------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . W C H _ W T S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2025, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System.Case_Util; use System.Case_Util; with System.WCh_Con; use System.WCh_Con; with System.WCh_Cnv; use System.WCh_Cnv; package body System.WCh_WtS is ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- procedure Normalize_String (S : in out String; EM : WC_Encoding_Method); -- If S does not represent a character literal, then any lower case -- characters in S are changed to their upper case counterparts, while -- wide characters are unchanged. EM indicates their encoding method. -- This is the wide counterpart of System.Val_Util.Normalize_String. procedure Store_UTF_32_Character (U : UTF_32_Code; S : out String; P : in out Integer; EM : WC_Encoding_Method); -- Stores the string representation of the wide or wide wide character -- whose code is given as U, starting at S (P + 1). P is incremented to -- point to the last character stored. Raises CE if character cannot be -- stored using the given encoding method. ---------------------- -- Normalize_String -- ---------------------- procedure Normalize_String (S : in out String; EM : WC_Encoding_Method) is procedure Skip_Wide (S : String; P : in out Natural); -- On entry S (P) points to an ESC character for a wide character escape -- sequence or an upper half character if the encoding method uses the -- upper bit, or a left bracket if the brackets encoding method is in -- use. On exit, P is bumped past the wide character sequence. --------------- -- Skip_Wide -- --------------- procedure Skip_Wide (S : String; P : in out Natural) is function Skip_Char return Character; -- Function to skip one character of wide character escape sequence --------------- -- Skip_Char -- --------------- function Skip_Char return Character is begin P := P + 1; return S (P - 1); end Skip_Char; function WC_Skip is new Char_Sequence_To_UTF_32 (Skip_Char); Discard : UTF_32_Code; pragma Warnings (Off, Discard); -- Start of processing for Skip_Wide begin -- Capture invalid wide characters errors since we are going to -- discard the result anyway. We just want to move past it. begin Discard := WC_Skip (Skip_Char, EM); exception when Constraint_Error => null; end; end Skip_Wide; F, L, Ptr : Natural; begin F := S'First; L := S'Last; -- Case of empty string if F > L then return; end if; -- Scan for leading spaces while F < L and then S (F) = ' ' loop F := F + 1; end loop; -- Case of no nonspace characters found. Decrease L to ensure L < F -- without risking an overflow if F is Integer'Last. if S (F) = ' ' then L := L - 1; return; end if; -- Scan for trailing spaces while S (L) = ' ' loop L := L - 1; end loop; -- Convert to upper case if S is not a character literal if S (F) /= ''' then Ptr := F; while Ptr <= L loop -- This mimics the handling of wide characters in a call to -- Casing.Set_Casing (All_Upper_Case) in the compiler. if S (Ptr) = ASCII.ESC or else S (Ptr) = '[' or else (EM in WC_Upper_Half_Encoding_Method and then Character'Pos (S (Ptr)) >= 16#80#) then Skip_Wide (S, Ptr); else S (Ptr) := To_Upper (S (Ptr)); Ptr := Ptr + 1; end if; end loop; end if; end Normalize_String; ---------------------------- -- Store_UTF_32_Character -- ---------------------------- procedure Store_UTF_32_Character (U : UTF_32_Code; S : out String; P : in out Integer; EM : WC_Encoding_Method) is procedure Out_Char (C : Character); pragma Inline (Out_Char); -- Procedure to increment P and store C at S (P) procedure Store_Chars is new UTF_32_To_Char_Sequence (Out_Char); -------------- -- Out_Char -- -------------- procedure Out_Char (C : Character) is begin P := P + 1; S (P) := C; end Out_Char; begin Store_Chars (U, EM); end Store_UTF_32_Character; -------------------------------- -- Enum_Wide_String_To_String -- -------------------------------- function Enum_Wide_String_To_String (S : Wide_String; EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return String is Result : String := Wide_String_To_String (S, EM); begin Normalize_String (Result, EM); return Result; end Enum_Wide_String_To_String; ------------------------------------- -- Enum_Wide_Wide_String_To_String -- ------------------------------------- function Enum_Wide_Wide_String_To_String (S : Wide_Wide_String; EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return String is Result : String := Wide_Wide_String_To_String (S, EM); begin Normalize_String (Result, EM); return Result; end Enum_Wide_Wide_String_To_String; --------------------------- -- Wide_String_To_String -- --------------------------- function Wide_String_To_String (S : Wide_String; EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return String is Max_Chars : constant Natural := WC_Longest_Sequences (EM); Result : String (S'First .. S'First + Max_Chars * S'Length); Result_Idx : Natural; begin Result_Idx := Result'First - 1; for S_Idx in S'Range loop Store_UTF_32_Character (U => Wide_Character'Pos (S (S_Idx)), S => Result, P => Result_Idx, EM => EM); end loop; return Result (Result'First .. Result_Idx); end Wide_String_To_String; -------------------------------- -- Wide_Wide_String_To_String -- -------------------------------- function Wide_Wide_String_To_String (S : Wide_Wide_String; EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return String is Max_Chars : constant Natural := WC_Longest_Sequences (EM); Result : String (S'First .. S'First + Max_Chars * S'Length); Result_Idx : Natural; begin Result_Idx := Result'First - 1; for S_Idx in S'Range loop Store_UTF_32_Character (U => Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (S (S_Idx)), S => Result, P => Result_Idx, EM => EM); end loop; return Result (Result'First .. Result_Idx); end Wide_Wide_String_To_String; end System.WCh_WtS;