/** * Contains C++ interfaces for interacting with DMD as a library. * * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2025 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * Authors: $(LINK2 https://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * License: $(LINK2 https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/cxxfrontend.d, _cxxfrontend.d) * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_cxxfrontend.html * Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/cxxfrontend.d */ module dmd.cxxfrontend; import dmd.aggregate : AggregateDeclaration; import dmd.arraytypes; import dmd.astenums; import dmd.attrib; import dmd.common.outbuffer : OutBuffer; import dmd.dclass : ClassDeclaration; import dmd.declaration : TypeInfoDeclaration; import dmd.denum : EnumDeclaration; import dmd.dmodule /*: Module*/; import dmd.dscope : Scope; import dmd.dstruct /*: StructDeclaration*/; import dmd.dsymbol : Dsymbol, ScopeDsymbol, CAsmDeclaration, SearchOpt, SearchOptFlags; import dmd.dtemplate /*: TemplateInstance, TemplateParameter, Tuple*/; import dmd.errorsink : ErrorSink; import dmd.expression /*: Expression*/; import dmd.func : FuncDeclaration; import dmd.globals; import dmd.identifier : Identifier; import dmd.init : Initializer, NeedInterpret; import dmd.location : Loc; import dmd.mtype /*: Covariant, Type, Parameter, ParameterList*/; import dmd.rootobject : RootObject; import dmd.statement : Statement, AsmStatement, GccAsmStatement; // NB: At some point in the future, we can switch to shortened function syntax. extern (C++, "dmd"): /*********************************************************** * atrtibsem.d */ Expressions* getAttributes(UserAttributeDeclaration a) { import dmd.attribsem; return dmd.attribsem.getAttributes(a); } /*********************************************************** * mangle/cpp.d */ const(char)* toCppMangleItanium(Dsymbol s) { import dmd.mangle.cpp; return dmd.mangle.cpp.toCppMangleItanium(s); } const(char)* cppTypeInfoMangleItanium(Dsymbol s) { import dmd.mangle.cpp; return dmd.mangle.cpp.cppTypeInfoMangleItanium(s); } const(char)* cppThunkMangleItanium(FuncDeclaration fd, int offset) { import dmd.mangle.cpp; return dmd.mangle.cpp.cppThunkMangleItanium(fd, offset); } /*********************************************************** * dinterpret.d */ Expression ctfeInterpret(Expression e) { import dmd.dinterpret; return dmd.dinterpret.ctfeInterpret(e); } /*********************************************************** * mangle/package.d */ const(char)* mangleExact(FuncDeclaration fd) { import dmd.mangle; return dmd.mangle.mangleExact(fd); } void mangleToBuffer(Type t, ref OutBuffer buf) { import dmd.mangle; return dmd.mangle.mangleToBuffer(t, buf); } void mangleToBuffer(Expression e, ref OutBuffer buf) { import dmd.mangle; return dmd.mangle.mangleToBuffer(e, buf); } void mangleToBuffer(Dsymbol s, ref OutBuffer buf) { import dmd.mangle; return dmd.mangle.mangleToBuffer(s, buf); } void mangleToBuffer(TemplateInstance ti, ref OutBuffer buf) { import dmd.mangle; return dmd.mangle.mangleToBuffer(ti, buf); } /*********************************************************** * dmodule.d */ void getLocalClasses(Module mod, ref ClassDeclarations aclasses) { return dmd.dmodule.getLocalClasses(mod, aclasses); } FuncDeclaration findGetMembers(ScopeDsymbol dsym) { return dmd.dmodule.findGetMembers(dsym); } /*********************************************************** * doc.d */ void gendocfile(Module m, const char* ddoctext_ptr, size_t ddoctext_length, const char* datetime, ErrorSink eSink, ref OutBuffer outbuf) { import dmd.doc; return dmd.doc.gendocfile(m, ddoctext_ptr, ddoctext_length, datetime, eSink, outbuf); } /*********************************************************** * dstruct.d */ FuncDeclaration search_toString(StructDeclaration sd) { return dmd.dstruct.search_toString(sd); } /*********************************************************** * dsymbolsem.d */ void dsymbolSemantic(Dsymbol dsym, Scope* sc) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.dsymbolSemantic(dsym, sc); } void addMember(Dsymbol dsym, Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.addMember(dsym, sc, sds); } Dsymbol search(Dsymbol d, Loc loc, Identifier ident, SearchOptFlags flags = SearchOpt.all) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.search(d, loc, ident, flags); } void setScope(Dsymbol d, Scope* sc) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.setScope(d, sc); } void importAll(Dsymbol d, Scope* sc) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.importAll(d, sc); } Dsymbols* include(Dsymbol d, Scope* sc) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.include(d, sc); } bool isFuncHidden(ClassDeclaration cd, FuncDeclaration fd) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.isFuncHidden(cd, fd); } Dsymbol vtblSymbol(ClassDeclaration cd) { import dmd.dsymbolsem; return dmd.dsymbolsem.vtblSymbol(cd); } /*********************************************************** * dtemplate.d */ inout(Expression) isExpression(inout RootObject o) { return dmd.dtemplate.isExpression(o); } inout(Dsymbol) isDsymbol(inout RootObject o) { return dmd.dtemplate.isDsymbol(o); } inout(Type) isType(inout RootObject o) { return dmd.dtemplate.isType(o); } inout(Tuple) isTuple(inout RootObject o) { return dmd.dtemplate.isTuple(o); } inout(Parameter) isParameter(inout RootObject o) { return dmd.dtemplate.isParameter(o); } inout(TemplateParameter) isTemplateParameter(inout RootObject o) { return dmd.dtemplate.isTemplateParameter(o); } bool isError(const RootObject o) { return dmd.dtemplate.isError(o); } void printTemplateStats(bool listInstances, ErrorSink eSink) { return dmd.dtemplate.printTemplateStats(listInstances, eSink); } /*********************************************************** * dtoh.d */ void genCppHdrFiles(ref Modules ms) { import dmd.dtoh; return dmd.dtoh.genCppHdrFiles(ms); } /*********************************************************** * enumsem.d */ Expression getDefaultValue(EnumDeclaration ed, Loc loc) { import dmd.enumsem; return dmd.enumsem.getDefaultValue(ed, loc); } /*********************************************************** * expression.d */ void expandTuples(Expressions* exps, Identifiers* names = null) { return dmd.expression.expandTuples(exps, names); } /*********************************************************** * expressionsem.d */ Expression expressionSemantic(Expression e, Scope* sc) { import dmd.expressionsem; return dmd.expressionsem.expressionSemantic(e, sc); } bool fill(StructDeclaration sd, Loc loc, ref Expressions elements, bool ctorinit) { import dmd.expressionsem; return dmd.expressionsem.fill(sd, loc, elements, ctorinit); } /*********************************************************** * func.d */ FuncDeclaration genCfunc(Parameters* fparams, Type treturn, const(char)* name, StorageClass stc = STC.none) { return FuncDeclaration.genCfunc(fparams, treturn, name, cast(STC) stc); } FuncDeclaration genCfunc(Parameters* fparams, Type treturn, Identifier id, StorageClass stc = STC.none) { return FuncDeclaration.genCfunc(fparams, treturn, id, cast(STC) stc); } /*********************************************************** * funcsem.d */ bool functionSemantic(FuncDeclaration fd) { import dmd.funcsem; return dmd.funcsem.functionSemantic(fd); } bool functionSemantic3(FuncDeclaration fd) { import dmd.funcsem; return dmd.funcsem.functionSemantic3(fd); } MATCH leastAsSpecialized(FuncDeclaration fd, FuncDeclaration g, Identifiers* names) { import dmd.funcsem; return dmd.funcsem.leastAsSpecialized(fd, g, names); } PURE isPure(FuncDeclaration fd) { import dmd.funcsem; return dmd.funcsem.isPure(fd); } /*********************************************************** * hdrgen.d */ void genhdrfile(Module m, bool doFuncBodies, ref OutBuffer buf) { import dmd.hdrgen; return dmd.hdrgen.genhdrfile(m, doFuncBodies, buf); } const(char)* toChars(const Statement s) { import dmd.hdrgen; return dmd.hdrgen.toChars(s); } const(char)* toChars(const Expression e) { import dmd.hdrgen; return dmd.hdrgen.toChars(e); } const(char)* toChars(const Initializer i) { import dmd.hdrgen; return dmd.hdrgen.toChars(i); } const(char)* toChars(const Type t) { import dmd.hdrgen; return dmd.hdrgen.toChars(t); } void moduleToBuffer(ref OutBuffer buf, bool vcg_ast, Module m) { import dmd.hdrgen; return dmd.hdrgen.moduleToBuffer(buf, vcg_ast, m); } const(char)* parametersTypeToChars(ParameterList pl) { import dmd.hdrgen; return dmd.hdrgen.parametersTypeToChars(pl); } /*********************************************************** * iasm.d */ Statement asmSemantic(AsmStatement s, Scope* sc) { import dmd.iasm; return dmd.iasm.asmSemantic(s, sc); } void asmSemantic(CAsmDeclaration d, Scope* sc) { import dmd.iasm; return dmd.iasm.asmSemantic(d, sc); } /*********************************************************** * iasmgcc.d */ Statement gccAsmSemantic(GccAsmStatement s, Scope* sc) { import dmd.iasmgcc; return dmd.iasmgcc.gccAsmSemantic(s, sc); } void gccAsmSemantic(CAsmDeclaration d, Scope* sc) { import dmd.iasmgcc; return dmd.iasmgcc.gccAsmSemantic(d, sc); } /*********************************************************** * initsem.d */ Initializer initializerSemantic(Initializer init, Scope* sc, ref Type tx, NeedInterpret needInterpret) { import dmd.initsem; return dmd.initsem.initializerSemantic(init, sc, tx, needInterpret); } Expression initializerToExpression(Initializer init, Type itype = null, const bool isCfile = false) { import dmd.initsem; return dmd.initsem.initializerToExpression(init, itype, isCfile); } /*********************************************************** * json.d */ void json_generate(ref Modules modules, ref OutBuffer buf) { import dmd.json; return dmd.json.json_generate(modules, buf); } JsonFieldFlags tryParseJsonField(const(char)* fieldName) { import dmd.json; return dmd.json.tryParseJsonField(fieldName); } /*********************************************************** * mtype.d */ AggregateDeclaration isAggregate(Type t) { return dmd.mtype.isAggregate(t); } /*********************************************************** * optimize.d */ Expression optimize(Expression e, int result, bool keepLvalue = false) { import dmd.optimize; return dmd.optimize.optimize(e, result, keepLvalue); } /*********************************************************** * semantic2.d */ void semantic2(Dsymbol dsym, Scope* sc) { import dmd.semantic2; return dmd.semantic2.semantic2(dsym, sc); } /*********************************************************** * semantic3.d */ void semantic3(Dsymbol dsym, Scope* sc) { import dmd.semantic3; return dmd.semantic3.semantic3(dsym, sc); } void semanticTypeInfoMembers(StructDeclaration sd) { import dmd.semantic3; return dmd.semantic3.semanticTypeInfoMembers(sd); } bool checkClosure(FuncDeclaration fd) { import dmd.semantic3; return dmd.semantic3.checkClosure(fd); } /*********************************************************** * statementsem.d */ Statement statementSemantic(Statement s, Scope* sc) { import dmd.statementsem; return dmd.statementsem.statementSemantic(s, sc); } /*********************************************************** * templateparamsem.d */ bool tpsemantic(TemplateParameter tp, Scope* sc, TemplateParameters* parameters) { import dmd.templateparamsem; return dmd.templateparamsem.tpsemantic(tp, sc, parameters); } /*********************************************************** * typesem.d */ bool hasPointers(Type t) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.hasPointers(t); } Type typeSemantic(Type type, Loc loc, Scope* sc) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.typeSemantic(type, loc, sc); } Type trySemantic(Type type, Loc loc, Scope* sc) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.trySemantic(type, loc, sc); } Type merge(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.merge(type); } Type merge2(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.merge2(type); } Expression defaultInit(Type mt, Loc loc, const bool isCfile = false) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.defaultInit(mt, loc, isCfile); } Dsymbol toDsymbol(Type type, Scope* sc) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.toDsymbol(type, sc); } Covariant covariant(Type src, Type t, StorageClass* pstc = null, bool cppCovariant = false) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.covariant(src, t, cast(STC*) pstc, cppCovariant); } bool isZeroInit(Type t, Loc loc) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.isZeroInit(t, loc); } bool isBaseOf(Type tthis, Type t, int* poffset) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.isBaseOf(tthis, t, poffset); } bool equivalent(Type src, Type t) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.equivalent(src, t); } Type sarrayOf(Type type, dinteger_t dim) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.sarrayOf(type, dim); } Type arrayOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.arrayOf(type); } Type constOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.constOf(type); } Type immutableOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.immutableOf(type); } Type mutableOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.mutableOf(type); } Type sharedOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.sharedOf(type); } Type sharedConstOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.sharedConstOf(type); } Type unSharedOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.unSharedOf(type); } Type wildOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.wildOf(type); } Type wildConstOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.wildConstOf(type); } Type sharedWildOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.sharedWildOf(type); } Type sharedWildConstOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.sharedWildConstOf(type); } Type substWildTo(Type type, uint mod) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.substWildTo(type, mod); } Type unqualify(Type type, uint m) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.unqualify(type, m); } Type toHeadMutable(const(Type) type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.toHeadMutable(type); } Type aliasthisOf(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.aliasthisOf(type); } Type castMod(Type type, MOD mod) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.castMod(type, mod); } Type addMod(Type type, MOD mod) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.addMod(type, mod); } Type addStorageClass(Type type, StorageClass stc) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.addStorageClass(type, cast(STC) stc); } Type pointerTo(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.pointerTo(type); } Type referenceTo(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.referenceTo(type); } uinteger_t size(Type type) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.size(type); } uinteger_t size(Type type, Loc loc) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.size(type, loc); } MATCH implicitConvTo(Type from, Type to) { import dmd.dcast; return dmd.dcast.implicitConvTo(from, to); } MATCH constConv(Type from, Type to) { import dmd.typesem; return dmd.typesem.constConv(from, to); } /*********************************************************** * typinf.d */ bool genTypeInfo(Expression e, Loc loc, Type torig, Scope* sc) { import dmd.typinf; return dmd.typinf.genTypeInfo(e, loc, torig, sc); } bool isSpeculativeType(Type t) { import dmd.typinf; return dmd.typinf.isSpeculativeType(t); } bool builtinTypeInfo(Type t) { import dmd.typinf; return dmd.typinf.builtinTypeInfo(t); } Type makeNakedAssociativeArray(TypeAArray t) { import dmd.typinf; return dmd.typinf.makeNakedAssociativeArray(t); } TypeInfoDeclaration getTypeInfoAssocArrayDeclaration(TypeAArray t, Scope* sc) { import dmd.typinf; return dmd.typinf.getTypeInfoAssocArrayDeclaration(t, sc); } version (IN_LLVM) { /*********************************************************** * argtypes_aarch64.d */ TypeTuple toArgTypes_aarch64(Type t) { import dmd.argtypes_aarch64; return dmd.argtypes_aarch64.toArgTypes_aarch64(t); } bool isHFVA(Type t, int maxNumElements = 4, Type* rewriteType = null) { import dmd.argtypes_aarch64; return dmd.argtypes_aarch64.isHFVA(t, maxNumElements, rewriteType); } /*********************************************************** * argtypes_sysv_x64.d */ TypeTuple toArgTypes_sysv_x64(Type t) { import dmd.argtypes_sysv_x64; return dmd.argtypes_sysv_x64.toArgTypes_sysv_x64(t); } /*********************************************************** * argtypes_x86.d */ TypeTuple toArgTypes_x86(Type t) { import dmd.argtypes_x86; return dmd.argtypes_x86.toArgTypes_x86(t); } }