/** * Defines `TemplateDeclaration`, `TemplateInstance` and a few utilities * * This modules holds the two main template types: * `TemplateDeclaration`, which is the user-provided declaration of a template, * and `TemplateInstance`, which is an instance of a `TemplateDeclaration` * with specific arguments. * * Template_Parameter: * Additionally, the classes for template parameters are defined in this module. * The base class, `TemplateParameter`, is inherited by: * - `TemplateTypeParameter` * - `TemplateThisParameter` * - `TemplateValueParameter` * - `TemplateAliasParameter` * - `TemplateTupleParameter` * * Templates_semantic: * The start of the template instantiation process looks like this: * - A `TypeInstance` or `TypeIdentifier` is encountered. * `TypeInstance` have a bang (e.g. `Foo!(arg)`) while `TypeIdentifier` don't. * - A `TemplateInstance` is instantiated * - Semantic is run on the `TemplateInstance` (see `dmd.dsymbolsem`) * - The `TemplateInstance` search for its `TemplateDeclaration`, * runs semantic on the template arguments and deduce the best match * among the possible overloads. * - The `TemplateInstance` search for existing instances with the same * arguments, and uses it if found. * - Otherwise, the rest of semantic is run on the `TemplateInstance`. * * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * Authors: $(LINK2 https://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * License: $(LINK2 https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/dtemplate.d, _dtemplate.d) * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_dtemplate.html * Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/dtemplate.d */ module dmd.dtemplate; import core.stdc.stdio; import core.stdc.string; import dmd.aggregate; import dmd.aliasthis; import dmd.arraytypes; import dmd.astenums; import dmd.ast_node; import dmd.attrib; import dmd.dcast; import dmd.dclass; import dmd.declaration; import dmd.dinterpret; import dmd.dmangle; import dmd.dmodule; import dmd.dscope; import dmd.dsymbol; import dmd.dsymbolsem; import dmd.errors; import dmd.errorsink; import dmd.expression; import dmd.expressionsem; import dmd.func; import dmd.funcsem; import dmd.globals; import dmd.hdrgen; import dmd.id; import dmd.identifier; import dmd.impcnvtab; import dmd.init; import dmd.initsem; import dmd.location; import dmd.mtype; import dmd.opover; import dmd.optimize; import dmd.root.array; import dmd.common.outbuffer; import dmd.rootobject; import dmd.semantic2; import dmd.semantic3; import dmd.templatesem; import dmd.tokens; import dmd.typesem; import dmd.visitor; import dmd.templateparamsem; //debug = FindExistingInstance; // print debug stats of findExistingInstance private enum LOG = false; enum IDX_NOTFOUND = 0x12345678; pure nothrow @nogc @safe { /******************************************** * These functions substitute for dynamic_cast. dynamic_cast does not work * on earlier versions of gcc. */ inout(Expression) isExpression(inout RootObject o) { //return dynamic_cast(o); if (!o || o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.expression) return null; return cast(inout(Expression))o; } inout(Dsymbol) isDsymbol(inout RootObject o) { //return dynamic_cast(o); if (!o || o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.dsymbol) return null; return cast(inout(Dsymbol))o; } inout(Type) isType(inout RootObject o) { //return dynamic_cast(o); if (!o || o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.type) return null; return cast(inout(Type))o; } inout(Tuple) isTuple(inout RootObject o) { //return dynamic_cast(o); if (!o || o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.tuple) return null; return cast(inout(Tuple))o; } inout(Parameter) isParameter(inout RootObject o) { //return dynamic_cast(o); if (!o || o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.parameter) return null; return cast(inout(Parameter))o; } inout(TemplateParameter) isTemplateParameter(inout RootObject o) { if (!o || o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.templateparameter) return null; return cast(inout(TemplateParameter))o; } /************************************** * Is this Object an error? */ bool isError(const RootObject o) { if (const t = isType(o)) return (t.ty == Terror); if (const e = isExpression(o)) return (e.op == EXP.error || !e.type || e.type.ty == Terror); if (const v = isTuple(o)) return arrayObjectIsError(v.objects); const s = isDsymbol(o); assert(s); if (s.errors) return true; return s.parent ? isError(s.parent) : false; } /************************************** * Are any of the Objects an error? */ bool arrayObjectIsError(const ref Objects args) { foreach (const o; args) { if (isError(o)) return true; } return false; } /*********************** * Try to get arg as a type. */ inout(Type) getType(inout RootObject o) { inout t = isType(o); if (!t) { if (inout e = isExpression(o)) return e.type; } return t; } } /*********************************** * If oarg represents a Dsymbol, return that Dsymbol * Params: * oarg = argument to check * Returns: * Dsymbol if a symbol, null if not */ Dsymbol getDsymbol(RootObject oarg) { //printf("getDsymbol()\n"); //printf("e %p s %p t %p v %p\n", isExpression(oarg), isDsymbol(oarg), isType(oarg), isTuple(oarg)); if (auto ea = isExpression(oarg)) { // Try to convert Expression to symbol if (auto ve = ea.isVarExp()) return ve.var; else if (auto fe = ea.isFuncExp()) return fe.td ? fe.td : fe.fd; else if (auto te = ea.isTemplateExp()) return te.td; else if (auto te = ea.isScopeExp()) return te.sds; else return null; } else { // Try to convert Type to symbol if (auto ta = isType(oarg)) return ta.toDsymbol(null); else return isDsymbol(oarg); // if already a symbol } } private Expression getValue(ref Dsymbol s) { if (s) { if (VarDeclaration v = s.isVarDeclaration()) { if (v.storage_class & STC.manifest) return v.getConstInitializer(); } } return null; } /*********************** * Try to get value from manifest constant */ private Expression getValue(Expression e) { if (!e) return null; if (auto ve = e.isVarExp()) { if (auto v = ve.var.isVarDeclaration()) { if (v.storage_class & STC.manifest) { e = v.getConstInitializer(); } } } return e; } private Expression getExpression(RootObject o) { auto s = isDsymbol(o); return s ? .getValue(s) : .getValue(isExpression(o)); } /****************************** * See if two objects match * Params: * o1 = first object * o2 = second object * Returns: true if they match */ private bool match(RootObject o1, RootObject o2) { enum log = false; static if (log) { printf("match() o1 = %p %s (%d), o2 = %p %s (%d)\n", o1, o1.toChars(), o1.dyncast(), o2, o2.toChars(), o2.dyncast()); } /* A proper implementation of the various equals() overrides * should make it possible to just do o1.equals(o2), but * we'll do that another day. */ /* Manifest constants should be compared by their values, * at least in template arguments. */ if (auto t1 = isType(o1)) { auto t2 = isType(o2); if (!t2) goto Lnomatch; static if (log) { printf("\tt1 = %s\n", t1.toChars()); printf("\tt2 = %s\n", t2.toChars()); } if (!t1.equals(t2)) goto Lnomatch; goto Lmatch; } if (auto e1 = getExpression(o1)) { auto e2 = getExpression(o2); if (!e2) goto Lnomatch; static if (log) { printf("\te1 = %s '%s' %s\n", e1.type ? e1.type.toChars() : "null", EXPtoString(e1.op).ptr, e1.toChars()); printf("\te2 = %s '%s' %s\n", e2.type ? e2.type.toChars() : "null", EXPtoString(e2.op).ptr, e2.toChars()); } // two expressions can be equal although they do not have the same // type; that happens when they have the same value. So check type // as well as expression equality to ensure templates are properly // matched. if (!(e1.type && e2.type && e1.type.equals(e2.type)) || !e1.equals(e2)) goto Lnomatch; goto Lmatch; } if (auto s1 = isDsymbol(o1)) { auto s2 = isDsymbol(o2); if (!s2) goto Lnomatch; static if (log) { printf("\ts1 = %s \n", s1.kind(), s1.toChars()); printf("\ts2 = %s \n", s2.kind(), s2.toChars()); } if (!s1.equals(s2)) goto Lnomatch; if (s1.parent != s2.parent && !s1.isFuncDeclaration() && !s2.isFuncDeclaration()) goto Lnomatch; goto Lmatch; } if (auto u1 = isTuple(o1)) { auto u2 = isTuple(o2); if (!u2) goto Lnomatch; static if (log) { printf("\tu1 = %s\n", u1.toChars()); printf("\tu2 = %s\n", u2.toChars()); } if (!arrayObjectMatch(u1.objects, u2.objects)) goto Lnomatch; goto Lmatch; } Lmatch: static if (log) printf("\t. match\n"); return true; Lnomatch: static if (log) printf("\t. nomatch\n"); return false; } /************************************ * Match an array of them. */ bool arrayObjectMatch(ref Objects oa1, ref Objects oa2) { if (&oa1 == &oa2) return true; if (oa1.length != oa2.length) return false; immutable oa1dim = oa1.length; auto oa1d = oa1[].ptr; auto oa2d = oa2[].ptr; foreach (j; 0 .. oa1dim) { RootObject o1 = oa1d[j]; RootObject o2 = oa2d[j]; if (!match(o1, o2)) { return false; } } return true; } /************************************ * Return hash of Objects. */ private size_t arrayObjectHash(ref Objects oa1) { import dmd.root.hash : mixHash; size_t hash = 0; foreach (o1; oa1) { /* Must follow the logic of match() */ if (auto t1 = isType(o1)) hash = mixHash(hash, cast(size_t)t1.deco); else if (auto e1 = getExpression(o1)) hash = mixHash(hash, expressionHash(e1)); else if (auto s1 = isDsymbol(o1)) { auto fa1 = s1.isFuncAliasDeclaration(); if (fa1) s1 = fa1.toAliasFunc(); hash = mixHash(hash, mixHash(cast(size_t)cast(void*)s1.getIdent(), cast(size_t)cast(void*)s1.parent)); } else if (auto u1 = isTuple(o1)) hash = mixHash(hash, arrayObjectHash(u1.objects)); } return hash; } /************************************ * Computes hash of expression. * Handles all Expression classes and MUST match their equals method, * i.e. e1.equals(e2) implies expressionHash(e1) == expressionHash(e2). */ private size_t expressionHash(Expression e) { import dmd.root.ctfloat : CTFloat; import dmd.root.hash : calcHash, mixHash; switch (e.op) { case EXP.int64: return cast(size_t) e.isIntegerExp().getInteger(); case EXP.float64: return CTFloat.hash(e.isRealExp().value); case EXP.complex80: auto ce = e.isComplexExp(); return mixHash(CTFloat.hash(ce.toReal), CTFloat.hash(ce.toImaginary)); case EXP.identifier: return cast(size_t)cast(void*) e.isIdentifierExp().ident; case EXP.null_: return cast(size_t)cast(void*) e.isNullExp().type; case EXP.string_: return calcHash(e.isStringExp.peekData()); case EXP.tuple: { auto te = e.isTupleExp(); size_t hash = 0; hash += te.e0 ? expressionHash(te.e0) : 0; foreach (elem; *te.exps) hash = mixHash(hash, expressionHash(elem)); return hash; } case EXP.arrayLiteral: { auto ae = e.isArrayLiteralExp(); size_t hash; foreach (i; 0 .. ae.elements.length) hash = mixHash(hash, expressionHash(ae[i])); return hash; } case EXP.assocArrayLiteral: { auto ae = e.isAssocArrayLiteralExp(); size_t hash; foreach (i; 0 .. ae.keys.length) // reduction needs associative op as keys are unsorted (use XOR) hash ^= mixHash(expressionHash((*ae.keys)[i]), expressionHash((*ae.values)[i])); return hash; } case EXP.structLiteral: { auto se = e.isStructLiteralExp(); size_t hash; foreach (elem; *se.elements) hash = mixHash(hash, elem ? expressionHash(elem) : 0); return hash; } case EXP.variable: return cast(size_t)cast(void*) e.isVarExp().var; case EXP.function_: return cast(size_t)cast(void*) e.isFuncExp().fd; default: // no custom equals for this expression assert((&e.equals).funcptr is &RootObject.equals); // equals based on identity return cast(size_t)cast(void*) e; } } RootObject objectSyntaxCopy(RootObject o) { if (!o) return null; if (Type t = isType(o)) return t.syntaxCopy(); if (Expression e = isExpression(o)) return e.syntaxCopy(); return o; } extern (C++) final class Tuple : RootObject { Objects objects; extern (D) this() {} /** Params: numObjects = The initial number of objects. */ extern (D) this(size_t numObjects) { objects.setDim(numObjects); } // kludge for template.isType() override DYNCAST dyncast() const { return DYNCAST.tuple; } override const(char)* toChars() const { return objects.toChars(); } } struct TemplatePrevious { TemplatePrevious* prev; Scope* sc; Objects* dedargs; } /*********************************************************** * [mixin] template Identifier (parameters) [Constraint] * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html * https://dlang.org/spec/template-mixin.html */ extern (C++) final class TemplateDeclaration : ScopeDsymbol { import dmd.root.array : Array; TemplateParameters* parameters; // array of TemplateParameter's TemplateParameters* origParameters; // originals for Ddoc Expression constraint; // Hash table to look up TemplateInstance's of this TemplateDeclaration TemplateInstance[TemplateInstanceBox] instances; TemplateDeclaration overnext; // next overloaded TemplateDeclaration TemplateDeclaration overroot; // first in overnext list FuncDeclaration funcroot; // first function in unified overload list Dsymbol onemember; // if !=null then one member of this template bool literal; // this template declaration is a literal bool ismixin; // this is a mixin template declaration bool isstatic; // this is static template declaration bool isTrivialAliasSeq; /// matches pattern `template AliasSeq(T...) { alias AliasSeq = T; }` bool isTrivialAlias; /// matches pattern `template Alias(T) { alias Alias = qualifiers(T); }` bool deprecated_; /// this template declaration is deprecated Visibility visibility; // threaded list of previous instantiation attempts on stack TemplatePrevious* previous; Expression lastConstraint; /// the constraint after the last failed evaluation Array!Expression lastConstraintNegs; /// its negative parts Objects* lastConstraintTiargs; /// template instance arguments for `lastConstraint` extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, TemplateParameters* parameters, Expression constraint, Dsymbols* decldefs, bool ismixin = false, bool literal = false) { super(loc, ident); static if (LOG) { printf("TemplateDeclaration(this = %p, id = '%s')\n", this, ident.toChars()); } version (none) { if (parameters) for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { TemplateParameter tp = (*parameters)[i]; //printf("\tparameter[%d] = %p\n", i, tp); TemplateTypeParameter ttp = tp.isTemplateTypeParameter(); if (ttp) { printf("\tparameter[%d] = %s : %s\n", i, tp.ident.toChars(), ttp.specType ? ttp.specType.toChars() : ""); } } } this.parameters = parameters; this.origParameters = parameters; this.constraint = constraint; this.members = decldefs; this.literal = literal; this.ismixin = ismixin; this.isstatic = true; this.visibility = Visibility(Visibility.Kind.undefined); // Compute in advance for Ddoc's use // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11153: ident could be NULL if parsing fails. if (!members || !ident) return; Dsymbol s; if (!Dsymbol.oneMembers(members, s, ident) || !s) return; onemember = s; s.parent = this; /* Set isTrivialAliasSeq if this fits the pattern: * template AliasSeq(T...) { alias AliasSeq = T; } * or set isTrivialAlias if this fits the pattern: * template Alias(T) { alias Alias = qualifiers(T); } */ if (!(parameters && parameters.length == 1)) return; auto ad = s.isAliasDeclaration(); if (!ad || !ad.type) return; auto ti = ad.type.isTypeIdentifier(); if (!ti || ti.idents.length != 0) return; if (auto ttp = (*parameters)[0].isTemplateTupleParameter()) { if (ti.ident is ttp.ident && ti.mod == 0) { //printf("found isTrivialAliasSeq %s %s\n", s.toChars(), ad.type.toChars()); isTrivialAliasSeq = true; } } else if (auto ttp = (*parameters)[0].isTemplateTypeParameter()) { if (ti.ident is ttp.ident) { //printf("found isTrivialAlias %s %s\n", s.toChars(), ad.type.toChars()); isTrivialAlias = true; } } } override TemplateDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol) { //printf("TemplateDeclaration.syntaxCopy()\n"); TemplateParameters* p = null; if (parameters) { p = new TemplateParameters(parameters.length); foreach (i, ref param; *p) param = (*parameters)[i].syntaxCopy(); } return new TemplateDeclaration(loc, ident, p, constraint ? constraint.syntaxCopy() : null, Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(members), ismixin, literal); } /********************************** * Overload existing TemplateDeclaration 'this' with the new one 's'. * Params: * s = symbol to be inserted * Return: true if successful; i.e. no conflict. */ override bool overloadInsert(Dsymbol s) { static if (LOG) { printf("TemplateDeclaration.overloadInsert('%s')\n", s.toChars()); } FuncDeclaration fd = s.isFuncDeclaration(); if (fd) { if (funcroot) return funcroot.overloadInsert(fd); funcroot = fd; return funcroot.overloadInsert(this); } // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15795 // if candidate is an alias and its sema is not run then // insertion can fail because the thing it alias is not known if (AliasDeclaration ad = s.isAliasDeclaration()) { if (s._scope) aliasSemantic(ad, s._scope); if (ad.aliassym && ad.aliassym is this) return false; } TemplateDeclaration td = s.toAlias().isTemplateDeclaration(); if (!td) return false; TemplateDeclaration pthis = this; TemplateDeclaration* ptd; for (ptd = &pthis; *ptd; ptd = &(*ptd).overnext) { } td.overroot = this; *ptd = td; static if (LOG) { printf("\ttrue: no conflict\n"); } return true; } override bool hasStaticCtorOrDtor() { return false; // don't scan uninstantiated templates } override const(char)* kind() const { return (onemember && onemember.isAggregateDeclaration()) ? onemember.kind() : "template"; } override const(char)* toChars() const { HdrGenState hgs; OutBuffer buf; toCharsMaybeConstraints(this, buf, hgs); return buf.extractChars(); } override Visibility visible() pure nothrow @nogc @safe { return visibility; } /**************************** * Destructively get the error message from the last constraint evaluation * Params: * tip = tip to show after printing all overloads */ const(char)* getConstraintEvalError(ref const(char)* tip) { import dmd.staticcond; // there will be a full tree view in verbose mode, and more compact list in the usual const full = global.params.v.verbose; uint count; const msg = visualizeStaticCondition(constraint, lastConstraint, lastConstraintNegs[], full, count); scope (exit) { lastConstraint = null; lastConstraintTiargs = null; lastConstraintNegs.setDim(0); } if (!msg) return null; OutBuffer buf; assert(parameters && lastConstraintTiargs); if (parameters.length > 0) { formatParamsWithTiargs(*parameters, *lastConstraintTiargs, isVariadic() !is null, buf); buf.writenl(); } if (!full) { // choosing singular/plural const s = (count == 1) ? " must satisfy the following constraint:" : " must satisfy one of the following constraints:"; buf.writestring(s); buf.writenl(); // the constraints buf.writeByte('`'); buf.writestring(msg); buf.writeByte('`'); } else { buf.writestring(" whose parameters have the following constraints:"); buf.writenl(); const sep = " `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`"; buf.writestring(sep); buf.writenl(); // the constraints buf.writeByte('`'); buf.writestring(msg); buf.writeByte('`'); buf.writestring(sep); tip = "not satisfied constraints are marked with `>`"; } return buf.extractChars(); } debug (FindExistingInstance) { __gshared uint nFound, nNotFound, nAdded, nRemoved; shared static ~this() { printf("debug (FindExistingInstance) nFound %u, nNotFound: %u, nAdded: %u, nRemoved: %u\n", nFound, nNotFound, nAdded, nRemoved); } } /**************************************************** * Given a new instance `tithis` of this TemplateDeclaration, * see if there already exists an instance. * * Params: * tithis = template instance to check * argumentList = For function templates, needed because different * `auto ref` resolutions create different instances, * even when template parameters are identical * * Returns: that existing instance, or `null` when it doesn't exist */ extern (D) TemplateInstance findExistingInstance(TemplateInstance tithis, ArgumentList argumentList) { //printf("findExistingInstance() %s\n", tithis.toChars()); tithis.fargs = argumentList.arguments; tithis.fnames = argumentList.names; auto tibox = TemplateInstanceBox(tithis); auto p = tibox in this.instances; debug (FindExistingInstance) ++(p ? nFound : nNotFound); //if (p) printf("\tfound %p\n", *p); else printf("\tnot found\n"); return p ? *p : null; } /******************************************** * Add instance ti to TemplateDeclaration's table of instances. * Return a handle we can use to later remove it if it fails instantiation. */ extern (D) TemplateInstance addInstance(TemplateInstance ti) { //printf("addInstance() %p %s\n", instances, ti.toChars()); auto tibox = TemplateInstanceBox(ti); instances[tibox] = ti; debug (FindExistingInstance) ++nAdded; return ti; } /******************************************* * Remove TemplateInstance from table of instances. * Input: * handle returned by addInstance() */ extern (D) void removeInstance(TemplateInstance ti) { //printf("removeInstance() %s\n", ti.toChars()); auto tibox = TemplateInstanceBox(ti); debug (FindExistingInstance) ++nRemoved; instances.remove(tibox); } override inout(TemplateDeclaration) isTemplateDeclaration() inout { return this; } /** * Check if the last template parameter is a tuple one, * and returns it if so, else returns `null`. * * Returns: * The last template parameter if it's a `TemplateTupleParameter` */ extern (D) TemplateTupleParameter isVariadic() { size_t dim = parameters.length; if (dim == 0) return null; return (*parameters)[dim - 1].isTemplateTupleParameter(); } extern(C++) override bool isDeprecated() const { return this.deprecated_; } /*********************************** * We can overload templates. */ override bool isOverloadable() const { return true; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } extern (C++) final class TypeDeduced : Type { Type tded; Expressions argexps; // corresponding expressions Types tparams; // tparams[i].mod extern (D) this(Type tt, Expression e, Type tparam) { super(Tnone); tded = tt; argexps.push(e); tparams.push(tparam); } void update(Expression e, Type tparam) { argexps.push(e); tparams.push(tparam); } void update(Type tt, Expression e, Type tparam) { tded = tt; argexps.push(e); tparams.push(tparam); } MATCH matchAll(Type tt) { MATCH match = MATCH.exact; foreach (j, e; argexps) { assert(e); if (e == emptyArrayElement) continue; Type t = tt.addMod(tparams[j].mod).substWildTo(MODFlags.const_); MATCH m = e.implicitConvTo(t); if (match > m) match = m; if (match == MATCH.nomatch) break; } return match; } } /* ======================== Type ============================================ */ /**** * Given an identifier, figure out which TemplateParameter it is. * Return IDX_NOTFOUND if not found. */ private size_t templateIdentifierLookup(Identifier id, TemplateParameters* parameters) { for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { TemplateParameter tp = (*parameters)[i]; if (tp.ident.equals(id)) return i; } return IDX_NOTFOUND; } size_t templateParameterLookup(Type tparam, TemplateParameters* parameters) { if (TypeIdentifier tident = tparam.isTypeIdentifier()) { //printf("\ttident = '%s'\n", tident.toChars()); return templateIdentifierLookup(tident.ident, parameters); } return IDX_NOTFOUND; } ubyte deduceWildHelper(Type t, Type* at, Type tparam) { if ((tparam.mod & MODFlags.wild) == 0) return 0; *at = null; auto X(T, U)(T U, U T) { return (U << 4) | T; } switch (X(tparam.mod, t.mod)) { case X(MODFlags.wild, 0): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, 0): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.immutable_): { ubyte wm = (t.mod & ~MODFlags.shared_); if (wm == 0) wm = MODFlags.mutable; ubyte m = (t.mod & (MODFlags.const_ | MODFlags.immutable_)) | (tparam.mod & t.mod & MODFlags.shared_); *at = t.unqualify(m); return wm; } case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): { *at = t.unqualify(tparam.mod & t.mod); return MODFlags.wild; } default: return 0; } } /** * Returns the common type of the 2 types. */ private Type rawTypeMerge(Type t1, Type t2) { if (t1.equals(t2)) return t1; if (t1.equivalent(t2)) return t1.castMod(MODmerge(t1.mod, t2.mod)); auto t1b = t1.toBasetype(); auto t2b = t2.toBasetype(); if (t1b.equals(t2b)) return t1b; if (t1b.equivalent(t2b)) return t1b.castMod(MODmerge(t1b.mod, t2b.mod)); auto ty = implicitConvCommonTy(t1b.ty, t2b.ty); if (ty != Terror) return Type.basic[ty]; return null; } MATCH deduceTypeHelper(Type t, out Type at, Type tparam) { // 9*9 == 81 cases auto X(T, U)(T U, U T) { return (U << 4) | T; } switch (X(tparam.mod, t.mod)) { case X(0, 0): case X(0, MODFlags.const_): case X(0, MODFlags.wild): case X(0, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(0, MODFlags.shared_): case X(0, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(0, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(0, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(0, MODFlags.immutable_): // foo(U) T => T // foo(U) const(T) => const(T) // foo(U) inout(T) => inout(T) // foo(U) inout(const(T)) => inout(const(T)) // foo(U) shared(T) => shared(T) // foo(U) shared(const(T)) => shared(const(T)) // foo(U) shared(inout(T)) => shared(inout(T)) // foo(U) shared(inout(const(T))) => shared(inout(const(T))) // foo(U) immutable(T) => immutable(T) { at = t; return MATCH.exact; } case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.immutable_): // foo(const(U)) const(T) => T // foo(inout(U)) inout(T) => T // foo(inout(const(U))) inout(const(T)) => T // foo(shared(U)) shared(T) => T // foo(shared(const(U))) shared(const(T)) => T // foo(shared(inout(U))) shared(inout(T)) => T // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) shared(inout(const(T))) => T // foo(immutable(U)) immutable(T) => T { at = t.mutableOf().unSharedOf(); return MATCH.exact; } case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): // foo(const(U)) shared(const(T)) => shared(T) // foo(inout(U)) shared(inout(T)) => shared(T) // foo(inout(const(U))) shared(inout(const(T))) => shared(T) { at = t.mutableOf(); return MATCH.exact; } case X(MODFlags.const_, 0): case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.immutable_): // foo(const(U)) T => T // foo(const(U)) inout(T) => T // foo(const(U)) inout(const(T)) => T // foo(const(U)) shared(inout(T)) => shared(T) // foo(const(U)) shared(inout(const(T))) => shared(T) // foo(const(U)) immutable(T) => T // foo(shared(const(U))) immutable(T) => T { at = t.mutableOf(); return MATCH.constant; } case X(MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_): // foo(const(U)) shared(T) => shared(T) { at = t; return MATCH.constant; } case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): // foo(shared(U)) shared(const(T)) => const(T) // foo(shared(U)) shared(inout(T)) => inout(T) // foo(shared(U)) shared(inout(const(T))) => inout(const(T)) { at = t.unSharedOf(); return MATCH.exact; } case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_): // foo(shared(const(U))) shared(T) => T { at = t.unSharedOf(); return MATCH.constant; } case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): // foo(inout(const(U))) immutable(T) => T // foo(shared(const(U))) shared(inout(const(T))) => T // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) immutable(T) => T // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) shared(inout(T)) => T { at = t.unSharedOf().mutableOf(); return MATCH.constant; } case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): // foo(shared(const(U))) shared(inout(T)) => T { at = t.unSharedOf().mutableOf(); return MATCH.constant; } case X(MODFlags.wild, 0): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, 0): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_, 0): case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, 0): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, 0): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.immutable_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, 0): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, 0): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.wildconst): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.shared_): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.const_): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wild): case X(MODFlags.immutable_, MODFlags.shared_ | MODFlags.wildconst): // foo(inout(U)) T => nomatch // foo(inout(U)) const(T) => nomatch // foo(inout(U)) inout(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(inout(U)) immutable(T) => nomatch // foo(inout(U)) shared(T) => nomatch // foo(inout(U)) shared(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(inout(U)) shared(inout(const(T))) => nomatch // foo(inout(const(U))) T => nomatch // foo(inout(const(U))) const(T) => nomatch // foo(inout(const(U))) inout(T) => nomatch // foo(inout(const(U))) shared(T) => nomatch // foo(inout(const(U))) shared(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(inout(const(U))) shared(inout(T)) => nomatch // foo(shared(U)) T => nomatch // foo(shared(U)) const(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(U)) inout(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(U)) inout(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(shared(U)) immutable(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(const(U))) T => nomatch // foo(shared(const(U))) const(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(const(U))) inout(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(const(U))) inout(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) T => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) const(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) inout(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) inout(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) immutable(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) shared(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) shared(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(U))) shared(inout(const(T))) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) T => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) const(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) inout(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) inout(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) shared(T) => nomatch // foo(shared(inout(const(U)))) shared(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) T => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) const(T) => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) inout(T) => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) inout(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) shared(T) => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) shared(const(T)) => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) shared(inout(T)) => nomatch // foo(immutable(U)) shared(inout(const(T))) => nomatch return MATCH.nomatch; default: assert(0); } } __gshared Expression emptyArrayElement = null; /* These form the heart of template argument deduction. * Given 'this' being the type argument to the template instance, * it is matched against the template declaration parameter specialization * 'tparam' to determine the type to be used for the parameter. * Example: * template Foo(T:T*) // template declaration * Foo!(int*) // template instantiation * Input: * this = int* * tparam = T* * parameters = [ T:T* ] // Array of TemplateParameter's * Output: * dedtypes = [ int ] // Array of Expression/Type's */ MATCH deduceType(RootObject o, Scope* sc, Type tparam, ref TemplateParameters parameters, ref Objects dedtypes, uint* wm = null, size_t inferStart = 0, bool ignoreAliasThis = false) { extern (C++) final class DeduceType : Visitor { alias visit = Visitor.visit; public: MATCH result; extern (D) this() @safe { result = MATCH.nomatch; } override void visit(Type t) { if (!tparam) goto Lnomatch; if (t == tparam) goto Lexact; if (tparam.ty == Tident) { // Determine which parameter tparam is size_t i = templateParameterLookup(tparam, ¶meters); if (i == IDX_NOTFOUND) { if (!sc) goto Lnomatch; /* Need a loc to go with the semantic routine. */ Loc loc; if (parameters.length) { TemplateParameter tp = parameters[0]; loc = tp.loc; } /* BUG: what if tparam is a template instance, that * has as an argument another Tident? */ tparam = tparam.typeSemantic(loc, sc); assert(tparam.ty != Tident); result = deduceType(t, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, wm); return; } TemplateParameter tp = parameters[i]; TypeIdentifier tident = tparam.isTypeIdentifier(); if (tident.idents.length > 0) { //printf("matching %s to %s\n", tparam.toChars(), t.toChars()); Dsymbol s = t.toDsymbol(sc); for (size_t j = tident.idents.length; j-- > 0;) { RootObject id = tident.idents[j]; if (id.dyncast() == DYNCAST.identifier) { if (!s || !s.parent) goto Lnomatch; Dsymbol s2 = s.parent.search(Loc.initial, cast(Identifier)id); if (!s2) goto Lnomatch; s2 = s2.toAlias(); //printf("[%d] s = %s %s, s2 = %s %s\n", j, s.kind(), s.toChars(), s2.kind(), s2.toChars()); if (s != s2) { if (Type tx = s2.getType()) { if (s != tx.toDsymbol(sc)) goto Lnomatch; } else goto Lnomatch; } s = s.parent; } else goto Lnomatch; } //printf("[e] s = %s\n", s?s.toChars():"(null)"); if (tp.isTemplateTypeParameter()) { Type tt = s.getType(); if (!tt) goto Lnomatch; Type at = cast(Type)dedtypes[i]; if (at && at.ty == Tnone) at = (cast(TypeDeduced)at).tded; if (!at || tt.equals(at)) { dedtypes[i] = tt; goto Lexact; } } if (tp.isTemplateAliasParameter()) { Dsymbol s2 = cast(Dsymbol)dedtypes[i]; if (!s2 || s == s2) { dedtypes[i] = s; goto Lexact; } } goto Lnomatch; } // Found the corresponding parameter tp /+ https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23578 To pattern match: static if (is(S!int == S!av, alias av)) We eventually need to deduce `int` (Tint32 [0]) and `av` (Tident). Previously this would not get pattern matched at all, but now we check if the template parameter `av` came from. This note has been left to serve as a hint for further explorers into how IsExp matching works. +/ if (auto ta = tp.isTemplateAliasParameter()) { dedtypes[i] = t; goto Lexact; } // (23578) - ensure previous behaviour for non-alias template params if (!tp.isTemplateTypeParameter()) { goto Lnomatch; } Type at = cast(Type)dedtypes[i]; Type tt; if (ubyte wx = wm ? deduceWildHelper(t, &tt, tparam) : 0) { // type vs (none) if (!at) { dedtypes[i] = tt; *wm |= wx; result = MATCH.constant; return; } // type vs expressions if (at.ty == Tnone) { auto xt = cast(TypeDeduced)at; result = xt.matchAll(tt); if (result > MATCH.nomatch) { dedtypes[i] = tt; if (result > MATCH.constant) result = MATCH.constant; // limit level for inout matches } return; } // type vs type if (tt.equals(at)) { dedtypes[i] = tt; // Prefer current type match goto Lconst; } if (tt.implicitConvTo(at.constOf())) { dedtypes[i] = at.constOf().mutableOf(); *wm |= MODFlags.const_; goto Lconst; } if (at.implicitConvTo(tt.constOf())) { dedtypes[i] = tt.constOf().mutableOf(); *wm |= MODFlags.const_; goto Lconst; } goto Lnomatch; } else if (MATCH m = deduceTypeHelper(t, tt, tparam)) { // type vs (none) if (!at) { dedtypes[i] = tt; result = m; return; } // type vs expressions if (at.ty == Tnone) { auto xt = cast(TypeDeduced)at; result = xt.matchAll(tt); if (result > MATCH.nomatch) { dedtypes[i] = tt; } return; } // type vs type if (tt.equals(at)) { goto Lexact; } if (tt.ty == Tclass && at.ty == Tclass) { result = tt.implicitConvTo(at); return; } if (tt.ty == Tsarray && at.ty == Tarray && tt.nextOf().implicitConvTo(at.nextOf()) >= MATCH.constant) { goto Lexact; } } goto Lnomatch; } if (tparam.ty == Ttypeof) { /* Need a loc to go with the semantic routine. */ Loc loc; if (parameters.length) { TemplateParameter tp = parameters[0]; loc = tp.loc; } tparam = tparam.typeSemantic(loc, sc); } if (t.ty != tparam.ty) { if (Dsymbol sym = t.toDsymbol(sc)) { if (sym.isforwardRef() && !tparam.deco) goto Lnomatch; } MATCH m = t.implicitConvTo(tparam); if (m == MATCH.nomatch && !ignoreAliasThis) { if (auto tc = t.isTypeClass()) { if (tc.sym.aliasthis && !(tc.att & AliasThisRec.tracingDT)) { if (auto ato = t.aliasthisOf()) { tc.att = cast(AliasThisRec)(tc.att | AliasThisRec.tracingDT); m = deduceType(ato, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, wm); tc.att = cast(AliasThisRec)(tc.att & ~AliasThisRec.tracingDT); } } } else if (auto ts = t.isTypeStruct()) { if (ts.sym.aliasthis && !