path: root/libstdc++/cxxabi.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/libstdc++/cxxabi.h b/libstdc++/cxxabi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 908d7c4..0000000
--- a/libstdc++/cxxabi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-/* new abi support -*- C++ -*-
- Copyright (C) 2000
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Nathan Sidwell, Codesourcery LLC, <nathan@codesourcery.com> */
-// This file is part of GNU CC.
-// GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-// the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
-// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
-// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
-// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
-// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
-// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
-// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
-// the GNU General Public License.
-/* This file declares the new abi entry points into the runtime. It is not
- normally necessary for user programs to include this header, or use the
- entry points directly. However, this header is available should that be
- needed.
- Some of the entry points are intended for both C and C++, thus this header
- is includable from both C and C++. Though the C++ specific parts are not
- available in C, naturally enough. */
-#ifndef __CXXABI_H
-#define __CXXABI_H 1
-#if defined(__cplusplus) && (!defined(__GXX_ABI_VERSION) || __GXX_ABI_VERSION < 100)
-/* These structures only make sense when targeting the new abi, catch a
- bonehead error early rather than let the user get very confused. */
-#error "Not targetting the new abi, supply -fnew-abi"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-// We use the compiler builtins __SIZE_TYPE__ and __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ instead of
-// std::size_t and std::ptrdiff_t respectively. This makes us independant of
-// the conformance level of <cstddef> and whether -fhonor-std was supplied.
-// <cstddef> is not currently available during compiler building anyway.
-// Including <stddef.h> would be wrong, as that would rudely place size_t in
-// the global namespace.
-#include <typeinfo>
-namespace __cxxabiv1
-/* type information for int, float etc */
-class __fundamental_type_info
- : public std::type_info
- virtual ~__fundamental_type_info ();
- explicit __fundamental_type_info (const char *__n)
- : std::type_info (__n)
- { }
-/* type information for array objects */
-class __array_type_info
- : public std::type_info
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__array_type_info ();
- explicit __array_type_info (const char *__n)
- : std::type_info (__n)
- { }
-/* type information for functions (both member and non-member) */
-class __function_type_info
- : public std::type_info
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__function_type_info ();
- explicit __function_type_info (const char *__n)
- : std::type_info (__n)
- { }
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- virtual bool __is_function_p () const;
-/* type information for enumerations */
-class __enum_type_info
- : public std::type_info
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__enum_type_info ();
- explicit __enum_type_info (const char *__n)
- : std::type_info (__n)
- { }
-/* common type information for simple pointers and pointers to member */
-class __pbase_type_info
- : public std::type_info
-/* abi defined member variables */
- unsigned int __qualifier_flags; /* qualification of the target object */
- const std::type_info *__pointee; /* type of pointed to object */
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__pbase_type_info ();
- explicit __pbase_type_info (const char *__n,
- int __quals,
- const std::type_info *__type)
- : std::type_info (__n), __qualifier_flags (__quals), __pointee (__type)
- { }
-/* implementation defined types */
- enum __qualifier_masks {
- __const_mask = 0x1,
- __volatile_mask = 0x2,
- __restrict_mask = 0x4,
- __incomplete_mask = 0x8,
- __incomplete_class_mask = 0x10
- };
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- virtual bool __do_catch (const std::type_info *__thr_type,
- void **__thr_obj,
- unsigned __outer) const;
- inline virtual bool __pointer_catch (const __pbase_type_info *__thr_type,
- void **__thr_obj,
- unsigned __outer) const;
-/* type information for simple pointers */
-class __pointer_type_info
- : public __pbase_type_info
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__pointer_type_info ();
- explicit __pointer_type_info (const char *__n,
- int __quals,
- const std::type_info *__type)
- : __pbase_type_info (__n, __quals, __type)
- { }
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- virtual bool __is_pointer_p () const;
- virtual bool __pointer_catch (const __pbase_type_info *__thr_type,
- void **__thr_obj,
- unsigned __outer) const;
-/* type information for a pointer to member variable */
-class __pointer_to_member_type_info
- : public __pbase_type_info
-/* abi defined member variables */
- __class_type_info *__context_class; /* class of the member */
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__pointer_to_member_type_info ();
- explicit __pointer_to_member_type_info (const char *__n,
- int __quals,
- const std::type_info *__type,
- __class_type_info *__klass)
- : __pbase_type_info (__n, __quals, __type), __context_class (__klass)
- { }
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- virtual bool __pointer_catch (const __pbase_type_info *__thr_type,
- void **__thr_obj,
- unsigned __outer) const;
-class __class_type_info;
-/* helper class for __vmi_class_type */
-class __base_class_info
-/* abi defined member variables */
- const __class_type_info *__base; /* base class type */
- long __offset_flags; /* offset and info */
-/* implementation defined types */
- enum __offset_flags_masks {
- __virtual_mask = 0x1,
- __public_mask = 0x2,
- hwm_bit = 2,
- offset_shift = 8 /* bits to shift offset by */
- };
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- bool __is_virtual_p () const
- { return __offset_flags & __virtual_mask; }
- bool __is_public_p () const
- { return __offset_flags & __public_mask; }
- __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __offset () const
- {
- // This shift, being of a signed type, is implementation defined. GCC
- // implements such shifts as arithmetic, which is what we want.
