int size; /* We allocate enough room for a pointer to the function, and one argument. */ size = 2; /* XXX, FIXME: The stack space allocated this way is too long lived, but there is no allocation routine that allocates at the level of the last binding contour. */ buf = assign_stack_local (BLKmode, GET_MODE_SIZE (Pmode)*(size+1), 0); buf = change_address (buf, Pmode, NULL_RTX); /* Store dcc into the first word of the newly allocated buffer. */ dcc = get_dynamic_cleanup_chain (); emit_move_insn (buf, dcc); /* Store func and arg into the cleanup list element. */ new_func = gen_rtx_MEM (Pmode, plus_constant (XEXP (buf, 0), GET_MODE_SIZE (Pmode))); new_arg = gen_rtx_MEM (Pmode, plus_constant (XEXP (buf, 0), GET_MODE_SIZE (Pmode)*2)); x = expand_expr (func, new_func, Pmode, 0); if (x != new_func) emit_move_insn (new_func, x); x = expand_expr (arg, new_arg, Pmode, 0); if (x != new_arg) emit_move_insn (new_arg, x); /* Update the cleanup chain. */ x = force_operand (XEXP (buf, 0), dcc); if (x != dcc) emit_move_insn (dcc, x); } /* Emit RTL to start a dynamic handler on the EH runtime dynamic handler stack. This should only be used by expand_eh_region_start or expand_eh_region_start_tree. */ static void start_dynamic_handler () { rtx dhc, dcc; rtx x, arg, buf; int size; #ifndef DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP /* The number of Pmode words for the setjmp buffer, when using the builtin setjmp/longjmp, see expand_builtin, case BUILT_IN_LONGJMP. */ /* We use 2 words here before calling expand_builtin_setjmp. expand_builtin_setjmp uses 2 words, and then calls emit_stack_save. emit_stack_save needs space of size STACK_SAVEAREA_MODE (SAVE_NONLOCAL). Subtract one, because the assign_stack_local call below adds 1. */ size = (2 + 2 + (GET_MODE_SIZE (STACK_SAVEAREA_MODE (SAVE_NONLOCAL)) / GET_MODE_SIZE (Pmode)) - 1); #else #ifdef JMP_BUF_SIZE size = JMP_BUF_SIZE; #else /* Should be large enough for most systems, if it is not, JMP_BUF_SIZE should be defined with the proper value. It will also tend to be larger than necessary for most systems, a more optimal port will define JMP_BUF_SIZE. */ size = FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER+2; #endif #endif /* XXX, FIXME: The stack space allocated this way is too long lived, but there is no allocation routine that allocates at the level of the last binding contour. */ arg = assign_stack_local (BLKmode, GET_MODE_SIZE (Pmode)*(size+1), 0); arg = change_address (arg, Pmode, NULL_RTX); /* Store dhc into the first word of the newly allocated buffer. */ dhc = get_dynamic_handler_chain (); dcc = gen_rtx_MEM (Pmode, plus_constant (XEXP (arg, 0), GET_MODE_SIZE (Pmode))); emit_move_insn (arg, dhc); /* Zero out the start of the cleanup chain. */ emit_move_insn (dcc, const0_rtx); /* The jmpbuf starts two words into the area allocated. */ buf = plus_constant (XEXP (arg, 0), GET_MODE_SIZE (Pmode)*2); #ifdef DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP x = emit_library_call_value (setjmp_libfunc, NULL_RTX, 1, SImode, 1, buf, Pmode); /* If we come back here for a catch, transfer control to the handler. */ jumpif_rtx (x, ehstack.top->entry->exception_handler_label); #else { /* A label to continue execution for the no exception case. */ rtx noex = gen_label_rtx(); x = expand_builtin_setjmp (buf, NULL_RTX, noex, ehstack.top->entry->exception_handler_label); emit_label (noex); } #endif /* We are committed to this, so update the handler chain. */ emit_move_insn (dhc, force_operand (XEXP (arg, 0), NULL_RTX)); } /* Start an exception handling region for the given cleanup action. All instructions emitted after this point are considered to be part of the region until expand_eh_region_end is invoked. CLEANUP is the cleanup action to perform. The return value is true if the exception region was optimized away. If that case, expand_eh_region_end does not need to be called for this cleanup, nor should it be. This routine notices one particular common case in C++ code generation, and optimizes it so as to not need the exception region. It works by creating a dynamic cleanup action, instead of a using an exception region. */ int expand_eh_region_start_tree (decl, cleanup) tree decl; tree cleanup; { /* This is the old code. */ if (! doing_eh (0)) return 0; /* The optimization only applies to actions protected with terminate, and only applies if we are using the setjmp/longjmp codegen method. */ if (exceptions_via_longjmp && protect_cleanup_actions_with_terminate) { tree func, arg; tree args; /* Ignore any UNSAVE_EXPR. */ if (TREE_CODE (cleanup) == UNSAVE_EXPR) cleanup = TREE_OPERAND (cleanup, 0); /* Further, it only applies if the action is a call, if there are 2 arguments, and if the second argument is 2. */ if (TREE_CODE (cleanup) == CALL_EXPR && (args = TREE_OPERAND (cleanup, 1)) && (func = TREE_OPERAND (cleanup, 0)) && (arg = TREE_VALUE (args)) && (args = TREE_CHAIN (args)) /* is the second argument 2? */ && TREE_CODE (TREE_VALUE (args)) == INTEGER_CST && TREE_INT_CST_LOW (TREE_VALUE (args)) == 2 && TREE_INT_CST_HIGH (TREE_VALUE (args)) == 0 /* Make sure there are no other arguments. */ && TREE_CHAIN (args) == NULL_TREE) { /* Arrange for returns and gotos to pop the entry we make on the dynamic cleanup stack. */ expand_dcc_cleanup (decl); start_dynamic_cleanup (func, arg); return 1; } } expand_eh_region_start_for_decl (decl); ehstack.top->entry->finalization = cleanup; return 0; } /* Just like expand_eh_region_start, except if a cleanup action is entered on the cleanup chain, the TREE_PURPOSE of the element put on the chain is DECL. DECL should be the associated VAR_DECL, if any, otherwise it should be NULL_TREE. */ void expand_eh_region_start_for_decl (decl) tree decl; { rtx note; /* This is the old code. */ if (! doing_eh (0)) return; /* We need a new block to record the start and end of the dynamic handler chain. We also want to prevent jumping into a try block. */ expand_start_bindings (2); /* But we don't need or want a new temporary level. */ pop_temp_slots (); /* Mark this block as created by expand_eh_region_start. This is so that we can pop the block with expand_end_bindings automatically. */ mark_block_as_eh_region (); if (exceptions_via_longjmp) { /* Arrange for returns and gotos to pop the entry we make on the dynamic handler stack. */ expand_dhc_cleanup (decl); } push_eh_entry (&ehstack); note = emit_note (NULL_PTR, NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG); NOTE_EH_HANDLER (note) = CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (ehstack.top->entry->exception_handler_label); if (exceptions_via_longjmp) start_dynamic_handler (); } /* Start an exception handling region. All instructions emitted after this point are considered to be part of the region until expand_eh_region_end is invoked. */ void expand_eh_region_start () { expand_eh_region_start_for_decl (NULL_TREE); } /* End an exception handling region. The information about the region is found on the top of ehstack. HANDLER is either the cleanup for the exception region, or if we're marking the end of a try block, HANDLER is integer_zero_node. HANDLER will be transformed