(ts.att & AliasThisRec.tracingDT)) { if (auto ato = t.aliasthisOf()) { ts.att = cast(AliasThisRec)(ts.att | AliasThisRec.tracingDT); m = deduceType(ato, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, wm); ts.att = cast(AliasThisRec)(ts.att & ~AliasThisRec.tracingDT); } } } } result = m; return; } if (t.nextOf()) { if (tparam.deco && !tparam.hasWild()) { result = t.implicitConvTo(tparam); return; } Type tpn = tparam.nextOf(); if (wm && t.ty == Taarray && tparam.isWild()) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12403 // In IFTI, stop inout matching on transitive part of AA types. tpn = tpn.substWildTo(MODFlags.mutable); } result = deduceType(t.nextOf(), sc, tpn, parameters, dedtypes, wm); return; } Lexact: result = MATCH.exact; return; Lnomatch: result = MATCH.nomatch; return; Lconst: result = MATCH.constant; } override void visit(TypeVector t) { if (auto tp = tparam.isTypeVector()) { result = deduceType(t.basetype, sc, tp.basetype, parameters, dedtypes, wm); return; } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeDArray t) { visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeSArray t) { // Extra check that array dimensions must match if (tparam) { if (tparam.ty == Tarray) { MATCH m = deduceType(t.next, sc, tparam.nextOf(), parameters, dedtypes, wm); result = (m >= MATCH.constant) ? MATCH.convert : MATCH.nomatch; return; } TemplateParameter tp = null; Expression edim = null; size_t i; if (auto tsa = tparam.isTypeSArray()) { if (tsa.dim.isVarExp() && tsa.dim.isVarExp().var.storage_class & STC.templateparameter) { Identifier id = tsa.dim.isVarExp().var.ident; i = templateIdentifierLookup(id, ¶meters); assert(i != IDX_NOTFOUND); tp = parameters[i]; } else edim = tsa.dim; } else if (auto taa = tparam.isTypeAArray()) { i = templateParameterLookup(taa.index, ¶meters); if (i != IDX_NOTFOUND) tp = parameters[i]; else { Loc loc; // The "type" (it hasn't been resolved yet) of the function parameter // does not have a location but the parameter it is related to does, // so we use that for the resolution (better error message). if (inferStart < parameters.length) { TemplateParameter loctp = parameters[inferStart]; loc = loctp.loc; } Expression e; Type tx; Dsymbol s; taa.index.resolve(loc, sc, e, tx, s); edim = s ? getValue(s) : getValue(e); } } if (tp && tp.matchArg(sc, t.dim, i, ¶meters, dedtypes, null) || edim && edim.toInteger() == t.dim.toInteger()) { result = deduceType(t.next, sc, tparam.nextOf(), parameters, dedtypes, wm); return; } } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeAArray t) { // Extra check that index type must match if (tparam && tparam.ty == Taarray) { TypeAArray tp = tparam.isTypeAArray(); if (!deduceType(t.index, sc, tp.index, parameters, dedtypes)) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeFunction t) { // Extra check that function characteristics must match if (!tparam) return visit(cast(Type)t); if (auto tp = tparam.isTypeFunction()) { if (t.parameterList.varargs != tp.parameterList.varargs || t.linkage != tp.linkage) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } foreach (fparam; *tp.parameterList.parameters) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2579 // Apply function parameter storage classes to parameter types fparam.type = fparam.type.addStorageClass(fparam.storageClass); fparam.storageClass &= ~STC.TYPECTOR; // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15243 // Resolve parameter type if it's not related with template parameters if (!reliesOnTemplateParameters(fparam.type, parameters[inferStart .. parameters.length])) { auto tx = fparam.type.typeSemantic(Loc.initial, sc); if (tx.ty == Terror) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } fparam.type = tx; } } const size_t nfargs = t.parameterList.length; size_t nfparams = tp.parameterList.length; /* See if tuple match */ if (nfparams > 0 && nfargs >= nfparams - 1) { /* See if 'A' of the template parameter matches 'A' * of the type of the last function parameter. */ Parameter fparam = tp.parameterList[nfparams - 1]; assert(fparam); assert(fparam.type); if (fparam.type.ty != Tident) goto L1; TypeIdentifier tid = fparam.type.isTypeIdentifier(); if (tid.idents.length) goto L1; /* Look through parameters to find tuple matching tid.ident */ size_t tupi = 0; for (; 1; tupi++) { if (tupi == parameters.length) goto L1; TemplateParameter tx = parameters[tupi]; TemplateTupleParameter tup = tx.isTemplateTupleParameter(); if (tup && tup.ident.equals(tid.ident)) break; } /* The types of the function arguments [nfparams - 1 .. nfargs] * now form the tuple argument. */ size_t tuple_dim = nfargs - (nfparams - 1); /* See if existing tuple, and whether it matches or not */ RootObject o = dedtypes[tupi]; if (o) { // Existing deduced argument must be a tuple, and must match Tuple tup = isTuple(o); if (!tup || tup.objects.length != tuple_dim) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple_dim; i++) { Parameter arg = t.parameterList[nfparams - 1 + i]; if (!arg.type.equals(tup.objects[i])) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } } } else { // Create new tuple auto tup = new Tuple(tuple_dim); for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple_dim; i++) { Parameter arg = t.parameterList[nfparams - 1 + i]; tup.objects[i] = arg.type; } dedtypes[tupi] = tup; } nfparams--; // don't consider the last parameter for type deduction goto L2; } L1: if (nfargs != nfparams) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } L2: assert(nfparams <= tp.parameterList.length); foreach (i, ap; tp.parameterList) { if (i == nfparams) break; Parameter a = t.parameterList[i]; if (!a.isCovariant(t.isref, ap) || !deduceType(a.type, sc, ap.type, parameters, dedtypes)) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } } } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeIdentifier t) { // Extra check if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tident) { TypeIdentifier tp = tparam.isTypeIdentifier(); for (size_t i = 0; i < t.idents.length; i++) { RootObject id1 = t.idents[i]; RootObject id2 = tp.idents[i]; if (!id1.equals(id2)) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } } } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeInstance t) { // Extra check if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tinstance && t.tempinst.tempdecl) { TemplateDeclaration tempdecl = t.tempinst.tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration(); assert(tempdecl); TypeInstance tp = tparam.isTypeInstance(); //printf("tempinst.tempdecl = %p\n", tempdecl); //printf("tp.tempinst.tempdecl = %p\n", tp.tempinst.tempdecl); if (!tp.tempinst.tempdecl) { //printf("tp.tempinst.name = '%s'\n", tp.tempinst.name.toChars()); /* Handle case of: * template Foo(T : sa!(T), alias sa) */ size_t i = templateIdentifierLookup(tp.tempinst.name, ¶meters); if (i == IDX_NOTFOUND) { /* Didn't find it as a parameter identifier. Try looking * it up and seeing if is an alias. * https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1454 */ auto tid = new TypeIdentifier(tp.loc, tp.tempinst.name); Type tx; Expression e; Dsymbol s; tid.resolve(tp.loc, sc, e, tx, s); if (tx) { s = tx.toDsymbol(sc); if (TemplateInstance ti = s ? s.parent.isTemplateInstance() : null) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14290 // Try to match with ti.tempecl, // only when ti is an enclosing instance. Dsymbol p = sc.parent; while (p && p != ti) p = p.parent; if (p) s = ti.tempdecl; } } if (s) { s = s.toAlias(); TemplateDeclaration td = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (td) { if (td.overroot) td = td.overroot; for (; td; td = td.overnext) { if (td == tempdecl) goto L2; } } } goto Lnomatch; } TemplateParameter tpx = parameters[i]; if (!tpx.matchArg(sc, tempdecl, i, ¶meters, dedtypes, null)) goto Lnomatch; } else if (tempdecl != tp.tempinst.tempdecl) goto Lnomatch; L2: if (!resolveTemplateInstantiation(sc, ¶meters, t.tempinst.tiargs, &t.tempinst.tdtypes, tempdecl, tp, &dedtypes)) goto Lnomatch; } visit(cast(Type)t); return; Lnomatch: //printf("no match\n"); result = MATCH.nomatch; } override void visit(TypeStruct t) { /* If this struct is a template struct, and we're matching * it against a template instance, convert the struct type * to a template instance, too, and try again. */ TemplateInstance ti = t.sym.parent.isTemplateInstance(); if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tinstance) { if (ti && ti.toAlias() == t.sym) { auto tx = new TypeInstance(Loc.initial, ti); auto m = deduceType(tx, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, wm); // if we have a no match we still need to check alias this if (m != MATCH.nomatch) { result = m; return; } } /* Match things like: * S!(T).foo */ TypeInstance tpi = tparam.isTypeInstance(); if (tpi.idents.length) { RootObject id = tpi.idents[tpi.idents.length - 1]; if (id.dyncast() == DYNCAST.identifier && t.sym.ident.equals(cast(Identifier)id)) { Type tparent = t.sym.parent.getType(); if (tparent) { /* Slice off the .foo in S!(T).foo */ tpi.idents.length--; result = deduceType(tparent, sc, tpi, parameters, dedtypes, wm); tpi.idents.length++; return; } } } } // Extra check if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tstruct) { TypeStruct tp = tparam.isTypeStruct(); //printf("\t%d\n", cast(MATCH) t.implicitConvTo(tp)); if (wm && t.deduceWild(tparam, false)) { result = MATCH.constant; return; } result = t.implicitConvTo(tp); return; } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeEnum t) { // Extra check if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tenum) { TypeEnum tp = tparam.isTypeEnum(); if (t.sym == tp.sym) visit(cast(Type)t); else result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } Type tb = t.toBasetype(); if (tb.ty == tparam.ty || tb.ty == Tsarray && tparam.ty == Taarray) { result = deduceType(tb, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, wm); if (result == MATCH.exact) result = MATCH.convert; return; } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(TypeClass t) { //printf("TypeClass.deduceType(this = %s)\n", t.toChars()); /* If this class is a template class, and we're matching * it against a template instance, convert the class type * to a template instance, too, and try again. */ TemplateInstance ti = t.sym.parent.isTemplateInstance(); if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tinstance) { if (ti && ti.toAlias() == t.sym) { auto tx = new TypeInstance(Loc.initial, ti); MATCH m = deduceType(tx, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, wm); // Even if the match fails, there is still a chance it could match // a base class. if (m != MATCH.nomatch) { result = m; return; } } /* Match things like: * S!(T).foo */ TypeInstance tpi = tparam.isTypeInstance(); if (tpi.idents.length) { RootObject id = tpi.idents[tpi.idents.length - 1]; if (id.dyncast() == DYNCAST.identifier && t.sym.ident.equals(cast(Identifier)id)) { Type tparent = t.sym.parent.getType(); if (tparent) { /* Slice off the .foo in S!(T).foo */ tpi.idents.length--; result = deduceType(tparent, sc, tpi, parameters, dedtypes, wm); tpi.idents.length++; return; } } } // If it matches exactly or via implicit conversion, we're done visit(cast(Type)t); if (result != MATCH.nomatch) return; /* There is still a chance to match via implicit conversion to * a base class or interface. Because there could be more than one such * match, we need to check them all. */ int numBaseClassMatches = 0; // Have we found an interface match? // Our best guess at dedtypes auto best = new Objects(dedtypes.length); ClassDeclaration s = t.sym; while (s && s.baseclasses.length > 0) { // Test the base class deduceBaseClassParameters(*(*s.baseclasses)[0], sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, *best, numBaseClassMatches); // Test the interfaces inherited by the base class foreach (b; s.interfaces) { deduceBaseClassParameters(*b, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, *best, numBaseClassMatches); } s = (*s.baseclasses)[0].sym; } if (numBaseClassMatches == 0) { result = MATCH.nomatch; return; } // If we got at least one match, copy the known types into dedtypes memcpy(dedtypes.tdata(), best.tdata(), best.length * (void*).sizeof); result = MATCH.convert; return; } // Extra check if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tclass) { TypeClass tp = tparam.isTypeClass(); //printf("\t%d\n", cast(MATCH) t.implicitConvTo(tp)); if (wm && t.deduceWild(tparam, false)) { result = MATCH.constant; return; } result = t.implicitConvTo(tp); return; } visit(cast(Type)t); } override void visit(Expression e) { //printf("Expression.deduceType(e = %s)\n", e.toChars()); size_t i = templateParameterLookup(tparam, ¶meters); if (i == IDX_NOTFOUND || tparam.isTypeIdentifier().idents.length > 0) { if (e == emptyArrayElement && tparam.ty == Tarray) { Type tn = (cast(TypeNext)tparam).next; result = deduceType(emptyArrayElement, sc, tn, parameters, dedtypes, wm); return; } e.type.accept(this); return; } TemplateTypeParameter tp = parameters[i].isTemplateTypeParameter(); if (!tp) return; // nomatch if (e == emptyArrayElement) { if (dedtypes[i]) { result = MATCH.exact; return; } if (tp.defaultType) { tp.defaultType.accept(this); return; } } /* Returns `true` if `t` is a reference type, or an array of reference types */ bool isTopRef(Type t) { auto tb = t.baseElemOf(); return tb.ty == Tclass || tb.ty == Taarray || tb.ty == Tstruct && tb.hasPointers(); } Type at = cast(Type)dedtypes[i]; Type tt; if (ubyte wx = deduceWildHelper(e.type, &tt, tparam)) { *wm |= wx; result = MATCH.constant; } else if (MATCH m = deduceTypeHelper(e.type, tt, tparam)) { result = m; } else if (!isTopRef(e.type)) { /* https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15653 * In IFTI, recognize top-qualifier conversions * through the value copy, e.g. * int --> immutable(int) * immutable(string[]) --> immutable(string)[] */ tt = e.type.mutableOf(); result = MATCH.convert; } else return; // nomatch // expression vs (none) if (!at) { dedtypes[i] = new TypeDeduced(tt, e, tparam); return; } TypeDeduced xt = null; if (at.ty == Tnone) { xt = cast(TypeDeduced)at; at = xt.tded; } // From previous matched expressions to current deduced type MATCH match1 = xt ? xt.matchAll(tt) : MATCH.nomatch; // From current expressions to previous deduced type Type pt = at.addMod(tparam.mod); if (*wm) pt = pt.substWildTo(*wm); MATCH match2 = e.implicitConvTo(pt); if (match1 > MATCH.nomatch && match2 > MATCH.nomatch) { if (at.implicitConvTo(tt) == MATCH.nomatch) match1 = MATCH.nomatch; // Prefer at else if (tt.implicitConvTo(at) == MATCH.nomatch) match2 = MATCH.nomatch; // Prefer tt else if (tt.isTypeBasic() && tt.ty == at.ty && tt.mod != at.mod) { if (!tt.isMutable() && !at.isMutable()) tt = tt.mutableOf().addMod(MODmerge(tt.mod, at.mod)); else if (tt.isMutable()) { if (at.mod == 0) // Prefer unshared match1 = MATCH.nomatch; else match2 = MATCH.nomatch; } else if (at.isMutable()) { if (tt.mod == 0) // Prefer unshared match2 = MATCH.nomatch; else match1 = MATCH.nomatch; } //printf("tt = %s, at = %s\n", tt.toChars(), at.toChars()); } else { match1 = MATCH.nomatch; match2 = MATCH.nomatch; } } if (match1 > MATCH.nomatch) { // Prefer current match: tt if (xt) xt.update(tt, e, tparam); else dedtypes[i] = tt; result = match1; return; } if (match2 > MATCH.nomatch) { // Prefer previous match: (*dedtypes)[i] if (xt) xt.update(e, tparam); result = match2; return; } /* Deduce common type */ if (Type t = rawTypeMerge(at, tt)) { if (xt) xt.update(t, e, tparam); else dedtypes[i] = t; pt = tt.addMod(tparam.mod); if (*wm) pt = pt.substWildTo(*wm); result = e.implicitConvTo(pt); return; } result = MATCH.nomatch; } MATCH deduceEmptyArrayElement() { if (!emptyArrayElement) { emptyArrayElement = new IdentifierExp(Loc.initial, Id.p); // dummy emptyArrayElement.type = Type.tvoid; } assert(tparam.ty == Tarray); Type tn = (cast(TypeNext)tparam).next; return deduceType(emptyArrayElement, sc, tn, parameters, dedtypes, wm); } override void visit(NullExp e) { if (tparam.ty == Tarray && e.type.ty == Tnull) { // tparam:T[] <- e:null (void[]) result = deduceEmptyArrayElement(); return; } visit(cast(Expression)e); } override void visit(StringExp e) { Type taai; if (e.type.ty == Tarray && (tparam.ty == Tsarray || tparam.ty == Taarray && (taai = (cast(TypeAArray)tparam).index).ty == Tident && (cast(TypeIdentifier)taai).idents.length == 0)) { // Consider compile-time known boundaries e.type.nextOf().sarrayOf(e.len).accept(this); return; } visit(cast(Expression)e); } override void visit(ArrayLiteralExp e) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20092 if (e.elements && e.elements.length && e.type.toBasetype().nextOf().ty == Tvoid) { result = deduceEmptyArrayElement(); return; } if ((!e.elements || !e.elements.length) && e.type.toBasetype().nextOf().ty == Tvoid && tparam.ty == Tarray) { // tparam:T[] <- e:[] (void[]) result = deduceEmptyArrayElement(); return; } if (tparam.ty == Tarray && e.elements && e.elements.length) { Type tn = (cast(TypeDArray)tparam).next; result = MATCH.exact; if (e.basis) { MATCH m = deduceType(e.basis, sc, tn, parameters, dedtypes, wm); if (m < result) result = m; } foreach (el; *e.elements) { if (result == MATCH.nomatch) break; if (!el) continue; MATCH m = deduceType(el, sc, tn, parameters, dedtypes, wm); if (m < result) result = m; } return; } Type taai; if (e.type.ty == Tarray && (tparam.ty == Tsarray || tparam.ty == Taarray && (taai = (cast(TypeAArray)tparam).index).ty == Tident && (cast(TypeIdentifier)taai).idents.length == 0)) { // Consider compile-time known boundaries e.type.nextOf().sarrayOf(e.elements.length).accept(this); return; } visit(cast(Expression)e); } override void visit(AssocArrayLiteralExp e) { if (tparam.ty == Taarray && e.keys && e.keys.length) { TypeAArray taa = cast(TypeAArray)tparam; result = MATCH.exact; foreach (i, key; *e.keys) { MATCH m1 = deduceType(key, sc, taa.index, parameters, dedtypes, wm); if (m1 < result) result = m1; if (result == MATCH.nomatch) break; MATCH m2 = deduceType((*e.values)[i], sc, taa.next, parameters, dedtypes, wm); if (m2 < result) result = m2; if (result == MATCH.nomatch) break; } return; } visit(cast(Expression)e); } override void visit(FuncExp e) { //printf("e.type = %s, tparam = %s\n", e.type.toChars(), tparam.toChars()); if (e.td) { Type to = tparam; if (!to.nextOf()) return; auto tof = to.nextOf().isTypeFunction(); if (!tof) return; // Parameter types inference from 'tof' assert(e.td._scope); TypeFunction tf = e.fd.type.isTypeFunction(); //printf("\ttof = %s\n", tof.toChars()); //printf("\ttf = %s\n", tf.toChars()); const dim = tf.parameterList.length; if (tof.parameterList.length != dim || tof.parameterList.varargs != tf.parameterList.varargs) return; auto tiargs = new Objects(); tiargs.reserve(e.td.parameters.length); foreach (tp; *e.td.parameters) { size_t u = 0; foreach (i, p; tf.parameterList) { if (p.type.ty == Tident && (cast(TypeIdentifier)p.type).ident == tp.ident) break; ++u; } assert(u < dim); Parameter pto = tof.parameterList[u]; if (!pto) break; Type t = pto.type.syntaxCopy(); // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11774 if (reliesOnTemplateParameters(t, parameters[inferStart .. parameters.length])) return; t = t.typeSemantic(e.loc, sc); if (t.ty == Terror) return; tiargs.push(t); } // Set target of return type inference if (!tf.next && tof.next) e.fd.treq = tparam; auto ti = new TemplateInstance(e.loc, e.td, tiargs); Expression ex = (new ScopeExp(e.loc, ti)).expressionSemantic(e.td._scope); // Reset inference target for the later re-semantic e.fd.treq = null; if (ex.op == EXP.error) return; if (ex.op != EXP.function_) return; visit(ex.type); return; } Type t = e.type; if (t.ty == Tdelegate && tparam.ty == Tpointer) return; // Allow conversion from implicit function pointer to delegate if (e.tok == TOK.reserved && t.ty == Tpointer && tparam.ty == Tdelegate) { TypeFunction tf = t.nextOf().isTypeFunction(); t = (new TypeDelegate(tf)).merge(); } //printf("tparam = %s <= e.type = %s, t = %s\n", tparam.toChars(), e.type.toChars(), t.toChars()); visit(t); } override void visit(SliceExp e) { Type taai; if (e.type.ty == Tarray && (tparam.ty == Tsarray || tparam.ty == Taarray && (taai = (cast(TypeAArray)tparam).index).ty == Tident && (cast(TypeIdentifier)taai).idents.length == 0)) { // Consider compile-time known boundaries if (Type tsa = toStaticArrayType(e)) { tsa.accept(this); if (result > MATCH.convert) result = MATCH.convert; // match with implicit conversion at most return; } } visit(cast(Expression)e); } override void visit(CommaExp e) { e.e2.accept(this); } } scope DeduceType v = new DeduceType(); if (Type t = isType(o)) t.accept(v); else if (Expression e = isExpression(o)) { assert(wm); e.accept(v); } else assert(0); return v.result; } /* Helper for TypeClass.deduceType(). * Classes can match with implicit conversion to a base class or interface. * This is complicated, because there may be more than one base class which * matches. In such cases, one or more parameters remain ambiguous. * For example, * * interface I(X, Y) {} * class C : I(uint, double), I(char, double) {} * C x; * foo(T, U)( I!