/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language * Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * written by Walter Bright * http://www.digitalmars.com * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt * https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/ctfe.h */ #pragma once #include "arraytypes.h" #include "tokens.h" #include "expression.h" /** Global status of the CTFE engine. Mostly used for performance diagnostics */ struct CtfeStatus { static int callDepth; // current number of recursive calls /* When printing a stack trace, * suppress this number of calls */ static int stackTraceCallsToSuppress; static int maxCallDepth; // highest number of recursive calls static int numArrayAllocs; // Number of allocated arrays static int numAssignments; // total number of assignments executed }; /** A reference to a class, or an interface. We need this when we point to a base class (we must record what the type is). */ class ClassReferenceExp : public Expression { public: StructLiteralExp *value; ClassReferenceExp(Loc loc, StructLiteralExp *lit, Type *type); ClassDeclaration *originalClass(); /// Return index of the field, or -1 if not found int getFieldIndex(Type *fieldtype, unsigned fieldoffset); /// Return index of the field, or -1 if not found /// Same as getFieldIndex, but checks for a direct match with the VarDeclaration int findFieldIndexByName(VarDeclaration *v); void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); } }; // The various functions are used only to detect compiler CTFE bugs Expression *getValue(VarDeclaration *vd); bool hasValue(VarDeclaration *vd); void setValueNull(VarDeclaration *vd); void setValueWithoutChecking(VarDeclaration *vd, Expression *newval); void setValue(VarDeclaration *vd, Expression *newval); /// Return index of the field, or -1 if not found /// Same as getFieldIndex, but checks for a direct match with the VarDeclaration int findFieldIndexByName(StructDeclaration *sd, VarDeclaration *v); /** An uninitialized value */ class VoidInitExp : public Expression { public: VarDeclaration *var; VoidInitExp(VarDeclaration *var, Type *type); const char *toChars(); void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); } }; // Create an appropriate void initializer UnionExp voidInitLiteral(Type *t, VarDeclaration *var); /** Fake class which holds the thrown exception. Used for implementing exception handling. */ class ThrownExceptionExp : public Expression { public: ClassReferenceExp *thrown; // the thing being tossed ThrownExceptionExp(Loc loc, ClassReferenceExp *victim); const char *toChars(); /// Generate an error message when this exception is not caught void generateUncaughtError(); void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); } }; /****************************************************************/ // This type is only used by the interpreter. class CTFEExp : public Expression { public: CTFEExp(TOK tok); const char *toChars(); // Handy instances to share static CTFEExp *cantexp; static CTFEExp *voidexp; static CTFEExp *breakexp; static CTFEExp *continueexp; static CTFEExp *gotoexp; static bool isCantExp(Expression *e) { return e && e->op == TOKcantexp; } static bool isGotoExp(Expression *e) { return e && e->op == TOKgoto; } }; /****************************************************************/ /// True if 'e' is TOKcantexp, or an exception bool exceptionOrCantInterpret(Expression *e); // Used for debugging only void showCtfeExpr(Expression *e, int level = 0); /// Return true if this is a valid CTFE expression bool isCtfeValueValid(Expression *newval); bool isCtfeReferenceValid(Expression *newval); /// Given expr, which evaluates to an array/AA/string literal, /// return true if it needs to be copied bool needToCopyLiteral(Expression *expr); /// Make a copy of the ArrayLiteral, AALiteral, String, or StructLiteral. /// This value will be used for in-place modification. UnionExp copyLiteral(Expression *e); /// Set this literal to the given type, copying it if necessary Expression *paintTypeOntoLiteral(Type *type, Expression *lit); Expression *paintTypeOntoLiteral(UnionExp *pue, Type *type, Expression *lit); UnionExp paintTypeOntoLiteralCopy(Type *type, Expression *lit); /// Convert from a CTFE-internal slice, into a normal Expression Expression *resolveSlice(Expression *e, UnionExp *pue = NULL); /// Determine the array length, without interpreting the expression. uinteger_t resolveArrayLength(Expression *e); /// Create an array literal consisting of 'elem' duplicated 'dim' times. ArrayLiteralExp *createBlockDuplicatedArrayLiteral(UnionExp *pue, Loc loc, Type *type, Expression *elem, size_t dim); /// Create a string literal consisting of 'value' duplicated 'dim' times. StringExp *createBlockDuplicatedStringLiteral(UnionExp *pue, Loc loc, Type *type, unsigned value, size_t dim, unsigned char sz); /* Set dest = src, where both dest and src are container value literals * (ie, struct literals, or static arrays (can be an array literal or a string) * Assignment is recursively in-place. * Purpose: any reference to a member of 'dest' will remain valid after the * assignment. */ void assignInPlace(Expression *dest, Expression *src); /// Duplicate the elements array, then set field 'indexToChange' = newelem. Expressions *changeOneElement(Expressions *oldelems, size_t indexToChange, Expression *newelem); /// Given an AA literal aae, set arr[index] = newval and return the new array. Expression *assignAssocArrayElement(Loc loc, AssocArrayLiteralExp *aae, Expression *index, Expression *newval); /// Given array literal oldval of type ArrayLiteralExp or StringExp, of length /// oldlen, change its length to newlen. If the newlen is longer than oldlen, /// all new elements will be set to the default initializer for the element type. UnionExp changeArrayLiteralLength(Loc loc, TypeArray *arrayType, Expression *oldval, size_t oldlen, size_t newlen); /// Return true if t is a pointer (not a function pointer) bool isPointer(Type *t); // For CTFE only. Returns true if 'e' is TRUE or a non-null pointer. bool isTrueBool(Expression *e); /// Is it safe to convert from srcPointee* to destPointee* ? /// srcPointee is the genuine type (never void). /// destPointee may be void. bool isSafePointerCast(Type *srcPointee, Type *destPointee); /// Given pointer e, return the memory block expression it points to, /// and set ofs to the offset within that memory block. Expression *getAggregateFromPointer(Expression *e, dinteger_t *ofs); /// Return true if agg1 and agg2 are pointers to the same memory block bool pointToSameMemoryBlock(Expression *agg1, Expression *agg2); // return e1 - e2 as an integer, or error if not possible UnionExp pointerDifference(Loc loc, Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2); /// Return 1 if true, 0 if false /// -1 if comparison is illegal because they point to non-comparable memory blocks int comparePointers(TOK op, Expression *agg1, dinteger_t ofs1, Expression *agg2, dinteger_t ofs2); // Return eptr op e2, where eptr is a pointer, e2 is an integer, // and op is TOKadd or TOKmin UnionExp pointerArithmetic(Loc loc, TOK op, Type *type, Expression *eptr, Expression *e2); // True if conversion from type 'from' to 'to' involves a reinterpret_cast // floating point -> integer or integer -> floating point bool isFloatIntPaint(Type *to, Type *from); // Reinterpret float/int value 'fromVal' as a float/integer of type 'to'. Expression *paintFloatInt(UnionExp *pue, Expression *fromVal, Type *to); /// Return true if t is an AA bool isAssocArray(Type *t); /// Given a template AA type, extract the corresponding built-in AA type TypeAArray *toBuiltinAAType(Type *t); /* Given an AA literal 'ae', and a key 'e2': * Return ae[e2] if present, or NULL if not found. * Return TOKcantexp on error. */ Expression *findKeyInAA(Loc loc, AssocArrayLiteralExp *ae, Expression *e2); /// True if type is TypeInfo_Class bool isTypeInfo_Class(Type *type); /*********************************************** COW const-folding operations ***********************************************/ /// Return true if non-pointer expression e can be compared /// with >,is, ==, etc, using ctfeCmp, ctfeEquals, ctfeIdentity bool isCtfeComparable(Expression *e); /// Evaluate ==, !=. Resolves slices before comparing. Returns 0 or 1 int ctfeEqual(Loc loc, TOK op, Expression *e1, Expression *e2); /// Evaluate is, !is. Resolves slices before comparing. Returns 0 or 1 int ctfeIdentity(Loc loc, TOK op, Expression *e1, Expression *e2); /// Returns rawCmp OP 0; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1 int specificCmp(TOK op, int rawCmp); /// Returns e1 OP e2; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1 int intUnsignedCmp(TOK op, dinteger_t n1, dinteger_t n2); /// Returns e1 OP e2; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1 int intSignedCmp(TOK op, sinteger_t n1, sinteger_t n2); /// Returns e1 OP e2; where OP is ==, !=, <, >=, etc. Result is 0 or 1 int realCmp(TOK op, real_t r1, real_t r2); /// Evaluate >,<=, etc. Resolves slices before comparing. Returns 0 or 1 int ctfeCmp(Loc loc, TOK op, Expression *e1, Expression *e2); /// Returns e1 ~ e2. Resolves slices before concatenation. UnionExp ctfeCat(Loc loc, Type *type, Expression *e1, Expression *e2); /// Same as for constfold.Index, except that it only works for static arrays, /// dynamic arrays, and strings. Expression *ctfeIndex(Loc loc, Type *type, Expression *e1, uinteger_t indx); /// Cast 'e' of type 'type' to type 'to'. Expression *ctfeCast(UnionExp *pue, Loc loc, Type *type, Type *to, Expression *e);