to rtl when expand_leftover_cleanups is invoked. */ void expand_eh_region_end (handler) tree handler; { struct eh_entry *entry; struct eh_node *node; rtx note; int ret, r; if (! doing_eh (0)) return; entry = pop_eh_entry (&ehstack); note = emit_note (NULL_PTR, NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END); ret = NOTE_EH_HANDLER (note) = CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (entry->exception_handler_label); if (exceptions_via_longjmp == 0 && ! flag_new_exceptions /* We share outer_context between regions; only emit it once. */ && INSN_UID (entry->outer_context) == 0) { rtx label; label = gen_label_rtx (); emit_jump (label); /* Emit a label marking the end of this exception region that is used for rethrowing into the outer context. */ emit_label (entry->outer_context); expand_internal_throw (); emit_label (label); } entry->finalization = handler; /* create region entry in final exception table */ r = new_eh_region_entry (NOTE_EH_HANDLER (note), entry->rethrow_label); enqueue_eh_entry (ehqueue, entry); /* If we have already started ending the bindings, don't recurse. */ if (is_eh_region ()) { /* Because we don't need or want a new temporary level and because we didn't create one in expand_eh_region_start, create a fake one now to avoid removing one in expand_end_bindings. */ push_temp_slots (); mark_block_as_not_eh_region (); expand_end_bindings (NULL_TREE, 0, 0); } /* Go through the goto handlers in the queue, emitting their handlers if we now have enough information to do so. */ for (node = ehqueue->head; node; node = node->chain) if (node->entry->goto_entry_p && node->entry->outer_context == entry->rethrow_label) emit_cleanup_handler (node->entry); /* We can't emit handlers for goto entries until their scopes are complete because we don't know where they need to rethrow to, yet. */ if (entry->finalization != integer_zero_node && (!entry->goto_entry_p || find_func_region_from_symbol (entry->outer_context) != -1)) emit_cleanup_handler (entry); } /* End the EH region for a goto fixup. We only need them in the region-based EH scheme. */ void expand_fixup_region_start () { if (! doing_eh (0) || exceptions_via_longjmp) return; expand_eh_region_start (); /* Mark this entry as the entry for a goto. */ ehstack.top->entry->goto_entry_p = 1; } /* End the EH region for a goto fixup. CLEANUP is the cleanup we just expanded; to avoid running it twice if it throws, we look through the ehqueue for a matching region and rethrow from its outer_context. */ void expand_fixup_region_end (cleanup) tree cleanup; { struct eh_node *node; int dont_issue; if (! doing_eh (0) || exceptions_via_longjmp) return; for (node = ehstack.top; node && node->entry->finalization != cleanup; ) node = node->chain; if (node == 0) for (node = ehqueue->head; node && node->entry->finalization != cleanup; ) node = node->chain; if (node == 0) abort (); /* If the outer context label has not been issued yet, we don't want to issue it as a part of this region, unless this is the correct region for the outer context. If we did, then the label for the outer context will be WITHIN the begin/end labels, and we could get an infinte loop when it tried to rethrow, or just generally incorrect execution following a throw. */ if (flag_new_exceptions) dont_issue = 0; else dont_issue = ((INSN_UID (node->entry->outer_context) == 0) && (ehstack.top->entry != node->entry)); ehstack.top->entry->outer_context = node->entry->outer_context; /* Since we are rethrowing to the OUTER region, we know we don't need a jump around sequence for this region, so we'll pretend the outer context label has been issued by setting INSN_UID to 1, then clearing it again afterwards. */ if (dont_issue) INSN_UID (node->entry->outer_context) = 1; /* Just rethrow. size_zero_node is just a NOP. */ expand_eh_region_end (size_zero_node); if (dont_issue) INSN_UID (node->entry->outer_context) = 0; } /* If we are using the setjmp/longjmp EH codegen method, we emit a call to __sjthrow. Otherwise, we emit a call to __throw and note that we threw something, so we know we need to generate the necessary code for __throw. Before invoking throw, the __eh_pc variable must have been set up to contain the PC being thrown from. This address is used by __throw to determine which exception region (if any) is responsible for handling the exception. */ void emit_throw () { if (exceptions_via_longjmp) { emit_library_call (sjthrow_libfunc, 0, VOIDmode, 0); } else { #ifdef JUMP_TO_THROW emit_indirect_jump (throw_libfunc); #else emit_library_call (throw_libfunc, 0, VOIDmode, 0); #endif } emit_barrier (); } /* Throw the current exception. If appropriate, this is done by jumping to the next handler. */ void expand_internal_throw () { emit_throw (); } /* Called from expand_exception_blocks and expand_end_catch_block to emit any pending handlers/cleanups queued from expand_eh_region_end. */ void expand_leftover_cleanups () { struct eh_entry *entry; for (entry = dequeue_eh_entry (ehqueue); entry; entry = dequeue_eh_entry (ehqueue)) { /* A leftover try block. Shouldn't be one here. */ if (entry->finalization == integer_zero_node) abort (); free (entry); } } /* Called at the start of a block of try statements. */ void expand_start_try_stmts () { if (! doing_eh (1)) return; expand_eh_region_start (); } /* Called to begin a catch clause. The parameter is the object which will be passed to the runtime type check routine. */ void start_catch_handler (rtime) tree rtime; { rtx handler_label; int insn_region_num; int eh_region_entry; if (! doing_eh (1)) return; handler_label = catchstack.top->entry->exception_handler_label; insn_region_num = CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (handler_label); eh_region_entry = find_func_region (insn_region_num); /* If we've already issued this label, pick a new one */ if (catchstack.top->entry->label_used) handler_label = gen_exception_label (); else catchstack.top->entry->label_used = 1; receive_exception_label (handler_label); add_new_handler (eh_region_entry, get_new_handler (handler_label, rtime)); if (flag_new_exceptions && ! exceptions_via_longjmp) return; /* Under the old mechanism, as well as setjmp/longjmp, we need to issue code to compare 'rtime' to the value in eh_info, via the matching function in eh_info. If its is false, we branch around the handler we are about to issue. */ if (rtime != NULL_TREE && rtime != CATCH_ALL_TYPE) { rtx call_rtx, rtime_address; if (catchstack.top->entry->false_label != NULL_RTX) { error ("Never issued previous false_label"); abort (); } catchstack.top->entry->false_label = gen_exception_label (); rtime_address = expand_expr (rtime, NULL_RTX, Pmode, EXPAND_INITIALIZER); #ifdef POINTERS_EXTEND_UNSIGNED rtime_address = convert_memory_address (Pmode, rtime_address); #endif rtime_address = force_reg (Pmode, rtime_address); /* Now issue the call, and branch around handler if needed */ call_rtx = emit_library_call_value (eh_rtime_match_libfunc, NULL_RTX, 0, SImode, 1, rtime_address, Pmode); /* Did the function return true? */ emit_cmp_and_jump_insns (call_rtx, const0_rtx, EQ, NULL_RTX, GET_MODE (call_rtx), 0, 