(T, U) x) * * deduces that U is double, but T remains ambiguous (could be char or uint). * * Given a baseclass b, and initial deduced types 'dedtypes', this function * tries to match tparam with b, and also tries all base interfaces of b. * If a match occurs, numBaseClassMatches is incremented, and the new deduced * types are ANDed with the current 'best' estimate for dedtypes. */ private void deduceBaseClassParameters(ref BaseClass b, Scope* sc, Type tparam, ref TemplateParameters parameters, ref Objects dedtypes, ref Objects best, ref int numBaseClassMatches) { TemplateInstance parti = b.sym ? b.sym.parent.isTemplateInstance() : null; if (parti) { // Make a temporary copy of dedtypes so we don't destroy it auto tmpdedtypes = new Objects(dedtypes.length); memcpy(tmpdedtypes.tdata(), dedtypes.tdata(), dedtypes.length * (void*).sizeof); auto t = new TypeInstance(Loc.initial, parti); MATCH m = deduceType(t, sc, tparam, parameters, *tmpdedtypes); if (m > MATCH.nomatch) { // If this is the first ever match, it becomes our best estimate if (numBaseClassMatches == 0) memcpy(best.tdata(), tmpdedtypes.tdata(), tmpdedtypes.length * (void*).sizeof); else for (size_t k = 0; k < tmpdedtypes.length; ++k) { // If we've found more than one possible type for a parameter, // mark it as unknown. if ((*tmpdedtypes)[k] != best[k]) best[k] = dedtypes[k]; } ++numBaseClassMatches; } } // Now recursively test the inherited interfaces foreach (ref bi; b.baseInterfaces) { deduceBaseClassParameters(bi, sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes, best, numBaseClassMatches); } } /******************** * Match template `parameters` to the target template instance. * Example: * struct Temp(U, int Z) {} * void foo(T)(Temp!(T, 3)); * foo(Temp!(int, 3)()); * Input: * sc = context * parameters = template params of foo -> [T] * tiargs = .tiargs -> [int, 3] * tdtypes = .tdtypes -> [int, 3] * tempdecl = -> [T, Z] * tp = * Output: * dedtypes = deduced params of `foo(Temp!(int, 3)())` -> [int] */ private bool resolveTemplateInstantiation(Scope* sc, TemplateParameters* parameters, Objects* tiargs, Objects* tdtypes, TemplateDeclaration tempdecl, TypeInstance tp, Objects* dedtypes) { for (size_t i = 0; 1; i++) { //printf("\ttest: tempinst.tiargs[%zu]\n", i); RootObject o1 = null; if (i < tiargs.length) o1 = (*tiargs)[i]; else if (i < tdtypes.length && i < tp.tempinst.tiargs.length) { // Pick up default arg o1 = (*tdtypes)[i]; } else if (i >= tp.tempinst.tiargs.length) break; //printf("\ttest: o1 = %s\n", o1.toChars()); if (i >= tp.tempinst.tiargs.length) { size_t dim = tempdecl.parameters.length - (tempdecl.isVariadic() ? 1 : 0); while (i < dim && ((*tempdecl.parameters)[i].dependent || (*tempdecl.parameters)[i].hasDefaultArg())) { i++; } if (i >= dim) break; // match if all remained parameters are dependent return false; } RootObject o2 = (*tp.tempinst.tiargs)[i]; Type t2 = isType(o2); //printf("\ttest: o2 = %s\n", o2.toChars()); size_t j = (t2 && t2.ty == Tident && i == tp.tempinst.tiargs.length - 1) ? templateParameterLookup(t2, parameters) : IDX_NOTFOUND; if (j != IDX_NOTFOUND && j == parameters.length - 1 && (*parameters)[j].isTemplateTupleParameter()) { /* Given: * struct A(B...) {} * alias A!(int, float) X; * static if (is(X Y == A!(Z), Z...)) {} * deduce that Z is a tuple(int, float) */ /* Create tuple from remaining args */ size_t vtdim = (tempdecl.isVariadic() ? tiargs.length : tdtypes.length) - i; auto vt = new Tuple(vtdim); for (size_t k = 0; k < vtdim; k++) { RootObject o; if (k < tiargs.length) o = (*tiargs)[i + k]; else // Pick up default arg o = (*tdtypes)[i + k]; vt.objects[k] = o; } Tuple v = cast(Tuple)(*dedtypes)[j]; if (v) { if (!match(v, vt)) return false; } else (*dedtypes)[j] = vt; break; } else if (!o1) break; Type t1 = isType(o1); Dsymbol s1 = isDsymbol(o1); Dsymbol s2 = isDsymbol(o2); Expression e1 = s1 ? getValue(s1) : getValue(isExpression(o1)); Expression e2 = isExpression(o2); version (none) { Tuple v1 = isTuple(o1); Tuple v2 = isTuple(o2); if (t1) printf("t1 = %s\n", t1.toChars()); if (t2) printf("t2 = %s\n", t2.toChars()); if (e1) printf("e1 = %s\n", e1.toChars()); if (e2) printf("e2 = %s\n", e2.toChars()); if (s1) printf("s1 = %s\n", s1.toChars()); if (s2) printf("s2 = %s\n", s2.toChars()); if (v1) printf("v1 = %s\n", v1.toChars()); if (v2) printf("v2 = %s\n", v2.toChars()); } if (t1 && t2) { if (!deduceType(t1, sc, t2, *parameters, *dedtypes)) return false; } else if (e1 && e2) { Le: e1 = e1.ctfeInterpret(); /* If it is one of the template parameters for this template, * we should not attempt to interpret it. It already has a value. */ if (e2.op == EXP.variable && (e2.isVarExp().var.storage_class & STC.templateparameter)) { /* * (T:Number!(e2), int e2) */ j = templateIdentifierLookup(e2.isVarExp().var.ident, parameters); if (j != IDX_NOTFOUND) goto L1; // The template parameter was not from this template // (it may be from a parent template, for example) } e2 = e2.expressionSemantic(sc); // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13417 e2 = e2.ctfeInterpret(); //printf("e1 = %s, type = %s %d\n", e1.toChars(), e1.type.toChars(), e1.type.ty); //printf("e2 = %s, type = %s %d\n", e2.toChars(), e2.type.toChars(), e2.type.ty); if (!e1.equals(e2)) { if (!e2.implicitConvTo(e1.type)) return false; e2 = e2.implicitCastTo(sc, e1.type); e2 = e2.ctfeInterpret(); if (!e1.equals(e2)) return false; } } else if (e1 && t2 && t2.ty == Tident) { j = templateParameterLookup(t2, parameters); L1: if (j == IDX_NOTFOUND) { t2.resolve((cast(TypeIdentifier)t2).loc, sc, e2, t2, s2); if (e2) goto Le; return false; } if (!(*parameters)[j].matchArg(sc, e1, j, parameters, *dedtypes, null)) return false; } else if (s1 && s2) { Ls: if (!s1.equals(s2)) return false; } else if (s1 && t2 && t2.ty == Tident) { j = templateParameterLookup(t2, parameters); if (j == IDX_NOTFOUND) { t2.resolve((cast(TypeIdentifier)t2).loc, sc, e2, t2, s2); if (s2) goto Ls; return false; } if (!(*parameters)[j].matchArg(sc, s1, j, parameters, *dedtypes, null)) return false; } else return false; } return true; } /*********************************************************** * Check whether the type t representation relies on one or more the template parameters. * Params: * t = Tested type, if null, returns false. * tparams = Template parameters. * iStart = Start index of tparams to limit the tested parameters. If it's * nonzero, tparams[0..iStart] will be excluded from the test target. */ bool reliesOnTident(Type t, TemplateParameters* tparams, size_t iStart = 0) { return reliesOnTemplateParameters(t, (*tparams)[0 .. tparams.length]); } /*********************************************************** * Check whether the type t representation relies on one or more the template parameters. * Params: * t = Tested type, if null, returns false. * tparams = Template parameters. */ bool reliesOnTemplateParameters(Type t, TemplateParameter[] tparams) { bool visitVector(TypeVector t) { return t.basetype.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } bool visitAArray(TypeAArray t) { return t.next.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams) || t.index.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } bool visitFunction(TypeFunction t) { foreach (i, fparam; t.parameterList) { if (fparam.type.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams)) return true; } return t.next.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } bool visitIdentifier(TypeIdentifier t) { foreach (tp; tparams) { if (tp.ident.equals(t.ident)) return true; } return false; } bool visitInstance(TypeInstance t) { foreach (tp; tparams) { if (t.tempinst.name == tp.ident) return true; } if (t.tempinst.tiargs) foreach (arg; *t.tempinst.tiargs) { if (Type ta = isType(arg)) { if (ta.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams)) return true; } } return false; } bool visitTypeof(TypeTypeof t) { //printf("TypeTypeof.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", t.toChars()); return t.exp.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } bool visitTuple(TypeTuple t) { if (t.arguments) foreach (arg; *t.arguments) { if (arg.type.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams)) return true; } return false; } if (!t) return false; Type tb = t.toBasetype(); switch (tb.ty) { case Tvector: return visitVector(tb.isTypeVector()); case Taarray: return visitAArray(tb.isTypeAArray()); case Tfunction: return visitFunction(tb.isTypeFunction()); case Tident: return visitIdentifier(tb.isTypeIdentifier()); case Tinstance: return visitInstance(tb.isTypeInstance()); case Ttypeof: return visitTypeof(tb.isTypeTypeof()); case Ttuple: return visitTuple(tb.isTypeTuple()); case Tenum: return false; default: return tb.nextOf().reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } } /*********************************************************** * Check whether the expression representation relies on one or more the template parameters. * Params: * e = expression to test * tparams = Template parameters. * Returns: * true if it does */ private bool reliesOnTemplateParameters(Expression e, TemplateParameter[] tparams) { extern (C++) final class ReliesOnTemplateParameters : Visitor { alias visit = Visitor.visit; public: TemplateParameter[] tparams; bool result; extern (D) this(TemplateParameter[] tparams) @safe { this.tparams = tparams; } override void visit(Expression e) { //printf("Expression.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); } override void visit(IdentifierExp e) { //printf("IdentifierExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); foreach (tp; tparams) { if (e.ident == tp.ident) { result = true; return; } } } override void visit(TupleExp e) { //printf("TupleExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); if (e.exps) { foreach (ea; *e.exps) { ea.accept(this); if (result) return; } } } override void visit(ArrayLiteralExp e) { //printf("ArrayLiteralExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); if (e.elements) { foreach (el; *e.elements) { el.accept(this); if (result) return; } } } override void visit(AssocArrayLiteralExp e) { //printf("AssocArrayLiteralExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); foreach (ek; *e.keys) { ek.accept(this); if (result) return; } foreach (ev; *e.values) { ev.accept(this); if (result) return; } } override void visit(StructLiteralExp e) { //printf("StructLiteralExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); if (e.elements) { foreach (ea; *e.elements) { ea.accept(this); if (result) return; } } } override void visit(TypeExp e) { //printf("TypeExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); result = e.type.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } override void visit(NewExp e) { //printf("NewExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); if (e.thisexp) e.thisexp.accept(this); result = e.newtype.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); if (!result && e.arguments) { foreach (ea; *e.arguments) { ea.accept(this); if (result) return; } } } override void visit(NewAnonClassExp e) { //printf("NewAnonClassExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); result = true; } override void visit(FuncExp e) { //printf("FuncExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); result = true; } override void visit(TypeidExp e) { //printf("TypeidExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); if (auto ea = isExpression(e.obj)) ea.accept(this); else if (auto ta = isType(e.obj)) result = ta.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } override void visit(TraitsExp e) { //printf("TraitsExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); if (e.args) { foreach (oa; *e.args) { if (auto ea = isExpression(oa)) ea.accept(this); else if (auto ta = isType(oa)) result = ta.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); if (result) return; } } } override void visit(IsExp e) { //printf("IsExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); result = e.targ.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } override void visit(UnaExp e) { //printf("UnaExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); e.e1.accept(this); } override void visit(DotTemplateInstanceExp e) { //printf("DotTemplateInstanceExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); visit(e.isUnaExp()); if (!result && e.ti.tiargs) { foreach (oa; *e.ti.tiargs) { if (auto ea = isExpression(oa)) ea.accept(this); else if (auto ta = isType(oa)) result = ta.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); if (result) return; } } } override void visit(CallExp e) { //printf("CallExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); visit(e.isUnaExp()); if (!result && e.arguments) { foreach (ea; *e.arguments) { ea.accept(this); if (result) return; } } } override void visit(CastExp e) { //printf("CallExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); visit(e.isUnaExp()); // e.to can be null for cast() with no type if (!result && e.to) result = e.to.reliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); } override void visit(SliceExp e) { //printf("SliceExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); visit(e.isUnaExp()); if (!result && e.lwr) e.lwr.accept(this); if (!result && e.upr) e.upr.accept(this); } override void visit(IntervalExp e) { //printf("IntervalExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); e.lwr.accept(this); if (!result) e.upr.accept(this); } override void visit(ArrayExp e) { //printf("ArrayExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); visit(e.isUnaExp()); if (!result && e.arguments) { foreach (ea; *e.arguments) ea.accept(this); } } override void visit(BinExp e) { //printf("BinExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); e.e1.accept(this); if (!result) e.e2.accept(this); } override void visit(CondExp e) { //printf("BinExp.reliesOnTemplateParameters('%s')\n", e.toChars()); e.econd.accept(this); if (!result) visit(e.isBinExp()); } } scope ReliesOnTemplateParameters v = new ReliesOnTemplateParameters(tparams); e.accept(v); return v.result; } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#TemplateParameter */ extern (C++) class TemplateParameter : ASTNode { Loc loc; Identifier ident; /* True if this is a part of precedent parameter specialization pattern. * * template A(T : X!TL, alias X, TL...) {} * // X and TL are dependent template parameter * * A dependent template parameter should return MATCH.exact in matchArg() * to respect the match level of the corresponding precedent parameter. */ bool dependent; /* ======================== TemplateParameter =============================== */ extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) @safe { this.loc = loc; this.ident = ident; } TemplateTypeParameter isTemplateTypeParameter() { return null; } TemplateValueParameter isTemplateValueParameter() { return null; } TemplateAliasParameter isTemplateAliasParameter() { return null; } TemplateThisParameter isTemplateThisParameter() { return null; } TemplateTupleParameter isTemplateTupleParameter() { return null; } abstract TemplateParameter syntaxCopy(); abstract bool declareParameter(Scope* sc); abstract void print(RootObject oarg, RootObject oded); abstract RootObject specialization(); abstract RootObject defaultArg(const ref Loc instLoc, Scope* sc); abstract bool hasDefaultArg(); override const(char)* toChars() const { return this.ident.toChars(); } override DYNCAST dyncast() const { return DYNCAST.templateparameter; } /* Create dummy argument based on parameter. */ abstract RootObject dummyArg(); override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#TemplateTypeParameter * Syntax: * ident : specType = defaultType */ extern (C++) class TemplateTypeParameter : TemplateParameter { Type specType; // if !