# Generic Makefile to support compilation for multiple languages. # See also Makefile.prolog # # Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of GCC. # GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # This Makefile provides a very generic framework of the following # functionalities: # # Multi-language support (currently any combination of Ada/C/C++ supported) # Automatic handling of source dependencies # Handling of various C/C++ compilers # Handling of Ada sources using the GNAT toolchain # Complete build process (compile/bind/link) # Individual compilation (on a file, or on a language) # Handling of an object directory # Here are the rules that can be used from the command line: # # build: complete compile/bind/link process # compile: compile all files that are not up-to-date # link: bind/link # ada: compile all Ada files that are not up-to-date # c: ditto for C files # c++: ditto for C++ files # : compile the specified file if needed. # : compile the corresponding C/C++ source file if needed. # clean: remove all temporary files # This Makefile expects the following variables to be set by the caller # (typically another Makefile): # # ADA_SPEC extension of Ada spec files (optional, default to .ads) # ADA_BODY extension of Ada body files (optional, default to .adb) # C_EXT extension of C files (optional, default to .c) # CXX_EXT extension of C++ files (optional, default to .cc) # OBJ_EXT extension of object files (optional, default to .o) # SRC_DIRS blank separated list of source directories # C_SRCS explicit list of C sources (optional) # C_SRCS_DEFINED if set, indicates that C_SRCS is already set # CXX_SRCS explicit list of C++ sources (optional) # CXX_SRCS_DEFINED is set, indicates that CXX_SRCS is already set # OBJ_DIR a single directory where object files should be put # EXEC_DIR a single directory where executables should be put (optional) # LANGUAGES a blank separated list of languages supported, e.g "ada c" # the current list of recognized languages is: ada, c, c++ # CC name of the C compiler (optional, default to gcc) # CXX name of the C++ compiler (optional, default to gcc) # AR_CMD command to create an archive (optional, default to "ar rc") # AR_EXT file extension of an archive (optional, default to ".a") # RANLIB command to generate an index (optional, default to "ranlib") # GNATMAKE name of the GNAT builder (optional, default to "gnatmake") # ADAFLAGS additional Ada compilation switches, e.g "-gnatf" (optional) # CFLAGS default C compilation switches, e.g "-O2 -g" (optional) # CXXFLAGS default C++ compilation switches (optional) # LIBS libraries to link with (optional) # LDFLAGS linker switches (optional) # ADA_SOURCES list of main Ada sources (optional) # EXEC name of the final executable (optional) # MAIN language of the main program (optional) # MAIN_OBJECT main object file (optional) # PROJECT_FILE name of the project file, without the .gpr extension # DEPS_PROJECTS list of project dependencies (optional) # SILENT (optional) when defined, make -s will not output anything # when all commands are successful. # Set the source search path for C and C++ if needed ifndef MAIN MAIN=ada endif ifndef ADA_SPEC ADA_SPEC=.ads endif ifndef ADA_BODY ADA_BODY=.adb endif ifndef CC CC=gcc endif ifndef CXX CXX=gcc endif ifndef CXX_EXT CXX_EXT=.cc endif vpath %$(C_EXT) $(SRC_DIRS) vpath %$(CXX_EXT) $(SRC_DIRS) ifndef OBJ_EXT OBJ_EXT=.o endif ifndef AR_EXT AR_EXT=.a endif ifndef AR_CMD AR_CMD=ar rc endif ifndef RANLIB RANLIB=ranlib endif ifndef GNATMAKE GNATMAKE:=gnatmake endif ifndef ARCHIVE ARCHIVE=$(OBJ_DIR)/lib$(PROJECT_BASE)-full$(AR_EXT) endif ifeq ($(EXEC_DIR),) EXEC_DIR=$(OBJ_DIR) endif # Define display to echo only when SILENT is not defined ifdef SILENT define display @gprcmd ignore endef else define display @echo endef endif # Make sure gnatmake is called silently when SILENT is set ifdef SILENT GNATMAKE:=$(GNATMAKE) -q endif # If C/C++ compiler is gcc, make sure gcc is called with the switch indicating # the language, in case the extension is not standard. ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %gcc,$(CC))),) C_Compiler=$(CC) -x c else C_Compiler=$(CC) endif ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %gcc %g++,$(CXX))),) CXX_Compiler=$(CXX) -x c++ else CXX_Compiler=$(CXX) endif # Set the object search path vpath %$(OBJ_EXT) $(OBJ_DIR) vpath %$(AR_EXT) $(OBJ_DIR) # A target can't have a character ':' otherwise it will confuse make. We # replace ':' by a pipe character. Note that there is less chance than a pipe # character be part of a pathname on UNIX and this character can't be used in # a pathname on Windows. clean_deps = $(subst :,|,$(DEPS_PROJECTS:%=clean_%)) compile_deps = $(subst :,|,$(DEPS_PROJECTS:%=compile_%)) object_deps = $(subst :,|,$(DEPS_PROJECTS:%=object_%)) ada_deps = $(subst :,|,$(DEPS_PROJECTS:%=ada_%)) c_deps = $(subst :,|,$(DEPS_PROJECTS:%=c_%)) c++_deps = $(subst :,|,$(DEPS_PROJECTS:%=c++_%)) # Default target is to build (compile/bind/link) all: build clean: $(clean_deps) internal-clean build: $(compile_deps) internal-compile internal-build compile: $(compile_deps) internal-compile $(ADA_SOURCES) ada: $(ada_deps) internal-ada archive-objects: $(object_deps) internal-archive-objects c: $(c_deps) internal-c c++: $(c++deps) internal-c++ $(clean_deps): force @$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(subst |,:,$(@:clean_%=%))) -f Makefile.$(notdir $@) internal-clean $(compile_deps): force @$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(subst |,:,$(@:compile_%=%))) -f Makefile.$(notdir $@) internal-compile $(object_deps): force @$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(subst |,:,$(@:object_%=%))) -f Makefile.$(notdir $@) internal-archive-objects ARCHIVE=$(ARCHIVE) $(ada_deps): force @$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(subst |,:,$(@:ada_%=%))) -f Makefile.$(notdir $@) internal-ada $(c_deps): force @$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(subst |,:,$(@:c_%=%))) -f Makefile.$(notdir $@) internal-c $(c++_deps): force @$(MAKE) -C $(dir $(subst |,:,$(@:c++_%=%))) -f Makefile.$(notdir $@) internal-c++ ifneq ($(EXEC),) EXEC_RULE=-o $(EXEC) endif PROJECT_BASE = $(notdir $(PROJECT_FILE)) # Set C/C++ linker command & target ifeq ($(filter c++,$(LANGUAGES)),c++) LINKER = $(CXX) ifeq ($(filter ada,$(LANGUAGES)),ada) # C++ and Ada mixed LINKER = $(OBJ_DIR)/c++linker LARGS = --LINK=$(LINKER) ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %gcc %g++,$(CXX))),) # Case of GNU C++ and GNAT $(LINKER): Makefile.$(PROJECT_BASE) @echo \#!/bin/sh > $(LINKER) @echo unset BINUTILS_ROOT >> $(LINKER) @echo unset GCC_ROOT >> $(LINKER) @echo $(CXX) $$\* >> $(LINKER) @chmod +x $(LINKER) else $(LINKER): Makefile.$(PROJECT_BASE) @echo \#!