* *
* *
* I N I T I A L I Z E *
* *
* C Implementation File *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1992-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
* *
* GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under *
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- *
* ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- *
* sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
* OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
* *
* As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted *
* additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, *
* version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and *
* a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; *
* see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see *
* . *
* *
* GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. *
* Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. *
* *
/* This unit provides default implementation for __gnat_initialize ()
which is called before the elaboration of the partition. It is provided
in a separate file/object so that users can replace it easily.
The default implementation should be null on most targets. */
/* The following include is here to meet the published VxWorks requirement
that the __vxworks header appear before any other include. */
#ifdef __vxworks
#include "vxWorks.h"
#ifdef IN_RTS
#include "tconfig.h"
#include "tsystem.h"
/* We don't have libiberty, so use malloc. */
#define xmalloc(S) malloc (S)
#define xrealloc(V,S) realloc (V,S)
#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "raise.h"
/* __gnat_initialize (NT-mingw32 Version) */
#if defined (__MINGW32__)
#include "mingw32.h"
extern void __gnat_init_float (void);
extern void __gnat_install_SEH_handler (void *);
extern int gnat_argc;
extern char **gnat_argv;
#ifndef RTX
/* Do not define for RTX since it is only used for creating child processes
which is not supported in RTX. */
extern void __gnat_plist_init (void);
#define EXPAND_ARGV_RATE 128
static void
append_arg (int *index, LPWSTR dir, LPWSTR value,
char ***argv, int *last, int quoted)
int size;
LPWSTR fullvalue;
int vallen = _tcslen (value);
int dirlen;
if (dir == NULL)
/* no dir prefix */
dirlen = 0;
fullvalue = xmalloc ((vallen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
/* Add dir first */
dirlen = _tcslen (dir);
fullvalue = xmalloc ((dirlen + vallen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
_tcscpy (fullvalue, dir);
/* Append value */
if (quoted)
_tcsncpy (fullvalue + dirlen, value + 1, vallen - 1);
fullvalue [dirlen + vallen - sizeof(TCHAR)] = _T('\0');
_tcscpy (fullvalue + dirlen, value);
if (*last <= *index)
*argv = (char **) xrealloc (*argv, (*last) * sizeof (char *));
size = WS2SC (NULL, fullvalue, 0);
(*argv)[*index] = (char *) xmalloc (size + sizeof(TCHAR));
WS2SC ((*argv)[*index], fullvalue, size);
free (fullvalue);
__gnat_initialize (void *eh ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
/* Initialize floating-point coprocessor. This call is needed because
the MS libraries default to 64-bit precision instead of 80-bit
precision, and we require the full precision for proper operation,
given that we have set Max_Digits etc with this in mind */
__gnat_init_float ();
/* Set current code page for filenames handling. */
char *codepage = getenv ("GNAT_CODE_PAGE");
/* Default code page is UTF-8. */
CurrentCodePage = CP_UTF8;
if (codepage != NULL)
if (strcmp (codepage, "CP_ACP") == 0)
CurrentCodePage = CP_ACP;
else if (strcmp (codepage, "CP_UTF8") == 0)
CurrentCodePage = CP_UTF8;
/* Adjust gnat_argv to support Unicode characters. */
LPWSTR *wargv;
int wargc;
int k;
int last;
int argc_expanded = 0;
TCHAR result [MAX_PATH];
int quoted;
wargv = CommandLineToArgvW (GetCommandLineW(), &wargc);
if (wargv != NULL)
/* Set gnat_argv with arguments encoded in UTF-8. */
last = wargc + 1;
gnat_argv = (char **) xmalloc ((last) * sizeof (char *));
/* argv[0] is the executable full path-name. */
SearchPath (NULL, wargv[0], _T(".exe"), MAX_PATH, result, NULL);
append_arg (&argc_expanded, NULL, result, &gnat_argv, &last, 0);
for (k=1; k= 3) && (defined (_ARCH_PPC) || defined (__ppc))
/* The scheme described above is only useful for the actual ZCX case, and
we don't want any reference to the crt provided symbols otherwise. We
may not link with any of the crt objects in the non-ZCX case, e.g. from
documented procedures instructing the use of -nostdlib, and references
to the ctors symbols here would just remain unsatisfied.
We have no way to avoid those references in the right conditions in this
C module, because we have nothing like a IN_ZCX_RTS macro. This aspect
is then deferred to an Ada routine, which can do that based on a test
against a constant System flag value. */
extern void __gnat_vxw_setup_for_eh (void);
__gnat_vxw_setup_for_eh ();
#elif defined(_T_HPUX10) || (!defined(IN_RTS) && defined(_X_HPUX10))
/* __gnat_initialize (PA-RISC HP-UX 10 Version) */
extern void __main (void);
__gnat_initialize (void *eh ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
__main ();
/* For all other versions of GNAT, the initialize routine and handler
installation do nothing */
/* __gnat_initialize (Default Version) */
__gnat_initialize (void *eh ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)