-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . S P I T B O L . P A T T E R N S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1998-2020, AdaCore --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- . --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- Note: the data structures and general approach used in this implementation
-- are derived from the original MINIMAL sources for SPITBOL. The code is not
-- a direct translation, but the approach is followed closely. In particular,
-- we use the one stack approach developed in the SPITBOL implementation.
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Aux; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Aux;
with GNAT.Debug_Utilities; use GNAT.Debug_Utilities;
with System; use System;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns is
-- Internal Debugging --
Internal_Debug : constant Boolean := False;
-- Set this flag to True to activate some built-in debugging traceback
-- These are all lines output with PutD and Put_LineD.
procedure New_LineD;
pragma Inline (New_LineD);
-- Output new blank line with New_Line if Internal_Debug is True
procedure PutD (Str : String);
pragma Inline (PutD);
-- Output string with Put if Internal_Debug is True
procedure Put_LineD (Str : String);
pragma Inline (Put_LineD);
-- Output string with Put_Line if Internal_Debug is True
-- Local Type Declarations --
subtype String_Ptr is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.String_Access;
subtype File_Ptr is Ada.Text_IO.File_Access;
function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (PE_Ptr, Address);
-- Used only for debugging output purposes
subtype AFC is Ada.Finalization.Controlled;
N : constant PE_Ptr := null;
-- Shorthand used to initialize Copy fields to null
type Natural_Ptr is access all Natural;
type Pattern_Ptr is access all Pattern;
-- Description of Algorithm and Data Structures --
-- A pattern structure is represented as a linked graph of nodes
-- with the following structure:
-- +------------------------------------+
-- I Pcode I
-- +------------------------------------+
-- I Index I
-- +------------------------------------+
-- I Pthen I
-- +------------------------------------+
-- I parameter(s) I
-- +------------------------------------+
-- Pcode is a code value indicating the type of the pattern node. This
-- code is used both as the discriminant value for the record, and as
-- the case index in the main match routine that branches to the proper
-- match code for the given element.
-- Index is a serial index number. The use of these serial index
-- numbers is described in a separate section.
-- Pthen is a pointer to the successor node, i.e the node to be matched
-- if the attempt to match the node succeeds. If this is the last node
-- of the pattern to be matched, then Pthen points to a dummy node
-- of kind PC_EOP (end of pattern), which initializes pattern exit.
-- The parameter or parameters are present for certain node types,
-- and the type varies with the pattern code.
type Pattern_Code is (
type IndexT is range 0 .. +(2 **15 - 1);
type PE (Pcode : Pattern_Code) is record
Index : IndexT;
-- Serial index number of pattern element within pattern
Pthen : PE_Ptr;
-- Successor element, to be matched after this one
case Pcode is
when PC_Arb_Y
| PC_Assign
| PC_Bal
| PC_BreakX_X
| PC_Cancel
| PC_Fail
| PC_Fence
| PC_Fence_X
| PC_Fence_Y
| PC_Null
| PC_R_Enter
| PC_R_Remove
| PC_R_Restore
| PC_Rest
| PC_Succeed
| PC_Unanchored
when PC_Alt
| PC_Arb_X
| PC_Arbno_S
| PC_Arbno_X
Alt : PE_Ptr;
when PC_Rpat =>
PP : Pattern_Ptr;
when PC_Pred_Func =>
BF : Boolean_Func;
when PC_Assign_Imm
| PC_Assign_OnM
| PC_Any_VP
| PC_Break_VP
| PC_BreakX_VP
| PC_NotAny_VP
| PC_NSpan_VP
| PC_Span_VP
| PC_String_VP
VP : VString_Ptr;
when PC_Write_Imm
| PC_Write_OnM
FP : File_Ptr;
when PC_String =>
Str : String_Ptr;
when PC_String_2 =>
Str2 : String (1 .. 2);
when PC_String_3 =>
Str3 : String (1 .. 3);
when PC_String_4 =>
Str4 : String (1 .. 4);
when PC_String_5 =>
Str5 : String (1 .. 5);
when PC_String_6 =>
Str6 : String (1 .. 6);
when PC_Setcur =>
Var : Natural_Ptr;
when PC_Any_CH
| PC_Break_CH
| PC_BreakX_CH
| PC_Char
| PC_NotAny_CH
| PC_NSpan_CH
| PC_Span_CH
Char : Character;
when PC_Any_CS
| PC_Break_CS
| PC_BreakX_CS
| PC_NotAny_CS
| PC_NSpan_CS
| PC_Span_CS
CS : Character_Set;
when PC_Arbno_Y
| PC_Len_Nat
| PC_Pos_Nat
| PC_RPos_Nat
| PC_RTab_Nat
| PC_Tab_Nat
Nat : Natural;
when PC_Pos_NF
| PC_Len_NF
| PC_RPos_NF
| PC_RTab_NF
| PC_Tab_NF
NF : Natural_Func;
when PC_Pos_NP
| PC_Len_NP
| PC_RPos_NP
| PC_RTab_NP
| PC_Tab_NP
NP : Natural_Ptr;
when PC_Any_VF
| PC_Break_VF
| PC_BreakX_VF
| PC_NotAny_VF
| PC_NSpan_VF
| PC_Span_VF
| PC_String_VF
VF : VString_Func;
end case;
end record;
subtype PC_Has_Alt is Pattern_Code range PC_Alt .. PC_Arbno_X;
-- Range of pattern codes that has an Alt field. This is used in the
-- recursive traversals, since these links must be followed.
EOP_Element : aliased constant PE := (PC_EOP, 0, N);
-- This is the end of pattern element, and is thus the representation of
-- a null pattern. It has a zero index element since it is never placed
-- inside a pattern. Furthermore it does not need a successor, since it
-- marks the end of the pattern, so that no more successors are needed.
EOP : constant PE_Ptr := EOP_Element'Unrestricted_Access;
-- This is the end of pattern pointer, that is used in the Pthen pointer
-- of other nodes to signal end of pattern.
-- The following array is used to determine if a pattern used as an
-- argument for Arbno is eligible for treatment using the simple Arbno
-- structure (i.e. it is a pattern that is guaranteed to match at least
-- one character on success, and not to make any entries on the stack.
OK_For_Simple_Arbno : constant array (Pattern_Code) of Boolean :=
(PC_Any_CS |
PC_Any_CH |
PC_Any_VF |
PC_Any_VP |
PC_Char |
PC_Len_Nat |
PC_NotAny_CS |
PC_NotAny_CH |
PC_NotAny_VF |
PC_NotAny_VP |
PC_Span_CS |
PC_Span_CH |
PC_Span_VF |
PC_Span_VP |
PC_String |
PC_String_2 |
PC_String_3 |
PC_String_4 |
PC_String_5 |
PC_String_6 => True,
others => False);
-- The Pattern History Stack --
-- The pattern history stack is used for controlling backtracking when
-- a match fails. The idea is to stack entries that give a cursor value
-- to be restored, and a node to be reestablished as the current node to
-- attempt an appropriate rematch operation. The processing for a pattern
-- element that has rematch alternatives pushes an appropriate entry or
-- entry on to the stack, and the proceeds. If a match fails at any point,
-- the top element of the stack is popped off, resetting the cursor and
-- the match continues by accessing the node stored with this entry.
type Stack_Entry is record
Cursor : Integer;
-- Saved cursor value that is restored when this entry is popped
-- from the stack if a match attempt fails. Occasionally, this
-- field is used to store a history stack pointer instead of a
-- cursor. Such cases are noted in the documentation and the value
-- stored is negative since stack pointer values are always negative.
Node : PE_Ptr;
-- This pattern element reference is reestablished as the current
-- Node to be matched (which will attempt an appropriate rematch).
end record;
subtype Stack_Range is Integer range -Stack_Size .. -1;
type Stack_Type is array (Stack_Range) of Stack_Entry;
-- The type used for a history stack. The actual instance of the stack
-- is declared as a local variable in the Match routine, to properly
-- handle recursive calls to Match. All stack pointer values are negative
-- to distinguish them from normal cursor values.
-- Note: the pattern matching stack is used only to handle backtracking.
-- If no backtracking occurs, its entries are never accessed, and never
-- popped off, and in particular it is normal for a successful match
-- to terminate with entries on the stack that are simply discarded.
-- Note: in subsequent diagrams of the stack, we always place element
-- zero (the deepest element) at the top of the page, then build the
-- stack down on the page with the most recent (top of stack) element
-- being the bottom-most entry on the page.
-- Stack checking is handled by labeling every pattern with the maximum
-- number of stack entries that are required, so a single check at the
-- start of matching the pattern suffices. There are two exceptions.
-- First, the count does not include entries for recursive pattern
-- references. Such recursions must therefore perform a specific
-- stack check with respect to the number of stack entries required
-- by the recursive pattern that is accessed and the amount of stack
-- that remains unused.
-- Second, the count includes only one iteration of an Arbno pattern,
-- so a specific check must be made on subsequent iterations that there
-- is still enough stack space left. The Arbno node has a field that
-- records the number of stack entries required by its argument for
-- this purpose.
-- Use of Serial Index Field in Pattern Elements --
-- The serial index numbers for the pattern elements are assigned as
-- a pattern is constructed from its constituent elements. Note that there
-- is never any sharing of pattern elements between patterns (copies are
-- always made), so the serial index numbers are unique to a particular
-- pattern as referenced from the P field of a value of type Pattern.
-- The index numbers meet three separate invariants, which are used for
-- various purposes as described in this section.
-- First, the numbers uniquely identify the pattern elements within a
-- pattern. If Num is the number of elements in a given pattern, then
-- the serial index numbers for the elements of this pattern will range
-- from 1 .. Num, so that each element has a separate value.
-- The purpose of this assignment is to provide a convenient auxiliary
-- data structure mechanism during operations which must traverse a
-- pattern (e.g. copy and finalization processing). Once constructed
-- patterns are strictly read only. This is necessary to allow sharing
-- of patterns between tasks. This means that we cannot go marking the
-- pattern (e.g. with a visited bit). Instead we construct a separate
-- vector that contains the necessary information indexed by the Index
-- values in the pattern elements. For this purpose the only requirement
-- is that they be uniquely assigned.
-- Second, the pattern element referenced directly, i.e. the leading
-- pattern element, is always the maximum numbered element and therefore
-- indicates the total number of elements in the pattern. More precisely,
-- the element referenced by the P field of a pattern value, or the
-- element returned by any of the internal pattern construction routines
-- in the body (that return a value of type PE_Ptr) always is this
-- maximum element,
-- The purpose of this requirement is to allow an immediate determination
-- of the number of pattern elements within a pattern. This is used to
-- properly size the vectors used to contain auxiliary information for
-- traversal as described above.
-- Third, as compound pattern structures are constructed, the way in which
-- constituent parts of the pattern are constructed is stylized. This is
-- an automatic consequence of the way that these compound structures
-- are constructed, and basically what we are doing is simply documenting
-- and specifying the natural result of the pattern construction. The
-- section describing compound pattern structures gives details of the
-- numbering of each compound pattern structure.
-- The purpose of specifying the stylized numbering structures for the
-- compound patterns is to help simplify the processing in the Image
-- function, since it eases the task of retrieving the original recursive
-- structure of the pattern from the flat graph structure of elements.
-- This use in the Image function is the only point at which the code
-- makes use of the stylized structures.
type Ref_Array is array (IndexT range <>) of PE_Ptr;
-- This type is used to build an array whose N'th entry references the
-- element in a pattern whose Index value is N. See Build_Ref_Array.
procedure Build_Ref_Array (E : PE_Ptr; RA : out Ref_Array);
-- Given a pattern element which is the leading element of a pattern
-- structure, and a Ref_Array with bounds 1 .. E.Index, fills in the
-- Ref_Array so that its N'th entry references the element of the
-- referenced pattern whose Index value is N.
-- Recursive Pattern Matches --
-- The pattern primitive (+P) where P is a Pattern_Ptr or Pattern_Func
-- causes a recursive pattern match. This cannot be handled by an actual
-- recursive call to the outer level Match routine, since this would not
-- allow for possible backtracking into the region matched by the inner
-- pattern. Indeed this is the classical clash between recursion and
-- backtracking, and a simple recursive stack structure does not suffice.
-- This section describes how this recursion and the possible associated
-- backtracking is handled. We still use a single stack, but we establish
-- the concept of nested regions on this stack, each of which has a stack
-- base value pointing to the deepest stack entry of the region. The base
-- value for the outer level is zero.
-- When a recursive match is established, two special stack entries are
-- made. The first entry is used to save the original node that starts
-- the recursive match. This is saved so that the successor field of
-- this node is accessible at the end of the match, but it is never
-- popped and executed.
-- The second entry corresponds to a standard new region action. A
-- PC_R_Remove node is stacked, whose cursor field is used to store
-- the outer stack base, and the stack base is reset to point to
-- this PC_R_Remove node. Then the recursive pattern is matched and
-- it can make history stack entries in the normal matter, so now
-- the stack looks like:
-- (stack entries made by outer level)
-- (Special entry, node is (+P) successor
-- cursor entry is not used)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative) <-- Stack base
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by inner level)
-- If a subsequent failure occurs and pops the PC_R_Remove node, it
-- removes itself and the special entry immediately underneath it,
-- restores the stack base value for the enclosing region, and then
-- again signals failure to look for alternatives that were stacked
-- before the recursion was initiated.
-- Now we need to consider what happens if the inner pattern succeeds, as
-- signalled by accessing the special PC_EOP pattern primitive. First we
-- recognize the nested case by looking at the Base value. If this Base
-- value is Stack'First, then the entire match has succeeded, but if the
-- base value is greater than Stack'First, then we have successfully
-- matched an inner pattern, and processing continues at the outer level.
-- There are two cases. The simple case is when the inner pattern has made
-- no stack entries, as recognized by the fact that the current stack
-- pointer is equal to the current base value. In this case it is fine to
-- remove all trace of the recursion by restoring the outer base value and
-- using the special entry to find the appropriate successor node.
-- The more complex case arises when the inner match does make stack
-- entries. In this case, the PC_EOP processing stacks a special entry
-- whose cursor value saves the saved inner base value (the one that
-- references the corresponding PC_R_Remove value), and whose node
-- pointer references a PC_R_Restore node, so the stack looks like:
-- (stack entries made by outer level)
-- (Special entry, node is (+P) successor,
-- cursor entry is not used)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by inner level)
-- (PC_Region_Replace entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- stack pointer value referencing the PC_R_Remove entry).
-- If the entire match succeeds, then these stack entries are, as usual,
-- ignored and abandoned. If on the other hand a subsequent failure
-- causes the PC_Region_Replace entry to be popped, it restores the
-- inner base value from its saved "cursor" value and then fails again.
-- Note that it is OK that the cursor is temporarily clobbered by this
-- pop, since the second failure will reestablish a proper cursor value.
-- Compound Pattern Structures --
-- This section discusses the compound structures used to represent
-- constructed patterns. It shows the graph structures of pattern
-- elements that are constructed, and in the case of patterns that
-- provide backtracking possibilities, describes how the history
-- stack is used to control the backtracking. Finally, it notes the
-- way in which the Index numbers are assigned to the structure.
