path: root/libphobos/src/std
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Diffstat (limited to 'libphobos/src/std')
13 files changed, 76 insertions, 1506 deletions
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/array.d b/libphobos/src/std/array.d
index 13677a3..b03f5e9 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/array.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/array.d
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_array.d)
module std.array;
-static import std.algorithm.iteration; // FIXME, remove with alias of splitter
import std.functional;
import std.meta;
import std.traits;
@@ -1465,6 +1464,7 @@ if (isSomeString!S)
import std.ascii : isWhite;
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.algorithm.iteration : splitter;
string str = "Hello World!";
assert(str.splitter!(isWhite).equal(["Hello", "World!"]));
@@ -1524,10 +1524,6 @@ if (isSomeString!S)
assert(a == [[1], [4, 5, 1], [4, 5]]);
-// Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
-deprecated("Please use std.algorithm.iteration.splitter instead.")
-alias splitter = std.algorithm.iteration.splitter;
Eagerly splits $(D range) into an array, using $(D sep) as the delimiter.
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/conv.d b/libphobos/src/std/conv.d
index 76ac532..eaee62f 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/conv.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/conv.d
@@ -3865,20 +3865,10 @@ if (isInputRange!Source && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
string text(T...)(T args)
if (T.length > 0) { return textImpl!string(args); }
-// @@@DEPRECATED_2018-06@@@
-deprecated("Calling `text` with 0 arguments is deprecated")
-string text(T...)(T args)
-if (T.length == 0) { return textImpl!string(args); }
wstring wtext(T...)(T args)
if (T.length > 0) { return textImpl!wstring(args); }
-// @@@DEPRECATED_2018-06@@@
-deprecated("Calling `wtext` with 0 arguments is deprecated")
-wstring wtext(T...)(T args)
-if (T.length == 0) { return textImpl!wstring(args); }
dstring dtext(T...)(T args)
if (T.length > 0) { return textImpl!dstring(args); }
@@ -3891,10 +3881,24 @@ if (T.length > 0) { return textImpl!dstring(args); }
assert(dtext(42, ' ', 1.5, ": xyz") == "42 1.5: xyz"d);
-// @@@DEPRECATED_2018-06@@@
-deprecated("Calling `dtext` with 0 arguments is deprecated")
-dstring dtext(T...)(T args)
-if (T.length == 0) { return textImpl!dstring(args); }
+@safe unittest
+ char c = 'h';
+ wchar w = '你';
+ dchar d = 'እ';
+ assert( text(c, "ello", ' ', w, "好 ", d, "ው ሰላም ነው") == "hello 你好 እው ሰላም ነው"c);
+ assert(wtext(c, "ello", ' ', w, "好 ", d, "ው ሰላም ነው") == "hello 你好 እው ሰላም ነው"w);
+ assert(dtext(c, "ello", ' ', w, "好 ", d, "ው ሰላም ነው") == "hello 你好 እው ሰላም ነው"d);
+ string cs = "今日は";
+ wstring ws = "여보세요";
+ dstring ds = "Здравствуйте";
+ assert( text(cs, ' ', ws, " ", ds) == "今日は 여보세요 Здравствуйте"c);
+ assert(wtext(cs, ' ', ws, " ", ds) == "今日は 여보세요 Здравствуйте"w);
+ assert(dtext(cs, ' ', ws, " ", ds) == "今日は 여보세요 Здравствуйте"d);
private S textImpl(S, U...)(U args)
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/date.d b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/date.d
index 38a8766..d571f5f 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/date.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/date.d
@@ -2154,32 +2154,6 @@ public:
assert(idt - duration == DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 21));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- DateTime opBinary(string op)(in TickDuration td) const @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- DateTime retval = this;
- immutable seconds = td.seconds;
- mixin("return retval._addSeconds(" ~ op ~ "seconds);");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- auto dt = DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33));
- assert(dt + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000) == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40)));
- assert(dt + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000) == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26)));
- assert(dt - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000) == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40)));
- assert(dt - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000) == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26)));
- }
- }
Gives the result of adding or subtracting a duration from this
@@ -2198,19 +2172,14 @@ public:
duration = The duration to add to or subtract from this
$(LREF DateTime).
