------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . D O U B L E _ R E A L -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2021-2023, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package body System.Double_Real is function Is_NaN (N : Num) return Boolean is (N /= N); -- Return True if N is a NaN function Is_Infinity (N : Num) return Boolean is (Is_NaN (N - N)); -- Return True if N is an infinity. Used to avoid propagating meaningless -- errors when the result of a product is an infinity. function Is_Zero (N : Num) return Boolean is (N = -N); -- Return True if N is a Zero. Used to preserve the sign when the result of -- a product is a zero. package Product is function Two_Prod (A, B : Num) return Double_T; function Two_Sqr (A : Num) return Double_T; end Product; -- The low-level implementation of multiplicative operations package body Product is separate; -- This is a separate body because the implementation depends on whether a -- Fused Multiply-Add instruction is available on the target. ------------------- -- Quick_Two_Sum -- ------------------- function Quick_Two_Sum (A, B : Num) return Double_T is S : constant Num := A + B; V : constant Num := S - A; E : constant Num := B - V; begin return (S, E); end Quick_Two_Sum; ------------- -- Two_Sum -- ------------- function Two_Sum (A, B : Num) return Double_T is S : constant Num := A + B; V : constant Num := S - A; E : constant Num := (A - (S - V)) + (B - V); begin return (S, E); end Two_Sum; -------------- -- Two_Diff -- -------------- function Two_Diff (A, B : Num) return Double_T is S : constant Num := A - B; V : constant Num := S - A; E : constant Num := (A - (S - V)) - (B + V); begin return (S, E); end Two_Diff; -------------- -- Two_Prod -- -------------- function Two_Prod (A, B : Num) return Double_T renames Product.Two_Prod; ------------- -- Two_Sqr -- ------------- function Two_Sqr (A : Num) return Double_T renames Product.Two_Sqr; --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (A : Double_T; B : Num) return Double_T is S : constant Double_T := Two_Sum (A.Hi, B); begin return Quick_Two_Sum (S.Hi, S.Lo + A.Lo); end "+"; function "+" (A, B : Double_T) return Double_T is S1 : constant Double_T := Two_Sum (A.Hi, B.Hi); S2 : constant Double_T := Two_Sum (A.Lo, B.Lo); S3 : constant Double_T := Quick_Two_Sum (S1.Hi, S1.Lo + S2.Hi); begin return Quick_Two_Sum (S3.Hi, S3.Lo + S2.Lo); end "+"; --------- -- "-" -- --------- function "-" (A : Double_T; B : Num) return Double_T is D : constant Double_T := Two_Diff (A.Hi, B); begin return Quick_Two_Sum (D.Hi, D.Lo + A.Lo); end "-"; function "-" (A, B : Double_T) return Double_T is D1 : constant Double_T := Two_Diff (A.Hi, B.Hi); D2 : constant Double_T := Two_Diff (A.Lo, B.Lo); D3 : constant Double_T := Quick_Two_Sum (D1.Hi, D1.Lo + D2.Hi); begin return Quick_Two_Sum (D3.Hi, D3.Lo + D2.Lo); end "-"; --------- -- "*" -- --------- function "*" (A : Double_T; B : Num) return Double_T is P : constant Double_T := Two_Prod (A.Hi, B); begin if Is_Infinity (P.Hi) or else Is_Zero (P.Hi) then return (P.Hi, 0.0); else return Quick_Two_Sum (P.Hi, P.Lo + A.Lo * B); end if; end "*"; function "*" (A, B : Double_T) return Double_T is P : constant Double_T := Two_Prod (A.Hi, B.Hi); begin if Is_Infinity (P.Hi) or else Is_Zero (P.Hi) then return (P.Hi, 0.0); else return Quick_Two_Sum (P.Hi, P.Lo + A.Hi * B.Lo + A.Lo * B.Hi); end if; end "*"; --------- -- "/" -- --------- function "/" (A : Double_T; B : Num) return Double_T is Q1, Q2 : Num; P, R : Double_T; begin if Is_Infinity (B) or else Is_Zero (B) then return (A.Hi / B, 0.0); end if; pragma Annotate (CodePeer, Intentional, "test always false", "code deals with infinity"); Q1 := A.Hi / B; -- Compute R = A - B * Q1 P := Two_Prod (B, Q1); R := Two_Diff (A.Hi, P.Hi); R.Lo := (R.Lo + A.Lo) - P.Lo; Q2 := (R.Hi + R.Lo) / B; return Quick_Two_Sum (Q1, Q2); end "/"; function "/" (A, B : Double_T) return Double_T is Q1, Q2, Q3 : Num; R, S : Double_T; begin if Is_Infinity (B.Hi) or else Is_Zero (B.Hi) then return (A.Hi / B.Hi, 0.0); end if; pragma Annotate (CodePeer, Intentional, "test always false", "code deals with infinity"); Q1 := A.Hi / B.Hi; R := A - B * Q1; Q2 := R.Hi / B.Hi; R := R - B * Q2; Q3 := R.Hi / B.Hi; S := Quick_Two_Sum (Q1, Q2); return Quick_Two_Sum (S.Hi, S.Lo + Q3); end "/"; --------- -- Sqr -- --------- function Sqr (A : Double_T) return Double_T is Q : constant Double_T := Two_Sqr (A.Hi); begin if Is_Infinity (Q.Hi) or else Is_Zero (Q.Hi) then return (Q.Hi, 0.0); else return Quick_Two_Sum (Q.Hi, Q.Lo + 2.0 * A.Hi * A.Lo + A.Lo * A.Lo); end if; end Sqr; ------------------- -- From_Unsigned -- ------------------- function From_Unsigned (U : Uns) return Double_T is begin return To_Double (Num (U)); end From_Unsigned; ----------------- -- To_Unsigned -- ----------------- function To_Unsigned (D : Double_T) return Uns is Hi : constant Num := Num'Truncation (D.Hi); begin -- If the high part is already an integer, add Floor of the low part, -- which means subtract Ceiling of its opposite if it is negative. if Hi = D.Hi then if D.Lo < 0.0 then return Uns (Hi) - Uns (Num'Ceiling (-D.Lo)); else return Uns (Hi) + Uns (Num'Floor (D.Lo)); end if; else return Uns (Hi); end if; end To_Unsigned; end System.Double_Real;