------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- D I A G N O S T I C S . U T I L S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2024, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Diagnostics.Repository; use Diagnostics.Repository; with Diagnostics.Switch_Repository; use Diagnostics.Switch_Repository; with Errout; use Errout; with Erroutc; use Erroutc; with Namet; use Namet; with Opt; use Opt; with Sinput; use Sinput; with Sinfo.Nodes; use Sinfo.Nodes; with Warnsw; use Warnsw; package body Diagnostics.Utils is ------------------ -- Get_Human_Id -- ------------------ function Get_Human_Id (D : Diagnostic_Type) return String_Ptr is begin if D.Switch = No_Switch_Id then return Diagnostic_Entries (D.Id).Human_Id; else return Get_Switch (D).Human_Id; end if; end Get_Human_Id; ------------------ -- To_File_Name -- ------------------ function To_File_Name (Sptr : Source_Ptr) return String is Sfile : constant Source_File_Index := Get_Source_File_Index (Sptr); Ref_Name : constant File_Name_Type := (if Full_Path_Name_For_Brief_Errors then Full_Ref_Name (Sfile) else Reference_Name (Sfile)); begin return Get_Name_String (Ref_Name); end To_File_Name; -------------------- -- Line_To_String -- -------------------- function Line_To_String (Sptr : Source_Ptr) return String is Line : constant Logical_Line_Number := Get_Logical_Line_Number (Sptr); Img_Raw : constant String := Int'Image (Int (Line)); begin return Img_Raw (Img_Raw'First + 1 .. Img_Raw'Last); end Line_To_String; ---------------------- -- Column_To_String -- ---------------------- function Column_To_String (Sptr : Source_Ptr) return String is Col : constant Column_Number := Get_Column_Number (Sptr); Img_Raw : constant String := Int'Image (Int (Col)); begin return (if Col < 10 then "0" else "") & Img_Raw (Img_Raw'First + 1 .. Img_Raw'Last); end Column_To_String; --------------- -- To_String -- --------------- function To_String (Sptr : Source_Ptr) return String is begin return To_File_Name (Sptr) & ":" & Line_To_String (Sptr) & ":" & Column_To_String (Sptr); end To_String; -------------------- -- Sloc_To_String -- -------------------- function Sloc_To_String (N : Node_Or_Entity_Id; Ref : Source_Ptr) return String is begin return Sloc_To_String (Sloc (N), Ref); end Sloc_To_String; -------------------- -- Sloc_To_String -- -------------------- function Sloc_To_String (Sptr : Source_Ptr; Ref : Source_Ptr) return String is begin if Sptr = No_Location then return "at unknown location"; elsif Sptr = System_Location then return "in package System"; elsif Sptr = Standard_Location then return "in package Standard"; elsif Sptr = Standard_ASCII_Location then return "in package Standard.ASCII"; else if Full_File_Name (Get_Source_File_Index (Sptr)) /= Full_File_Name (Get_Source_File_Index (Ref)) then return "at " & To_String (Sptr); else return "at line " & Line_To_String (Sptr); end if; end if; end Sloc_To_String; ------------------ -- To_Full_Span -- ------------------ function To_Full_Span (N : Node_Id) return Source_Span is Fst, Lst : Node_Id; begin First_And_Last_Nodes (N, Fst, Lst); return To_Span (Ptr => Sloc (N), First => First_Sloc (Fst), Last => Last_Sloc (Lst)); end To_Full_Span; --------------- -- To_String -- --------------- function To_String (Id : Diagnostic_Id) return String is begin if Id = No_Diagnostic_Id then return "GNAT0000"; else return Id'Img; end if; end To_String; ------------- -- To_Name -- ------------- function To_Name (E : Entity_Id) return String is begin -- The name of the node operator "&" has many special cases. Reuse the -- node to name conversion implementation from the errout package for -- now. Error_Msg_Node_1 := E; Set_Msg_Text ("&", Sloc (E)); return Msg_Buffer (1 .. Msglen); end To_Name; ------------------ -- To_Type_Name -- ------------------ function To_Type_Name (E : Entity_Id) return String is begin Error_Msg_Node_1 := E; Set_Msg_Text ("}", Sloc (E)); return Msg_Buffer (1 .. Msglen); end To_Type_Name; -------------------- -- Kind_To_String -- -------------------- function Kind_To_String (D : Sub_Diagnostic_Type; Parent : Diagnostic_Type) return String is (case D.Kind is when Continuation => Kind_To_String (Parent), when Help => "help", when Note => "note", when Suggestion => "suggestion"); -------------------- -- Kind_To_String -- -------------------- function Kind_To_String (D : Diagnostic_Type) return String is (if D.Warn_Err then "error" else (case D.Kind is when Diagnostics.Error | Non_Serious_Error => "error", when Warning | Restriction_Warning | Default_Warning | Tagless_Warning => "warning", when Style => "style", when Info => "info")); ------------------------------ -- Get_Primary_Labeled_Span -- ------------------------------ function Get_Primary_Labeled_Span (Spans : Labeled_Span_List) return Labeled_Span_Type is use Labeled_Span_Lists; S : Labeled_Span_Type; It : Iterator; begin if Present (Spans) then It := Iterate (Spans); while Has_Next (It) loop Next (It, S); if S.Is_Primary then return S; end if; end loop; end if; return No_Labeled_Span; end Get_Primary_Labeled_Span; -------------------- -- Get_Doc_Switch -- -------------------- function Get_Doc_Switch (Diag : Diagnostic_Type) return String is begin if Warning_Doc_Switch and then Diag.Kind in Default_Warning | Info | Restriction_Warning | Style | Warning then if Diag.Switch = No_Switch_Id then if Diag.Kind = Restriction_Warning then return "[restriction warning]"; -- Info messages can have a switch tag but they should not have -- a default switch tag. elsif Diag.Kind /= Info then -- For Default_Warning return "[enabled by default]"; end if; else declare S : constant Switch_Type := Get_Switch (Diag); begin return "[-" & S.Short_Name.all & "]"; end; end if; end if; return ""; end Get_Doc_Switch; -------------------- -- Appears_Before -- -------------------- function Appears_Before (D1, D2 : Diagnostic_Type) return Boolean is begin return Appears_Before (Primary_Location (D1).Span.Ptr, Primary_Location (D2).Span.Ptr); end Appears_Before; -------------------- -- Appears_Before -- -------------------- function Appears_Before (P1, P2 : Source_Ptr) return Boolean is begin if Get_Source_File_Index (P1) = Get_Source_File_Index (P2) then if Get_Logical_Line_Number (P1) = Get_Logical_Line_Number (P2) then return Get_Column_Number (P1) < Get_Column_Number (P2); else return Get_Logical_Line_Number (P1) < Get_Logical_Line_Number (P2); end if; else return Get_Source_File_Index (P1) < Get_Source_File_Index (P2); end if; end Appears_Before; ------------------------------ -- Insert_Based_On_Location -- ------------------------------ procedure Insert_Based_On_Location (List : Diagnostic_List; Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type) is use Diagnostics_Lists; It : Iterator := Iterate (List); D : Diagnostic_Type; begin -- This is the common scenario where the error is reported at the -- natural order the tree is processed. This saves a lot of time when -- looking for the correct position in the list when there are a lot of -- diagnostics. if Present (List) and then not Is_Empty (List) and then Appears_Before (Last (List), Diagnostic) then Append (List, Diagnostic); else while Has_Next (It) loop Next (It, D); if Appears_Before (Diagnostic, D) then Insert_Before (List, D, Diagnostic); return; end if; end loop; Append (List, Diagnostic); end if; end Insert_Based_On_Location; end Diagnostics.Utils;