- return static_cast<__PTRDIFF_TYPE__> (__offset_flags) >> offset_shift;
- }
-/* type information for a class */
-class __class_type_info
- : public std::type_info
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__class_type_info ();
- explicit __class_type_info (const char *__n)
- : type_info (__n)
- { }
-/* implementation defined types */
- /* sub_kind tells us about how a base object is contained within a derived
- object. We often do this lazily, hence the UNKNOWN value. At other times
- we may use NOT_CONTAINED to mean not publicly contained. */
- enum __sub_kind
- {
- __unknown = 0, /* we have no idea */
- __not_contained, /* not contained within us (in some */
- /* circumstances this might mean not contained */
- /* publicly) */
- __contained_ambig, /* contained ambiguously */
- __contained_virtual_mask = __base_class_info::__virtual_mask, /* via a virtual path */
- __contained_public_mask = __base_class_info::__public_mask, /* via a public path */
- __contained_mask = 1 << __base_class_info::hwm_bit, /* contained within us */
- __contained_private = __contained_mask,
- __contained_public = __contained_mask | __contained_public_mask
- };
- struct __upcast_result;
- struct __dyncast_result;
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- virtual bool __do_upcast (const __class_type_info *__dst_type, void **__obj_ptr) const;
- virtual bool __do_catch (const type_info *__thr_type, void **__thr_obj,
- unsigned __outer) const;
- /* Helper for upcast. See if DST is us, or one of our bases. */
- /* Return false if not found, true if found. */
- virtual bool __do_upcast (const __class_type_info *__dst,
- const void *__obj,
- __upcast_result &__restrict __result) const;
- /* Indicate whether SRC_PTR of type SRC_TYPE is contained publicly within
- OBJ_PTR. OBJ_PTR points to a base object of our type, which is the
- destination type. SRC2DST indicates how SRC objects might be contained
- within this type. If SRC_PTR is one of our SRC_TYPE bases, indicate the
- virtuality. Returns not_contained for non containment or private
- containment. */
- inline __sub_kind __find_public_src (__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst,
- const void *__obj_ptr,
- const __class_type_info *__src_type,
- const void *__src_ptr) const;
- /* dynamic cast helper. ACCESS_PATH gives the access from the most derived
- object to this base. DST_TYPE indicates the desired type we want. OBJ_PTR
- points to a base of our type within the complete object. SRC_TYPE
- indicates the static type started from and SRC_PTR points to that base
- within the most derived object. Fill in RESULT with what we find. Return
- true if we have located an ambiguous match. */
- virtual bool __do_dyncast (__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst,
- __sub_kind __access_path,
- const __class_type_info *__dst_type,
- const void *__obj_ptr,
- const __class_type_info *__src_type,
- const void *__src_ptr,
- __dyncast_result &__result) const;
- /* Helper for find_public_subobj. SRC2DST indicates how SRC_TYPE bases are
- inherited by the type started from -- which is not necessarily the
- current type. The current type will be a base of the destination type.
- OBJ_PTR points to the current base. */
- virtual __sub_kind __do_find_public_src (__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst,
- const void *__obj_ptr,
- const __class_type_info *__src_type,
- const void *__src_ptr) const;
-/* type information for a class with a single non-virtual base */
-class __si_class_type_info
- : public __class_type_info
-/* abi defined member variables */
- const __class_type_info *__base_type;
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__si_class_type_info ();
- explicit __si_class_type_info (const char *__n,
- const __class_type_info *__base)
- : __class_type_info (__n), __base_type (__base)
- { }
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- virtual bool __do_dyncast (__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst,
- __sub_kind __access_path,
- const __class_type_info *__dst_type,
- const void *__obj_ptr,
- const __class_type_info *__src_type,
- const void *__src_ptr,
- __dyncast_result &__result) const;
- virtual __sub_kind __do_find_public_src (__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst,
- const void *__obj_ptr,
- const __class_type_info *__src_type,
- const void *__sub_ptr) const;
- virtual bool __do_upcast (const __class_type_info *__dst,
- const void *__obj,
- __upcast_result &__restrict __result) const;
-/* type information for a class with multiple and/or virtual bases */
-class __vmi_class_type_info : public __class_type_info {
-/* abi defined member variables */
- unsigned int __flags; /* details about the class heirarchy */
- unsigned int __base_count; /* number of direct bases */
- __base_class_info const __base_info[1]; /* array of bases */
- /* The array of bases uses the trailing array struct hack
- so this class is not constructable with a normal constructor. It is
- internally generated by the compiler. */
-/* abi defined member functions */
- virtual ~__vmi_class_type_info ();
- explicit __vmi_class_type_info (const char *__n,
- int ___flags)
- : __class_type_info (__n), __flags (___flags), __base_count (0)
- { }
-/* implementation defined types */
- enum __flags_masks {
- __non_diamond_repeat_mask = 0x1, /* distinct instance of repeated base */
- __diamond_shaped_mask = 0x2, /* diamond shaped multiple inheritance */
- non_public_base_mask = 0x4, /* has non-public direct or indirect base */
- public_base_mask = 0x8, /* has public base (direct) */
- __flags_unknown_mask = 0x10
- };
-/* implementation defined member functions */
- virtual bool __do_dyncast (__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst,
- __sub_kind __access_path,
- const __class_type_info *__dst_type,
- const void *__obj_ptr,
- const __class_type_info *__src_type,
- const void *__src_ptr,
- __dyncast_result &__result) const;
- virtual __sub_kind __do_find_public_src (__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst,
- const void *__obj_ptr,
- const __class_type_info *__src_type,
- const void *__src_ptr) const;
- virtual bool __do_upcast (const __class_type_info *__dst,
- const void *__obj,
- __upcast_result &__restrict __result) const;
-/* dynamic cast runtime */
-extern "C"
-void *__dynamic_cast (const void *__src_ptr, /* object started from */
- const __class_type_info *__src_type, /* static type of object */
- const __class_type_info *__dst_type, /* desired target type */
- __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ __src2dst); /* how src and dst are related */
- /* src2dst has the following possible values
- >= 0: src_type is a unique public non-virtual base of dst_type
- dst_ptr + src2dst == src_ptr
- -1: unspecified relationship
- -2: src_type is not a public base of dst_type
- -3: src_type is a multiple public non-virtual base of dst_type */
-/* array ctor/dtor routines */
-/* allocate and construct array */
-extern "C"
-void *__cxa_vec_new (__SIZE_TYPE__ __element_count,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __padding_size,
- void (*__constructor) (void *),
- void (*__destructor) (void *));
-extern "C"
-void *__cxa_vec_new2 (__SIZE_TYPE__ __element_count,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __padding_size,
- void (*__constructor) (void *),
- void (*__destructor) (void *),
- void *(*__alloc) (__SIZE_TYPE__),
- void (*__dealloc) (void *));
-extern "C"
-void *__cxa_vec_new3 (__SIZE_TYPE__ __element_count,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __padding_size,
- void (*__constructor) (void *),
- void (*__destructor) (void *),
- void *(*__alloc) (__SIZE_TYPE__),
- void (*__dealloc) (void *, __SIZE_TYPE__));
-/* construct array */
-extern "C"
-void __cxa_vec_ctor (void *__array_address,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_count,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- void (*__constructor) (void *),
- void (*__destructor) (void *));
-extern "C"
-void __cxa_vec_cctor (void *dest_array,
- void *src_array,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ element_count,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ element_size,
- void (*constructor) (void *, void *),
- void (*destructor) (void *));
-/* destruct array */
-extern "C"
-void __cxa_vec_dtor (void *__array_address,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_count,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- void (*__destructor) (void *));
-/* destruct and release array */
-extern "C"
-void __cxa_vec_delete (void *__array_address,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __padding_size,
- void (*__destructor) (void *));
-extern "C"
-void __cxa_vec_delete2 (void *__array_address,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __padding_size,
- void (*__destructor) (void *),
- void (*__dealloc) (void *));
-extern "C"
-void __cxa_vec_delete3 (void *__array_address,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __element_size,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ __padding_size,
- void (*__destructor) (void *),
- void (*__dealloc) (void *, __SIZE_TYPE__));
-/* demangling routines */
-extern "C"
-char *__cxa_demangle (const char *__mangled_name,
- char *__output_buffer,
- __SIZE_TYPE__ *__length,
- int *__status);
-} /* namespace __cxxabiv1 */
-/* User programs should use the alias `abi'. */
-namespace abi = __cxxabiv1;
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __CXXABI_H */