/** * Does semantic analysis for pragmas. * * Specification: $(LINK2 https://dlang.org/spec/pragma.html, Pragmas) * * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * Authors: $(LINK2 https://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * License: $(LINK2 https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/pragmasem.d, _pragmasem.d) * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_pragmasem.html * Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/pragmasem.d */ module dmd.pragmasem; import core.stdc.stdio; import dmd.astenums; import dmd.arraytypes; import dmd.attrib; import dmd.dinterpret; import dmd.dscope; import dmd.dsymbol; import dmd.dsymbolsem : include; import dmd.errors; import dmd.expression; import dmd.expressionsem; import dmd.globals; import dmd.location; import dmd.id; import dmd.statement; /** * Run semantic on `pragma` declaration. * * Params: * pd = pragma declaration or statement to evaluate * sc = enclosing scope */ void pragmaDeclSemantic(PragmaDeclaration pd, Scope* sc) { import dmd.aggregate; import dmd.common.outbuffer; import dmd.dmodule; import dmd.dsymbolsem; import dmd.identifier; import dmd.mangle : isValidMangling; import dmd.root.rmem; import dmd.root.utf; import dmd.target; import dmd.utils; StringExp verifyMangleString(ref Expression e) { auto se = semanticString(sc, e, "mangled name"); if (!se) return null; e = se; if (!se.len) { .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` - zero-length string not allowed for mangled name", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); return null; } if (se.sz != 1) { .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` - mangled name characters can only be of type `char`", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); return null; } version (all) { import dmd.common.charactertables; /* Note: D language specification should not have any assumption about backend * implementation. Ideally pragma(mangle) can accept a string of any content. * * Therefore, this validation is compiler implementation specific. */ auto slice = se.peekString(); for (size_t i = 0; i < se.len;) { dchar c = slice[i]; if (c < 0x80) { if (c.isValidMangling) { ++i; continue; } else { .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` char 0x%02x not allowed in mangled name", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars, c); break; } } if (const msg = utf_decodeChar(slice, i, c)) { .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` %.*s", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars, cast(int)msg.length, msg.ptr); break; } if (!isAnyIdentifierCharacter(c)) { .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` char `0x%04x` not allowed in mangled name", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars, c); break; } } } return se; } void declarations() { if (!pd.decl) return; Scope* sc2 = pd.newScope(sc); scope(exit) if (sc2 != sc) sc2.pop(); foreach (s; (*pd.decl)[]) { if (pd.ident == Id.printf || pd.ident == Id.scanf) { s.setPragmaPrintf(pd.ident == Id.printf); s.dsymbolSemantic(sc2); continue; } s.dsymbolSemantic(sc2); if (pd.ident != Id.mangle) continue; assert(pd.args); if (auto ad = s.isAggregateDeclaration()) { Expression e = (*pd.args)[0]; sc2 = sc2.startCTFE(); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e = resolveProperties(sc2, e); sc2 = sc2.endCTFE(); AggregateDeclaration agg; if (auto tc = e.type.isTypeClass()) agg = tc.sym; else if (auto ts = e.type.isTypeStruct()) agg = ts.sym; ad.pMangleOverride = new MangleOverride; void setString(ref Expression e) { if (auto se = verifyMangleString(e)) { const name = (cast(const(char)[])se.peekData()).xarraydup; ad.pMangleOverride.id = Identifier.idPool(name); e = se; } else error(e.loc, "must be a string"); } if (agg) { ad.pMangleOverride.agg = agg; if (pd.args.length == 2) { setString((*pd.args)[1]); } else ad.pMangleOverride.id = agg.ident; } else setString((*pd.args)[0]); } else if (auto td = s.isTemplateDeclaration()) { .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` cannot apply to a template declaration", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); errorSupplemental(pd.loc, "use `template Class(Args...){ pragma(mangle, \"other_name\") class Class {} }`"); } else if (auto se = verifyMangleString((*pd.args)[0])) { const name = (cast(const(char)[])se.peekData()).xarraydup; uint cnt = setMangleOverride(s, name); if (cnt > 1) .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` can only apply to a single declaration", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); } } } void noDeclarations() { if (pd.decl) { .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` is missing a terminating `;`", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); declarations(); // do them anyway, to avoid segfaults. } } // Should be merged with PragmaStatement //printf("\tpragmaDeclSemantic '%s'\n", pd.toChars()); if (target.supportsLinkerDirective()) { if (pd.ident == Id.linkerDirective) { if (!pd.args || pd.args.length != 1) .