-- In all diagrams, solid lines (built with minus signs or vertical
-- bars, represent successor pointers (Pthen fields) with > or V used
-- to indicate the direction of the pointer. The initial node of the
-- structure is in the upper left of the diagram. A dotted line is an
-- alternative pointer from the element above it to the element below
-- it. See individual sections for details on how alternatives are used.
-- Concatenation --
-- In the pattern structures listed in this section, a line that looks
-- like ----> with nothing to the right indicates an end of pattern
-- (EOP) pointer that represents the end of the match.
-- When a pattern concatenation (L & R) occurs, the resulting structure
-- is obtained by finding all such EOP pointers in L, and replacing
-- them to point to R. This is the most important flattening that
-- occurs in constructing a pattern, and it means that the pattern
-- matching circuitry does not have to keep track of the structure
-- of a pattern with respect to concatenation, since the appropriate
-- successor is always at hand.
-- Concatenation itself generates no additional possibilities for
-- backtracking, but the constituent patterns of the concatenated
-- structure will make stack entries as usual. The maximum amount
-- of stack required by the structure is thus simply the sum of the
-- maximums required by L and R.
-- The index numbering of a concatenation structure works by leaving
-- the numbering of the right hand pattern, R, unchanged and adjusting
-- the numbers in the left hand pattern, L up by the count of elements
-- in R. This ensures that the maximum numbered element is the leading
-- element as required (given that it was the leading element in L).
-- Alternation --
-- A pattern (L or R) constructs the structure:
-- +---+ +---+
-- | A |---->| L |---->
-- +---+ +---+
-- .
-- .
-- +---+
-- | R |---->
-- +---+
-- The A element here is a PC_Alt node, and the dotted line represents
-- the contents of the Alt field. When the PC_Alt element is matched,
-- it stacks a pointer to the leading element of R on the history stack
-- so that on subsequent failure, a match of R is attempted.
-- The A node is the highest numbered element in the pattern. The
-- original index numbers of R are unchanged, but the index numbers
-- of the L pattern are adjusted up by the count of elements in R.
-- Note that the difference between the index of the L leading element
-- the index of the R leading element (after building the alt structure)
-- indicates the number of nodes in L, and this is true even after the
-- structure is incorporated into some larger structure. For example,
-- if the A node has index 16, and L has index 15 and R has index
-- 5, then we know that L has 10 (15-5) elements in it.
-- Suppose that we now concatenate this structure to another pattern
-- with 9 elements in it. We will now have the A node with an index
-- of 25, L with an index of 24 and R with an index of 14. We still
-- know that L has 10 (24-14) elements in it, numbered 15-24, and
-- consequently the successor of the alternation structure has an
-- index with a value less than 15. This is used in Image to figure
-- out the original recursive structure of a pattern.
-- To clarify the interaction of the alternation and concatenation
-- structures, here is a more complex example of the structure built
-- for the pattern:
-- (V or W or X) (Y or Z)
-- where A,B,C,D,E are all single element patterns:
-- +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
-- I A I---->I V I---+-->I A I---->I Y I---->
-- +---+ +---+ I +---+ +---+
-- . I .
-- . I .
-- +---+ +---+ I +---+
-- I A I---->I W I-->I I Z I---->
-- +---+ +---+ I +---+
-- . I
-- . I
-- +---+ I
-- I X I------------>+
-- +---+
-- The numbering of the nodes would be as follows:
-- +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
-- I 8 I---->I 7 I---+-->I 3 I---->I 2 I---->
-- +---+ +---+ I +---+ +---+
-- . I .
-- . I .
-- +---+ +---+ I +---+
-- I 6 I---->I 5 I-->I I 1 I---->
-- +---+ +---+ I +---+
-- . I
-- . I
-- +---+ I
-- I 4 I------------>+
-- +---+
-- Note: The above structure actually corresponds to
-- (A or (B or C)) (D or E)
-- rather than
-- ((A or B) or C) (D or E)
-- which is the more natural interpretation, but in fact alternation
-- is associative, and the construction of an alternative changes the
-- left grouped pattern to the right grouped pattern in any case, so
-- that the Image function produces a more natural looking output.
-- Arb --
-- An Arb pattern builds the structure
-- +---+
-- | X |---->
-- +---+
-- .
-- .
-- +---+
-- | Y |---->
-- +---+
-- The X node is a PC_Arb_X node, which matches null, and stacks a
-- pointer to Y node, which is the PC_Arb_Y node that matches one
-- extra character and restacks itself.
-- The PC_Arb_X node is numbered 2, and the PC_Arb_Y node is 1
-- Arbno (simple case) --
-- The simple form of Arbno can be used where the pattern always
-- matches at least one character if it succeeds, and it is known
-- not to make any history stack entries. In this case, Arbno (P)
-- can construct the following structure:
-- +-------------+
-- | ^
-- V |
-- +---+ |
-- | S |----> |
-- +---+ |
-- . |
-- . |
-- +---+ |
-- | P |---------->+
-- +---+
-- The S (PC_Arbno_S) node matches null stacking a pointer to the
-- pattern P. If a subsequent failure causes P to be matched and
-- this match succeeds, then node A gets restacked to try another
-- instance if needed by a subsequent failure.
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- The S node has a node number of P.Index + 1.
-- Arbno (complex case) --
-- A call to Arbno (P), where P can match null (or at least is not
-- known to require a non-null string) and/or P requires pattern stack
-- entries, constructs the following structure:
-- +--------------------------+
-- | ^
-- V |
-- +---+ |
-- | X |----> |
-- +---+ |
-- . |
-- . |
-- +---+ +---+ +---+ |
-- | E |---->| P |---->| Y |--->+
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The node X (PC_Arbno_X) matches null, stacking a pointer to the
-- E-P-X structure used to match one Arbno instance.
-- Here E is the PC_R_Enter node which matches null and creates two
-- stack entries. The first is a special entry whose node field is
-- not used at all, and whose cursor field has the initial cursor.
-- The second entry corresponds to a standard new region action. A
-- PC_R_Remove node is stacked, whose cursor field is used to store
-- the outer stack base, and the stack base is reset to point to
-- this PC_R_Remove node. Then the pattern P is matched, and it can
-- make history stack entries in the normal manner, so now the stack
-- looks like:
-- (stack entries made before assign pattern)
-- (Special entry, node field not used,
-- used only to save initial cursor)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative) <-- Stack Base
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by matching P)
-- If the match of P fails, then the PC_R_Remove entry is popped and
-- it removes both itself and the special entry underneath it,
-- restores the outer stack base, and signals failure.
-- If the match of P succeeds, then node Y, the PC_Arbno_Y node, pops
-- the inner region. There are two possibilities. If matching P left
-- no stack entries, then all traces of the inner region can be removed.
-- If there are stack entries, then we push an PC_Region_Replace stack
-- entry whose "cursor" value is the inner stack base value, and then
-- restore the outer stack base value, so the stack looks like:
-- (stack entries made before assign pattern)
-- (Special entry, node field not used,
-- used only to save initial cursor)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by matching P)
-- (PC_Region_Replace entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- stack pointer value referencing the PC_R_Remove entry).
-- Now that we have matched another instance of the Arbno pattern,
-- we need to move to the successor. There are two cases. If the
-- Arbno pattern matched null, then there is no point in seeking
-- alternatives, since we would just match a whole bunch of nulls.
-- In this case we look through the alternative node, and move
-- directly to its successor (i.e. the successor of the Arbno
-- pattern). If on the other hand a non-null string was matched,
-- we simply follow the successor to the alternative node, which
-- sets up for another possible match of the Arbno pattern.
-- As noted in the section on stack checking, the stack count (and
-- hence the stack check) for a pattern includes only one iteration
-- of the Arbno pattern. To make sure that multiple iterations do not
-- overflow the stack, the Arbno node saves the stack count required
-- by a single iteration, and the Concat function increments this to
-- include stack entries required by any successor. The PC_Arbno_Y
-- node uses this count to ensure that sufficient stack remains
-- before proceeding after matching each new instance.
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the Y node is numbered N + 1,
-- the E node is N + 2, and the X node is N + 3.
-- Assign Immediate --
-- Immediate assignment (P * V) constructs the following structure
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| A |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- Here E is the PC_R_Enter node which matches null and creates two
-- stack entries. The first is a special entry whose node field is
-- not used at all, and whose cursor field has the initial cursor.
-- The second entry corresponds to a standard new region action. A
-- PC_R_Remove node is stacked, whose cursor field is used to store
-- the outer stack base, and the stack base is reset to point to
-- this PC_R_Remove node. Then the pattern P is matched, and it can
-- make history stack entries in the normal manner, so now the stack
-- looks like:
-- (stack entries made before assign pattern)
-- (Special entry, node field not used,
-- used only to save initial cursor)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative) <-- Stack Base
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by matching P)
-- If the match of P fails, then the PC_R_Remove entry is popped
-- and it removes both itself and the special entry underneath it,
-- restores the outer stack base, and signals failure.
-- If the match of P succeeds, then node A, which is the actual
-- PC_Assign_Imm node, executes the assignment (using the stack
-- base to locate the entry with the saved starting cursor value),
-- and the pops the inner region. There are two possibilities, if
-- matching P left no stack entries, then all traces of the inner
-- region can be removed. If there are stack entries, then we push
-- an PC_Region_Replace stack entry whose "cursor" value is the
-- inner stack base value, and then restore the outer stack base
-- value, so the stack looks like:
-- (stack entries made before assign pattern)
-- (Special entry, node field not used,
-- used only to save initial cursor)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by matching P)
-- (PC_Region_Replace entry, "cursor" value is the (negative)
-- stack pointer value referencing the PC_R_Remove entry).
-- If a subsequent failure occurs, the PC_Region_Replace node restores
-- the inner stack base value and signals failure to explore rematches
-- of the pattern P.
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the A node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
-- Assign On Match --
-- The assign on match (**) pattern is quite similar to the assign
-- immediate pattern, except that the actual assignment has to be
-- delayed. The following structure is constructed:
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| A |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The operation of this pattern is identical to that described above
-- for deferred assignment, up to the point where P has been matched.
-- The A node, which is the PC_Assign_OnM node first pushes a
-- PC_Assign node onto the history stack. This node saves the ending
-- cursor and acts as a flag for the final assignment, as further
-- described below.
-- It then stores a pointer to itself in the special entry node field.
-- This was otherwise unused, and is now used to retrieve the address
-- of the variable to be assigned at the end of the pattern.
-- After that the inner region is terminated in the usual manner,
-- by stacking a PC_R_Restore entry as described for the assign
-- immediate case. Note that the optimization of completely
-- removing the inner region does not happen in this case, since
-- we have at least one stack entry (the PC_Assign one we just made).
-- The stack now looks like:
-- (stack entries made before assign pattern)
-- (Special entry, node points to copy of
-- the PC_Assign_OnM node, and the
-- cursor field saves the initial cursor).
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by matching P)
-- (PC_Assign entry, saves final cursor)
-- (PC_Region_Replace entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- stack pointer value referencing the PC_R_Remove entry).
-- If a subsequent failure causes the PC_Assign node to execute it
-- simply removes itself and propagates the failure.
-- If the match succeeds, then the history stack is scanned for
-- PC_Assign nodes, and the assignments are executed (examination
-- of the above diagram will show that all the necessary data is
-- at hand for the assignment).
-- To optimize the common case where no assign-on-match operations
-- are present, a global flag Assign_OnM is maintained which is
-- initialize to False, and gets set True as part of the execution
-- of the PC_Assign_OnM node. The scan of the history stack for
-- PC_Assign entries is done only if this flag is set.
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the A node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
-- Bal --
-- Bal builds a single node:
-- +---+
-- | B |---->
-- +---+
-- The node B is the PC_Bal node which matches a parentheses balanced
-- string, starting at the current cursor position. It then updates
-- the cursor past this matched string, and stacks a pointer to itself
-- with this updated cursor value on the history stack, to extend the
-- matched string on a subsequent failure.
-- Since this is a single node it is numbered 1 (the reason we include
-- it in the compound patterns section is that it backtracks).
-- BreakX --
-- BreakX builds the structure
-- +---+ +---+
-- | B |---->| A |---->
-- +---+ +---+
-- ^ .
-- | .
-- | +---+
-- +<------| X |
-- +---+
-- Here the B node is the BreakX_xx node that performs a normal Break
-- function. The A node is an alternative (PC_Alt) node that matches
-- null, but stacks a pointer to node X (the PC_BreakX_X node) which
-- extends the match one character (to eat up the previously detected
-- break character), and then rematches the break.
-- The B node is numbered 3, the alternative node is 1, and the X
-- node is 2.
-- Fence --
-- Fence builds a single node:
-- +---+
-- | F |---->
-- +---+
-- The element F, PC_Fence, matches null, and stacks a pointer to a
-- PC_Cancel element which will abort the match on a subsequent failure.
-- Since this is a single element it is numbered 1 (the reason we
-- include it in the compound patterns section is that it backtracks).
-- Fence Function --
-- A call to the Fence function builds the structure:
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| X |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- Here E is the PC_R_Enter node which matches null and creates two
-- stack entries. The first is a special entry which is not used at
-- all in the fence case (it is present merely for uniformity with
-- other cases of region enter operations).
-- The second entry corresponds to a standard new region action. A
-- PC_R_Remove node is stacked, whose cursor field is used to store
-- the outer stack base, and the stack base is reset to point to
-- this PC_R_Remove node. Then the pattern P is matched, and it can
-- make history stack entries in the normal manner, so now the stack
-- looks like:
-- (stack entries made before fence pattern)
-- (Special entry, not used at all)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative) <-- Stack Base
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by matching P)
-- If the match of P fails, then the PC_R_Remove entry is popped
-- and it removes both itself and the special entry underneath it,
-- restores the outer stack base, and signals failure.
-- If the match of P succeeds, then node X, the PC_Fence_X node, gets
-- control. One might be tempted to think that at this point, the
-- history stack entries made by matching P can just be removed since
-- they certainly are not going to be used for rematching (that is
-- whole point of Fence after all). However, this is wrong, because
-- it would result in the loss of possible assign-on-match entries
-- for deferred pattern assignments.
-- Instead what we do is to make a special entry whose node references
-- PC_Fence_Y, and whose cursor saves the inner stack base value, i.e.
-- the pointer to the PC_R_Remove entry. Then the outer stack base
-- pointer is restored, so the stack looks like:
-- (stack entries made before assign pattern)
-- (Special entry, not used at all)
-- (PC_R_Remove entry, "cursor" value is (negative)
-- saved base value for the enclosing region)
-- (stack entries made by matching P)
-- (PC_Fence_Y entry, "cursor" value is (negative) stack
-- pointer value referencing the PC_R_Remove entry).
-- If a subsequent failure occurs, then the PC_Fence_Y entry removes
-- the entire inner region, including all entries made by matching P,
-- and alternatives prior to the Fence pattern are sought.