- ref DateTime opOpAssign(string op, D)(in D duration) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- if ((op == "+" || op == "-") &&
- (is(Unqual!D == Duration) ||
- is(Unqual!D == TickDuration)))
+ ref DateTime opOpAssign(string op)(Duration duration) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
+ if (op == "+" || op == "-")
+ import core.time : convert;
import std.format : format;
DateTime retval = this;
- static if (is(Unqual!D == Duration))
- immutable hnsecs = duration.total!"hnsecs";
- else static if (is(Unqual!D == TickDuration))
- immutable hnsecs = duration.hnsecs;
+ immutable hnsecs = duration.total!"hnsecs";
mixin(format(`return _addSeconds(convert!("hnsecs", "seconds")(%shnsecs));`, op));
@@ -2298,48 +2267,6 @@ public:
static assert(!__traits(compiles, idt -= duration));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- ref DateTime opOpAssign(string op)(TickDuration td) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- DateTime retval = this;
- immutable seconds = td.seconds;
- mixin("return _addSeconds(" ~ op ~ "seconds);");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- {
- auto dt = DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33));
- dt += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000);
- assert(dt == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40)));
- }
- {
- auto dt = DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33));
- dt += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000);
- assert(dt == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26)));
- }
- {
- auto dt = DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33));
- dt -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000);
- assert(dt == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40)));
- }
- {
- auto dt = DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33));
- dt -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000);
- assert(dt == DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26)));
- }
- }
- }
Gives the difference between two $(LREF DateTime)s.
@@ -6127,32 +6054,6 @@ public:
assert(idate - duration == Date(1999, 6, 24));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- Date opBinary(string op)(TickDuration td) const @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- Date retval = this;
- immutable days = convert!("hnsecs", "days")(td.hnsecs);
- mixin("return retval._addDays(" ~ op ~ "days);");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- auto date = Date(1999, 7, 6);
- assert(date + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(86_400_000_000) == Date(1999, 7, 7));
- assert(date + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-86_400_000_000) == Date(1999, 7, 5));
- assert(date - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-86_400_000_000) == Date(1999, 7, 7));
- assert(date - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(86_400_000_000) == Date(1999, 7, 5));
- }
- }
Gives the result of adding or subtracting a $(REF Duration, core,time)
@@ -6234,47 +6135,6 @@ public:
static assert(!__traits(compiles, idate -= duration));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- ref Date opOpAssign(string op)(TickDuration td) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- immutable days = convert!("seconds", "days")(td.seconds);
- mixin("return _addDays(" ~ op ~ "days);");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- {
- auto date = Date(1999, 7, 6);
- date += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(86_400_000_000);
- assert(date == Date(1999, 7, 7));
- }
- {
- auto date = Date(1999, 7, 6);
- date += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-86_400_000_000);
- assert(date == Date(1999, 7, 5));
- }
- {
- auto date = Date(1999, 7, 6);
- date -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-86_400_000_000);
- assert(date == Date(1999, 7, 7));
- }
- {
- auto date = Date(1999, 7, 6);
- date -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(86_400_000_000);
- assert(date == Date(1999, 7, 5));
- }
- }
- }
Gives the difference between two $(LREF Date)s.
