/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language * Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * written by Walter Bright * http://www.digitalmars.com * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt * https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/blob/master/src/canthrow.c */ #include "root/dsystem.h" #include "mars.h" #include "init.h" #include "expression.h" #include "template.h" #include "statement.h" #include "mtype.h" #include "utf.h" #include "declaration.h" #include "aggregate.h" #include "scope.h" #include "attrib.h" #include "tokens.h" bool Dsymbol_canThrow(Dsymbol *s, FuncDeclaration *func, bool mustNotThrow); bool walkPostorder(Expression *e, StoppableVisitor *v); /******************************************** * Returns true if the expression may throw exceptions. * If 'mustNotThrow' is true, generate an error if it throws */ bool canThrow(Expression *e, FuncDeclaration *func, bool mustNotThrow) { //printf("Expression::canThrow(%d) %s\n", mustNotThrow, toChars()); // stop walking if we determine this expression can throw class CanThrow : public StoppableVisitor { FuncDeclaration *func; bool mustNotThrow; public: CanThrow(FuncDeclaration *func, bool mustNotThrow) : func(func), mustNotThrow(mustNotThrow) { } void visit(Expression *) { } void visit(DeclarationExp *de) { stop = Dsymbol_canThrow(de->declaration, func, mustNotThrow); } void visit(CallExp *ce) { if (global.errors && !ce->e1->type) return; // error recovery /* If calling a function or delegate that is typed as nothrow, * then this expression cannot throw. * Note that pure functions can throw. */ Type *t = ce->e1->type->toBasetype(); if (ce->f && ce->f == func) return; if (t->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)t)->isnothrow) return; if (t->ty == Tdelegate && ((TypeFunction *)((TypeDelegate *)t)->next)->isnothrow) return; if (mustNotThrow) { if (ce->f) { ce->error("%s '%s' is not nothrow", ce->f->kind(), ce->f->toPrettyChars()); } else { Expression *e1 = ce->e1; if (e1->op == TOKstar) // print 'fp' if e1 is (*fp) e1 = ((PtrExp *)e1)->e1; ce->error("'%s' is not nothrow", e1->toChars()); } } stop = true; } void visit(NewExp *ne) { if (ne->member) { if (ne->allocator) { // Bugzilla 14407 Type *t = ne->allocator->type->toBasetype(); if (t->ty == Tfunction && !((TypeFunction *)t)->isnothrow) { if (mustNotThrow) { ne->error("%s '%s' is not nothrow", ne->allocator->kind(), ne->allocator->toPrettyChars()); } stop = true; } } // See if constructor call can throw Type *t = ne->member->type->toBasetype(); if (t->ty == Tfunction && !((TypeFunction *)t)->isnothrow) { if (mustNotThrow) { ne->error("%s '%s' is not nothrow", ne->member->kind(), ne->member->toPrettyChars()); } stop = true; } } // regard storage allocation failures as not recoverable } void visit(DeleteExp *de) { Type *tb = de->e1->type->toBasetype(); AggregateDeclaration *ad = NULL; switch (tb->ty) { case Tclass: ad = ((TypeClass *)tb)->sym; break; case Tpointer: tb = ((TypePointer *)tb)->next->toBasetype(); if (tb->ty == Tstruct) ad = ((TypeStruct *)tb)->sym; break; case Tarray: { Type *tv = tb->nextOf()->baseElemOf(); if (tv->ty == Tstruct) { ad = ((TypeStruct *)tv)->sym; break; } } default: break; } if (!ad) return; if (ad->dtor) { Type *t = ad->dtor->type->toBasetype(); if (t->ty == Tfunction && !((TypeFunction *)t)->isnothrow) { if (mustNotThrow) { de->error("%s '%s' is not nothrow", ad->dtor->kind(), ad->dtor->toPrettyChars()); } stop = true; } } if (ad->aggDelete && tb->ty != Tarray) { Type *t = ad->aggDelete->type; if (t->ty == Tfunction && !((TypeFunction *)t)->isnothrow) { if (mustNotThrow) { de->error("%s '%s' is not nothrow", ad->aggDelete->kind(), ad->aggDelete->toPrettyChars()); } stop = true; } } } void visit(AssignExp *ae) { // blit-init cannot throw if (ae->op == TOKblit) return; /* Element-wise assignment could invoke postblits. */ Type *t; if (ae->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray) { if (!ae->e2->isLvalue()) return; t = ae->type; } else if (ae->e1->op == TOKslice) t = ((SliceExp *)ae->e1)->e1->type; else return; Type *tv = t->baseElemOf(); if (tv->ty != Tstruct) return; StructDeclaration *sd = ((TypeStruct *)tv)->sym; if (!sd->postblit || sd->postblit->type->ty != Tfunction) return; if (((TypeFunction *)sd->postblit->type)->isnothrow) ; else { if (mustNotThrow) { ae->error("%s '%s' is not nothrow", sd->postblit->kind(), sd->postblit->toPrettyChars()); } stop = true; } } void visit(NewAnonClassExp *) { assert(0); // should have been lowered by semantic() } }; CanThrow ct(func, mustNotThrow); return walkPostorder(e, &ct); } /************************************** * Does symbol, when initialized, throw? * Mirrors logic in Dsymbol_toElem(). */ bool Dsymbol_canThrow(Dsymbol *s, FuncDeclaration *func, bool mustNotThrow) { AttribDeclaration *ad; VarDeclaration *vd; TemplateMixin *tm; TupleDeclaration *td; //printf("Dsymbol_toElem() %s\n", s->toChars()); ad = s->isAttribDeclaration(); if (ad) { Dsymbols *decl = ad->include(NULL); if (decl && decl->length) { for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->length; i++) { s = (*decl)[i]; if (Dsymbol_canThrow(s, func, mustNotThrow)) return true; } } } else if ((vd = s->isVarDeclaration()) != NULL) { s = s->toAlias(); if (s != vd) return Dsymbol_canThrow(s, func, mustNotThrow); if (vd->storage_class & STCmanifest) ; else if (vd->isStatic() || vd->storage_class & (STCextern | STCtls | STCgshared)) ; else { if (vd->_init) { ExpInitializer *ie = vd->_init->isExpInitializer(); if (ie && canThrow(ie->exp, func, mustNotThrow)) return true; } if (vd->needsScopeDtor()) return canThrow(vd->edtor, func, mustNotThrow); } } else if ((tm = s->isTemplateMixin()) != NULL) { //printf("%s\n", tm->toChars()); if (tm->members) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tm->members->length; i++) { Dsymbol *sm = (*tm->members)[i]; if (Dsymbol_canThrow(sm, func, mustNotThrow)) return true; } } } else if ((td = s->isTupleDeclaration()) != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < td->objects->length; i++) { RootObject *o = (*td->objects)[i]; if (o->dyncast() == DYNCAST_EXPRESSION) { Expression *eo = (Expression *)o; if (eo->op == TOKdsymbol) { DsymbolExp *se = (DsymbolExp *)eo; if (Dsymbol_canThrow(se->s, func, mustNotThrow)) return true; } } } } return false; }