/* Definitions of target machine for GNU compiler.
   Atari TT ASV version.
   Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU CC.

GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#include "m68k/m68kv4.h"

/* Dollars and dots in labels are not allowed. */


/* Alter assembler syntax for fsgldiv and fsglmul.
   It is highly likely that this is a generic SGS m68k assembler dependency.
   If so, it should eventually be handled in the m68k/sgs.h ASM_OUTPUT_OPCODE
   macro, like the other SGS assembler quirks.  -fnf */

#define FSGLDIV_USE_S		/* Use fsgldiv.s, not fsgldiv.x */
#define FSGLMUL_USE_S		/* Use fsglmul.s, not fsglmul.x */

/* At end of a switch table, define LDnnn iff the symbol LInnn was defined.
   Some SGS assemblers have a bug such that "Lnnn-LInnn-2.b(pc,d0.l*2)"
   fails to assemble.  Luckily "Lnnn(pc,d0.l*2)" produces the results
   we want.  This difference can be accommodated by making the assembler
   define such "LDnnn" to be either "Lnnn-LInnn-2.b", "Lnnn", or any other
   string, as necessary.  This is accomplished via the ASM_OUTPUT_CASE_END
   macro. (the Amiga assembler has this bug) */

do {									\
  if (switch_table_difference_label_flag)				\
    asm_fprintf ((FILE), "\t%s %LLD%d,%LL%d\n", SET_ASM_OP, (NUM), (NUM));\
  switch_table_difference_label_flag = 0;				\
} while (0)

int switch_table_difference_label_flag;

/* This definition of ASM_OUTPUT_ASCII is the same as the one in m68k/sgs.h,
   which has been overridden by the one in svr4.h.  However, we can't use
   the one in svr4.h because the ASV assembler croaks on some of the
   strings that it emits (such as .string "\"%s\"\n"). */

{								\
  register int sp = 0, lp = 0, ch;				\
  fprintf ((FILE), "\t%s ", BYTE_ASM_OP);				\
  do {								\
    ch = (PTR)[sp];						\
    if (ch > ' ' && ! (ch & 0x80) && ch != '\\')		\
      {								\
	fprintf ((FILE), "'%c", ch);				\
      }								\
    else							\
      {								\
	fprintf ((FILE), "0x%x", ch);				\
      }								\
    if (++sp < (LEN))						\
      {								\
	if ((sp % 10) == 0)					\
	  {							\
	    fprintf ((FILE), "\n\t%s ", BYTE_ASM_OP);		\
	  }							\
	else							\
	  {							\
	    putc (',', (FILE));					\
	  }							\
      }								\
  } while (sp < (LEN));						\
  putc ('\n', (FILE));						\

/* Override these for the sake of an assembler bug: the ASV
   assembler can't handle .LC0@GOT syntax.  This pollutes the final
   table for shared librarys but what's a poor soul to do; sigh... RFH */

  if (flag_pic && !strcmp(PREFIX,"LC"))			\
    sprintf (LABEL, "*%s%%%d", PREFIX, NUM);		\
  else							\
    sprintf (LABEL, "*%s%s%d", LOCAL_LABEL_PREFIX, PREFIX, NUM)

  if (flag_pic && !strcmp(PREFIX,"LC"))			\
    asm_fprintf (FILE, "%s%%%d:\n", PREFIX, NUM);	\
  else							\
    asm_fprintf (FILE, "%0L%s%d:\n", PREFIX, NUM)