* *
* *
* R A I S E - G C C *
* *
* C Implementation File *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
* *
* GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under *
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- *
* ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- *
* sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
* OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
* *
* As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted *
* additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, *
* version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and *
* a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; *
* see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see *
* . *
* *
* GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. *
* Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. *
* *
/* Code related to the integration of the GCC mechanism for exception
handling. */
#ifdef IN_RTS
#include "tconfig.h"
#include "tsystem.h"
/* In the top-of-tree GCC, tconfig does not include tm.h, but in GCC 3.2
it does. To avoid branching raise.c just for that purpose, we kludge by
looking for a symbol always defined by tm.h and if it's not defined,
we include it. */
#include "coretypes.h"
#include "tm.h"
typedef char bool;
# define true 1
# define false 0
#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "adaint.h"
#include "raise.h"
#ifdef __APPLE__
/* On MacOS X, versions older than 10.5 don't export _Unwind_GetIPInfo. */
/* The names of a couple of "standard" routines for unwinding/propagation
actually vary depending on the underlying GCC scheme for exception handling
(SJLJ or DWARF). We need a consistently named interface to import from
a-except, so wrappers are defined here.
Besides, even though the compiler is never setup to use the GCC propagation
circuitry, it still relies on exceptions internally and part of the sources
to handle to exceptions are shared with the run-time library. We need
dummy definitions for the wrappers to satisfy the linker in this case.
The types to be used by those wrappers in the run-time library are target
types exported by unwind.h. We used to piggyback on them for the compiler
stubs, but there is no guarantee that unwind.h is always in sight so we
define our own set below. These are dummy types as the wrappers are never
called in the compiler case. */
#ifdef IN_RTS
#include "unwind.h"
typedef struct _Unwind_Context _Unwind_Context;
typedef struct _Unwind_Exception _Unwind_Exception;
typedef void _Unwind_Context;
typedef void _Unwind_Exception;
typedef int _Unwind_Reason_Code;
__gnat_Unwind_RaiseException (_Unwind_Exception *);
__gnat_Unwind_ForcedUnwind (_Unwind_Exception *, void *, void *);
extern void __gnat_setup_current_excep (_Unwind_Exception *);
#ifdef IN_RTS /* For eh personality routine */
#include "dwarf2.h"
#include "unwind-dw2-fde.h"
#include "unwind-pe.h"
/* The known and handled exception classes. */
#define CXX_EXCEPTION_CLASS 0x474e5543432b2b00ULL
#define GNAT_EXCEPTION_CLASS 0x474e552d41646100ULL
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
-- The DB stuff below is there for debugging purposes only. --
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define DB_PHASES 0x1
#define DB_CSITE 0x2
#define DB_ACTIONS 0x4
#define DB_REGIONS 0x8
#define DB_ERR 0x1000
/* The "action" stuff below is also there for debugging purposes only. */
typedef struct
_Unwind_Action phase;
char * description;
} phase_descriptor;
static const phase_descriptor phase_descriptors[]
{ -1, 0}};
static int
db_accepted_codes (void)
static int accepted_codes = -1;
if (accepted_codes == -1)
char * db_env = (char *) getenv ("EH_DEBUG");
accepted_codes = db_env ? (atoi (db_env) | DB_ERR) : 0;
/* Arranged for ERR stuff to always be visible when the variable
is defined. One may just set the variable to 0 to see the ERR
stuff only. */
return accepted_codes;
#define DB_INDENT_OUTPUT 0x04
#define DB_INDENT_NEWLINE 0x08
#define DB_INDENT_RESET 0x10
#define DB_INDENT_UNIT 8
static void
db_indent (int requests)
static int current_indentation_level = 0;
if (requests & DB_INDENT_RESET)
current_indentation_level = 0;
if (requests & DB_INDENT_INCREASE)
current_indentation_level ++;
if (requests & DB_INDENT_DECREASE)
current_indentation_level --;
if (requests & DB_INDENT_NEWLINE)
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
if (requests & DB_INDENT_OUTPUT)
fprintf (stderr, "%*s",
current_indentation_level * DB_INDENT_UNIT, " ");
static void ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_2
db (int db_code, char * msg_format, ...)
