path: root/libstdc++/exception.cc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/libstdc++/exception.cc b/libstdc++/exception.cc
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index c27b8ff..0000000
--- a/libstdc++/exception.cc
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-// Functions for Exception Support for -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of GNU CC.
-// GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-// the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
-// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
-// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
-// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
-// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
-// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
-// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
-// the GNU General Public License.
-#pragma implementation "exception"
-#include "typeinfo"
-#include "exception"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "gansidecl.h" /* Needed to support macros used in eh-common.h. */
-#include "eh-common.h"
-/* Define terminate, unexpected, set_terminate, set_unexpected as
- well as the default terminate func and default unexpected func. */
-/* __terminate and __terminate_set_func, defined in libgcc2. */
-typedef void (*__terminate_func_ptr)(void) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
-extern "C" void __terminate (void) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
-extern "C" __terminate_func_ptr __terminate_set_func (__terminate_func_ptr);
-using std::terminate;
-std::terminate ()
- __terminate ();
-__default_unexpected ()
- terminate ();
-static std::unexpected_handler __unexpected_func __attribute__((__noreturn__))
- = __default_unexpected;
-std::set_terminate (std::terminate_handler func)
- return __terminate_set_func (func);
-std::set_unexpected (std::unexpected_handler func)
- std::unexpected_handler old = __unexpected_func;
- __unexpected_func = func;
- return old;
-std::unexpected ()
- __unexpected_func ();
-/* The type of a function called to clean up an exception object.
- (These will be destructors.) Under the old ABI, these take a
- second argument (the `in-charge' argument), that indicates whether
- or not do delete the object, and whether or not to destroy virtual
- bases. Under the new ABI, there is no second argument. */
-#if !defined (__GXX_ABI_VERSION) || __GXX_ABI_VERSION < 100
-typedef void (*cleanup_fn)(void *, int);
-/* The `2' is the value for the in-charge parameter that indicates
- that virtual bases should be destroyed. */
-typedef void (*cleanup_fn)(void *);
-/* C++-specific state about the current exception.
- This must match init_exception_processing().
- Note that handlers and caught are not redundant; when rethrown, an
- exception can have multiple active handlers and still be considered
- uncaught. */
-struct cp_eh_info
- __eh_info eh_info;
- void *value;
- void *type;
- cleanup_fn cleanup;
- bool caught;
- cp_eh_info *next;
- long handlers;
- void *original_value;
-/* Language-specific EH info pointer, defined in libgcc2. */
-extern "C" cp_eh_info **__get_eh_info (); // actually void **
-/* Exception allocate and free, defined in libgcc2. */
-extern "C" void *__eh_alloc(size_t);
-extern "C" void __eh_free(void *);
-/* Is P the type_info node for a pointer of some kind? */
-extern bool __is_pointer (void *);
-/* OLD Compiler hook to return a pointer to the info for the current exception.
- Used by get_eh_info (). This fudges the actualy returned value to
- point to the beginning of what USE to be the cp_eh_info structure.
- THis is so that old code that dereferences this pointer will find
- things where it expects it to be.*/
-extern "C" void *
-__cp_exception_info (void)
- return &((*__get_eh_info ())->value);
-#define CP_EH_INFO ((cp_eh_info *) *__get_eh_info ())
-/* Old Compiler hook to return a pointer to the info for the current exception.
- Used by get_eh_info (). */
-extern "C" cp_eh_info *
-__cp_eh_info (void)
- cp_eh_info *p = CP_EH_INFO;
- return p;
-/* Compiler hook to return a pointer to the info for the current exception,
- Set the caught bit, and increment the number of handlers that are
- looking at this exception. This makes handlers smaller. */
-extern "C" cp_eh_info *
-__start_cp_handler (void)
- cp_eh_info *p = CP_EH_INFO;
- p->caught = 1;
- p->handlers++;
- return p;
-extern "C" int __throw_type_match_rtti_2 (const void *, const void *,
- void *, void **);
-extern "C" void *
-__cplus_type_matcher (__eh_info *info_, void *match_info,
- exception_descriptor *exception_table)
- cp_eh_info *info = (cp_eh_info *)info_;
- /* No exception table implies the old style mechanism, so don't check. */
- if (exception_table != NULL
- && exception_table->lang.language != EH_LANG_C_plus_plus)
- return NULL;
- if (match_info == CATCH_ALL_TYPE)
- return (void *)1;
- /* we don't worry about version info yet, there is only one version! */
- void *match_type = match_info;
-#if !defined (__GXX_ABI_VERSION) || __GXX_ABI_VERSION < 100
- match_type = ((void *(*)())match_type) ();
- if (__throw_type_match_rtti_2 (match_type, info->type,
- info->original_value, &info->value))
- // Arbitrary non-null pointer.
