/* Header file for dfp-bit.c. Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs, and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine executable.) GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _DFPBIT_H #define _DFPBIT_H #include #include #include #include #include "tconfig.h" #include "coretypes.h" #include "tm.h" #ifndef LIBGCC2_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN #define LIBGCC2_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN #endif #ifndef LIBGCC2_FLOAT_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN #define LIBGCC2_FLOAT_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN LIBGCC2_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN #endif #ifndef LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE #define LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE #endif /* We need to know the size of long double that the C library supports. Don't use LIBGCC2_HAS_XF_MODE or LIBGCC2_HAS_TF_MODE here because some targets set both of those. */ #define LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE \ (BITS_PER_UNIT == 8 && LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE == 80) #define LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE \ (BITS_PER_UNIT == 8 && LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE == 128) /* Depending on WIDTH, define a number of macros: DFP_C_TYPE: type of the arguments to the libgcc functions; (eg _Decimal32) IEEE_TYPE: the corresponding (encoded) IEEE754R type; (eg decimal32) TO_INTERNAL: the name of the decNumber function to convert an encoded value into the decNumber internal representation; TO_ENCODED: the name of the decNumber function to convert an internally represented decNumber into the encoded representation. FROM_STRING: the name of the decNumber function to read an encoded value from a string. TO_STRING: the name of the decNumber function to write an encoded value to a string. */ #if WIDTH == 32 #define DFP_C_TYPE _Decimal32 #define IEEE_TYPE decimal32 #define HOST_TO_IEEE __host_to_ieee_32 #define IEEE_TO_HOST __ieee_to_host_32 #define TO_INTERNAL __decimal32ToNumber #define TO_ENCODED __decimal32FromNumber #define FROM_STRING __decimal32FromString #define TO_STRING __decimal32ToString #elif WIDTH == 64 #define DFP_C_TYPE _Decimal64 #define IEEE_TYPE decimal64 #define HOST_TO_IEEE __host_to_ieee_64 #define IEEE_TO_HOST __ieee_to_host_64 #define TO_INTERNAL __decimal64ToNumber #define TO_ENCODED __decimal64FromNumber #define FROM_STRING __decimal64FromString #define TO_STRING __decimal64ToString #elif WIDTH == 128 #define DFP_C_TYPE _Decimal128 #define IEEE_TYPE decimal128 #define HOST_TO_IEEE __host_to_ieee_128 #define IEEE_TO_HOST __ieee_to_host_128 #define TO_INTERNAL __decimal128ToNumber #define TO_ENCODED __decimal128FromNumber #define FROM_STRING __decimal128FromString #define TO_STRING __decimal128ToString #else #error invalid decimal float word width #endif /* We define __DEC_EVAL_METHOD__ to 2, saying that we evaluate all operations and constants to the range and precision of the _Decimal128 type. Make it so. */ #if WIDTH == 32 #define CONTEXT_INIT DEC_INIT_DECIMAL32 #elif WIDTH == 64 #define CONTEXT_INIT DEC_INIT_DECIMAL64 #elif WIDTH == 128 #define CONTEXT_INIT DEC_INIT_DECIMAL128 #endif #ifndef DFP_INIT_ROUNDMODE #define DFP_INIT_ROUNDMODE(A) A = DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN #endif #ifdef DFP_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED /* Return IEEE exception flags based on decNumber status flags. */ #define DFP_IEEE_FLAGS(DEC_FLAGS) __extension__ \ ({int _fe_flags = 0; \ if ((dec_flags & DEC_IEEE_854_Division_by_zero) != 0) \ _fe_flags |= FE_DIVBYZERO; \ if ((dec_flags & DEC_IEEE_854_Inexact) != 0) \ _fe_flags |= FE_INEXACT; \ if ((dec_flags & DEC_IEEE_854_Invalid_operation) != 0) \ _fe_flags |= FE_INVALID; \ if ((dec_flags & DEC_IEEE_854_Overflow) != 0) \ _fe_flags |= FE_OVERFLOW; \ if ((dec_flags & DEC_IEEE_854_Underflow) != 0) \ _fe_flags |= FE_UNDERFLOW; \ _fe_flags; }) #else #define DFP_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED 0 #define DFP_IEEE_FLAGS(A) 0 #define DFP_HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS(A) do {} while (0) #endif /* Conversions between different decimal float types use WIDTH_TO to determine additional macros to define. */ #if defined (L_dd_to_sd) || defined (L_td_to_sd) #define WIDTH_TO 32 #elif defined (L_sd_to_dd) || defined (L_td_to_dd) #define WIDTH_TO 64 #elif defined (L_sd_to_td) || defined (L_dd_to_td) #define WIDTH_TO 128 #endif /* If WIDTH_TO is defined, define additional macros: DFP_C_TYPE_TO: type of the result of dfp to dfp conversion. IEEE_TYPE_TO: the corresponding (encoded) IEEE754R type. TO_ENCODED_TO: the name of the decNumber function to convert an internally represented decNumber into the encoded representation for the destination. */ #if WIDTH_TO == 32 #define DFP_C_TYPE_TO _Decimal32 #define IEEE_TYPE_TO decimal32 #define TO_ENCODED_TO __decimal32FromNumber #define IEEE_TO_HOST_TO __ieee_to_host_32 #elif WIDTH_TO == 64 #define DFP_C_TYPE_TO _Decimal64 #define IEEE_TYPE_TO decimal64 #define TO_ENCODED_TO __decimal64FromNumber #define IEEE_TO_HOST_TO __ieee_to_host_64 #elif WIDTH_TO == 128 #define DFP_C_TYPE_TO _Decimal128 #define IEEE_TYPE_TO decimal128 #define TO_ENCODED_TO __decimal128FromNumber #define IEEE_TO_HOST_TO __ieee_to_host_128 #endif /* Conversions between decimal float types and integral types use INT_KIND to determine the data type and C functions to use. */ #if defined (L_sd_to_si) || defined (L_dd_to_si) || defined (L_td_to_si) \ || defined (L_si_to_sd) || defined (L_si_to_dd) || defined (L_si_to_td) #define INT_KIND 1 #elif defined (L_sd_to_di) || defined (L_dd_to_di) || defined (L_td_to_di) \ || defined (L_di_to_sd) || defined (L_di_to_dd) || defined (L_di_to_td) #define INT_KIND 2 #elif defined (L_sd_to_usi) || defined (L_dd_to_usi) || defined (L_td_to_usi) \ || defined (L_usi_to_sd) || defined (L_usi_to_dd) || defined (L_usi_to_td) #define INT_KIND 3 #elif defined (L_sd_to_udi) || defined (L_dd_to_udi) || defined (L_td_to_udi) \ || defined (L_udi_to_sd) || defined (L_udi_to_dd) || defined (L_udi_to_td) #define INT_KIND 4 #endif /* If INT_KIND is defined, define additional macros: INT_TYPE: The integer data type. INT_FMT: The format string for writing the integer to a string. CAST_FOR_FMT: Cast variable of INT_KIND to C type for sprintf. This works for ILP32 and LP64, won't for other type size systems. STR_TO_INT: The function to read the integer from a string. */ #if INT_KIND == 1 #define INT_TYPE SItype #define INT_FMT "%d" #define CAST_FOR_FMT(A) (int)A #define STR_TO_INT strtol #elif INT_KIND == 2 #define INT_TYPE DItype #define INT_FMT "%lld" #define CAST_FOR_FMT(A) (long long)A #define STR_TO_INT strtoll #elif INT_KIND == 3 #define INT_TYPE USItype #define INT_FMT "%u" #define CAST_FOR_FMT(A) (unsigned int)A #define STR_TO_INT strtoul #elif INT_KIND == 4 #define INT_TYPE UDItype #define INT_FMT "%llu" #define CAST_FOR_FMT(A) (unsigned long long)A #define STR_TO_INT strtoull #endif /* Conversions between decimal float types and binary float types use BFP_KIND to determine the data type and C functions to use. */ #if defined (L_sd_to_sf) || defined (L_dd_to_sf) || defined (L_td_to_sf) \ || defined (L_sf_to_sd) || defined (L_sf_to_dd) || defined (L_sf_to_td) #define BFP_KIND 1 #elif defined (L_sd_to_df) || defined (L_dd_to_df ) || defined (L_td_to_df) \ || defined (L_df_to_sd) || defined (L_df_to_dd) || defined (L_df_to_td) #define BFP_KIND 2 #elif defined (L_sd_to_xf) || defined (L_dd_to_xf ) || defined (L_td_to_xf) \ || defined (L_xf_to_sd) || defined (L_xf_to_dd) || defined (L_xf_to_td) #define BFP_KIND 3 #elif defined (L_sd_to_tf) || defined (L_dd_to_tf) || defined (L_td_to_tf) \ || defined (L_tf_to_sd) || defined (L_tf_to_dd) || defined (L_tf_to_td) #define BFP_KIND 4 #endif /* If BFP_KIND is defined, define additional macros: BFP_TYPE: The binary floating point data type. BFP_FMT: The format string for writing the