=null, this is the type specialization Type defaultType; extern (D) __gshared Type tdummy = null; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Type specType, Type defaultType) @safe { super(loc, ident); this.specType = specType; this.defaultType = defaultType; } override final TemplateTypeParameter isTemplateTypeParameter() { return this; } override TemplateTypeParameter syntaxCopy() { return new TemplateTypeParameter(loc, ident, specType ? specType.syntaxCopy() : null, defaultType ? defaultType.syntaxCopy() : null); } override final bool declareParameter(Scope* sc) { //printf("TemplateTypeParameter.declareParameter('%s')\n", ident.toChars()); auto ti = new TypeIdentifier(loc, ident); Declaration ad = new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, ti); return sc.insert(ad) !is null; } override final void print(RootObject oarg, RootObject oded) { printf(" %s\n", ident.toChars()); Type t = isType(oarg); Type ta = isType(oded); assert(ta); if (specType) printf("\tSpecialization: %s\n", specType.toChars()); if (defaultType) printf("\tDefault: %s\n", defaultType.toChars()); printf("\tParameter: %s\n", t ? t.toChars() : "NULL"); printf("\tDeduced Type: %s\n", ta.toChars()); } override final RootObject specialization() { return specType; } override final RootObject defaultArg(const ref Loc instLoc, Scope* sc) { Type t = defaultType; if (t) { t = t.syntaxCopy(); t = t.typeSemantic(loc, sc); // use the parameter loc } return t; } override final bool hasDefaultArg() { return defaultType !is null; } override final RootObject dummyArg() { Type t = specType; if (!t) { // Use this for alias-parameter's too (?) if (!tdummy) tdummy = new TypeIdentifier(loc, ident); t = tdummy; } return t; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#TemplateThisParameter * Syntax: * this ident : specType = defaultType */ extern (C++) final class TemplateThisParameter : TemplateTypeParameter { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Type specType, Type defaultType) @safe { super(loc, ident, specType, defaultType); } override TemplateThisParameter isTemplateThisParameter() { return this; } override TemplateThisParameter syntaxCopy() { return new TemplateThisParameter(loc, ident, specType ? specType.syntaxCopy() : null, defaultType ? defaultType.syntaxCopy() : null); } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#TemplateValueParameter * Syntax: * valType ident : specValue = defaultValue */ extern (C++) final class TemplateValueParameter : TemplateParameter { Type valType; Expression specValue; Expression defaultValue; extern (D) __gshared Expression[void*] edummies; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Type valType, Expression specValue, Expression defaultValue) @safe { super(loc, ident); this.valType = valType; this.specValue = specValue; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } override TemplateValueParameter isTemplateValueParameter() { return this; } override TemplateValueParameter syntaxCopy() { return new TemplateValueParameter(loc, ident, valType.syntaxCopy(), specValue ? specValue.syntaxCopy() : null, defaultValue ? defaultValue.syntaxCopy() : null); } override bool declareParameter(Scope* sc) { /* Do type semantic earlier. This means for certain erroneous value parameters their "type" can be known earlier and thus a better error message given. For example: `template test(x* x) {}` now yields "undefined identifier" rather than the opaque "variable `x` is used as a type". */ if (valType) valType = valType.typeSemantic(loc, sc); auto v = new VarDeclaration(loc, valType, ident, null); v.storage_class = STC.templateparameter; return sc.insert(v) !is null; } override void print(RootObject oarg, RootObject oded) { printf(" %s\n", ident.toChars()); Expression ea = isExpression(oded); if (specValue) printf("\tSpecialization: %s\n", specValue.toChars()); printf("\tParameter Value: %s\n", ea ? ea.toChars() : "NULL"); } override RootObject specialization() { return specValue; } override RootObject defaultArg(const ref Loc instLoc, Scope* sc) { Expression e = defaultValue; if (e) { e = e.syntaxCopy(); Scope* sc2 = sc.push(); sc2.inDefaultArg = true; e = e.expressionSemantic(sc2); sc2.pop(); if (e is null) return null; if (auto te = e.isTemplateExp()) { assert(sc && sc.tinst); if (te.td == sc.tinst.tempdecl) { // defaultValue is a reference to its template declaration // i.e: `template T(int arg = T)` // Raise error now before calling resolveProperties otherwise we'll // start looping on the expansion of the template instance. auto td = sc.tinst.tempdecl; .error(td.loc, "%s `%s` recursive template expansion", td.kind, td.toPrettyChars); return ErrorExp.get(); } } if ((e = resolveProperties(sc, e)) is null) return null; e = e.resolveLoc(instLoc, sc); // use the instantiated loc e = e.optimize(WANTvalue); } return e; } override bool hasDefaultArg() { return defaultValue !is null; } override RootObject dummyArg() { Expression e = specValue; if (!e) { // Create a dummy value auto pe = cast(void*)valType in edummies; if (!pe) { e = valType.defaultInit(Loc.initial); edummies[cast(void*)valType] = e; } else e = *pe; } return e; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#TemplateAliasParameter * Syntax: * specType ident : specAlias = defaultAlias */ extern (C++) final class TemplateAliasParameter : TemplateParameter { Type specType; RootObject specAlias; RootObject defaultAlias; extern (D) __gshared Dsymbol sdummy = null; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Type specType, RootObject specAlias, RootObject defaultAlias) @safe { super(loc, ident); this.specType = specType; this.specAlias = specAlias; this.defaultAlias = defaultAlias; } override TemplateAliasParameter isTemplateAliasParameter() { return this; } override TemplateAliasParameter syntaxCopy() { return new TemplateAliasParameter(loc, ident, specType ? specType.syntaxCopy() : null, objectSyntaxCopy(specAlias), objectSyntaxCopy(defaultAlias)); } override bool declareParameter(Scope* sc) { auto ti = new TypeIdentifier(loc, ident); Declaration ad = new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, ti); return sc.insert(ad) !is null; } override void print(RootObject oarg, RootObject oded) { printf(" %s\n", ident.toChars()); Dsymbol sa = isDsymbol(oded); assert(sa); printf("\tParameter alias: %s\n", sa.toChars()); } override RootObject specialization() { return specAlias; } override RootObject defaultArg(const ref Loc instLoc, Scope* sc) { RootObject da = defaultAlias; if (auto ta = isType(defaultAlias)) { switch (ta.ty) { // If the default arg is a template, instantiate for each type case Tinstance : // same if the default arg is a mixin, traits, typeof // since the content might rely on a previous parameter // (https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23686) case Tmixin, Ttypeof, Ttraits : da = ta.syntaxCopy(); break; default: } } RootObject o = aliasParameterSemantic(loc, sc, da, null); // use the parameter loc return o; } override bool hasDefaultArg() { return defaultAlias !is null; } override RootObject dummyArg() { RootObject s = specAlias; if (!s) { if (!sdummy) sdummy = new Dsymbol(); s = sdummy; } return s; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#TemplateSequenceParameter * Syntax: * ident ... */ extern (C++) final class TemplateTupleParameter : TemplateParameter { extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) @safe { super(loc, ident); } override TemplateTupleParameter isTemplateTupleParameter() { return this; } override TemplateTupleParameter syntaxCopy() { return new TemplateTupleParameter(loc, ident); } override bool declareParameter(Scope* sc) { auto ti = new TypeIdentifier(loc, ident); Declaration ad = new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, ti); return sc.insert(ad) !is null; } override void print(RootObject oarg, RootObject oded) { printf(" %s... [", ident.toChars()); Tuple v = isTuple(oded); assert(v); //printf("|%d| ", v.objects.length); foreach (i, o; v.objects) { if (i) printf(", "); Dsymbol sa = isDsymbol(o); if (sa) printf("alias: %s", sa.toChars()); Type ta = isType(o); if (ta) printf("type: %s", ta.toChars()); Expression ea = isExpression(o); if (ea) printf("exp: %s", ea.toChars()); assert(!isTuple(o)); // no nested Tuple arguments } printf("]\n"); } override RootObject specialization() { return null; } override RootObject defaultArg(const ref Loc instLoc, Scope* sc) { return null; } override bool hasDefaultArg() { return false; } override RootObject dummyArg() { return null; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#explicit_tmp_instantiation * Given: * foo!(args) => * name = foo * tiargs = args */ extern (C++) class TemplateInstance : ScopeDsymbol { Identifier name; // Array of Types/Expressions of template // instance arguments [int*, char, 10*10] Objects* tiargs; // Array of Types/Expressions corresponding // to TemplateDeclaration.parameters // [int, char, 100] Objects tdtypes; // Modules imported by this template instance Modules importedModules; Dsymbol tempdecl; // referenced by foo.bar.abc Dsymbol enclosing; // if referencing local symbols, this is the context Dsymbol aliasdecl; // !=null if instance is an alias for its sole member TemplateInstance inst; // refer to existing instance ScopeDsymbol argsym; // argument symbol table size_t hash; // cached result of toHash() /// For function template, these are the function names and arguments /// Relevant because different resolutions of `auto ref` parameters /// create different template instances even with the same template arguments Expressions* fargs; Identifiers* fnames; TemplateInstances* deferred; Module memberOf; // if !null, then this TemplateInstance appears in memberOf.members[] // Used to determine the instance needs code generation. // Note that these are inaccurate until semantic analysis phase completed. TemplateInstance tinst; // enclosing template instance TemplateInstance tnext; // non-first instantiated instances Module minst; // the top module that instantiated this instance private ushort _nest; // for recursive pretty printing detection, 3 MSBs reserved for flags (below) ubyte inuse; // for recursive expansion detection private enum Flag : uint { semantictiargsdone = 1u << (_nest.sizeof * 8 - 1), // MSB of _nest havetempdecl = semantictiargsdone >> 1, gagged = semantictiargsdone >> 2, available = gagged - 1 // always last flag minus one, 1s for all available bits } extern(D) final @safe @property pure nothrow @nogc { ushort nest() const { return _nest & Flag.available; } void nestUp() { assert(nest() < Flag.available); ++_nest; } void nestDown() { assert(nest() > 0); --_nest; } /// has semanticTiargs() been done? bool semantictiargsdone() const { return (_nest & Flag.semantictiargsdone) != 0; } void semantictiargsdone(bool x) { if (x) _nest |= Flag.semantictiargsdone; else _nest &= ~Flag.semantictiargsdone; } /// if used second constructor bool havetempdecl() const { return (_nest & Flag.havetempdecl) != 0; } void havetempdecl(bool x) { if (x) _nest |= Flag.havetempdecl; else _nest &= ~Flag.havetempdecl; } /// if the instantiation is done with error gagging bool gagged() const { return (_nest & Flag.gagged) != 0; } void gagged(bool x) { if (x) _nest |= Flag.gagged; else _nest &= ~Flag.gagged; } } extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Objects* tiargs) scope { super(loc, null); static if (LOG) { printf("TemplateInstance(this = %p, ident = '%s')\n", this, ident ? ident.toChars() : "null"); } this.name = ident; this.tiargs = tiargs; } /***************** * This constructor is only called when we figured out which function * template to instantiate. */ extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, TemplateDeclaration td, Objects* tiargs) scope { super(loc, null); static if (LOG) { printf("TemplateInstance(this = %p, tempdecl = '%s')\n", this, td.toChars()); } this.name = td.ident; this.tiargs = tiargs; this.tempdecl = td; this.semantictiargsdone = true; this.havetempdecl = true; assert(tempdecl._scope); } extern (D) static Objects* arraySyntaxCopy(Objects* objs) { Objects* a = null; if (objs) { a = new Objects(objs.length); foreach (i, o; *objs) (*a)[i] = objectSyntaxCopy(o); } return a; } override TemplateInstance syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s) { TemplateInstance ti = s ? cast(TemplateInstance)s : new TemplateInstance(loc, name, null); ti.tiargs = arraySyntaxCopy(tiargs); TemplateDeclaration td; if (inst && tempdecl && (td = tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration()) !is null) td.ScopeDsymbol.syntaxCopy(ti); else ScopeDsymbol.syntaxCopy(ti); return ti; } // resolve real symbol override final Dsymbol toAlias() { static if (LOG) { printf("TemplateInstance.toAlias()\n"); } if (!inst) { // Maybe we can resolve it if (_scope) { dsymbolSemantic(this, _scope); } if (!inst) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` cannot resolve forward reference", kind, toPrettyChars); errors = true; return this; } } if (inst != this) return inst.toAlias(); if (aliasdecl) { return aliasdecl.toAlias(); } return inst; } override const(char)* kind() const { return "template instance"; } override bool oneMember(out Dsymbol ps, Identifier ident) { ps = null; return true; } override const(char)* toChars() const { OutBuffer buf; toCBufferInstance(this, buf); return buf.extractChars(); } override final const(char)* toPrettyCharsHelper() { OutBuffer buf; toCBufferInstance(this, buf, true); return buf.extractChars(); } /************************************** * Given an error instantiating the TemplateInstance, * give the nested TemplateInstance instantiations that got * us here. Those are a list threaded into the nested scopes. * Params: * cl = classification of this trace as printing either errors or deprecations * max_shown = maximum number of trace elements printed (controlled with -v/-verror-limit) */ extern(D) final void printInstantiationTrace(Classification cl = Classification.error, const(uint) max_shown = global.params.v.errorSupplementCount()) { if (global.gag) return; // Print full trace for verbose mode, otherwise only short traces const(char)* format = "instantiated from here: `%s`"; // This returns a function pointer scope printFn = () { final switch (cl) { case Classification.error: return &errorSupplemental; case Classification.deprecation: return &deprecationSupplemental; case Classification.gagged, Classification.tip, Classification.warning: assert(0); } }(); // determine instantiation depth and number of recursive instantiations int n_instantiations = 1; int n_totalrecursions = 0; for (TemplateInstance cur = this; cur; cur = cur.tinst) { ++n_instantiations; // Set error here as we don't want it to depend on the number of // entries that are being printed. if (cl == Classification.error || (cl == Classification.warning && global.params.warnings == DiagnosticReporting.error) || (cl == Classification.deprecation && global.params.useDeprecated == DiagnosticReporting.error)) cur.errors = true; // If two instantiations use the same declaration, they are recursive. // (this works even if they are instantiated from different places in the // same template). // In principle, we could also check for multiple-template recursion, but it's // probably not worthwhile. if (cur.tinst && cur.tempdecl && cur.tinst.tempdecl && cur.tempdecl.loc.equals(cur.tinst.tempdecl.loc)) ++n_totalrecursions; } if (n_instantiations <= max_shown) { for (TemplateInstance cur = this; cur; cur = cur.tinst) printFn(cur.loc, format, cur.toChars()); } else if (n_instantiations - n_totalrecursions <= max_shown) { // By collapsing recursive instantiations into a single line, // we can stay under the limit. int recursionDepth = 0; for (TemplateInstance cur = this; cur; cur = cur.tinst) { if (cur.tinst && cur.tempdecl && cur.tinst.tempdecl && cur.tempdecl.loc.equals(cur.tinst.tempdecl.loc)) { ++recursionDepth; } else { if (recursionDepth) printFn(cur.loc, "%d recursive instantiations from here: `%s`", recursionDepth + 2, cur.toChars()); else printFn(cur.loc, format, cur.toChars()); recursionDepth = 0; } } } else { // Even after collapsing the recursions, the depth is too deep. // Just display the first few and last few instantiations. uint i = 0; for (TemplateInstance cur = this; cur; cur = cur.tinst) { if (i == max_shown / 2) printFn(cur.loc, "... (%d instantiations, -v to show) ...", n_instantiations - max_shown); if (i < max_shown / 2 || i >= n_instantiations - max_shown + max_shown / 2) printFn(cur.loc, format, cur.toChars()); ++i; } } } /************************************* * Lazily generate identifier for template instance. * This is because 75% of the ident's are never needed. */ override final Identifier getIdent() { if (!ident && inst && !errors) ident = genIdent(tiargs); // need an identifier for name mangling purposes. return ident; } /************************************* * Compare proposed template instantiation with existing template instantiation. * Note that this is not commutative because of the auto ref check. * Params: * ti = existing template instantiation * Returns: * true for match */ final bool equalsx(TemplateInstance ti) { //printf("this = %p, ti = %p\n", this, ti); assert(tdtypes.length == ti.tdtypes.length); // Nesting must match if (enclosing != ti.enclosing) { //printf("test2 enclosing %s ti.enclosing %s\n", enclosing ? enclosing.toChars() : "", ti.enclosing ? ti.enclosing.toChars() : ""); goto Lnotequals; } //printf("parent = %s, ti.parent = %s\n", parent.toPrettyChars(), ti.parent.toPrettyChars()); if (!arrayObjectMatch(tdtypes, ti.tdtypes)) goto Lnotequals; /* Template functions may have different instantiations based on * "auto ref" parameters. */ if (auto fd = ti.toAlias().isFuncDeclaration()) { if (!fd.errors) { auto resolvedArgs = fd.type.isTypeFunction().resolveNamedArgs( ArgumentList(this.fargs, this.fnames), null); // resolvedArgs can be null when there's an error: fail_compilation/fail14669.d // In that case, equalsx returns true to prevent endless template instantiations // However, it can also mean the function was explicitly instantiated // without function arguments: fail_compilation/fail14669 // Hence the following check: if (this.fargs && !resolvedArgs) return true; Expression[] args = resolvedArgs ? (*resolvedArgs)[] : []; auto fparameters = fd.getParameterList(); size_t nfparams = fparameters.length; // Num function parameters for (size_t j = 0; j < nfparams; j++) { Parameter fparam = fparameters[j]; if (fparam.storageClass & STC.autoref) // if "auto ref" { Expression farg = (j < args.length) ? args[j] : fparam.defaultArg; // resolveNamedArgs strips trailing nulls / default params // when it doesn't anymore, the ternary can be replaced with: // assert(j < resolvedArgs.length); if (!farg) farg = fparam.defaultArg; if (!farg) goto Lnotequals; if (farg.isLvalue()) { if (!(fparam.storageClass & STC.ref_)) goto Lnotequals; // auto ref's don't match } else { if (fparam.storageClass & STC.ref_) goto Lnotequals; // auto ref's don't match } } } } } return true; Lnotequals: return false; } extern (D) final size_t toHash() { if (!hash) { hash = cast(size_t)cast(void*)enclosing; hash += arrayObjectHash(tdtypes); hash += hash == 0; } return hash; } /** Returns: true if the instances' innards are discardable. The idea of this function is to see if the template instantiation can be 100% replaced with its eponymous member. All other members can be discarded, even in the compiler to free memory (for example, the template could be expanded in a region allocator, deemed trivial, the end result copied back out independently and the entire region freed), and can be elided entirely from the binary. The current implementation affects code that generally looks like: --- template foo(args...) { some_basic_type_or_string helper() { .... } enum foo = helper(); } --- since it was the easiest starting point of implementation but it can and should be expanded more later. */ final bool isDiscardable() { if (aliasdecl is null) return false; auto v = aliasdecl.isVarDeclaration(); if (v is null) return false; if (!(v.storage_class & STC.manifest)) return false; // Currently only doing basic types here because it is the easiest proof-of-concept // implementation with minimal risk of side effects, but it could likely be // expanded to any type that already exists outside this particular instance. if (!