------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- G N A T . S E C U R E _ H A S H E S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System; use System; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; package body GNAT.Secure_Hashes is Hex_Digit : constant array (Stream_Element range 0 .. 15) of Character := "0123456789abcdef"; type Fill_Buffer_Access is access procedure (M : in out Message_State; SEA : Stream_Element_Array; First : Stream_Element_Offset; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset); -- A procedure to transfer data from SEA, starting at First, into M's block -- buffer until either the block buffer is full or all data from S has been -- consumed. procedure Fill_Buffer_Copy (M : in out Message_State; SEA : Stream_Element_Array; First : Stream_Element_Offset; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset); -- Transfer procedure which just copies data from S to M procedure Fill_Buffer_Swap (M : in out Message_State; SEA : Stream_Element_Array; First : Stream_Element_Offset; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset); -- Transfer procedure which swaps bytes from S when copying into M. S must -- have even length. Note that the swapping is performed considering pairs -- starting at S'First, even if S'First /= First (that is, if -- First = S'First then the first copied byte is always S (S'First + 1), -- and if First = S'First + 1 then the first copied byte is always -- S (S'First). procedure To_String (SEA : Stream_Element_Array; S : out String); -- Return the hexadecimal representation of SEA ---------------------- -- Fill_Buffer_Copy -- ---------------------- procedure Fill_Buffer_Copy (M : in out Message_State; SEA : Stream_Element_Array; First : Stream_Element_Offset; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is Buf_SEA : Stream_Element_Array (M.Buffer'Range); for Buf_SEA'Address use M.Buffer'Address; pragma Import (Ada, Buf_SEA); Length : constant Stream_Element_Offset := Stream_Element_Offset'Min (M.Block_Length - M.Last, SEA'Last - First + 1); begin pragma Assert (Length > 0); Buf_SEA (M.Last + 1 .. M.Last + Length) := SEA (First .. First + Length - 1); M.Last := M.Last + Length; Last := First + Length - 1; end Fill_Buffer_Copy; ---------------------- -- Fill_Buffer_Swap -- ---------------------- procedure Fill_Buffer_Swap (M : in out Message_State; SEA : Stream_Element_Array; First : Stream_Element_Offset; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is pragma Assert (SEA'Length mod 2 = 0); Length : constant Stream_Element_Offset := Stream_Element_Offset'Min (M.Block_Length - M.Last, SEA'Last - First + 1); begin Last := First; while Last - First < Length loop M.Buffer (M.Last + 1 + Last - First) := (if (Last - SEA'First) mod 2 = 0 then SEA (Last + 1) else SEA (Last - 1)); Last := Last + 1; end loop; M.Last := M.Last + Length; Last := First + Length - 1; end Fill_Buffer_Swap; --------------- -- To_String -- --------------- procedure To_String (SEA : Stream_Element_Array; S : out String) is pragma Assert (S'Length = 2 * SEA'Length); begin for J in SEA'Range loop declare S_J : constant Natural := 1 + Natural (J - SEA'First) * 2; begin S (S_J) := Hex_Digit (SEA (J) / 16); S (S_J + 1) := Hex_Digit (SEA (J) mod 16); end; end loop; end To_String; ------- -- H -- ------- package body H is procedure Update (C : in out Context; SEA : Stream_Element_Array; Fill_Buffer : Fill_Buffer_Access); -- Internal common routine for all Update procedures procedure Final (C : Context; Hash_Bits : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array); -- Perform final hashing operations (data padding) and extract the -- (possibly truncated) state of C into Hash_Bits. ------------ -- Digest -- ------------ function Digest (C : Context) return Message_Digest is Hash_Bits : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Hash_Length); begin Final (C, Hash_Bits); return MD : Message_Digest do To_String (Hash_Bits, MD); end return; end Digest; function Digest (S : String) return Message_Digest is C : Context; begin Update (C, S); return Digest (C); end Digest; function Digest (A : Stream_Element_Array) return Message_Digest is C : Context; begin Update (C, A); return Digest (C); end Digest; function Digest (C : Context) return Binary_Message_Digest is Hash_Bits : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Hash_Length); begin Final (C, Hash_Bits); return Hash_Bits; end Digest; function Digest (S : String) return Binary_Message_Digest is C : Context; begin Update (C, S); return Digest (C); end Digest; function Digest (A : Stream_Element_Array) return Binary_Message_Digest is C : Context; begin Update (C, A); return Digest (C); end Digest; ----------- -- Final -- ----------- -- Once a complete message has been processed, it is padded with one 1 -- bit followed by enough 0 bits so that the last block is 2 * Word'Size -- bits short of being completed. The last 2 * Word'Size bits are set to -- the message size in bits (excluding padding). procedure Final (C : Context; Hash_Bits : out Stream_Element_Array) is FC : Context := C; Zeroes : Stream_Element_Count; -- Number of 0 bytes in padding Message_Length : Unsigned_64 := FC.M_State.Length; -- Message length in bytes Size_Length : constant Stream_Element_Count := 2 * Hash_State.Word'Size / 8; -- Length in bytes of the size representation begin Zeroes := (Block_Length - 1 - Size_Length - FC.M_State.Last) mod FC.M_State.Block_Length; declare Pad : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. 