------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT LIBRARY COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- ADA.CONTAINERS.RED_BLACK_TREES.GENERIC_BOUNDED_SET_OPERATIONS -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2004-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with System; use type System.Address; package body Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Set_Operations is pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Busy*"" is not referenced"); pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Lock*"" is not referenced"); -- See comment in Ada.Containers.Helpers ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- function Copy (Source : Set_Type) return Set_Type; ---------- -- Copy -- ---------- function Copy (Source : Set_Type) return Set_Type is begin return Target : Set_Type (Source.Length) do Assign (Target => Target, Source => Source); end return; end Copy; -------------------- -- Set_Difference -- -------------------- procedure Set_Difference (Target : in out Set_Type; Source : Set_Type) is Tgt, Src : Count_Type; TN : Nodes_Type renames Target.Nodes; SN : Nodes_Type renames Source.Nodes; Compare : Integer; begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then TC_Check (Target.TC); Tree_Operations.Clear_Tree (Target); return; end if; if Source.Length = 0 then return; end if; TC_Check (Target.TC); Tgt := Target.First; Src := Source.First; loop if Tgt = 0 then exit; end if; if Src = 0 then exit; end if; -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Target : With_Lock (Target.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Source : With_Lock (Source.TC'Unrestricted_Access); begin if Is_Less (TN (Tgt), SN (Src)) then Compare := -1; elsif Is_Less (SN (Src), TN (Tgt)) then Compare := 1; else Compare := 0; end if; end; if Compare < 0 then Tgt := Tree_Operations.Next (Target, Tgt); elsif Compare > 0 then Src := Tree_Operations.Next (Source, Src); else declare X : constant Count_Type := Tgt; begin Tgt := Tree_Operations.Next (Target, Tgt); Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Target, X); Tree_Operations.Free (Target, X); end; Src := Tree_Operations.Next (Source, Src); end if; end loop; end Set_Difference; function Set_Difference (Left, Right : Set_Type) return Set_Type is begin if Left'Address = Right'Address then return S : Set_Type (0); -- Empty set end if; if Left.Length = 0 then return S : Set_Type (0); -- Empty set end if; if Right.Length = 0 then return Copy (Left); end if; return Result : Set_Type (Left.Length) do -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Right : With_Lock (Right.TC'Unrestricted_Access); L_Node : Count_Type; R_Node : Count_Type; Dst_Node : Count_Type; pragma Warnings (Off, Dst_Node); begin L_Node := Left.First; R_Node := Right.First; loop if L_Node = 0 then exit; end if; if R_Node = 0 then while L_Node /= 0 loop Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Left.Nodes (L_Node), Dst_Node => Dst_Node); L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); end loop; exit; end if; if Is_Less (Left.Nodes (L_Node), Right.Nodes (R_Node)) then Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Left.Nodes (L_Node), Dst_Node => Dst_Node); L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); elsif Is_Less (Right.Nodes (R_Node), Left.Nodes (L_Node)) then R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); else L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); end if; end loop; end; end return; end Set_Difference; ---------------------- -- Set_Intersection -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Intersection (Target : in out Set_Type; Source : Set_Type) is Tgt : Count_Type; Src : Count_Type; Compare : Integer; begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then return; end if; TC_Check (Target.TC); if Source.Length = 0 then Tree_Operations.Clear_Tree (Target); return; end if; Tgt := Target.First; Src := Source.First; while Tgt /= 0 and then Src /= 0 loop -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Target : With_Lock (Target.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Source : With_Lock (Source.TC'Unrestricted_Access); begin if Is_Less (Target.Nodes (Tgt), Source.Nodes (Src)) then Compare := -1; elsif Is_Less (Source.Nodes (Src), Target.Nodes (Tgt)) then Compare := 1; else Compare := 0; end if; end; if Compare < 0 then declare X : constant Count_Type := Tgt; begin Tgt := Tree_Operations.Next (Target, Tgt); Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Target, X); Tree_Operations.Free (Target, X); end; elsif Compare > 0 then Src := Tree_Operations.Next (Source, Src); else Tgt := Tree_Operations.Next (Target, Tgt); Src := Tree_Operations.Next (Source, Src); end if; end loop; while Tgt /= 0 loop declare X : constant Count_Type := Tgt; begin Tgt := Tree_Operations.Next (Target, Tgt); Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Target, X); Tree_Operations.Free (Target, X); end; end loop; end Set_Intersection; function Set_Intersection (Left, Right : Set_Type) return Set_Type is begin if Left'Address = Right'Address then return Copy (Left); end if; return Result : Set_Type (Count_Type'Min (Left.Length, Right.Length)) do -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Right : With_Lock (Right.TC'Unrestricted_Access); L_Node : Count_Type; R_Node : Count_Type; Dst_Node : Count_Type; pragma Warnings (Off, Dst_Node); begin L_Node := Left.First; R_Node := Right.First; loop if L_Node = 0 then exit; end if; if R_Node = 0 then exit; end if; if Is_Less (Left.Nodes (L_Node), Right.Nodes (R_Node)) then L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); elsif Is_Less (Right.Nodes (R_Node), Left.Nodes (L_Node)) then R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); else Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Left.Nodes (L_Node), Dst_Node => Dst_Node); L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); end if; end loop; end; end return; end Set_Intersection; ---------------- -- Set_Subset -- ---------------- function Set_Subset (Subset : Set_Type; Of_Set : Set_Type) return Boolean is begin if Subset'Address = Of_Set'Address then return True; end if; if Subset.Length > Of_Set.Length then return False; end if; -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Subset : With_Lock (Subset.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Of_Set : With_Lock (Of_Set.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Subset_Node : Count_Type; Set_Node : Count_Type; begin Subset_Node := Subset.First; Set_Node := Of_Set.First; loop if Set_Node = 0 then return Subset_Node = 0; end if; if Subset_Node = 0 then return True; end if; if Is_Less (Subset.Nodes (Subset_Node), Of_Set.Nodes (Set_Node)) then return False; end if; if Is_Less (Of_Set.Nodes (Set_Node), Subset.Nodes (Subset_Node)) then Set_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Of_Set, Set_Node); else Set_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Of_Set, Set_Node); Subset_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Subset, Subset_Node); end if; end loop; end; end Set_Subset; ----------------- -- Set_Overlap -- ----------------- function Set_Overlap (Left, Right : Set_Type) return Boolean is begin if Left'Address = Right'Address then return Left.Length /= 0; end if; -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Right : With_Lock (Right.TC'Unrestricted_Access); L_Node : Count_Type; R_Node : Count_Type; begin L_Node := Left.First; R_Node := Right.First; loop if L_Node = 0 or else R_Node = 0 then return False; end if; if Is_Less (Left.Nodes (L_Node), Right.Nodes (R_Node)) then L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); elsif Is_Less (Right.Nodes (R_Node), Left.Nodes (L_Node)) then R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); else return True; end if; end loop; end; end Set_Overlap; ------------------------------ -- Set_Symmetric_Difference -- ------------------------------ procedure Set_Symmetric_Difference (Target : in out Set_Type; Source : Set_Type) is Tgt : Count_Type; Src : Count_Type; New_Tgt_Node : Count_Type; pragma Warnings (Off, New_Tgt_Node); Compare : Integer; begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then Tree_Operations.Clear_Tree (Target); return; end if; Tgt := Target.First; Src := Source.First; loop if Tgt = 0 then while Src /= 0 loop Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Target, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Source.Nodes (Src), Dst_Node => New_Tgt_Node); Src := Tree_Operations.Next (Source, Src); end loop; return; end if; if Src = 0 then return; end if; -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Target : With_Lock (Target.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Source : With_Lock (Source.TC'Unrestricted_Access); begin if Is_Less (Target.Nodes (Tgt), Source.Nodes (Src)) then Compare := -1; elsif Is_Less (Source.Nodes (Src), Target.Nodes (Tgt)) then Compare := 1; else Compare := 0; end if; end; if Compare < 0 then Tgt := Tree_Operations.Next (Target, Tgt); elsif Compare > 0 then Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Target, Dst_Hint => Tgt, Src_Node => Source.Nodes (Src), Dst_Node => New_Tgt_Node); Src := Tree_Operations.Next (Source, Src); else declare X : constant Count_Type := Tgt; begin Tgt := Tree_Operations.Next (Target, Tgt); Tree_Operations.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Target, X); Tree_Operations.Free (Target, X); end; Src := Tree_Operations.Next (Source, Src); end if; end loop; end Set_Symmetric_Difference; function Set_Symmetric_Difference (Left, Right : Set_Type) return Set_Type is begin if Left'Address = Right'Address then return S : Set_Type (0); -- Empty set end if; if Right.Length = 0 then return Copy (Left); end if; if Left.Length = 0 then return Copy (Right); end if; return Result : Set_Type (Left.Length + Right.Length) do -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Right : With_Lock (Right.TC'Unrestricted_Access); L_Node : Count_Type; R_Node : Count_Type; Dst_Node : Count_Type; pragma Warnings (Off, Dst_Node); begin L_Node := Left.First; R_Node := Right.First; loop if L_Node = 0 then while R_Node /= 0 loop Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Right.Nodes (R_Node), Dst_Node => Dst_Node); R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); end loop; exit; end if; if R_Node = 0 then while L_Node /= 0 loop Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Left.Nodes (L_Node), Dst_Node => Dst_Node); L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); end loop; exit; end if; if Is_Less (Left.Nodes (L_Node), Right.Nodes (R_Node)) then Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Left.Nodes (L_Node), Dst_Node => Dst_Node); L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); elsif Is_Less (Right.Nodes (R_Node), Left.Nodes (L_Node)) then Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => 0, Src_Node => Right.Nodes (R_Node), Dst_Node => Dst_Node); R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); else L_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Left, L_Node); R_Node := Tree_Operations.Next (Right, R_Node); end if; end loop; end; end return; end Set_Symmetric_Difference; --------------- -- Set_Union -- --------------- procedure Set_Union (Target : in out Set_Type; Source : Set_Type) is Hint : Count_Type := 0; procedure Process (Node : Count_Type); pragma Inline (Process); procedure Iterate is new Tree_Operations.Generic_Iteration (Process); ------------- -- Process -- ------------- procedure Process (Node : Count_Type) is begin Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Target, Dst_Hint => Hint, Src_Node => Source.Nodes (Node), Dst_Node => Hint); end Process; -- Start of processing for Union begin if Target'Address = Source'Address then return; end if; -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. declare Lock_Source : With_Lock (Source.TC'Unrestricted_Access); begin -- Note that there's no way to decide a priori whether the target has -- enough capacity for the union with source. We cannot simply -- compare the sum of the existing lengths to the capacity of the -- target, because equivalent items from source are not included in -- the union. Iterate (Source); end; end Set_Union; function Set_Union (Left, Right : Set_Type) return Set_Type is begin if Left'Address = Right'Address then return Copy (Left); end if; if Left.Length = 0 then return Copy (Right); end if; if Right.Length = 0 then return Copy (Left); end if; return Result : Set_Type (Left.Length + Right.Length) do declare Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left.TC'Unrestricted_Access); Lock_Right : With_Lock (Right.TC'Unrestricted_Access); begin Assign (Target => Result, Source => Left); Insert_Right : declare Hint : Count_Type := 0; procedure Process (Node : Count_Type); pragma Inline (Process); procedure Iterate is new Tree_Operations.Generic_Iteration (Process); ------------- -- Process -- ------------- procedure Process (Node : Count_Type) is begin Insert_With_Hint (Dst_Set => Result, Dst_Hint => Hint, Src_Node => Right.Nodes (Node), Dst_Node => Hint); end Process; -- Start of processing for Insert_Right begin Iterate (Right); end Insert_Right; end; end return; end Set_Union; end Ada.Containers.Red_Black_Trees.Generic_Bounded_Set_Operations;