(v.type.equals(Type.tstring) || (v.type.isTypeBasic() !is null))) return false; // Static ctors and dtors, even in an eponymous enum template, are still run, // so if any of them are in here, we'd better not assume it is trivial lest // we break useful code foreach(member; *members) { if(member.hasStaticCtorOrDtor()) return false; if(member.isStaticDtorDeclaration()) return false; if(member.isStaticCtorDeclaration()) return false; } // but if it passes through this gauntlet... it should be fine. D code will // see only the eponymous member, outside stuff can never access it, even through // reflection; the outside world ought to be none the wiser. Even dmd should be // able to simply free the memory of everything except the final result. return true; } /*********************************************** * Returns true if this is not instantiated in non-root module, and * is a part of non-speculative instantiatiation. * * Note: minst does not stabilize until semantic analysis is completed, * so don't call this function during semantic analysis to return precise result. */ final bool needsCodegen() { //printf("needsCodegen() %s\n", toChars()); // minst is finalized after the 1st invocation. // tnext is only needed for the 1st invocation and // cleared for further invocations. TemplateInstance tnext = this.tnext; TemplateInstance tinst = this.tinst; this.tnext = null; // Don't do codegen if the instance has errors, // is a dummy instance (see evaluateConstraint), // or is determined to be discardable. if (errors || inst is null || inst.isDiscardable()) { minst = null; // mark as speculative return false; } // This should only be called on the primary instantiation. assert(this is inst); if (global.params.allInst) { // Do codegen if there is an instantiation from a root module, to maximize link-ability. static ThreeState needsCodegenAllInst(TemplateInstance tithis, TemplateInstance tinst) { // Do codegen if `this` is instantiated from a root module. if (tithis.minst && tithis.minst.isRoot()) return ThreeState.yes; // Do codegen if the ancestor needs it. if (tinst && tinst.inst && tinst.inst.needsCodegen()) { tithis.minst = tinst.inst.minst; // cache result assert(tithis.minst); assert(tithis.minst.isRoot()); return ThreeState.yes; } return ThreeState.none; } if (const needsCodegen = needsCodegenAllInst(this, tinst)) return needsCodegen == ThreeState.yes ? true : false; // Do codegen if a sibling needs it. for (; tnext; tnext = tnext.tnext) { const needsCodegen = needsCodegenAllInst(tnext, tnext.tinst); if (needsCodegen == ThreeState.yes) { minst = tnext.minst; // cache result assert(minst); assert(minst.isRoot()); return true; } else if (!minst && tnext.minst) { minst = tnext.minst; // cache result from non-speculative sibling // continue searching } else if (needsCodegen != ThreeState.none) break; } // Elide codegen because there's no instantiation from any root modules. return false; } else { // Prefer instantiations from non-root modules, to minimize object code size. /* If a TemplateInstance is ever instantiated from a non-root module, * we do not have to generate code for it, * because it will be generated when the non-root module is compiled. * * But, if the non-root 'minst' imports any root modules, it might still need codegen. * * The problem is if A imports B, and B imports A, and both A * and B instantiate the same template, does the compilation of A * or the compilation of B do the actual instantiation? * * See https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2500. * * => Elide codegen if there is at least one instantiation from a non-root module * which doesn't import any root modules. */ static ThreeState needsCodegenRootOnly(TemplateInstance tithis, TemplateInstance tinst) { // If the ancestor isn't speculative, // 1. do codegen if the ancestor needs it // 2. elide codegen if the ancestor doesn't need it (non-root instantiation of ancestor incl. subtree) if (tinst && tinst.inst) { tinst = tinst.inst; const needsCodegen = tinst.needsCodegen(); // sets tinst.minst if (tinst.minst) // not speculative { tithis.minst = tinst.minst; // cache result return needsCodegen ? ThreeState.yes : ThreeState.no; } } // Elide codegen if `this` doesn't need it. if (tithis.minst && !tithis.minst.isRoot() && !tithis.minst.rootImports()) return ThreeState.no; return ThreeState.none; } if (const needsCodegen = needsCodegenRootOnly(this, tinst)) return needsCodegen == ThreeState.yes ? true : false; // Elide codegen if a (non-speculative) sibling doesn't need it. for (; tnext; tnext = tnext.tnext) { const needsCodegen = needsCodegenRootOnly(tnext, tnext.tinst); // sets tnext.minst if (tnext.minst) // not speculative { if (needsCodegen == ThreeState.no) { minst = tnext.minst; // cache result assert(!minst.isRoot() && !minst.rootImports()); return false; } else if (!minst) { minst = tnext.minst; // cache result from non-speculative sibling // continue searching } else if (needsCodegen != ThreeState.none) break; } } // Unless `this` is still speculative (=> all further siblings speculative too), // do codegen because we found no guaranteed-codegen'd non-root instantiation. return minst !is null; } } /********************************************** * Find template declaration corresponding to template instance. * * Returns: * false if finding fails. * Note: * This function is reentrant against error occurrence. If returns false, * any members of this object won't be modified, and repetition call will * reproduce same error. */ extern (D) final bool findTempDecl(Scope* sc, WithScopeSymbol* pwithsym) { if (pwithsym) *pwithsym = null; if (havetempdecl) return true; //printf("TemplateInstance.findTempDecl() %s\n", toChars()); if (!tempdecl) { /* Given: * foo!( ... ) * figure out which TemplateDeclaration foo refers to. */ Identifier id = name; Dsymbol scopesym; Dsymbol s = sc.search(loc, id, scopesym); if (!s) { s = sc.search_correct(id); if (s) .error(loc, "%s `%s` template `%s` is not defined, did you mean %s?", kind, toPrettyChars, id.toChars(), s.toChars()); else .error(loc, "%s `%s` template `%s` is not defined", kind, toPrettyChars, id.toChars()); return false; } static if (LOG) { printf("It's an instance of '%s' kind '%s'\n", s.toChars(), s.kind()); if (s.parent) printf("s.parent = '%s'\n", s.parent.toChars()); } if (pwithsym) *pwithsym = scopesym.isWithScopeSymbol(); /* We might have found an alias within a template when * we really want the template. */ TemplateInstance ti; if (s.parent && (ti = s.parent.isTemplateInstance()) !is null) { if (ti.tempdecl && ti.tempdecl.ident == id) { /* This is so that one can refer to the enclosing * template, even if it has the same name as a member * of the template, if it has a !(arguments) */ TemplateDeclaration td = ti.tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration(); assert(td); if (td.overroot) // if not start of overloaded list of TemplateDeclaration's td = td.overroot; // then get the start s = td; } } // The template might originate from a selective import which implies that // s is a lowered AliasDeclaration of the actual TemplateDeclaration. // This is the last place where we see the deprecated alias because it is // stripped below, so check if the selective import was deprecated. // See https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20840. if (s.isAliasDeclaration()) s.checkDeprecated(this.loc, sc); if (!updateTempDecl(sc, s)) { return false; } } assert(tempdecl); // Look for forward references auto tovers = tempdecl.isOverloadSet(); foreach (size_t oi; 0 .. tovers ? tovers.a.length : 1) { Dsymbol dstart = tovers ? tovers.a[oi] : tempdecl; int r = overloadApply(dstart, (Dsymbol s) { auto td = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (!td) return 0; if (td.semanticRun == PASS.initial) { if (td._scope) { // Try to fix forward reference. Ungag errors while doing so. Ungag ungag = td.ungagSpeculative(); td.dsymbolSemantic(td._scope); } if (td.semanticRun == PASS.initial) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` `%s` forward references template declaration `%s`", kind, toPrettyChars, toChars(), td.toChars()); return 1; } } return 0; }); if (r) return false; } return true; } /********************************************** * Confirm s is a valid template, then store it. * Input: * sc * s candidate symbol of template. It may be: * TemplateDeclaration * FuncDeclaration with findTemplateDeclRoot() != NULL * OverloadSet which contains candidates * Returns: * true if updating succeeds. */ extern (D) final bool updateTempDecl(Scope* sc, Dsymbol s) { if (!s) return tempdecl !is null; Identifier id = name; s = s.toAlias(); /* If an OverloadSet, look for a unique member that is a template declaration */ if (OverloadSet os = s.isOverloadSet()) { s = null; foreach (s2; os.a) { if (FuncDeclaration f = s2.isFuncDeclaration()) s2 = f.findTemplateDeclRoot(); else s2 = s2.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (s2) { if (s) { tempdecl = os; return true; } s = s2; } } if (!s) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` template `%s` is not defined", kind, toPrettyChars, id.toChars()); return false; } } if (OverDeclaration od = s.isOverDeclaration()) { tempdecl = od; // TODO: more strict check return true; } /* It should be a TemplateDeclaration, not some other symbol */ if (FuncDeclaration f = s.isFuncDeclaration()) tempdecl = f.findTemplateDeclRoot(); else tempdecl = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); // We're done if (tempdecl) return true; // Error already issued, just return `false` if (!s.parent && global.errors) return false; if (!s.parent && s.getType()) { Dsymbol s2 = s.getType().toDsymbol(sc); if (!s2) { .error(loc, "`%s` is not a valid template instance, because `%s` is not a template declaration but a type (`%s == %s`)", toChars(), id.toChars(), id.toChars(), s.getType.kind()); return false; } // because s can be the alias created for a TemplateParameter const AliasDeclaration ad = s.isAliasDeclaration(); version (none) { if (ad && ad.isAliasedTemplateParameter()) printf("`%s` is an alias created from a template parameter\n", s.toChars()); } if (!ad || !ad.isAliasedTemplateParameter()) s = s2; } TemplateInstance ti = s.parent ? s.parent.isTemplateInstance() : null; /* This avoids the VarDeclaration.toAlias() which runs semantic() too soon */ static bool matchId(TemplateInstance ti, Identifier id) { if (ti.aliasdecl && ti.aliasdecl.isVarDeclaration()) return ti.aliasdecl.isVarDeclaration().ident == id; return ti.toAlias().ident == id; } if (ti && (ti.name == s.ident || matchId(ti, s.ident)) && ti.tempdecl) { /* This is so that one can refer to the enclosing * template, even if it has the same name as a member * of the template, if it has a !(arguments) */ TemplateDeclaration td = ti.tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration(); assert(td); if (td.overroot) // if not start of overloaded list of TemplateDeclaration's td = td.overroot; // then get the start tempdecl = td; return true; } else { .error(loc, "%s `%s` `%s` is not a template declaration, it is a %s", kind, toPrettyChars, id.toChars(), s.kind()); return false; } } /********************************** * Run semantic of tiargs as arguments of template. * Input: * loc * sc * tiargs array of template arguments * flags 1: replace const variables with their initializers * 2: don't devolve Parameter to Type * atd tuple being optimized. If found, it's not expanded here * but in AliasAssign semantic. * Returns: * false if one or more arguments have errors. */ extern (D) static bool semanticTiargs(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc, Objects* tiargs, int flags, TupleDeclaration atd = null) { // Run semantic on each argument, place results in tiargs[] //printf("+TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs()\n"); if (!tiargs) return true; bool err = false; // The arguments are not treated as part of a default argument, // because they are evaluated at compile time. sc = sc.push(); sc.inDefaultArg = false; for (size_t j = 0; j < tiargs.length; j++) { RootObject o = (*tiargs)[j]; Type ta = isType(o); Expression ea = isExpression(o); Dsymbol sa = isDsymbol(o); //printf("1: (*tiargs)[%d] = %p, s=%p, v=%p, ea=%p, ta=%p\n", j, o, isDsymbol(o), isTuple(o), ea, ta); if (ta) { //printf("type %s\n", ta.toChars()); // It might really be an Expression or an Alias ta.resolve(loc, sc, ea, ta, sa, (flags & 1) != 0); if (ea) goto Lexpr; if (sa) goto Ldsym; if (ta is null) { assert(global.errors); ta = Type.terror; } Ltype: if (TypeTuple tt = ta.isTypeTuple()) { // Expand tuple size_t dim = tt.arguments.length; tiargs.remove(j); if (dim) { tiargs.reserve(dim); foreach (i, arg; *tt.arguments) { if (flags & 2 && (arg.storageClass & STC.parameter)) tiargs.insert(j + i, arg); else tiargs.insert(j + i, arg.type); } } j--; continue; } if (ta.ty == Terror) { err = true; continue; } (*tiargs)[j] = ta.merge2(); } else if (ea) { Lexpr: //printf("+[%d] ea = %s %s\n", j, EXPtoString(ea.op).ptr, ea.toChars()); if (flags & 1) // only used by __traits { ea = ea.expressionSemantic(sc); // must not interpret the args, excepting template parameters if (!ea.isVarExp() || (ea.isVarExp().var.storage_class & STC.templateparameter)) { ea = ea.optimize(WANTvalue); } } else { sc = sc.startCTFE(); ea = ea.expressionSemantic(sc); sc = sc.endCTFE(); if (auto varExp = ea.isVarExp()) { /* If the parameter is a function that is not called * explicitly, i.e. `foo!func` as opposed to `foo!func()`, * then it is a dsymbol, not the return value of `func()` */ Declaration vd = varExp.var; if (auto fd = vd.isFuncDeclaration()) { sa = fd; goto Ldsym; } /* Otherwise skip substituting a const var with * its initializer. The problem is the initializer won't * match with an 'alias' parameter. Instead, do the * const substitution in TemplateValueParameter.matchArg(). */ } else if (definitelyValueParameter(ea)) { if (ea.checkValue()) // check void expression ea = ErrorExp.get(); uint olderrs = global.errors; ea = ea.ctfeInterpret(); if (global.errors != olderrs) ea = ErrorExp.get(); } } //printf("-[%d] ea = %s %s\n", j, EXPtoString(ea.op).ptr, ea.toChars()); if (TupleExp te = ea.isTupleExp()) { // Expand tuple size_t dim = te.exps.length; tiargs.remove(j); if (dim) { tiargs.reserve(dim); foreach (i, exp; *te.exps) tiargs.insert(j + i, exp); } j--; continue; } if (ea.op == EXP.error) { err = true; continue; } (*tiargs)[j] = ea; if (ea.op == EXP.type) { ta = ea.type; goto Ltype; } if (ea.op == EXP.scope_) { sa = ea.isScopeExp().sds; goto Ldsym; } if (FuncExp fe = ea.isFuncExp()) { /* A function literal, that is passed to template and * already semanticed as function pointer, never requires * outer frame. So convert it to global function is valid. */ if (fe.fd.tok == TOK.reserved && fe.type.ty == Tpointer) { // change to non-nested fe.fd.tok = TOK.function_; fe.fd.vthis = null; } else if (fe.td) { /* If template argument is a template lambda, * get template declaration itself. */ //sa = fe.td; //goto Ldsym; } } if (ea.op == EXP.dotVariable && !(flags & 1)) { // translate expression to dsymbol. sa = ea.isDotVarExp().var; goto Ldsym; } if (auto te = ea.isTemplateExp()) { sa = te.td; goto Ldsym; } if (ea.op == EXP.dotTemplateDeclaration && !(flags & 1)) { // translate expression to dsymbol. sa = ea.isDotTemplateExp().td; goto Ldsym; } if (auto de = ea.isDotExp()) { if (auto se = de.e2.isScopeExp()) { sa = se.sds; goto Ldsym; } } } else if (sa) { Ldsym: //printf("dsym %s %s\n", sa.kind(), sa.toChars()); if (sa.errors) { err = true; continue; } TupleDeclaration d = sa.toAlias().isTupleDeclaration(); if (d) { if (d is atd) { (*tiargs)[j] = d; continue; } // Expand tuple tiargs.remove(j); tiargs.insert(j, d.objects); j--; continue; } if (FuncAliasDeclaration fa = sa.isFuncAliasDeclaration()) { FuncDeclaration f = fa.toAliasFunc(); if (!fa.hasOverloads && f.isUnique()) { // Strip FuncAlias only when the aliased function // does not have any overloads. sa = f; } } (*tiargs)[j] = sa; TemplateDeclaration td = sa.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (td && td.semanticRun == PASS.initial && td.literal) { td.dsymbolSemantic(sc); } FuncDeclaration fd = sa.isFuncDeclaration(); if (fd) functionSemantic(fd); } else if (isParameter(o)) { } else { assert(0); } //printf("1: (*tiargs)[%d] = %p\n", j, (*tiargs)[j]); } sc.pop(); version (none) { printf("-TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs()\n"); for (size_t j = 0; j < tiargs.length; j++) { RootObject o = (*tiargs)[j]; Type ta = isType(o); Expression ea = isExpression(o); Dsymbol sa = isDsymbol(o); Tuple va = isTuple(o); printf("\ttiargs[%d] = ta %p, ea %p, sa %p, va %p\n", j, ta, ea, sa, va); } } return !err; } /********************************** * Run semantic on the elements of tiargs. * Input: * sc * Returns: * false if one or more arguments have errors. * Note: * This function is reentrant against error occurrence. If returns false, * all elements of tiargs won't be modified. */ extern (D) final bool semanticTiargs(Scope* sc) { //printf("+TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs() %s\n", toChars()); if (semantictiargsdone) return true; if (semanticTiargs(loc, sc, tiargs, 0)) { // cache the result iff semantic analysis succeeded entirely semantictiargsdone = 1; return true; } return false; } /********************************** * Find the TemplateDeclaration that matches this TemplateInstance best. * * Params: * sc = the scope this TemplateInstance resides in * argumentList = function arguments in case of a template function * * Returns: * `true` if a match was found, `false` otherwise */ extern (D) final bool findBestMatch(Scope* sc, ArgumentList argumentList) { if (havetempdecl) { TemplateDeclaration tempdecl = this.tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration(); assert(tempdecl); assert(tempdecl._scope); // Deduce tdtypes tdtypes.setDim(tempdecl.parameters.length); if (!matchWithInstance(sc, tempdecl, this, tdtypes, argumentList, 2)) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` incompatible arguments for template instantiation", kind, toPrettyChars); return false; } // TODO: Normalizing tiargs for https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7469 is necessary? return true; } static if (LOG) { printf("TemplateInstance.findBestMatch()\n"); } uint errs = global.errors; TemplateDeclaration td_last = null; Objects dedtypes; /* Since there can be multiple TemplateDeclaration's with the same * name, look for the best match. */ auto tovers = tempdecl.isOverloadSet(); foreach (size_t oi; 0 .. tovers ? tovers.a.length : 1) { TemplateDeclaration td_best; TemplateDeclaration td_ambig; MATCH m_best = MATCH.nomatch; Dsymbol dstart = tovers ? tovers.a[oi] : tempdecl; overloadApply(dstart, (Dsymbol s) { auto td = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (!td) return 0; if (td == td_best) // skip duplicates return 0; //printf("td = %s\n", td.toPrettyChars()); // If more arguments than parameters, // then this is no match. if (td.parameters.length < tiargs.length) { if (!td.isVariadic()) return 0; } dedtypes.setDim(td.parameters.length); dedtypes.zero(); assert(td.semanticRun != PASS.initial); MATCH m = matchWithInstance(sc, td, this, dedtypes, argumentList, 0); //printf("matchWithInstance = %d\n", m); if (m == MATCH.nomatch) // no match at all return 0; if (m < m_best) goto Ltd_best; if (m > m_best) goto Ltd; // Disambiguate by picking the most specialized TemplateDeclaration { MATCH c1 = leastAsSpecialized(sc, td, td_best, argumentList); MATCH c2 = leastAsSpecialized(sc, td_best, td, argumentList); //printf("c1 = %d, c2 = %d\n", c1, c2); if (c1 > c2) goto Ltd; if (c1 < c2) goto Ltd_best; } td_ambig = td; return 0; Ltd_best: // td_best is the best match so far td_ambig = null; return 0; Ltd: // td is the new best match td_ambig = null; td_best = td; m_best = m; tdtypes.setDim(dedtypes.length); memcpy(tdtypes.tdata(), dedtypes.tdata(), tdtypes.length * (void*).sizeof); return 0; }); if (td_ambig) { .error(loc, "%s `%s.