------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNU ADA RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . I N I T -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This is the VxWorks version of this package with Interfaces.C; -- used for int and other types with Ada.Exceptions; -- used for Raise_Exception package body System.Init is -- This unit contains initialization circuits that are system dependent. use Ada.Exceptions; use Interfaces.C; -------------------------- -- Signal Definitions -- -------------------------- NSIG : constant := 32; -- Number of signals on the target OS type Signal is new int range 0 .. Interfaces.C."-" (NSIG, 1); SIGILL : constant := 4; -- illegal instruction (not reset) SIGFPE : constant := 8; -- floating point exception SIGBUS : constant := 10; -- bus error SIGSEGV : constant := 11; -- segmentation violation type sigset_t is new long; SIG_SETMASK : constant := 3; SA_ONSTACK : constant := 16#0004#; type struct_sigaction is record sa_handler : System.Address; sa_mask : sigset_t; sa_flags : int; end record; pragma Convention (C, struct_sigaction); type struct_sigaction_ptr is access all struct_sigaction; function sigdelset (set : access sigset_t; sig : Signal) return int; pragma Import (C, sigdelset, "sigdelset"); function sigemptyset (set : access sigset_t) return int; pragma Import (C, sigemptyset, "sigemptyset"); function sigaction (sig : Signal; act : struct_sigaction_ptr; oact : struct_sigaction_ptr) return int; pragma Import (C, sigaction, "sigaction"); type sigset_t_ptr is access all sigset_t; function pthread_sigmask (how : int; set : sigset_t_ptr; oset : sigset_t_ptr) return int; pragma Import (C, pthread_sigmask, "sigprocmask"); ------------------------------- -- Binder Generated Values -- ------------------------------- Gl_Main_Priority : Integer := -1; pragma Export (C, Gl_Main_Priority, "__gl_main_priority"); Gl_Time_Slice_Val : Integer := -1; pragma Export (C, Gl_Time_Slice_Val, "__gl_time_slice_val"); Gl_Wc_Encoding : Character := 'n'; pragma Export (C, Gl_Wc_Encoding, "__gl_wc_encoding"); Gl_Locking_Policy : Character := ' '; pragma Export (C, Gl_Locking_Policy, "__gl_locking_policy"); Gl_Queuing_Policy : Character := ' '; pragma Export (C, Gl_Queuing_Policy, "__gl_queuing_policy"); Gl_Task_Dispatching_Policy : Character := ' '; pragma Export (C, Gl_Task_Dispatching_Policy, "__gl_task_dispatching_policy"); Gl_Restrictions : Address := Null_Address; pragma Export (C, Gl_Restrictions, "__gl_restrictions"); Gl_Interrupt_States : Address := Null_Address; pragma Export (C, Gl_Interrupt_States, "__gl_interrupt_states"); Gl_Num_Interrupt_States : Integer := 0; pragma Export (C, Gl_Num_Interrupt_States, "__gl_num_interrupt_states"); Gl_Unreserve_All_Interrupts : Integer := 0; pragma Export (C, Gl_Unreserve_All_Interrupts, "__gl_unreserve_all_interrupts"); Gl_Exception_Tracebacks : Integer := 0; pragma Export (C, Gl_Exception_Tracebacks, "__gl_exception_tracebacks"); Gl_Zero_Cost_Exceptions : Integer := 0; pragma Export (C, Gl_Zero_Cost_Exceptions, "__gl_zero_cost_exceptions"); Already_Called : Boolean := False; Handler_Installed : Integer := 0; -- Indication of whether synchronous signal handlers have already been -- installed by a previous call to Install_Handler. pragma Export (C, Handler_Installed, "__gnat_handler_installed"); ------------------------ -- Local procedures -- ------------------------ procedure GNAT_Error_Handler (Sig : Signal); -- Common procedure that is executed when a SIGFPE, SIGILL, -- SIGSEGV, or SIGBUS is captured. ------------------------ -- GNAT_Error_Handler -- ------------------------ procedure GNAT_Error_Handler (Sig : Signal) is Mask : aliased sigset_t; Result : int; begin -- VxWorks will always mask out the signal during the signal -- handler and will reenable it on a longjmp. GNAT does not -- generate a longjmp to return from a signal handler so the -- signal will still be masked unless we unmask it. Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, null, Mask'Unchecked_Access); Result := sigdelset (Mask'Access, Sig); Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, Mask'Unchecked_Access, null); case Sig is when SIGFPE => Raise_Exception (Constraint_Error'Identity, "SIGFPE"); when SIGILL => Raise_Exception (Constraint_Error'Identity, "SIGILL"); when SIGSEGV => Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity, "erroneous memory access"); when SIGBUS => Raise_Exception (Storage_Error'Identity, "stack overflow or SIGBUS"); when others => Raise_Exception (Program_Error'Identity, "unhandled signal"); end case; end GNAT_Error_Handler; ----------------- -- Set_Globals -- ----------------- -- This routine is called from the binder generated main program. It -- copies the values for global quantities computed by the binder -- into the following global locations. The reason that we go through -- this copy, rather than just define the global locations in the -- binder generated file, is that they are referenced from the -- runtime, which may be in a shared library, and the binder file is -- not in the shared library. Global references across library -- boundaries like this are not handled correctly in all systems. procedure Set_Globals (Main_Priority : Integer; Time_Slice_Value : Integer; WC_Encoding : Character; Locking_Policy : Character; Queuing_Policy : Character; Task_Dispatching_Policy : Character; Restrictions : System.Address; Interrupt_States : System.Address; Num_Interrupt_States : Integer; Unreserve_All_Interrupts : Integer; Exception_Tracebacks : Integer; Zero_Cost_Exceptions : Integer) is begin -- If this procedure has been already called once, check that the -- arguments in this call are consistent with the ones in the -- previous calls. Otherwise, raise a Program_Error exception. -- -- We do not check for consistency of the wide character encoding -- method. This default affects only Wide_Text_IO where no -- explicit coding method is given, and there is no particular -- reason to let this default be affected by the source -- representation of a library in any case. -- -- We do not check either for the consistency of exception tracebacks, -- because exception tracebacks are not normally set in Stand-Alone -- libraries. If a library or the main program set the exception -- tracebacks, then they are never reset afterwards (see below). -- -- The value of main_priority is meaningful only when we are -- invoked from the main program elaboration routine of an Ada -- application. Checking the consistency of this parameter should -- therefore not be done. Since it is assured that the main -- program elaboration will always invoke this procedure before -- any library elaboration routine, only the value of -- main_priority during the first call should be taken into -- account and all the subsequent ones should be ignored. Note -- that the case where the main program is not written in Ada is -- also properly handled, since the default value will then be -- used for this parameter. -- -- For identical reasons, the consistency of time_slice_val should -- not be checked. if Already_Called then if (Gl_Locking_Policy /= Locking_Policy) or (Gl_Queuing_Policy /= Queuing_Policy) or (Gl_Task_Dispatching_Policy /= Task_Dispatching_Policy) or (Gl_Unreserve_All_Interrupts /= Unreserve_All_Interrupts) or (Gl_Exception_Tracebacks /= Exception_Tracebacks) or (Gl_Zero_Cost_Exceptions /= Zero_Cost_Exceptions) then raise Program_Error; end if; -- If either a library or the main program set the exception -- traceback flag, it is never reset later. if Gl_Exception_Tracebacks /= 0 then Gl_Exception_Tracebacks := Exception_Tracebacks; end if; else Already_Called := True; Gl_Main_Priority := Main_Priority; Gl_Time_Slice_Val := Time_Slice_Value; Gl_Wc_Encoding := WC_Encoding; Gl_Locking_Policy := Locking_Policy; Gl_Queuing_Policy := Queuing_Policy; Gl_Task_Dispatching_Policy := Task_Dispatching_Policy; Gl_Restrictions := Restrictions; Gl_Interrupt_States := Interrupt_States; Gl_Num_Interrupt_States := Num_Interrupt_States; Gl_Unreserve_All_Interrupts := Unreserve_All_Interrupts; Gl_Exception_Tracebacks := Exception_Tracebacks; Gl_Zero_Cost_Exceptions := Zero_Cost_Exceptions; end if; end Set_Globals; --------------------- -- Install_Handler -- --------------------- procedure Install_Handler is Mask : aliased sigset_t; Signal_Action : aliased struct_sigaction; Result : Interfaces.C.int; begin -- Set up signal handler to map synchronous signals to appropriate -- exceptions. Make sure that the handler isn't interrupted by -- another signal that might cause a scheduling event! Signal_Action.sa_handler := GNAT_Error_Handler'Address; Signal_Action.sa_flags := SA_ONSTACK; Result := sigemptyset (Mask'Access); Signal_Action.sa_mask := Mask; Result := sigaction (Signal (SIGFPE), Signal_Action'Unchecked_Access, null); Result := sigaction (Signal (SIGILL), Signal_Action'Unchecked_Access, null); Result := sigaction (Signal (SIGSEGV), Signal_Action'Unchecked_Access, null); Result := sigaction (Signal (SIGBUS), Signal_Action'Unchecked_Access, null); Handler_Installed := 1; end Install_Handler; end System.Init;