------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . V A L U E _ R -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System.Val_Util; use System.Val_Util; package body System.Value_R is F_Limit : constant Uns := 2 ** (Long_Long_Float'Machine_Mantissa - 1); I_Limit : constant Uns := 2 ** (Uns'Size - 1); -- Absolute value of largest representable signed integer Precision_Limit : constant Uns := (if Floating then F_Limit else I_Limit); -- Limit beyond which additional digits are dropped subtype Char_As_Digit is Unsigned range 0 .. 17; subtype Valid_Digit is Char_As_Digit range 0 .. 15; E_Digit : constant Char_As_Digit := 14; Underscore : constant Char_As_Digit := 16; Not_A_Digit : constant Char_As_Digit := 17; function As_Digit (C : Character) return Char_As_Digit; -- Given a character return the digit it represents procedure Scan_Decimal_Digits (Str : String; Index : in out Integer; Max : Integer; Value : in out Uns; Scale : in out Integer; Extra : in out Char_As_Digit; Base_Violation : in out Boolean; Base : Unsigned; Base_Specified : Boolean); -- Scan the decimal part of a real (i.e. after decimal separator) -- -- The string parsed is Str (Index .. Max) and after the call Index will -- point to the first non-parsed character. -- -- For each digit parsed, Value = Value * Base + Digit and Scale is -- decremented by 1. If precision limit is reached, remaining digits are -- still parsed but ignored, except for the first which is stored in Extra. -- -- Base_Violation is set to True if a digit found is not part of the Base -- -- If Base_Specified is set, then the base was specified in the real procedure Scan_Integral_Digits (Str : String; Index : in out Integer; Max : Integer; Value : out Uns; Scale : out Integer; Extra : out Char_As_Digit; Base_Violation : in out Boolean; Base : Unsigned; Base_Specified : Boolean); -- Scan the integral part of a real (i.e. before decimal separator) -- -- The string parsed is Str (Index .. Max) and after the call Index will -- point to the first non-parsed character. -- -- For each digit parsed, either Value := Value * Base + Digit or Scale -- is incremented by 1 if precision limit is reached, in which case the -- remaining digits are still parsed but ignored, except for the first -- which is stored in Extra. -- -- Base_Violation is set to True if a digit found is not part of the Base -- -- If Base_Specified is set, then the base was specified in the real -------------- -- As_Digit -- -------------- function As_Digit (C : Character) return Char_As_Digit is begin case C is when '0' .. '9' => return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'); when 'a' .. 'f' => return Character'Pos (C) - (Character'Pos ('a') - 10); when 'A' .. 'F' => return Character'Pos (C) - (Character'Pos ('A') - 10); when '_' => return Underscore; when others => return Not_A_Digit; end case; end As_Digit; ------------------------- -- Scan_Decimal_Digits -- ------------------------- procedure Scan_Decimal_Digits (Str : String; Index : in out Integer; Max : Integer; Value : in out Uns; Scale : in out Integer; Extra : in out Char_As_Digit; Base_Violation : in out Boolean; Base : Unsigned; Base_Specified : Boolean) is pragma Assert (Base in 2 .. 16); Umax : constant Uns := (Precision_Limit - Uns (Base) + 1) / Uns (Base); -- Max value which cannot overflow on accumulating next digit UmaxB : constant Uns := Precision_Limit / Uns (Base); -- Numbers bigger than UmaxB overflow if multiplied by base Precision_Limit_Reached : Boolean := False; -- Set to True if addition of a digit will cause Value to be superior -- to Precision_Limit. Precision_Limit_Just_Reached : Boolean := False; -- Set to True if Precision_Limit_Reached was just set to True Digit : Char_As_Digit; -- The current digit Temp : Uns; -- Temporary Trailing_Zeros : Natural := 0; -- Number of trailing zeros at a given point begin -- If initial Scale is not 0 then it means that Precision_Limit was -- reached during scanning of the integral part. if Scale > 0 then Precision_Limit_Reached := True; else Extra := 0; end if; -- The function precondition is that the first character is a valid -- digit. Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index)); loop -- Check if base is correct. If the base is not specified, the digit -- E or e cannot be considered as a base violation as it can be used -- for exponentiation. if Digit >= Base then if Base_Specified then Base_Violation := True; elsif Digit = E_Digit then return; else Base_Violation := True; end if; end if; -- If precision limit has been reached, just ignore any remaining -- digits for the computation of Value and Scale, but store the -- first in Extra and use the second to round Extra if this is for -- a fixed-point type (we skip the rounding for a floating-point -- type to preserve backward compatibility). The scanning should -- continue only to assess the validity of the string. if Precision_Limit_Reached then if Precision_Limit_Just_Reached and then not Floating then if Digit >= Base / 2 then if Extra = Base - 1 then Extra := 0; Value := Value + 1; else Extra := Extra + 1; end if; end if; Precision_Limit_Just_Reached := False; end if; else -- Trailing '0' digits are ignored until a non-zero digit is found if Digit = 0 then Trailing_Zeros := Trailing_Zeros + 1; else -- Handle accumulated zeros. for J in 1 .. Trailing_Zeros loop if Value <= UmaxB then Value := Value * Uns (Base); Scale := Scale - 1; else Precision_Limit_Reached := True; exit; end if; end loop; -- Reset trailing zero counter Trailing_Zeros := 0; -- Handle current non zero digit Temp := Value * Uns (Base) + Uns (Digit); if Value <= Umax or else (Value <= UmaxB and then Temp <= Precision_Limit) then Value := Temp; Scale := Scale - 1; else Extra := Digit; Precision_Limit_Reached := True; Precision_Limit_Just_Reached := True; end if; end if; end if; -- Check next character Index := Index + 1; if Index > Max then return; end if; Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index)); if Digit not in Valid_Digit then -- Underscore is only allowed if followed by a digit if Digit = Underscore and Index + 1 <= Max then Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index + 1)); if Digit in Valid_Digit then Index := Index + 1; else return; end if; -- Neither a valid underscore nor a digit else return; end if; end if; end loop; end Scan_Decimal_Digits; -------------------------- -- Scan_Integral_Digits -- -------------------------- procedure Scan_Integral_Digits (Str : String; Index : in out Integer; Max : Integer; Value : out Uns; Scale : out Integer; Extra : out Char_As_Digit; Base_Violation : in out Boolean; Base : Unsigned; Base_Specified : Boolean) is pragma Assert (Base in 2 .. 16); Umax : constant Uns := (Precision_Limit - Uns (Base) + 1) / Uns (Base); -- Max value which cannot overflow on accumulating next digit UmaxB : constant Uns := Precision_Limit / Uns (Base); -- Numbers bigger than UmaxB overflow if multiplied by base Precision_Limit_Reached : Boolean := False; -- Set to True if addition of a digit will cause Value to be superior -- to Precision_Limit. Precision_Limit_Just_Reached : Boolean := False; -- Set to True if Precision_Limit_Reached was just set to True Digit : Char_As_Digit; -- The current digit Temp : Uns; -- Temporary begin -- Initialize Value, Scale and Extra Value := 0; Scale := 0; Extra := 0; -- The function precondition is that the first character is a valid -- digit. Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index)); loop -- Check if base is correct. If the base is not specified, the digit -- E or e cannot be considered as a base violation as it can be used -- for exponentiation. if Digit >= Base then if Base_Specified then Base_Violation := True; elsif Digit = E_Digit then return; else Base_Violation := True; end if; end if; -- If precision limit has been reached, just ignore any remaining -- digits for the computation of Value and Scale, but store the -- first in Extra and use the second to round Extra if this is for -- a fixed-point type (we skip the rounding for a floating-point -- type to preserve backward compatibility). The scanning should -- continue only to assess the validity of the string. if Precision_Limit_Reached then Scale := Scale + 1; if Precision_Limit_Just_Reached and then not Floating then if Digit >= Base / 2 then if Extra = Base - 1 then Extra := 0; Value := Value + 1; else Extra := Extra + 1; end if; end if; Precision_Limit_Just_Reached := False; end if; else Temp := Value * Uns (Base) + Uns (Digit); if Value <= Umax or else (Value <= UmaxB and then Temp <= Precision_Limit) then Value := Temp; else Extra := Digit; Precision_Limit_Reached := True; Precision_Limit_Just_Reached := True; Scale := Scale + 1; end if; end if; -- Look for the next character Index := Index + 1; if Index > Max then return; end if; Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index)); if Digit not in Valid_Digit then -- Next character is not a digit. In that case stop scanning -- unless the next chracter is an underscore followed by a digit. if Digit = Underscore and Index + 1 <= Max then Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index + 1)); if Digit in Valid_Digit then Index := Index + 1; else return; end if; else return; end if; end if; end loop; end Scan_Integral_Digits; ------------------- -- Scan_Raw_Real -- ------------------- function Scan_Raw_Real (Str : String; Ptr : not null access Integer; Max : Integer; Base : out Unsigned; Scale : out Integer; Extra : out Unsigned; Minus : out Boolean) return Uns is After_Point : Boolean; -- True if a decimal should be parsed Base_Char : Character := ASCII.NUL; -- Character used to set the base. If Nul this means that default -- base is used. Base_Violation : Boolean := False; -- If True some digits where not in the base. The real is still scanned -- till the end even if an error will be raised. Index : Integer; -- Local copy of string pointer Start : Positive; -- Position of starting non-blank character Value : Uns; -- Mantissa as an Integer begin -- The default base is 10 Base := 10; -- We do not tolerate strings with Str'Last = Positive'Last if Str'Last = Positive'Last then raise Program_Error with "string upper bound is Positive'Last, not supported"; end if; -- Scan the optional sign Scan_Sign (Str, Ptr, Max, Minus, Start); Index := Ptr.all; Ptr.all := Start; -- First character can be either a decimal digit or a dot if Str (Index) in '0' .. '9' then pragma Annotate (CodePeer, False_Positive, "test always true", "defensive code"); After_Point := False; -- If this is a digit it can indicates either the float decimal -- part or the base to use. Scan_Integral_Digits (Str, Index, Max, Value, Scale, Char_As_Digit (Extra), Base_Violation, Base, Base_Specified => False); -- A dot is allowed only if followed by a digit (RM 3.5(47)) elsif Str (Index) = '.' and then Index < Max and then Str (Index + 1) in '0' .. '9' then After_Point := True; Index := Index + 1; Value := 0; Scale := 0; Extra := 0; else Bad_Value (Str); end if; -- Check if the first number encountered is a base if Index < Max and then (Str (Index) = '#' or else Str (Index) = ':') then Base_Char := Str (Index); Base := Unsigned (Value); if Base < 2 or else Base > 16 then Base_Violation := True; Base := 16; end if; Index := Index + 1; if Str (Index) = '.' and then Index < Max and then As_Digit (Str (Index + 1)) in Valid_Digit then After_Point := True; Index := Index + 1; Value := 0; end if; end if; -- Scan the integral part if still necessary if Base_Char /= ASCII.NUL and then not After_Point then if Index > Max or else As_Digit (Str (Index)) not in Valid_Digit then Bad_Value (Str); end if; Scan_Integral_Digits (Str, Index, Max, Value, Scale, Char_As_Digit (Extra), Base_Violation, Base, Base_Specified => Base_Char /= ASCII.NUL); end if; -- Do we have a dot? if not After_Point and then Index <= Max and then Str (Index) = '.' then -- At this stage if After_Point was not set, this means that an -- integral part has been found. Thus the dot is valid even if not -- followed by a digit. if Index < Max and then As_Digit (Str (Index + 1)) in Valid_Digit then After_Point := True; end if; Index := Index + 1; end if; -- Scan the decimal part if After_Point then Scan_Decimal_Digits (Str, Index, Max, Value, Scale, Char_As_Digit (Extra), Base_Violation, Base, Base_Specified => Base_Char /= ASCII.NUL); end if; -- If an explicit base was specified ensure that the delimiter is found if Base_Char /= ASCII.NUL then if Index > Max or else Str (Index) /= Base_Char then Bad_Value (Str); else Index := Index + 1; end if; end if; -- Update pointer and scan exponent Ptr.all := Index; Scale := Scale + Scan_Exponent (Str, Ptr, Max, Real => True); -- Here is where we check for a bad based number if Base_Violation then Bad_Value (Str); else return Value; end if; end Scan_Raw_Real; -------------------- -- Value_Raw_Real -- -------------------- function Value_Raw_Real (Str : String; Base : out Unsigned; Scale : out Integer; Extra : out Unsigned; Minus : out Boolean) return Uns is begin -- We have to special case Str'Last = Positive'Last because the normal -- circuit ends up setting P to Str'Last + 1 which is out of bounds. We -- deal with this by converting to a subtype which fixes the bounds. if Str'Last = Positive'Last then declare subtype NT is String (1 .. Str'Length); begin return Value_Raw_Real (NT (Str), Base, Scale, Extra, Minus); end; -- Normal case where Str'Last < Positive'Last else declare V : Uns; P : aliased Integer := Str'First; begin V := Scan_Raw_Real (Str, P'Access, Str'Last, Base, Scale, Extra, Minus); Scan_Trailing_Blanks (Str, P); return V; end; end if; end Value_Raw_Real; end System.Value_R;