------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- A D A . C A L E N D A R -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with -- -- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow -- -- apply solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This is the Alpha/VMS version with System.OS_Primitives; package Ada.Calendar is package OSP renames System.OS_Primitives; type Time is private; -- Declarations representing limits of allowed local time values. Note -- that these do NOT constrain the possible stored values of time which -- may well permit a larger range of times (this is explicitly allowed -- in Ada 95). subtype Year_Number is Integer range 1901 .. 2399; subtype Month_Number is Integer range 1 .. 12; subtype Day_Number is Integer range 1 .. 31; subtype Day_Duration is Duration range 0.0 .. 86_400.0; function Clock return Time; function Year (Date : Time) return Year_Number; function Month (Date : Time) return Month_Number; function Day (Date : Time) return Day_Number; function Seconds (Date : Time) return Day_Duration; procedure Split (Date : Time; Year : out Year_Number; Month : out Month_Number; Day : out Day_Number; Seconds : out Day_Duration); function Time_Of (Year : Year_Number; Month : Month_Number; Day : Day_Number; Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0) return Time; function "+" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time; function "+" (Left : Duration; Right : Time) return Time; function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time; function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Time) return Duration; function "<" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean; function "<=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean; function ">" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean; function ">=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean; Time_Error : exception; private pragma Inline (Clock); pragma Inline (Year); pragma Inline (Month); pragma Inline (Day); pragma Inline ("+"); pragma Inline ("-"); pragma Inline ("<"); pragma Inline ("<="); pragma Inline (">"); pragma Inline (">="); -- Although the units are 100 nanoseconds, for the purpose of better -- readability, this unit will be called "mili". Mili : constant := 10_000_000; Mili_F : constant := 10_000_000.0; Milis_In_Day : constant := 864_000_000_000; Secs_In_Day : constant := 86_400; -- Time is represented as the number of 100-nanosecond (ns) units from the -- system base date and time 1858-11-17 0.0 (the Smithsonian base date and -- time for the astronomic calendar). -- The time value stored is typically a UTC value, as provided in standard -- Unix environments. If this is the case then Split and Time_Of perform -- required conversions to and from local times. -- Notwithstanding this definition, Time is not quite the same as OS_Time. -- Relative Time is positive, whereas relative OS_Time is negative, -- but this declaration makes for easier conversion. type Time is new OSP.OS_Time; Days_In_Month : constant array (Month_Number) of Day_Number := (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); Invalid_Time_Zone_Offset : Long_Integer; pragma Import (C, Invalid_Time_Zone_Offset, "__gnat_invalid_tzoff"); function Is_Leap (Year : Year_Number) return Boolean; -- Determine whether a given year is leap -- The following packages provide a target independent interface to the -- children of Calendar - Arithmetic, Formatting and Time_Zones. -- NOTE: Delays does not need a target independent interface because -- VMS already has a target specific file for that package. --------------------------- -- Arithmetic_Operations -- --------------------------- package Arithmetic_Operations is function Add (Date : Time; Days : Long_Integer) return Time; -- Add a certain number of days to a time value procedure Difference (Left : Time; Right : Time; Days : out Long_Integer; Seconds : out Duration; Leap_Seconds : out Integer); -- Calculate the difference between two time values in terms of days, -- seconds and leap seconds elapsed. The leap seconds are not included -- in the seconds returned. If Left is greater than Right, the returned -- values are positive, negative otherwise. function Subtract (Date : Time; Days : Long_Integer) return Time; -- Subtract a certain number of days from a time value end Arithmetic_Operations; --------------------------- -- Conversion_Operations -- --------------------------- package Conversion_Operations is function To_Ada_Time (Unix_Time : Long_Integer) return Time; -- Unix to Ada Epoch conversion function To_Ada_Time (tm_year : Integer; tm_mon : Integer; tm_day : Integer; tm_hour : Integer; tm_min : Integer; tm_sec : Integer; tm_isdst : Integer) return Time; -- Struct tm to Ada Epoch conversion function To_Duration (tv_sec : Long_Integer; tv_nsec : Long_Integer) return Duration; -- Struct timespec to Duration conversion procedure To_Struct_Timespec (D : Duration; tv_sec : out Long_Integer; tv_nsec : out Long_Integer); -- Duration to struct timespec conversion procedure To_Struct_Tm (T : Time; tm_year : out Integer; tm_mon : out Integer; tm_day : out Integer; tm_hour : out Integer; tm_min : out Integer; tm_sec : out Integer); -- Time to struct tm conversion function To_Unix_Time (Ada_Time : Time) return Long_Integer; -- Ada to Unix Epoch conversion end Conversion_Operations; --------------------------- -- Formatting_Operations -- --------------------------- package Formatting_Operations is function Day_Of_Week (Date : Time) return Integer; -- Determine which day of week Date falls on. The returned values are -- within the range of 0 .. 6 (Monday .. Sunday). procedure Split (Date : Time; Year : out Year_Number; Month : out Month_Number; Day : out Day_Number; Day_Secs : out Day_Duration; Hour : out Integer; Minute : out Integer; Second : out Integer; Sub_Sec : out Duration; Leap_Sec : out Boolean; Is_Ada_05 : Boolean; Time_Zone : Long_Integer); -- Split a time value into its components. Set Is_Ada_05 to use the -- local time zone (the value in Time_Zone is ignored) when splitting -- a time value. function Time_Of (Year : Year_Number; Month : Month_Number; Day : Day_Number; Day_Secs : Day_Duration; Hour : Integer; Minute : Integer; Second : Integer; Sub_Sec : Duration; Leap_Sec : Boolean := False; Use_Day_Secs : Boolean := False; Is_Ada_05 : Boolean := False; Time_Zone : Long_Integer := 0) return Time; -- Given all the components of a date, return the corresponding time -- value. Set Use_Day_Secs to use the value in Day_Secs, otherwise the -- day duration will be calculated from Hour, Minute, Second and Sub_ -- Sec. Set Is_Ada_05 to use the local time zone (the value in formal -- Time_Zone is ignored) when building a time value and to verify the -- validity of a requested leap second. end Formatting_Operations; --------------------------- -- Time_Zones_Operations -- --------------------------- package Time_Zones_Operations is function UTC_Time_Offset (Date : Time) return Long_Integer; -- Return the offset in seconds from UTC end Time_Zones_Operations; end Ada.Calendar;