1 + Zeroes + Size_Length) := (1 => 128, others => 0); Index : Stream_Element_Offset; First_Index : Stream_Element_Offset; begin First_Index := (if Hash_Bit_Order = Low_Order_First then Pad'Last - Size_Length + 1 else Pad'Last); Index := First_Index; while Message_Length > 0 loop if Index = First_Index then -- Message_Length is in bytes, but we need to store it as -- a bit count. Pad (Index) := Stream_Element (Shift_Left (Message_Length and 16#1f#, 3)); Message_Length := Shift_Right (Message_Length, 5); else Pad (Index) := Stream_Element (Message_Length and 16#ff#); Message_Length := Shift_Right (Message_Length, 8); end if; Index := Index + (if Hash_Bit_Order = Low_Order_First then 1 else -1); end loop; Update (FC, Pad); end; pragma Assert (FC.M_State.Last = 0); Hash_State.To_Hash (FC.H_State, Hash_Bits); -- HMAC case: hash outer pad if C.KL /= 0 then declare Outer_C : Context; Opad : Stream_Element_Array := (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (Block_Length) => 16#5c#); begin for J in C.Key'Range loop Opad (J) := Opad (J) xor C.Key (J); end loop; Update (Outer_C, Opad); Update (Outer_C, Hash_Bits); Final (Outer_C, Hash_Bits); end; end if; end Final; -------------------------- -- HMAC_Initial_Context -- -------------------------- function HMAC_Initial_Context (Key : String) return Context is begin if Key'Length = 0 then raise Constraint_Error with "null key"; end if; return C : Context (KL => (if Key'Length <= Key_Length'Last then Key'Length else Hash_Length)) do -- Set Key (if longer than block length, first hash it) if C.KL = Key'Length then declare SK : String (1 .. Key'Length); for SK'Address use C.Key'Address; pragma Import (Ada, SK); begin SK := Key; end; else C.Key := Digest (Key); end if; -- Hash inner pad declare Ipad : Stream_Element_Array := (1 .. Stream_Element_Offset (Block_Length) => 16#36#); begin for J in C.Key'Range loop Ipad (J) := Ipad (J) xor C.Key (J); end loop; Update (C, Ipad); end; end return; end HMAC_Initial_Context; ---------- -- Read -- ---------- procedure Read (Stream : in out Hash_Stream; Item : out Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is pragma Unreferenced (Stream, Item, Last); begin raise Program_Error with "Hash_Stream is write-only"; end Read; ------------ -- Update -- ------------ procedure Update (C : in out Context; SEA : Stream_Element_Array; Fill_Buffer : Fill_Buffer_Access) is First, Last : Stream_Element_Offset; begin if SEA'Length = 0 then return; end if; C.M_State.Length := C.M_State.Length + SEA'Length; First := SEA'First; loop Fill_Buffer (C.M_State, SEA, First, Last); if C.M_State.Last = Block_Length then Transform (C.H_State, C.M_State); C.M_State.Last := 0; end if; exit when Last = SEA'Last; First := Last + 1; end loop; end Update; ------------ -- Update -- ------------ procedure Update (C : in out Context; Input : Stream_Element_Array) is begin Update (C, Input, Fill_Buffer_Copy'Access); end Update; ------------ -- Update -- ------------ procedure Update (C : in out Context; Input : String) is pragma Assert (Input'Length <= Stream_Element_Offset'Last); SEA : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Input'Length); for SEA'Address use Input'Address; pragma Import (Ada, SEA); begin Update (C, SEA, Fill_Buffer_Copy'Access); end Update; ----------------- -- Wide_Update -- ----------------- procedure Wide_Update (C : in out Context; Input : Wide_String) is SEA : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. 2 * Input'Length); for SEA'Address use Input'Address; pragma Import (Ada, SEA); begin Update (C, SEA, (if System.Default_Bit_Order /= Low_Order_First then Fill_Buffer_Swap'Access else Fill_Buffer_Copy'Access)); end Wide_Update; ----------------- -- Wide_Digest -- ----------------- function Wide_Digest (W : Wide_String) return Message_Digest is C : Context; begin Wide_Update (C, W); return Digest (C); end Wide_Digest; function Wide_Digest (W : Wide_String) return Binary_Message_Digest is C : Context; begin Wide_Update (C, W); return Digest (C); end Wide_Digest; ----------- -- Write -- ----------- procedure Write (Stream : in out Hash_Stream; Item : Stream_Element_Array) is begin Update (Stream.C.all, Item); end Write; end H; ------------------------- -- Hash_Function_State -- ------------------------- package body Hash_Function_State is ------------- -- To_Hash -- ------------- procedure To_Hash (H : State; H_Bits : out Stream_Element_Array) is Hash_Words : constant Stream_Element_Offset := H'Size / Word'Size; Result : State (1 .. Hash_Words) := H (H'Last - Hash_Words + 1 .. H'Last); R_SEA : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Result'Size / 8); for R_SEA'Address use Result'Address; pragma Import (Ada, R_SEA); begin if System.Default_Bit_Order /= Hash_Bit_Order then for J in Result'Range loop Swap (Result (J)'Address); end loop; end if; -- Return truncated hash pragma Assert (H_Bits'Length <= R_SEA'Length); H_Bits := R_SEA (R_SEA'First .. R_SEA'First + H_Bits'Length - 1); end To_Hash; end Hash_Function_State; end GNAT.Secure_Hashes;