--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--                             M L I B . T G T                              --
--                              (AIX Version)                               --
--                                                                          --
--                                 B o d y                                  --
--                                                                          --
--              Copyright (C) 2003, Ada Core Technologies, Inc.             --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
--                                                                          --

--  This package provides a set of target dependent routines to build
--  static, dynamic or relocatable libraries.

--  This is the AIX version of the body.

with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with MLib.Fil;
with MLib.Utl;
with Namet;  use Namet;
with Osint;  use Osint;
with Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Prj.Com;

package body MLib.Tgt is

   No_Arguments        : aliased Argument_List         := (1 .. 0 => null);
   Empty_Argument_List : constant Argument_List_Access := No_Arguments'Access;

   Wl_Initfini_String  : constant String := "-Wl,-binitfini:";

   Init_Fini_List      :  constant Argument_List_Access :=
                            new Argument_List'(1 => null);
   --  Used to put switch for automatic elaboration/finalization

   Bexpall : aliased String := "-Wl,-bexpall";
   Bexpall_Option : constant String_Access := Bexpall'Access;
   --  The switch to export all symbols

   Lpthreads : aliased String := "-lpthreads";
   Native_Thread_Options : aliased Argument_List := (1 => Lpthreads'Access);
   --  The switch to use when linking a library against libgnarl when using
   --  Native threads.

   Lgthreads : aliased String := "-lgthreads";
   Lmalloc   : aliased String := "-lmalloc";
   FSU_Thread_Options : aliased Argument_List :=
                          (1 => Lgthreads'Access, 2 => Lmalloc'Access);
   --  The switches to use when linking a library against libgnarl when using
   --  FSU threads.

   Thread_Options : Argument_List_Access := null;
   --  Designate the thread switches to used when linking a library against
   --  libgnarl. Depends on the thread library (Native or FSU). Resolved for
   --  the first library linked against libgnarl.

   -- Archive_Builder --

   function Archive_Builder return String is
      return "ar";
   end Archive_Builder;

   -- Archive_Builder_Options --

   function Archive_Builder_Options return String_List_Access is
      return new String_List'(1 => new String'("cr"));
   end Archive_Builder_Options;

   -- Archive_Ext --

   function Archive_Ext return String is
      return "a";
   end Archive_Ext;

   -- Archive_Indexer --

   function Archive_Indexer return String is
      return "ranlib";
   end Archive_Indexer;

   -- Build_Dynamic_Library --

   procedure Build_Dynamic_Library
     (Ofiles       : Argument_List;
      Foreign      : Argument_List;
      Afiles       : Argument_List;
      Options      : Argument_List;
      Interfaces   : Argument_List;
      Lib_Filename : String;
      Lib_Dir      : String;
      Symbol_Data  : Symbol_Record;
      Driver_Name  : Name_Id := No_Name;
      Lib_Address  : String  := "";
      Lib_Version  : String  := "";
      Relocatable  : Boolean := False;
      Auto_Init    : Boolean := False)
      pragma Unreferenced (Foreign);
      pragma Unreferenced (Afiles);
      pragma Unreferenced (Interfaces);
      pragma Unreferenced (Symbol_Data);
      pragma Unreferenced (Lib_Address);
      pragma Unreferenced (Lib_Version);
      pragma Unreferenced (Relocatable);

      Lib_File : constant String :=
        Lib_Dir & Directory_Separator & "lib" &
        MLib.Fil.Ext_To (Lib_Filename, DLL_Ext);
      --  The file name of the library

      Init_Fini : Argument_List_Access := Empty_Argument_List;
      --  The switch for automatic initialization of Stand-Alone Libraries.
      --  Changed to a real switch when Auto_Init is True.

      Options_2 : Argument_List_Access := Empty_Argument_List;
      --  Changed to the thread options, if -lgnarl is specified

      if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
         Write_Str ("building relocatable shared library ");
         Write_Line (Lib_File);
      end if;

      --  If specified, add automatic elaboration/finalization

      if Auto_Init then
         Init_Fini := Init_Fini_List;
         Init_Fini (1) :=
           new String'(Wl_Initfini_String & Lib_Filename & "init:" &
                       Lib_Filename & "final");
      end if;

      --  Look for -lgnarl in Options. If found, set the thread options.

      for J in Options'Range loop
         if Options (J).all = "-lgnarl" then

            --  If Thread_Options is null, read s-osinte.ads to discover the
            --  thread library and set Thread_Options accordingly.