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` one string argument expected for pragma(linkerDirective)", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); else { auto se = semanticString(sc, (*pd.args)[0], "linker directive"); if (!se) return noDeclarations(); (*pd.args)[0] = se; if (global.params.v.verbose) message("linkopt %.*s", cast(int)se.len, se.peekString().ptr); } return noDeclarations(); } } if (pd.ident == Id.msg) { if (!pd.args) return noDeclarations(); if (!pragmaMsgSemantic(pd.loc, sc, pd.args)) return; return noDeclarations(); } else if (pd.ident == Id.lib) { if (!pd.args || pd.args.length != 1) .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` string expected for library name", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); else { auto se = semanticString(sc, (*pd.args)[0], "library name"); if (!se) return noDeclarations(); (*pd.args)[0] = se; auto name = se.peekString().xarraydup; if (global.params.v.verbose) message("library %s", name.ptr); if (global.params.moduleDeps.buffer && !global.params.moduleDeps.name) { OutBuffer* ob = global.params.moduleDeps.buffer; Module imod = sc._module; ob.writestring("depsLib "); ob.writestring(imod.toPrettyChars()); ob.writestring(" ("); escapePath(ob, imod.srcfile.toChars()); ob.writestring(") : "); ob.writestring(name); ob.writenl(); } mem.xfree(name.ptr); } return noDeclarations(); } else if (pd.ident == Id.startaddress) { pragmaStartAddressSemantic(pd.loc, sc, pd.args); return noDeclarations(); } else if (pd.ident == Id.Pinline) { // this pragma now gets evaluated on demand in function semantic return declarations(); } else if (pd.ident == Id.mangle) { if (!pd.args) pd.args = new Expressions(); if (pd.args.length == 0 || pd.args.length > 2) { .error(pd.loc, pd.args.length == 0 ? "%s `%s` - string expected for mangled name" : "%s `%s` expected 1 or 2 arguments", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); pd.args.setDim(1); (*pd.args)[0] = ErrorExp.get(); // error recovery } return declarations(); } else if (pd.ident == Id.crt_constructor || pd.ident == Id.crt_destructor) { if (pd.args && pd.args.length != 0) .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` takes no argument", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); else { immutable isCtor = pd.ident == Id.crt_constructor; static uint recurse(Dsymbol s, bool isCtor) { if (auto ad = s.isAttribDeclaration()) { uint nestedCount; auto decls = ad.include(null); if (decls) { for (size_t i = 0; i < decls.length; ++i) nestedCount += recurse((*decls)[i], isCtor); } return nestedCount; } else if (auto f = s.isFuncDeclaration()) { if (isCtor) f.isCrtCtor = true; else f.isCrtDtor = true; return 1; } else return 0; assert(0); } if (recurse(pd, isCtor) > 1) .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` can only apply to a single declaration", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); } return declarations(); } else if (pd.ident == Id.printf || pd.ident == Id.scanf) { if (pd.args && pd.args.length != 0) .error(pd.loc, "%s `%s` takes no argument", pd.kind, pd.toPrettyChars); return declarations(); } else if (!global.params.ignoreUnsupportedPragmas) { error(pd.loc, "unrecognized `pragma(%s)`", pd.ident.toChars()); return declarations(); } if (!global.params.v.verbose) return declarations(); /* Print unrecognized pragmas */ OutBuffer buf; buf.writestring(pd.ident.toString()); if (pd.args) { const errors_save = global.startGagging(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.args.length; i++) { Expression e = (*pd.args)[i]; sc = sc.startCTFE(); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e = resolveProperties(sc, e); sc = sc.endCTFE(); e = e.ctfeInterpret(); if (i == 0) buf.writestring(" ("); else buf.writeByte(','); buf.writestring(e.toChars()); } if (pd.args.length) buf.writeByte(')'); global.endGagging(errors_save); } message("pragma %s", buf.peekChars()); return declarations(); } /** * Run semantic on `pragma` statement. * * Params: * ps = pragma statement to evaluate * sc = enclosing scope * * Returns : true if `pragma` is valid, or false if an error was found */ bool pragmaStmtSemantic(PragmaStatement ps, Scope* sc) { import dmd.statementsem; /* https://dlang.org/spec/statement.html#pragma-statement */ // Should be merged with PragmaDeclaration //printf("pragmaStmtSemantic() %s\n", ps.toChars()); //printf("body = %p\n", ps._body); if (ps.ident == Id.msg) { if (!pragmaMsgSemantic(ps.loc, sc, ps.args)) return false; } else if (ps.ident == Id.lib) { version (all) { /* Should this be allowed? */ error(ps.loc, "`pragma(lib)` not allowed as statement"); return false; } else { if (!ps.args || ps.args.length != 1) { error(ps.loc, "`string` expected for library name"); return false; } else { auto se = semanticString(sc, (*ps.args)[0], "library name"); if (!se) return false; if (global.params.v.verbose) { message("library %.