--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--                              S E M _ C H 9                               --
--                                                                          --
--                                 B o d y                                  --
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 1992-2004, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
--                                                                          --

with Atree;    use Atree;
with Checks;   use Checks;
with Einfo;    use Einfo;
with Errout;   use Errout;
with Exp_Ch9;
with Elists;   use Elists;
with Itypes;   use Itypes;
with Lib.Xref; use Lib.Xref;
with Nlists;   use Nlists;
with Nmake;    use Nmake;
with Opt;      use Opt;
with Restrict; use Restrict;
with Rident;   use Rident;
with Rtsfind;  use Rtsfind;
with Sem;      use Sem;
with Sem_Ch3;  use Sem_Ch3;
with Sem_Ch5;  use Sem_Ch5;
with Sem_Ch6;  use Sem_Ch6;
with Sem_Ch8;  use Sem_Ch8;
with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
with Sem_Res;  use Sem_Res;
with Sem_Type; use Sem_Type;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sem_Warn; use Sem_Warn;
with Snames;   use Snames;
with Stand;    use Stand;
with Sinfo;    use Sinfo;
with Style;
with Tbuild;   use Tbuild;
with Uintp;    use Uintp;

package body Sem_Ch9 is

   -- Local Subprograms --

   procedure Check_Max_Entries (D : Node_Id; R : All_Parameter_Restrictions);
   --  Given either a protected definition or a task definition in D, check
   --  the corresponding restriction parameter identifier R, and if it is set,
   --  count the entries (checking the static requirement), and compare with
   --  the given maximum.

   function Find_Concurrent_Spec (Body_Id : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
   --  Find entity in corresponding task or protected declaration. Use full
   --  view if first declaration was for an incomplete type.

   procedure Install_Declarations (Spec : Entity_Id);
   --  Utility to make visible in corresponding body the entities defined
   --  in task, protected type declaration, or entry declaration.

   -- Analyze_Abort_Statement --

   procedure Analyze_Abort_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
      T_Name : Node_Id;

      Tasking_Used := True;
      T_Name := First (Names (N));
      while Present (T_Name) loop
         Analyze (T_Name);

         if not Is_Task_Type (Etype (T_Name)) then
            Error_Msg_N ("expect task name for ABORT", T_Name);
            Resolve (T_Name);
         end if;

         Next (T_Name);
      end loop;

      Check_Restriction (No_Abort_Statements, N);
      Check_Potentially_Blocking_Operation (N);
   end Analyze_Abort_Statement;

   -- Analyze_Accept_Alternative --

   procedure Analyze_Accept_Alternative (N : Node_Id) is
      Tasking_Used := True;

      if Present (Pragmas_Before (N)) then
         Analyze_List (Pragmas_Before (N));
      end if;

      if Present (Condition (N)) then
         Analyze_And_Resolve (Condition (N), Any_Boolean);
      end if;

      Analyze (Accept_Statement (N));

      if Is_Non_Empty_List (Statements (N)) then
         Analyze_Statements (Statements (N));
      end if;
   end Analyze_Accept_Alternative;

   -- Analyze_Accept_Statement --

   procedure Analyze_Accept_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
      Nam       : constant Entity_Id := Entry_Direct_Name (N);
      Formals   : constant List_Id   := Parameter_Specifications (N);
      Index     : constant Node_Id   := Entry_Index (N);
      Stats     : constant Node_Id   := Handled_Statement_Sequence (N);
      Accept_Id : Entity_Id;
      Entry_Nam : Entity_Id;
      E         : Entity_Id;
      Kind      : Entity_Kind;
      Task_Nam  : Entity_Id;

      -- Actual_Index_Type --

      function Actual_Index_Type (E : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
      --  If the bounds of an entry family depend on task discriminants,
      --  create a new index type where a discriminant is replaced by the
      --  local variable that renames it in the task body.

      function Actual_Index_Type (E : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
         Typ   : constant Entity_Id := Entry_Index_Type (E);
         Lo    : constant Node_Id   := Type_Low_Bound  (Typ);
         Hi    : constant Node_Id   := Type_High_Bound (Typ);
         New_T : Entity_Id;

         function Actual_Discriminant_Ref (Bound : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
         --  If bound is discriminant reference, replace with corresponding
         --  local variable of the same name.

         -- Actual_Discriminant_Ref --

         function Actual_Discriminant_Ref (Bound : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
            Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Bound);
            Ref : Node_Id;

            if not Is_Entity_Name (Bound)
              or else Ekind (Entity (Bound)) /= E_Discriminant
               return Bound;

               Ref := Make_Identifier (Sloc (N), Chars (Entity (Bound)));
               Analyze (Ref);
               Resolve (Ref, Typ);
               return Ref;
            end if;
         end Actual_Discriminant_Ref;

      --  Start of processing for Actual_Index_Type

         if not Has_Discriminants (Task_Nam)
           or else (not Is_Entity_Name (Lo)
                     and then not Is_Entity_Name (Hi))
            return Entry_Index_Type (E);
            New_T := Create_Itype (Ekind (Typ), N);
            Set_Etype        (New_T, Base_Type (Typ));
            Set_Size_Info    (New_T, Typ);
            Set_RM_Size      (New_T, RM_Size (Typ));
            Set_Scalar_Range (New_T,
              Make_Range (Sloc (N),
                Low_Bound  => Actual_Discriminant_Ref (Lo),
                High_Bound => Actual_Discriminant_Ref (Hi)));

            return New_T;
         end if;
      end Actual_Index_Type;

   --  Start of processing for Analyze_Accept_Statement

      Tasking_Used := True;

      --  Entry name is initialized to Any_Id. It should get reset to the
      --  matching entry entity. An error is signalled if it is not reset.

      Entry_Nam := Any_Id;

      for J in reverse 0 .. Scope_Stack.Last loop
         Task_Nam := Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity;
         exit when Ekind (Etype (Task_Nam)) = E_Task_Type;
         Kind :=  Ekind (Task_Nam);

         if Kind /= E_Block and then Kind /= E_Loop
           and then not Is_Entry (Task_Nam)
            Error_Msg_N ("enclosing body of accept must be a task", N);
         end if;
      end loop;

      if Ekind (Etype (Task_Nam)) /= E_Task_Type then
         Error_Msg_N ("invalid context for accept statement",  N);
      end if;

      --  In order to process the parameters, we create a defining
      --  identifier that can be used as the name of the scope. The
      --  name of the accept statement itself is not a defining identifier,
      --  and we cannot use its name directly because the task may have
      --  any number of accept statements for the same entry.

      if Present (Index) then
         Accept_Id := New_Internal_Entity
           (E_Entry_Family, Current_Scope, Sloc (N), 'E');
         Accept_Id := New_Internal_Entity
           (E_Entry, Current_Scope, Sloc (N), 'E');
      end if;

      Set_Etype          (Accept_Id, Standard_Void_Type);
      Set_Accept_Address (Accept_Id, New_Elmt_List);

      if Present (Formals) then
         New_Scope (Accept_Id);
         Process_Formals (Formals, N);
         Create_Extra_Formals (Accept_Id);
      end if;

      --  We set the default expressions processed flag because we don't
      --  need default expression functions. This is really more like a
      --  body entity than a spec entity anyway.