if (db_accepted_codes () & db_code)
va_list msg_args;
db_indent (DB_INDENT_OUTPUT);
va_start (msg_args, msg_format);
vfprintf (stderr, msg_format, msg_args);
va_end (msg_args);
static void
db_phases (int phases)
phase_descriptor *a = phase_descriptors;
if (! (db_accepted_codes() & DB_PHASES))
db (DB_PHASES, "\n");
for (; a->description != 0; a++)
if (phases & a->phase)
db (DB_PHASES, "%s ", a->description);
db (DB_PHASES, " :\n");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Now come a set of useful structures and helper routines. --
--------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* There are three major runtime tables involved, generated by the
GCC back-end. Contents slightly vary depending on the underlying
implementation scheme (dwarf zero cost / sjlj).
* Tables for the dwarf zero cost case *
call_site []
* region-start | region-length | landing-pad | first-action-index *
Identify possible actions to be taken and where to resume control
for that when an exception propagates through a pc inside the region
delimited by start and length.
A null landing-pad indicates that nothing is to be done.
Otherwise, first-action-index provides an entry into the action[]
table which heads a list of possible actions to be taken (see below).
If it is determined that indeed an action should be taken, that
is, if one action filter matches the exception being propagated,
then control should be transfered to landing-pad.
A null first-action-index indicates that there are only cleanups
to run there.
action []
* action-filter | next-action *
This table contains lists (called action chains) of possible actions
associated with call-site entries described in the call-site [] table.
There is at most one action list per call-site entry.
A null action-filter indicates a cleanup.
Non null action-filters provide an index into the ttypes [] table
(see below), from which information may be retrieved to check if it
matches the exception being propagated.
action-filter > 0 means there is a regular handler to be run,
action-filter < 0 means there is a some "exception_specification"
data to retrieve, which is only relevant for C++
and should never show up for Ada.
next-action indexes the next entry in the list. 0 indicates there is
no other entry.
ttypes []
* ttype-value *
A null value indicates a catch-all handler in C++, and an "others"
handler in Ada.
Non null values are used to match the exception being propagated:
In C++ this is a pointer to some rtti data, while in Ada this is an
exception id.
The special id value 1 indicates an "all_others" handler.
For C++, this table is actually also used to store "exception
specification" data. The differentiation between the two kinds
of entries is made by the sign of the associated action filter,
which translates into positive or negative offsets from the
so called base of the table:
Exception Specification data is stored at positive offsets from
the ttypes table base, which Exception Type data is stored at
negative offsets:
Here is a quick summary of the tables organization:
+-- Unwind_Context (pc, ...)
| +=============================================================+
| | region-start + length | landing-pad | first-action-index |
| +=============================================================+
+-> | pc range 0 => no-action 0 => cleanups only |
| !0 => jump @ N --+ |
+====================================================== | ====+
+==========================================================+ |
| action-filter | next-action | |
+==========================================================+ |
| 0 => cleanup | |
| >0 => ttype index for handler ------+ 0 => end of chain | <-+
| <0 => ttype index for spec data | |
+==================================== | ===================+
| Offset negated from
+=====================+ | the actual base.
| ttype-value | |
+============+=====================+ |
| | 0 => "others" | |
| ... | 1 => "all others" | <---+
| | X => exception id |
| handlers +---------------------+
| | ... |
| ... | ... |
| | ... |
+============+=====================+ <<------ Table base
| ... | ... |
| specs | ... | (should not see negative filter
| ... | ... | values for Ada).
* Tables for the sjlj case *
So called "function contexts" are pushed on a context stack by calls to
_Unwind_SjLj_Register on function entry, and popped off at exit points by
calls to _Unwind_SjLj_Unregister. The current call_site for a function is
updated in the function context as the function's code runs along.