- return (void *)1;
- else
- return NULL;
-/* Compiler hook to push a new exception onto the stack.
- Used by expand_throw(). */
-extern "C" void
-__cp_push_exception (void *value, void *type, cleanup_fn cleanup)
- cp_eh_info *p = (cp_eh_info *) __eh_alloc (sizeof (cp_eh_info));
- p->value = value;
- p->type = type;
- p->cleanup = cleanup;
- p->handlers = 0;
- p->caught = false;
- p->original_value = value;
- p->eh_info.match_function = __cplus_type_matcher;
- p->eh_info.language = EH_LANG_C_plus_plus;
- p->eh_info.version = 1;
- cp_eh_info **q = __get_eh_info ();
- p->next = *q;
- *q = p;
-/* Compiler hook to pop an exception that has been finalized. Used by
- push_eh_cleanup(). P is the info for the exception caught by the
- current catch block. */
-extern "C" void
-__cp_pop_exception (cp_eh_info *p)
- cp_eh_info **stack = __get_eh_info ();
- cp_eh_info **q = stack;
- --p->handlers;
- /* Do nothing if our exception is being rethrown (i.e. if the active
- exception is our exception and it is uncaught). */
- if (p == *q && !p->caught)
- return;
- /* Don't really pop if there are still active handlers for our exception;
- rather, push it down past any uncaught exceptions. */
- if (p->handlers != 0)
- {
- if (p == *q && p->next && !p->next->caught)
- {
- q = &(p->next);
- while (1)
- {
- if (*q == 0 || (*q)->caught)
- break;
- q = &((*q)->next);
- }
- *stack = p->next;
- p->next = *q;
- *q = p;
- }
- return;
- }
- for (; *q; q = &((*q)->next))
- if (*q == p)
- break;
- if (! *q)
- terminate ();
- *q = p->next;
- if (p->cleanup)
- // value may have been adjusted.
- CALL_CLEANUP (p->cleanup, p->original_value);
- if (! __is_pointer (p->type))
- __eh_free (p->original_value); // value may have been adjusted.
- __eh_free (p);
-/* We're doing a rethrow. Find the currently handled exception, mark it
- uncaught, and move it to the top of the EH stack. */
-extern "C" void
-__uncatch_exception (void)
- cp_eh_info **stack = __get_eh_info ();
- cp_eh_info **q = stack;
- cp_eh_info *p;
- while (1)
- {
- p = *q;
- if (p == 0)
- terminate ();
- if (p->caught)
- break;
- q = &(p->next);
- }
- if (q != stack)
- {
- *q = p->next;
- p->next = *stack;
- *stack = p;
- }
- p->caught = false;
-/* As per [except.unexpected]:
- If an exception is thrown, we check it against the spec. If it doesn't
- match, we call unexpected (). If unexpected () throws, we check that
- exception against the spec. If it doesn't match, if the spec allows
- bad_exception we throw that; otherwise we call terminate ().
- The compiler treats an exception spec as a try block with a generic
- handler that just calls this function with a list of the allowed
- exception types, so we have an active exception that can be rethrown.
- This function does not return. */
-extern "C" void
-__check_eh_spec (int n, const void **spec)
- cp_eh_info *p = CP_EH_INFO;
- void *d;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- {
- if (__throw_type_match_rtti_2 (spec[i], p->type, p->value, &d))
- throw;
- }
- try
- {
- std::unexpected ();
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- // __exception_info is an artificial var pushed into each catch block.
- if (p != __exception_info)
- {
- p = __exception_info;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- {
- if (__throw_type_match_rtti_2 (spec[i], p->type, p->value, &d))
- throw;
- }
- }
- const std::type_info &bad_exc = typeid (std::bad_exception);
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- {
- if (__throw_type_match_rtti_2 (spec[i], &bad_exc, p->value, &d))
- throw std::bad_exception ();
- }
- terminate ();
- }
-/* Special case of the above for throw() specs. */
-extern "C" void
-__check_null_eh_spec (void)
- __check_eh_spec (0, 0);
-// Helpers for rtti. Although these don't return, we give them return types so
-// that the type system is not broken.
-extern "C" void *
-__throw_bad_cast ()
- throw std::bad_cast ();
- return 0;
-extern "C" std::type_info const &
-__throw_bad_typeid ()
- throw std::bad_typeid ();
- return typeid (void);
-/* Has the current exception been caught? */
-std::uncaught_exception ()
- cp_eh_info *p = CP_EH_INFO;
- return p && ! p->caught;
-const char * std::exception::
-what () const
- return typeid (*this).name ();