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the X node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
-- Succeed --
-- Succeed builds a single node:
-- +---+
-- | S |---->
-- +---+
-- The node S is the PC_Succeed node which matches null, and stacks
-- a pointer to itself on the history stack, so that a subsequent
-- failure repeats the same match.
-- Since this is a single node it is numbered 1 (the reason we include
-- it in the compound patterns section is that it backtracks).
-- Write Immediate --
-- The structure built for a write immediate operation (P * F, where
-- F is a file access value) is:
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| W |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- Here E is the PC_R_Enter node and W is the PC_Write_Imm node. The
-- handling is identical to that described above for Assign Immediate,
-- except that at the point where a successful match occurs, the matched
-- substring is written to the referenced file.
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the W node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
-- Write On Match --
-- The structure built for a write on match operation (P ** F, where
-- F is a file access value) is:
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| W |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- Here E is the PC_R_Enter node and W is the PC_Write_OnM node. The
-- handling is identical to that described above for Assign On Match,
-- except that at the point where a successful match has completed,
-- the matched substring is written to the referenced file.
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the W node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
-- Constant Patterns --
-- The following pattern elements are referenced only from the pattern
-- history stack. In each case the processing for the pattern element
-- results in pattern match abort, or further failure, so there is no
-- need for a successor and no need for a node number
CP_Assign : aliased PE := (PC_Assign, 0, N);
CP_Cancel : aliased PE := (PC_Cancel, 0, N);
CP_Fence_Y : aliased PE := (PC_Fence_Y, 0, N);
CP_R_Remove : aliased PE := (PC_R_Remove, 0, N);
CP_R_Restore : aliased PE := (PC_R_Restore, 0, N);
-- Local Subprograms --
function Alternate (L, R : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr;
function "or" (L, R : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr renames Alternate;
-- Build pattern structure corresponding to the alternation of L, R.
-- (i.e. try to match L, and if that fails, try to match R).
function Arbno_Simple (P : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr;
-- Build simple Arbno pattern, P is a pattern that is guaranteed to
-- match at least one character if it succeeds and to require no
-- stack entries under all circumstances. The result returned is
-- a simple Arbno structure as previously described.
function Bracket (E, P, A : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr;
-- Given two single node pattern elements E and A, and a (possible
-- complex) pattern P, construct the concatenation E-->P-->A and
-- return a pointer to E. The concatenation does not affect the
-- node numbering in P. A has a number one higher than the maximum
-- number in P, and E has a number two higher than the maximum
-- number in P (see for example the Assign_Immediate structure to
-- understand a typical use of this function).
function BreakX_Make (B : PE_Ptr) return Pattern;
-- Given a pattern element for a Break pattern, returns the
-- corresponding BreakX compound pattern structure.
function Concat (L, R : PE_Ptr; Incr : Natural) return PE_Ptr;
-- Creates a pattern element that represents a concatenation of the
-- two given pattern elements (i.e. the pattern L followed by R).
-- The result returned is always the same as L, but the pattern
-- referenced by L is modified to have R as a successor. This
-- procedure does not copy L or R, so if a copy is required, it
-- is the responsibility of the caller. The Incr parameter is an
-- amount to be added to the Nat field of any P_Arbno_Y node that is
-- in the left operand, it represents the additional stack space
-- required by the right operand.
function C_To_PE (C : PChar) return PE_Ptr;
-- Given a character, constructs a pattern element that matches
-- the single character.
function Copy (P : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr;
-- Creates a copy of the pattern element referenced by the given
-- pattern element reference. This is a deep copy, which means that
-- it follows the Next and Alt pointers.
function Image (P : PE_Ptr) return String;
-- Returns the image of the address of the referenced pattern element.
-- This is equivalent to Image (To_Address (P));
function Is_In (C : Character; Str : String) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_In);
-- Determines if the character C is in string Str
procedure Logic_Error;
-- Called to raise Program_Error with an appropriate message if an
-- internal logic error is detected.
function Str_BF (A : Boolean_Func) return String;
function Str_FP (A : File_Ptr) return String;
function Str_NF (A : Natural_Func) return String;
function Str_NP (A : Natural_Ptr) return String;
function Str_PP (A : Pattern_Ptr) return String;
function Str_VF (A : VString_Func) return String;
function Str_VP (A : VString_Ptr) return String;
-- These are debugging routines, which return a representation of the
-- given access value (they are called only by Image and Dump)
procedure Set_Successor (Pat : PE_Ptr; Succ : PE_Ptr);
-- Adjusts all EOP pointers in Pat to point to Succ. No other changes
-- are made. In particular, Succ is unchanged, and no index numbers
-- are modified. Note that Pat may not be equal to EOP on entry.
function S_To_PE (Str : PString) return PE_Ptr;
-- Given a string, constructs a pattern element that matches the string
procedure Uninitialized_Pattern;
pragma No_Return (Uninitialized_Pattern);
-- Called to raise Program_Error with an appropriate error message if
-- an uninitialized pattern is used in any pattern construction or
-- pattern matching operation.
procedure XMatch
(Subject : String;
Pat_P : PE_Ptr;
Pat_S : Natural;
Start : out Natural;
Stop : out Natural);
-- This is the common pattern match routine. It is passed a string and
-- a pattern, and it indicates success or failure, and on success the
-- section of the string matched. It does not perform any assignments
-- to the subject string, so pattern replacement is for the caller.
-- Subject The subject string. The lower bound is always one. In the
-- Match procedures, it is fine to use strings whose lower bound
-- is not one, but we perform a one time conversion before the
-- call to XMatch, so that XMatch does not have to be bothered
-- with strange lower bounds.
-- Pat_P Points to initial pattern element of pattern to be matched
-- Pat_S Maximum required stack entries for pattern to be matched
-- Start If match is successful, starting index of matched section.
-- This value is always non-zero. A value of zero is used to
-- indicate a failed match.
-- Stop If match is successful, ending index of matched section.
-- This can be zero if we match the null string at the start,
-- in which case Start is set to zero, and Stop to one. If the
-- Match fails, then the contents of Stop is undefined.
procedure XMatchD
(Subject : String;
Pat_P : PE_Ptr;
Pat_S : Natural;
Start : out Natural;
Stop : out Natural);
-- Identical in all respects to XMatch, except that trace information is
-- output on Standard_Output during execution of the match. This is the
-- version that is called if the original Match call has Debug => True.
-- "&" --
function "&" (L : PString; R : Pattern) return Pattern is
return (AFC with R.Stk, Concat (S_To_PE (L), Copy (R.P), R.Stk));
end "&";
function "&" (L : Pattern; R : PString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with L.Stk, Concat (Copy (L.P), S_To_PE (R), 0));
end "&";
function "&" (L : PChar; R : Pattern) return Pattern is
return (AFC with R.Stk, Concat (C_To_PE (L), Copy (R.P), R.Stk));
end "&";
function "&" (L : Pattern; R : PChar) return Pattern is
return (AFC with L.Stk, Concat (Copy (L.P), C_To_PE (R), 0));
end "&";
function "&" (L : Pattern; R : Pattern) return Pattern is
return (AFC with L.Stk + R.Stk, Concat (Copy (L.P), Copy (R.P), R.Stk));
end "&";
-- "*" --
-- Assign immediate
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| A |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the A node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
function "*" (P : Pattern; Var : VString_Var) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := Copy (P.P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
A : constant PE_Ptr :=
new PE'(PC_Assign_Imm, 0, EOP, Var'Unrestricted_Access);
return (AFC with P.Stk + 3, Bracket (E, Pat, A));
end "*";
function "*" (P : PString; Var : VString_Var) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := S_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
A : constant PE_Ptr :=
new PE'(PC_Assign_Imm, 0, EOP, Var'Unrestricted_Access);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, A));
end "*";
function "*" (P : PChar; Var : VString_Var) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := C_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
A : constant PE_Ptr :=
new PE'(PC_Assign_Imm, 0, EOP, Var'Unrestricted_Access);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, A));
end "*";
-- Write immediate
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| W |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the W node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
function "*" (P : Pattern; Fil : File_Access) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := Copy (P.P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
W : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Write_Imm, 0, EOP, Fil);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, W));
end "*";
function "*" (P : PString; Fil : File_Access) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := S_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
W : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Write_Imm, 0, EOP, Fil);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, W));
end "*";
function "*" (P : PChar; Fil : File_Access) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := C_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
W : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Write_Imm, 0, EOP, Fil);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, W));
end "*";
-- "**" --
-- Assign on match
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| A |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the A node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
function "**" (P : Pattern; Var : VString_Var) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := Copy (P.P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
A : constant PE_Ptr :=
new PE'(PC_Assign_OnM, 0, EOP, Var'Unrestricted_Access);
return (AFC with P.Stk + 3, Bracket (E, Pat, A));
end "**";
function "**" (P : PString; Var : VString_Var) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := S_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
A : constant PE_Ptr :=
new PE'(PC_Assign_OnM, 0, EOP, Var'Unrestricted_Access);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, A));
end "**";
function "**" (P : PChar; Var : VString_Var) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := C_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
A : constant PE_Ptr :=
new PE'(PC_Assign_OnM, 0, EOP, Var'Unrestricted_Access);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, A));
end "**";
-- Write on match
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| W |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the W node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
function "**" (P : Pattern; Fil : File_Access) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := Copy (P.P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
W : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Write_OnM, 0, EOP, Fil);
return (AFC with P.Stk + 3, Bracket (E, Pat, W));
end "**";
function "**" (P : PString; Fil : File_Access) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := S_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
W : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Write_OnM, 0, EOP, Fil);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, W));
end "**";
function "**" (P : PChar; Fil : File_Access) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := C_To_PE (P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
W : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Write_OnM, 0, EOP, Fil);
return (AFC with 3, Bracket (E, Pat, W));
end "**";
-- "+" --
function "+" (Str : VString_Var) return Pattern is
(AFC with 0,
new PE'(PC_String_VP, 1, EOP, Str'Unrestricted_Access));
end "+";
function "+" (Str : VString_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_String_VF, 1, EOP, Str));
end "+";
function "+" (P : Pattern_Var) return Pattern is
(AFC with 3,
new PE'(PC_Rpat, 1, EOP, P'Unrestricted_Access));
end "+";
function "+" (P : Boolean_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 3, new PE'(PC_Pred_Func, 1, EOP, P));
end "+";
-- "or" --
function "or" (L : PString; R : Pattern) return Pattern is
return (AFC with R.Stk + 1, S_To_PE (L) or Copy (R.P));
end "or";
function "or" (L : Pattern; R : PString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with L.Stk + 1, Copy (L.P) or S_To_PE (R));
end "or";
function "or" (L : PString; R : PString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, S_To_PE (L) or S_To_PE (R));
end "or";
function "or" (L : Pattern; R : Pattern) return Pattern is
return (AFC with
Natural'Max (L.Stk, R.Stk) + 1, Copy (L.P) or Copy (R.P));
end "or";
function "or" (L : PChar; R : Pattern) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, C_To_PE (L) or Copy (R.P));
end "or";
function "or" (L : Pattern; R : PChar) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, Copy (L.P) or C_To_PE (R));
end "or";
function "or" (L : PChar; R : PChar) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, C_To_PE (L) or C_To_PE (R));
end "or";
function "or" (L : PString; R : PChar) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, S_To_PE (L) or C_To_PE (R));
end "or";
function "or" (L : PChar; R : PString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, C_To_PE (L) or S_To_PE (R));
end "or";
-- Adjust --
-- No two patterns share the same pattern elements, so the adjust
-- procedure for a Pattern assignment must do a deep copy of the
-- pattern element structure.
procedure Adjust (Object : in out Pattern) is
Object.P := Copy (Object.P);
end Adjust;
-- Alternate --
function Alternate (L, R : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr is
-- If the left pattern is null, then we just add the alternation
-- node with an index one greater than the right hand pattern.
if L = EOP then
return new PE'(PC_Alt, R.Index + 1, EOP, R);
-- If the left pattern is non-null, then build a reference vector
-- for its elements, and adjust their index values to accommodate
-- the right hand elements. Then add the alternation node.
Refs : Ref_Array (1 .. L.Index);
Build_Ref_Array (L, Refs);
for J in Refs'Range loop
Refs (J).Index := Refs (J).Index + R.Index;
end loop;
return new PE'(PC_Alt, L.Index + 1, L, R);
end if;
end Alternate;
-- Any --
function Any (Str : String) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Any_CS, 1, EOP, To_Set (Str)));
end Any;
function Any (Str : VString) return Pattern is
return Any (S (Str));
end Any;
function Any (Str : Character) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Any_CH, 1, EOP, Str));
end Any;
function Any (Str : Character_Set) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Any_CS, 1, EOP, Str));
end Any;
function Any (Str : not null access VString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Any_VP, 1, EOP, VString_Ptr (Str)));
end Any;
function Any (Str : VString_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Any_VF, 1, EOP, Str));
end Any;
-- Arb --
-- +---+
-- | X |---->
-- +---+
-- .
-- .
-- +---+
-- | Y |---->
-- +---+
-- The PC_Arb_X element is numbered 2, and the PC_Arb_Y element is 1
function Arb return Pattern is
Y : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Arb_Y, 1, EOP);
X : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Arb_X, 2, EOP, Y);
return (AFC with 1, X);
end Arb;
-- Arbno --
function Arbno (P : PString) return Pattern is
if P'Length = 0 then
return (AFC with 0, EOP);
return (AFC with 0, Arbno_Simple (S_To_PE (P)));
end if;
end Arbno;
function Arbno (P : PChar) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, Arbno_Simple (C_To_PE (P)));
end Arbno;
function Arbno (P : Pattern) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := Copy (P.P);
if P.Stk = 0
and then OK_For_Simple_Arbno (Pat.Pcode)
return (AFC with 0, Arbno_Simple (Pat));
end if;
-- This is the complex case, either the pattern makes stack entries
-- or it is possible for the pattern to match the null string (more
-- accurately, we don't know that this is not the case).
-- +--------------------------+
-- | ^
-- V |
-- +---+ |
-- | X |----> |
-- +---+ |
-- . |
-- . |
-- +---+ +---+ +---+ |
-- | E |---->| P |---->| Y |--->+
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the Y node is numbered N + 1,
-- the E node is N + 2, and the X node is N + 3.
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
X : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Arbno_X, 0, EOP, E);
Y : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Arbno_Y, 0, X, P.Stk + 3);
EPY : constant PE_Ptr := Bracket (E, Pat, Y);
X.Alt := EPY;
X.Index := EPY.Index + 1;
return (AFC with P.Stk + 3, X);
end Arbno;
-- Arbno_Simple --
-- +-------------+
-- | ^
-- V |
-- +---+ |
-- | S |----> |
-- +---+ |
-- . |
-- . |
-- +---+ |
-- | P |---------->+
-- +---+
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- The S node has a node number of P.Index + 1.