The generic unwinding engine in _Unwind_RaiseException walks the function
context stack and not the actual call chain.
The ACTION and TTYPES tables remain unchanged, which allows to search them
during the propagation phase to determine whether or not the propagated
exception is handled somewhere. When it is, we only "jump" up once directly
to the context where the handler will be found. Besides, this allows "break
exception unhandled" to work also
The CALL-SITE table is setup differently, though: the pc attached to the
unwind context is a direct index into the table, so the entries in this
table do not hold region bounds any more.
A special index (-1) is used to indicate that no action is possibly
connected with the context at hand, so null landing pads cannot appear
in the table.
Additionally, landing pad values in the table do not represent code address
to jump at, but so called "dispatch" indices used by a common landing pad
for the function to switch to the appropriate post-landing-pad.
+-- Unwind_Context (pc, ...)
| pc = call-site index
| 0 => terminate (should not see this for Ada)
| -1 => no-action
| +=====================================+
| | landing-pad | first-action-index |
| +=====================================+
+-> | 0 => cleanups only |
| dispatch index N |
* Basic organization of this unit *
The major point of this unit is to provide an exception propagation
personality routine for Ada. This is __gnat_personality_v0.
It is provided with a pointer to the propagated exception, an unwind
context describing a location the propagation is going through, and a
couple of other arguments including a description of the current
propagation phase.
It shall return to the generic propagation engine what is to be performed
next, after possible context adjustments, depending on what it finds in the
traversed context (a handler for the exception, a cleanup, nothing, ...),
and on the propagation phase.
A number of structures and subroutines are used for this purpose, as
sketched below:
o region_descriptor: General data associated with the context (base pc,
call-site table, action table, ttypes table, ...)
o action_descriptor: Data describing the action to be taken for the
propagated exception in the provided context (kind of action: nothing,
handler, cleanup; pointer to the action table entry, ...).
... (a-except.adb)
Propagate_Exception (a-exexpr.adb)
_Unwind_RaiseException (libgcc)
| (Ada frame)
+--> __gnat_personality_v0 (context, exception)
+--> get_region_descriptor_for (context)
+--> get_action_descriptor_for (context, exception, region)
| |
| +--> get_call_site_action_for (context, region)
| (one version for each underlying scheme)
+--> setup_to_install (context)
This unit is inspired from the C++ version found in eh_personality.cc,
part of libstdc++-v3.
/* This is an incomplete "proxy" of the structure of exception objects as
built by the GNAT runtime library. Accesses to other fields than the common
header are performed through subprogram calls to alleviate the need of an
exact counterpart here and potential alignment/size issues for the common
header. See a-exexpr.adb. */
typedef struct
_Unwind_Exception common;
/* ABI header, maximally aligned. */
} _GNAT_Exception;
/* The two constants below are specific ttype identifiers for special
exception ids. Their type should match what a-exexpr exports. */
extern const int __gnat_others_value;
#define GNAT_OTHERS ((_Unwind_Ptr) &__gnat_others_value)
extern const int __gnat_all_others_value;
#define GNAT_ALL_OTHERS ((_Unwind_Ptr) &__gnat_all_others_value)
/* Describe the useful region data associated with an unwind context. */
typedef struct
/* The base pc of the region. */
_Unwind_Ptr base;
/* Pointer to the Language Specific Data for the region. */
_Unwind_Ptr lsda;
/* Call-Site data associated with this region. */
unsigned char call_site_encoding;
const unsigned char *call_site_table;
/* The base to which are relative landing pad offsets inside the call-site
entries . */
_Unwind_Ptr lp_base;
/* Action-Table associated with this region. */
const unsigned char *action_table;
/* Ttype data associated with this region. */
unsigned char ttype_encoding;
const unsigned char *ttype_table;
_Unwind_Ptr ttype_base;
} region_descriptor;
static void
db_region_for (region_descriptor *region, _Unwind_Context *uw_context)
int ip_before_insn = 0;
_Unwind_Ptr ip = _Unwind_GetIPInfo (uw_context, &ip_before_insn);
_Unwind_Ptr ip = _Unwind_GetIP (uw_context);
if (!ip_before_insn)
if (! (db_accepted_codes () & DB_REGIONS))
db (DB_REGIONS, "For ip @ 0x%08x => ", ip);
if (region->lsda)
db (DB_REGIONS, "lsda @ 0x%x", region->lsda);
db (DB_REGIONS, "no lsda");
db (DB_REGIONS, "\n");
/* Retrieve the ttype entry associated with FILTER in the REGION's
ttype table. */
static const _Unwind_Ptr
get_ttype_entry_for (region_descriptor *region, long filter)
_Unwind_Ptr ttype_entry;
filter *= size_of_encoded_value (region->ttype_encoding);
(region->ttype_encoding, region->ttype_base,
region->ttype_table - filter, &ttype_entry);
return ttype_entry;
/* Fill out the REGION descriptor for the provided UW_CONTEXT. */
static void
get_region_description_for (_Unwind_Context *uw_context,
region_descriptor *region)
const unsigned char * p;
_uleb128_t tmp;
unsigned char lpbase_encoding;
/* Get the base address of the lsda information. If the provided context
is null or if there is no associated language specific data, there's
nothing we can/should do. */
= (_Unwind_Ptr) (uw_context
? _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData (uw_context) : 0);
if (! region->lsda)
/* Parse the lsda and fill the region descriptor. */
p = (char *)region->lsda;
region->base = _Unwind_GetRegionStart (uw_context);
/* Find @LPStart, the base to which landing pad offsets are relative. */
lpbase_encoding = *p++;
if (lpbase_encoding != DW_EH_PE_omit)
p = read_encoded_value
(uw_context, lpbase_encoding, p, ®ion->lp_base);
region->lp_base = region->base;
/* Find @TType, the base of the handler and exception spec type data. */
region->ttype_encoding = *p++;
if (region->ttype_encoding != DW_EH_PE_omit)
p = read_uleb128 (p, &tmp);
region->ttype_table = p + tmp;
region->ttype_table = 0;
= base_of_encoded_value (region->ttype_encoding, uw_context);
/* Get the encoding and length of the call-site table; the action table
immediately follows. */
region->call_site_encoding = *p++;
region->call_site_table = read_uleb128 (p, &tmp);
region->action_table = region->call_site_table + tmp;
/* Describe an action to be taken when propagating an exception up to
some context. */
typedef enum
/* Found some call site base data, but need to analyze further
before being able to decide. */
/* There is nothing relevant in the context at hand. */
/* There are only cleanups to run in this context. */
/* There is a handler for the exception in this context. */
} action_kind;
/* filter value for cleanup actions. */
static const int cleanup_filter = 0;
typedef struct
/* The kind of action to be taken. */
action_kind kind;
/* A pointer to the action record entry. */
const unsigned char *table_entry;
/* Where we should jump to actually take an action (trigger a cleanup or an
exception handler). */
_Unwind_Ptr landing_pad;
/* If we have a handler matching our exception, these are the filter to
trigger it and the corresponding id. */
_Unwind_Sword ttype_filter;
_Unwind_Ptr ttype_entry;
} action_descriptor;
static void
db_action_for (action_descriptor *action, _Unwind_Context *uw_context)
int ip_before_insn = 0;
_Unwind_Ptr ip = _Unwind_GetIPInfo (uw_context, &ip_before_insn);
_Unwind_Ptr ip = _Unwind_GetIP (uw_context);
if (!ip_before_insn)
db (DB_ACTIONS, "For ip @ 0x%08x => ", ip);
switch (action->kind)
case unknown:
db (DB_ACTIONS, "lpad @ 0x%x, record @ 0x%x\n",
action->landing_pad, action->table_entry);
case nothing:
db (DB_ACTIONS, "Nothing\n");
case cleanup:
db (DB_ACTIONS, "Cleanup\n");
case handler:
db (DB_ACTIONS, "Handler, filter = %d\n", action->ttype_filter);
db (DB_ACTIONS, "Err? Unexpected action kind !\n");
/* Search the call_site_table of REGION for an entry appropriate for the
UW_CONTEXT's IP. If one is found, store the associated landing_pad
and action_table entry, and set the ACTION kind to unknown for further
analysis. Otherwise, set the ACTION kind to nothing.
There are two variants of this routine, depending on the underlying
mechanism (DWARF/SJLJ), which account for differences in the tables. */
#define __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(x) x
static void
get_call_site_action_for (_Unwind_Context *uw_context,
region_descriptor *region,
action_descriptor *action)
int ip_before_insn = 0;
_Unwind_Ptr call_site = _Unwind_GetIPInfo (uw_context, &ip_before_insn);
_Unwind_Ptr call_site = _Unwind_GetIP (uw_context);
/* Subtract 1 if necessary because GetIPInfo returns the actual call site
value + 1 in this case. */
if (!ip_before_insn)
/* call_site is a direct index into the call-site table, with two special
values : -1 for no-action and 0 for "terminate". The latter should never
show up for Ada. To test for the former, beware that _Unwind_Ptr might
be unsigned. */
if ((int)call_site < 0)
action->kind = nothing;
else if (call_site == 0)
db (DB_ERR, "========> Err, null call_site for Ada/sjlj\n");
action->kind = nothing;
_uleb128_t cs_lp, cs_action;
/* Let the caller know there may be an action to take, but let it
determine the kind. */
action->kind = unknown;
/* We have a direct index into the call-site table, but this table is
made of leb128 values, the encoding length of which is variable. We
can't merely compute an offset from the index, then, but have to read
all the entries before the one of interest. */
const unsigned char *p = region->call_site_table;
do {
p = read_uleb128 (p, &cs_lp);
p = read_uleb128 (p, &cs_action);
} while (--call_site);
action->landing_pad = cs_lp + 1;
if (cs_action)
action->table_entry = region->action_table + cs_action - 1;
action->table_entry = 0;
#else /* !__USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__ */
static void
get_call_site_action_for (_Unwind_Context *uw_context,
region_descriptor *region,
action_descriptor *action)
const unsigned char *p = region->call_site_table;
int ip_before_insn = 0;
_Unwind_Ptr ip = _Unwind_GetIPInfo (uw_context, &ip_before_insn);
_Unwind_Ptr ip = _Unwind_GetIP (uw_context);
/* Subtract 1 if necessary because GetIPInfo yields a call return address
in this case, while we are interested in information for the call point.
This does not always yield the exact call instruction address but always
brings the IP back within the corresponding region. */
if (!ip_before_insn)
/* Unless we are able to determine otherwise... */
action->kind = nothing;
db (DB_CSITE, "\n");
while (p < region->action_table)
_Unwind_Ptr cs_start, cs_len, cs_lp;
_uleb128_t cs_action;
/* Note that all call-site encodings are "absolute" displacements. */
p = read_encoded_value (0, region->call_site_encoding, p, &cs_start);
p = read_encoded_value (0, region->call_site_encoding, p, &cs_len);
p = read_encoded_value (0, region->call_site_encoding, p, &cs_lp);
p = read_uleb128 (p, &cs_action);
"c_site @ 0x%08x (+0x%03x), len = %3d, lpad @ 0x%08x (+0x%03x)\n",
region->base+cs_start, cs_start, cs_len,
region->lp_base+cs_lp, cs_lp);
/* The table is sorted, so if we've passed the IP, stop. */
if (ip < region->base + cs_start)
/* If we have a match, fill the ACTION fields accordingly. */
else if (ip < region->base + cs_start + cs_len)
/* Let the caller know there may be an action to take, but let it
determine the kind. */
action->kind = unknown;
if (cs_lp)
action->landing_pad = region->lp_base + cs_lp;
action->landing_pad = 0;
if (cs_action)
action->table_entry = region->action_table + cs_action - 1;
action->table_entry = 0;
db (DB_CSITE, "+++\n");
db (DB_CSITE, "---\n");
#endif /* __USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__ */
/* With CHOICE an exception choice representing an "exception - when"
argument, and PROPAGATED_EXCEPTION a pointer to the currently propagated
occurrence, return true if the latter matches the former, that is, if
PROPAGATED_EXCEPTION is caught by the handling code controlled by CHOICE.
This takes care of the special Non_Ada_Error case on VMS. */
#define Is_Handled_By_Others __gnat_is_handled_by_others
#define Language_For __gnat_language_for
#define Import_Code_For __gnat_import_code_for
#define EID_For __gnat_eid_for
extern bool Is_Handled_By_Others (_Unwind_Ptr eid);
extern char Language_For (_Unwind_Ptr eid);
extern Exception_Code Import_Code_For (_Unwind_Ptr eid);
extern Exception_Id EID_For (_GNAT_Exception * e);
static int
is_handled_by (_Unwind_Ptr choice, _GNAT_Exception * propagated_exception)
if (propagated_exception->common.exception_class == GNAT_EXCEPTION_CLASS)
/* Pointer to the GNAT exception data corresponding to the propagated
occurrence. */
_Unwind_Ptr E = (_Unwind_Ptr) EID_For (propagated_exception);
/* Base matching rules: An exception data (id) matches itself, "when
all_others" matches anything and "when others" matches anything
unless explicitly stated otherwise in the propagated occurrence. */
bool is_handled =
choice == E
|| choice == GNAT_ALL_OTHERS
|| (choice == GNAT_OTHERS && Is_Handled_By_Others (E));
/* In addition, on OpenVMS, Non_Ada_Error matches VMS exceptions, and we
may have different exception data pointers that should match for the
same condition code, if both an export and an import have been
registered. The import code for both the choice and the propagated
occurrence are expected to have been masked off regarding severity
bits already (at registration time for the former and from within the
low level exception vector for the latter). */
#ifdef VMS
# define Non_Ada_Error system__aux_dec__non_ada_error
extern struct Exception_Data Non_Ada_Error;
is_handled |=
(Language_For (E) == 'V'
&& choice != GNAT_OTHERS && choice != GNAT_ALL_OTHERS
&& ((Language_For (choice) == 'V' && Import_Code_For (choice) != 0
&& Import_Code_For (choice) == Import_Code_For (E))
|| choice == (_Unwind_Ptr)&Non_Ada_Error));
return is_handled;
# define Foreign_Exception system__exceptions__foreign_exception;
extern struct Exception_Data Foreign_Exception;
return choice == GNAT_ALL_OTHERS
|| choice == GNAT_OTHERS
|| choice == (_Unwind_Ptr)&Foreign_Exception;
/* Fill out the ACTION to be taken from propagating UW_EXCEPTION up to
static void
get_action_description_for (_Unwind_Context *uw_context,
_Unwind_Exception *uw_exception,
region_descriptor *region,
action_descriptor *action)
_GNAT_Exception * gnat_exception = (_GNAT_Exception *) uw_exception;
/* Search the call site table first, which may get us a landing pad as well
as the head of an action record list. */
get_call_site_action_for (uw_context, region, action);
db_action_for (action, uw_context);
/* If there is not even a call_site entry, we are done. */
if (action->kind == nothing)
/* Otherwise, check what we have at the place of the call site. */
/* No landing pad => no cleanups or handlers. */
if (action->landing_pad == 0)
action->kind = nothing;
/* Landing pad + null table entry => only cleanups. */
else if (action->table_entry == 0)
action->kind = cleanup;
action->ttype_filter = cleanup_filter;
/* The filter initialization is not strictly necessary, as cleanup-only
landing pads don't look at the filter value. It is there to ensure
we don't pass random values and so trigger potential confusion when
installing the context later on. */
/* Landing pad + Table entry => handlers + possible cleanups. */
const unsigned char * p = action->table_entry;
_sleb128_t ar_filter, ar_disp;
action->kind = nothing;
while (1)
p = read_sleb128 (p, &ar_filter);
read_sleb128 (p, &ar_disp);
/* Don't assign p here, as it will be incremented by ar_disp
below. */
/* Null filters are for cleanups. */
if (ar_filter == cleanup_filter)
action->kind = cleanup;
action->ttype_filter = cleanup_filter;
/* The filter initialization is required here, to ensure
the target landing pad branches to the cleanup code if
we happen not to find a matching handler. */
/* Positive filters are for regular handlers. */
else if (ar_filter > 0)
/* See if the filter we have is for an exception which matches
the one we are propagating. */
_Unwind_Ptr choice = get_ttype_entry_for (region, ar_filter);
if (is_handled_by (choice, gnat_exception))
action->kind = handler;
action->ttype_filter = ar_filter;
action->ttype_entry = choice;
/* Negative filter values are for C++ exception specifications.