/bin/sh > $(LINKER) @echo $(CXX) $$\* $(shell gcc -print-libgcc-file-name) >> $(LINKER) @chmod +x $(LINKER) endif endif else ifeq ($(strip $(LANGUAGES)),c) # Case of C only LINKER = $(CC) endif endif C_INCLUDES := $(foreach name,$(SRC_DIRS),-I$(name)) ALL_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(DEP_CFLAGS) ALL_CXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEP_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS := $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) # Compute list of objects based on languages ifeq ($(strip $(filter c,$(LANGUAGES))),c) # Compute list of C sources automatically unless already specified ifndef C_SRCS_DEFINED ifndef C_SRCS C_SRCS := \ $(foreach name,$(SRC_DIRS),$(notdir $(wildcard $(name)/*$(C_EXT)))) endif endif C_OBJECTS := $(C_SRCS:$(C_EXT)=$(OBJ_EXT)) OBJECTS += $(C_OBJECTS) endif ifeq ($(strip $(filter c++,$(LANGUAGES))),c++) # Compute list of C++ sources automatically unless already specified ifndef CXX_SRCS_DEFINED ifndef CXX_SRCS CXX_SRCS := \ $(foreach name,$(SRC_DIRS),$(notdir $(wildcard $(name)/*$(CXX_EXT)))) endif endif CXX_OBJECTS := $(CXX_SRCS:$(CXX_EXT)=$(OBJ_EXT)) OBJECTS += $(CXX_OBJECTS) endif OBJ_FILES := $(foreach name,$(OBJECTS),$(OBJ_DIR)/$(name)) # To handle C/C++ dependencies, we associate a small file for each # source that will list the dependencies as a make rule, so that we can then # include these rules in this makefile, and recompute them on a file by file # basis DEP_FILES := $(OBJ_FILES:$(OBJ_EXT)=.d) # Ada compilations are taken care of automatically, so do not mess with Ada # objects, only with main sources. ifeq ($(strip $(OBJECTS)),) internal-compile: internal-archive-objects: else internal-compile: lib$(PROJECT_BASE)$(AR_EXT) lib$(PROJECT_BASE)$(AR_EXT): $(OBJECTS) @$(display) creating archive file for $(PROJECT_BASE) cd $(OBJ_DIR); $(AR_CMD) $@ $(strip $(OBJECTS)) -$(RANLIB) $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ internal-archive-objects: $(OBJECTS) # @echo $(AR_CMD) $(ARCHIVE) $(strip $(OBJECTS)) # cd $(OBJ_DIR); $(AR_CMD) $(ARCHIVE) $(strip $(OBJECTS)) # -$(RANLIB) $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ endif # Linking rules # There are three cases: # # - C/C++ sources # # - Ada/C/C++, main program is in Ada # # - Ada/C/C++, main program is in C/C++ ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out c c++,$(LANGUAGES))),) # link with C/C++ ifeq ($(MAIN_OBJECT),) link: @echo link: no main object specified, exiting... exit 1 else ifeq ($(EXEC),) link: @echo link: no executable specified, exiting... exit 1 else link: $(EXEC_DIR)/$(EXEC) archive-objects $(EXEC_DIR)/$(EXEC): $(OBJ_FILES) @$(display) $(LINKER) -o $(EXEC_DIR)/$(EXEC) $(OBJ_DIR)/$(MAIN_OBJECT) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINKER) -o $(EXEC_DIR)/$(EXEC) $(OBJ_DIR)/$(MAIN_OBJECT) $(LDFLAGS) endif endif internal-build: internal-compile link else ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out c c++ ada,$(LANGUAGES))),) # link with Ada/C/C++ ifeq ($(MAIN),ada) # Ada main link: $(LINKER) archive-objects force @(display) $(GNATMAKE) -b -l -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADA_SOURCES) @$(GNATMAKE) -b -l -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADA_SOURCES) \ -largs $(LARGS) $(LDFLAGS) internal-build: $(LINKER) archive-objects force @$(display) $(GNATMAKE) -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADA_SOURCES) $(EXEC_RULE) $(ADAFLAGS) @$(GNATMAKE) -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(EXEC_RULE) $(ADA_SOURCES) $(ADAFLAGS) \ -largs $(LARGS) $(LDFLAGS) else # C/C++ main link: $(LINKER) archive-objects force @(display) $(GNATMAKE) $(EXEC_RULE) -B -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADA_SOURCES) @$(GNATMAKE) $(EXEC_RULE) -B -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADA_SOURCES) \ -largs $(MAIN_OBJECT) $(LARGS) $(LDFLAGS) internal-build: $(LINKER) archive-objects force @$(display) $(GNATMAKE) -B -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADA_SOURCES) $(EXEC_RULE) $(ADAFLAGS) @$(GNATMAKE) $(EXEC_RULE) \ -B -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADA_SOURCES) $(ADAFLAGS) \ -largs $(MAIN_OBJECT) $(LARGS) $(LDFLAGS) endif