-- Note that we know that P cannot be EOP, because a null pattern
-- does not meet the requirements for simple Arbno.
function Arbno_Simple (P : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr is
S : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Arbno_S, P.Index + 1, EOP, P);
Set_Successor (P, S);
return S;
end Arbno_Simple;
-- Bal --
function Bal return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, new PE'(PC_Bal, 1, EOP));
end Bal;
-- Bracket --
function Bracket (E, P, A : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr is
if P = EOP then
E.Pthen := A;
E.Index := 2;
A.Index := 1;
E.Pthen := P;
Set_Successor (P, A);
E.Index := P.Index + 2;
A.Index := P.Index + 1;
end if;
return E;
end Bracket;
-- Break --
function Break (Str : String) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Break_CS, 1, EOP, To_Set (Str)));
end Break;
function Break (Str : VString) return Pattern is
return Break (S (Str));
end Break;
function Break (Str : Character) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Break_CH, 1, EOP, Str));
end Break;
function Break (Str : Character_Set) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Break_CS, 1, EOP, Str));
end Break;
function Break (Str : not null access VString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0,
new PE'(PC_Break_VP, 1, EOP, Str.all'Unchecked_Access));
end Break;
function Break (Str : VString_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Break_VF, 1, EOP, Str));
end Break;
-- BreakX --
function BreakX (Str : String) return Pattern is
return BreakX_Make (new PE'(PC_BreakX_CS, 3, N, To_Set (Str)));
end BreakX;
function BreakX (Str : VString) return Pattern is
return BreakX (S (Str));
end BreakX;
function BreakX (Str : Character) return Pattern is
return BreakX_Make (new PE'(PC_BreakX_CH, 3, N, Str));
end BreakX;
function BreakX (Str : Character_Set) return Pattern is
return BreakX_Make (new PE'(PC_BreakX_CS, 3, N, Str));
end BreakX;
function BreakX (Str : not null access VString) return Pattern is
return BreakX_Make (new PE'(PC_BreakX_VP, 3, N, VString_Ptr (Str)));
end BreakX;
function BreakX (Str : VString_Func) return Pattern is
return BreakX_Make (new PE'(PC_BreakX_VF, 3, N, Str));
end BreakX;
-- BreakX_Make --
-- +---+ +---+
-- | B |---->| A |---->
-- +---+ +---+
-- ^ .
-- | .
-- | +---+
-- +<------| X |
-- +---+
-- The B node is numbered 3, the alternative node is 1, and the X
-- node is 2.
function BreakX_Make (B : PE_Ptr) return Pattern is
X : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_BreakX_X, 2, B);
A : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Alt, 1, EOP, X);
B.Pthen := A;
return (AFC with 2, B);
end BreakX_Make;
-- Build_Ref_Array --
procedure Build_Ref_Array (E : PE_Ptr; RA : out Ref_Array) is
procedure Record_PE (E : PE_Ptr);
-- Record given pattern element if not already recorded in RA,
-- and also record any referenced pattern elements recursively.
-- Record_PE --
procedure Record_PE (E : PE_Ptr) is
PutD (" Record_PE called with PE_Ptr = " & Image (E));
if E = EOP or else RA (E.Index) /= null then
Put_LineD (", nothing to do");
Put_LineD (", recording" & IndexT'Image (E.Index));
RA (E.Index) := E;
Record_PE (E.Pthen);
if E.Pcode in PC_Has_Alt then
Record_PE (E.Alt);
end if;
end if;
end Record_PE;
-- Start of processing for Build_Ref_Array
Put_LineD ("Entering Build_Ref_Array");
Record_PE (E);
end Build_Ref_Array;
-- C_To_PE --
function C_To_PE (C : PChar) return PE_Ptr is
return new PE'(PC_Char, 1, EOP, C);
end C_To_PE;
-- Cancel --
function Cancel return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Cancel, 1, EOP));
end Cancel;
-- Concat --
-- Concat needs to traverse the left operand performing the following
-- set of fixups:
-- a) Any successor pointers (Pthen fields) that are set to EOP are
-- reset to point to the second operand.
-- b) Any PC_Arbno_Y node has its stack count field incremented
-- by the parameter Incr provided for this purpose.
-- d) Num fields of all pattern elements in the left operand are
-- adjusted to include the elements of the right operand.
-- Note: we do not use Set_Successor in the processing for Concat, since
-- there is no point in doing two traversals, we may as well do everything
-- at the same time.
function Concat (L, R : PE_Ptr; Incr : Natural) return PE_Ptr is
if L = EOP then
return R;
elsif R = EOP then
return L;
Refs : Ref_Array (1 .. L.Index);
-- We build a reference array for L whose N'th element points to
-- the pattern element of L whose original Index value is N.
P : PE_Ptr;
Build_Ref_Array (L, Refs);
for J in Refs'Range loop
P := Refs (J);
P.Index := P.Index + R.Index;
if P.Pcode = PC_Arbno_Y then
P.Nat := P.Nat + Incr;
end if;
if P.Pthen = EOP then
P.Pthen := R;
end if;
if P.Pcode in PC_Has_Alt and then P.Alt = EOP then
P.Alt := R;
end if;
end loop;
return L;
end if;
end Concat;
-- Copy --
function Copy (P : PE_Ptr) return PE_Ptr is
if P = null then
Refs : Ref_Array (1 .. P.Index);
-- References to elements in P, indexed by Index field
Copy : Ref_Array (1 .. P.Index);
-- Holds copies of elements of P, indexed by Index field
E : PE_Ptr;
Build_Ref_Array (P, Refs);
-- Now copy all nodes
for J in Refs'Range loop
Copy (J) := new PE'(Refs (J).all);
end loop;
-- Adjust all internal references
for J in Copy'Range loop
E := Copy (J);
-- Adjust successor pointer to point to copy
if E.Pthen /= EOP then
E.Pthen := Copy (E.Pthen.Index);
end if;
-- Adjust Alt pointer if there is one to point to copy
if E.Pcode in PC_Has_Alt and then E.Alt /= EOP then
E.Alt := Copy (E.Alt.Index);
end if;
-- Copy referenced string
if E.Pcode = PC_String then
E.Str := new String'(E.Str.all);
end if;
end loop;
return Copy (P.Index);
end if;
end Copy;
-- Dump --
procedure Dump (P : Pattern) is
procedure Write_Node_Id (E : PE_Ptr; Cols : Natural);
-- Writes out a string identifying the given pattern element. Cols is
-- the column indentation level.
-- Write_Node_Id --
procedure Write_Node_Id (E : PE_Ptr; Cols : Natural) is
if E = EOP then
Put ("EOP");
for J in 4 .. Cols loop
Put (' ');
end loop;
Str : String (1 .. Cols);
N : Natural := Natural (E.Index);
Put ("#");
for J in reverse Str'Range loop
Str (J) := Character'Val (48 + N mod 10);
N := N / 10;
end loop;
Put (Str);
end if;
end Write_Node_Id;
-- Local variables
Cols : Natural := 2;
-- Number of columns used for pattern numbers, minimum is 2
E : PE_Ptr;
subtype Count is Ada.Text_IO.Count;
Scol : Count;
-- Used to keep track of column in dump output
-- Start of processing for Dump
("Pattern Dump Output (pattern at "
& Image (P'Address)
& ", S = "
& Natural'Image (P.Stk) & ')');
Scol := Col;
while Col < Scol loop
Put ('-');
end loop;
-- If uninitialized pattern, dump line and we are done
if P.P = null then
Put_Line ("Uninitialized pattern value");
end if;
-- If null pattern, just dump it and we are all done
if P.P = EOP then
Put_Line ("EOP (null pattern)");
end if;
Refs : Ref_Array (1 .. P.P.Index);
-- We build a reference array whose N'th element points to the
-- pattern element whose Index value is N.
Build_Ref_Array (P.P, Refs);
-- Set number of columns required for node numbers
while 10 ** Cols - 1 < Integer (P.P.Index) loop
Cols := Cols + 1;
end loop;
-- Now dump the nodes in reverse sequence. We output them in reverse
-- sequence since this corresponds to the natural order used to
-- construct the patterns.
for J in reverse Refs'Range loop
E := Refs (J);
Write_Node_Id (E, Cols);
Set_Col (Count (Cols) + 4);
Put (Image (E));
Put (" ");
Put (Pattern_Code'Image (E.Pcode));
Put (" ");
Set_Col (21 + Count (Cols) + Address_Image_Length);
Write_Node_Id (E.Pthen, Cols);
Set_Col (24 + 2 * Count (Cols) + Address_Image_Length);
case E.Pcode is
when PC_Alt
| PC_Arb_X
| PC_Arbno_S
| PC_Arbno_X
Write_Node_Id (E.Alt, Cols);
when PC_Rpat =>
Put (Str_PP (E.PP));
when PC_Pred_Func =>
Put (Str_BF (E.BF));
when PC_Assign_Imm
| PC_Assign_OnM
| PC_Any_VP
| PC_Break_VP
| PC_BreakX_VP
| PC_NotAny_VP
| PC_NSpan_VP
| PC_Span_VP
| PC_String_VP
Put (Str_VP (E.VP));
when PC_Write_Imm
| PC_Write_OnM
Put (Str_FP (E.FP));
when PC_String =>
Put (Image (E.Str.all));
when PC_String_2 =>
Put (Image (E.Str2));
when PC_String_3 =>
Put (Image (E.Str3));
when PC_String_4 =>
Put (Image (E.Str4));
when PC_String_5 =>
Put (Image (E.Str5));
when PC_String_6 =>
Put (Image (E.Str6));
when PC_Setcur =>
Put (Str_NP (E.Var));
when PC_Any_CH
| PC_Break_CH
| PC_BreakX_CH
| PC_Char
| PC_NotAny_CH
| PC_NSpan_CH
| PC_Span_CH
Put (''' & E.Char & ''');
when PC_Any_CS
| PC_Break_CS
| PC_BreakX_CS
| PC_NotAny_CS
| PC_NSpan_CS
| PC_Span_CS
Put ('"' & To_Sequence (E.CS) & '"');
when PC_Arbno_Y
| PC_Len_Nat
| PC_Pos_Nat
| PC_RPos_Nat
| PC_RTab_Nat
| PC_Tab_Nat
Put (S (E.Nat));
when PC_Pos_NF
| PC_Len_NF
| PC_RPos_NF
| PC_RTab_NF
| PC_Tab_NF
Put (Str_NF (E.NF));
when PC_Pos_NP
| PC_Len_NP
| PC_RPos_NP
| PC_RTab_NP
| PC_Tab_NP
Put (Str_NP (E.NP));
when PC_Any_VF
| PC_Break_VF
| PC_BreakX_VF
| PC_NotAny_VF
| PC_NSpan_VF
| PC_Span_VF
| PC_String_VF
Put (Str_VF (E.VF));
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
end Dump;
-- Fail --
function Fail return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Fail, 1, EOP));
end Fail;
-- Fence --
-- Simple case
function Fence return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, new PE'(PC_Fence, 1, EOP));
end Fence;
-- Function case
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- | E |---->| P |---->| X |---->
-- +---+ +---+ +---+
-- The node numbering of the constituent pattern P is not affected.
-- Where N is the number of nodes in P, the X node is numbered N + 1,
-- and the E node is N + 2.
function Fence (P : Pattern) return Pattern is
Pat : constant PE_Ptr := Copy (P.P);
E : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_R_Enter, 0, EOP);
X : constant PE_Ptr := new PE'(PC_Fence_X, 0, EOP);
return (AFC with P.Stk + 1, Bracket (E, Pat, X));
end Fence;
-- Finalize --
procedure Finalize (Object : in out Pattern) is
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (PE, PE_Ptr);
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (String, String_Ptr);
-- Nothing to do if already freed
if Object.P = null then
-- Otherwise we must free all elements
Refs : Ref_Array (1 .. Object.P.Index);
-- References to elements in pattern to be finalized
Build_Ref_Array (Object.P, Refs);
for J in Refs'Range loop
if Refs (J).Pcode = PC_String then
Free (Refs (J).Str);
end if;
Free (Refs (J));
end loop;
Object.P := null;
end if;
end Finalize;
-- Image --
function Image (P : PE_Ptr) return String is
return Image (To_Address (P));
end Image;
function Image (P : Pattern) return String is
return S (Image (P));
end Image;
function Image (P : Pattern) return VString is
Kill_Ampersand : Boolean := False;
-- Set True to delete next & to be output to Result
Result : VString := Nul;
-- The result is accumulated here, using Append
Refs : Ref_Array (1 .. P.P.Index);
-- We build a reference array whose N'th element points to the
-- pattern element whose Index value is N.
procedure Delete_Ampersand;
-- Deletes the ampersand at the end of Result
procedure Image_Seq (E : PE_Ptr; Succ : PE_Ptr; Paren : Boolean);
-- E refers to a pattern structure whose successor is given by Succ.
-- This procedure appends to Result a representation of this pattern.
-- The Paren parameter indicates whether parentheses are required if
-- the output is more than one element.
procedure Image_One (E : in out PE_Ptr);
-- E refers to a pattern structure. This procedure appends to Result
-- a representation of the single simple or compound pattern structure
-- at the start of E and updates E to point to its successor.
-- Delete_Ampersand --
procedure Delete_Ampersand is
L : constant Natural := Length (Result);
if L > 2 then
Delete (Result, L - 1, L);
end if;
end Delete_Ampersand;
-- Image_One --
procedure Image_One (E : in out PE_Ptr) is
ER : PE_Ptr := E.Pthen;
-- Successor set as result in E unless reset
case E.Pcode is
when PC_Cancel =>
Append (Result, "Cancel");
when PC_Alt => Alt : declare
Elmts_In_L : constant IndexT := E.Pthen.Index - E.Alt.Index;
-- Number of elements in left pattern of alternation
Lowest_In_L : constant IndexT := E.Index - Elmts_In_L;
-- Number of lowest index in elements of left pattern
E1 : PE_Ptr;
-- The successor of the alternation node must have a lower
-- index than any node that is in the left pattern or a
-- higher index than the alternation node itself.
while ER /= EOP
and then ER.Index >= Lowest_In_L
and then ER.Index < E.Index
ER := ER.Pthen;
end loop;
Append (Result, '(');
E1 := E;
Image_Seq (E1.Pthen, ER, False);
Append (Result, " or ");
E1 := E1.Alt;
exit when E1.Pcode /= PC_Alt;
end loop;
Image_Seq (E1, ER, False);
Append (Result, ')');
end Alt;
when PC_Any_CS =>
Append (Result, "Any (" & Image (To_Sequence (E.CS)) & ')');
when PC_Any_VF =>
Append (Result, "Any (" & Str_VF (E.VF) & ')');
when PC_Any_VP =>
Append (Result, "Any (" & Str_VP (E.VP) & ')');
when PC_Arb_X =>
Append (Result, "Arb");
when PC_Arbno_S =>
Append (Result, "Arbno (");
Image_Seq (E.Alt, E, False);
Append (Result, ')');
when PC_Arbno_X =>
Append (Result, "Arbno (");
Image_Seq (E.Alt.Pthen, Refs (E.Index - 2), False);
Append (Result, ')');
when PC_Assign_Imm =>
Append (Result, "* " & Str_VP (Refs (E.Index).VP));
when PC_Assign_OnM =>
Append (Result, "** " & Str_VP (Refs (E.Index).VP));
when PC_Any_CH =>
Append (Result, "Any ('" & E.Char & "')");
when PC_Bal =>
Append (Result, "Bal");
when PC_Break_CH =>
Append (Result, "Break ('" & E.Char & "')");
when PC_Break_CS =>
Append (Result, "Break (" & Image (To_Sequence (E.CS)) & ')');
when PC_Break_VF =>
Append (Result, "Break (" & Str_VF (E.VF) & ')');
when PC_Break_VP =>
Append (Result, "Break (" & Str_VP (E.VP) & ')');
when PC_BreakX_CH =>
Append (Result, "BreakX ('" & E.Char & "')");
ER := ER.Pthen;
when PC_BreakX_CS =>
Append (Result, "BreakX (" & Image (To_Sequence (E.CS)) & ')');
ER := ER.Pthen;
when PC_BreakX_VF =>
Append (Result, "BreakX (" & Str_VF (E.VF) & ')');
ER := ER.Pthen;
when PC_BreakX_VP =>
Append (Result, "BreakX (" & Str_VP (E.VP) & ')');
ER := ER.Pthen;
when PC_Char =>
Append (Result, ''' & E.Char & ''');
when PC_Fail =>
Append (Result, "Fail");
when PC_Fence =>
Append (Result, "Fence");
when PC_Fence_X =>
Append (Result, "Fence (");
Image_Seq (E.Pthen, Refs (E.Index - 1), False);
Append (Result, ")");
ER := Refs (E.Index - 1).Pthen;
when PC_Len_Nat =>
Append (Result, "Len (" & E.Nat & ')');
when PC_Len_NF =>
Append (Result, "Len (" & Str_NF (E.NF) & ')');
when PC_Len_NP =>
Append (Result, "Len (" & Str_NP (E.NP) & ')');
when PC_NotAny_CH =>
Append (Result, "NotAny ('" & E.Char & "')");
when PC_NotAny_CS =>
Append (Result, "NotAny (" & Image (To_Sequence (E.CS)) & ')');
when PC_NotAny_VF =>
Append (Result, "NotAny (" & Str_VF (E.VF) & ')');
when PC_NotAny_VP =>
Append (Result, "NotAny (" & Str_VP (E.VP) & ')');
when PC_NSpan_CH =>
Append (Result, "NSpan ('" & E.Char & "')");
when PC_NSpan_CS =>
Append (Result, "NSpan (" & Image (To_Sequence (E.CS)) & ')');
when PC_NSpan_VF =>
Append (Result, "NSpan (" & Str_VF (E.VF) & ')');
when PC_NSpan_VP =>
Append (Result, "NSpan (" & Str_VP (E.VP) & ')');
when PC_Null =>
Append (Result, """""");
when PC_Pos_Nat =>
Append (Result, "Pos (" & E.Nat & ')');
when PC_Pos_NF =>
Append (Result, "Pos (" & Str_NF (E.NF) & ')');
when PC_Pos_NP =>
Append (Result, "Pos (" & Str_NP (E.NP) & ')');
when PC_R_Enter =>
Kill_Ampersand := True;
when PC_Rest =>
Append (Result, "Rest");
when PC_Rpat =>
Append (Result, "(+ " & Str_PP (E.PP) & ')');
when PC_Pred_Func =>
Append (Result, "(+ " & Str_BF (E.BF) & ')');
when PC_RPos_Nat =>
Append (Result, "RPos (" & E.Nat & ')');
when PC_RPos_NF =>
Append (Result, "RPos (" & Str_NF (E.NF) & ')');
when PC_RPos_NP =>
Append (Result, "RPos (" & Str_NP (E.NP) & ')');
when PC_RTab_Nat =>
Append (Result, "RTab (" & E.Nat & ')');
when PC_RTab_NF =>
Append (Result, "RTab (" & Str_NF (E.NF) & ')');
when PC_RTab_NP =>
Append (Result, "RTab (" & Str_NP (E.NP) & ')');
when PC_Setcur =>
Append (Result, "Setcur (" & Str_NP (E.Var) & ')');
when PC_Span_CH =>
Append (Result, "Span ('" & E.Char & "')");
when PC_Span_CS =>
Append (Result, "Span (" & Image (To_Sequence (E.CS)) & ')');
when PC_Span_VF =>
Append (Result, "Span (" & Str_VF (E.VF) & ')');
when PC_Span_VP =>
Append (Result, "Span (" & Str_VP (E.VP) & ')');
when PC_String =>
Append (Result, Image (E.Str.all));
when PC_String_2 =>
Append (Result, Image (E.Str2));
when PC_String_3 =>
Append (Result, Image (E.Str3));
when PC_String_4 =>
Append (Result, Image (E.Str4));
when PC_String_5 =>
Append (Result, Image (E.Str5));
when PC_String_6 =>
Append (Result, Image (E.Str6));
when PC_String_VF =>
Append (Result, "(+" & Str_VF (E.VF) & ')');
when PC_String_VP =>
Append (Result, "(+" & Str_VP (E.VP) & ')');
when PC_Succeed =>
Append (Result, "Succeed");
when PC_Tab_Nat =>
Append (Result, "Tab (" & E.Nat & ')');
when PC_Tab_NF =>
Append (Result, "Tab (" & Str_NF (E.NF) & ')');
when PC_Tab_NP =>
Append (Result, "Tab (" & Str_NP (E.NP) & ')');
when PC_Write_Imm =>
Append (Result, '(');
Image_Seq (E, Refs (E.Index - 1), True);
Append (Result, " * " & Str_FP (Refs (E.Index - 1).FP));
ER := Refs (E.Index - 1).Pthen;
when PC_Write_OnM =>
Append (Result, '(');
Image_Seq (E.Pthen, Refs (E.Index - 1), True);
Append (Result, " ** " & Str_FP (Refs (E.Index - 1).FP));
ER := Refs (E.Index - 1).Pthen;
-- Other pattern codes should not appear as leading elements
when PC_Arb_Y
| PC_Arbno_Y
| PC_Assign
| PC_BreakX_X
| PC_Fence_Y
| PC_R_Remove
| PC_R_Restore
| PC_Unanchored
Append (Result, "???");
end case;
E := ER;
end Image_One;
-- Image_Seq --
procedure Image_Seq (E : PE_Ptr; Succ : PE_Ptr; Paren : Boolean) is
Indx : constant Natural := Length (Result);
E1 : PE_Ptr := E;
Mult : Boolean := False;
-- The image of EOP is "" (the null string)
if E = EOP then
Append (Result, """""");
-- Else generate appropriate concatenation sequence
Image_One (E1);
exit when E1 = Succ;
exit when E1 = EOP;
Mult := True;
if Kill_Ampersand then
Kill_Ampersand := False;
Append (Result, " & ");
end if;
end loop;
end if;
if Mult and Paren then
Insert (Result, Indx + 1, "(");
Append (Result, ")");
end if;
end Image_Seq;
-- Start of processing for Image
Build_Ref_Array (P.P, Refs);
Image_Seq (P.P, EOP, False);
return Result;
end Image;
-- Is_In --
function Is_In (C : Character; Str : String) return Boolean is
for J in Str'Range loop
if Str (J) = C then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end Is_In;
-- Len --
function Len (Count : Natural) return Pattern is
-- Note, the following is not just an optimization, it is needed
-- to ensure that Arbno (Len (0)) does not generate an infinite
-- matching loop (since PC_Len_Nat is OK_For_Simple_Arbno).
if Count = 0 then
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Null, 1, EOP));
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Len_Nat, 1, EOP, Count));
end if;
end Len;
function Len (Count : Natural_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Len_NF, 1, EOP, Count));
end Len;
function Len (Count : not null access Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Len_NP, 1, EOP, Natural_Ptr (Count)));
end Len;
-- Logic_Error --
procedure Logic_Error is
raise Program_Error with
"Internal logic error in GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns";
end Logic_Error;
-- Match --
function Match
(Subject : VString;
Pat : Pattern) return Boolean
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
pragma Unreferenced (Stop);
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
return Start /= 0;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : String;
Pat : Pattern) return Boolean
Start, Stop : Natural;
pragma Unreferenced (Stop);
subtype String1 is String (1 .. Subject'Length);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (String1 (Subject), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (String1 (Subject), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
return Start /= 0;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : VString_Var;
Pat : Pattern;
Replace : VString) return Boolean
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start = 0 then
return False;
Get_String (Replace, S, L);
(Subject'Unrestricted_Access.all, Start, Stop, S (1 .. L));
return True;
end if;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : VString_Var;
Pat : Pattern;
Replace : String) return Boolean
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start = 0 then
return False;
(Subject'Unrestricted_Access.all, Start, Stop, Replace);
return True;
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : VString;
Pat : Pattern)
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
pragma Unreferenced (Start, Stop);
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : String;
Pat : Pattern)
Start, Stop : Natural;
pragma Unreferenced (Start, Stop);
subtype String1 is String (1 .. Subject'Length);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (String1 (Subject), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (String1 (Subject), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : in out VString;
Pat : Pattern;
Replace : VString)
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start /= 0 then
Get_String (Replace, S, L);
Replace_Slice (Subject, Start, Stop, S (1 .. L));
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : in out VString;
Pat : Pattern;
Replace : String)
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start /= 0 then
Replace_Slice (Subject, Start, Stop, Replace);
end if;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : VString;
Pat : PString) return Boolean
Pat_Len : constant Natural := Pat'Length;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Anchored_Mode then
if Pat_Len > L then
return False;
return Pat = S (1 .. Pat_Len);
end if;
for J in 1 .. L - Pat_Len + 1 loop
if Pat = S (J .. J + (Pat_Len - 1)) then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end if;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : String;
Pat : PString) return Boolean
Pat_Len : constant Natural := Pat'Length;
Sub_Len : constant Natural := Subject'Length;
SFirst : constant Natural := Subject'First;
if Anchored_Mode then
if Pat_Len > Sub_Len then
return False;
return Pat = Subject (SFirst .. SFirst + Pat_Len - 1);
end if;
for J in SFirst .. SFirst + Sub_Len - Pat_Len loop
if Pat = Subject (J .. J + (Pat_Len - 1)) then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end if;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : VString_Var;
Pat : PString;
Replace : VString) return Boolean
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start = 0 then
return False;
Get_String (Replace, S, L);
(Subject'Unrestricted_Access.all, Start, Stop, S (1 .. L));
return True;
end if;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : VString_Var;
Pat : PString;
Replace : String) return Boolean
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start = 0 then
return False;
(Subject'Unrestricted_Access.all, Start, Stop, Replace);
return True;
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : VString;
Pat : PString)
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
pragma Unreferenced (Start, Stop);
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : String;
Pat : PString)
Start, Stop : Natural;
pragma Unreferenced (Start, Stop);
subtype String1 is String (1 .. Subject'Length);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (String1 (Subject), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
XMatch (String1 (Subject), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : in out VString;
Pat : PString;
Replace : VString)
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start /= 0 then
Get_String (Replace, S, L);
Replace_Slice (Subject, Start, Stop, S (1 .. L));
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : in out VString;
Pat : PString;
Replace : String)
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), S_To_PE (Pat), 0, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start /= 0 then
Replace_Slice (Subject, Start, Stop, Replace);
end if;
end Match;
function Match
(Subject : VString_Var;
Pat : Pattern;
Result : Match_Result_Var) return Boolean
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start = 0 then
Result'Unrestricted_Access.all.Var := null;
return False;
Result'Unrestricted_Access.all.Var := Subject'Unrestricted_Access;
Result'Unrestricted_Access.all.Start := Start;
Result'Unrestricted_Access.all.Stop := Stop;
return True;
end if;
end Match;
procedure Match
(Subject : in out VString;
Pat : Pattern;
Result : out Match_Result)
Start : Natural;
Stop : Natural;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Subject, S, L);
if Debug_Mode then
XMatchD (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
XMatch (S (1 .. L), Pat.P, Pat.Stk, Start, Stop);
end if;
if Start = 0 then
Result.Var := null;
Result.Var := Subject'Unrestricted_Access;
Result.Start := Start;
Result.Stop := Stop;
end if;
end Match;
-- New_LineD --
procedure New_LineD is
if Internal_Debug then
end if;
end New_LineD;
-- NotAny --
function NotAny (Str : String) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NotAny_CS, 1, EOP, To_Set (Str)));
end NotAny;
function NotAny (Str : VString) return Pattern is
return NotAny (S (Str));
end NotAny;
function NotAny (Str : Character) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NotAny_CH, 1, EOP, Str));
end NotAny;
function NotAny (Str : Character_Set) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NotAny_CS, 1, EOP, Str));
end NotAny;
function NotAny (Str : not null access VString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NotAny_VP, 1, EOP, VString_Ptr (Str)));
end NotAny;
function NotAny (Str : VString_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NotAny_VF, 1, EOP, Str));
end NotAny;
-- NSpan --
function NSpan (Str : String) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NSpan_CS, 1, EOP, To_Set (Str)));
end NSpan;
function NSpan (Str : VString) return Pattern is
return NSpan (S (Str));
end NSpan;
function NSpan (Str : Character) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NSpan_CH, 1, EOP, Str));
end NSpan;
function NSpan (Str : Character_Set) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NSpan_CS, 1, EOP, Str));
end NSpan;
function NSpan (Str : not null access VString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NSpan_VP, 1, EOP, VString_Ptr (Str)));
end NSpan;
function NSpan (Str : VString_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_NSpan_VF, 1, EOP, Str));
end NSpan;
-- Pos --
function Pos (Count : Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Pos_Nat, 1, EOP, Count));
end Pos;
function Pos (Count : Natural_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Pos_NF, 1, EOP, Count));
end Pos;
function Pos (Count : not null access Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Pos_NP, 1, EOP, Natural_Ptr (Count)));
end Pos;
-- PutD --
procedure PutD (Str : String) is
if Internal_Debug then
Put (Str);
end if;
end PutD;
-- Put_LineD --
procedure Put_LineD (Str : String) is
if Internal_Debug then
Put_Line (Str);
end if;
end Put_LineD;
-- Replace --
procedure Replace
(Result : in out Match_Result;
Replace : VString)
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (Replace, S, L);
if Result.Var /= null then
Replace_Slice (Result.Var.all, Result.Start, Result.Stop, S (1 .. L));
Result.Var := null;
end if;
end Replace;
-- Rest --
function Rest return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Rest, 1, EOP));
end Rest;
-- Rpos --
function Rpos (Count : Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_RPos_Nat, 1, EOP, Count));
end Rpos;
function Rpos (Count : Natural_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_RPos_NF, 1, EOP, Count));
end Rpos;
function Rpos (Count : not null access Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_RPos_NP, 1, EOP, Natural_Ptr (Count)));
end Rpos;
-- Rtab --
function Rtab (Count : Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_RTab_Nat, 1, EOP, Count));
end Rtab;
function Rtab (Count : Natural_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_RTab_NF, 1, EOP, Count));
end Rtab;
function Rtab (Count : not null access Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_RTab_NP, 1, EOP, Natural_Ptr (Count)));
end Rtab;
-- S_To_PE --
function S_To_PE (Str : PString) return PE_Ptr is
Len : constant Natural := Str'Length;
case Len is
when 0 =>
return new PE'(PC_Null, 1, EOP);
when 1 =>
return new PE'(PC_Char, 1, EOP, Str (Str'First));
when 2 =>
return new PE'(PC_String_2, 1, EOP, Str);
when 3 =>
return new PE'(PC_String_3, 1, EOP, Str);
when 4 =>
return new PE'(PC_String_4, 1, EOP, Str);
when 5 =>
return new PE'(PC_String_5, 1, EOP, Str);
when 6 =>
return new PE'(PC_String_6, 1, EOP, Str);
when others =>
return new PE'(PC_String, 1, EOP, new String'(Str));
end case;
end S_To_PE;
-- Set_Successor --
-- Note: this procedure is not used by the normal concatenation circuit,
-- since other fixups are required on the left operand in this case, and
-- they might as well be done all together.
procedure Set_Successor (Pat : PE_Ptr; Succ : PE_Ptr) is
if Pat = null then
elsif Pat = EOP then
Refs : Ref_Array (1 .. Pat.Index);
-- We build a reference array for L whose N'th element points to
-- the pattern element of L whose original Index value is N.