%s` matches more than one template declaration:", td_best.kind(), td_best.parent.toPrettyChars(), td_best.ident.toChars()); .errorSupplemental(td_best.loc, "`%s`\nand:", td_best.toChars()); .errorSupplemental(td_ambig.loc, "`%s`", td_ambig.toChars()); return false; } if (td_best) { if (!td_last) td_last = td_best; else if (td_last != td_best) { ScopeDsymbol.multiplyDefined(loc, td_last, td_best); return false; } } } if (td_last) { /* https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7469 * Normalize tiargs by using corresponding deduced * template value parameters and tuples for the correct mangling. * * By doing this before hasNestedArgs, CTFEable local variable will be * accepted as a value parameter. For example: * * void foo() { * struct S(int n) {} // non-global template * const int num = 1; // CTFEable local variable * S!num s; // S!1 is instantiated, not S!num * } */ size_t dim = td_last.parameters.length - (td_last.isVariadic() ? 1 : 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) { if (tiargs.length <= i) tiargs.push(tdtypes[i]); assert(i < tiargs.length); auto tvp = (*td_last.parameters)[i].isTemplateValueParameter(); if (!tvp) continue; assert(tdtypes[i]); // tdtypes[i] is already normalized to the required type in matchArg (*tiargs)[i] = tdtypes[i]; } if (td_last.isVariadic() && tiargs.length == dim && tdtypes[dim]) { Tuple va = isTuple(tdtypes[dim]); assert(va); tiargs.pushSlice(va.objects[]); } } else if (errors && inst) { // instantiation was failed with error reporting assert(global.errors); return false; } else { auto tdecl = tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (errs != global.errors) errorSupplemental(loc, "while looking for match for `%s`", toChars()); else if (tdecl && !tdecl.overnext) { // Only one template, so we can give better error message const(char)* msg = "does not match template declaration"; const(char)* tip; OutBuffer buf; HdrGenState hgs; hgs.skipConstraints = true; toCharsMaybeConstraints(tdecl, buf, hgs); const tmsg = buf.peekChars(); const cmsg = tdecl.getConstraintEvalError(tip); if (cmsg) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` %s `%s`\n%s", kind, toPrettyChars, msg, tmsg, cmsg); if (tip) .tip(tip); } else { .error(loc, "%s `%s` %s `%s`", kind, toPrettyChars, msg, tmsg); if (tdecl.parameters.length == tiargs.length) { // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7352 // print additional information, e.g. `foo` is not a type foreach (i, param; *tdecl.parameters) { MATCH match = param.matchArg(loc, sc, tiargs, i, tdecl.parameters, dedtypes, null); auto arg = (*tiargs)[i]; auto sym = arg.isDsymbol; auto exp = arg.isExpression; if (exp) exp = exp.optimize(WANTvalue); if (match == MATCH.nomatch && ((sym && sym.isFuncDeclaration) || (exp && exp.isVarExp))) { if (param.isTemplateTypeParameter) errorSupplemental(loc, "`%s` is not a type", arg.toChars); else if (auto tvp = param.isTemplateValueParameter) errorSupplemental(loc, "`%s` is not of a value of type `%s`", arg.toChars, tvp.valType.toChars); } } } } } else { .error(loc, "%s `%s` does not match any template declaration", kind(), toPrettyChars()); bool found; overloadApply(tempdecl, (s){ if (!found) errorSupplemental(loc, "Candidates are:"); found = true; errorSupplemental(s.loc, "%s", s.toChars()); return 0; }); } return false; } /* The best match is td_last */ tempdecl = td_last; static if (LOG) { printf("\tIt's a match with template declaration '%s'\n", tempdecl.toChars()); } return (errs == global.errors); } /***************************************************** * Determine if template instance is really a template function, * and that template function needs to infer types from the function * arguments. * * Like findBestMatch, iterate possible template candidates, * but just looks only the necessity of type inference. */ extern (D) final bool needsTypeInference(Scope* sc, int flag = 0) { //printf("TemplateInstance.needsTypeInference() %s\n", toChars()); if (semanticRun != PASS.initial) return false; uint olderrs = global.errors; Objects dedtypes; size_t count = 0; auto tovers = tempdecl.isOverloadSet(); foreach (size_t oi; 0 .. tovers ? tovers.a.length : 1) { Dsymbol dstart = tovers ? tovers.a[oi] : tempdecl; int r = overloadApply(dstart, (Dsymbol s) { auto td = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (!td) return 0; /* If any of the overloaded template declarations need inference, * then return true */ if (!td.onemember) return 0; if (auto td2 = td.onemember.isTemplateDeclaration()) { if (!td2.onemember || !td2.onemember.isFuncDeclaration()) return 0; if (tiargs.length >= td.parameters.length - (td.isVariadic() ? 1 : 0)) return 0; return 1; } auto fd = td.onemember.isFuncDeclaration(); if (!fd || fd.type.ty != Tfunction) return 0; foreach (tp; *td.parameters) { if (tp.isTemplateThisParameter()) return 1; } /* Determine if the instance arguments, tiargs, are all that is necessary * to instantiate the template. */ //printf("tp = %p, td.parameters.length = %d, tiargs.length = %d\n", tp, td.parameters.length, tiargs.length); auto tf = fd.type.isTypeFunction(); if (tf.parameterList.length) { auto tp = td.isVariadic(); if (tp && td.parameters.length > 1) return 1; if (!tp && tiargs.length < td.parameters.length) { // Can remain tiargs be filled by default arguments? foreach (size_t i; tiargs.length .. td.parameters.length) { if (!(*td.parameters)[i].hasDefaultArg()) return 1; } } foreach (i, fparam; tf.parameterList) { // 'auto ref' needs inference. if (fparam.storageClass & STC.auto_) return 1; } } if (!flag) { /* Calculate the need for overload resolution. * When only one template can match with tiargs, inference is not necessary. */ dedtypes.setDim(td.parameters.length); dedtypes.zero(); if (td.semanticRun == PASS.initial) { if (td._scope) { // Try to fix forward reference. Ungag errors while doing so. Ungag ungag = td.ungagSpeculative(); td.dsymbolSemantic(td._scope); } if (td.semanticRun == PASS.initial) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` `%s` forward references template declaration `%s`", kind, toPrettyChars, toChars(), td.toChars()); return 1; } } MATCH m = matchWithInstance(sc, td, this, dedtypes, ArgumentList(), 0); if (m == MATCH.nomatch) return 0; } /* If there is more than one function template which matches, we may * need type inference (see https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4430) */ return ++count > 1 ? 1 : 0; }); if (r) return true; } if (olderrs != global.errors) { if (!global.gag) { errorSupplemental(loc, "while looking for match for `%s`", toChars()); semanticRun = PASS.semanticdone; inst = this; } errors = true; } //printf("false\n"); return false; } /***************************************** * Determines if a TemplateInstance will need a nested * generation of the TemplateDeclaration. * Sets enclosing property if so, and returns != 0; */ extern (D) final bool hasNestedArgs(Objects* args, bool isstatic) { int nested = 0; //printf("TemplateInstance.hasNestedArgs('%s')\n", tempdecl.ident.toChars()); // arguments from parent instances are also accessible if (!enclosing) { if (TemplateInstance ti = tempdecl.toParent().isTemplateInstance()) enclosing = ti.enclosing; } /* A nested instance happens when an argument references a local * symbol that is on the stack. */ foreach (o; *args) { Expression ea = isExpression(o); Dsymbol sa = isDsymbol(o); Tuple va = isTuple(o); if (ea) { if (auto ve = ea.isVarExp()) { sa = ve.var; goto Lsa; } if (auto te = ea.isThisExp()) { sa = te.var; goto Lsa; } if (auto fe = ea.isFuncExp()) { if (fe.td) sa = fe.td; else sa = fe.fd; goto Lsa; } // Emulate Expression.toMangleBuffer call that had exist in TemplateInstance.genIdent. if (ea.op != EXP.int64 && ea.op != EXP.float64 && ea.op != EXP.complex80 && ea.op != EXP.null_ && ea.op != EXP.string_ && ea.op != EXP.arrayLiteral && ea.op != EXP.assocArrayLiteral && ea.op != EXP.structLiteral) { if (!ea.type.isTypeError()) .error(ea.loc, "%s `%s` expression `%s` is not a valid template value argument", kind, toPrettyChars, ea.toChars()); errors = true; } } else if (sa) { Lsa: sa = sa.toAlias(); TemplateDeclaration td = sa.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (td) { TemplateInstance ti = sa.toParent().isTemplateInstance(); if (ti && ti.enclosing) sa = ti; } TemplateInstance ti = sa.isTemplateInstance(); Declaration d = sa.isDeclaration(); if ((td && td.literal) || (ti && ti.enclosing) || (d && !d.isDataseg() && !(d.storage_class & STC.manifest) && (!d.isFuncDeclaration() || d.isFuncDeclaration().isNested()) && !isTemplateMixin())) { Dsymbol dparent = sa.toParent2(); if (!dparent || dparent.isModule) goto L1; else if (!enclosing) enclosing = dparent; else if (enclosing != dparent) { /* Select the more deeply nested of the two. * Error if one is not nested inside the other. */ for (Dsymbol p = enclosing; p; p = p.parent) { if (p == dparent) goto L1; // enclosing is most nested } for (Dsymbol p = dparent; p; p = p.parent) { if (p == enclosing) { enclosing = dparent; goto L1; // dparent is most nested } } //https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17870 if (dparent.isClassDeclaration() && enclosing.isClassDeclaration()) { auto pc = dparent.isClassDeclaration(); auto ec = enclosing.isClassDeclaration(); if (pc.isBaseOf(ec, null)) goto L1; else if (ec.isBaseOf(pc, null)) { enclosing = dparent; goto L1; } } .error(loc, "%s `%s` `%s` is nested in both `%s` and `%s`", kind, toPrettyChars, toChars(), enclosing.toChars(), dparent.toChars()); errors = true; } L1: //printf("\tnested inside %s as it references %s\n", enclosing.toChars(), sa.toChars()); nested |= 1; } } else if (va) { nested |= cast(int)hasNestedArgs(&va.objects, isstatic); } } //printf("-TemplateInstance.hasNestedArgs('%s') = %d\n", tempdecl.ident.toChars(), nested); return nested != 0; } /***************************************** * Append 'this' to the specific module members[] */ extern (D) final Dsymbols* appendToModuleMember() { Module mi = minst; // instantiated . inserted module //printf("%s.appendToModuleMember() enclosing = %s mi = %s\n", // toPrettyChars(), // enclosing ? enclosing.toPrettyChars() : null, // mi ? mi.toPrettyChars() : null); if (global.params.allInst || !mi || mi.isRoot()) { /* If the instantiated module is speculative or root, insert to the * member of a root module. Then: * - semantic3 pass will get called on the instance members. * - codegen pass will get a selection chance to do/skip it (needsCodegen()). */ static Dsymbol getStrictEnclosing(TemplateInstance ti) { do { if (ti.enclosing) return ti.enclosing; ti = ti.tempdecl.isInstantiated(); } while (ti); return null; } Dsymbol enc = getStrictEnclosing(this); // insert target is made stable by using the module // where tempdecl is declared. mi = (enc ? enc : tempdecl).getModule(); if (!mi.isRoot()) { if (mi.importedFrom) { mi = mi.importedFrom; assert(mi.isRoot()); } else { // This can happen when using the frontend as a library. // Append it to the non-root module. } } } else { /* If the instantiated module is non-root, insert to the member of the * non-root module. Then: * - semantic3 pass won't be called on the instance. * - codegen pass won't reach to the instance. * Unless it is re-appended to a root module later (with changed minst). */ } //printf("\t-. mi = %s\n", mi.toPrettyChars()); if (memberOf) // already appended to some module { assert(mi.isRoot(), "can only re-append to a root module"); if (memberOf.isRoot()) return null; // no need to move to another root module } Dsymbols* a = mi.members; a.push(this); memberOf = mi; if (mi.semanticRun >= PASS.semantic2done && mi.isRoot()) Module.addDeferredSemantic2(this); if (mi.semanticRun >= PASS.semantic3done && mi.isRoot()) Module.addDeferredSemantic3(this); return a; } /**************************************************** * Declare parameters of template instance, initialize them with the * template instance arguments. */ extern (D) final void declareParameters(Scope* sc) { TemplateDeclaration tempdecl = this.tempdecl.isTemplateDeclaration(); assert(tempdecl); //printf("TemplateInstance.declareParameters()\n"); foreach (i, o; tdtypes) // initializer for tp { TemplateParameter tp = (*tempdecl.parameters)[i]; //printf("\ttdtypes[%d] = %p\n", i, o); declareParameter(tempdecl, sc, tp, o); } } /**************************************** * This instance needs an identifier for name mangling purposes. * Create one by taking the template declaration name and adding * the type signature for it. */ extern (D) final Identifier genIdent(Objects* args) { //printf("TemplateInstance.genIdent('%s')\n", tempdecl.ident.toChars()); assert(args is tiargs); OutBuffer buf; mangleToBuffer(this, buf); //printf("\tgenIdent = %s\n", buf.peekChars()); return Identifier.idPool(buf[]); } extern (D) final void expandMembers(Scope* sc2) { members.foreachDsymbol( (s) { s.setScope (sc2); } ); members.foreachDsymbol( (s) { s.importAll(sc2); } ); if (!aliasdecl) { /* static if's are crucial to evaluating aliasdecl correctly. But * evaluating the if/else bodies may require aliasdecl. * So, evaluate the condition for static if's, but not their if/else bodies. * Then try to set aliasdecl. * Later do the if/else bodies. * https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23598 * It might be better to do this by attaching a lambda to the StaticIfDeclaration * to do the oneMembers call after the sid.include(sc2) is run as part of dsymbolSemantic(). */ bool done; void staticIfDg(Dsymbol s) { if (done || aliasdecl) return; //printf("\t staticIfDg on '%s %s' in '%s'\n", s.kind(), s.toChars(), this.toChars()); if (!s.isStaticIfDeclaration()) { //s.dsymbolSemantic(sc2); done = true; return; } auto sid = s.isStaticIfDeclaration(); sid.include(sc2); if (members.length) { Dsymbol sa; if (Dsymbol.oneMembers(members, sa, tempdecl.ident) && sa) aliasdecl = sa; } done = true; } members.foreachDsymbol(&staticIfDg); } void symbolDg(Dsymbol s) { //printf("\t semantic on '%s' %p kind %s in '%s'\n", s.toChars(), s, s.kind(), this.toChars()); //printf("test: enclosing = %d, sc2.parent = %s\n", enclosing, sc2.parent.toChars()); //if (enclosing) // s.parent = sc.parent; //printf("test3: enclosing = %d, s.parent = %s\n", enclosing, s.parent.toChars()); s.dsymbolSemantic(sc2); //printf("test4: enclosing = %d, s.parent = %s\n", enclosing, s.parent.toChars()); Module.runDeferredSemantic(); } members.foreachDsymbol(&symbolDg); } extern (D) final void tryExpandMembers(Scope* sc2) { __gshared int nest; // extracted to a function to allow windows SEH to work without destructors in the same function //printf("%d\n", nest); if (++nest > global.recursionLimit) { global.gag = 0; // ensure error message gets printed .error(loc, "%s `%s` recursive expansion exceeded allowed nesting limit", kind, toPrettyChars); fatal(); } expandMembers(sc2); nest--; } extern (D) final void trySemantic3(Scope* sc2) { // extracted to a function to allow windows SEH to work without destructors in the same function __gshared int nest; //printf("%d\n", nest); if (++nest > global.recursionLimit) { global.gag = 0; // ensure error message gets printed .error(loc, "%s `%s` recursive expansion exceeded allowed nesting limit", kind, toPrettyChars); fatal(); } semantic3(this, sc2); --nest; } override final inout(TemplateInstance) isTemplateInstance() inout { return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /************************************** * IsExpression can evaluate the specified type speculatively, and even if * it instantiates any symbols, they are normally unnecessary for the * final executable. * However, if those symbols leak to the actual code, compiler should remark * them as non-speculative to generate their code and link to the final executable. */ void unSpeculative(Scope* sc, RootObject o) { if (!o) return; if (Tuple tup = isTuple(o)) { foreach (obj; tup.objects) { unSpeculative(sc, obj); } return; } Dsymbol s = getDsymbol(o); if (!s) return; if (Declaration d = s.isDeclaration()) { if (VarDeclaration vd = d.isVarDeclaration()) o = vd.type; else if (AliasDeclaration ad = d.isAliasDeclaration()) { o = ad.getType(); if (!o) o = ad.toAlias(); } else o = d.toAlias(); s = getDsymbol(o); if (!s) return; } if (TemplateInstance ti = s.isTemplateInstance()) { // If the instance is already non-speculative, // or it is leaked to the speculative scope. if (ti.minst !is null || sc.minst is null) return; // Remark as non-speculative instance. ti.minst = sc.minst; if (!ti.tinst) ti.tinst = sc.tinst; unSpeculative(sc, ti.tempdecl); } if (TemplateInstance ti = s.isInstantiated()) unSpeculative(sc, ti); } /********************************** * Return true if e could be valid only as a template value parameter. * Return false if it might be an alias or tuple. * (Note that even in this case, it could still turn out to be a value). */ bool definitelyValueParameter(Expression e) @safe { // None of these can be value parameters if (e.op == EXP.tuple || e.op == EXP.scope_ || e.op == EXP.type || e.op == EXP.dotType || e.op == EXP.template_ || e.op == EXP.dotTemplateDeclaration || e.op == EXP.function_ || e.op == EXP.error || e.op == EXP.this_ || e.op == EXP.super_ || e.op == EXP.dot) return false; if (e.op != EXP.dotVariable) return true; /* Template instantiations involving a DotVar expression are difficult. * In most cases, they should be treated as a value parameter, and interpreted. * But they might also just be a fully qualified name, which should be treated * as an alias. */ // x.y.f cannot be a value FuncDeclaration f = e.isDotVarExp().var.isFuncDeclaration(); if (f) return false; while (e.op == EXP.dotVariable) { e = e.isDotVarExp().e1; } // this.x.y and super.x.y couldn't possibly be valid values. if (e.op == EXP.this_ || e.op == EXP.super_) return false; // e.type.x could be an alias if (e.op == EXP.dotType) return false; // var.x.y is the only other possible form of alias if (e.op != EXP.variable) return true; VarDeclaration v = e.isVarExp().var.isVarDeclaration(); // func.x.y is not an alias if (!v) return true; // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16685 // var.x.y where var is a constant available at compile time if (v.storage_class & STC.manifest) return true; // TODO: Should we force CTFE if it is a global constant? return false; } /*********************************************************** * https://dlang.org/spec/template-mixin.html * Syntax: * mixin MixinTemplateName [TemplateArguments] [Identifier]; */ extern (C++) final class TemplateMixin : TemplateInstance { TypeQualified tqual; extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, TypeQualified tqual, Objects* tiargs) { super(loc, tqual.idents.length ? cast(Identifier)tqual.idents[tqual.idents.length - 1] : (cast(TypeIdentifier)tqual).ident, tiargs ? tiargs : new Objects()); //printf("TemplateMixin(ident = '%s')\n", ident ? ident.toChars() : ""); this.ident = ident; this.tqual = tqual; } override TemplateInstance syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s) { auto tm = new TemplateMixin(loc, ident, tqual.syntaxCopy(), tiargs); return TemplateInstance.syntaxCopy(tm); } override const(char)* kind() const { return "mixin"; } override bool oneMember(out Dsymbol ps, Identifier ident) { return Dsymbol.oneMember(ps, ident); } override bool hasPointers() { //printf("TemplateMixin.hasPointers() %s\n", toChars()); return members.foreachDsymbol( (s) { return s.hasPointers(); } ) != 0; } override const(char)* toChars() const { OutBuffer buf; toCBufferInstance(this, buf); return buf.extractChars(); } extern (D) bool findTempDecl(Scope* sc) { // Follow qualifications to find the TemplateDeclaration if (!tempdecl) { Expression e; Type t; Dsymbol s; tqual.resolve(loc, sc, e, t, s); if (!s) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` is not defined", kind, toPrettyChars); return false; } s = s.toAlias(); tempdecl = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); OverloadSet os = s.isOverloadSet(); /* If an OverloadSet, look for a unique member that is a template declaration */ if (os) { Dsymbol ds = null; foreach (i, sym; os.a) { Dsymbol s2 = sym.