------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . V A L U E _ F -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System.Unsigned_Types; use System.Unsigned_Types; with System.Val_Util; use System.Val_Util; with System.Value_R; package body System.Value_F is -- The prerequisite of the implementation is that the computation of the -- operands of the scaled divide does not unduly overflow when the small -- is neither an integer nor the reciprocal of an integer, which means -- that its numerator and denominator must be both not larger than the -- smallest divide 2**(Int'Size - 1) / Base where Base ranges over the -- supported values for the base of the literal. Given that the largest -- supported base is 16, this gives a limit of 2**(Int'Size - 5). package Impl is new Value_R (Uns, Floating => False); function Integer_To_Fixed (Str : String; Val : Uns; Base : Unsigned; ScaleB : Integer; Extra : Unsigned; Minus : Boolean; Num : Int; Den : Int) return Int; -- Convert the real value from integer to fixed point representation -- The goal is to compute Val * (Base ** ScaleB) / (Num / Den) with correct -- rounding for all decimal values output by Typ'Image, that is to say up -- to Typ'Aft decimal digits. Unlike for the output, the RM does not say -- what the rounding must be for the input, but a reasonable exegesis of -- the intent is that Typ'Value o Typ'Image should be the identity, which -- is made possible because 'Aft is defined such that 'Image is injective. -- For a type with a mantissa of M bits including the sign, the number N1 -- of decimal digits required to represent all the numbers is given by: -- N1 = ceil ((M - 1) * log 2 / log 10) [N1 = 10/19/39 for M = 32/64/128] -- but this mantissa can represent any set of contiguous numbers with only -- N2 different decimal digits where: -- N2 = floor ((M - 1) * log 2 / log 10) [N2 = 9/18/38 for M = 32/64/128] -- Of course N1 = N2 + 1 holds, which means both that Val may not contain -- enough significant bits to represent all the values of the type and that -- 1 extra decimal digit contains the information for the missing bits. -- Therefore the actual computation to be performed is -- V = (Val * Base + Extra) * (Base ** (ScaleB - 1)) / (Num / Den) -- using two steps of scaled divide if Extra is positive and ScaleB too -- (1) Val * (Den * (Base ** ScaleB)) = Q1 * Num + R1 -- (2) Extra * (Den * (Base ** ScaleB)) = Q2 * -Base + R2 -- which yields after dividing (1) by Num and (2) by Num * Base and summing -- V = Q1 + (R1 - Q2) / Num + R2 / (Num * Base) -- but we get rid of the third term by using a rounding divide for (2). -- This works only if Den * (Base ** ScaleB) does not overflow for inputs -- corresponding to 'Image. Let S = Num / Den, B = Base and N the scale in -- base B of S, i.e. the smallest integer such that B**N * S >= 1. Then, -- for X a positive of the mantissa, i.e. 1 <= X <= 2**(M-1), we have -- 1/B <= X * S * B**(N-1) < 2**(M-1) -- which means that the inputs corresponding to the output of 'Image have a -- ScaleB equal either to 1 - N or (after multiplying the inequality by B) -- to -N, possibly after renormalizing X, i.e. multiplying it by a suitable -- power of B. Therefore -- Den * (Base ** ScaleB) <= Den * (B ** (1 - N)) < Num * B -- which means that the product does not overflow if Num <= 2**(M-1) / B. -- On the other hand, if Extra is positive and ScaleB negative, the above -- two steps are -- (1b) Val * Den = Q1 * (Num * (Base ** -ScaleB)) + R1 -- (2b) Extra * Den = Q2 * -Base + R2 -- which yields after dividing (1b) by Num * (Base ** -ScaleB) and (2b) by -- Num * (Base ** (1 - ScaleB)) and summing -- V = Q1 + (R1 - Q2) / (Num * (Base ** -ScaleB)) + R2 / ... -- but we get rid of the third term by using a rounding divide for (2b). -- This works only if Num * (Base ** -ScaleB) does not overflow for inputs -- corresponding to 'Image. With the determination of ScaleB above, we have -- Num * (Base ** -ScaleB) <= Num * (B ** N) < Den * B -- which means that the product does not overflow if Den <= 2**(M-1) / B. ---------------------- -- Integer_To_Fixed -- ---------------------- function Integer_To_Fixed (Str : String; Val : Uns; Base : Unsigned; ScaleB : Integer; Extra : Unsigned; Minus : Boolean; Num : Int; Den : Int) return Int is pragma Assert (Base in 2 .. 16); pragma Assert (Extra < Base); -- Accept only one extra digit after those used for Val pragma Assert (Num < 0 and then Den < 0); -- Accept only negative numbers to allow -2**(Int'Size - 1) function Safe_Expont (Base : Int; Exp : in out Natural; Factor : Int) return Int; -- Return (Base ** Exp) * Factor if the computation does not overflow, -- or else the number of the form (Base ** K) * Factor with the largest -- magnitude if the former computation overflows. In both cases, Exp is -- updated to contain the remaining power in the computation. Note that -- Factor is expected to be negative in this context. function Unsigned_To_Signed (Val : Uns) return Int; -- Convert an integer value from unsigned to signed representation ----------------- -- Safe_Expont -- ----------------- function Safe_Expont (Base : Int; Exp : in out Natural; Factor : Int) return Int is pragma Assert (Base /= 0 and then Factor < 0); Min : constant Int := Int'First / Base; Result : Int := Factor; begin while Exp > 0 and then Result >= Min loop Result := Result * Base; Exp := Exp - 1; end loop; return Result; end Safe_Expont; ------------------------ -- Unsigned_To_Signed -- ------------------------ function Unsigned_To_Signed (Val : Uns) return Int is begin -- Deal with overflow cases, and also with largest negative number if Val > Uns (Int'Last) then if Minus and then Val = Uns (-(Int'First)) then return Int'First; else Bad_Value (Str); end if; -- Negative values elsif Minus then return -(Int (Val)); -- Positive values else return Int (Val); end if; end Unsigned_To_Signed; -- Local variables B : constant Int := Int (Base); V : Uns := Val; E : Uns := Uns (Extra); Y, Z, Q1, R1, Q2, R2 : Int; begin -- We will use a scaled divide operation for which we must control the -- magnitude of operands so that an overflow exception is not unduly -- raised during the computation. The only real concern is the exponent. -- If ScaleB is too negative, then drop trailing digits, but preserve -- the last dropped digit. if ScaleB < 0 then declare LS : Integer := -ScaleB; begin Y := Den; Z := Safe_Expont (B, LS, Num); for J in 1 .. LS loop E := V rem Uns (B); V := V / Uns (B); end loop; end; -- If ScaleB is too positive, then scale V up, which may then overflow elsif ScaleB > 0 then declare LS : Integer := ScaleB; begin Y := Safe_Expont (B, LS, Den); Z := Num; for J in 1 .. LS loop if V <= (Uns'Last - E) / Uns (B) then V := V * Uns (B) + E; E := 0; else Bad_Value (Str); end if; end loop; end; -- If ScaleB is zero, then proceed directly else Y := Den; Z := Num; end if; -- Perform a scaled divide operation with final rounding to match Image -- using two steps if there is an extra digit available. The second and -- third operands are always negative so the sign of the quotient is the -- sign of the first operand and the sign of the remainder the opposite. if E > 0 then Scaled_Divide (Unsigned_To_Signed (V), Y, Z, Q1, R1, Round => False); Scaled_Divide (Unsigned_To_Signed (E), Y, -B, Q2, R2, Round => True); -- Avoid an overflow during the subtraction. Note that Q2 is smaller -- than Y and R1 smaller than Z in magnitude, so it is safe to take -- their absolute value. if abs Q2 >= 2 ** (Int'Size - 2) or else abs R1 >= 2 ** (Int'Size - 2) then declare Bit : constant Int := Q2 rem 2; begin Q2 := (Q2 - Bit) / 2; R1 := (R1 - Bit) / 2; Y := -2; end; else Y := -1; end if; Scaled_Divide (Q2 - R1, Y, Z, Q2, R2, Round => True); return Q1 + Q2; else Scaled_Divide (Unsigned_To_Signed (V), Y, Z, Q1, R1, Round => True); return Q1; end if; exception when Constraint_Error => Bad_Value (Str); end Integer_To_Fixed; ---------------- -- Scan_Fixed -- ---------------- function Scan_Fixed (Str : String; Ptr : not null access Integer; Max : Integer; Num : Int; Den : Int) return Int is Base : Unsigned; ScaleB : Integer; Extra : Unsigned; Minus : Boolean; Val : Uns; begin Val := Impl.Scan_Raw_Real (Str, Ptr, Max, Base, ScaleB, Extra, Minus); return Integer_To_Fixed (Str, Val, Base, ScaleB, Extra, Minus, Num, Den); end Scan_Fixed; ----------------- -- Value_Fixed -- ----------------- function Value_Fixed (Str : String; Num : Int; Den : Int) return Int is Base : Unsigned; ScaleB : Integer; Extra : Unsigned; Minus : Boolean; Val : Uns; begin Val := Impl.Value_Raw_Real (Str, Base, ScaleB, Extra, Minus); return Integer_To_Fixed (Str, Val, Base, ScaleB, Extra, Minus, Num, Den); end Value_Fixed; end System.Value_F;