*s", cast(int)se.len, se.string); } } } } else if (ps.ident == Id.linkerDirective) { /* Should this be allowed? */ error(ps.loc, "`pragma(linkerDirective)` not allowed as statement"); return false; } else if (ps.ident == Id.startaddress) { if (!pragmaStartAddressSemantic(ps.loc, sc, ps.args)) return false; } else if (ps.ident == Id.Pinline) { if (auto fd = sc.func) { fd.inlining = evalPragmaInline(ps.loc, sc, ps.args); } else { error(ps.loc, "`pragma(inline)` is not inside a function"); return false; } } else if (ps.ident == Id.mangle) { auto es = ps._body ? ps._body.isExpStatement() : null; auto de = es ? es.exp.isDeclarationExp() : null; if (!de) { error(ps.loc, "`pragma(mangle)` must be attached to a declaration"); return false; } const se = ps.args && (*ps.args).length == 1 ? semanticString(sc, (*ps.args)[0], "pragma mangle argument") : null; if (!se) { error(ps.loc, "`pragma(mangle)` takes a single argument that must be a string literal"); return false; } const cnt = setMangleOverride(de.declaration, cast(const(char)[])se.peekData()); if (cnt != 1) assert(0); } else if (!global.params.ignoreUnsupportedPragmas) { error(ps.loc, "unrecognized `pragma(%s)`", ps.ident.toChars()); return false; } if (ps._body) { if (ps.ident == Id.msg || ps.ident == Id.startaddress) { error(ps.loc, "`pragma(%s)` is missing a terminating `;`", ps.ident.toChars()); return false; } ps._body = ps._body.statementSemantic(sc); } return true; } /*************************************** * Interpret a `pragma(inline, x)` * * Params: * loc = location for error messages * sc = scope for evaluation of argument * args = pragma arguments * Returns: corresponding `PINLINE` state */ package PINLINE evalPragmaInline(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expressions* args) { if (!args || args.length == 0) return PINLINE.default_; if (args && args.length > 1) { .error(loc, "one boolean expression expected for `pragma(inline)`, not %llu", cast(ulong) args.length); args.setDim(1); (*args)[0] = ErrorExp.get(); } Expression e = (*args)[0]; if (!e.type) { sc = sc.startCTFE(); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e = resolveProperties(sc, e); sc = sc.endCTFE(); e = e.ctfeInterpret(); e = e.toBoolean(sc); if (e.isErrorExp()) .error(loc, "pragma(`inline`, `true` or `false`) expected, not `%s`", (*args)[0].toChars()); (*args)[0] = e; } const opt = e.toBool(); if (opt.isEmpty()) return PINLINE.default_; if (opt.get()) return PINLINE.always; return PINLINE.never; } /** * Apply pragma mangle to FuncDeclarations and VarDeclarations * under `s`, poking through attribute declarations such as * `extern(C)` but not through aggregates or function bodies. * * Params: * s = symbol to apply * sym = overriding symbol name */ private uint setMangleOverride(Dsymbol s, const(char)[] sym) { if (s.isFuncDeclaration() || s.isVarDeclaration()) { s.isDeclaration().mangleOverride = sym; return 1; } if (auto ad = s.isAttribDeclaration()) { uint nestedCount = 0; ad.include(null).foreachDsymbol( (s) { nestedCount += setMangleOverride(s, sym); } ); return nestedCount; } return 0; } /*********************************************************** * Evaluate and print a `pragma(msg, args)` * * Params: * loc = location for error messages * sc = scope for argument interpretation * args = expressions to print * Returns: * `true` on success */ private bool pragmaMsgSemantic(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expressions* args) { import dmd.tokens; import dmd.common.outbuffer; if (!args) return true; OutBuffer buf; if (expressionsToString(buf, sc, args, loc, "while evaluating `pragma(msg, %s)`", false)) return false; buf.writestring("\n"); fprintf(stderr, buf.extractChars); return true; } /** * Apply pragma printf/scanf to FuncDeclarations under `s`, * poking through attribute declarations such as `extern(C)` * but not through aggregates or function bodies. * * Params: * s = symbol to apply * printf = `true` for printf, `false` for scanf */ private void setPragmaPrintf(Dsymbol s, bool printf) { if (auto fd = s.isFuncDeclaration()) { fd.printf = printf; fd.scanf = !printf; } if (auto ad = s.isAttribDeclaration()) { ad.include(null).foreachDsymbol( (s) { setPragmaPrintf(s, printf); } ); } } /*********************************************************** * Evaluate `pragma(startAddress, func)` and store the resolved symbol in `args` * * Params: * loc = location for error messages * sc = scope for argument interpretation * args = pragma arguments * Returns: * `true` on success */ private bool pragmaStartAddressSemantic(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expressions* args) { import dmd.dtemplate; if (!args || args.length != 1) { .error(loc, "function name expected for start address"); return false; } else { /* https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11980 * resolveProperties and ctfeInterpret call are not necessary. */ Expression e = (*args)[0]; sc = sc.startCTFE(); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); // e = resolveProperties(sc, e); sc = sc.endCTFE(); // e = e.ctfeInterpret(); (*args)[0] = e; Dsymbol sa = getDsymbol(e); if (!sa || !sa.isFuncDeclaration()) { .error(loc, "function name expected for start address, not `%s`", e.toChars()); return false; } } return true; }