------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- D I A G N O S T I C S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2024, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Atree; use Atree; with Debug; use Debug; with Diagnostics.Brief_Emitter; with Diagnostics.Pretty_Emitter; with Diagnostics.Repository; use Diagnostics.Repository; with Diagnostics.Utils; use Diagnostics.Utils; with Lib; use Lib; with Opt; use Opt; with Sinput; use Sinput; with Warnsw; package body Diagnostics is ------------- -- Destroy -- ------------- procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Labeled_Span_Type) is begin Free (Elem.Label); end Destroy; ------------- -- Destroy -- ------------- procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Sub_Diagnostic_Type) is begin Free (Elem.Message); if Labeled_Span_Lists.Present (Elem.Locations) then Labeled_Span_Lists.Destroy (Elem.Locations); end if; end Destroy; ------------- -- Destroy -- ------------- procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Edit_Type) is begin Free (Elem.Text); end Destroy; ------------- -- Destroy -- ------------- procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Fix_Type) is begin Free (Elem.Description); if Edit_Lists.Present (Elem.Edits) then Edit_Lists.Destroy (Elem.Edits); end if; end Destroy; ------------- -- Destroy -- ------------- procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Diagnostic_Type) is begin Free (Elem.Message); if Labeled_Span_Lists.Present (Elem.Locations) then Labeled_Span_Lists.Destroy (Elem.Locations); end if; if Sub_Diagnostic_Lists.Present (Elem.Sub_Diagnostics) then Sub_Diagnostic_Lists.Destroy (Elem.Sub_Diagnostics); end if; if Fix_Lists.Present (Elem.Fixes) then Fix_Lists.Destroy (Elem.Fixes); end if; end Destroy; ------------------ -- Add_Location -- ------------------ procedure Add_Location (Diagnostic : in out Sub_Diagnostic_Type; Location : Labeled_Span_Type) is use Labeled_Span_Lists; begin if not Present (Diagnostic.Locations) then Diagnostic.Locations := Create; end if; Append (Diagnostic.Locations, Location); end Add_Location; ---------------------- -- Primary_Location -- ---------------------- function Primary_Location (Diagnostic : Sub_Diagnostic_Type) return Labeled_Span_Type is use Labeled_Span_Lists; Loc : Labeled_Span_Type; It : Iterator := Iterate (Diagnostic.Locations); begin while Has_Next (It) loop Next (It, Loc); if Loc.Is_Primary then return Loc; end if; end loop; return (others => <>); end Primary_Location; ------------------ -- Add_Location -- ------------------ procedure Add_Location (Diagnostic : in out Diagnostic_Type; Location : Labeled_Span_Type) is use Labeled_Span_Lists; begin if not Present (Diagnostic.Locations) then Diagnostic.Locations := Create; end if; Append (Diagnostic.Locations, Location); end Add_Location; ------------------------ -- Add_Sub_Diagnostic -- ------------------------ procedure Add_Sub_Diagnostic (Diagnostic : in out Diagnostic_Type; Sub_Diagnostic : Sub_Diagnostic_Type) is use Sub_Diagnostic_Lists; begin if not Present (Diagnostic.Sub_Diagnostics) then Diagnostic.Sub_Diagnostics := Create; end if; Append (Diagnostic.Sub_Diagnostics, Sub_Diagnostic); end Add_Sub_Diagnostic; procedure Add_Edit (Fix : in out Fix_Type; Edit : Edit_Type) is use Edit_Lists; begin if not Present (Fix.Edits) then Fix.Edits := Create; end if; Append (Fix.Edits, Edit); end Add_Edit; ------------- -- Add_Fix -- ------------- procedure Add_Fix (Diagnostic : in out Diagnostic_Type; Fix : Fix_Type) is use Fix_Lists; begin if not Present (Diagnostic.Fixes) then Diagnostic.Fixes := Create; end if; Append (Diagnostic.Fixes, Fix); end Add_Fix; ----------------------- -- Record_Diagnostic -- ----------------------- procedure Record_Diagnostic (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type; Update_Count : Boolean := True) is procedure Update_Diagnostic_Count (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type); ----------------------------- -- Update_Diagnostic_Count -- ----------------------------- procedure Update_Diagnostic_Count (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type) is begin if Diagnostic.Kind = Error then Total_Errors_Detected := Total_Errors_Detected + 1; if Diagnostic.Serious then Serious_Errors_Detected := Serious_Errors_Detected + 1; end if; elsif Diagnostic.Kind in Warning | Style then Warnings_Detected := Warnings_Detected + 1; if Diagnostic.Warn_Err then Warnings_Treated_As_Errors := Warnings_Treated_As_Errors + 1; end if; elsif Diagnostic.Kind in Info then Info_Messages := Info_Messages + 1; end if; end Update_Diagnostic_Count; procedure Handle_Serious_Error; -- Internal procedure to do all error message handling for a serious -- error message, other than bumping the error counts and arranging -- for the message to be output. procedure Handle_Serious_Error is begin -- Turn off code generation if not done already if Operating_Mode = Generate_Code then Operating_Mode := Check_Semantics; Expander_Active := False; end if; -- Set the fatal error flag in the unit table unless we are in -- Try_Semantics mode (in which case we set ignored mode if not -- currently set. This stops the semantics from being performed -- if we find a serious error. This is skipped if we are currently -- dealing with the configuration pragma file. if Current_Source_Unit /= No_Unit then declare U : constant Unit_Number_Type := Get_Source_Unit (Primary_Location (Diagnostic).Span.Ptr); begin if Try_Semantics then if Fatal_Error (U) = None then Set_Fatal_Error (U, Error_Ignored); end if; else Set_Fatal_Error (U, Error_Detected); end if; end; end if; -- Disable warnings on unused use clauses and the like. Otherwise, an -- error might hide a reference to an entity in a used package, so -- after fixing the error, the use clause no longer looks like it was -- unused. Warnsw.Check_Unreferenced := False; Warnsw.Check_Unreferenced_Formals := False; end Handle_Serious_Error; begin Insert_Based_On_Location (All_Diagnostics, Diagnostic); if Update_Count then Update_Diagnostic_Count (Diagnostic); end if; if Diagnostic.Kind = Error and then Diagnostic.Serious then Handle_Serious_Error; end if; end Record_Diagnostic; ---------------------- -- Print_Diagnostic -- ---------------------- procedure Print_Diagnostic (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type) is begin if Debug_Flag_FF then Diagnostics.Pretty_Emitter.Print_Diagnostic (Diagnostic); else Diagnostics.Brief_Emitter.Print_Diagnostic (Diagnostic); end if; end Print_Diagnostic; ---------------------- -- Primary_Location -- ---------------------- function Primary_Location (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type) return Labeled_Span_Type is begin return Get_Primary_Labeled_Span (Diagnostic.Locations); end Primary_Location; --------------------- -- Make_Diagnostic -- --------------------- function Make_Diagnostic (Msg : String; Location : Labeled_Span_Type; Id : Diagnostic_Id := No_Diagnostic_Id; Kind : Diagnostic_Kind := Diagnostics.Error; Switch : Switch_Id := No_Switch_Id; Spans : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations; Sub_Diags : Sub_Diagnostic_Array := No_Sub_Diags; Fixes : Fix_Array := No_Fixes) return Diagnostic_Type is D : Diagnostic_Type; begin D.Message := new String'(Msg); D.Id := Id; D.Kind := Kind; if Id /= No_Diagnostic_Id then pragma Assert (Switch = Diagnostic_Entries (Id).Switch, "Provided switch must be the same as in the registry"); end if; D.Switch := Switch; pragma Assert (Location.Is_Primary, "Main location must be primary"); Add_Location (D, Location); for I in Spans'Range loop Add_Location (D, Spans (I)); end loop; for I in Sub_Diags'Range loop Add_Sub_Diagnostic (D, Sub_Diags (I)); end loop; for I in Fixes'Range loop Add_Fix (D, Fixes (I)); end loop; return D; end Make_Diagnostic; ----------------------- -- Record_Diagnostic -- ----------------------- procedure Record_Diagnostic (Msg : String; Location : Labeled_Span_Type; Id : Diagnostic_Id := No_Diagnostic_Id; Kind : Diagnostic_Kind := Diagnostics.Error; Switch : Switch_Id := No_Switch_Id; Spans : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations; Sub_Diags : Sub_Diagnostic_Array := No_Sub_Diags; Fixes : Fix_Array := No_Fixes) is begin Record_Diagnostic (Make_Diagnostic (Msg => Msg, Location => Location, Id => Id, Kind => Kind, Switch => Switch, Spans => Spans, Sub_Diags => Sub_Diags, Fixes => Fixes)); end Record_Diagnostic; ------------------ -- Labeled_Span -- ------------------ function Labeled_Span (Span : Source_Span; Label : String := ""; Is_Primary : Boolean := True; Is_Region : Boolean := False) return Labeled_Span_Type is L : Labeled_Span_Type; begin L.Span := Span; if Label /= "" then L.Label := new String'(Label); end if; L.Is_Primary := Is_Primary; L.Is_Region := Is_Region; return L; end Labeled_Span; -------------------------- -- Primary_Labeled_Span -- -------------------------- function Primary_Labeled_Span (Span : Source_Span; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type is begin return Labeled_Span (Span => Span, Label => Label, Is_Primary => True); end Primary_Labeled_Span; -------------------------- -- Primary_Labeled_Span -- -------------------------- function Primary_Labeled_Span (N : Node_Or_Entity_Id; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type is begin return Primary_Labeled_Span (To_Full_Span (N), Label); end Primary_Labeled_Span; ---------------------------- -- Secondary_Labeled_Span -- ---------------------------- function Secondary_Labeled_Span (Span : Source_Span; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type is begin return Labeled_Span (Span => Span, Label => Label, Is_Primary => False); end Secondary_Labeled_Span; ---------------------------- -- Secondary_Labeled_Span -- ---------------------------- function Secondary_Labeled_Span (N : Node_Or_Entity_Id; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type is begin return Secondary_Labeled_Span (To_Full_Span (N), Label); end Secondary_Labeled_Span; -------------- -- Sub_Diag -- -------------- function Sub_Diag (Msg : String; Kind : Sub_Diagnostic_Kind := Diagnostics.Continuation; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type is S : Sub_Diagnostic_Type; begin S.Message := new String'(Msg); S.Kind := Kind; for I in Locations'Range loop Add_Location (S, Locations (I)); end loop; return S; end Sub_Diag; ------------------ -- Continuation -- ------------------ function Continuation (Msg : String; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type is begin return Sub_Diag (Msg, Diagnostics.Continuation, Locations); end Continuation; ---------- -- Help -- ---------- function Help (Msg : String; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type is begin return Sub_Diag (Msg, Diagnostics.Help, Locations); end Help; ---------------- -- Suggestion -- ---------------- function Suggestion (Msg : String; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type is begin return Sub_Diag (Msg, Diagnostics.Suggestion, Locations); end Suggestion; --------- -- Fix -- --------- function Fix (Description : String; Edits : Edit_Array; Applicability : Applicability_Type := Unspecified) return Fix_Type is F : Fix_Type; begin F.Description := new String'(Description); for I in Edits'Range loop Add_Edit (F, Edits (I)); end loop; F.Applicability := Applicability; return F; end Fix; ---------- -- Edit -- ---------- function Edit (Text : String; Span : Source_Span) return Edit_Type is begin return (Text => new String'(Text), Span => Span); end Edit; end Diagnostics;