0, catchstack.top->entry->false_label); } } /* Called to end a catch clause. If we aren't using the new exception model tabel mechanism, we need to issue the branch-around label for the end of the catch block. */ void end_catch_handler () { if (! doing_eh (1)) return; if (flag_new_exceptions && ! exceptions_via_longjmp) { emit_barrier (); return; } /* A NULL label implies the catch clause was a catch all or cleanup */ if (catchstack.top->entry->false_label == NULL_RTX) return; emit_label (catchstack.top->entry->false_label); catchstack.top->entry->false_label = NULL_RTX; } /* Save away the current ehqueue. */ void push_ehqueue () { struct eh_queue *q; q = xcalloc (1, sizeof (struct eh_queue)); q->next = ehqueue; ehqueue = q; } /* Restore a previously pushed ehqueue. */ void pop_ehqueue () { struct eh_queue *q; expand_leftover_cleanups (); q = ehqueue->next; free (ehqueue); ehqueue = q; } /* Emit the handler specified by ENTRY. */ static void emit_cleanup_handler (entry) struct eh_entry *entry; { rtx prev; rtx handler_insns; /* Since the cleanup could itself contain try-catch blocks, we squirrel away the current queue and replace it when we are done with this function. */ push_ehqueue (); /* Put these handler instructions in a sequence. */ do_pending_stack_adjust (); start_sequence (); /* Emit the label for the cleanup handler for this region, and expand the code for the handler. Note that a catch region is handled as a side-effect here; for a try block, entry->finalization will contain integer_zero_node, so no code will be generated in the expand_expr call below. But, the label for the handler will still be emitted, so any code emitted after this point will end up being the handler. */ receive_exception_label (entry->exception_handler_label); /* register a handler for this cleanup region */ add_new_handler (find_func_region (CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (entry->exception_handler_label)), get_new_handler (entry->exception_handler_label, NULL)); /* And now generate the insns for the cleanup handler. */ expand_expr (entry->finalization, const0_rtx, VOIDmode, 0); prev = get_last_insn (); if (prev == NULL || GET_CODE (prev) != BARRIER) /* Code to throw out to outer context when we fall off end of the handler. We can't do this here for catch blocks, so it's done in expand_end_all_catch instead. */ expand_rethrow (entry->outer_context); /* Finish this sequence. */ do_pending_stack_adjust (); handler_insns = get_insns (); end_sequence (); /* And add it to the CATCH_CLAUSES. */ push_to_sequence (catch_clauses); emit_insns (handler_insns); catch_clauses = get_insns (); end_sequence (); /* Now we've left the handler. */ pop_ehqueue (); } /* Generate RTL for the start of a group of catch clauses. It is responsible for starting a new instruction sequence for the instructions in the catch block, and expanding the handlers for the internally-generated exception regions nested within the try block corresponding to this catch block. */ void expand_start_all_catch () { struct eh_entry *entry; tree label; rtx outer_context; if (! doing_eh (1)) return; outer_context = ehstack.top->entry->outer_context; /* End the try block. */ expand_eh_region_end (integer_zero_node); emit_line_note (input_filename, lineno); label = build_decl (LABEL_DECL, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE); /* The label for the exception handling block that we will save. This is Lresume in the documentation. */ expand_label (label); /* Push the label that points to where normal flow is resumed onto the top of the label stack. */ push_label_entry (&caught_return_label_stack, NULL_RTX, label); /* Start a new sequence for all the catch blocks. We will add this to the global sequence catch_clauses when we have completed all the handlers in this handler-seq. */ start_sequence (); /* Throw away entries in the queue that we won't need anymore. We need entries for regions that have ended but to which there might still be gotos pending. */ for (entry = dequeue_eh_entry (ehqueue); entry->finalization != integer_zero_node; entry = dequeue_eh_entry (ehqueue)) free (entry); /* At this point, all the cleanups are done, and the ehqueue now has the current exception region at its head. We dequeue it, and put it on the catch stack. */ push_entry (&catchstack, entry); /* If we are not doing setjmp/longjmp EH, because we are reordered out of line, we arrange to rethrow in the outer context. We need to do this because we are not physically within the region, if any, that logically contains this catch block. */ if (! exceptions_via_longjmp) { expand_eh_region_start (); ehstack.top->entry->outer_context = outer_context; } } /* Finish up the catch block. At this point all the insns for the catch clauses have already been generated, so we only have to add them to the catch_clauses list. We also want to make sure that if we fall off the end of the catch clauses that we rethrow to the outer EH region. */ void expand_end_all_catch () { rtx new_catch_clause; struct eh_entry *entry; if (! doing_eh (1)) return; /* Dequeue the current catch clause region. */ entry = pop_eh_entry (&catchstack); free (entry); if (! exceptions_via_longjmp) { rtx outer_context = ehstack.top->entry->outer_context; /* Finish the rethrow region. size_zero_node is just a NOP. */ expand_eh_region_end (size_zero_node); /* New exceptions handling models will never have a fall through of a catch clause */ if (!flag_new_exceptions) expand_rethrow (outer_context); } else expand_rethrow (NULL_RTX); /* Code to throw out to outer context, if we fall off end of catch handlers. This is rethrow (Lresume, same id, same obj) in the documentation. We use Lresume because we know that it will throw to the correct context. In other words, if the catch handler doesn't exit or return, we do a "throw" (using the address of Lresume as the point being thrown from) so that the outer EH region can then try to process the exception. */ /* Now we have the complete catch sequence. */ new_catch_clause = get_insns (); end_sequence (); /* This level of catch blocks is done, so set up the successful catch jump label for the next layer of catch blocks. */ pop_label_entry (&caught_return_label_stack); pop_label_entry (&outer_context_label_stack); /* Add the new sequence of catches to the main one for this function. */ push_to_sequence (catch_clauses); emit_insns (new_catch_clause); catch_clauses = get_insns (); end_sequence (); /* Here we fall through into the continuation code. */ } /* Rethrow from the outer context LABEL. */ static void expand_rethrow (label) rtx label; { if (exceptions_via_longjmp) emit_throw (); else if (flag_new_exceptions) { rtx insn; int region; if (label == NULL_RTX) label = last_rethrow_symbol; emit_library_call (rethrow_libfunc, 0, VOIDmode, 1, label, Pmode); region = find_func_region (eh_region_from_symbol (label)); /* If the region is -1, it doesn't exist yet. We should be trying to rethrow there yet. */ if (region == -1) abort (); function_eh_regions[region].rethrow_ref = 1; /* Search backwards for the actual call insn. */ insn = get_last_insn (); while (GET_CODE (insn) != CALL_INSN) insn = PREV_INSN (insn); delete_insns_since (insn); /* Mark the label/symbol on the call. */ REG_NOTES (insn) = gen_rtx_EXPR_LIST (REG_EH_RETHROW, label, REG_NOTES (insn)); emit_barrier (); } else emit_jump (label); } /* Begin a region that will contain entries created with add_partial_entry. */ void begin_protect_partials () { /* Put the entry on the function obstack. */ push_obstacks_nochange (); resume_temporary_allocation (); /* Push room for a new list. */ protect_list = tree_cons (NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE, protect_list); /* We're done with the function obstack now. */ pop_obstacks (); } /* End all the pending exception regions on protect_list. The handlers will be emitted when expand_leftover_cleanups is invoked. */ void end_protect_partials () { tree t; /* For backwards compatibility, we allow callers to omit the call to begin_protect_partials for the outermost region. So, PROTECT_LIST may be NULL. */ if (!protect_list) return; /* End all the exception regions. */ for (t = TREE_VALUE (protect_list); t; t = TREE_CHAIN (t)) expand_eh_region_end (TREE_VALUE (t)); /* Pop the topmost entry. */ protect_list = TREE_CHAIN (protect_list); } /* Arrange for __terminate to be called if there is an unhandled throw from within E. */ tree protect_with_terminate (e) tree e; { /* We only need to do this when using setjmp/longjmp EH and the language requires it, as otherwise we protect all of the handlers at once, if we need to. */ if (exceptions_via_longjmp && protect_cleanup_actions_with_terminate) { tree handler, result; /* All cleanups must be on the function_obstack. */ push_obstacks_nochange (); resume_temporary_allocation (); handler = make_node (RTL_EXPR); TREE_TYPE (handler) = void_type_node; RTL_EXPR_RTL (handler) = const0_rtx; TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (handler) = 1; start_sequence_for_rtl_expr (handler); emit_library_call (terminate_libfunc, 0, VOIDmode, 0); emit_barrier (); RTL_EXPR_SEQUENCE (handler) = get_insns (); end_sequence (); result = build (TRY_CATCH_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (e), e, handler); TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (result) = TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (e); TREE_THIS_VOLATILE (result) = TREE_THIS_VOLATILE (e); TREE_READONLY (result) = TREE_READONLY (e); pop_obstacks (); e = result; } return e; } /* The exception table that we build that is used for looking up and dispatching exceptions, the current number of entries, and its maximum size before we have to extend it. The number in eh_table is the code label number of the exception handler for the region. This is added by add_eh_table_entry and used by output_exception_table_entry. */ static int *eh_table = NULL; static int eh_table_size = 0; static int eh_table_max_size = 0; /* Note the need for an exception table entry for region N. If we don't need to output an explicit exception table, avoid all of the extra work. Called from final_scan_insn when a NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG is seen. (Or NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END sometimes) N is the NOTE_EH_HANDLER of the note, which comes from the code label number of the exception handler for the region. */ void add_eh_table_entry (n) int n; { #ifndef OMIT_EH_TABLE if (eh_table_size >= eh_table_max_size) { if (eh_table) { eh_table_max_size += eh_table_max_size>>1; if (eh_table_max_size < 0) abort (); eh_table = (int *) xrealloc (eh_table, eh_table_max_size * sizeof (int)); } else { eh_table_max_size = 252; eh_table = (int *) xmalloc (eh_table_max_size * sizeof (int)); } } eh_table[eh_table_size++] = n; #endif } /* Return a non-zero value if we need to output an exception table. On some platforms, we don't have to output a table explicitly. This routine doesn't mean we don't have one. */ int exception_table_p () { if (eh_table) return 1; return 0; } /* Output the entry of the exception table corresponding to the exception region numbered N to file FILE. N is the code label number corresponding to the handler of the region. */ static void output_exception_table_entry (file, n) FILE *file; int n; { char buf[256]; rtx sym; struct handler_info *handler = get_first_handler (n); int index = find_func_region (n); rtx rethrow; /* form and emit the rethrow label, if needed */ rethrow = function_eh_regions[index].rethrow_label; if (rethrow != NULL_RTX && !flag_new_exceptions) rethrow = NULL_RTX; if (rethrow != NULL_RTX && handler == NULL) if (! function_eh_regions[index].rethrow_ref) rethrow = NULL_RTX; for ( ; handler != NULL || rethrow != NULL_RTX; handler = handler->next) { /* rethrow label should indicate the LAST entry for a region */ if (rethrow != NULL_RTX && (handler == NULL || handler->next == NULL)) { ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (buf, "LRTH", n); assemble_label(buf); rethrow = NULL_RTX; } ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (buf, "LEHB", n); sym = gen_rtx_SYMBOL_REF (Pmode, buf); assemble_integer (sym, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (buf, "LEHE", n); sym = gen_rtx_SYMBOL_REF (Pmode, buf); assemble_integer (sym, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); if (handler == NULL) assemble_integer (GEN_INT (0), POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); else { ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (buf, "L", handler->handler_number); sym = gen_rtx_SYMBOL_REF (Pmode, buf); assemble_integer (sym, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); } if (flag_new_exceptions) { if (handler == NULL || handler->type_info == NULL) assemble_integer (const0_rtx, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); else if (handler->type_info == CATCH_ALL_TYPE) assemble_integer (GEN_INT (CATCH_ALL_TYPE), POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); else output_constant ((tree)(handler->type_info), POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT); } putc ('\n', file); /* blank line */ /* We only output the first label under the old scheme */ if (! flag_new_exceptions || handler == NULL) break; } } /* Output the exception table if we have and need one. */ static short language_code = 0; static short version_code = 0; /* This routine will set the language code for exceptions. */ void set_exception_lang_code (code) int code; { language_code = code; } /* This routine will set the language version code for exceptions. */ void set_exception_version_code (code) int code; { version_code = code; } void output_exception_table () { int i; char buf[256]; extern FILE *asm_out_file; if (! doing_eh (0) || ! eh_table) return; exception_section (); /* Beginning marker for table. */ assemble_align (GET_MODE_ALIGNMENT (ptr_mode)); assemble_label ("__EXCEPTION_TABLE__"); if (flag_new_exceptions) { assemble_integer (GEN_INT (NEW_EH_RUNTIME), POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); assemble_integer (GEN_INT (language_code), 2 , 1); assemble_integer (GEN_INT (version_code), 2 , 1); /* Add enough padding to make sure table aligns on a pointer boundry. */ i = GET_MODE_ALIGNMENT (ptr_mode) / BITS_PER_UNIT - 4; for ( ; i < 0; i = i + GET_MODE_ALIGNMENT (ptr_mode) / BITS_PER_UNIT) ; if (i != 0) assemble_integer (const0_rtx, i , 1); /* Generate the label for offset calculations on rethrows */ ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (buf, "LRTH", 0); assemble_label(buf); } for (i = 0; i < eh_table_size; ++i) output_exception_table_entry (asm_out_file, eh_table[i]); free (eh_table); clear_function_eh_region (); /* Ending marker for table. */ /* Generate the label for end of table. */ ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (buf, "LRTH", CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (final_rethrow)); assemble_label(buf); assemble_integer (constm1_rtx, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); /* for binary compatability, the old __throw checked the second position for a -1, so we should output at least 2 -1's */ if (! flag_new_exceptions) assemble_integer (constm1_rtx, POINTER_SIZE / BITS_PER_UNIT, 1); putc ('\n', asm_out_file); /* blank line */ } /* Emit code to get EH context. We have to scan thru the code to find possible EH context registers. Inlined functions may use it too, and thus we'll have to be able to change them too. This is done only if using exceptions_via_longjmp. */ void emit_eh_context () { rtx insn; rtx ehc = 0; if (! doing_eh (0)) return; for (insn = get_insns (); insn; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn)) if (GET_CODE (insn) == INSN && GET_CODE (PATTERN (insn)) == USE) { rtx reg = find_reg_note (insn, REG_EH_CONTEXT, 0); if (reg) { rtx insns; start_sequence (); /* If this is the first use insn, emit the call here. This will always be at the top of our function, because if expand_inline_function notices a REG_EH_CONTEXT note, it adds a use insn to this function as well. */ if (ehc == 0) ehc = call_get_eh_context (); emit_move_insn (XEXP (reg, 0), ehc); insns = get_insns (); end_sequence (); emit_insns_before (insns, insn); /* At -O0, we must make the context register stay alive so that the stupid.c register allocator doesn't get confused. */ if (obey_regdecls != 0) { insns = gen_rtx_USE (GET_MODE (XEXP (reg,0)), XEXP (reg,0)); emit_insn_before (insns, get_last_insn ()); } } } } /* Scan the current insns and build a list of handler labels. The resulting list is placed in the global variable exception_handler_labels. It is called after the last exception handling region is added to the current function (when the rtl is almost all built for the current function) and before the jump optimization pass. */ void find_exception_handler_labels () { rtx insn; exception_handler_labels = NULL_RTX; /* If we aren't doing exception handling, there isn't much to check. */ if (! doing_eh (0)) return; /* For each start of a region, add its label to the list. */ for (insn = get_insns (); insn; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn)) { struct handler_info* ptr; if (GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE && NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG) { ptr = get_first_handler (NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn)); for ( ; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) { /* make sure label isn't in the list already */ rtx x; for (x = exception_handler_labels; x; x = XEXP (x, 1)) if (XEXP (x, 0) == ptr->handler_label) break; if (! x) exception_handler_labels = gen_rtx_EXPR_LIST (VOIDmode, ptr->handler_label, exception_handler_labels); } } } } /* Return a value of 1 if the parameter label number is an exception handler label. Return 0 otherwise. */ int is_exception_handler_label (lab) int lab; { rtx x; for (x = exception_handler_labels ; x ; x = XEXP (x, 1)) if (lab == CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (XEXP (x, 0))) return 1; return 0; } /* Perform sanity checking on the exception_handler_labels list. Can be called after find_exception_handler_labels is called to build the list of exception handlers for the current function and before we finish processing the current function. */ void check_exception_handler_labels () { rtx insn, insn2; /* If we aren't doing exception handling, there isn't much to check. */ if (! doing_eh (0)) return; /* Make sure there is no more than 1 copy of a label */ for (insn = exception_handler_labels; insn; insn = XEXP (insn, 1)) { int count = 0; for (insn2 = exception_handler_labels; insn2; insn2 = XEXP (insn2, 1)) if (XEXP (insn, 0) == XEXP (insn2, 0)) count++; if (count != 1) warning ("Counted %d copies of EH region %d in list.\n", count, CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (insn)); } } /* Mark the children of NODE for GC. */ static void mark_eh_node (node) struct eh_node *node; { while (node) { if (node->entry) { ggc_mark_rtx (node->entry->outer_context); ggc_mark_rtx (node->entry->exception_handler_label); ggc_mark_tree (node->entry->finalization); ggc_mark_rtx (node->entry->false_label); ggc_mark_rtx (node->entry->rethrow_label); } node = node ->chain; } } /* Mark S for GC. */ static void mark_eh_stack (s) struct eh_stack *s; { if (s) mark_eh_node (s->top); } /* Mark Q for GC. */ static void mark_eh_queue (q) struct eh_queue *q; { while (q) { mark_eh_node (q->head); q = q->next; } } /* Mark NODE for GC. A label_node contains a union containing either a tree or an rtx. This label_node will contain a tree. */ static void mark_tree_label_node (node) struct label_node *node; { while (node) { ggc_mark_tree (node->u.tlabel); node = node->chain; } } /* Mark EH for GC. */ void mark_eh_status (eh) struct eh_status *eh; { if (eh == 0) return; mark_eh_stack (&eh->x_ehstack); mark_eh_stack (&eh->x_catchstack); mark_eh_queue (eh->x_ehqueue); ggc_mark_rtx (eh->x_catch_clauses); lang_mark_false_label_stack (eh->x_false_label_stack); mark_tree_label_node (eh->x_caught_return_label_stack); ggc_mark_tree (eh->x_protect_list); ggc_mark_rtx (eh->ehc); ggc_mark_rtx (eh->x_eh_return_stub_label); } /* Mark ARG (which is really a struct func_eh_entry**) for GC. */ static void mark_func_eh_entry (arg) void *arg; { struct func_eh_entry *fee; struct handler_info *h; int i; fee = *((struct func_eh_entry **) arg); for (i = 0; i < current_func_eh_entry; ++i) { ggc_mark_rtx (fee->rethrow_label); for (h = fee->handlers; h; h = h->next) { ggc_mark_rtx (h->handler_label); if (h->type_info != CATCH_ALL_TYPE) ggc_mark_tree ((tree) h->type_info); } /* Skip to the next entry in the array. */ ++fee; } } /* This group of functions initializes the exception handling data structures at the start of the compilation, initializes the data structures at the start of a function, and saves and restores the exception handling data structures for the start/end of a nested function. */ /* Toplevel initialization for EH things. */ void init_eh () { first_rethrow_symbol = create_rethrow_ref (0); final_rethrow = gen_exception_label (); last_rethrow_symbol = create_rethrow_ref (CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (final_rethrow)); ggc_add_rtx_root (&exception_handler_labels, 1); ggc_add_rtx_root (&eh_return_context, 1); ggc_add_rtx_root (&eh_return_stack_adjust, 1); ggc_add_rtx_root (&eh_return_handler, 1); ggc_add_rtx_root (&first_rethrow_symbol, 1); ggc_add_rtx_root (&final_rethrow, 1); ggc_add_rtx_root (&last_rethrow_symbol, 1); ggc_add_root (&function_eh_regions, 1, sizeof (function_eh_regions), mark_func_eh_entry); } /* Initialize the per-function EH information. */ void init_eh_for_function () { cfun->eh = (struct eh_status *) xcalloc (1, sizeof (struct eh_status)); ehqueue = (struct eh_queue *) xcalloc (1, sizeof (struct eh_queue)); eh_return_context = NULL_RTX; eh_return_stack_adjust = NULL_RTX; eh_return_handler = NULL_RTX; } void free_eh_status (f) struct function *f; { free (f->eh->x_ehqueue); free (f->eh); f->eh = NULL; } /* This section is for the exception handling specific optimization pass. First are the internal routines, and then the main optimization pass. */ /* Determine if the given INSN can throw an exception. */ static int can_throw (insn) rtx insn; { /* Calls can always potentially throw exceptions, unless they have a REG_EH_REGION note with a value of 0 or less. */ if (GET_CODE (insn) == CALL_INSN) { rtx note = find_reg_note (insn, REG_EH_REGION, NULL_RTX); if (!note || XINT (XEXP (note, 0), 0) > 0) return 1; } if (asynchronous_exceptions) { /* If we wanted asynchronous exceptions, then everything but NOTEs and CODE_LABELs could throw. */ if (GET_CODE (insn) != NOTE && GET_CODE (insn) != CODE_LABEL) return 1; } return 0; } /* Scan a exception region looking for the matching end and then remove it if possible. INSN is the start of the region, N is the region number, and DELETE_OUTER is to note if anything in this region can throw. Regions are removed if they cannot possibly catch an exception. This is determined by invoking can_throw on each insn within the region; if can_throw returns true for any of the instructions, the region can catch an exception, since there is an insn within the region that is capable of throwing an exception. Returns the NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END corresponding to this region, or calls abort if it can't find one. Can abort if INSN is not a NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEGIN, or if N doesn't correspond to the region number, or if DELETE_OUTER is NULL. */ static rtx scan_region (insn, n, delete_outer) rtx insn; int n; int *delete_outer; { rtx start = insn; /* Assume we can delete the region. */ int delete = 1; /* Can't delete something which is rethrown to. */ if (rethrow_used (n)) delete = 0; if (insn == NULL_RTX || GET_CODE (insn) != NOTE || NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) != NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG || NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn) != n || delete_outer == NULL) abort (); insn = NEXT_INSN (insn); /* Look for the matching end. */ while (! (GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE && NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END)) { /* If anything can throw, we can't remove the region. */ if (delete && can_throw (insn)) { delete = 0; } /* Watch out for and handle nested regions. */ if (GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE && NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG) { insn = scan_region (insn, NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn), &delete); } insn = NEXT_INSN (insn); } /* The _BEG/_END NOTEs must match and nest. */ if (NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn) != n) abort (); /* If anything in this exception region can throw, we can throw. */ if (! delete) *delete_outer = 0; else { /* Delete the start and end of the region. */ delete_insn (start); delete_insn (insn); /* We no longer removed labels here, since flow will now remove any handler which cannot be called any more. */ #if 0 /* Only do this part if we have built the exception handler labels. */ if (exception_handler_labels) { rtx x, *prev = &exception_handler_labels; /* Find it in the list of handlers. */ for (x = exception_handler_labels; x; x = XEXP (x, 1)) { rtx label = XEXP (x, 0); if (CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (label) == n) { /* If we are the last reference to the handler, delete it. */ if (--LABEL_NUSES (label) == 0) delete_insn (label); if (optimize) { /* Remove it from the list of exception handler labels, if we are optimizing. If we are not, then leave it in the list, as we are not really going to remove the region. */ *prev = XEXP (x, 1); XEXP (x, 1) = 0; XEXP (x, 0) = 0; } break; } prev = &XEXP (x, 1); } } #endif } return insn; } /* Perform various interesting optimizations for exception handling code. We look for empty exception regions and make them go (away). The jump optimization code will remove the handler if nothing else uses it. */ void exception_optimize () { rtx insn; int n; /* Remove empty regions. */ for (insn = get_insns (); insn; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn)) { if (GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE && NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG) { /* Since scan_region will return the NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END insn, we will indirectly skip through all the insns inbetween. We are also guaranteed that the value of insn returned will be valid, as otherwise scan_region won't return. */ insn = scan_region (insn, NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn), &n); } } } /* This function determines whether any of the exception regions in the current function are targets of a rethrow or not, and set the reference flag according. */ void update_rethrow_references () { rtx insn; int x, region; int *saw_region, *saw_rethrow; if (!flag_new_exceptions) return; saw_region = (int *) xcalloc (current_func_eh_entry, sizeof (int)); saw_rethrow = (int *) xcalloc (current_func_eh_entry, sizeof (int)); /* Determine what regions exist, and whether there are any rethrows to those regions or not. */ for (insn = get_insns (); insn; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn)) if (GET_CODE (insn) == CALL_INSN) { rtx note = find_reg_note (insn, REG_EH_RETHROW, NULL_RTX); if (note) { region = eh_region_from_symbol (XEXP (note, 0)); region = find_func_region (region); saw_rethrow[region] = 1; } } else if (GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE) { if (NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG) { region = find_func_region (NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn)); saw_region[region] = 1; } } /* For any regions we did see, set the referenced flag. */ for (x = 0; x < current_func_eh_entry; x++) if (saw_region[x]) function_eh_regions[x].rethrow_ref = saw_rethrow[x]; /* Clean up. */ free (saw_region); free (saw_rethrow); } /* Various hooks for the DWARF 2 __throw routine. */ /* Do any necessary initialization to access arbitrary stack frames. On the SPARC, this means flushing the register windows. */ void expand_builtin_unwind_init () { /* Set this so all the registers get saved in our frame; we need to be able to copy the saved values for any registers from frames we unwind. */ current_function_has_nonlocal_label = 1; #ifdef SETUP_FRAME_ADDRESSES SETUP_FRAME_ADDRESSES (); #endif } /* Given a value extracted from the return address register or stack slot, return the actual address encoded in that value. */ rtx expand_builtin_extract_return_addr (addr_tree) tree addr_tree; { rtx addr = expand_expr (addr_tree, NULL_RTX, Pmode, 0); return eh_outer_context (addr); } /* Given an actual address in addr_tree, do any necessary encoding and return the value to be stored in the return address register or stack slot so the epilogue will return to that address. */ rtx expand_builtin_frob_return_addr (addr_tree) tree addr_tree; { rtx addr = expand_expr (addr_tree, NULL_RTX, Pmode, 0); #ifdef RETURN_ADDR_OFFSET addr = plus_constant (addr, -RETURN_ADDR_OFFSET); #endif return addr; } /* Choose three registers for communication between the main body of __throw and the epilogue (or eh stub) and the exception handler. We must do this with hard registers because the epilogue itself will be generated after reload, at which point we may not reference pseudos at all. The first passes the exception context to the handler. For this we use the return value register for a void*. The second holds the stack pointer value to be restored. For this we use the static chain register if it exists and is different from the previous, otherwise some arbitrary call-clobbered register. The third holds the address of the handler itself. Here we use some arbitrary call-clobbered register. */ static void eh_regs (pcontext, psp, pra, outgoing) rtx *pcontext, *psp, *pra; int outgoing; { rtx rcontext, rsp, rra; int i; #ifdef FUNCTION_OUTGOING_VALUE if (outgoing) rcontext = FUNCTION_OUTGOING_VALUE (build_pointer_type (void_type_node), current_function_decl); else #endif rcontext = FUNCTION_VALUE (build_pointer_type (void_type_node), current_function_decl); #ifdef STATIC_CHAIN_REGNUM if (outgoing) rsp = static_chain_incoming_rtx; else rsp = static_chain_rtx; if (REGNO (rsp) == REGNO (rcontext)) #endif /* STATIC_CHAIN_REGNUM */ rsp = NULL_RTX; if (rsp == NULL_RTX) { for (i = 0; i < FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER; ++i) if (call_used_regs[i] && ! fixed_regs[i] && i != REGNO (rcontext)) break; if (i == FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER) abort(); rsp = gen_rtx_REG (Pmode, i); } for (i = 0; i < FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER; ++i) if (call_used_regs[i] && ! fixed_regs[i] && i != REGNO (rcontext) && i != REGNO (rsp)) break; if (i == FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER) abort(); rra = gen_rtx_REG (Pmode, i); *pcontext = rcontext; *psp = rsp; *pra = rra; } /* Retrieve the register which contains the pointer to the eh_context structure set the __throw. */ #if 0 rtx get_reg_for_handler () { rtx reg1; reg1 = FUNCTION_VALUE (build_pointer_type (void_type_node), current_function_decl); return reg1; } #endif /* Set up the epilogue with the magic bits we'll need to return to the exception handler. */ void expand_builtin_eh_return (context, stack, handler) tree context, stack, handler; { if (eh_return_context) error("Duplicate call to __builtin_eh_return"); eh_return_context = copy_to_reg (expand_expr (context, NULL_RTX, VOIDmode, 0)); eh_return_stack_adjust = copy_to_reg (expand_expr (stack, NULL_RTX, VOIDmode, 0)); eh_return_handler = copy_to_reg (expand_expr (handler, NULL_RTX, VOIDmode, 0)); } void expand_eh_return () { rtx reg1, reg2, reg3; rtx stub_start, after_stub; rtx ra, tmp; if (!eh_return_context) return; current_function_cannot_inline = N_("function uses __builtin_eh_return"); eh_regs (®1, ®2, ®3, 1); #ifdef POINTERS_EXTEND_UNSIGNED eh_return_context = convert_memory_address (Pmode, eh_return_context); eh_return_stack_adjust = convert_memory_address (Pmode, eh_return_stack_adjust); eh_return_handler = convert_memory_address (Pmode, eh_return_handler); #endif emit_move_insn (reg1, eh_return_context); emit_move_insn (reg2, eh_return_stack_adjust); emit_move_insn (reg3, eh_return_handler); /* Talk directly to the target's epilogue code when possible. */ #ifdef HAVE_eh_epilogue if (HAVE_eh_epilogue) { emit_insn (gen_eh_epilogue (reg1, reg2, reg3)); return; } #endif /* Otherwise, use the same stub technique we had before. */ eh_return_stub_label = stub_start = gen_label_rtx (); after_stub = gen_label_rtx (); /* Set the return address to the stub label. */ ra = expand_builtin_return_addr (BUILT_IN_RETURN_ADDRESS, 0, hard_frame_pointer_rtx); if (GET_CODE (ra) == REG && REGNO (ra) >= FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER) abort(); tmp = memory_address (Pmode, gen_rtx_LABEL_REF (Pmode, stub_start)); #ifdef RETURN_ADDR_OFFSET tmp = plus_constant (tmp, -RETURN_ADDR_OFFSET); #endif tmp = force_operand (tmp, ra); if (tmp != ra) emit_move_insn (ra, tmp); /* Indicate that the registers are in fact used. */ emit_insn (gen_rtx_USE (VOIDmode, reg1)); emit_insn (gen_rtx_USE (VOIDmode, reg2)); emit_insn (gen_rtx_USE (VOIDmode, reg3)); if (GET_CODE (ra) == REG) emit_insn (gen_rtx_USE (VOIDmode, ra)); /* Generate the stub. */ emit_jump (after_stub); emit_label (stub_start); eh_regs (®1, ®2, ®3, 0); adjust_stack (reg2); emit_indirect_jump (reg3); emit_label (after_stub); } /* This contains the code required to verify whether arbitrary instructions are in the same exception region. */ static int *insn_eh_region = (int *)0; static int maximum_uid; static void set_insn_eh_region (first, region_num) rtx *first; int region_num; { rtx insn; int rnum; for (insn = *first; insn; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn)) { if ((GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE) && (NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG)) { rnum = NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn); insn_eh_region[INSN_UID (insn)] = rnum; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn); set_insn_eh_region (&insn, rnum); /* Upon return, insn points to the EH_REGION_END of nested region */ continue; } insn_eh_region[INSN_UID (insn)] = region_num; if ((GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE) && (NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END)) break; } *first = insn; } /* Free the insn table, an make sure it cannot be used again. */ void free_insn_eh_region () { if (!doing_eh (0)) return; if (insn_eh_region) { free (insn_eh_region); insn_eh_region = (int *)0; } } /* Initialize the table. max_uid must be calculated and handed into this routine. If it is unavailable, passing a value of 0 will cause this routine to calculate it as well. */ void init_insn_eh_region (first, max_uid) rtx first; int max_uid; { rtx insn; if (!doing_eh (0)) return; if (insn_eh_region) free_insn_eh_region(); if (max_uid == 0) for (insn = first; insn; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn)) if (INSN_UID (insn) > max_uid) /* find largest UID */ max_uid = INSN_UID (insn); maximum_uid = max_uid; insn_eh_region = (int *) xmalloc ((max_uid + 1) * sizeof (int)); insn = first; set_insn_eh_region (&insn, 0); } /* Check whether 2 instructions are within the same region. */ int in_same_eh_region (insn1, insn2) rtx insn1, insn2; { int ret, uid1, uid2; /* If no exceptions, instructions are always in same region. */ if (!doing_eh (0)) return 1; /* If the table isn't allocated, assume the worst. */ if (!insn_eh_region) return 0; uid1 = INSN_UID (insn1); uid2 = INSN_UID (insn2); /* if instructions have been allocated beyond the end, either the table is out of date, or this is a late addition, or something... Assume the worst. */ if (uid1 > maximum_uid || uid2 > maximum_uid) return 0; ret = (insn_eh_region[uid1] == insn_eh_region[uid2]); return ret; } /* This function will initialize the handler list for a specified block. It may recursively call itself if the outer block hasn't been processed yet. At some point in the future we can trim out handlers which we know cannot be called. (ie, if a block has an INT type handler, control will never be passed to an outer INT type handler). */ static void process_nestinfo (block, info, nested_eh_region) int block; eh_nesting_info *info; int *nested_eh_region; { handler_info *ptr, *last_ptr = NULL; int x, y, count = 0; int extra = 0; handler_info **extra_handlers = 0; int index = info->region_index[block]; /* If we've already processed this block, simply return. */ if (info->num_handlers[index] > 0) return; for (ptr = get_first_handler (block); ptr; last_ptr = ptr, ptr = ptr->next) count++; /* pick up any information from the next outer region. It will already contain a summary of itself and all outer regions to it. */ if (nested_eh_region [block] != 0) { int nested_index = info->region_index[nested_eh_region[block]]; process_nestinfo (nested_eh_region[block], info, nested_eh_region); extra = info->num_handlers[nested_index]; extra_handlers = info->handlers[nested_index]; info->outer_index[index] = nested_index; } /* If the last handler is either a CATCH_ALL or a cleanup, then we won't use the outer ones since we know control will not go past the catch-all or cleanup. */ if (last_ptr != NULL && (last_ptr->type_info == NULL || last_ptr->type_info == CATCH_ALL_TYPE)) extra = 0; info->num_handlers[index] = count + extra; info->handlers[index] = (handler_info **) xmalloc ((count + extra) * sizeof (handler_info **)); /* First put all our handlers into the list. */ ptr = get_first_handler (block); for (x = 0; x < count; x++) { info->handlers[index][x] = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } /* Now add all the outer region handlers, if they aren't they same as one of the types in the current block. We won't worry about derived types yet, we'll just look for the exact type. */ for (y =0, x = 0; x < extra ; x++) { int i, ok; ok = 1; /* Check to see if we have a type duplication. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if (info->handlers[index][i]->type_info == extra_handlers[x]->type_info) { ok = 0; /* Record one less handler. */ (info->num_handlers[index])--; break; } if (ok) { info->handlers[index][y + count] = extra_handlers[x]; y++; } } } /* This function will allocate and initialize an eh_nesting_info structure. It returns a pointer to the completed data structure. If there are no exception regions, a NULL value is returned. */ eh_nesting_info * init_eh_nesting_info () { int *nested_eh_region; int region_count = 0; rtx eh_note = NULL_RTX; eh_nesting_info *info; rtx insn; int x; info = (eh_nesting_info *) xmalloc (sizeof (eh_nesting_info)); info->region_index = (int *) xcalloc ((max_label_num () + 1), sizeof (int)); nested_eh_region = (int *) xcalloc (max_label_num () + 1, sizeof (int)); /* Create the nested_eh_region list. If indexed with a block number, it returns the block number of the next outermost region, if any. We can count the number of regions and initialize the region_index vector at the same time. */ for (insn = get_insns(); insn; insn = NEXT_INSN (insn)) { if (GET_CODE (insn) == NOTE) { if (NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_BEG) { int block = NOTE_EH_HANDLER (insn); region_count++; info->region_index[block] = region_count; if (eh_note) nested_eh_region [block] = NOTE_EH_HANDLER (XEXP (eh_note, 0)); else nested_eh_region [block] = 0; eh_note = gen_rtx_EXPR_LIST (VOIDmode, insn, eh_note); } else if (NOTE_LINE_NUMBER (insn) == NOTE_INSN_EH_REGION_END) eh_note = XEXP (eh_note, 1); } } /* If there are no regions, wrap it up now. */ if (region_count == 0) { free (info->region_index); free (info); free (nested_eh_region); return NULL; } region_count++; info->handlers = (handler_info ***) xcalloc (region_count, sizeof (handler_info ***)); info->num_handlers = (int *) xcalloc (region_count, sizeof (int)); info->outer_index = (int *) xcalloc (region_count, sizeof (int)); /* Now initialize the handler lists for all exception blocks. */ for (x = 0; x <= max_label_num (); x++) { if (info->region_index[x] != 0) process_nestinfo (x, info, nested_eh_region); } info->region_count = region_count; /* Clean up. */ free (nested_eh_region); return info; } /* This function is used to retreive the vector of handlers which can be reached by a given insn in a given exception region. BLOCK is the exception block the insn is in. INFO is the eh_nesting_info structure. INSN is the (optional) insn within the block. If insn is not NULL_RTX, it may contain reg notes which modify its throwing behavior, and these will be obeyed. If NULL_RTX is passed, then we simply return the handlers for block. HANDLERS is the address of a pointer to a vector of handler_info pointers. Upon return, this will have the handlers which can be reached by block. This function returns the number of elements in the handlers vector. */ int reachable_handlers (block, info, insn, handlers) int block; eh_nesting_info *info; rtx insn ; handler_info ***handlers; { int index = 0; *handlers = NULL; if (info == NULL) return 0; if (block > 0) index = info->region_index[block]; if (insn && GET_CODE (insn) == CALL_INSN) { /* RETHROWs specify a region number from which we are going to rethrow. This means we wont pass control to handlers in the specified region, but rather any region OUTSIDE the specified region. We accomplish this by setting block to the outer_index of the specified region. */ rtx note = find_reg_note (insn, REG_EH_RETHROW, NULL_RTX); if (note) { index = eh_region_from_symbol (XEXP (note, 0)); index = info->region_index[index]; if (index) index = info->outer_index[index]; } else { /* If there is no rethrow, we look for a REG_EH_REGION, and we'll throw from that block. A value of 0 or less indicates that this insn cannot throw. */ note = find_reg_note (insn, REG_EH_REGION, NULL_RTX); if (note) { int b = XINT (XEXP (note, 0), 0); if (b <= 0) index = 0; else index = info->region_index[b]; } } } /* If we reach this point, and index is 0, there is no throw. */ if (index == 0) return 0; *handlers = info->handlers[index]; return info->num_handlers[index]; } /* This function will free all memory associated with the eh_nesting info. */ void free_eh_nesting_info (info) eh_nesting_info *info; { int x; if (info != NULL) { if (info->region_index) free (info->region_index); if (info->num_handlers) free (info->num_handlers); if (info->outer_index) free (info->outer_index); if (info->handlers) { for (x = 0; x < info->region_count; x++) if (info->handlers[x]) free (info->handlers[x]); free (info->handlers); } free (info); } }