------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- A D A . C O N T A I N E R S . F O R M A L _ V E C T O R S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2010-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort; with System; use type System.Address; package body Ada.Containers.Formal_Vectors with SPARK_Mode => Off is subtype Int is Long_Long_Integer; function To_Array_Index (Index : Index_Type'Base) return Count_Type'Base; procedure Insert_Space (Container : in out Vector; Before : Extended_Index; Count : Count_Type := 1); --------- -- "=" -- --------- function "=" (Left : Vector; Right : Vector) return Boolean is begin if Left'Address = Right'Address then return True; end if; if Length (Left) /= Length (Right) then return False; end if; for J in 1 .. Length (Left) loop if Left.Elements (J) /= Right.Elements (J) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end "="; ------------ -- Append -- ------------ procedure Append (Container : in out Vector; New_Item : Vector) is begin if Is_Empty (New_Item) then return; end if; if Container.Last >= Index_Type'Last then raise Constraint_Error with "vector is already at its maximum length"; end if; Insert (Container, Container.Last + 1, New_Item); end Append; procedure Append (Container : in out Vector; New_Item : Element_Type) is begin Append (Container, New_Item, 1); end Append; procedure Append (Container : in out Vector; New_Item : Element_Type; Count : Count_Type) is begin if Count = 0 then return; end if; if Container.Last >= Index_Type'Last then raise Constraint_Error with "vector is already at its maximum length"; end if; Insert (Container, Container.Last + 1, New_Item, Count); end Append; ------------ -- Assign -- ------------ procedure Assign (Target : in out Vector; Source : Vector) is LS : constant Capacity_Range := Length (Source); begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then return; end if; if Target.Capacity < LS then raise Constraint_Error; end if; Clear (Target); Append (Target, Source); end Assign; -------------- -- Capacity -- -------------- function Capacity (Container : Vector) return Capacity_Range is begin return Container.Capacity; end Capacity; ----------- -- Clear -- ----------- procedure Clear (Container : in out Vector) is begin Container.Last := No_Index; end Clear; -------------- -- Contains -- -------------- function Contains (Container : Vector; Item : Element_Type) return Boolean is begin return Find_Index (Container, Item) /= No_Index; end Contains; ---------- -- Copy -- ---------- function Copy (Source : Vector; Capacity : Capacity_Range := 0) return Vector is LS : constant Capacity_Range := Length (Source); C : Capacity_Range; begin if Capacity = 0 then C := LS; elsif Capacity >= LS then C := Capacity; else raise Capacity_Error with "Capacity too small"; end if; return Target : Vector (C) do Target.Elements (1 .. LS) := Source.Elements (1 .. LS); Target.Last := Source.Last; end return; end Copy; ------------ -- Delete -- ------------ procedure Delete (Container : in out Vector; Index : Extended_Index) is begin Delete (Container, Index, 1); end Delete; procedure Delete (Container : in out Vector; Index : Extended_Index; Count : Count_Type) is Old_Last : constant Index_Type'Base := Container.Last; Old_Len : constant Count_Type := Length (Container); New_Last : Index_Type'Base; Count2 : Count_Type'Base; -- count of items from Index to Old_Last Off : Count_Type'Base; -- Index expressed as offset from IT'First begin -- Delete removes items from the vector, the number of which is the -- minimum of the specified Count and the items (if any) that exist from -- Index to Container.Last. There are no constraints on the specified -- value of Count (it can be larger than what's available at this -- position in the vector, for example), but there are constraints on -- the allowed values of the Index. -- As a precondition on the generic actual Index_Type, the base type -- must include Index_Type'Pred (Index_Type'First); this is the value -- that Container.Last assumes when the vector is empty. However, we do -- not allow that as the value for Index when specifying which items -- should be deleted, so we must manually check. (That the user is -- allowed to specify the value at all here is a consequence of the -- declaration of the Extended_Index subtype, which includes the values -- in the base range that immediately precede and immediately follow the -- values in the Index_Type.) if Index < Index_Type'First then raise Constraint_Error with "Index is out of range (too small)"; end if; -- We do allow a value greater than Container.Last to be specified as -- the Index, but only if it's immediately greater. This allows the -- corner case of deleting no items from the back end of the vector to -- be treated as a no-op. (It is assumed that specifying