      Set_Default_Expressions_Processed (Accept_Id);

      E := First_Entity (Etype (Task_Nam));
      while Present (E) loop
         if Chars (E) = Chars (Nam)
           and then (Ekind (E) = Ekind (Accept_Id))
           and then Type_Conformant (Accept_Id, E)
            Entry_Nam := E;
         end if;

         Next_Entity (E);
      end loop;

      if Entry_Nam = Any_Id then
         Error_Msg_N ("no entry declaration matches accept statement",  N);
         Set_Entity (Nam, Entry_Nam);
         Generate_Reference (Entry_Nam, Nam, 'b', Set_Ref => False);
         Style.Check_Identifier (Nam, Entry_Nam);
      end if;

      --  Verify that the entry is not hidden by a procedure declared in
      --  the current block (pathological but possible).

      if Current_Scope /= Task_Nam then
            E1 : Entity_Id;

            E1 := First_Entity (Current_Scope);

            while Present (E1) loop

               if Ekind (E1) = E_Procedure
                 and then Chars (E1) = Chars (Entry_Nam)
                 and then Type_Conformant (E1, Entry_Nam)
                  Error_Msg_N ("entry name is not visible", N);
               end if;

               Next_Entity (E1);
            end loop;
      end if;

      Set_Convention (Accept_Id, Convention (Entry_Nam));
      Check_Fully_Conformant (Accept_Id, Entry_Nam, N);

      for J in reverse 0 .. Scope_Stack.Last loop
         exit when Task_Nam = Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity;

         if Entry_Nam = Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity then
            Error_Msg_N ("duplicate accept statement for same entry", N);
         end if;

      end loop;

         P : Node_Id := N;
            P := Parent (P);
            case Nkind (P) is
               when N_Task_Body | N_Compilation_Unit =>
               when N_Asynchronous_Select =>
                  Error_Msg_N ("accept statements are not allowed within" &
                               " an asynchronous select inner" &
                               " to the enclosing task body", N);
               when others =>
            end case;
         end loop;

      if Ekind (E) = E_Entry_Family then
         if No (Index) then
            Error_Msg_N ("missing entry index in accept for entry family", N);
            Analyze_And_Resolve (Index, Entry_Index_Type (E));
            Apply_Range_Check (Index, Actual_Index_Type (E));
         end if;

      elsif Present (Index) then
         Error_Msg_N ("invalid entry index in accept for simple entry", N);
      end if;

      --  If label declarations present, analyze them. They are declared
      --  in the enclosing task, but their enclosing scope is the entry itself,
      --  so that goto's to the label are recognized as local to the accept.

      if Present (Declarations (N)) then

            Decl : Node_Id;
            Id   : Entity_Id;

            Decl := First (Declarations (N));

            while Present (Decl) loop
               Analyze (Decl);

               pragma Assert
                 (Nkind (Decl) = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration);

               Id := Defining_Identifier (Decl);
               Set_Enclosing_Scope (Id, Entry_Nam);
               Next (Decl);
            end loop;
      end if;

      --  If statements are present, they must be analyzed in the context
      --  of the entry, so that references to formals are correctly resolved.
      --  We also have to add the declarations that are required by the
      --  expansion of the accept statement in this case if expansion active.

      --  In the case of a select alternative of a selective accept,
      --  the expander references the address declaration even if there
      --  is no statement list.
      --  We also need to create the renaming declarations for the local
      --  variables that will replace references to the formals within
      --  the accept.

      Exp_Ch9.Expand_Accept_Declarations (N, Entry_Nam);

      --  Set Never_Set_In_Source and clear Is_True_Constant/Current_Value
      --  fields on all entry formals (this loop ignores all other entities).
      --  Reset Set_Referenced and Has_Pragma_Unreferenced as well, so that
      --  we can post accurate warnings on each accept statement for the same
      --  entry.

      E := First_Entity (Entry_Nam);
      while Present (E) loop
         if Is_Formal (E) then
            Set_Never_Set_In_Source     (E, True);
            Set_Is_True_Constant        (E, False);
            Set_Current_Value           (E, Empty);
            Set_Referenced              (E, False);
            Set_Has_Pragma_Unreferenced (E, False);
         end if;

         Next_Entity (E);
      end loop;

      --  Analyze statements if present

      if Present (Stats) then
         New_Scope (Entry_Nam);
         Install_Declarations (Entry_Nam);

         Set_Actual_Subtypes (N, Current_Scope);

         Analyze (Stats);
         Process_End_Label (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), 't', Entry_Nam);
      end if;

      --  Some warning checks

      Check_Potentially_Blocking_Operation (N);
      Check_References (Entry_Nam, N);
      Set_Entry_Accepted (Entry_Nam);
   end Analyze_Accept_Statement;

   -- Analyze_Asynchronous_Select --

   procedure Analyze_Asynchronous_Select (N : Node_Id) is
      Tasking_Used := True;
      Check_Restriction (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting, N);
      Check_Restriction (No_Select_Statements, N);

      --  Analyze the statements. We analyze statements in the abortable part
      --  first, because this is the section that is executed first, and that
      --  way our remembering of saved values and checks is accurate.

      Analyze_Statements (Statements (Abortable_Part (N)));
      Analyze (Triggering_Alternative (N));
   end Analyze_Asynchronous_Select;

   -- Analyze_Conditional_Entry_Call --

   procedure Analyze_Conditional_Entry_Call (N : Node_Id) is
      Check_Restriction (No_Select_Statements, N);
      Tasking_Used := True;
      Analyze (Entry_Call_Alternative (N));
      Analyze_Statements (Else_Statements (N));
   end Analyze_Conditional_Entry_Call;

   -- Analyze_Delay_Alternative  --

   procedure Analyze_Delay_Alternative (N : Node_Id) is
      Expr : Node_Id;

      Tasking_Used := True;
      Check_Restriction (No_Delay, N);

      if Present (Pragmas_Before (N)) then
         Analyze_List (Pragmas_Before (N));
      end if;

      if Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Selective_Accept
        or else Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Timed_Entry_Call
         Expr := Expression (Delay_Statement (N));

         --  defer full analysis until the statement is expanded, to insure
         --  that generated code does not move past the guard. The delay
         --  expression is only evaluated if the guard is open.

         if Nkind (Delay_Statement (N)) = N_Delay_Relative_Statement then
            Pre_Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr, Standard_Duration);