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (s2) { if (ds) { tempdecl = os; break; } ds = s2; } } } if (!tempdecl) { .error(loc, "%s `%s` - `%s` is a %s, not a template", kind, toPrettyChars, s.toChars(), s.kind()); return false; } } assert(tempdecl); // Look for forward references auto tovers = tempdecl.isOverloadSet(); foreach (size_t oi; 0 .. tovers ? tovers.a.length : 1) { Dsymbol dstart = tovers ? tovers.a[oi] : tempdecl; int r = overloadApply(dstart, (Dsymbol s) { auto td = s.isTemplateDeclaration(); if (!td) return 0; if (td.semanticRun == PASS.initial) { if (td._scope) td.dsymbolSemantic(td._scope); else { semanticRun = PASS.initial; return 1; } } return 0; }); if (r) return false; } return true; } override inout(TemplateMixin) isTemplateMixin() inout { return this; } override void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } /************************************ * This struct is needed for TemplateInstance to be the key in an associative array. * Fixing https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15813 would make it unnecessary. */ struct TemplateInstanceBox { TemplateInstance ti; this(TemplateInstance ti) { this.ti = ti; this.ti.toHash(); assert(this.ti.hash); } size_t toHash() const @trusted pure nothrow { assert(ti.hash); return ti.hash; } bool opEquals(ref const TemplateInstanceBox s) @trusted const { bool res = void; if (ti.inst && s.ti.inst) { /* This clause is only used when an instance with errors * is replaced with a correct instance. */ res = ti is s.ti; } else { /* Used when a proposed instance is used to see if there's * an existing instance. */ static if (__VERSION__ < 2099) // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22717 res = (cast()s.ti).equalsx(cast()ti); else res = (cast()ti).equalsx(cast()s.ti); } debug (FindExistingInstance) ++(res ? nHits : nCollisions); return res; } debug (FindExistingInstance) { __gshared uint nHits, nCollisions; shared static ~this() { printf("debug (FindExistingInstance) TemplateInstanceBox.equals hits: %u collisions: %u\n", nHits, nCollisions); } } } /******************************************* * Match to a particular TemplateParameter. * Input: * instLoc location that the template is instantiated. * tiargs[] actual arguments to template instance * i i'th argument * parameters[] template parameters * dedtypes[] deduced arguments to template instance * *psparam set to symbol declared and initialized to dedtypes[i] */ MATCH matchArg(TemplateParameter tp, Loc instLoc, Scope* sc, Objects* tiargs, size_t i, TemplateParameters* parameters, ref Objects dedtypes, Declaration* psparam) { MATCH matchArgNoMatch() { if (psparam) *psparam = null; return MATCH.nomatch; } MATCH matchArgParameter() { RootObject oarg; if (i < tiargs.length) oarg = (*tiargs)[i]; else { // Get default argument instead oarg = tp.defaultArg(instLoc, sc); if (!oarg) { assert(i < dedtypes.length); // It might have already been deduced oarg = dedtypes[i]; if (!oarg) return matchArgNoMatch(); } } return tp.matchArg(sc, oarg, i, parameters, dedtypes, psparam); } MATCH matchArgTuple(TemplateTupleParameter ttp) { /* The rest of the actual arguments (tiargs[]) form the match * for the variadic parameter. */ assert(i + 1 == dedtypes.length); // must be the last one Tuple ovar; if (Tuple u = isTuple(dedtypes[i])) { // It has already been deduced ovar = u; } else if (i + 1 == tiargs.length && isTuple((*tiargs)[i])) ovar = isTuple((*tiargs)[i]); else { ovar = new Tuple(); //printf("ovar = %p\n", ovar); if (i < tiargs.length) { //printf("i = %d, tiargs.length = %d\n", i, tiargs.length); ovar.objects.setDim(tiargs.length - i); foreach (j, ref obj; ovar.objects) obj = (*tiargs)[i + j]; } } return ttp.matchArg(sc, ovar, i, parameters, dedtypes, psparam); } if (auto ttp = tp.isTemplateTupleParameter()) return matchArgTuple(ttp); else return matchArgParameter(); } MATCH matchArg(TemplateParameter tp, Scope* sc, RootObject oarg, size_t i, TemplateParameters* parameters, ref Objects dedtypes, Declaration* psparam) { MATCH matchArgNoMatch() { //printf("\tm = %d\n", MATCH.nomatch); if (psparam) *psparam = null; return MATCH.nomatch; } MATCH matchArgType(TemplateTypeParameter ttp) { //printf("TemplateTypeParameter.matchArg('%s')\n", ttp.ident.toChars()); MATCH m = MATCH.exact; Type ta = isType(oarg); if (!ta) { //printf("%s %p %p %p\n", oarg.toChars(), isExpression(oarg), isDsymbol(oarg), isTuple(oarg)); return matchArgNoMatch(); } //printf("ta is %s\n", ta.toChars()); if (ttp.specType) { if (!ta || ta == TemplateTypeParameter.tdummy) return matchArgNoMatch(); //printf("\tcalling deduceType(): ta is %s, specType is %s\n", ta.toChars(), ttp.specType.toChars()); MATCH m2 = deduceType(ta, sc, ttp.specType, *parameters, dedtypes); if (m2 == MATCH.nomatch) { //printf("\tfailed deduceType\n"); return matchArgNoMatch(); } if (m2 < m) m = m2; if (dedtypes[i]) { Type t = cast(Type)dedtypes[i]; if (ttp.dependent && !t.equals(ta)) // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14357 return matchArgNoMatch(); /* This is a self-dependent parameter. For example: * template X(T : T*) {} * template X(T : S!T, alias S) {} */ //printf("t = %s ta = %s\n", t.toChars(), ta.toChars()); ta = t; } } else { if (dedtypes[i]) { // Must match already deduced type Type t = cast(Type)dedtypes[i]; if (!t.equals(ta)) { //printf("t = %s ta = %s\n", t.toChars(), ta.toChars()); return matchArgNoMatch(); } } else { // So that matches with specializations are better m = MATCH.convert; } } dedtypes[i] = ta; if (psparam) *psparam = new AliasDeclaration(ttp.loc, ttp.ident, ta); //printf("\tm = %d\n", m); return ttp.dependent ? MATCH.exact : m; } MATCH matchArgValue(TemplateValueParameter tvp) { //printf("TemplateValueParameter.matchArg('%s')\n", tvp.ident.toChars()); MATCH m = MATCH.exact; Expression ei = isExpression(oarg); Type vt; if (!ei && oarg) { Dsymbol si = isDsymbol(oarg); FuncDeclaration f = si ? si.isFuncDeclaration() : null; if (!f || !f.fbody || f.needThis()) return matchArgNoMatch(); ei = new VarExp(tvp.loc, f); ei = ei.expressionSemantic(sc); /* If a function is really property-like, and then * it's CTFEable, ei will be a literal expression. */ uint olderrors = global.startGagging(); ei = resolveProperties(sc, ei); ei = ei.ctfeInterpret(); if (global.endGagging(olderrors) || ei.op == EXP.error) return matchArgNoMatch(); /* https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14520 * A property-like function can match to both * TemplateAlias and ValueParameter. But for template overloads, * it should always prefer alias parameter to be consistent * template match result. * * template X(alias f) { enum X = 1; } * template X(int val) { enum X = 2; } * int f1() { return 0; } // CTFEable * int f2(); // body-less function is not CTFEable * enum x1 = X!f1; // should be 1 * enum x2 = X!f2; // should be 1 * * e.g. The x1 value must be same even if the f1 definition will be moved * into di while stripping body code. */ m = MATCH.convert; } if (ei && ei.op == EXP.variable) { // Resolve const variables that we had skipped earlier ei = ei.ctfeInterpret(); } //printf("\tvalType: %s, ty = %d\n", tvp.valType.toChars(), tvp.valType.ty); vt = tvp.valType.typeSemantic(tvp.loc, sc); //printf("ei: %s, ei.type: %s\n", ei.toChars(), ei.type.toChars()); //printf("vt = %s\n", vt.toChars()); if (ei.type) { MATCH m2 = ei.implicitConvTo(vt); //printf("m: %d\n", m); if (m2 < m) m = m2; if (m == MATCH.nomatch) return matchArgNoMatch(); ei = ei.implicitCastTo(sc, vt); ei = ei.ctfeInterpret(); } if (tvp.specValue) { if (ei is null || (cast(void*)ei.type in TemplateValueParameter.edummies && TemplateValueParameter.edummies[cast(void*)ei.type] == ei)) return matchArgNoMatch(); Expression e = tvp.specValue; sc = sc.startCTFE(); e = e.expressionSemantic(sc); e = resolveProperties(sc, e); sc = sc.endCTFE(); e = e.implicitCastTo(sc, vt); e = e.ctfeInterpret(); ei = ei.syntaxCopy(); sc = sc.startCTFE(); ei = ei.expressionSemantic(sc); sc = sc.endCTFE(); ei = ei.implicitCastTo(sc, vt); ei = ei.ctfeInterpret(); //printf("\tei: %s, %s\n", ei.toChars(), ei.type.toChars()); //printf("\te : %s, %s\n", e.toChars(), e.type.toChars()); if (!ei.equals(e)) return matchArgNoMatch(); } else { if (dedtypes[i]) { // Must match already deduced value Expression e = cast(Expression)dedtypes[i]; if (!ei || !ei.equals(e)) return matchArgNoMatch(); } } dedtypes[i] = ei; if (psparam) { Initializer _init = new ExpInitializer(tvp.loc, ei); Declaration sparam = new VarDeclaration(tvp.loc, vt, tvp.ident, _init); sparam.storage_class = STC.manifest; *psparam = sparam; } return tvp.dependent ? MATCH.exact : m; } MATCH matchArgAlias(TemplateAliasParameter tap) { //printf("TemplateAliasParameter.matchArg('%s')\n", tap.ident.toChars()); MATCH m = MATCH.exact; Type ta = isType(oarg); RootObject sa = ta && !ta.deco ? null : getDsymbol(oarg); Expression ea = isExpression(oarg); if (ea) { if (auto te = ea.isThisExp()) sa = te.var; else if (auto se = ea.isSuperExp()) sa = se.var; else if (auto se = ea.isScopeExp()) sa = se.sds; } if (sa) { if ((cast(Dsymbol)sa).isAggregateDeclaration()) m = MATCH.convert; /* specType means the alias must be a declaration with a type * that matches specType. */ if (tap.specType) { tap.specType = typeSemantic(tap.specType, tap.loc, sc); Declaration d = (cast(Dsymbol)sa).isDeclaration(); if (!d) return matchArgNoMatch(); if (!d.type.equals(tap.specType)) return matchArgNoMatch(); } } else { sa = oarg; if (ea) { if (tap.specType) { if (!ea.type.equals(tap.specType)) return matchArgNoMatch(); } } else if (ta && ta.ty == Tinstance && !tap.specAlias) { /* Specialized parameter should be preferred * match to the template type parameter. * template X(alias a) {} // a == this * template X(alias a : B!A, alias B, A...) {} // B!A => ta */ } else if (sa && sa == TemplateTypeParameter.tdummy) { /* https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2025 * Aggregate Types should preferentially * match to the template type parameter. * template X(alias a) {} // a == this * template X(T) {} // T => sa */ } else if (ta && ta.ty != Tident) { /* Match any type that's not a TypeIdentifier to alias parameters, * but prefer type parameter. * template X(alias a) { } // a == ta * * TypeIdentifiers are excluded because they might be not yet resolved aliases. */ m = MATCH.convert; } else return matchArgNoMatch(); } if (tap.specAlias) { if (sa == TemplateAliasParameter.sdummy) return matchArgNoMatch(); // check specialization if template arg is a symbol Dsymbol sx = isDsymbol(sa); if (sa != tap.specAlias && sx) { Type talias = isType(tap.specAlias); if (!talias) return matchArgNoMatch(); TemplateInstance ti = sx.isTemplateInstance(); if (!ti && sx.parent) { ti = sx.parent.isTemplateInstance(); if (ti && ti.name != sx.ident) return matchArgNoMatch(); } if (!ti) return matchArgNoMatch(); Type t = new TypeInstance(Loc.initial, ti); MATCH m2 = deduceType(t, sc, talias, *parameters, dedtypes); if (m2 == MATCH.nomatch) return matchArgNoMatch(); } // check specialization if template arg is a type else if (ta) { if (Type tspec = isType(tap.specAlias)) { MATCH m2 = ta.implicitConvTo(tspec); if (m2 == MATCH.nomatch) return matchArgNoMatch(); } else { error(tap.loc, "template parameter specialization for a type must be a type and not `%s`", tap.specAlias.toChars()); return matchArgNoMatch(); } } } else if (dedtypes[i]) { // Must match already deduced symbol RootObject si = dedtypes[i]; if (!sa || si != sa) return matchArgNoMatch(); } dedtypes[i] = sa; if (psparam) { if (Dsymbol s = isDsymbol(sa)) { *psparam = new AliasDeclaration(tap.loc, tap.ident, s); } else if (Type t = isType(sa)) { *psparam = new AliasDeclaration(tap.loc, tap.ident, t); } else { assert(ea); // Declare manifest constant Initializer _init = new ExpInitializer(tap.loc, ea); auto v = new VarDeclaration(tap.loc, null, tap.ident, _init); v.storage_class = STC.manifest; v.dsymbolSemantic(sc); *psparam = v; } } return tap.dependent ? MATCH.exact : m; } MATCH matchArgTuple(TemplateTupleParameter ttp) { //printf("TemplateTupleParameter.matchArg('%s')\n", ttp.ident.toChars()); Tuple ovar = isTuple(oarg); if (!ovar) return MATCH.nomatch; if (dedtypes[i]) { Tuple tup = isTuple(dedtypes[i]); if (!tup) return MATCH.nomatch; if (!match(tup, ovar)) return MATCH.nomatch; } dedtypes[i] = ovar; if (psparam) *psparam = new TupleDeclaration(ttp.loc, ttp.ident, &ovar.objects); return ttp.dependent ? MATCH.exact : MATCH.convert; } if (auto ttp = tp.isTemplateTypeParameter()) return matchArgType(ttp); else if (auto tvp = tp.isTemplateValueParameter()) return matchArgValue(tvp); else if (auto tap = tp.isTemplateAliasParameter()) return matchArgAlias(tap); else if (auto ttp = tp.isTemplateTupleParameter()) return matchArgTuple(ttp); else assert(0); } /*********************************************** * Collect and print statistics on template instantiations. */ struct TemplateStats { __gshared TemplateStats[const void*] stats; uint numInstantiations; // number of instantiations of the template uint uniqueInstantiations; // number of unique instantiations of the template TemplateInstances* allInstances; /******************************* * Add this instance * Params: * td = template declaration * ti = instance of td * listInstances = keep track of instances of templates */ static void incInstance(const TemplateDeclaration td, const TemplateInstance ti, bool listInstances) { void log(ref TemplateStats ts) { if (ts.allInstances is null) ts.allInstances = new TemplateInstances(); if (listInstances) ts.allInstances.push(cast() ti); } // message(ti.loc, "incInstance %p %p", td, ti); if (!td) return; assert(ti); if (auto ts = cast(const void*) td in stats) { log(*ts); ++ts.numInstantiations; } else { stats[cast(const void*) td] = TemplateStats(1, 0); log(stats[cast(const void*) td]); } } /******************************* * Add this unique instance */ static void incUnique(const TemplateDeclaration td, const TemplateInstance ti) { // message(ti.loc, "incUnique %p %p", td, ti); if (!td) return; assert(ti); if (auto ts = cast(const void*) td in stats) ++ts.uniqueInstantiations; else stats[cast(const void*) td] = TemplateStats(0, 1); } } /******************************** * Print informational statistics on template instantiations. * Params: * listInstances = list instances of templates * eSink = where the print is sent */ void printTemplateStats(bool listInstances, ErrorSink eSink) { static struct TemplateDeclarationStats { TemplateDeclaration td; TemplateStats ts; static int compare(scope const TemplateDeclarationStats* a, scope const TemplateDeclarationStats* b) @safe nothrow @nogc pure { auto diff = b.ts.uniqueInstantiations - a.ts.uniqueInstantiations; if (diff) return diff; else return b.ts.numInstantiations - a.ts.numInstantiations; } } const stats_length = TemplateStats.stats.length; if (!stats_length) return; // nothing to report Array!(TemplateDeclarationStats) sortedStats; sortedStats.reserve(stats_length); foreach (td_, ref ts; TemplateStats.stats) { sortedStats.push(TemplateDeclarationStats(cast(TemplateDeclaration) td_, ts)); } sortedStats.sort!(TemplateDeclarationStats.compare); OutBuffer buf; foreach (const ref ss; sortedStats[]) { buf.reset(); HdrGenState hgs; hgs.skipConstraints = true; toCharsMaybeConstraints(ss.td, buf, hgs); const tchars = buf.peekChars(); if (listInstances && ss.ts.allInstances) { eSink.message(ss.td.loc, "vtemplate: %u (%u distinct) instantiation(s) of template `%s` found, they are:", ss.ts.numInstantiations, ss.ts.uniqueInstantiations, tchars); foreach (const ti; (*ss.ts.allInstances)[]) { if (ti.tinst) // if has enclosing instance eSink.message(ti.loc, "vtemplate: implicit instance `%s`", ti.toChars()); else eSink.message(ti.loc, "vtemplate: explicit instance `%s`", ti.toChars()); } } else { eSink.message(ss.td.loc, "vtemplate: %u (%u distinct) instantiation(s) of template `%s` found", ss.ts.numInstantiations, ss.ts.uniqueInstantiations, tchars); } } } /// Pair of MATCHes struct MATCHpair { MATCH mta; /// match template parameters by initial template arguments MATCH mfa; /// match template parameters by inferred template arguments debug this(MATCH mta, MATCH mfa) { assert(MATCH.min <= mta && mta <= MATCH.max); assert(MATCH.min <= mfa && mfa <= MATCH.max); this.mta = mta; this.mfa = mfa; } } void write(ref OutBuffer buf, RootObject obj) { if (obj) { buf.writestring(obj.toChars()); } }