            if Thread_Options = null then
                  File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
                  Line : String (1 .. 100);
                  Last : Natural;

                    (File, In_File,
                     Include_Dir_Default_Prefix & "/s-osinte.ads");

                  while not End_Of_File (File) loop
                     Get_Line (File, Line, Last);

                     if Index (Line (1 .. Last), "-lpthreads") /= 0 then
                        Thread_Options := Native_Thread_Options'Access;

                     elsif Index (Line (1 .. Last), "-lgthreads") /= 0 then
                        Thread_Options := FSU_Thread_Options'Access;
                     end if;
                  end loop;

                  Close (File);

                  if Thread_Options = null then
                     Prj.Com.Fail ("cannot find the thread library in use");
                  end if;

                  when others =>
                     Prj.Com.Fail ("cannot open s-osinte.ads");
            end if;

            Options_2 := Thread_Options;
         end if;
      end loop;

      --  Finally, call GCC (or the driver specified) to build the library

           (Output_File => Lib_File,
            Objects     => Ofiles,
            Options     => Options & Bexpall_Option & Init_Fini.all,
            Driver_Name => Driver_Name,
            Options_2   => Options_2.all);
   end Build_Dynamic_Library;

   -- Default_DLL_Address --

   function Default_DLL_Address return String is
      return "";
   end Default_DLL_Address;

   -- DLL_Ext --

   function DLL_Ext return String is
      return "a";
   end DLL_Ext;

   -- Dynamic_Option --

   function Dynamic_Option return String is
      return "-shared";
   end Dynamic_Option;

   -- Is_Object_Ext --

   function Is_Object_Ext (Ext : String) return Boolean is
      return Ext = ".o";
   end Is_Object_Ext;

   -- Is_C_Ext --

   function Is_C_Ext (Ext : String) return Boolean is
      return Ext = ".c";
   end Is_C_Ext;

   -- Is_Archive_Ext --

   function Is_Archive_Ext (Ext : String) return Boolean is
      return Ext = ".a";
   end Is_Archive_Ext;

   -- Libgnat --

   function Libgnat return String is
      return "libgnat.a";
   end Libgnat;

   -- Library_Exists_For --

   function Library_Exists_For (Project : Project_Id) return Boolean is
      if not Projects.Table (Project).Library then
         Prj.Com.Fail ("INTERNAL ERROR: Library_Exists_For called " &
                       "for non library project");
         return False;

            Lib_Dir : constant String :=
              Get_Name_String (Projects.Table (Project).Library_Dir);
            Lib_Name : constant String :=
              Get_Name_String (Projects.Table (Project).Library_Name);

            if Projects.Table (Project).Library_Kind = Static then
               return Is_Regular_File
                 (Lib_Dir & Directory_Separator & "lib" &
                  Fil.Ext_To (Lib_Name, Archive_Ext));

               return Is_Regular_File
                 (Lib_Dir & Directory_Separator & "lib" &
                  Fil.Ext_To (Lib_Name, DLL_Ext));
            end if;
      end if;
   end Library_Exists_For;

   -- Library_File_Name_For --

   function Library_File_Name_For (Project : Project_Id) return Name_Id is
      if not Projects.Table (Project).Library then
         Prj.Com.Fail ("INTERNAL ERROR: Library_File_Name_For called " &
                       "for non library project");
         return No_Name;

            Lib_Name : constant String :=
              Get_Name_String (Projects.Table (Project).Library_Name);

            Name_Len := 3;
            Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := "lib";

            if Projects.Table (Project).Library_Kind = Static then
               Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Fil.Ext_To (Lib_Name, Archive_Ext));

               Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Fil.Ext_To (Lib_Name, DLL_Ext));
            end if;

            return Name_Find;
      end if;
   end Library_File_Name_For;

   -- Linker_Library_Path_Option --

   function Linker_Library_Path_Option return String_Access is
      --  On AIX, any path specify with an -L switch is automatically added
      --  to the library path. So, nothing is needed here.

      return null;
   end Linker_Library_Path_Option;

   -- Object_Ext --

   function Object_Ext return String is
      return "o";
   end Object_Ext;

   -- PIC_Option --

   function PIC_Option return String is
      return "-fPIC";
   end PIC_Option;

   -- Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported --

   function Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported return Boolean is
      return True;
   end Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported;

   -- Support_For_Libraries --

   function Support_For_Libraries return Library_Support is
      return Full;
   end Support_For_Libraries;

end MLib.Tgt;