            Pre_Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr);
         end if;

         if Nkind (Delay_Statement (N)) = N_Delay_Until_Statement and then
            not Is_RTE (Base_Type (Etype (Expr)), RO_CA_Time)     and then
            not Is_RTE (Base_Type (Etype (Expr)), RO_RT_Time)
            Error_Msg_N ("expect Time types for `DELAY UNTIL`", Expr);
         end if;

         Check_Restriction (No_Fixed_Point, Expr);
         Analyze (Delay_Statement (N));
      end if;

      if Present (Condition (N)) then
         Analyze_And_Resolve (Condition (N), Any_Boolean);
      end if;

      if Is_Non_Empty_List (Statements (N)) then
         Analyze_Statements (Statements (N));
      end if;
   end Analyze_Delay_Alternative;

   -- Analyze_Delay_Relative --

   procedure Analyze_Delay_Relative (N : Node_Id) is
      E : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);

      Check_Restriction (No_Relative_Delay, N);
      Tasking_Used := True;
      Check_Restriction (No_Delay, N);
      Check_Potentially_Blocking_Operation (N);
      Analyze_And_Resolve (E, Standard_Duration);
      Check_Restriction (No_Fixed_Point, E);
   end Analyze_Delay_Relative;

   -- Analyze_Delay_Until --

   procedure Analyze_Delay_Until (N : Node_Id) is
      E : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);

      Tasking_Used := True;
      Check_Restriction (No_Delay, N);
      Check_Potentially_Blocking_Operation (N);
      Analyze (E);

      if not Is_RTE (Base_Type (Etype (E)), RO_CA_Time) and then
         not Is_RTE (Base_Type (Etype (E)), RO_RT_Time)
         Error_Msg_N ("expect Time types for `DELAY UNTIL`", E);
      end if;
   end Analyze_Delay_Until;

   -- Analyze_Entry_Body --

   procedure Analyze_Entry_Body (N : Node_Id) is
      Id         : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
      Decls      : constant List_Id   := Declarations (N);
      Stats      : constant Node_Id   := Handled_Statement_Sequence (N);
      Formals    : constant Node_Id   := Entry_Body_Formal_Part (N);
      P_Type     : constant Entity_Id := Current_Scope;
      Entry_Name : Entity_Id;
      E          : Entity_Id;

      Tasking_Used := True;

      --  Entry_Name is initialized to Any_Id. It should get reset to the
      --  matching entry entity. An error is signalled if it is not reset

      Entry_Name := Any_Id;

      Analyze (Formals);

      if Present (Entry_Index_Specification (Formals)) then
         Set_Ekind (Id, E_Entry_Family);
         Set_Ekind (Id, E_Entry);
      end if;

      Set_Scope          (Id, Current_Scope);
      Set_Etype          (Id, Standard_Void_Type);
      Set_Accept_Address (Id, New_Elmt_List);

      E := First_Entity (P_Type);
      while Present (E) loop
         if Chars (E) = Chars (Id)
           and then (Ekind (E) = Ekind (Id))
           and then Type_Conformant (Id, E)
            Entry_Name := E;
            Set_Convention (Id, Convention (E));
            Set_Corresponding_Body (Parent (Entry_Name), Id);
            Check_Fully_Conformant (Id, E, N);

            if Ekind (Id) = E_Entry_Family then
               if not Fully_Conformant_Discrete_Subtypes (
                  Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Parent (E)),
                    (Entry_Index_Specification (Formals)))
                    ("index not fully conformant with previous declaration",
                       (Entry_Index_Specification (Formals)));

                  --  The elaboration of the entry body does not recompute
                  --  the bounds of the index, which may have side effects.
                  --  Inherit the bounds from the entry declaration. This
                  --  is critical if the entry has a per-object constraint.
                  --  If a bound is given by a discriminant, it must be
                  --  reanalyzed in order to capture the discriminal of the
                  --  current entry, rather than that of the protected type.

                     Index_Spec : constant Node_Id :=
                                    Entry_Index_Specification (Formals);

                     Def : constant Node_Id :=
                               (Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Parent (E)));

                     if Nkind
                         (Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Index_Spec))) = N_Range
                        Set_Etype (Def, Empty);
                        Set_Analyzed (Def, False);
                        Set_Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Index_Spec, Def);
                        Set_Analyzed (Low_Bound (Def), False);
                        Set_Analyzed (High_Bound (Def), False);

                        if Denotes_Discriminant (Low_Bound (Def)) then
                           Set_Entity (Low_Bound (Def), Empty);
                        end if;

                        if Denotes_Discriminant (High_Bound (Def)) then
                           Set_Entity (High_Bound (Def), Empty);
                        end if;

                        Analyze (Def);
                        Make_Index (Def, Index_Spec);
                          (Defining_Identifier (Index_Spec), Etype (Def));
                     end if;
               end if;
            end if;

         end if;

         Next_Entity (E);
      end loop;

      if Entry_Name = Any_Id then
         Error_Msg_N ("no entry declaration matches entry body",  N);

      elsif Has_Completion (Entry_Name) then
         Error_Msg_N ("duplicate entry body", N);

         Set_Has_Completion (Entry_Name);
         Generate_Reference (Entry_Name, Id, 'b', Set_Ref => False);
         Style.Check_Identifier (Id, Entry_Name);
      end if;

      Exp_Ch9.Expand_Entry_Barrier (N, Entry_Name);
      New_Scope (Entry_Name);

      Exp_Ch9.Expand_Entry_Body_Declarations (N);
      Install_Declarations (Entry_Name);
      Set_Actual_Subtypes (N, Current_Scope);

      --  The entity for the protected subprogram corresponding to the entry
      --  has been created. We retain the name of this entity in the entry
      --  body, for use when the corresponding subprogram body is created.
      --  Note that entry bodies have to corresponding_spec, and there is no
      --  easy link back in the tree between the entry body and the entity for
      --  the entry itself.

      Set_Protected_Body_Subprogram (Id,
        Protected_Body_Subprogram (Entry_Name));

      if Present (Decls) then
         Analyze_Declarations (Decls);
      end if;

      if Present (Stats) then
         Analyze (Stats);
      end if;

      --  Check for unreferenced variables etc. Before the Check_References
      --  call, we transfer Never_Set_In_Source and Referenced flags from
      --  parameters in the spec to the corresponding entities in the body,
      --  since we want the warnings on the body entities. Note that we do
      --  not have to transfer Referenced_As_LHS, since that flag can only
      --  be set for simple variables.

      --  At the same time, we set the flags on the spec entities to suppress
      --  any warnings on the spec formals, since we also scan the spec.