else # unknown set of languages, fail link: @echo do not know how to link with the following languages: $(LANGUAGES) exit 1 endif endif # Automatic handling of dependencies ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %gcc %g++,$(CC) $(CXX))),) # Compiler is GCC, take avantage of the preprocessor option -MD and # C*_INCLUDE_PATH environment variables export C_INCLUDE_PATH:=$(shell gprcmd path $(SRC_DIRS))$(C_INCLUDE_PATH) export CXX_INCLUDE_PATH:=$(shell gprcmd path $(SRC_DIRS))$(CXX_INCLUDE_PATH) DEP_CFLAGS = -Wp,-MD,$(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d define post-compile @gprcmd deps $(OBJ_EXT) $(OBJ_DIR)/$(*F).d gcc endef # Default rule to create dummy dependency files the first time $(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: @echo $(*F)$(OBJ_EXT): > $@ else # Compiler unknown, use a more general approach based on the output of $(CC) -M ALL_CFLAGS := $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(C_INCLUDES) ALL_CXXFLAGS := $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) $(C_INCLUDES) DEP_FLAGS = -M DEP_CFLAGS = define post-compile endef $(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %$(C_EXT) @$(CC) $(DEP_FLAGS) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< > $@ @gprcmd deps $(OBJ_EXT) $@ $(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %$(CXX_EXT) @$(CXX) $(DEP_FLAGS) $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) $< > $@ @gprcmd deps $(OBJ_EXT) $@ endif ifneq ($(DEP_FILES),) -include $(DEP_FILES) endif # Compilation rules # File rules # Compile C files individually %$(OBJ_EXT) : %$(C_EXT) @$(display) $(C_Compiler) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ ifndef FAKE_COMPILE @$(C_Compiler) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ @$(post-compile) endif # Compile C++ files individually %$(OBJ_EXT) : %$(CXX_EXT) @$(display) $(CXX_Compiler) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ ifndef FAKE_COMPILE @$(CXX_Compiler) -c $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) $< -o $(OBJ_DIR)/$@ @$(post-compile) endif # Compile Ada body files individually %$(ADA_BODY) : force $(GNATMAKE) -c -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $@ $(ADAFLAGS) # Compile Ada spec files individually %$(ADA_SPEC) : force $(GNATMAKE) -c -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $@ $(ADAFLAGS) # Languages rules # Compile all Ada files in the project internal-ada : $(GNATMAKE) -c -P$(PROJECT_FILE) $(ADAFLAGS) # Compile all C files in the project internal-c : $(C_OBJECTS) # Compile all C++ files in the project internal-c++ : $(CXX_OBJECTS) .PHONY: force internal-clean internal-archive internal-build internal-compile internal-ada internal-c internal-c++ build compile clean ada c c++ internal-clean: @echo $(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*$(OBJ_EXT) @$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*$(OBJ_EXT) @echo $(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.ali @$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.ali @echo $(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/b~* @$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/b~* @echo $(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/b_* @$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/b_* @echo $(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*$(AR_EXT) @$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*$(AR_EXT) @echo $(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.d @$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.d ifneq ($(EXEC),) @echo $(RM) $(EXEC_DIR)/$(EXEC) @$(RM) $(EXEC_DIR)/$(EXEC) endif force: