; lang.opt -- Options for the D front end. ; Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ; ; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ; Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ; version. ; ; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ; for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ; . ; See the GCC internals manual for a description of this file's format. ; Please try to keep this file in ASCII collating order. Language D -dependencies D Alias(M) ; Documented in C -print-missing-file-dependencies D Alias(MG) ; Documented in C -user-dependencies D Alias(MM) ; Documented in C -write-dependencies D NoDriverArg Separate Alias(MD) ; Documented in C -write-user-dependencies D NoDriverArg Separate Alias(MMD) ; Documented in C H D ; Different from documented use in C. Hd D Joined Separate -Hd Write D interface files to directory . Hf D Joined Separate -Hf Write D interface to . I D Joined Separate ; Documented in C J D Joined Separate ; Different from documented use in Fortran. M D ; Documented in C MD D Separate NoDriverArg ; Documented in C MF D Joined Separate ; Documented in C MG D ; Documented in C MM D ; Documented in C MMD D Separate NoDriverArg ; Documented in C MP D ; Documented in C MT D Joined Separate ; Documented in C MQ D Joined Separate ; Documented in C Waddress D Warning Var(warn_address) LangEnabledBy(D, Wextra) ; Documented in C Wall D ; Documented in C Walloca D ; Documented in C Walloca-larger-than= D ; Documented in C Wno-alloca-larger-than D ; Documented in C Wbuiltin-declaration-mismatch D ; Documented in C Wcast-result D Warning Var(warn_cast_result) LangEnabledBy(D, Wextra) Warn about casts that will produce a null result. Wdeprecated D ; Documented in common.opt Werror D ; Documented in common.opt Wpsabi D ; Documented in C Wspeculative D Warn from speculative compiles such as __traits(compiles). Wunknown-pragmas D Var(warn_unknown_pragmas) LangEnabledBy(D, Wextra) ; Documented in C Wvarargs D ; Documented in C X D Generate JSON file. Xf D Joined Separate -Xf Write JSON output to the given . debuglib= Driver Joined Debug library to use instead of phobos. defaultlib= Driver Joined Default library to use instead of phobos. dstartfiles Driver Do link the standard D startup files in the compilation. -verbose D Alias(v) fall-instantiations D Generate code for all template instantiations. fassert D Var(flag_assert) Generate code for assert contracts. fbounds-check D ; Documented in common.opt fbounds-check= D Joined RejectNegative Enum(bounds_check) Var(flag_bounds_check) -fbounds-check=[on|safeonly|off] Turn array bounds checks on, in @safe code only, or off. Enum Name(bounds_check) Type(int) UnknownError(unknown array bounds setting %qs) EnumValue Enum(bounds_check) String(off) Value(0) EnumValue Enum(bounds_check) String(safeonly) Value(1) EnumValue Enum(bounds_check) String(on) Value(2) ; Generates a secondary ModuleInfo symbol for linking in unittests fbuilding-libphobos-tests D Undocumented Var(flag_building_libphobos_tests) fbuiltin D Var(flag_no_builtin, 0) ; Documented in C fcheck=assert D Alias(fassert) fcheck=bounds D Alias(fbounds-check) fcheck=in D Alias(fpreconditions) fcheck=invariant D Alias(finvariants) fcheck=out D Alias(fpostconditions) fcheck=switch D Alias(fswitch-errors) fcheckaction= D Joined RejectNegative Enum(check_action) Var(flag_check_action) -fcheckaction=[throw,halt,context] Behavior on contract failure. Enum Name(check_action) Type(int) UnknownError(unknown checkaction setting %qs) EnumValue Enum(check_action) String(throw) Value(0) EnumValue Enum(check_action) String(halt) Value(1) EnumValue Enum(check_action) String(context) Value(2) fdebug D Compile in debug code. fdebug= D Joined RejectNegative -fdebug= Compile in debug code identified by . fdoc D Generate documentation. fdoc-dir= D Joined RejectNegative -fdoc-dir= Write documentation file to directory . fdoc-file= D Joined RejectNegative -fdoc-file= Write documentation to . fdoc-inc= D Joined RejectNegative -fdoc-inc= Include a Ddoc macro . fdruntime D Assume that standard D runtime libraries and \"D main\" exist. fdump-c++-spec-verbose D RejectNegative Add comments for ignored declarations in the generated C++ header. fdump-c++-spec= D RejectNegative Joined -fdump-cxx-spec= Write all declarations as C++ code to . fdump-d-original D Display the frontend AST after parsing and semantic passes. fextern-std= D Joined RejectNegative Enum(extern_stdcpp) Var(flag_extern_stdcpp) -fextern-std= Set C++ name mangling compatibility with . Enum Name(extern_stdcpp) Type(int) UnknownError(unknown C++ standard %qs) EnumValue Enum(extern_stdcpp) String(c++98) Value(199711) EnumValue Enum(extern_stdcpp) String(c++03) Value(199711) EnumValue Enum(extern_stdcpp) String(c++11) Value(201103) EnumValue Enum(extern_stdcpp) String(c++14) Value(201402) EnumValue Enum(extern_stdcpp) String(c++17) Value(201703) EnumValue Enum(extern_stdcpp) String(c++20) Value(202002) fignore-unknown-pragmas D Ignore unsupported pragmas. finvariants D Var(flag_invariants) Generate code for class invariant contracts. fmain D RejectNegative Generate a default D main() function when compiling. fmodule-file= D Joined RejectNegative -fmodule-file== use as source file for . fmoduleinfo D Var(flag_moduleinfo) Generate ModuleInfo struct for output module. fonly= D Joined RejectNegative Process all modules specified on the command line, but only generate code for the module specified by the argument. fpostconditions D Var(flag_postconditions) Generate code for postcondition contracts. fpreconditions D Var(flag_preconditions) Generate code for precondition contracts. fpreview=all D RejectNegative Turn on all upcoming D language features. fpreview=bitfields D RejectNegative Implement D bit-fields. fpreview=dip1000 D RejectNegative Implement DIP1000: Scoped pointers. fpreview=dip1008 D RejectNegative Implement DIP1008: Allow exceptions in @nogc code. fpreview=dip1021 D RejectNegative Implement DIP1021: Mutable function arguments. fpreview=dip25 D RejectNegative Implement DIP25: Sealed references. fpreview=dtorfields D RejectNegative Destruct fields of partially constructed objects. fpreview=fieldwise D RejectNegative Use field-wise comparisons for struct equality. fpreview=fixaliasthis D RejectNegative When a symbol is resolved, check `alias this' scope before going to upper scopes. fpreview=fiximmutableconv D RejectNegative Disallow unsound immutable conversions that were formerly incorrectly permitted. fpreview=in D RejectNegative Implement 'in' parameters to mean scope const. fpreview=inclusiveincontracts D RejectNegative Implement 'in' contracts of overridden methods to be a superset of parent contract. fpreview=nosharedaccess D RejectNegative Disable access to shared memory objects. fpreview=rvaluerefparam D RejectNegative Enable rvalue arguments to ref parameters. fpreview=shortenedmethods D RejectNegative Allow use of '=>' for methods and top-level functions in addition to lambdas. frelease D Compile release version. frevert=all D RejectNegative Turn off all revertable D language features. frevert=dip1000 D RejectNegative Revert DIP1000: Scoped pointers. frevert=dip25 D RejectNegative Revert DIP25: Sealed references. frevert=dtorfields D RejectNegative Don't destruct fields of partially constructed objects. frevert=intpromote D RejectNegative Use C-style integral promotion for unary '+', '-' and '~'. frtti D ; Documented in C fsave-mixins= D Joined RejectNegative -fsave-mixins= Expand and save mixins to file specified by . fswitch-errors D Var(flag_switch_errors) Generate code for switches without a default case. ftransition=all D RejectNegative List information on all D language transitions. ftransition=field D RejectNegative List all non-mutable fields which occupy an object instance. ftransition=in D RejectNegative List all usages of 'in' on parameter. ftransition=nogc D RejectNegative List all hidden GC allocations. ftransition=templates D RejectNegative List statistics on template instantiations. ftransition=tls D RejectNegative List all variables going into thread local storage. funittest D Compile in unittest code. fversion= D Joined RejectNegative -fversion= Compile in version code identified by . fweak-templates D Var(flag_weak_templates) Init(1) Emit template instantiations as weak symbols. imultilib D Joined Separate ; Documented in C iprefix D Joined Separate ; Documented in C isysroot D Joined Separate ; Documented in C isystem D Joined Separate ; Documented in C nophoboslib Driver Do not link the standard D library in the compilation. nostdinc D ; Documented in C static-libphobos Driver Link the standard D library statically in the compilation. shared-libphobos Driver Link the standard D library dynamically in the compilation. v D ; Documented in C