+ The C++ Standard Library Technical Report adds many new features to
+ the library. The latest version of this effort is described in
Technical Report 1.
libstdc++ strives to implement all of TR1.
- The libstdc++ implementation status of the TR1 draft is listed in
- this page.
+ An overview of the implementation status
+ is available.
Briefly, the features of TR1 and the current status are:
Unordered containers - Complete -
- The unordered_set, unordered_map, unordered_multiset, and unordered_multimap containers
- are hashed versions of the map, set, multimap, and multiset containers respectively.
- These classes are suitable replacements for the SGI STL hash_map and hash_set extensions.
+ The unordered_set, unordered_map, unordered_multiset, and
+ unordered_multimap containers are hashed versions of the map, set,
+ multimap, and multiset containers respectively. These classes are
+ suitable replacements for the SGI STL hash_map and hash_set
+ extensions.
Reference-counted smart pointers - Complete -
- The shared_ptr and weak_ptr allow several object to know about a pointer and whether it is valid.
- When the last reference to the pointer is destroyed the pointer is freed.
+ The shared_ptr and weak_ptr allow several object to know about a
+ pointer and whether it is valid. When the last reference to the
+ pointer is destroyed the pointer is freed.
Type traits - Complete -
- The type_traits class gives templates the ability to probe information about the input type
- and enable type-dependent logic to be performed without the need of template specializations.
+ The type_traits class gives templates the ability to probe
+ information about the input type and enable type-dependent logic
+ to be performed without the need of template specializations.
Fixed-size arrays - Complete -
- The array class implements small fixed-sized arrays with container semantics.
+ The array class implements small fixed-sized arrays with container
+ semantics.
Tuples - Complete -
- The tuple class implements small heterogeneous arrays. This is an enhanced pair.
- In fact, the standard pair is enhanced with a tuple interface.
+ The tuple class implements small heterogeneous arrays. This is an
+ enhanced pair. In fact, the standard pair is enhanced with a tuple
+ interface.
A regular expression engine
- This library provides for regular expression objects with traversal of
- text with return of subexpressions.
+ This library provides for regular expression objects with traversal
+ of text with return of subexpressions.
A random number engine
- This library contains randow number generators with several different choices
- of distribution.
+ This library contains randow number generators with several different
+ choices of distribution.
Special functions - Under construction -
- Twenty-three mathematical functions familiar to physicists and engineers are included:
- cylindrical and spherical Bessel and Neumann functions, hypergeometric functions,
- Laguerre polynomials, Legendre functions, elliptic integrals, exponential integrals
- and the Riemann zeta function all for your computing pleasure.
+ Twenty-three mathematical functions familiar to physicists and
+ engineers are included: cylindrical and spherical Bessel and Neumann
+ functions, hypergeometric functions, Laguerre polynomials, Legendre
+ functions, elliptic integrals, exponential integrals and the Riemann
+ zeta function all for your computing pleasure.
C99 compatibility - Under construction -
- There are many features designed to minimize the divergence of the C and the C++ languages.
+ There are many features designed to minimize the divergence of the C
+ and the C++ languages.
cgit v1.1