Should not be there for Ada :/ */
db (DB_ERR, "========> Err, filter < 0 for Ada/dwarf\n");
if (ar_disp == 0)
p += ar_disp;
/* Setup in UW_CONTEXT the eh return target IP and data registers, which will
be restored with the others and retrieved by the landing pad once the jump
occurred. */
static void
setup_to_install (_Unwind_Context *uw_context,
_Unwind_Exception *uw_exception,
_Unwind_Ptr uw_landing_pad,
int uw_filter)
/* We should not be called if the appropriate underlying support is not
there. */
abort ();
/* 1/ exception object pointer, which might be provided back to
_Unwind_Resume (and thus to this personality routine) if we are jumping
to a cleanup. */
_Unwind_SetGR (uw_context, __builtin_eh_return_data_regno (0),
/* 2/ handler switch value register, which will also be used by the target
landing pad to decide what action it shall take. */
_Unwind_SetGR (uw_context, __builtin_eh_return_data_regno (1),
/* Setup the address we should jump at to reach the code where there is the
"something" we found. */
_Unwind_SetIP (uw_context, uw_landing_pad);
/* The following is defined from a-except.adb. Its purpose is to enable
automatic backtraces upon exception raise, as provided through the
GNAT.Traceback facilities. */
extern void __gnat_notify_handled_exception (void);
extern void __gnat_notify_unhandled_exception (void);
/* Below is the eh personality routine per se. We currently assume that only
GNU-Ada exceptions are met. */
#define PERSONALITY_FUNCTION __gnat_personality_sj0
#define PERSONALITY_FUNCTION __gnat_personality_v0
/* Major tweak for ia64-vms : the CHF propagation phase calls this personality
routine with sigargs/mechargs arguments and has very specific expectations
on possible return values.
We handle this with a number of specific tricks:
1. We tweak the personality routine prototype to have the "version" and
"phases" two first arguments be void * instead of int and _Unwind_Action
as nominally expected in the GCC context.
This allows us to access the full range of bits passed in every case and
has no impact on the callers side since each argument remains assigned
the same single 64bit slot.
2. We retrieve the corresponding int and _Unwind_Action values within the
routine for regular use with truncating conversions. This is a noop when
called from the libgcc unwinder.
3. We assume we're called by the VMS CHF when unexpected bits are set in
both those values. The incoming arguments are then real sigargs and
mechargs pointers, which we then redirect to __gnat_handle_vms_condition
for proper processing.
#if defined (VMS) && defined (__IA64)
typedef void * version_arg_t;
typedef void * phases_arg_t;
typedef int version_arg_t;
typedef _Unwind_Action phases_arg_t;
PERSONALITY_FUNCTION (version_arg_t, phases_arg_t,
_Unwind_Exception_Class, _Unwind_Exception *,
_Unwind_Context *);
PERSONALITY_FUNCTION (version_arg_t version_arg,
phases_arg_t phases_arg,
_Unwind_Exception_Class uw_exception_class,
_Unwind_Exception *uw_exception,
_Unwind_Context *uw_context)
/* Fetch the version and phases args with their nominal ABI types for later
use. This is a noop everywhere except on ia64-vms when called from the
Condition Handling Facility. */
int uw_version = (int) version_arg;
_Unwind_Action uw_phases = (_Unwind_Action) phases_arg;
region_descriptor region;
action_descriptor action;
/* Check that we're called from the ABI context we expect, with a major
possible variation on VMS for IA64. */
if (uw_version != 1)
#if defined (VMS) && defined (__IA64)
/* Assume we're called with sigargs/mechargs arguments if really
unexpected bits are set in our first two formals. Redirect to the
GNAT condition handling code in this case. */
extern long __gnat_handle_vms_condition (void *, void *);
unsigned int version_unexpected_bits_mask = 0xffffff00U;
unsigned int phases_unexpected_bits_mask = 0xffffff00U;
if ((unsigned int)uw_version & version_unexpected_bits_mask
&& (unsigned int)uw_phases & phases_unexpected_bits_mask)
return __gnat_handle_vms_condition (version_arg, phases_arg);
db_indent (DB_INDENT_RESET);
db_phases (uw_phases);
/* Get the region description for the context we were provided with. This
will tell us if there is some lsda, call_site, action and/or ttype data
for the associated ip. */
get_region_description_for (uw_context, ®ion);
db_region_for (®ion, uw_context);
/* No LSDA => no handlers or cleanups => we shall unwind further up. */
if (! region.lsda)
/* Search the call-site and action-record tables for the action associated
with this IP. */
get_action_description_for (uw_context, uw_exception, ®ion, &action);
db_action_for (&action, uw_context);
/* Whatever the phase, if there is nothing relevant in this frame,
unwinding should just go on. */
if (action.kind == nothing)
/* If we found something in search phase, we should return a code indicating
what to do next depending on what we found. If we only have cleanups
around, we shall try to unwind further up to find a handler, otherwise,
tell we have a handler, which will trigger the second phase. */
if (uw_phases & _UA_SEARCH_PHASE)
if (action.kind == cleanup)
/* Trigger the appropriate notification routines before the second
phase starts, which ensures the stack is still intact. */
__gnat_notify_handled_exception ();
/* We found something in cleanup/handler phase, which might be the handler
or a cleanup for a handled occurrence, or a cleanup for an unhandled
occurrence (we are in a FORCED_UNWIND phase in this case). Install the
context to get there. */
(uw_context, uw_exception, action.landing_pad, action.ttype_filter);
/* Write current exception, so that it can be retrieved from Ada. */
__gnat_setup_current_excep (uw_exception);
/* Define the consistently named wrappers imported by Propagate_Exception. */
#undef _Unwind_RaiseException
__gnat_Unwind_RaiseException (_Unwind_Exception *e)
return _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException (e);
#undef _Unwind_ForcedUnwind
__gnat_Unwind_ForcedUnwind (_Unwind_Exception *e,
void * handler,
void * argument)
return _Unwind_SjLj_ForcedUnwind (e, handler, argument);
__gnat_Unwind_RaiseException (_Unwind_Exception *e)
return _Unwind_RaiseException (e);
__gnat_Unwind_ForcedUnwind (_Unwind_Exception *e,
void * handler,
void * argument)
return _Unwind_ForcedUnwind (e, handler, argument);
#endif /* __USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__ */
/* ! IN_RTS */
/* Define the corresponding stubs for the compiler. */
/* We don't want fancy_abort here. */
#undef abort
__gnat_Unwind_RaiseException (_Unwind_Exception *e ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
abort ();
__gnat_Unwind_ForcedUnwind (_Unwind_Exception *e ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
void * handler ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
void * argument ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
abort ();
#endif /* IN_RTS */