P : PE_Ptr;
Build_Ref_Array (Pat, Refs);
for J in Refs'Range loop
P := Refs (J);
if P.Pthen = EOP then
P.Pthen := Succ;
end if;
if P.Pcode in PC_Has_Alt and then P.Alt = EOP then
P.Alt := Succ;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Set_Successor;
-- Setcur --
function Setcur (Var : not null access Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Setcur, 1, EOP, Natural_Ptr (Var)));
end Setcur;
-- Span --
function Span (Str : String) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Span_CS, 1, EOP, To_Set (Str)));
end Span;
function Span (Str : VString) return Pattern is
return Span (S (Str));
end Span;
function Span (Str : Character) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Span_CH, 1, EOP, Str));
end Span;
function Span (Str : Character_Set) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Span_CS, 1, EOP, Str));
end Span;
function Span (Str : not null access VString) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Span_VP, 1, EOP, VString_Ptr (Str)));
end Span;
function Span (Str : VString_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Span_VF, 1, EOP, Str));
end Span;
-- Str_BF --
function Str_BF (A : Boolean_Func) return String is
function To_A is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Boolean_Func, Address);
return "BF(" & Image (To_A (A)) & ')';
end Str_BF;
-- Str_FP --
function Str_FP (A : File_Ptr) return String is
return "FP(" & Image (A.all'Address) & ')';
end Str_FP;
-- Str_NF --
function Str_NF (A : Natural_Func) return String is
function To_A is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Natural_Func, Address);
return "NF(" & Image (To_A (A)) & ')';
end Str_NF;
-- Str_NP --
function Str_NP (A : Natural_Ptr) return String is
return "NP(" & Image (A.all'Address) & ')';
end Str_NP;
-- Str_PP --
function Str_PP (A : Pattern_Ptr) return String is
return "PP(" & Image (A.all'Address) & ')';
end Str_PP;
-- Str_VF --
function Str_VF (A : VString_Func) return String is
function To_A is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (VString_Func, Address);
return "VF(" & Image (To_A (A)) & ')';
end Str_VF;
-- Str_VP --
function Str_VP (A : VString_Ptr) return String is
return "VP(" & Image (A.all'Address) & ')';
end Str_VP;
-- Succeed --
function Succeed return Pattern is
return (AFC with 1, new PE'(PC_Succeed, 1, EOP));
end Succeed;
-- Tab --
function Tab (Count : Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Tab_Nat, 1, EOP, Count));
end Tab;
function Tab (Count : Natural_Func) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Tab_NF, 1, EOP, Count));
end Tab;
function Tab (Count : not null access Natural) return Pattern is
return (AFC with 0, new PE'(PC_Tab_NP, 1, EOP, Natural_Ptr (Count)));
end Tab;
-- Uninitialized_Pattern --
procedure Uninitialized_Pattern is
raise Program_Error with
"uninitialized value of type GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns.Pattern";
end Uninitialized_Pattern;
-- XMatch --
procedure XMatch
(Subject : String;
Pat_P : PE_Ptr;
Pat_S : Natural;
Start : out Natural;
Stop : out Natural)
Node : PE_Ptr;
-- Pointer to current pattern node. Initialized from Pat_P, and then
-- updated as the match proceeds through its constituent elements.
Length : constant Natural := Subject'Length;
-- Length of string (= Subject'Last, since Subject'First is always 1)
Cursor : Integer := 0;
-- If the value is non-negative, then this value is the index showing
-- the current position of the match in the subject string. The next
-- character to be matched is at Subject (Cursor + 1). Note that since
-- our view of the subject string in XMatch always has a lower bound
-- of one, regardless of original bounds, that this definition exactly
-- corresponds to the cursor value as referenced by functions like Pos.
-- If the value is negative, then this is a saved stack pointer,
-- typically a base pointer of an inner or outer region. Cursor
-- temporarily holds such a value when it is popped from the stack
-- by Fail. In all cases, Cursor is reset to a proper non-negative
-- cursor value before the match proceeds (e.g. by propagating the
-- failure and popping a "real" cursor value from the stack.
PE_Unanchored : aliased PE := (PC_Unanchored, 0, Pat_P);
-- Dummy pattern element used in the unanchored case
Stack : Stack_Type;
-- The pattern matching failure stack for this call to Match
Stack_Ptr : Stack_Range;
-- Current stack pointer. This points to the top element of the stack
-- that is currently in use. At the outer level this is the special
-- entry placed on the stack according to the anchor mode.
Stack_Init : constant Stack_Range := Stack'First + 1;
-- This is the initial value of the Stack_Ptr and Stack_Base. The
-- initial (Stack'First) element of the stack is not used so that
-- when we pop the last element off, Stack_Ptr is still in range.
Stack_Base : Stack_Range;
-- This value is the stack base value, i.e. the stack pointer for the
-- first history stack entry in the current stack region. See separate
-- section on handling of recursive pattern matches.
Assign_OnM : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if assign-on-match or write-on-match operations may be
-- present in the history stack, which must then be scanned on a
-- successful match.
procedure Pop_Region;
pragma Inline (Pop_Region);
-- Used at the end of processing of an inner region. If the inner
-- region left no stack entries, then all trace of it is removed.
-- Otherwise a PC_Restore_Region entry is pushed to ensure proper
-- handling of alternatives in the inner region.
procedure Push (Node : PE_Ptr);
pragma Inline (Push);
-- Make entry in pattern matching stack with current cursor value
procedure Push_Region;
pragma Inline (Push_Region);
-- This procedure makes a new region on the history stack. The
-- caller first establishes the special entry on the stack, but
-- does not push the stack pointer. Then this call stacks a
-- PC_Remove_Region node, on top of this entry, using the cursor
-- field of the PC_Remove_Region entry to save the outer level
-- stack base value, and resets the stack base to point to this
-- PC_Remove_Region node.
-- Pop_Region --
procedure Pop_Region is
-- If nothing was pushed in the inner region, we can just get
-- rid of it entirely, leaving no traces that it was ever there
if Stack_Ptr = Stack_Base then
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Base - 2;
Stack_Base := Stack (Stack_Ptr + 2).Cursor;
-- If stuff was pushed in the inner region, then we have to
-- push a PC_R_Restore node so that we properly handle possible
-- rematches within the region.
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 1;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Stack_Base;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := CP_R_Restore'Access;
Stack_Base := Stack (Stack_Base).Cursor;
end if;
end Pop_Region;
-- Push --
procedure Push (Node : PE_Ptr) is
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 1;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Cursor;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := Node;
end Push;
-- Push_Region --
procedure Push_Region is
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 2;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Stack_Base;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := CP_R_Remove'Access;
Stack_Base := Stack_Ptr;
end Push_Region;
-- Start of processing for XMatch
if Pat_P = null then
end if;
-- Check we have enough stack for this pattern. This check deals with
-- every possibility except a match of a recursive pattern, where we
-- make a check at each recursion level.
if Pat_S >= Stack_Size - 1 then
raise Pattern_Stack_Overflow;
end if;
-- In anchored mode, the bottom entry on the stack is an abort entry
if Anchored_Mode then
Stack (Stack_Init).Node := CP_Cancel'Access;
Stack (Stack_Init).Cursor := 0;
-- In unanchored more, the bottom entry on the stack references
-- the special pattern element PE_Unanchored, whose Pthen field
-- points to the initial pattern element. The cursor value in this
-- entry is the number of anchor moves so far.
Stack (Stack_Init).Node := PE_Unanchored'Unchecked_Access;
Stack (Stack_Init).Cursor := 0;
end if;
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Init;
Stack_Base := Stack_Ptr;
Cursor := 0;
Node := Pat_P;
goto Match;
-- Main Pattern Matching State Control --
-- This is a state machine which uses gotos to change state. The
-- initial state is Match, to initiate the matching of the first
-- element, so the goto Match above starts the match. In the
-- following descriptions, we indicate the global values that
-- are relevant for the state transition.
-- Come here if entire match fails
Start := 0;
Stop := 0;
-- Come here if entire match succeeds
-- Cursor current position in subject string
Start := Stack (Stack_Init).Cursor + 1;
Stop := Cursor;
-- Scan history stack for deferred assignments or writes
if Assign_OnM then
for S in Stack_Init .. Stack_Ptr loop
if Stack (S).Node = CP_Assign'Access then
Inner_Base : constant Stack_Range :=
Stack (S + 1).Cursor;
Special_Entry : constant Stack_Range :=
Inner_Base - 1;
Node_OnM : constant PE_Ptr :=
Stack (Special_Entry).Node;
Start : constant Natural :=
Stack (Special_Entry).Cursor + 1;
Stop : constant Natural := Stack (S).Cursor;
if Node_OnM.Pcode = PC_Assign_OnM then
(Node_OnM.VP.all, Subject (Start .. Stop));
elsif Node_OnM.Pcode = PC_Write_OnM then
Put_Line (Node_OnM.FP.all, Subject (Start .. Stop));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Come here if attempt to match current element fails
-- Stack_Base current stack base
-- Stack_Ptr current stack pointer
Cursor := Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor;
Node := Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node;
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr - 1;
goto Match;
-- Come here if attempt to match current element succeeds
-- Cursor current position in subject string
-- Node pointer to node successfully matched
-- Stack_Base current stack base
-- Stack_Ptr current stack pointer
Node := Node.Pthen;
-- Come here to match the next pattern element
-- Cursor current position in subject string
-- Node pointer to node to be matched
-- Stack_Base current stack base
-- Stack_Ptr current stack pointer
-- Main Pattern Match Element Matching Routines --
-- Here is the case statement that processes the current node. The
-- processing for each element does one of five things:
-- goto Succeed to move to the successor
-- goto Match_Succeed if the entire match succeeds
-- goto Match_Fail if the entire match fails
-- goto Fail to signal failure of current match
-- Processing is NOT allowed to fall through
case Node.Pcode is
-- Cancel
when PC_Cancel =>
goto Match_Fail;
-- Alternation
when PC_Alt =>
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Any (one character case)
when PC_Any_CH =>
if Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Any (character set case)
when PC_Any_CS =>
if Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS)
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Any (string function case)
when PC_Any_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
if Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Any (string pointer case)
when PC_Any_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
if Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Arb (initial match)
when PC_Arb_X =>
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Arb (extension)
when PC_Arb_Y =>
if Cursor < Length then
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Arbno_S (simple Arbno initialize). This is the node that
-- initiates the match of a simple Arbno structure.
when PC_Arbno_S =>
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Arbno_X (Arbno initialize). This is the node that initiates
-- the match of a complex Arbno structure.
when PC_Arbno_X =>
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Arbno_Y (Arbno rematch). This is the node that is executed
-- following successful matching of one instance of a complex
-- Arbno pattern.
when PC_Arbno_Y => declare
Null_Match : constant Boolean :=
Cursor = Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor;
-- If arbno extension matched null, then immediately fail
if Null_Match then
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Here we must do a stack check to make sure enough stack
-- is left. This check will happen once for each instance of
-- the Arbno pattern that is matched. The Nat field of a
-- PC_Arbno pattern contains the maximum stack entries needed
-- for the Arbno with one instance and the successor pattern
if Stack_Ptr + Node.Nat >= Stack'Last then
raise Pattern_Stack_Overflow;
end if;
goto Succeed;
-- Assign. If this node is executed, it means the assign-on-match
-- or write-on-match operation will not happen after all, so we
-- is propagate the failure, removing the PC_Assign node.
when PC_Assign =>
goto Fail;
-- Assign immediate. This node performs the actual assignment
when PC_Assign_Imm =>
Subject (Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor + 1 .. Cursor));
goto Succeed;
-- Assign on match. This node sets up for the eventual assignment
when PC_Assign_OnM =>
Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Node := Node;
Push (CP_Assign'Access);
Assign_OnM := True;
goto Succeed;
-- Bal
when PC_Bal =>
if Cursor >= Length or else Subject (Cursor + 1) = ')' then
goto Fail;
elsif Subject (Cursor + 1) = '(' then
Paren_Count : Natural := 1;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
if Cursor >= Length then
goto Fail;
elsif Subject (Cursor + 1) = '(' then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count + 1;
elsif Subject (Cursor + 1) = ')' then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count - 1;
exit when Paren_Count = 0;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
-- Break (one character case)
when PC_Break_CH =>
while Cursor < Length loop
if Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- Break (character set case)
when PC_Break_CS =>
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- Break (string function case)
when PC_Break_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- Break (string pointer case)
when PC_Break_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (one character case)
when PC_BreakX_CH =>
while Cursor < Length loop
if Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (character set case)
when PC_BreakX_CS =>
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (string function case)
when PC_BreakX_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (string pointer case)
when PC_BreakX_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX_X (BreakX extension). See section on "Compound Pattern
-- Structures". This node is the alternative that is stacked to
-- skip past the break character and extend the break.
when PC_BreakX_X =>
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
-- Character (one character string)
when PC_Char =>
if Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- End of Pattern
when PC_EOP =>
if Stack_Base = Stack_Init then
goto Match_Succeed;
-- End of recursive inner match. See separate section on
-- handing of recursive pattern matches for details.
Node := Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Node;
goto Match;
end if;
-- Fail
when PC_Fail =>
goto Fail;
-- Fence (built in pattern)
when PC_Fence =>
Push (CP_Cancel'Access);
goto Succeed;
-- Fence function node X. This is the node that gets control
-- after a successful match of the fenced pattern.
when PC_Fence_X =>
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 1;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Stack_Base;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := CP_Fence_Y'Access;
Stack_Base := Stack (Stack_Base).Cursor;
goto Succeed;
-- Fence function node Y. This is the node that gets control on
-- a failure that occurs after the fenced pattern has matched.
