------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- G N A T P R E P -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2023, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This program provides a simple preprocessing capability for Ada programs. -- It is designed for use with GNAT, but is not dependent on any special -- features of GNAT. -- To call gnatprep use -- gnatprep infile outfile [deffile] [-v] [-c] [-b] [-r] [-s] [-u] -- [-Dsymbol=value] -- where -- infile is the full name of the input file, which is an Ada source -- file containing preprocessor directives. -- outfile is the full name of the output file, which is an Ada source -- in standard Ada form. When used with GNAT, this file name will -- normally have an ads or adb suffix. -- deffile is the full name of a text file containing definitions of -- symbols to be referenced by the preprocessor. This argument is -- optional. -- The -c switch, causes both preprocessor lines and the lines deleted -- by preprocessing to be retained in the output source as comments marked -- with the special string "--! ". This option will result in line numbers -- being preserved in the output file. -- The -b switch causes both preprocessor lines and the lines deleted by -- preprocessing to be replaced by blank lines in the output source file, -- thus preserving line numbers in the output file. -- The -r switch causes a Source_Reference pragma to be generated that -- references the original input file, so that error messages will use -- the file name of this original file. -- The -u switch causes gnatprep to treat any undefined symbol that it -- encounters as having the value False. Otherwise an undefined symbol -- is a fatal error. -- The -s switch causes a sorted list of symbol names and values to be -- listed on the standard output file. -- The -v switch causes a Copyright notice to be displayed, and -- lines containing errors in the input file or the definition file -- to be displayed before the errors. -- The -D switch causes symbol 'symbol' to be associated with 'value'. -- This symbols can then be referenced by the preprocessor. Several -- -D switches may be specified. -- Note: if neither -b nor -c is present, then preprocessor lines and -- deleted lines are completely removed from the output, unless -r is -- specified, in which case -b is assumed. -- The definitions file contains lines of the form -- symbol := value -- where symbol is an identifier, following normal Ada (case-insensitive) -- rules for its syntax, and value is one of the following: -- Empty, corresponding to a null substitution -- A string literal using normal Ada syntax -- Any sequence of characters from the set -- (letters, digits, period, underline) -- Comment lines may also appear in the definitions file, starting with -- the usual --, and comments may be added to the definitions lines. -- The input text may contain preprocessor conditional inclusion lines, -- and also general symbol substitution sequences. -- The preprocessor conditional inclusion commands have the form -- #if <expression> [then] -- lines -- #elsif <expression> [then] -- lines -- #elsif <expression> [then] -- lines -- ... -- #else -- lines -- #end if; -- -- Where expression is defined by the following grammar : -- expression ::= <symbol> -- expression ::= <symbol> = "<value>" -- expression ::= <symbol> = <symbol> -- expression ::= <symbol> 'Defined -- expression ::= not <expression> -- expression ::= <expression> and <expression> -- expression ::= <expression> or <expression> -- expression ::= <expression> and then <expression> -- expression ::= <expression> or else <expression> -- expression ::= ( <expression> ) -- "or" and "and" may not be used in the same expression without -- using parentheses. -- For these Boolean tests, the symbol must have either the value True or -- False. If the value is True, then the corresponding lines are included, -- and if the value is False, they are excluded. It is an error to -- reference a symbol not defined in the symbol definitions file, or -- to reference a symbol that has a value other than True or False. -- The use of the not operator inverts the sense of this logical test, so -- that the lines are included only if the symbol is not defined. -- The THEN keyword is optional as shown -- Spaces or tabs may appear between the # and the keyword. The keywords -- and the symbols are case insensitive as in normal Ada code. Comments -- may be used on a preprocessor line, but other than that, no other -- tokens may appear on a preprocessor line. -- Any number of #elsif clauses can be present, including none at all -- The #else is optional, as in Ada -- The # marking the start of a preprocessor line must be the first -- non-blank character on the line, i.e. it must be preceded only by -- spaces or horizontal tabs. -- Symbol substitution is obtained by using the sequence -- $symbol -- anywhere within a source line, except in a comment. The identifier -- following the $ must match one of the symbols defined in the symbol -- definition file, and the result is to substitute the value of the -- symbol in place of $symbol in the output file. procedure GNATprep;