value to a string. The number of decimal digits printed is ceil (nbits / log2 (10.) + 1) as described in David Matula's CACM 19(3) 716-723 June 1968 paper. BFP_VIA_TYPE: Type to which to cast a variable of BPF_TYPE for a call to sprintf. STR_TO_BFP: The function to read the value from a string. */ #if BFP_KIND == 1 #define BFP_TYPE SFtype #define BFP_FMT "%.9e" #define BFP_VIA_TYPE double #define STR_TO_BFP strtof #elif BFP_KIND == 2 #define BFP_TYPE DFtype #define BFP_FMT "%.17e" #define BFP_VIA_TYPE double #define STR_TO_BFP strtod #elif BFP_KIND == 3 #if LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE #define BFP_TYPE XFtype #define BFP_FMT "%.21Le" #define BFP_VIA_TYPE long double #define STR_TO_BFP strtold #endif /* LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE */ #elif BFP_KIND == 4 #if LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE #define BFP_TYPE TFtype #if LDBL_MANT_DIG == 106 #define BFP_FMT "%.33Le" #elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113 #define BFP_FMT "%.36Le" #else #error "unknown long double size, cannot define BFP_FMT" #endif /* LDBL_MANT_DIG */ #define STR_TO_BFP strtold #define BFP_VIA_TYPE long double #endif /* LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE */ #endif /* BFP_KIND */ #if WIDTH == 128 || WIDTH_TO == 128 #include "decimal128.h" #include "decQuad.h" #endif #if WIDTH == 64 || WIDTH_TO == 64 #include "decimal64.h" #include "decDouble.h" #endif #if WIDTH == 32 || WIDTH_TO == 32 #include "decimal32.h" #include "decSingle.h" #endif #include "decNumber.h" /* Names of arithmetic functions. */ #if ENABLE_DECIMAL_BID_FORMAT #define DPD_BID_NAME(DPD,BID) BID #else #define DPD_BID_NAME(DPD,BID) DPD #endif #if WIDTH == 32 #define DFP_ADD DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_addsd3,__bid_addsd3) #define DFP_SUB DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_subsd3,__bid_subsd3) #define DFP_MULTIPLY DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_mulsd3,__bid_mulsd3) #define DFP_DIVIDE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_divsd3,__bid_divsd3) #define DFP_EQ DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_eqsd2,__bid_eqsd2) #define DFP_NE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_nesd2,__bid_nesd2) #define DFP_LT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_ltsd2,__bid_ltsd2) #define DFP_GT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_gtsd2,__bid_gtsd2) #define DFP_LE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_lesd2,__bid_lesd2) #define DFP_GE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_gesd2,__bid_gesd2) #define DFP_UNORD DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_unordsd2,__bid_unordsd2) #elif WIDTH == 64 #define DFP_ADD DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_adddd3,__bid_adddd3) #define DFP_SUB DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_subdd3,__bid_subdd3) #define DFP_MULTIPLY DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_muldd3,__bid_muldd3) #define DFP_DIVIDE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_divdd3,__bid_divdd3) #define DFP_EQ DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_eqdd2,__bid_eqdd2) #define DFP_NE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_nedd2,__bid_nedd2) #define DFP_LT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_ltdd2,__bid_ltdd2) #define DFP_GT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_gtdd2,__bid_gtdd2) #define DFP_LE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_ledd2,__bid_ledd2) #define DFP_GE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_gedd2,__bid_gedd2) #define DFP_UNORD DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_unorddd2,__bid_unorddd2) #elif WIDTH == 128 #define DFP_ADD DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_addtd3,__bid_addtd3) #define DFP_SUB DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_subtd3,__bid_subtd3) #define DFP_MULTIPLY DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_multd3,__bid_multd3) #define DFP_DIVIDE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_divtd3,__bid_divtd3) #define DFP_EQ DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_eqtd2,__bid_eqtd2) #define DFP_NE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_netd2,__bid_netd2) #define DFP_LT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_lttd2,__bid_lttd2) #define DFP_GT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_gttd2,__bid_gttd2) #define DFP_LE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_letd2,__bid_letd2) #define DFP_GE DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_getd2,__bid_getd2) #define DFP_UNORD DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_unordtd2,__bid_unordtd2) #endif /* Names of decNumber functions for DPD arithmetic. */ #if WIDTH == 32 #define decFloat decDouble #define DFP_BINARY_OP d32_binary_op #define DFP_COMPARE_OP d32_compare_op #define DEC_FLOAT_ADD decDoubleAdd #define DEC_FLOAT_SUBTRACT decDoubleSubtract #define DEC_FLOAT_MULTIPLY decDoubleMultiply #define DEC_FLOAT_DIVIDE decDoubleDivide #define DEC_FLOAT_COMPARE decDoubleCompare #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_ZERO decDoubleIsZero #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_NAN decDoubleIsNaN #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_SIGNED decDoubleIsSigned #elif WIDTH == 64 #define DFP_BINARY_OP dnn_binary_op #define DFP_COMPARE_OP dnn_compare_op #define decFloat decDouble #define DEC_FLOAT_ADD decDoubleAdd #define DEC_FLOAT_SUBTRACT decDoubleSubtract #define DEC_FLOAT_MULTIPLY decDoubleMultiply #define DEC_FLOAT_DIVIDE decDoubleDivide #define DEC_FLOAT_COMPARE decDoubleCompare #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_ZERO decDoubleIsZero #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_NAN decDoubleIsNaN #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_SIGNED decDoubleIsSigned #elif WIDTH == 128 #define DFP_BINARY_OP dnn_binary_op #define DFP_COMPARE_OP dnn_compare_op #define decFloat decQuad #define DEC_FLOAT_ADD decQuadAdd #define DEC_FLOAT_SUBTRACT decQuadSubtract #define DEC_FLOAT_MULTIPLY decQuadMultiply #define DEC_FLOAT_DIVIDE decQuadDivide #define DEC_FLOAT_COMPARE decQuadCompare #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_ZERO decQuadIsZero #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_NAN decQuadIsNaN #define DEC_FLOAT_IS_SIGNED decQuadIsSigned #endif /* Names of functions to convert between different decimal float types. */ #if WIDTH == 32 #if WIDTH_TO == 64 #define DFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsddd2,__bid_extendsddd2) #elif WIDTH_TO == 128 #define DFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsdtd2,__bid_extendsdtd2) #endif #elif WIDTH == 64 #if WIDTH_TO == 32 #define DFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_truncddsd2,__bid_truncddsd2) #elif WIDTH_TO == 128 #define DFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendddtd2,__bid_extendddtd2) #endif #elif WIDTH == 128 #if WIDTH_TO == 32 #define DFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctdsd2,__bid_trunctdsd2) #elif WIDTH_TO == 64 #define DFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctddd2,__bid_trunctddd2) #endif #endif /* Names of functions to convert between decimal float and integers. */ #if WIDTH == 32 #if INT_KIND == 1 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatsisd,__bid_floatsisd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixsdsi,__bid_fixsdsi) #elif INT_KIND == 2 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatdisd,__bid_floatdisd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixsddi,__bid_fixsddi) #elif INT_KIND == 3 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatunssisd,__bid_floatunssisd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixunssdsi,__bid_fixunssdsi) #elif INT_KIND == 4 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatunsdisd,__bid_floatunsdisd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixunssddi,__bid_fixunssddi) #endif #elif WIDTH == 64 #if INT_KIND == 1 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatsidd,__bid_floatsidd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixddsi,__bid_fixddsi) #elif INT_KIND == 2 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatdidd,__bid_floatdidd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixdddi,__bid_fixdddi) #elif INT_KIND == 3 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatunssidd,__bid_floatunssidd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixunsddsi,__bid_fixunsddsi) #elif INT_KIND == 4 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatunsdidd,__bid_floatunsdidd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixunsdddi,__bid_fixunsdddi) #endif #elif WIDTH == 128 #if INT_KIND == 1 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatsitd,__bid_floatsitd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixtdsi,__bid_fixtdsi) #elif INT_KIND == 2 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatditd,__bid_floatditd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixtddi,__bid_fixtddi) #elif INT_KIND == 3 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatunssitd,__bid_floatunssitd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixunstdsi,__bid_fixunstdsi) #elif INT_KIND == 4 #define INT_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_floatunsditd,__bid_floatunsditd) #define DFP_TO_INT DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_fixunstddi,__bid_fixunstddi) #endif #endif /* Names of functions to convert between decimal float and binary float. */ #if WIDTH == 32 #if BFP_KIND == 1 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsfsd,__bid_extendsfsd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_truncsdsf,__bid_truncsdsf) #elif BFP_KIND == 2 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_truncdfsd,__bid_truncdfsd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsddf,__bid_extendsddf) #elif BFP_KIND == 3 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_truncxfsd,__bid_truncxfsd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsdxf,__bid_extendsdxf) #elif BFP_KIND == 4 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctfsd,__bid_trunctfsd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsdtf,__bid_extendsdtf) #endif /* BFP_KIND */ #elif WIDTH == 64 #if BFP_KIND == 1 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsfdd,__bid_extendsfdd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_truncddsf,__bid_truncddsf) #elif BFP_KIND == 2 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extenddfdd,__bid_extenddfdd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_truncdddf,__bid_truncdddf) #elif BFP_KIND == 3 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_truncxfdd,__bid_truncxfdd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendddxf,__bid_extendddxf) #elif BFP_KIND == 4 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctfdd,__bid_trunctfdd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendddtf,__bid_extendddtf) #endif /* BFP_KIND */ #elif WIDTH == 128 #if BFP_KIND == 1 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendsftd,__bid_extendsftd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctdsf,__bid_trunctdsf) #elif BFP_KIND == 2 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extenddftd,__bid_extenddftd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctddf,__bid_trunctddf) #elif BFP_KIND == 3 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendxftd,__bid_extendxftd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctdxf,__bid_trunctdxf) #elif BFP_KIND == 4 #define BFP_TO_DFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_extendtftd,__bid_extendtftd) #define DFP_TO_BFP DPD_BID_NAME(__dpd_trunctdtf,__bid_trunctdtf) #endif /* BFP_KIND */ #endif /* WIDTH */ /* Some handy typedefs. */ typedef float SFtype __attribute__ ((mode (SF))); typedef float DFtype __attribute__ ((mode (DF))); #if LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE typedef