         E1  : Entity_Id;
         E2  : Entity_Id;

         E1 := First_Entity (Entry_Name);
         while Present (E1) loop
            E2 := First_Entity (Id);
            while Present (E2) loop
               exit when Chars (E1) = Chars (E2);
               Next_Entity (E2);
            end loop;

            --  If no matching body entity, then we already had
            --  a detected error of some kind, so just forget
            --  about worrying about these warnings.

            if No (E2) then
               goto Continue;
            end if;

            if Ekind (E1) = E_Out_Parameter then
               Set_Never_Set_In_Source (E2, Never_Set_In_Source (E1));
               Set_Never_Set_In_Source (E1, False);
            end if;

            Set_Referenced (E2, Referenced (E1));
            Set_Referenced (E1);

            Next_Entity (E1);
         end loop;

         Check_References (Id);

      --  We still need to check references for the spec, since objects
      --  declared in the body are chained (in the First_Entity sense) to
      --  the spec rather than the body in the case of entries.

      Check_References (Entry_Name);

      --  Process the end label, and terminate the scope

      Process_End_Label (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), 't', Entry_Name);

      --  If this is an entry family, remove the loop created to provide
      --  a scope for the entry index.

      if Ekind (Id) = E_Entry_Family
        and then Present (Entry_Index_Specification (Formals))
      end if;

   end Analyze_Entry_Body;

   -- Analyze_Entry_Body_Formal_Part --

   procedure Analyze_Entry_Body_Formal_Part (N : Node_Id) is
      Id      : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (Parent (N));
      Index   : constant Node_Id   := Entry_Index_Specification (N);
      Formals : constant List_Id   := Parameter_Specifications (N);

      Tasking_Used := True;

      if Present (Index) then
         Analyze (Index);
      end if;

      if Present (Formals) then
         Set_Scope (Id, Current_Scope);
         New_Scope (Id);
         Process_Formals (Formals, Parent (N));
      end if;
   end Analyze_Entry_Body_Formal_Part;

   -- Analyze_Entry_Call_Alternative --

   procedure Analyze_Entry_Call_Alternative (N : Node_Id) is
      Call : constant Node_Id := Entry_Call_Statement (N);

      Tasking_Used := True;

      if Present (Pragmas_Before (N)) then
         Analyze_List (Pragmas_Before (N));
      end if;

      if Nkind (Call) = N_Attribute_Reference then

         --  Possibly a stream attribute, but definitely illegal. Other
         --  illegalitles, such as procedure calls, are diagnosed after
         --  resolution.

         Error_Msg_N ("entry call alternative requires an entry call", Call);
      end if;

      Analyze (Call);

      if Is_Non_Empty_List (Statements (N)) then
         Analyze_Statements (Statements (N));
      end if;
   end Analyze_Entry_Call_Alternative;

   -- Analyze_Entry_Declaration --

   procedure Analyze_Entry_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is
      Formals : constant List_Id   := Parameter_Specifications (N);
      Id      : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
      D_Sdef  : constant Node_Id   := Discrete_Subtype_Definition (N);

      Generate_Definition (Id);
      Tasking_Used := True;

      if No (D_Sdef) then
         Set_Ekind (Id, E_Entry);
         Enter_Name (Id);
         Set_Ekind (Id, E_Entry_Family);
         Analyze (D_Sdef);
         Make_Index (D_Sdef, N, Id);
      end if;

      Set_Etype          (Id, Standard_Void_Type);
      Set_Convention     (Id, Convention_Entry);
      Set_Accept_Address (Id, New_Elmt_List);

      if Present (Formals) then
         Set_Scope (Id, Current_Scope);
         New_Scope (Id);
         Process_Formals (Formals, N);
         Create_Extra_Formals (Id);
      end if;

      if Ekind (Id) = E_Entry then
         New_Overloaded_Entity (Id);
      end if;
   end Analyze_Entry_Declaration;

   -- Analyze_Entry_Index_Specification --

   --  The defining_Identifier of the entry index specification is local
   --  to the entry body, but must be available in the entry barrier,
   --  which is evaluated outside of the entry body. The index is eventually
   --  renamed as a run-time object, so is visibility is strictly a front-end
   --  concern. In order to make it available to the barrier, we create
   --  an additional scope, as for a loop, whose only declaration is the
   --  index name. This loop is not attached to the tree and does not appear
   --  as an entity local to the protected type, so its existence need only
   --  be knwown to routines that process entry families.

   procedure Analyze_Entry_Index_Specification (N : Node_Id) is
      Iden    : constant Node_Id   := Defining_Identifier (N);
      Def     : constant Node_Id   := Discrete_Subtype_Definition (N);
      Loop_Id : constant Entity_Id :=
                  Make_Defining_Identifier (Sloc (N),
                    Chars => New_Internal_Name ('L'));

      Tasking_Used := True;
      Analyze (Def);

      --  There is no elaboration of the entry index specification. Therefore,
      --  if the index is a range, it is not resolved and expanded, but the
      --  bounds are inherited from the entry declaration, and reanalyzed.
      --  See Analyze_Entry_Body.

      if Nkind (Def) /= N_Range then
         Make_Index (Def, N);
      end if;

      Set_Ekind (Loop_Id, E_Loop);
      Set_Scope (Loop_Id, Current_Scope);
      New_Scope (Loop_Id);
      Enter_Name (Iden);
      Set_Ekind (Iden, E_Entry_Index_Parameter);
      Set_Etype (Iden, Etype (Def));
   end Analyze_Entry_Index_Specification;

   -- Analyze_Protected_Body --

   procedure Analyze_Protected_Body (N : Node_Id) is
      Body_Id   : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
      Last_E    : Entity_Id;

      Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
      --  This is initially the entity of the protected object or protected
      --  type involved, but is replaced by the protected type always in the
      --  case of a single protected declaration, since this is the proper
      --  scope to be used.

      Ref_Id : Entity_Id;
      --  This is the entity of the protected object or protected type
      --  involved, and is the entity used for cross-reference purposes
      --  (it differs from Spec_Id in the case of a single protected
      --  object, since Spec_Id is set to the protected type in this case).

