/** * Check the arguments to `printf` and `scanf` against the `format` string. * * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * Authors: $(LINK2 https://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * License: $(LINK2 https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/chkformat.d, _chkformat.d) * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_chkformat.html * Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/chkformat.d */ module dmd.chkformat; //import core.stdc.stdio : printf, scanf; import core.stdc.ctype : isdigit; import dmd.astenums; import dmd.cond; import dmd.errorsink; import dmd.expression; import dmd.globals; import dmd.identifier; import dmd.location; import dmd.mtype; import dmd.target; /****************************************** * Check that arguments to a printf format string are compatible * with that string. Issue errors for incompatibilities. * * Follows the C99 specification for printf. * * Takes a generous, rather than strict, view of compatiblity. * For example, an unsigned value can be formatted with a signed specifier. * * Diagnosed incompatibilities are: * * 1. incompatible sizes which will cause argument misalignment * 2. deferencing arguments that are not pointers * 3. insufficient number of arguments * 4. struct arguments * 5. array and slice arguments * 6. non-pointer arguments to `s` specifier * 7. non-standard formats * 8. undefined behavior per C99 * * Per the C Standard, extra arguments are ignored. * * No attempt is made to fix the arguments or the format string. * * Params: * loc = location for error messages * format = format string * args = arguments to match with format string * isVa_list = if a "v" function (format check only) * eSink = where the error messages go * * Returns: * `true` if errors occurred * References: * C99 * https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/printf/ */ public bool checkPrintfFormat(ref const Loc loc, scope const char[] format, scope Expression[] args, bool isVa_list, ErrorSink eSink) { //printf("checkPrintFormat('%.*s')\n", cast(int)format.length, format.ptr); size_t n; // index in args for (size_t i = 0; i < format.length;) { if (format[i] != '%') { ++i; continue; } bool widthStar; bool precisionStar; size_t j = i; const fmt = parsePrintfFormatSpecifier(format, j, widthStar, precisionStar); const slice = format[i .. j]; i = j; if (fmt == Format.percent) continue; // "%%", no arguments if (fmt == Format.GNU_m) continue; // "%m", no arguments if (isVa_list) { // format check only if (fmt == Format.error) eSink.deprecation(loc, "format specifier `\"%.*s\"` is invalid", cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr); continue; } Expression getNextArg(ref bool skip) { if (n == args.length) { if (args.length < (n + 1)) eSink.deprecation(loc, "more format specifiers than %d arguments", cast(int)n); else skip = true; return null; } return args[n++]; } void errorMsg(const char* prefix, Expression arg, const char* texpect, Type tactual) { eSink.deprecation(arg.loc, "%sargument `%s` for format specification `\"%.*s\"` must be `%s`, not `%s`", prefix ? prefix : "", arg.toChars(), cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr, texpect, tactual.toChars()); } if (widthStar) { bool skip; auto e = getNextArg(skip); if (skip) continue; if (!e) return true; auto t = e.type.toBasetype(); if (t.ty != Tint32 && t.ty != Tuns32) errorMsg("width ", e, "int", t); } if (precisionStar) { bool skip; auto e = getNextArg(skip); if (skip) continue; if (!e) return true; auto t = e.type.toBasetype(); if (t.ty != Tint32 && t.ty != Tuns32) errorMsg("precision ", e, "int", t); } bool skip; auto e = getNextArg(skip); if (skip) continue; if (!e) return true; auto t = e.type.toBasetype(); auto tnext = t.nextOf(); const c_longsize = target.c.longsize; const ptrsize = target.ptrsize; // Types which are promoted to int are