float XFtype __attribute__ ((mode (XF))); #endif /* LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE */ #if LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE typedef float TFtype __attribute__ ((mode (TF))); #endif /* LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE */ typedef int SItype __attribute__ ((mode (SI))); typedef int DItype __attribute__ ((mode (DI))); typedef unsigned int USItype __attribute__ ((mode (SI))); typedef unsigned int UDItype __attribute__ ((mode (DI))); /* The type of the result of a decimal float comparison. This must match `__libgcc_cmp_return__' in GCC for the target. */ typedef int CMPtype __attribute__ ((mode (__libgcc_cmp_return__))); /* Prototypes. */ #if defined (L_mul_sd) || defined (L_mul_dd) || defined (L_mul_td) extern DFP_C_TYPE DFP_MULTIPLY (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_div_sd) || defined (L_div_dd) || defined (L_div_td) extern DFP_C_TYPE DFP_DIVIDE (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_addsub_sd) || defined (L_addsub_dd) || defined (L_addsub_td) extern DFP_C_TYPE DFP_ADD (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); extern DFP_C_TYPE DFP_SUB (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_eq_sd) || defined (L_eq_dd) || defined (L_eq_td) extern CMPtype DFP_EQ (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_ne_sd) || defined (L_ne_dd) || defined (L_ne_td) extern CMPtype DFP_NE (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_lt_sd) || defined (L_lt_dd) || defined (L_lt_td) extern CMPtype DFP_LT (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_gt_sd) || defined (L_gt_dd) || defined (L_gt_td) extern CMPtype DFP_GT (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_le_sd) || defined (L_le_dd) || defined (L_le_td) extern CMPtype DFP_LE (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_ge_sd) || defined (L_ge_dd) || defined (L_ge_td) extern CMPtype DFP_GE (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_unord_sd) || defined (L_unord_dd) || defined (L_unord_td) extern CMPtype DFP_UNORD (DFP_C_TYPE, DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_sd_to_dd) || defined (L_sd_to_td) || defined (L_dd_to_sd) \ || defined (L_dd_to_td) || defined (L_td_to_sd) || defined (L_td_to_dd) extern DFP_C_TYPE_TO DFP_TO_DFP (DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_sd_to_si) || defined (L_dd_to_si) || defined (L_td_to_si) \ || defined (L_sd_to_di) || defined (L_dd_to_di) || defined (L_td_to_di) \ || defined (L_sd_to_usi) || defined (L_dd_to_usi) || defined (L_td_to_usi) \ || defined (L_sd_to_udi) || defined (L_dd_to_udi) || defined (L_td_to_udi) extern INT_TYPE DFP_TO_INT (DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_si_to_sd) || defined (L_si_to_dd) || defined (L_si_to_td) \ || defined (L_di_to_sd) || defined (L_di_to_dd) || defined (L_di_to_td) \ || defined (L_usi_to_sd) || defined (L_usi_to_dd) || defined (L_usi_to_td) \ || defined (L_udi_to_sd) || defined (L_udi_to_dd) || defined (L_udi_to_td) extern DFP_C_TYPE INT_TO_DFP (INT_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_sd_to_sf) || defined (L_dd_to_sf) || defined (L_td_to_sf) \ || defined (L_sd_to_df) || defined (L_dd_to_df) || defined (L_td_to_df) \ || ((defined (L_sd_to_xf) || defined (L_dd_to_xf) || defined (L_td_to_xf)) \ && LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE) \ || ((defined (L_sd_to_tf) || defined (L_dd_to_tf) || defined (L_td_to_tf)) \ && LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE) extern BFP_TYPE DFP_TO_BFP (DFP_C_TYPE); #endif #if defined (L_sf_to_sd) || defined (L_sf_to_dd) || defined (L_sf_to_td) \ || defined (L_df_to_sd) || defined (L_df_to_dd) || defined (L_df_to_td) \ || ((defined (L_xf_to_sd) || defined (L_xf_to_dd) || defined (L_xf_to_td)) \ && LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_XF_MODE) \ || ((defined (L_tf_to_sd) || defined (L_tf_to_dd) || defined (L_tf_to_td)) \ && LONG_DOUBLE_HAS_TF_MODE) extern DFP_C_TYPE BFP_TO_DFP (BFP_TYPE); #endif #endif /* _DFPBIT_H */