-- Note: the Cursor at this stage is actually the inner stack
-- base value. We don't reset this, but we do use it to strip
-- off all the entries made by the fenced pattern.
when PC_Fence_Y =>
Stack_Ptr := Cursor - 2;
goto Fail;
-- Len (integer case)
when PC_Len_Nat =>
if Cursor + Node.Nat > Length then
goto Fail;
Cursor := Cursor + Node.Nat;
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- Len (Integer function case)
when PC_Len_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
if Cursor + N > Length then
goto Fail;
Cursor := Cursor + N;
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- Len (integer pointer case)
when PC_Len_NP =>
if Cursor + Node.NP.all > Length then
goto Fail;
Cursor := Cursor + Node.NP.all;
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- NotAny (one character case)
when PC_NotAny_CH =>
if Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) /= Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NotAny (character set case)
when PC_NotAny_CS =>
if Cursor < Length
and then not Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS)
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NotAny (string function case)
when PC_NotAny_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
if Cursor < Length
and then
not Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NotAny (string pointer case)
when PC_NotAny_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
if Cursor < Length
and then
not Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NSpan (one character case)
when PC_NSpan_CH =>
while Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
-- NSpan (character set case)
when PC_NSpan_CS =>
while Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS)
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
-- NSpan (string function case)
when PC_NSpan_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
while Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
-- NSpan (string pointer case)
when PC_NSpan_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
while Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
-- Null string
when PC_Null =>
goto Succeed;
-- Pos (integer case)
when PC_Pos_Nat =>
if Cursor = Node.Nat then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Pos (Integer function case)
when PC_Pos_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
if Cursor = N then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Pos (integer pointer case)
when PC_Pos_NP =>
if Cursor = Node.NP.all then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Predicate function
when PC_Pred_Func =>
if Node.BF.all then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Region Enter. Initiate new pattern history stack region
when PC_R_Enter =>
Stack (Stack_Ptr + 1).Cursor := Cursor;
goto Succeed;
-- Region Remove node. This is the node stacked by an R_Enter.
-- It removes the special format stack entry right underneath, and
-- then restores the outer level stack base and signals failure.
-- Note: the cursor value at this stage is actually the (negative)
-- stack base value for the outer level.
when PC_R_Remove =>
Stack_Base := Cursor;
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr - 1;
goto Fail;
-- Region restore node. This is the node stacked at the end of an
-- inner level match. Its function is to restore the inner level
-- region, so that alternatives in this region can be sought.
-- Note: the Cursor at this stage is actually the negative of the
-- inner stack base value, which we use to restore the inner region.
when PC_R_Restore =>
Stack_Base := Cursor;
goto Fail;
-- Rest
when PC_Rest =>
Cursor := Length;
goto Succeed;
-- Initiate recursive match (pattern pointer case)
when PC_Rpat =>
Stack (Stack_Ptr + 1).Node := Node.Pthen;
if Stack_Ptr + Node.PP.all.Stk >= Stack_Size then
raise Pattern_Stack_Overflow;
Node := Node.PP.all.P;
goto Match;
end if;
-- RPos (integer case)
when PC_RPos_Nat =>
if Cursor = (Length - Node.Nat) then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RPos (integer function case)
when PC_RPos_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
if Length - Cursor = N then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RPos (integer pointer case)
when PC_RPos_NP =>
if Cursor = (Length - Node.NP.all) then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RTab (integer case)
when PC_RTab_Nat =>
if Cursor <= (Length - Node.Nat) then
Cursor := Length - Node.Nat;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RTab (integer function case)
when PC_RTab_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
if Length - Cursor >= N then
Cursor := Length - N;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RTab (integer pointer case)
when PC_RTab_NP =>
if Cursor <= (Length - Node.NP.all) then
Cursor := Length - Node.NP.all;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Cursor assignment
when PC_Setcur =>
Node.Var.all := Cursor;
goto Succeed;
-- Span (one character case)
when PC_Span_CH => declare
P : Natural;
P := Cursor;
while P < Length
and then Subject (P + 1) = Node.Char
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Span (character set case)
when PC_Span_CS => declare
P : Natural;
P := Cursor;
while P < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (P + 1), Node.CS)
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Span (string function case)
when PC_Span_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
P : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
P := Cursor;
while P < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (P + 1), S (1 .. L))
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Span (string pointer case)
when PC_Span_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
P : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
P := Cursor;
while P < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (P + 1), S (1 .. L))
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (two character case)
when PC_String_2 =>
if (Length - Cursor) >= 2
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 2) = Node.Str2
Cursor := Cursor + 2;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (three character case)
when PC_String_3 =>
if (Length - Cursor) >= 3
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 3) = Node.Str3
Cursor := Cursor + 3;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (four character case)
when PC_String_4 =>
if (Length - Cursor) >= 4
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 4) = Node.Str4
Cursor := Cursor + 4;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (five character case)
when PC_String_5 =>
if (Length - Cursor) >= 5
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 5) = Node.Str5
Cursor := Cursor + 5;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (six character case)
when PC_String_6 =>
if (Length - Cursor) >= 6
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 6) = Node.Str6
Cursor := Cursor + 6;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (case of more than six characters)
when PC_String => declare
Len : constant Natural := Node.Str'Length;
if (Length - Cursor) >= Len
and then Node.Str.all = Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + Len)
Cursor := Cursor + Len;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (function case)
when PC_String_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
if (Length - Cursor) >= L
and then S (1 .. L) = Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + L)
Cursor := Cursor + L;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (pointer case)
when PC_String_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
if (Length - Cursor) >= L
and then S (1 .. L) = Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + L)
Cursor := Cursor + L;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Succeed
when PC_Succeed =>
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
-- Tab (integer case)
when PC_Tab_Nat =>
if Cursor <= Node.Nat then
Cursor := Node.Nat;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Tab (integer function case)
when PC_Tab_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
if Cursor <= N then
Cursor := N;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Tab (integer pointer case)
when PC_Tab_NP =>
if Cursor <= Node.NP.all then
Cursor := Node.NP.all;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Unanchored movement
when PC_Unanchored =>
-- All done if we tried every position
if Cursor > Length then
goto Match_Fail;
-- Otherwise extend the anchor point, and restack ourself
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- Write immediate. This node performs the actual write
when PC_Write_Imm =>
Subject (Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor + 1 .. Cursor));
goto Succeed;
-- Write on match. This node sets up for the eventual write
when PC_Write_OnM =>
Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Node := Node;
Push (CP_Assign'Access);
Assign_OnM := True;
goto Succeed;
end case;
-- We are NOT allowed to fall though this case statement, since every
-- match routine must end by executing a goto to the appropriate point
-- in the finite state machine model.
pragma Warnings (Off);
pragma Warnings (On);
end XMatch;
-- XMatchD --
-- Maintenance note: There is a LOT of code duplication between XMatch
-- and XMatchD. This is quite intentional, the point is to avoid any
-- unnecessary debugging overhead in the XMatch case, but this does mean
-- that any changes to XMatchD must be mirrored in XMatch. In case of
-- any major changes, the proper approach is to delete XMatch, make the
-- changes to XMatchD, and then make a copy of XMatchD, removing all
-- calls to Dout, and all Put and Put_Line operations. This copy becomes
-- the new XMatch.
procedure XMatchD
(Subject : String;
Pat_P : PE_Ptr;
Pat_S : Natural;
Start : out Natural;
Stop : out Natural)
Node : PE_Ptr;
-- Pointer to current pattern node. Initialized from Pat_P, and then
-- updated as the match proceeds through its constituent elements.
Length : constant Natural := Subject'Length;
-- Length of string (= Subject'Last, since Subject'First is always 1)
Cursor : Integer := 0;
-- If the value is non-negative, then this value is the index showing
-- the current position of the match in the subject string. The next
-- character to be matched is at Subject (Cursor + 1). Note that since
-- our view of the subject string in XMatch always has a lower bound
-- of one, regardless of original bounds, that this definition exactly
-- corresponds to the cursor value as referenced by functions like Pos.
-- If the value is negative, then this is a saved stack pointer,
-- typically a base pointer of an inner or outer region. Cursor
-- temporarily holds such a value when it is popped from the stack
-- by Fail. In all cases, Cursor is reset to a proper non-negative
-- cursor value before the match proceeds (e.g. by propagating the
-- failure and popping a "real" cursor value from the stack.
PE_Unanchored : aliased PE := (PC_Unanchored, 0, Pat_P);
-- Dummy pattern element used in the unanchored case
Region_Level : Natural := 0;
-- Keeps track of recursive region level. This is used only for
-- debugging, it is the number of saved history stack base values.
Stack : Stack_Type;
-- The pattern matching failure stack for this call to Match
Stack_Ptr : Stack_Range;
-- Current stack pointer. This points to the top element of the stack
-- that is currently in use. At the outer level this is the special
-- entry placed on the stack according to the anchor mode.
Stack_Init : constant Stack_Range := Stack'First + 1;
-- This is the initial value of the Stack_Ptr and Stack_Base. The
-- initial (Stack'First) element of the stack is not used so that
-- when we pop the last element off, Stack_Ptr is still in range.
Stack_Base : Stack_Range;
-- This value is the stack base value, i.e. the stack pointer for the
-- first history stack entry in the current stack region. See separate
-- section on handling of recursive pattern matches.
Assign_OnM : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if assign-on-match or write-on-match operations may be
-- present in the history stack, which must then be scanned on a
-- successful match.
procedure Dout (Str : String);
-- Output string to standard error with bars indicating region level
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : Character);
-- Calls Dout with the string S ('A')
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : Character_Set);
-- Calls Dout with the string S ("A")
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : Natural);
-- Calls Dout with the string S (A)
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : String);
-- Calls Dout with the string S ("A")
function Img (P : PE_Ptr) return String;
-- Returns a string of the form #nnn where nnn is P.Index
procedure Pop_Region;
pragma Inline (Pop_Region);
-- Used at the end of processing of an inner region. If the inner
-- region left no stack entries, then all trace of it is removed.
-- Otherwise a PC_Restore_Region entry is pushed to ensure proper
-- handling of alternatives in the inner region.
procedure Push (Node : PE_Ptr);
pragma Inline (Push);
-- Make entry in pattern matching stack with current cursor value
procedure Push_Region;
pragma Inline (Push_Region);
-- This procedure makes a new region on the history stack. The
-- caller first establishes the special entry on the stack, but
-- does not push the stack pointer. Then this call stacks a
-- PC_Remove_Region node, on top of this entry, using the cursor
-- field of the PC_Remove_Region entry to save the outer level
-- stack base value, and resets the stack base to point to this
-- PC_Remove_Region node.
-- Dout --
procedure Dout (Str : String) is
for J in 1 .. Region_Level loop
Put ("| ");
end loop;
Put_Line (Str);
end Dout;
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : Character) is
Dout (Str & " ('" & A & "')");
end Dout;
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : Character_Set) is
Dout (Str & " (" & Image (To_Sequence (A)) & ')');
end Dout;
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : Natural) is
Dout (Str & " (" & A & ')');
end Dout;
procedure Dout (Str : String; A : String) is
Dout (Str & " (" & Image (A) & ')');
end Dout;
-- Img --
function Img (P : PE_Ptr) return String is
return "#" & Integer (P.Index) & " ";
end Img;
-- Pop_Region --
procedure Pop_Region is
Region_Level := Region_Level - 1;
-- If nothing was pushed in the inner region, we can just get
-- rid of it entirely, leaving no traces that it was ever there
if Stack_Ptr = Stack_Base then
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Base - 2;
Stack_Base := Stack (Stack_Ptr + 2).Cursor;
-- If stuff was pushed in the inner region, then we have to
-- push a PC_R_Restore node so that we properly handle possible
-- rematches within the region.
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 1;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Stack_Base;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := CP_R_Restore'Access;
Stack_Base := Stack (Stack_Base).Cursor;
end if;
end Pop_Region;
-- Push --
procedure Push (Node : PE_Ptr) is
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 1;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Cursor;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := Node;
end Push;
-- Push_Region --
procedure Push_Region is
Region_Level := Region_Level + 1;
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 2;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Stack_Base;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := CP_R_Remove'Access;
Stack_Base := Stack_Ptr;
end Push_Region;
-- Start of processing for XMatchD
Put_Line ("Initiating pattern match, subject = " & Image (Subject));
Put ("--------------------------------------");
for J in 1 .. Length loop
Put ('-');
end loop;
Put_Line ("subject length = " & Length);
if Pat_P = null then
end if;
-- Check we have enough stack for this pattern. This check deals with
-- every possibility except a match of a recursive pattern, where we
-- make a check at each recursion level.
if Pat_S >= Stack_Size - 1 then
raise Pattern_Stack_Overflow;
end if;
-- In anchored mode, the bottom entry on the stack is an abort entry
if Anchored_Mode then
Stack (Stack_Init).Node := CP_Cancel'Access;
Stack (Stack_Init).Cursor := 0;
-- In unanchored more, the bottom entry on the stack references
-- the special pattern element PE_Unanchored, whose Pthen field
-- points to the initial pattern element. The cursor value in this
-- entry is the number of anchor moves so far.
Stack (Stack_Init).Node := PE_Unanchored'Unchecked_Access;
Stack (Stack_Init).Cursor := 0;
end if;
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Init;
Stack_Base := Stack_Ptr;
Cursor := 0;
Node := Pat_P;
goto Match;
-- Main Pattern Matching State Control --
-- This is a state machine which uses gotos to change state. The
-- initial state is Match, to initiate the matching of the first
-- element, so the goto Match above starts the match. In the
-- following descriptions, we indicate the global values that
-- are relevant for the state transition.