an index value -- greater than Last + 1 indicates some deeper flaw in the caller's -- algorithm, so that case is treated as a proper error.) if Index > Old_Last then if Index > Old_Last + 1 then raise Constraint_Error with "Index is out of range (too large)"; end if; return; end if; if Count = 0 then return; end if; -- We first calculate what's available for deletion starting at -- Index. Here and elsewhere we use the wider of Index_Type'Base and -- Count_Type'Base as the type for intermediate values. (See function -- Length for more information.) if Count_Type'Base'Last >= Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'Base'Last) then Count2 := Count_Type'Base (Old_Last) - Count_Type'Base (Index) + 1; else Count2 := Count_Type'Base (Old_Last - Index + 1); end if; -- If more elements are requested (Count) for deletion than are -- available (Count2) for deletion beginning at Index, then everything -- from Index is deleted. There are no elements to slide down, and so -- all we need to do is set the value of Container.Last. if Count >= Count2 then Container.Last := Index - 1; return; end if; -- There are some elements aren't being deleted (the requested count was -- less than the available count), so we must slide them down to Index. -- We first calculate the index values of the respective array slices, -- using the wider of Index_Type'Base and Count_Type'Base as the type -- for intermediate calculations. if Index_Type'Base'Last >= Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then Off := Count_Type'Base (Index - Index_Type'First); New_Last := Old_Last - Index_Type'Base (Count); else Off := Count_Type'Base (Index) - Count_Type'Base (Index_Type'First); New_Last := Index_Type'Base (Count_Type'Base (Old_Last) - Count); end if; -- The array index values for each slice have already been determined, -- so we just slide down to Index the elements that weren't deleted. declare EA : Elements_Array renames Container.Elements; Idx : constant Count_Type := EA'First + Off; begin EA (Idx .. Old_Len - Count) := EA (Idx + Count .. Old_Len); Container.Last := New_Last; end; end Delete; ------------------ -- Delete_First -- ------------------ procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Vector) is begin Delete_First (Container, 1); end Delete_First; procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Vector; Count : Count_Type) is begin if Count = 0 then return; elsif Count >= Length (Container) then Clear (Container); return; else Delete (Container, Index_Type'First, Count); end if; end Delete_First; ----------------- -- Delete_Last -- ----------------- procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Vector) is begin Delete_Last (Container, 1); end Delete_Last; procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Vector; Count : Count_Type) is begin if Count = 0 then return; end if; -- There is no restriction on how large Count can be when deleting -- items. If it is equal or greater than the current length, then this -- is equivalent to clearing the vector. (In particular, there's no need -- for us to actually calculate the new value for Last.) -- If the requested count is less than the current length, then we must -- calculate the new value for Last. For the type we use the widest of -- Index_Type'Base and Count_Type'Base for the intermediate values of -- our calculation. (See the comments in Length for more information.) if Count >= Length (Container) then Container.Last := No_Index; elsif Index_Type'Base'Last >= Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then Container.Last := Container.Last - Index_Type'Base (Count); else Container.Last := Index_Type'Base (Count_Type'Base (Container.Last) - Count); end if; end Delete_Last; ------------- -- Element -- ------------- function Element (Container : Vector; Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type is begin if Index > Container.Last then raise Constraint_Error with "Index is out of range"; end if; declare II : constant Int'Base := Int (Index) - Int (No_Index); I : constant Capacity_Range := Capacity_Range (II); begin return Container.Elements (I); end; end Element; ---------------- -- Find_Index -- ---------------- function Find_Index (Container : Vector; Item : Element_Type; Index : Index_Type := Index_Type'First) return Extended_Index is K : Count_Type; Last : constant Extended_Index := Last_Index (Container); begin K := Capacity_Range (Int (Index) - Int (No_Index)); for Indx in Index .. Last loop if Container.Elements (K) = Item then return Indx; end if; K := K + 1; end loop; return No_Index; end Find_Index; ------------------- -- First_Element -- ------------------- function First_Element (Container : Vector) return Element_Type is begin if Is_Empty (Container) then raise Constraint_Error with "Container is empty"; else return Container.Elements (1); end if; end First_Element; ----------------- -- First_Index -- ----------------- function First_Index (Container : Vector) return Index_Type is pragma Unreferenced (Container); begin return Index_Type'First; end First_Index; ------------------ -- Formal_Model -- ------------------ package body Formal_Model is ------------------------- -- M_Elements_In_Union -- ------------------------- function M_Elements_In_Union (Container : M.Sequence; Left : M.Sequence; Right : M.Sequence) return Boolean is Elem : Element_Type; begin for Index in Index_Type'First .. M.Last (Container) loop Elem := Element (Container, Index); if not M.Contains (Left, Index_Type'First, M.Last (Left), Elem) and then not M.Contains (Right, Index_Type'First, M.Last (Right), Elem) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end M_Elements_In_Union; ------------------------- -- M_Elements_Included -- ------------------------- function M_Elements_Included (Left : M.Sequence; L_Fst : Index_Type := Index_Type'First; L_Lst : Extended_Index; Right : M.Sequence; R_Fst : Index_Type := Index_Type'First; R_Lst : Extended_Index) return Boolean is begin for I in L_Fst .. L_Lst loop declare Found : Boolean := False; J : Extended_Index := R_Fst - 1; begin while not Found and J < R_Lst loop J := J + 1; if Element (Left, I) = Element (Right, J) then Found := True; end if; end loop; if not Found then return False; end if; end; end loop; return True; end M_Elements_Included; ------------------------- -- M_Elements_Reversed -- ------------------------- function M_Elements_Reversed (Left : M.Sequence; Right : M.Sequence) return Boolean is L : constant Index_Type := M.Last (Left); begin if L /= M.Last (Right) then return False; end if; for I in Index_Type'First .. L loop if Element (Left, I) /= Element (Right, L - I + 1) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end M_Elements_Reversed; ------------------------ -- M_Elements_Swapped -- ------------------------ function M_Elements_Swapped (Left : M.Sequence; Right : M.Sequence; X : Index_Type; Y : Index_Type) return Boolean is begin if M.Length (Left) /= M.Length (Right) or else Element (Left, X) /= Element (Right, Y) or else Element (Left, Y) /= Element (Right, X) then return False; end if; for I in Index_Type'First .. M.Last (Left) loop if I /= X and then I /= Y and then Element (Left, I) /= Element (Right, I) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end M_Elements_Swapped; ----------- -- Model -- ----------- function Model (Container : Vector) return M.Sequence is R : M.Sequence; begin for Position in 1 .. Length (Container) loop R := M.Add (R, Container.Elements (Position)); end loop; return R; end Model; end Formal_Model; --------------------- -- Generic_Sorting -- --------------------- package body Generic_Sorting with SPARK_Mode => Off is ------------------ -- Formal_Model -- ------------------ package body Formal_Model is ----------------------- -- M_Elements_Sorted -- ----------------------- function M_Elements_Sorted (Container : M.Sequence) return Boolean is begin if M.Length (Container) = 0 then return True; end if; declare E1 : Element_Type := Element (Container, Index_Type'First); begin for I in Index_Type'First + 1 .. M.Last (Container) loop declare E2 : constant Element_Type := Element (Container, I); begin if E2 < E1 then return False; end if; E1 := E2; end; end loop; end; return True; end M_Elements_Sorted; end Formal_Model; --------------- -- Is_Sorted -- --------------- function Is_Sorted (Container : Vector) return Boolean is L : constant Capacity_Range := Length (Container); begin for J in 1 .. L - 1 loop if Container.Elements (J + 1) < Container.Elements (J) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end Is_Sorted; ---------- -- Sort -- ---------- procedure Sort (Container : in out Vector) is procedure Sort is new Generic_Array_Sort (Index_Type => Array_Index, Element_Type => Element_Type, Array_Type => Elements_Array, "<" => "<"); Len : constant Capacity_Range := Length (Container); begin if Container.Last <= Index_Type'First then return; else Sort (Container.Elements (1 .. Len)); end if; end Sort; ----------- -- Merge -- ----------- procedure Merge (Target : in out Vector; Source : in out Vector) is I : Count_Type; J : Count_Type; begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then raise Program_Error with "Target and Source denote same container"; end if; if Length (Source) = 0 then return; end if; if Length (Target) = 0 then Move (Target => Target, Source => Source); return; end if; I := Length (Target); declare New_Length : constant Count_Type := I + Length (Source); begin if Index_Type'Base'Last >= Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then Target.Last := No_Index + Index_Type'Base (New_Length); else Target.Last := Index_Type'Base (Count_Type'Base (No_Index) + New_Length); end if; end; declare TA : Elements_Array renames Target.Elements; SA : Elements_Array renames Source.Elements; begin J := Length (Target); while Length (Source) /= 0 loop if I = 0 then TA (1 .. J) := SA (1 .. Length (Source)); Source.Last := No_Index; exit; end if; if SA (Length (Source)) < TA (I) then TA (J) := TA (I); I := I - 1; else TA (J) := SA (Length (Source)); Source.Last := Source.Last - 1; end if; J := J - 1; end loop; end; end Merge; end Generic_Sorting; ----------------- -- Has_Element -- ----------------- function Has_Element (Container : Vector; Position : Extended_Index) return Boolean is begin return Position in First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index (Container); end Has_Element; ------------ -- Insert -- ------------ procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector; Before : Extended_Index; New_Item : Element_Type) is begin Insert (Container, Before, New_Item, 1); end Insert; procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector; Before : Extended_Index; New_Item : Element_Type; Count : Count_Type) is J : Count_Type'Base; -- scratch begin -- Use Insert_Space to create the "hole" (the destination slice) Insert_Space (Container, Before, Count); J := To_Array_Index (Before); Container.Elements (J .. J - 1 + Count) := (others => New_Item); end Insert; procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector; Before : Extended_Index; New_Item : Vector) is N : constant Count_Type := Length (New_Item); B : Count_Type; -- index Before converted to Count_Type begin if Container'Address = New_Item'Address then raise Program_Error with "Container and New_Item denote same container"; end if; -- Use Insert_Space to create the "hole" (the destination slice) into -- which we copy the source items. Insert_Space (Container, Before, Count => N); if N = 0 then -- There's nothing else to do here (vetting of parameters was -- performed already in Insert_Space), so we simply return. return; end if; B := To_Array_Index (Before); Container.Elements (B .. B + N - 1) := New_Item.Elements (1 .. N); end Insert; ------------------ -- Insert_Space -- ------------------ procedure Insert_Space (Container : in out Vector; Before : Extended_Index; Count : Count_Type := 1) is Old_Length : constant Count_Type := Length (Container); Max_Length : Count_Type'Base; -- determined from range of Index_Type New_Length : Count_Type'Base; -- sum of current length and Count Index : Index_Type'Base; -- scratch for intermediate values J : Count_Type'Base; -- scratch begin -- As a precondition on the generic actual Index_Type, the base type -- must include Index_Type'Pred (Index_Type'First); this is the value -- that Container.Last assumes when the vector is empty. However, we do -- not allow that as the value for Index when specifying where the new -- items should be inserted, so we must manually check. (That the user -- is allowed to specify the value at all here is a consequence of the -- declaration of the Extended_Index subtype, which includes the values -- in the base range that immediately precede and immediately follow the -- values in the Index_Type.) if Before < Index_Type'First then raise Constraint_Error with "Before index is out of range (too small)"; end if; -- We do allow a value greater than Container.Last to be specified as -- the Index, but only if it's immediately greater. This allows for the -- case of appending items to the back end of the vector. (It is assumed -- that specifying an index value greater than Last + 1 indicates some -- deeper flaw in the caller's algorithm, so that case is treated as a -- proper error.) if Before > Container.Last and then Before - 1 > Container.Last then raise Constraint_Error with "Before index is out of range (too large)"; end if; -- We treat inserting 0 items into the container as a no-op, so we -- simply return. if Count = 0 then return; end if; -- There are two constraints we need to satisfy. The first constraint is -- that a container cannot have more than Count_Type'Last elements, so -- we must check the sum of the current length and the insertion count. -- Note that the value cannot be simply added because the result may -- overflow. if Old_Length > Count_Type'Last - Count then raise Constraint_Error with "Count is out of range"; end if; -- It is now safe compute the length of the new vector, without fear of -- overflow. New_Length := Old_Length + Count; -- The second constraint is that the new Last index value cannot exceed -- Index_Type'Last. In each branch below, we calculate the maximum -- length (computed from the range of values in Index_Type), and then -- compare the new length to the maximum length. If the new length is -- acceptable, then we compute the new last index from that. if Index_Type'Base'Last >= Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then -- We have to handle the case when there might be more values in the -- range of Index_Type than in the range of Count_Type. if Index_Type'First <= 0 then -- We know that No_Index (the same as Index_Type'First - 1) is -- less than 0, so it is safe to compute the following sum without -- fear of overflow. pragma Warnings (Off, "value not in range of type ""T"" defined at line 4"); Index := No_Index + Index_Type'Base (Count_Type'Last); pragma Warnings (On, "value not in range of type ""T"" defined at line 4"); if Index <= Index_Type'Last then -- We have determined that range of Index_Type has at least as -- many values as in Count_Type, so Count_Type'Last is the -- maximum number of items that are allowed. Max_Length := Count_Type'Last; else -- The range of Index_Type has fewer values than in Count_Type, -- so the maximum number of items is computed from the range of -- the Index_Type. Max_Length := Count_Type'Base (Index_Type'Last - No_Index); end if; else -- No_Index is equal or greater than 0, so we can safely compute -- the difference without fear of overflow (which we would have to -- worry about if No_Index were less than 0, but that case is -- handled above). if Index_Type'Last - No_Index >= Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then -- We have determined that range of Index_Type has at least as -- many values as in Count_Type, so Count_Type'Last is the -- maximum number of items that are allowed. Max_Length := Count_Type'Last; else -- The range of Index_Type has fewer values than in Count_Type, -- so the maximum number of items is computed from the range of -- the Index_Type. Max_Length := Count_Type'Base (Index_Type'Last - No_Index); end if; end if; elsif Index_Type'First <= 0 then -- We know that No_Index (the same as Index_Type'First - 1) is less -- than 0, so it is safe to compute the following sum without fear of -- overflow. J := Count_Type'Base (No_Index) + Count_Type'Last; if J <= Count_Type'Base (Index_Type'Last) then -- We have determined that range of Index_Type has at least as -- many values as in Count_Type, so Count_Type'Last is the maximum -- number of items that are allowed. Max_Length := Count_Type'Last; else -- The range of Index_Type has fewer values than Count_Type does, -- so the maximum number of items is computed from the range of -- the Index_Type. Max_Length := Count_Type'Base (Index_Type'Last) - Count_Type'Base (No_Index); end if; else -- No_Index is equal or greater than 0, so we can safely compute the -- difference without fear of overflow (which we would have to worry -- about if No_Index were less than 0, but that case is handled -- above). Max_Length := Count_Type'Base (Index_Type'Last) - Count_Type'Base (No_Index); end if; -- We have just computed the maximum length (number of items). We must -- now compare the requested length to the maximum length, as we do not -- allow a vector expand beyond the maximum (because that would create -- an internal array with a last index value greater than -- Index_Type'Last, with no way to index those elements). if New_Length > Max_Length then raise Constraint_Error with "Count is out of range"; -- Raise Capacity_Error if the new length exceeds the container's -- capacity. elsif New_Length > Container.Capacity then raise Capacity_Error with "New length is larger than capacity"; end if; J := To_Array_Index (Before); declare EA : Elements_Array renames Container.Elements; begin if Before <= Container.Last then -- The new items are being inserted before some existing -- elements, so we must slide the existing elements up to their -- new home. EA (J + Count .. New_Length) := EA (J .. Old_Length); end if; end; if Index_Type'Base'Last >= Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then Container.Last := No_Index + Index_Type'Base (New_Length); else Container.Last := Index_Type'Base (Count_Type'Base (No_Index) + New_Length); end if; end Insert_Space; -------------- -- Is_Empty -- -------------- function Is_Empty (Container : Vector) return Boolean is begin return Last_Index (Container) < Index_Type'First; end Is_Empty; ------------------ -- Last_Element -- ------------------ function Last_Element (Container : Vector) return Element_Type is begin if Is_Empty (Container) then raise Constraint_Error with "Container is empty"; else return Container.Elements (Length (Container)); end if; end Last_Element; ---------------- -- Last_Index -- ---------------- function Last_Index (Container : Vector) return Extended_Index is begin return Container.Last; end Last_Index; ------------ -- Length -- ------------ function Length (Container : Vector) return Capacity_Range is L : constant Int := Int (Container.Last); F : constant Int := Int (Index_Type'First); N : constant Int'Base := L - F + 1; begin return Capacity_Range (N); end Length; ---------- -- Move -- ---------- procedure Move (Target : in out Vector; Source : in out Vector) is LS : constant Capacity_Range := Length (Source); begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then return; end if; if Target.Capacity < LS then raise Constraint_Error; end if; Clear (Target); Append (Target, Source); Clear (Source); end Move; ------------ -- Prepend -- ------------ procedure Prepend (Container : in out Vector; New_Item : Vector) is begin Insert (Container, Index_Type'First, New_Item); end Prepend; procedure Prepend (Container : in out Vector; New_Item : Element_Type) is begin Prepend (Container, New_Item, 1); end Prepend; procedure Prepend (Container : in out Vector; New_Item : Element_Type; Count : Count_Type) is begin Insert (Container, Index_Type'First, New_Item, Count); end Prepend; --------------------- -- Replace_Element -- --------------------- procedure Replace_Element (Container : in out Vector; Index : Index_Type; New_Item : Element_Type) is begin if Index > Container.Last then raise Constraint_Error with "Index is out of range"; end if; declare II : constant Int'Base := Int (Index) - Int (No_Index); I : constant Capacity_Range := Capacity_Range (II); begin Container.Elements (I) := New_Item; end; end Replace_Element; ---------------------- -- Reserve_Capacity -- ---------------------- procedure Reserve_Capacity (Container : in out Vector; Capacity : Capacity_Range) is begin if Capacity > Container.Capacity then raise Capacity_Error with "Capacity is out of range"; end if; end Reserve_Capacity; ---------------------- -- Reverse_Elements -- ---------------------- procedure Reverse_Elements (Container : in out Vector) is begin if Length (Container) <= 1 then return; end if; declare I, J : Capacity_Range; E : Elements_Array renames Container.Elements (1 .. Length (Container)); begin I := 1; J := Length (Container); while I < J loop declare EI : constant Element_Type := E (I); begin E (I) := E (J); E (J) := EI; end; I := I + 1; J := J - 1; end loop; end; end Reverse_Elements; ------------------------ -- Reverse_Find_Index -- ------------------------ function Reverse_Find_Index (Container : Vector; Item : Element_Type; Index : Index_Type := Index_Type'Last) return Extended_Index is Last : Index_Type'Base; K : Count_Type'Base; begin if Index > Last_Index (Container) then Last := Last_Index (Container); else Last := Index; end if; K := Capacity_Range (Int (Last) - Int (No_Index)); for Indx in reverse Index_Type'First .. Last loop if Container.Elements (K) = Item then return Indx; end if; K := K - 1; end loop; return No_Index; end Reverse_Find_Index; ---------- -- Swap -- ---------- procedure Swap (Container : in out Vector; I : Index_Type; J : Index_Type) is begin if I > Container.Last then raise Constraint_Error with "I index is out of range"; end if; if J > Container.Last then raise Constraint_Error with "J index is out of range"; end if; if I = J then return; end if; declare II : constant Int'Base := Int (I) - Int (No_Index); JJ : constant Int'Base := Int (J) - Int (No_Index); EI : Element_Type renames Container.Elements (Capacity_Range (II)); EJ : Element_Type renames Container.Elements (Capacity_Range (JJ)); EI_Copy : constant Element_Type := EI; begin EI := EJ; EJ := EI_Copy; end; end Swap; -------------------- -- To_Array_Index -- -------------------- function To_Array_Index (Index : Index_Type'Base) return Count_Type'Base is Offset : Count_Type'Base; begin -- We know that -- Index >= Index_Type'First -- hence we also know that -- Index - Index_Type'First >= 0 -- The issue is that even though 0 is guaranteed to be a value in -- the type Index_Type'Base, there's no guarantee that the difference -- is a value in that type. To prevent overflow we use the wider -- of Count_Type'Base and Index_Type'Base to perform intermediate -- calculations. if Index_Type'Base'Last >= Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then Offset := Count_Type'Base (Index - Index_Type'First); else Offset := Count_Type'Base (Index) - Count_Type'Base (Index_Type'First); end if; -- The array index subtype for all container element arrays always -- starts with 1. return 1 + Offset; end To_Array_Index; --------------- -- To_Vector -- --------------- function To_Vector (New_Item : Element_Type; Length : Capacity_Range) return Vector is begin if Length = 0 then return Empty_Vector; end if; declare First : constant Int := Int (Index_Type'First); Last_As_Int : constant Int'Base := First + Int (Length) - 1; Last : Index_Type; begin if Last_As_Int > Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'Last) then raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range"; -- ??? end if; Last := Index_Type (Last_As_Int); return (Capacity => Length, Last => Last, Elements => (others => New_Item)); end; end To_Vector; end Ada.Containers.Formal_Vectors;