allowed. // Spec: C99 final switch (fmt) { case Format.u: // unsigned int case Format.d: // int if (t.ty != Tint32 && t.ty != Tuns32) errorMsg(null, e, fmt == Format.u ? "uint" : "int", t); break; case Format.hhu: // unsigned char case Format.hhd: // signed char if (t.ty != Tint32 && t.ty != Tuns32 && t.ty != Tint8 && t.ty != Tuns8) errorMsg(null, e, fmt == Format.hhu ? "ubyte" : "byte", t); break; case Format.hu: // unsigned short int case Format.hd: // short int if (t.ty != Tint32 && t.ty != Tuns32 && t.ty != Tint16 && t.ty != Tuns16) errorMsg(null, e, fmt == Format.hu ? "ushort" : "short", t); break; case Format.lu: // unsigned long int case Format.ld: // long int if (!(t.isintegral() && t.size() == c_longsize)) { if (fmt == Format.lu) errorMsg(null, e, (c_longsize == 4 ? "uint" : "ulong"), t); else errorMsg(null, e, (c_longsize == 4 ? "int" : "long"), t); if (t.isintegral() && t.size() != c_longsize) eSink.errorSupplemental(e.loc, "C `long` is %d bytes on your system", c_longsize); } break; case Format.llu: // unsigned long long int case Format.lld: // long long int if (t.ty != Tint64 && t.ty != Tuns64) errorMsg(null, e, fmt == Format.llu ? "ulong" : "long", t); break; case Format.ju: // uintmax_t case Format.jd: // intmax_t if (t.ty != Tint64 && t.ty != Tuns64) { if (fmt == Format.ju) errorMsg(null, e, "core.stdc.stdint.uintmax_t", t); else errorMsg(null, e, "core.stdc.stdint.intmax_t", t); } break; case Format.zd: // size_t if (!(t.isintegral() && t.size() == ptrsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "size_t", t); break; case Format.td: // ptrdiff_t if (!(t.isintegral() && t.size() == ptrsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "ptrdiff_t", t); break; case Format.lg: case Format.g: // double if (t.ty != Tfloat64 && t.ty != Timaginary64) errorMsg(null, e, "double", t); break; case Format.Lg: // long double if (t.ty != Tfloat80 && t.ty != Timaginary80) errorMsg(null, e, "real", t); break; case Format.p: // pointer if (t.ty != Tpointer && t.ty != Tnull && t.ty != Tclass && t.ty != Tdelegate && t.ty != Taarray) errorMsg(null, e, "void*", t); break; case Format.n: // pointer to int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint32 && tnext.isMutable())) errorMsg(null, e, "int*", t); break; case Format.ln: // pointer to long int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.isintegral() && tnext.size() == c_longsize)) errorMsg(null, e, (c_longsize == 4 ? "int*" : "long*"), t); break; case Format.lln: // pointer to long long int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint64)) errorMsg(null, e, "long*", t); break; case Format.hn: // pointer to short if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint16)) errorMsg(null, e, "short*", t); break; case Format.hhn: // pointer to signed char if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint16)) errorMsg(null, e, "byte*", t); break; case Format.jn: // pointer to intmax_t if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint64)) errorMsg(null, e, "core.stdc.stdint.intmax_t*", t); break; case Format.zn: // pointer to size_t if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.isintegral() && tnext.isunsigned() && tnext.size() == ptrsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "size_t*", t); break; case Format.tn: // pointer to ptrdiff_t if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.isintegral() && !tnext.isunsigned() && tnext.size() == ptrsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "ptrdiff_t*", t); break; case Format.c: // char if (t.ty != Tint32 && t.ty != Tuns32) errorMsg(null, e, "char", t); break; case Format.lc: // wint_t if (t.ty != Tint32 && t.ty != Tuns32) errorMsg(null, e, "wchar_t", t); break; case Format.s: // pointer to char string if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && (tnext.ty == Tchar || tnext.ty == Tint8 || tnext.ty == Tuns8))) errorMsg(null, e, "char*", t); break; case Format.ls: // pointer to wchar_t string if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty.isSomeChar && tnext.size() == target.c.wchar_tsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "wchar_t*", t); break; case Format.error: eSink.deprecation(loc, "format specifier `\"%.