-- Come here if entire match fails
Dout ("match fails");
Start := 0;
Stop := 0;
-- Come here if entire match succeeds
-- Cursor current position in subject string
Dout ("match succeeds");
Start := Stack (Stack_Init).Cursor + 1;
Stop := Cursor;
Dout ("first matched character index = " & Start);
Dout ("last matched character index = " & Stop);
Dout ("matched substring = " & Image (Subject (Start .. Stop)));
-- Scan history stack for deferred assignments or writes
if Assign_OnM then
for S in Stack'First .. Stack_Ptr loop
if Stack (S).Node = CP_Assign'Access then
Inner_Base : constant Stack_Range :=
Stack (S + 1).Cursor;
Special_Entry : constant Stack_Range :=
Inner_Base - 1;
Node_OnM : constant PE_Ptr :=
Stack (Special_Entry).Node;
Start : constant Natural :=
Stack (Special_Entry).Cursor + 1;
Stop : constant Natural := Stack (S).Cursor;
if Node_OnM.Pcode = PC_Assign_OnM then
(Node_OnM.VP.all, Subject (Start .. Stop));
(Img (Stack (S).Node) &
"deferred assignment of " &
Image (Subject (Start .. Stop)));
elsif Node_OnM.Pcode = PC_Write_OnM then
Put_Line (Node_OnM.FP.all, Subject (Start .. Stop));
(Img (Stack (S).Node) &
"deferred write of " &
Image (Subject (Start .. Stop)));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Come here if attempt to match current element fails
-- Stack_Base current stack base
-- Stack_Ptr current stack pointer
Cursor := Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor;
Node := Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node;
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr - 1;
if Cursor >= 0 then
Dout ("failure, cursor reset to " & Cursor);
end if;
goto Match;
-- Come here if attempt to match current element succeeds
-- Cursor current position in subject string
-- Node pointer to node successfully matched
-- Stack_Base current stack base
-- Stack_Ptr current stack pointer
Dout ("success, cursor = " & Cursor);
Node := Node.Pthen;
-- Come here to match the next pattern element
-- Cursor current position in subject string
-- Node pointer to node to be matched
-- Stack_Base current stack base
-- Stack_Ptr current stack pointer
-- Main Pattern Match Element Matching Routines --
-- Here is the case statement that processes the current node. The
-- processing for each element does one of five things:
-- goto Succeed to move to the successor
-- goto Match_Succeed if the entire match succeeds
-- goto Match_Fail if the entire match fails
-- goto Fail to signal failure of current match
-- Processing is NOT allowed to fall through
case Node.Pcode is
-- Cancel
when PC_Cancel =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Cancel");
goto Match_Fail;
-- Alternation
when PC_Alt =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "setting up alternative " & Img (Node.Alt));
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Any (one character case)
when PC_Any_CH =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Any", Node.Char);
if Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Any (character set case)
when PC_Any_CS =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Any", Node.CS);
if Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS)
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Any (string function case)
when PC_Any_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Any", S (1 .. L));
if Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Any (string pointer case)
when PC_Any_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Any", S (1 .. L));
if Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Arb (initial match)
when PC_Arb_X =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Arb");
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Arb (extension)
when PC_Arb_Y =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "extending Arb");
if Cursor < Length then
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Arbno_S (simple Arbno initialize). This is the node that
-- initiates the match of a simple Arbno structure.
when PC_Arbno_S =>
Dout (Img (Node) &
"setting up Arbno alternative " & Img (Node.Alt));
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Arbno_X (Arbno initialize). This is the node that initiates
-- the match of a complex Arbno structure.
when PC_Arbno_X =>
Dout (Img (Node) &
"setting up Arbno alternative " & Img (Node.Alt));
Push (Node.Alt);
Node := Node.Pthen;
goto Match;
-- Arbno_Y (Arbno rematch). This is the node that is executed
-- following successful matching of one instance of a complex
-- Arbno pattern.
when PC_Arbno_Y => declare
Null_Match : constant Boolean :=
Cursor = Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor;
Dout (Img (Node) & "extending Arbno");
-- If arbno extension matched null, then immediately fail
if Null_Match then
Dout ("Arbno extension matched null, so fails");
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Here we must do a stack check to make sure enough stack
-- is left. This check will happen once for each instance of
-- the Arbno pattern that is matched. The Nat field of a
-- PC_Arbno pattern contains the maximum stack entries needed
-- for the Arbno with one instance and the successor pattern
if Stack_Ptr + Node.Nat >= Stack'Last then
raise Pattern_Stack_Overflow;
end if;
goto Succeed;
-- Assign. If this node is executed, it means the assign-on-match
-- or write-on-match operation will not happen after all, so we
-- is propagate the failure, removing the PC_Assign node.
when PC_Assign =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "deferred assign/write cancelled");
goto Fail;
-- Assign immediate. This node performs the actual assignment
when PC_Assign_Imm =>
(Img (Node) & "executing immediate assignment of " &
Image (Subject (Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor + 1 .. Cursor)));
Subject (Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor + 1 .. Cursor));
goto Succeed;
-- Assign on match. This node sets up for the eventual assignment
when PC_Assign_OnM =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "registering deferred assignment");
Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Node := Node;
Push (CP_Assign'Access);
Assign_OnM := True;
goto Succeed;
-- Bal
when PC_Bal =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching or extending Bal");
if Cursor >= Length or else Subject (Cursor + 1) = ')' then
goto Fail;
elsif Subject (Cursor + 1) = '(' then
Paren_Count : Natural := 1;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
if Cursor >= Length then
goto Fail;
elsif Subject (Cursor + 1) = '(' then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count + 1;
elsif Subject (Cursor + 1) = ')' then
Paren_Count := Paren_Count - 1;
exit when Paren_Count = 0;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
-- Break (one character case)
when PC_Break_CH =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Break", Node.Char);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- Break (character set case)
when PC_Break_CS =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Break", Node.CS);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- Break (string function case)
when PC_Break_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Break", S (1 .. L));
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- Break (string pointer case)
when PC_Break_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Break", S (1 .. L));
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (one character case)
when PC_BreakX_CH =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching BreakX", Node.Char);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (character set case)
when PC_BreakX_CS =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching BreakX", Node.CS);
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (string function case)
when PC_BreakX_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching BreakX", S (1 .. L));
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX (string pointer case)
when PC_BreakX_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching BreakX", S (1 .. L));
while Cursor < Length loop
if Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L)) then
goto Succeed;
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end if;
end loop;
goto Fail;
-- BreakX_X (BreakX extension). See section on "Compound Pattern
-- Structures". This node is the alternative that is stacked
-- to skip past the break character and extend the break.
when PC_BreakX_X =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "extending BreakX");
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
-- Character (one character string)
when PC_Char =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching '" & Node.Char & ''');
if Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- End of Pattern
when PC_EOP =>
if Stack_Base = Stack_Init then
Dout ("end of pattern");
goto Match_Succeed;
-- End of recursive inner match. See separate section on
-- handing of recursive pattern matches for details.
Dout ("terminating recursive match");
Node := Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Node;
goto Match;
end if;
-- Fail
when PC_Fail =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Fail");
goto Fail;
-- Fence (built in pattern)
when PC_Fence =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Fence");
Push (CP_Cancel'Access);
goto Succeed;
-- Fence function node X. This is the node that gets control
-- after a successful match of the fenced pattern.
when PC_Fence_X =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Fence function");
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr + 1;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Cursor := Stack_Base;
Stack (Stack_Ptr).Node := CP_Fence_Y'Access;
Stack_Base := Stack (Stack_Base).Cursor;
Region_Level := Region_Level - 1;
goto Succeed;
-- Fence function node Y. This is the node that gets control on
-- a failure that occurs after the fenced pattern has matched.
-- Note: the Cursor at this stage is actually the inner stack
-- base value. We don't reset this, but we do use it to strip
-- off all the entries made by the fenced pattern.
when PC_Fence_Y =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "pattern matched by Fence caused failure");
Stack_Ptr := Cursor - 2;
goto Fail;
-- Len (integer case)
when PC_Len_Nat =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Len", Node.Nat);
if Cursor + Node.Nat > Length then
goto Fail;
Cursor := Cursor + Node.Nat;
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- Len (Integer function case)
when PC_Len_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Len", N);
if Cursor + N > Length then
goto Fail;
Cursor := Cursor + N;
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- Len (integer pointer case)
when PC_Len_NP =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Len", Node.NP.all);
if Cursor + Node.NP.all > Length then
goto Fail;
Cursor := Cursor + Node.NP.all;
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- NotAny (one character case)
when PC_NotAny_CH =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NotAny", Node.Char);
if Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) /= Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NotAny (character set case)
when PC_NotAny_CS =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NotAny", Node.CS);
if Cursor < Length
and then not Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS)
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NotAny (string function case)
when PC_NotAny_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NotAny", S (1 .. L));
if Cursor < Length
and then
not Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NotAny (string pointer case)
when PC_NotAny_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NotAny", S (1 .. L));
if Cursor < Length
and then
not Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- NSpan (one character case)
when PC_NSpan_CH =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NSpan", Node.Char);
while Cursor < Length
and then Subject (Cursor + 1) = Node.Char
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
-- NSpan (character set case)
when PC_NSpan_CS =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NSpan", Node.CS);
while Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), Node.CS)
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
-- NSpan (string function case)
when PC_NSpan_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NSpan", S (1 .. L));
while Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
-- NSpan (string pointer case)
when PC_NSpan_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching NSpan", S (1 .. L));
while Cursor < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (Cursor + 1), S (1 .. L))
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
end loop;
goto Succeed;
when PC_Null =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching null");
goto Succeed;
-- Pos (integer case)
when PC_Pos_Nat =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Pos", Node.Nat);
if Cursor = Node.Nat then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Pos (Integer function case)
when PC_Pos_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Pos", N);
if Cursor = N then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Pos (integer pointer case)
when PC_Pos_NP =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Pos", Node.NP.all);
if Cursor = Node.NP.all then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Predicate function
when PC_Pred_Func =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching predicate function");
if Node.BF.all then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Region Enter. Initiate new pattern history stack region
when PC_R_Enter =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "starting match of nested pattern");
Stack (Stack_Ptr + 1).Cursor := Cursor;
goto Succeed;
-- Region Remove node. This is the node stacked by an R_Enter.
-- It removes the special format stack entry right underneath, and
-- then restores the outer level stack base and signals failure.
-- Note: the cursor value at this stage is actually the (negative)
-- stack base value for the outer level.
when PC_R_Remove =>
Dout ("failure, match of nested pattern terminated");
Stack_Base := Cursor;
Region_Level := Region_Level - 1;
Stack_Ptr := Stack_Ptr - 1;
goto Fail;
-- Region restore node. This is the node stacked at the end of an
-- inner level match. Its function is to restore the inner level
-- region, so that alternatives in this region can be sought.
-- Note: the Cursor at this stage is actually the negative of the
-- inner stack base value, which we use to restore the inner region.
when PC_R_Restore =>
Dout ("failure, search for alternatives in nested pattern");
Region_Level := Region_Level + 1;
Stack_Base := Cursor;
goto Fail;
-- Rest
when PC_Rest =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Rest");
Cursor := Length;
goto Succeed;
-- Initiate recursive match (pattern pointer case)
when PC_Rpat =>
Stack (Stack_Ptr + 1).Node := Node.Pthen;
Dout (Img (Node) & "initiating recursive match");
if Stack_Ptr + Node.PP.all.Stk >= Stack_Size then
raise Pattern_Stack_Overflow;
Node := Node.PP.all.P;
goto Match;
end if;
-- RPos (integer case)
when PC_RPos_Nat =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching RPos", Node.Nat);
if Cursor = (Length - Node.Nat) then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RPos (integer function case)
when PC_RPos_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching RPos", N);
if Length - Cursor = N then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RPos (integer pointer case)
when PC_RPos_NP =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching RPos", Node.NP.all);
if Cursor = (Length - Node.NP.all) then
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RTab (integer case)
when PC_RTab_Nat =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching RTab", Node.Nat);
if Cursor <= (Length - Node.Nat) then
Cursor := Length - Node.Nat;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RTab (integer function case)
when PC_RTab_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching RPos", N);
if Length - Cursor >= N then
Cursor := Length - N;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- RTab (integer pointer case)
when PC_RTab_NP =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching RPos", Node.NP.all);
if Cursor <= (Length - Node.NP.all) then
Cursor := Length - Node.NP.all;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Cursor assignment
when PC_Setcur =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Setcur");
Node.Var.all := Cursor;
goto Succeed;
-- Span (one character case)
when PC_Span_CH => declare
P : Natural := Cursor;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Span", Node.Char);
while P < Length
and then Subject (P + 1) = Node.Char
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Span (character set case)
when PC_Span_CS => declare
P : Natural := Cursor;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Span", Node.CS);
while P < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (P + 1), Node.CS)
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Span (string function case)
when PC_Span_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
P : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Span", S (1 .. L));
P := Cursor;
while P < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (P + 1), S (1 .. L))
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Span (string pointer case)
when PC_Span_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
P : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Span", S (1 .. L));
P := Cursor;
while P < Length
and then Is_In (Subject (P + 1), S (1 .. L))
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if P /= Cursor then
Cursor := P;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (two character case)
when PC_String_2 =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (Node.Str2));
if (Length - Cursor) >= 2
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 2) = Node.Str2
Cursor := Cursor + 2;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (three character case)
when PC_String_3 =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (Node.Str3));
if (Length - Cursor) >= 3
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 3) = Node.Str3
Cursor := Cursor + 3;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (four character case)
when PC_String_4 =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (Node.Str4));
if (Length - Cursor) >= 4
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 4) = Node.Str4
Cursor := Cursor + 4;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (five character case)
when PC_String_5 =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (Node.Str5));
if (Length - Cursor) >= 5
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 5) = Node.Str5
Cursor := Cursor + 5;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (six character case)
when PC_String_6 =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (Node.Str6));
if (Length - Cursor) >= 6
and then Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + 6) = Node.Str6
Cursor := Cursor + 6;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (case of more than six characters)
when PC_String => declare
Len : constant Natural := Node.Str'Length;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (Node.Str.all));
if (Length - Cursor) >= Len
and then Node.Str.all = Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + Len)
Cursor := Cursor + Len;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (function case)
when PC_String_VF => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VF.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (S (1 .. L)));
if (Length - Cursor) >= L
and then S (1 .. L) = Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + L)
Cursor := Cursor + L;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- String (vstring pointer case)
when PC_String_VP => declare
U : constant VString := Node.VP.all;
S : Big_String_Access;
L : Natural;
Get_String (U, S, L);
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching " & Image (S (1 .. L)));
if (Length - Cursor) >= L
and then S (1 .. L) = Subject (Cursor + 1 .. Cursor + L)
Cursor := Cursor + L;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Succeed
when PC_Succeed =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Succeed");
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
-- Tab (integer case)
when PC_Tab_Nat =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Tab", Node.Nat);
if Cursor <= Node.Nat then
Cursor := Node.Nat;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Tab (integer function case)
when PC_Tab_NF => declare
N : constant Natural := Node.NF.all;
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Tab ", N);
if Cursor <= N then
Cursor := N;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Tab (integer pointer case)
when PC_Tab_NP =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "matching Tab ", Node.NP.all);
if Cursor <= Node.NP.all then
Cursor := Node.NP.all;
goto Succeed;
goto Fail;
end if;
-- Unanchored movement
when PC_Unanchored =>
Dout ("attempting to move anchor point");
-- All done if we tried every position
if Cursor > Length then
goto Match_Fail;
-- Otherwise extend the anchor point, and restack ourself
Cursor := Cursor + 1;
Push (Node);
goto Succeed;
end if;
-- Write immediate. This node performs the actual write
when PC_Write_Imm =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "executing immediate write of " &
Subject (Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor + 1 .. Cursor));
Subject (Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Cursor + 1 .. Cursor));
goto Succeed;
-- Write on match. This node sets up for the eventual write
when PC_Write_OnM =>
Dout (Img (Node) & "registering deferred write");
Stack (Stack_Base - 1).Node := Node;
Push (CP_Assign'Access);
Assign_OnM := True;
goto Succeed;
end case;
-- We are NOT allowed to fall though this case statement, since every
-- match routine must end by executing a goto to the appropriate point
-- in the finite state machine model.
pragma Warnings (Off);
pragma Warnings (On);
end XMatchD;
end GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns;