------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- P U T _ S C O S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2009-2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Par_SCO; use Par_SCO; with SCOs; use SCOs; with Snames; use Snames; procedure Put_SCOs is Current_SCO_Unit : SCO_Unit_Index := 0; -- Initial value must not be a valid unit index procedure Write_SCO_Initiate (SU : SCO_Unit_Index); -- Start SCO line for unit SU, also emitting SCO unit header if necessary procedure Output_Range (T : SCO_Table_Entry); -- Outputs T.From and T.To in line:col-line:col format procedure Output_Source_Location (Loc : Source_Location); -- Output source location in line:col format procedure Output_String (S : String); -- Output S ------------------ -- Output_Range -- ------------------ procedure Output_Range (T : SCO_Table_Entry) is begin Output_Source_Location (T.From); Write_Info_Char ('-'); Output_Source_Location (T.To); end Output_Range; ---------------------------- -- Output_Source_Location -- ---------------------------- procedure Output_Source_Location (Loc : Source_Location) is begin Write_Info_Nat (Nat (Loc.Line)); Write_Info_Char (':'); Write_Info_Nat (Nat (Loc.Col)); end Output_Source_Location; ------------------- -- Output_String -- ------------------- procedure Output_String (S : String) is begin for J in S'Range loop Write_Info_Char (S (J)); end loop; end Output_String; ------------------------ -- Write_SCO_Initiate -- ------------------------ procedure Write_SCO_Initiate (SU : SCO_Unit_Index) is SUT : SCO_Unit_Table_Entry renames SCO_Unit_Table.Table (SU); begin if Current_SCO_Unit /= SU then Write_Info_Initiate ('C'); Write_Info_Char (' '); Write_Info_Nat (SUT.Dep_Num); Write_Info_Char (' '); Output_String (SUT.File_Name.all); Write_Info_Terminate; Current_SCO_Unit := SU; end if; Write_Info_Initiate ('C'); end Write_SCO_Initiate; -- Start of processing for Put_SCOs begin -- Loop through entries in SCO_Unit_Table. Note that entry 0 is by -- convention present but unused. for U in 1 .. SCO_Unit_Table.Last loop declare SUT : SCO_Unit_Table_Entry renames SCO_Unit_Table.Table (U); Start : Nat; Stop : Nat; begin Start := SUT.From; Stop := SUT.To; -- Loop through SCO entries for this unit loop exit when Start = Stop + 1; pragma Assert (Start <= Stop); Output_SCO_Line : declare T : SCO_Table_Entry renames SCO_Table.Table (Start); Continuation : Boolean; Ctr : Nat; -- Counter for statement entries begin case T.C1 is -- Statements when 'S' => Ctr := 0; Continuation := False; loop if SCO_Pragma_Disabled (SCO_Table.Table (Start).Pragma_Sloc) then goto Next_Statement; end if; if Ctr = 0 then Write_SCO_Initiate (U); if not Continuation then Write_Info_Char ('S'); Continuation := True; else Write_Info_Char ('s'); end if; end if; Write_Info_Char (' '); declare Sent : SCO_Table_Entry renames SCO_Table.Table (Start); begin if Sent.C2 /= ' ' then Write_Info_Char (Sent.C2); if Sent.C2 = 'P' and then Sent.Pragma_Name /= Unknown_Pragma then declare Pnam : constant String := Sent.Pragma_Name'Img; begin -- Strip leading "PRAGMA_" Output_String (Pnam (Pnam'First + 7 .. Pnam'Last)); Write_Info_Char (':'); end; end if; end if; Output_Range (Sent); end; -- Increment entry counter (up to 6 entries per line, -- continuation lines are marked Cs). Ctr := Ctr + 1; if Ctr = 6 then Write_Info_Terminate; Ctr := 0; end if; <<Next_Statement>> exit when SCO_Table.Table (Start).Last; Start := Start + 1; pragma Assert (SCO_Table.Table (Start).C1 = 's'); end loop; if Ctr > 0 then Write_Info_Terminate; end if; -- Statement continuations should not occur since they -- are supposed to have been handled in the loop above. when 's' => raise Program_Error; -- Decision when 'E' | 'G' | 'I' | 'P' | 'W' | 'X' => Start := Start + 1; -- For disabled pragma, or nested decision therein, skip -- decision output. if SCO_Pragma_Disabled (T.Pragma_Sloc) then while not SCO_Table.Table (Start).Last loop Start := Start + 1; end loop; -- For all other cases output decision line else Write_SCO_Initiate (U); Write_Info_Char (T.C1); if T.C1 /= 'X' then Write_Info_Char (' '); Output_Source_Location (T.From); end if; -- Loop through table entries for this decision loop declare T : SCO_Table_Entry renames SCO_Table.Table (Start); begin Write_Info_Char (' '); if T.C1 = '!' or else T.C1 = '&' or else T.C1 = '|' then Write_Info_Char (T.C1); Output_Source_Location (T.From); else Write_Info_Char (T.C2); Output_Range (T); end if; exit when T.Last; Start := Start + 1; end; end loop; Write_Info_Terminate; end if; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; end Output_SCO_Line; Start := Start + 1; end loop; end; end loop; end Put_SCOs;