*s\"` is invalid", cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr); break; case Format.GNU_m: case Format.POSIX_ms: case Format.POSIX_mls: case Format.percent: assert(0); } } return false; } /****************************************** * Check that arguments to a scanf format string are compatible * with that string. Issue errors for incompatibilities. * * Follows the C99 specification for scanf. * * Takes a generous, rather than strict, view of compatiblity. * For example, an unsigned value can be formatted with a signed specifier. * * Diagnosed incompatibilities are: * * 1. incompatible sizes which will cause argument misalignment * 2. deferencing arguments that are not pointers * 3. insufficient number of arguments * 4. struct arguments * 5. array and slice arguments * 6. non-standard formats * 7. undefined behavior per C99 * * Per the C Standard, extra arguments are ignored. * * No attempt is made to fix the arguments or the format string. * * Params: * loc = location for error messages * format = format string * args = arguments to match with format string * isVa_list = if a "v" function (format check only) * eSink = where the error messages go * * Returns: * `true` if errors occurred * References: * C99 * https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/scanf/ */ public bool checkScanfFormat(ref const Loc loc, scope const char[] format, scope Expression[] args, bool isVa_list, ErrorSink eSink) { size_t n = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < format.length;) { if (format[i] != '%') { ++i; continue; } bool asterisk; size_t j = i; const fmt = parseScanfFormatSpecifier(format, j, asterisk); const slice = format[i .. j]; i = j; if (fmt == Format.percent || asterisk) continue; // "%%", "%*": no arguments if (isVa_list) { // format check only if (fmt == Format.error) eSink.deprecation(loc, "format specifier `\"%.*s\"` is invalid", cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr); continue; } Expression getNextArg() { if (n == args.length) { if (!asterisk) eSink.deprecation(loc, "more format specifiers than %d arguments", cast(int)n); return null; } return args[n++]; } void errorMsg(const char* prefix, Expression arg, const char* texpect, Type tactual) { eSink.deprecation(arg.loc, "%sargument `%s` for format specification `\"%.*s\"` must be `%s`, not `%s`", prefix ? prefix : "", arg.toChars(), cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr, texpect, tactual.toChars()); } auto e = getNextArg(); if (!e) return true; auto t = e.type.toBasetype(); auto tnext = t.nextOf(); const c_longsize = target.c.longsize; const ptrsize = target.ptrsize; final switch (fmt) { case Format.n: case Format.d: // pointer to int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint32)) errorMsg(null, e, "int*", t); break; case Format.hhn: case Format.hhd: // pointer to signed char if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint16)) errorMsg(null, e, "byte*", t); break; case Format.hn: case Format.hd: // pointer to short if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint16)) errorMsg(null, e, "short*", t); break; case Format.ln: case Format.ld: // pointer to long int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.isintegral() && !tnext.isunsigned() && tnext.size() == c_longsize)) errorMsg(null, e, (c_longsize == 4 ? "int*" : "long*"), t); break; case Format.lln: case Format.lld: // pointer to long long int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint64)) errorMsg(null, e, "long*", t); break; case Format.jn: case Format.jd: // pointer to intmax_t if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tint64)) errorMsg(null, e, "core.stdc.stdint.intmax_t*", t); break; case Format.zn: case Format.zd: // pointer to size_t if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.isintegral() && tnext.isunsigned() && tnext.size() == ptrsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "size_t*", t); break; case Format.tn: case Format.td: // pointer to ptrdiff_t if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.isintegral() && !tnext.isunsigned() && tnext.size() == ptrsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "ptrdiff_t*", t); break; case Format.u: // pointer to unsigned int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tuns32)) errorMsg(null, e, "uint*", t); break; case Format.hhu: // pointer to unsigned char if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tuns8)) errorMsg(null, e, "ubyte*", t); break; case Format.hu: // pointer to unsigned short int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tuns16)) errorMsg(null, e, "ushort*", t); break; case Format.lu: // pointer to unsigned long int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.isintegral() && tnext.isunsigned() && tnext.size() == c_longsize)) errorMsg(null, e, (c_longsize == 4 ? "uint*" : "ulong*"), t); break; case Format.llu: // pointer to unsigned long long int if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tuns64)) errorMsg(null, e, "ulong*", t); break; case Format.ju: // pointer to uintmax_t if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tuns64)) errorMsg(null, e, "core.stdc.stdint.uintmax_t*", t); break; case Format.g: // pointer to float if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tfloat32)) errorMsg(null, e, "float*", t); break; case Format.lg: // pointer to double if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tfloat64)) errorMsg(null, e, "double*", t); break; case Format.Lg: // pointer to long double if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tfloat80)) errorMsg(null, e, "real*", t); break; case Format.c: case Format.s: // pointer to char string if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && (tnext.ty == Tchar || tnext.ty == Tint8 || tnext.ty == Tuns8))) errorMsg(null, e, "char*", t); break; case Format.lc: case Format.ls: // pointer to wchar_t string if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty.isSomeChar && tnext.size() == target.c.wchar_tsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "wchar_t*", t); break; case Format.p: // double pointer if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tpointer)) errorMsg(null, e, "void**", t); break; case Format.POSIX_ms: // pointer to pointer to char string Type tnext2 = tnext ? tnext.nextOf() : null; if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tpointer && (tnext2.ty == Tchar || tnext2.ty == Tint8 || tnext2.ty == Tuns8))) errorMsg(null, e, "char**", t); break; case Format.POSIX_mls: // pointer to pointer to wchar_t string Type tnext2 = tnext ? tnext.nextOf() : null; if (!(t.ty == Tpointer && tnext.ty == Tpointer && tnext2.ty.isSomeChar && tnext2.size() == target.c.wchar_tsize)) errorMsg(null, e, "wchar_t**", t); break; case Format.error: eSink.deprecation(loc, "format specifier `\"%.*s\"` is invalid", cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr); break; case Format.GNU_m: case Format.percent: assert(0); } } return false; } /*****************************************************************************************************/ private: /************************************** * Parse the *format specifier* which is of the form: * * `%[*][width][length]specifier` * * Params: * format = format string * idx = index of `%` of start of format specifier, * which gets updated to index past the end of it, * even if `Format.error` is returned * asterisk = set if there is a `*` sub-specifier * Returns: * Format */ Format parseScanfFormatSpecifier(scope const char[] format, ref size_t idx, out bool asterisk) nothrow pure @safe { auto i = idx; assert(format[i] == '%'); const length = format.length; Format error() { idx = i; return Format.error; } ++i; if (i == length) return error(); if (format[i] == '%') { idx = i + 1; return Format.percent; } // * sub-specifier if (format[i] == '*') { ++i; if (i == length) return error(); asterisk = true; } // fieldWidth while (isdigit(format[i])) { i++; if (i == length) return error(); } /* Read the specifier */ Format specifier; Modifier flags = Modifier.none; switch (format[i]) { case 'm': // https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/scanf.html // POSIX.1-2017 C Extension (CX) flags = Modifier.m; ++i; if (i == length) return error(); if (format[i] == 'l') { ++i; if (i == length) return error(); flags = Modifier.ml; } // Check valid conversion types for %m. if (format[i] == 'c' || format[i] == 's') specifier = flags == Modifier.ml ? Format.POSIX_mls : Format.POSIX_ms; else if (format[i] == 'C' || format[i] == 'S') specifier = flags == Modifier.m ? Format.POSIX_mls : Format.error; else if (format[i] == '[') goto case '['; else specifier = Format.error; ++i; break; case 'l': // Look for wchar_t scanset %l[..] immutable j = i + 1; if (j < length && format[j] == '[') { i = j; flags = Modifier.l; goto case '['; } goto default; case '[': // Read the scanset i++; if (i == length) return error(); // If the conversion specifier begins with `[]` or `[^]`, the right // bracket character is not the terminator, but in the scanlist. if (format[i] == '^') { i++; if (i == length) return error(); } if (format[i] == ']') { i++; if (i == length) return error(); } // A scanset can be anything, so we just check that it is paired while (i < length) { if (format[i] == ']') break; ++i; } // no `]` found if (i == length) return error(); specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.s : flags == Modifier.l ? Format.ls : flags == Modifier.m ? Format.POSIX_ms : flags == Modifier.ml ? Format.POSIX_mls : Format.error; ++i; break; default: char genSpec; specifier = parseGenericFormatSpecifier(format, i, genSpec); if (specifier == Format.error) return error(); break; } idx = i; return specifier; // success } /************************************** * Parse the *format specifier* which is of the form: * * `%[flags][field width][.precision][length modifier]specifier` * * Params: * format = format string * idx = index of `%` of start of format specifier, * which gets updated to index past the end of it, * even if `Format.error` is returned * widthStar = set if * for width * precisionStar = set if * for precision * useGNUExts = true if parsing GNU format extensions * Returns: * Format */ Format parsePrintfFormatSpecifier(scope const char[] format, ref size_t idx, out bool widthStar, out bool precisionStar, bool useGNUExts = findCondition(global.versionids, Identifier.idPool("CRuntime_Glibc"))) nothrow pure @safe { auto i = idx; assert(format[i] == '%'); const length = format.length; bool hash; bool zero; bool flags; bool width; bool precision; Format error() { idx = i; return Format.error; } ++i; if (i == length) return error(); if (format[i] == '%') { idx = i + 1; return Format.percent; } /* Read the `flags` */ while (1) { const c = format[i]; if (c == '-' || c == '+' || c == ' ') { flags = true; } else if (c == '#') { hash = true; } else if (c == '0') { zero = true; } else break; ++i; if (i == length) return error(); } /* Read the `field width` */ { const c = format[i]; if (c == '*') { width = true; widthStar = true; ++i; if (i == length) return error(); } else if ('1' <= c && c <= '9') { width = true; ++i; if (i == length) return error(); while ('0' <= format[i] && format[i] <= '9') { ++i; if (i == length) return error(); } } } /* Read the `precision` */ if (format[i] == '.') { precision = true; ++i; if (i == length) return error(); const c = format[i]; if (c == '*') { precisionStar = true; ++i; if (i == length) return error(); } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { ++i; if (i == length) return error(); while ('0' <= format[i] && format[i] <= '9') { ++i; if (i == length) return error(); } } } /* Read the specifier */ char genSpec; Format specifier; switch (format[i]) { case 'm': // https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Other-Output-Conversions.html if (useGNUExts) { specifier = Format.GNU_m; genSpec = format[i]; ++i; break; } goto default; default: specifier = parseGenericFormatSpecifier(format, i, genSpec); if (specifier == Format.error) return error(); break; } switch (genSpec) { case 'c': case 's': case 'C': case 'S': if (hash || zero) return error(); break; case 'd': case 'i': if (hash) return error(); break; case 'm': if (hash || zero || flags) return error(); break; case 'n': if (hash || zero || precision || width || flags) return error(); break; default: break; } idx = i; return specifier; // success } /* Different kinds of conversion modifiers. */ enum Modifier { none, h, // short hh, // char j, // intmax_t l, // wint_t/wchar_t ll, // long long int L, // long double m, // char** ml, // wchar_t** t, // ptrdiff_t z // size_t } /* Different kinds of formatting specifications, variations we don't care about are merged. (Like we don't care about the difference between f, e, g, a, etc.) For `scanf`, every format is a pointer. */ enum Format { d, // int hhd, // signed char hd, // short int ld, // long int lld, // long long int jd, // intmax_t zd, // size_t td, // ptrdiff_t u, // unsigned int hhu, // unsigned char hu, // unsigned short int lu, // unsigned long int llu, // unsigned long long int ju, // uintmax_t g, // float (scanf) / double (printf) lg, // double (scanf) Lg, // long double (both) s, // char string (both) ls, // wchar_t string (both) c, // char (printf) lc, // wint_t (printf) p, // pointer n, // pointer to int hhn, // pointer to signed char hn, // pointer to short ln, // pointer to long int lln, // pointer to long long int jn, // pointer to intmax_t zn, // pointer to size_t tn, // pointer to ptrdiff_t GNU_m, // GNU ext. : string corresponding to the error code in errno (printf) POSIX_ms, // POSIX ext. : dynamically allocated char string (scanf) POSIX_mls, // POSIX ext. : dynamically allocated wchar_t string (scanf) percent, // %% (i.e. no argument) error, // invalid format specification } /************************************** * Parse the *length specifier* and the *specifier* of the following form: * `[length]specifier` * * Params: * format = format string * idx = index of of start of format specifier, * which gets updated to index past the end of it, * even if `Format.error` is returned * genSpecifier = Generic specifier. For instance, it will be set to `d` if the * format is `hdd`. * Returns: * Format */ Format parseGenericFormatSpecifier(scope const char[] format, ref size_t idx, out char genSpecifier) nothrow pure @safe { const length = format.length; /* Read the `length modifier` */ const lm = format[idx]; Modifier flags; switch (lm) { case 'j': case 'z': case 't': case 'L': flags = lm == 'j' ? Modifier.j : lm == 'z' ? Modifier.z : lm == 't' ? Modifier.t : Modifier.L; ++idx; if (idx == length) return Format.error; break; case 'h': case 'l': ++idx; if (idx == length) return Format.error; if (lm == format[idx]) { flags = lm == 'h' ? Modifier.hh : Modifier.ll; ++idx; if (idx == length) return Format.error; } else flags = lm == 'h' ? Modifier.h : Modifier.l; break; default: flags = Modifier.none; break; } /* Read the `specifier` */ Format specifier; const sc = format[idx]; genSpecifier = sc; switch (sc) { case 'd': case 'i': specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.d : flags == Modifier.hh ? Format.hhd : flags == Modifier.h ? Format.hd : flags == Modifier.ll ? Format.lld : flags == Modifier.l ? Format.ld : flags == Modifier.j ? Format.jd : flags == Modifier.z ? Format.zd : flags == Modifier.t ? Format.td : Format.error; break; case 'u': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.u : flags == Modifier.hh ? Format.hhu : flags == Modifier.h ? Format.hu : flags == Modifier.ll ? Format.llu : flags == Modifier.l ? Format.lu : flags == Modifier.j ? Format.ju : flags == Modifier.z ? Format.zd : flags == Modifier.t ? Format.td : Format.error; break; case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': case 'a': case 'A': specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.g : flags == Modifier.L ? Format.Lg : flags == Modifier.l ? Format.lg : Format.error; break; case 'c': specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.c : flags == Modifier.l ? Format.lc : Format.error; break; case 's': specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.s : flags == Modifier.l ? Format.ls : Format.error; break; case 'p': specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.p : Format.error; break; case 'n': specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.n : flags == Modifier.ll ? Format.lln : flags == Modifier.l ? Format.ln : flags == Modifier.hh ? Format.hhn : flags == Modifier.h ? Format.hn : flags == Modifier.j ? Format.jn : flags == Modifier.z ? Format.zn : flags == Modifier.t ? Format.tn : Format.error; break; case 'C': // POSIX.1-2017 X/Open System Interfaces (XSI) // %C format is equivalent to %lc specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.lc : Format.error; break; case 'S': // POSIX.1-2017 X/Open System Interfaces (XSI) // %S format is equivalent to %ls specifier = flags == Modifier.none ? Format.ls : Format.error; break; default: specifier = Format.error; break; } ++idx; return specifier; // success } @("parseGenericFormatSpecifier") unittest { char genSpecifier; size_t idx; void testG(string fmtStr, Format expectedFormat, char expectedGenSpecifier) { idx = 0; assert(parseGenericFormatSpecifier(fmtStr, idx, genSpecifier) == expectedFormat); assert(genSpecifier == expectedGenSpecifier); } testG("hhd", Format.hhd, 'd'); testG("hn", Format.hn, 'n'); testG("ji", Format.jd, 'i'); testG("lu", Format.lu, 'u'); idx = 0; assert(parseGenericFormatSpecifier("k", idx, genSpecifier) == Format.error); } @("parsePrintfFormatSpecifier") unittest { bool useGNUExts = false; size_t idx = 0; bool widthStar; bool precisionStar; void testP(string fmtStr, Format expectedFormat, size_t expectedIdx) { idx = 0; assert(parsePrintfFormatSpecifier(fmtStr, idx, widthStar, precisionStar, useGNUExts) == expectedFormat); assert(idx == expectedIdx); } // one for each Format testP("%d", Format.d, 2); assert(!widthStar && !precisionStar); testP("%ld", Format.ld, 3); testP("%lld", Format.lld, 4); testP("%jd", Format.jd, 3); testP("%zd", Format.zd, 3); testP("%td", Format.td, 3); testP("%g", Format.g, 2); testP("%Lg", Format.Lg, 3); testP("%p", Format.p, 2); testP("%n", Format.n, 2); testP("%ln", Format.ln, 3); testP("%lln", Format.lln, 4); testP("%hn", Format.hn, 3); testP("%hhn", Format.hhn, 4); testP("%jn", Format.jn, 3); testP("%zn", Format.zn, 3); testP("%tn", Format.tn, 3); testP("%c", Format.c, 2); testP("%lc", Format.lc, 3); testP("%s", Format.s, 2); testP("%ls", Format.ls, 3); testP("%%", Format.percent, 2); // Synonyms testP("%i", Format.d, 2); testP("%u", Format.u, 2); testP("%o", Format.u, 2); testP("%x", Format.u, 2); testP("%X", Format.u, 2); testP("%f", Format.g, 2); testP("%F", Format.g, 2); testP("%G", Format.g, 2); testP("%a", Format.g, 2); testP("%La", Format.Lg, 3); testP("%A", Format.g, 2); testP("%lg", Format.lg, 3); // width, precision testP("%*d", Format.d, 3); assert(widthStar && !precisionStar); testP("%.*d", Format.d, 4); assert(!widthStar && precisionStar); testP("%*.*d", Format.d, 5); assert(widthStar && precisionStar); // Too short formats foreach (s; ["%", "%-", "%+", "% ", "%#", "%0", "%*", "%1", "%19", "%.", "%.*", "%.1", "%.12", "%j", "%z", "%t", "%l", "%h", "%ll", "%hh"]) { testP(s, Format.error, s.length); } // Undefined format combinations foreach (s; ["%#d", "%llg", "%jg", "%zg", "%tg", "%hg", "%hhg", "%#c", "%0c", "%jc", "%zc", "%tc", "%Lc", "%hc", "%hhc", "%llc", "%#s", "%0s", "%js", "%zs", "%ts", "%Ls", "%hs", "%hhs", "%lls", "%jp", "%zp", "%tp", "%Lp", "%hp", "%lp", "%hhp", "%llp", "%-n", "%+n", "% n", "%#n", "%0n", "%*n", "%1n", "%19n", "%.n", "%.*n", "%.1n", "%.12n", "%Ln", "%K"]) { testP(s, Format.error, s.length); } testP("%C", Format.lc, 2); testP("%S", Format.ls, 2); // GNU extensions: explicitly toggle ISO/GNU flag. foreach (s; ["%jm", "%zm", "%tm", "%Lm", "%hm", "%hhm", "%lm", "%llm", "%#m", "%+m", "%-m", "% m", "%0m"]) { useGNUExts = false; testP(s, Format.error, s.length); useGNUExts = true; testP(s, Format.error, s.length); } foreach (s; ["%m", "%md", "%mz", "%mc", "%mm", "%msyz", "%ml", "%mlz", "%mlc", "%mlm"]) { // valid cases, all parsed as `%m` // GNU printf() useGNUExts = true; testP(s, Format.GNU_m, 2); // ISO printf() useGNUExts = false; testP(s, Format.error, 2); } } @("parseScanfFormatSpecifier") unittest { size_t idx; bool asterisk; void testS(string fmtStr, Format expectedFormat, size_t expectedIdx) { idx = 0; assert(parseScanfFormatSpecifier(fmtStr, idx, asterisk) == expectedFormat); assert(idx == expectedIdx); } // one for each Format testS("%d", Format.d, 2); testS("%hhd", Format.hhd, 4); testS("%hd", Format.hd, 3); testS("%ld", Format.ld, 3); testS("%lld", Format.lld, 4); testS("%jd", Format.jd, 3); testS("%zd", Format.zd, 3); testS("%td", Format.td, 3); testS("%u", Format.u, 2); testS("%hhu", Format.hhu, 4); testS("%hu", Format.hu, 3); testS("%lu", Format.lu, 3); testS("%llu", Format.llu, 4); testS("%ju", Format.ju, 3); testS("%g", Format.g, 2); testS("%lg", Format.lg, 3); testS("%Lg", Format.Lg, 3); testS("%p", Format.p, 2); testS("%s", Format.s, 2); testS("%ls", Format.ls, 3); testS("%%", Format.percent, 2); // Synonyms testS("%i", Format.d, 2); testS("%n", Format.n, 2); testS("%o", Format.u, 2); testS("%x", Format.u, 2); testS("%f", Format.g, 2); testS("%e", Format.g, 2); testS("%a", Format.g, 2); testS("%c", Format.c, 2); // asterisk testS("%*d", Format.d, 3); assert(asterisk); testS("%9ld", Format.ld, 4); assert(!asterisk); testS("%*25984hhd", Format.hhd, 10); assert(asterisk); // scansets testS("%[a-zA-Z]", Format.s, 9); assert(!asterisk); testS("%*25l[a-z]", Format.ls, 10); assert(asterisk); testS("%[]]", Format.s, 4); assert(!asterisk); testS("%[^]]", Format.s, 5); assert(!asterisk); // Too short formats foreach (s; ["%", "% ", "%#", "%0", "%*", "%1", "%19", "%j", "%z", "%t", "%l", "%h", "%ll", "%hh", "%K"]) { testS(s, Format.error, s.length); } // Undefined format combinations foreach (s; ["%Ld", "%llg", "%jg", "%zg", "%tg", "%hg", "%hhg", "%jc", "%zc", "%tc", "%Lc", "%hc", "%hhc", "%llc", "%jp", "%zp", "%tp", "%Lp", "%hp", "%lp", "%hhp", "%llp", "%-", "%+", "%#", "%0", "%.", "%Ln"]) { testS(s, Format.error, s.length); } // Invalid scansets foreach (s; ["%[]", "%[^", "%[^]", "%[s", "%[0-9lld", "%[", "%l[^]"]) { testS(s, Format.error, s.length); } // Posix extensions foreach (s; ["%jm", "%zm", "%tm", "%Lm", "%hm", "%hhm", "%lm", "%llm", "%m", "%ma", "%md", "%ml", "%mm", "%mlb", "%mlj", "%mlr", "%mlz", "%LC", "%lC", "%llC", "%jC", "%tC", "%hC", "%hhC", "%zC", "%LS", "%lS", "%llS", "%jS", "%tS", "%hS", "%hhS", "%zS"]) { testS(s, Format.error, s.length); } testS("%mc", Format.POSIX_ms, 3); testS("%ms", Format.POSIX_ms, 3); testS("%m[0-9]", Format.POSIX_ms, 7); testS("%mlc", Format.POSIX_mls, 4); testS("%mls", Format.POSIX_mls, 4); testS("%ml[^0-9]", Format.POSIX_mls, 9); testS("%mC", Format.POSIX_mls, 3); testS("%mS", Format.POSIX_mls, 3); testS("%C", Format.lc, 2); testS("%S", Format.ls, 2); }