      Tasking_Used := True;
      Set_Ekind (Body_Id, E_Protected_Body);
      Spec_Id := Find_Concurrent_Spec (Body_Id);

      if Present (Spec_Id)
        and then Ekind (Spec_Id) = E_Protected_Type

      elsif Present (Spec_Id)
        and then Ekind (Etype (Spec_Id)) = E_Protected_Type
        and then not Comes_From_Source (Etype (Spec_Id))

         Error_Msg_N ("missing specification for protected body", Body_Id);
      end if;

      Ref_Id := Spec_Id;
      Generate_Reference (Ref_Id, Body_Id, 'b', Set_Ref => False);
      Style.Check_Identifier (Body_Id, Spec_Id);

      --  The declarations are always attached to the type

      if Ekind (Spec_Id) /= E_Protected_Type then
         Spec_Id := Etype (Spec_Id);
      end if;

      New_Scope (Spec_Id);
      Set_Corresponding_Spec (N, Spec_Id);
      Set_Corresponding_Body (Parent (Spec_Id), Body_Id);
      Set_Has_Completion (Spec_Id);
      Install_Declarations (Spec_Id);

      Exp_Ch9.Expand_Protected_Body_Declarations (N, Spec_Id);

      Last_E := Last_Entity (Spec_Id);

      Analyze_Declarations (Declarations (N));

      --  For visibility purposes, all entities in the body are private.
      --  Set First_Private_Entity accordingly, if there was no private
      --  part in the protected declaration.

      if No (First_Private_Entity (Spec_Id)) then
         if Present (Last_E) then
            Set_First_Private_Entity (Spec_Id, Next_Entity (Last_E));
            Set_First_Private_Entity (Spec_Id, First_Entity (Spec_Id));
         end if;
      end if;

      Check_Completion (Body_Id);
      Check_References (Spec_Id);
      Process_End_Label (N, 't', Ref_Id);
   end Analyze_Protected_Body;

   -- Analyze_Protected_Definition --

   procedure Analyze_Protected_Definition (N : Node_Id) is
      E : Entity_Id;
      L : Entity_Id;

      Tasking_Used := True;
      Analyze_Declarations (Visible_Declarations (N));

      if Present (Private_Declarations (N))
        and then not Is_Empty_List (Private_Declarations (N))
         L := Last_Entity (Current_Scope);
         Analyze_Declarations (Private_Declarations (N));

         if Present (L) then
            Set_First_Private_Entity (Current_Scope, Next_Entity (L));

            Set_First_Private_Entity (Current_Scope,
              First_Entity (Current_Scope));
         end if;
      end if;

      E := First_Entity (Current_Scope);

      while Present (E) loop

         if Ekind (E) = E_Function
           or else Ekind (E) = E_Procedure
            Set_Convention (E, Convention_Protected);

         elsif Is_Task_Type (Etype (E))
           or else Has_Task (Etype (E))
            Set_Has_Task (Current_Scope);
         end if;

         Next_Entity (E);
      end loop;

      Check_Max_Entries (N, Max_Protected_Entries);
      Process_End_Label (N, 'e', Current_Scope);
   end Analyze_Protected_Definition;

   -- Analyze_Protected_Type --

   procedure Analyze_Protected_Type (N : Node_Id) is
      E      : Entity_Id;
      T      : Entity_Id;
      Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);

      if No_Run_Time_Mode then
         Error_Msg_CRT ("protected type", N);
      end if;

      Tasking_Used := True;
      Check_Restriction (No_Protected_Types, N);

      T := Find_Type_Name (N);

      if Ekind (T) = E_Incomplete_Type then
         T := Full_View (T);
         Set_Completion_Referenced (T);
      end if;

      Set_Ekind              (T, E_Protected_Type);
      Init_Size_Align        (T);
      Set_Etype              (T, T);
      Set_Is_First_Subtype   (T, True);
      Set_Has_Delayed_Freeze (T, True);
      Set_Stored_Constraint  (T, No_Elist);
      New_Scope (T);

      if Present (Discriminant_Specifications (N)) then
         if Has_Discriminants (T) then

            --  Install discriminants. Also, verify conformance of
            --  discriminants of previous and current view.  ???

            Install_Declarations (T);
            Process_Discriminants (N);
         end if;
      end if;

      Analyze (Protected_Definition (N));

      --  Protected types with entries are controlled (because of the
      --  Protection component if nothing else), same for any protected type
      --  with interrupt handlers. Note that we need to analyze the protected
      --  definition to set Has_Entries and such.

      if (Abort_Allowed or else Restriction_Active (No_Entry_Queue) = False
           or else Number_Entries (T) > 1)
        and then
          (Has_Entries (T)
            or else Has_Interrupt_Handler (T)
            or else Has_Attach_Handler (T))
         Set_Has_Controlled_Component (T, True);
      end if;

      --  The Ekind of components is E_Void during analysis to detect
      --  illegal uses. Now it can be set correctly.

      E := First_Entity (Current_Scope);

      while Present (E) loop
         if Ekind (E) = E_Void then
            Set_Ekind (E, E_Component);
            Init_Component_Location (E);
         end if;

         Next_Entity (E);
      end loop;


      if T /= Def_Id
        and then Is_Private_Type (Def_Id)
        and then Has_Discriminants (Def_Id)
        and then Expander_Active
         Exp_Ch9.Expand_N_Protected_Type_Declaration (N);
         Process_Full_View (N, T, Def_Id);
      end if;
   end Analyze_Protected_Type;

   -- Analyze_Requeue --

   procedure Analyze_Requeue (N : Node_Id) is
      Entry_Name : Node_Id := Name (N);
      Entry_Id   : Entity_Id;
      Found      : Boolean;
      I          : Interp_Index;
      It         : Interp;
      Enclosing  : Entity_Id;
      Target_Obj : Node_Id := Empty;
      Req_Scope  : Entity_Id;
      Outer_Ent  : Entity_Id;

      Check_Restriction (No_Requeue_Statements, N);
      Check_Unreachable_Code (N);
      Tasking_Used := True;

      Enclosing := Empty;
      for J in reverse 0 .. Scope_Stack.Last loop
         Enclosing := Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity;
         exit when Is_Entry (Enclosing);

         if Ekind (Enclosing) /= E_Block
           and then Ekind (Enclosing) /= E_Loop
            Error_Msg_N ("requeue must appear within accept or entry body", N);
         end if;
      end loop;

      Analyze (Entry_Name);

      if Etype (Entry_Name) = Any_Type then
      end if;

      if Nkind (Entry_Name) = N_Selected_Component then
         Target_Obj := Prefix (Entry_Name);
         Entry_Name := Selector_Name (Entry_Name);
      end if;

      --  If an explicit target object is given then we have to check
      --  the restrictions of 9.5.4(6).

      if Present (Target_Obj) then

         --  Locate containing concurrent unit and determine enclosing entry
         --  body or outermost enclosing accept statement within the unit.

         Outer_Ent := Empty;
         for S in reverse 0 .. Scope_Stack.Last loop
            Req_Scope := Scope_Stack.Table (S).Entity;

            exit when Ekind (Req_Scope) in Task_Kind
              or else Ekind (Req_Scope) in Protected_Kind;

            if Is_Entry (Req_Scope) then
               Outer_Ent := Req_Scope;
            end if;
         end loop;

         pragma Assert (Present (Outer_Ent));

         --  Check that the accessibility level of the target object
         --  is not greater or equal to the outermost enclosing accept
         --  statement (or entry body) unless it is a parameter of the
         --  innermost enclosing accept statement (or entry body).

         if Object_Access_Level (Target_Obj) >= Scope_Depth (Outer_Ent)
           and then
             (not Is_Entity_Name (Target_Obj)
               or else Ekind (Entity (Target_Obj)) not in Formal_Kind
               or else Enclosing /= Scope (Entity (Target_Obj)))
              ("target object has invalid level for requeue", Target_Obj);
         end if;
      end if;

      --  Overloaded case, find right interpretation

      if Is_Overloaded (Entry_Name) then
         Get_First_Interp (Entry_Name, I, It);
         Found := False;
         Entry_Id := Empty;

         while Present (It.Nam) loop
            if No (First_Formal (It.Nam))
              or else Subtype_Conformant (Enclosing, It.Nam)
               if not Found then
                  Found := True;
                  Entry_Id := It.Nam;
                  Error_Msg_N ("ambiguous entry name in requeue", N);
               end if;
            end if;

            Get_Next_Interp (I, It);
         end loop;

         if not Found then
            Error_Msg_N ("no entry matches context",  N);
            Set_Entity (Entry_Name, Entry_Id);
         end if;

      --  Non-overloaded cases

      --  For the case of a reference to an element of an entry family,
      --  the Entry_Name is an indexed component.

      elsif Nkind (Entry_Name) = N_Indexed_Component then

         --  Requeue to an entry out of the body

         if Nkind (Prefix (Entry_Name)) = N_Selected_Component then
            Entry_Id := Entity (Selector_Name (Prefix (Entry_Name)));

         --  Requeue from within the body itself

         elsif Nkind (Prefix (Entry_Name)) = N_Identifier then
            Entry_Id := Entity (Prefix (Entry_Name));

            Error_Msg_N ("invalid entry_name specified",  N);
         end if;

      --  If we had a requeue of the form REQUEUE A (B), then the parser
      --  accepted it (because it could have been a requeue on an entry
      --  index. If A turns out not to be an entry family, then the analysis
      --  of A (B) turned it into a function call.

      elsif Nkind (Entry_Name) = N_Function_Call then
           ("arguments not allowed in requeue statement",
            First (Parameter_Associations (Entry_Name)));

      --  Normal case of no entry family, no argument

         Entry_Id := Entity (Entry_Name);
      end if;

      --  Resolve entry, and check that it is subtype conformant with the
      --  enclosing construct if this construct has formals (RM 9.5.4(5)).

      if not Is_Entry (Entry_Id) then
         Error_Msg_N ("expect entry name in requeue statement", Name (N));
      elsif Ekind (Entry_Id) = E_Entry_Family
        and then Nkind (Entry_Name) /= N_Indexed_Component
         Error_Msg_N ("missing index for entry family component", Name (N));

         Resolve_Entry (Name (N));
         Generate_Reference (Entry_Id, Entry_Name);

         if Present (First_Formal (Entry_Id)) then
            Check_Subtype_Conformant (Enclosing, Entry_Id, Name (N));

            --  Processing for parameters accessed by the requeue

               Ent : Entity_Id := First_Formal (Enclosing);

               while Present (Ent) loop

                  --  For OUT or IN OUT parameter, the effect of the requeue
                  --  is to assign the parameter a value on exit from the
                  --  requeued body, so we can set it as source assigned.
                  --  We also clear the Is_True_Constant indication. We do
                  --  not need to clear Current_Value, since the effect of
                  --  the requeue is to perform an unconditional goto so
                  --  that any further references will not occur anyway.

                  if Ekind (Ent) = E_Out_Parameter
                       or else
                     Ekind (Ent) = E_In_Out_Parameter
                     Set_Never_Set_In_Source (Ent, False);
                     Set_Is_True_Constant    (Ent, False);
                  end if;

                  --  For all parameters, the requeue acts as a reference,
                  --  since the value of the parameter is passed to the
                  --  new entry, so we want to suppress unreferenced warnings.

                  Set_Referenced (Ent);
                  Next_Formal (Ent);
               end loop;
         end if;
      end if;
   end Analyze_Requeue;

   -- Analyze_Selective_Accept --

   procedure Analyze_Selective_Accept (N : Node_Id) is
      Alts : constant List_Id := Select_Alternatives (N);
      Alt  : Node_Id;

      Accept_Present    : Boolean := False;
      Terminate_Present : Boolean := False;
      Delay_Present     : Boolean := False;
      Relative_Present  : Boolean := False;
      Alt_Count         : Uint    := Uint_0;

      Check_Restriction (No_Select_Statements, N);
      Tasking_Used := True;

      Alt := First (Alts);
      while Present (Alt) loop
         Alt_Count := Alt_Count + 1;
         Analyze (Alt);

         if Nkind (Alt) = N_Delay_Alternative then
            if Delay_Present then

               if Relative_Present /=
                   (Nkind (Delay_Statement (Alt)) = N_Delay_Relative_Statement)
                    ("delay_until and delay_relative alternatives ", Alt);
                    ("\cannot appear in the same selective_wait", Alt);
               end if;

               Delay_Present := True;
               Relative_Present :=
                 Nkind (Delay_Statement (Alt)) = N_Delay_Relative_Statement;
            end if;

         elsif Nkind (Alt) = N_Terminate_Alternative then
            if Terminate_Present then
               Error_Msg_N ("Only one terminate alternative allowed", N);
               Terminate_Present := True;
               Check_Restriction (No_Terminate_Alternatives, N);
            end if;

         elsif Nkind (Alt) = N_Accept_Alternative then
            Accept_Present := True;

            --  Check for duplicate accept

               Alt1 : Node_Id;
               Stm  : constant Node_Id := Accept_Statement (Alt);
               EDN  : constant Node_Id := Entry_Direct_Name (Stm);
               Ent  : Entity_Id;

               if Nkind (EDN) = N_Identifier
                 and then No (Condition (Alt))
                 and then Present (Entity (EDN)) -- defend against junk
                 and then Ekind (Entity (EDN)) = E_Entry
                  Ent := Entity (EDN);

                  Alt1 := First (Alts);
                  while Alt1 /= Alt loop
                     if Nkind (Alt1) = N_Accept_Alternative
                       and then No (Condition (Alt1))
                           Stm1 : constant Node_Id := Accept_Statement (Alt1);
                           EDN1 : constant Node_Id := Entry_Direct_Name (Stm1);

                           if Nkind (EDN1) = N_Identifier then
                              if Entity (EDN1) = Ent then
                                 Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Stm1);
                                   ("?accept duplicates one on line#", Stm);
                              end if;
                           end if;
                     end if;

                     Next (Alt1);
                  end loop;
               end if;
         end if;

         Next (Alt);
      end loop;

      Check_Restriction (Max_Select_Alternatives, N, Alt_Count);
      Check_Potentially_Blocking_Operation (N);

      if Terminate_Present and Delay_Present then
         Error_Msg_N ("at most one of terminate or delay alternative", N);

      elsif not Accept_Present then
           ("select must contain at least one accept alternative", N);
      end if;

      if Present (Else_Statements (N)) then
         if Terminate_Present or Delay_Present then
            Error_Msg_N ("else part not allowed with other alternatives", N);
         end if;

         Analyze_Statements (Else_Statements (N));
      end if;
   end Analyze_Selective_Accept;

   -- Analyze_Single_Protected --

   procedure Analyze_Single_Protected (N : Node_Id) is
      Loc    : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
      Id     : constant Node_Id    := Defining_Identifier (N);
      T      : Entity_Id;
      T_Decl : Node_Id;
      O_Decl : Node_Id;
      O_Name : constant Entity_Id := New_Copy (Id);

      Generate_Definition (Id);
      Tasking_Used := True;

      --  The node is rewritten as a protected type declaration,
      --  in exact analogy with what is done with single tasks.

      T :=
        Make_Defining_Identifier (Sloc (Id),
          New_External_Name (Chars (Id), 'T'));

      T_Decl :=
        Make_Protected_Type_Declaration (Loc,
         Defining_Identifier => T,
         Protected_Definition => Relocate_Node (Protected_Definition (N)));

      O_Decl :=
        Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
          Defining_Identifier => O_Name,
          Object_Definition   => Make_Identifier (Loc,  Chars (T)));

      Rewrite (N, T_Decl);
      Insert_After (N, O_Decl);
      Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (O_Decl);

      --  Enter names of type and object before analysis, because the name
      --  of the object may be used in its own body.

      Enter_Name (T);
      Set_Ekind (T, E_Protected_Type);
      Set_Etype (T, T);

      Enter_Name (O_Name);
      Set_Ekind (O_Name, E_Variable);
      Set_Etype (O_Name, T);

      --  Instead of calling Analyze on the new node,  call directly
      --  the proper analysis procedure. Otherwise the node would be
      --  expanded twice, with disastrous result.

      Analyze_Protected_Type (N);

   end Analyze_Single_Protected;

   -- Analyze_Single_Task --

   procedure Analyze_Single_Task (N : Node_Id) is
      Loc    : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
      Id     : constant Node_Id    := Defining_Identifier (N);
      T      : Entity_Id;
      T_Decl : Node_Id;
      O_Decl : Node_Id;
      O_Name : constant Entity_Id := New_Copy (Id);

      Generate_Definition (Id);
      Tasking_Used := True;

      --  The node is rewritten as a task type declaration,  followed
      --  by an object declaration of that anonymous task type.

      T :=
        Make_Defining_Identifier (Sloc (Id),
          New_External_Name (Chars (Id), Suffix => "TK"));

      T_Decl :=
        Make_Task_Type_Declaration (Loc,
          Defining_Identifier => T,
          Task_Definition     => Relocate_Node (Task_Definition (N)));

      O_Decl :=
        Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
          Defining_Identifier => O_Name,
          Object_Definition   => Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (T)));

      Rewrite (N, T_Decl);
      Insert_After (N, O_Decl);
      Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (O_Decl);

      --  Enter names of type and object before analysis, because the name
      --  of the object may be used in its own body.

      Enter_Name (T);
      Set_Ekind (T, E_Task_Type);
      Set_Etype (T, T);

      Enter_Name (O_Name);
      Set_Ekind (O_Name, E_Variable);
      Set_Etype (O_Name, T);

      --  Instead of calling Analyze on the new node,  call directly
      --  the proper analysis procedure. Otherwise the node would be
      --  expanded twice, with disastrous result.

      Analyze_Task_Type (N);
   end Analyze_Single_Task;

   -- Analyze_Task_Body --

   procedure Analyze_Task_Body (N : Node_Id) is
      Body_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
      Last_E  : Entity_Id;

      Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
      --  This is initially the entity of the task or task type involved,
      --  but is replaced by the task type always in the case of a single
      --  task declaration, since this is the proper scope to be used.

      Ref_Id : Entity_Id;
      --  This is the entity of the task or task type, and is the entity
      --  used for cross-reference purposes (it differs from Spec_Id in
      --  the case of a single task, since Spec_Id is set to the task type)

      Tasking_Used := True;
      Set_Ekind (Body_Id, E_Task_Body);
      Set_Scope (Body_Id, Current_Scope);
      Spec_Id := Find_Concurrent_Spec (Body_Id);

      --  The spec is either a task type declaration, or a single task
      --  declaration for which we have created an anonymous type.

      if Present (Spec_Id)
        and then Ekind (Spec_Id) = E_Task_Type

      elsif Present (Spec_Id)
        and then Ekind (Etype (Spec_Id)) = E_Task_Type
        and then not Comes_From_Source (Etype (Spec_Id))

         Error_Msg_N ("missing specification for task body", Body_Id);
      end if;

      if Has_Completion (Spec_Id)
        and then Present (Corresponding_Body (Parent (Spec_Id)))
         if Nkind (Parent (Spec_Id)) = N_Task_Type_Declaration then
            Error_Msg_NE ("duplicate body for task type&", N, Spec_Id);

            Error_Msg_NE ("duplicate body for task&", N, Spec_Id);
         end if;
      end if;

      Ref_Id := Spec_Id;
      Generate_Reference (Ref_Id, Body_Id, 'b', Set_Ref => False);
      Style.Check_Identifier (Body_Id, Spec_Id);

      --  Deal with case of body of single task (anonymous type was created)

      if Ekind (Spec_Id) = E_Variable then
         Spec_Id := Etype (Spec_Id);
      end if;

      New_Scope (Spec_Id);
      Set_Corresponding_Spec (N, Spec_Id);
      Set_Corresponding_Body (Parent (Spec_Id), Body_Id);
      Set_Has_Completion (Spec_Id);
      Install_Declarations (Spec_Id);
      Last_E := Last_Entity (Spec_Id);

      Analyze_Declarations (Declarations (N));

      --  For visibility purposes, all entities in the body are private.
      --  Set First_Private_Entity accordingly, if there was no private
      --  part in the protected declaration.

      if No (First_Private_Entity (Spec_Id)) then
         if Present (Last_E) then
            Set_First_Private_Entity (Spec_Id, Next_Entity (Last_E));
            Set_First_Private_Entity (Spec_Id, First_Entity (Spec_Id));
         end if;
      end if;

      Analyze (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N));
      Check_Completion (Body_Id);
      Check_References (Body_Id);
      Check_References (Spec_Id);

      --  Check for entries with no corresponding accept

         Ent : Entity_Id;

         Ent := First_Entity (Spec_Id);

         while Present (Ent) loop
            if Is_Entry (Ent)
              and then not Entry_Accepted (Ent)
              and then Comes_From_Source (Ent)
               Error_Msg_NE ("no accept for entry &?", N, Ent);
            end if;

            Next_Entity (Ent);
         end loop;

      Process_End_Label (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N), 't', Ref_Id);
   end Analyze_Task_Body;

   -- Analyze_Task_Definition --

   procedure Analyze_Task_Definition (N : Node_Id) is
      L : Entity_Id;

      Tasking_Used := True;

      if Present (Visible_Declarations (N)) then
         Analyze_Declarations (Visible_Declarations (N));
      end if;

      if Present (Private_Declarations (N)) then
         L := Last_Entity (Current_Scope);
         Analyze_Declarations (Private_Declarations (N));

         if Present (L) then
              (Current_Scope, Next_Entity (L));
              (Current_Scope, First_Entity (Current_Scope));
         end if;
      end if;

      Check_Max_Entries (N, Max_Task_Entries);
      Process_End_Label (N, 'e', Current_Scope);
   end Analyze_Task_Definition;

   -- Analyze_Task_Type --

   procedure Analyze_Task_Type (N : Node_Id) is
      T      : Entity_Id;
      Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);

      Check_Restriction (No_Tasking, N);
      Tasking_Used := True;
      T := Find_Type_Name (N);
      Generate_Definition (T);

      if Ekind (T) = E_Incomplete_Type then
         T := Full_View (T);
         Set_Completion_Referenced (T);
      end if;

      Set_Ekind              (T, E_Task_Type);
      Set_Is_First_Subtype   (T, True);
      Set_Has_Task           (T, True);
      Init_Size_Align        (T);
      Set_Etype              (T, T);
      Set_Has_Delayed_Freeze (T, True);
      Set_Stored_Constraint  (T, No_Elist);
      New_Scope (T);

      if Present (Discriminant_Specifications (N)) then
         if Ada_Version = Ada_83 and then Comes_From_Source (N) then
            Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 83) task discriminant not allowed!", N);
         end if;

         if Has_Discriminants (T) then

            --  Install discriminants. Also, verify conformance of
            --  discriminants of previous and current view.  ???

            Install_Declarations (T);
            Process_Discriminants (N);
         end if;
      end if;

      if Present (Task_Definition (N)) then
         Analyze_Task_Definition (Task_Definition (N));
      end if;

      if not Is_Library_Level_Entity (T) then
         Check_Restriction (No_Task_Hierarchy, N);
      end if;


      if T /= Def_Id
        and then Is_Private_Type (Def_Id)
        and then Has_Discriminants (Def_Id)
        and then Expander_Active
         Exp_Ch9.Expand_N_Task_Type_Declaration (N);
         Process_Full_View (N, T, Def_Id);
      end if;
   end Analyze_Task_Type;

   -- Analyze_Terminate_Alternative --

   procedure Analyze_Terminate_Alternative (N : Node_Id) is
      Tasking_Used := True;

      if Present (Pragmas_Before (N)) then
         Analyze_List (Pragmas_Before (N));
      end if;

      if Present (Condition (N)) then
         Analyze_And_Resolve (Condition (N), Any_Boolean);
      end if;
   end Analyze_Terminate_Alternative;

   -- Analyze_Timed_Entry_Call --

   procedure Analyze_Timed_Entry_Call (N : Node_Id) is
      Check_Restriction (No_Select_Statements, N);
      Tasking_Used := True;
      Analyze (Entry_Call_Alternative (N));
      Analyze (Delay_Alternative (N));
   end Analyze_Timed_Entry_Call;

   -- Analyze_Triggering_Alternative --

   procedure Analyze_Triggering_Alternative (N : Node_Id) is
      Trigger : constant Node_Id := Triggering_Statement (N);

      Tasking_Used := True;

      if Present (Pragmas_Before (N)) then
         Analyze_List (Pragmas_Before (N));
      end if;

      Analyze (Trigger);
      if Comes_From_Source (Trigger)
        and then Nkind (Trigger) /= N_Delay_Until_Statement
        and then Nkind (Trigger) /= N_Delay_Relative_Statement
        and then Nkind (Trigger) /= N_Entry_Call_Statement
          ("triggering statement must be delay or entry call", Trigger);
      end if;

      if Is_Non_Empty_List (Statements (N)) then
         Analyze_Statements (Statements (N));
      end if;
   end Analyze_Triggering_Alternative;

   -- Check_Max_Entries --

   procedure Check_Max_Entries (D : Node_Id; R : All_Parameter_Restrictions) is
      Ecount : Uint;

      procedure Count (L : List_Id);
      --  Count entries in given declaration list

      -- Count --

      procedure Count (L : List_Id) is
         D : Node_Id;

         if No (L) then
         end if;

         D := First (L);
         while Present (D) loop
            if Nkind (D) = N_Entry_Declaration then
                  DSD : constant Node_Id :=
                          Discrete_Subtype_Definition (D);

                  --  If not an entry family, then just one entry

                  if No (DSD) then
                     Ecount := Ecount + 1;

                  --  If entry family with static bounds, count entries

                  elsif Is_OK_Static_Subtype (Etype (DSD)) then
                        Lo : constant Uint :=
                                 (Type_Low_Bound (Etype (DSD)));
                        Hi : constant Uint :=
                                 (Type_High_Bound (Etype (DSD)));

                        if Hi >= Lo then
                           Ecount := Ecount + Hi - Lo + 1;
                        end if;

                  --  Entry family with non-static bounds

                     --  If restriction is set, then this is an error

                     if Restrictions.Set (R) then
                          ("static subtype required by Restriction pragma",

                     --  Otherwise we record an unknown count restriction

                        Check_Restriction (R, D);
                     end if;
                  end if;
            end if;

            Next (D);
         end loop;
      end Count;

   --  Start of processing for Check_Max_Entries

      Ecount := Uint_0;
      Count (Visible_Declarations (D));
      Count (Private_Declarations (D));

      if Ecount > 0 then
         Check_Restriction (R, D, Ecount);
      end if;
   end Check_Max_Entries;

   -- Find_Concurrent_Spec --

   function Find_Concurrent_Spec (Body_Id : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
      Spec_Id : Entity_Id := Current_Entity_In_Scope (Body_Id);

      --  The type may have been given by an incomplete type declaration.
      --  Find full view now.

      if Present (Spec_Id) and then Ekind (Spec_Id) = E_Incomplete_Type then
         Spec_Id := Full_View (Spec_Id);
      end if;

      return Spec_Id;
   end Find_Concurrent_Spec;

   -- Install_Declarations --

   procedure Install_Declarations (Spec : Entity_Id) is
      E    : Entity_Id;
      Prev : Entity_Id;

      E := First_Entity (Spec);

      while Present (E) loop
         Prev := Current_Entity (E);
         Set_Current_Entity (E);
         Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (E);
         Set_Homonym (E, Prev);
         Next_Entity (E);
      end loop;
   end Install_Declarations;

end Sem_Ch9;