@@ -8660,32 +8520,6 @@ public:
assert(itod - duration == TimeOfDay(1, 30, 33));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- TimeOfDay opBinary(string op)(TickDuration td) const @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- TimeOfDay retval = this;
- immutable seconds = td.seconds;
- mixin("return retval._addSeconds(" ~ op ~ "seconds);");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- auto tod = TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33);
- assert(tod + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000) == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40));
- assert(tod + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000) == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26));
- assert(tod - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000) == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40));
- assert(tod - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000) == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26));
- }
- }
Gives the result of adding or subtracting a $(REF Duration, core,time)
@@ -8755,47 +8589,6 @@ public:
static assert(!__traits(compiles, itod -= duration));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- ref TimeOfDay opOpAssign(string op)(TickDuration td) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- immutable seconds = td.seconds;
- mixin("return _addSeconds(" ~ op ~ "seconds);");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- {
- auto tod = TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33);
- tod += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000);
- assert(tod == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40));
- }
- {
- auto tod = TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33);
- tod += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000);
- assert(tod == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26));
- }
- {
- auto tod = TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33);
- tod -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7_000_000);
- assert(tod == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 40));
- }
- {
- auto tod = TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33);
- tod -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7_000_000);
- assert(tod == TimeOfDay(12, 30, 26));
- }
- }
- }
Gives the difference between two $(LREF TimeOfDay)s.
@@ -9771,12 +9564,8 @@ private:
is(typeof(U.init -= Duration.init) == U) &&
- // Until the overload with TickDuration is removed, this is ambiguous.
- //alias add = U.opOpAssign!"+";
- //alias sub = U.opOpAssign!"-";
- U u;
- auto ref add() { return u += Duration.init; }
- auto ref sub() { return u -= Duration.init; }
+ alias add = U.opOpAssign!"+";
+ alias sub = U.opOpAssign!"-";
alias FA = FunctionAttribute;
static assert((functionAttributes!add & FA.ref_) != 0);
static assert((functionAttributes!sub & FA.ref_) != 0);
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/stopwatch.d b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/stopwatch.d
index 48e025b..5d2a980 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/stopwatch.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/stopwatch.d
@@ -403,10 +403,7 @@ Duration[fun.length] benchmark(fun...)(uint n)
void f0() nothrow {}
void f1() nothrow { auto b = to!string(a); }
auto r = benchmark!(f0, f1)(1000);
- version (GNU)
- assert(r[0] >= Duration.zero);
- else
- assert(r[0] > Duration.zero);
+ assert(r[0] >= Duration.zero);
assert(r[1] > Duration.zero);
assert(r[1] > r[0]);
assert(r[0] < seconds(1));
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/systime.d b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/systime.d
index a15c125..b8ef2ee 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/systime.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/systime.d
@@ -262,34 +262,6 @@ public:
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use core.time.MonoTime.currTime instead")
- static @property TickDuration currSystemTick() @safe nothrow
- {
- return TickDuration.currSystemTick;
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- assert(Clock.currSystemTick.length > 0);
- }
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use core.time.MonoTime instead. See currAppTick's documentation for details.")
- static @property TickDuration currAppTick() @safe
- {
- return currSystemTick - TickDuration.appOrigin;
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- auto a = Clock.currSystemTick;
- auto b = Clock.currAppTick;
- assert(a.length);
- assert(b.length);
- assert(a > b);
- }
@disable this() {}
@@ -448,51 +420,6 @@ public:
assertThrown!DateTimeException(SysTime(DateTime.init, seconds(1), UTC()));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in August 2017. @@@DEPRECATED_2017-08@@@
- deprecated("Please use the overload which takes a Duration instead of a FracSec.")
- this(in DateTime dateTime, in FracSec fracSec, immutable TimeZone tz = null) @safe
- {
- immutable fracHNSecs = fracSec.hnsecs;
- enforce(fracHNSecs >= 0, new DateTimeException("A SysTime cannot have negative fractional seconds."));
- _timezone = tz is null ? LocalTime() : tz;
- try
- {
- immutable dateDiff = (dateTime.date - Date(1, 1, 1)).total!"hnsecs";
- immutable todDiff = (dateTime.timeOfDay - TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0)).total!"hnsecs";
- immutable adjustedTime = dateDiff + todDiff + fracHNSecs;
- immutable standardTime = _timezone.tzToUTC(adjustedTime);
- this(standardTime, _timezone);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- assert(0, "Date, TimeOfDay, or DateTime's constructor threw when it shouldn't have.");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- static void test(DateTime dt, FracSec fracSec, immutable TimeZone tz, long expected)
- {
- auto sysTime = SysTime(dt, fracSec, tz);
- assert(sysTime._stdTime == expected);
- assert(sysTime._timezone is (tz is null ? LocalTime() : tz),
- format("Given DateTime: %s, Given FracSec: %s", dt, fracSec));
- }
- test(DateTime.init, FracSec.init, UTC(), 0);
- test(DateTime(1, 1, 1, 12, 30, 33), FracSec.init, UTC(), 450_330_000_000L);
- test(DateTime(0, 12, 31, 12, 30, 33), FracSec.init, UTC(), -413_670_000_000L);
- test(DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), FracSec.from!"msecs"(1), UTC(), 10_000L);
- test(DateTime(0, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), FracSec.from!"msecs"(999), UTC(), -10_000L);
- test(DateTime(0, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(9_999_999), UTC(), -1);
- test(DateTime(0, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(1), UTC(), -9_999_999);
- test(DateTime(0, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(0), UTC(), -10_000_000);
- assertThrown!DateTimeException(SysTime(DateTime.init, FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(-1), UTC()));
- }
date = The $(REF Date,std,datetime,date) to use to set this
@@ -1890,125 +1817,6 @@ public:
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in August 2017. @@@DEPRECATED_2017-08@@@
- deprecated("Please use fracSecs (with an s) rather than fracSec (without an s). " ~
- "It returns a Duration instead of a FracSec, as FracSec is being deprecated.")
- @property FracSec fracSec() @safe const nothrow
- {
- try
- {
- auto hnsecs = removeUnitsFromHNSecs!"days"(adjTime);
- if (hnsecs < 0)
- hnsecs += convert!("hours", "hnsecs")(24);
- hnsecs = removeUnitsFromHNSecs!"seconds"(hnsecs);
- return FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(cast(int) hnsecs);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- assert(0, "FracSec.from!\"hnsecs\"() threw.");
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- import std.range;
- static void test(SysTime sysTime, FracSec expected, size_t line = __LINE__)
- {
- if (sysTime.fracSec != expected)
- throw new AssertError(format("Value given: %s", sysTime.fracSec), __FILE__, line);
- }
- test(SysTime(0, UTC()), FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(0));
- test(SysTime(1, UTC()), FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(1));
- test(SysTime(-1, UTC()), FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(9_999_999));
- foreach (tz; testTZs)
- {
- foreach (year; chain(testYearsBC, testYearsAD))
- {
- foreach (md; testMonthDays)
- {
- foreach (hour; testHours)
- {
- foreach (minute; testMinSecs)
- {
- foreach (second; testMinSecs)
- {
- auto dt = DateTime(Date(year, md.month, md.day), TimeOfDay(hour, minute, second));
- foreach (fs; testFracSecs)
- test(SysTime(dt, fs, tz), FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(fs.total!"hnsecs"));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const cst = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33));
- //immutable ist = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33));
- assert(cst.fracSec == FracSec.zero);
- //assert(ist.fracSec == FracSec.zero);
- }
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in August 2017. @@@DEPRECATED_2017-08@@@
- deprecated("Please use fracSecs (with an s) rather than fracSec (without an s). " ~
- "It takes a Duration instead of a FracSec, as FracSec is being deprecated.")
- @property void fracSec(FracSec fracSec) @safe
- {
- immutable fracHNSecs = fracSec.hnsecs;
- enforce(fracHNSecs >= 0, new DateTimeException("A SysTime cannot have negative fractional seconds."));
- auto hnsecs = adjTime;
- auto days = splitUnitsFromHNSecs!"days"(hnsecs);
- immutable daysHNSecs = convert!("days", "hnsecs")(days);
- immutable negative = hnsecs < 0;
- if (negative)
- hnsecs += convert!("hours", "hnsecs")(24);
- immutable hour = splitUnitsFromHNSecs!"hours"(hnsecs);
- immutable minute = splitUnitsFromHNSecs!"minutes"(hnsecs);
- immutable second = getUnitsFromHNSecs!"seconds"(hnsecs);
- hnsecs = fracHNSecs;
- hnsecs += convert!("hours", "hnsecs")(hour);
- hnsecs += convert!("minutes", "hnsecs")(minute);
- hnsecs += convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(second);
- if (negative)
- hnsecs -= convert!("hours", "hnsecs")(24);
- adjTime = daysHNSecs + hnsecs;
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- import std.range;
- foreach (fracSec; testFracSecs)
- {
- foreach (st; chain(testSysTimesBC, testSysTimesAD))
- {
- auto dt = cast(DateTime) st;
- auto expected = SysTime(dt, fracSec, st.timezone);
- st.fracSec = FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(fracSec.total!"hnsecs");
- assert(st == expected, format("[%s] [%s]", st, expected));
- }
- }
- auto st = testSysTimesAD[0];
- assertThrown!DateTimeException(st.fracSec = FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(-1));
- const cst = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33));
- //immutable ist = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33));
- static assert(!__traits(compiles, cst.fracSec = FracSec.from!"msecs"(7)));
- //static assert(!__traits(compiles, ist.fracSec = FracSec.from!"msecs"(7)));
- }
The total hnsecs from midnight, January 1st, 1 A.D. UTC. This is the
internal representation of $(LREF SysTime).
@@ -6167,33 +5975,6 @@ public:
//assert(ist - duration == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 21)));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- SysTime opBinary(string op)(TickDuration td) @safe const pure nothrow
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- SysTime retval = SysTime(this._stdTime, this._timezone);
- immutable hnsecs = td.hnsecs;
- mixin("retval._stdTime " ~ op ~ "= hnsecs;");
- return retval;
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- auto st = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_678));
- assert(st + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7) == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_748)));
- assert(st + TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7) == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_608)));
- assert(st - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7) == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_748)));
- assert(st - TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7) == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_608)));
- }
- }
Gives the result of adding or subtracting a $(REF Duration, core,time) from
@@ -6397,46 +6178,6 @@ public:
//static assert(!__traits(compiles, ist -= duration));
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in January 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-01@@@
- deprecated("Use Duration instead of TickDuration.")
- ref SysTime opOpAssign(string op)(TickDuration td) @safe pure nothrow
- if (op == "+" || op == "-")
- {
- immutable hnsecs = td.hnsecs;
- mixin("_stdTime " ~ op ~ "= hnsecs;");
- return this;
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- // This probably only runs in cases where gettimeofday() is used, but it's
- // hard to do this test correctly with variable ticksPerSec.
- if (TickDuration.ticksPerSec == 1_000_000)
- {
- {
- auto st = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_678));
- st += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7);
- assert(st == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_748)));
- }
- {
- auto st = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_678));
- st += TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7);
- assert(st == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_608)));
- }
- {
- auto st = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_678));
- st -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(-7);
- assert(st == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_748)));
- }
- {
- auto st = SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_678));
- st -= TickDuration.from!"usecs"(7);
- assert(st == SysTime(DateTime(1999, 7, 6, 12, 30, 33), hnsecs(2_345_608)));
- }
- }
- }
Gives the difference between two $(LREF SysTime)s.
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/timezone.d b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/timezone.d
index fb06262..e923a34 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/datetime/timezone.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/datetime/timezone.d
@@ -142,39 +142,6 @@ public:
return dur!"hnsecs"(utcToTZ(stdTime) - stdTime);
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in June 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-07@@@
- deprecated("Use PosixTimeZone.getTimeZone or WindowsTimeZone.getTimeZone instead")
- static immutable(TimeZone) getTimeZone(string name) @safe
- {
- version (Posix)
- return PosixTimeZone.getTimeZone(name);
- else version (Windows)
- {
- import std.format : format;
- auto windowsTZName = tzDatabaseNameToWindowsTZName(name);
- if (windowsTZName != null)
- {
- try
- return WindowsTimeZone.getTimeZone(windowsTZName);
- catch (DateTimeException dte)
- {
- auto oldName = _getOldName(windowsTZName);
- if (oldName != null)
- return WindowsTimeZone.getTimeZone(oldName);
- throw dte;
- }
- }
- else
- throw new DateTimeException(format("%s does not have an equivalent Windows time zone.", name));
- }
- }
- ///
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- auto tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
- }
// The purpose of this is to handle the case where a Windows time zone is
// new and exists on an up-to-date Windows box but does not exist on Windows
// boxes which have not been properly updated. The "date added" is included
@@ -488,53 +455,6 @@ public:
- // Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in June 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-07@@@
- deprecated("Use PosixTimeZone.getInstalledTZNames or WindowsTimeZone.getInstalledTZNames instead")
- static string[] getInstalledTZNames(string subName = "") @safe
- {
- version (Posix)
- return PosixTimeZone.getInstalledTZNames(subName);
- else version (Windows)
- {
- import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
- import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
- import std.array : appender;
- auto windowsNames = WindowsTimeZone.getInstalledTZNames();
- auto retval = appender!(string[])();
- foreach (winName; windowsNames)
- {
- auto tzName = windowsTZNameToTZDatabaseName(winName);
- if (tzName !is null && tzName.startsWith(subName))
- retval.put(tzName);
- }
- sort(retval.data);
- return retval.data;
- }
- }
- deprecated @safe unittest
- {
- import std.exception : assertNotThrown;
- import std.stdio : writefln;
- static void testPZSuccess(string tzName)
- {
- scope(failure) writefln("TZName which threw: %s", tzName);
- TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzName);
- }
- auto tzNames = getInstalledTZNames();
- // This was not previously tested, and it's currently failing, so I'm
- // leaving it commented out until I can sort it out.
- //assert(equal(tzNames, tzNames.uniq()));
- foreach (tzName; tzNames)
- assertNotThrown!DateTimeException(testPZSuccess(tzName));
- }
@@ -3457,779 +3377,3 @@ For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
assert(equal(value.uniq(), value), key);
-// Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in June 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-07@@@
-deprecated("Use parseTZConversions instead")
-string tzDatabaseNameToWindowsTZName(string tzName) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- switch (tzName)
- {
- case "Africa/Abidjan": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Accra": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Addis_Ababa": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Algiers": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Asmera": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Bamako": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Bangui": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Banjul": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Bissau": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Blantyre": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Brazzaville": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Bujumbura": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Cairo": return "Egypt Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Casablanca": return "Morocco Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Ceuta": return "Romance Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Conakry": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Dakar": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Djibouti": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Douala": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/El_Aaiun": return "Morocco Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Freetown": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Gaborone": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Harare": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Johannesburg": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Juba": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Kampala": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Khartoum": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Kigali": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Kinshasa": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Lagos": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Libreville": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Lome": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Luanda": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Lubumbashi": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Lusaka": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Malabo": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Maputo": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Maseru": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Mbabane": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Mogadishu": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Monrovia": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Nairobi": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Ndjamena": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Niamey": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Nouakchott": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Ouagadougou": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Porto-Novo": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Sao_Tome": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Tripoli": return "Libya Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Tunis": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Africa/Windhoek": return "Namibia Standard Time";
- case "America/Adak": return "Aleutian Standard Time";
- case "America/Anchorage": return "Alaskan Standard Time";
- case "America/Anguilla": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Antigua": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Araguaina": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Argentina/La_Rioja": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Argentina/Salta": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Argentina/San_Juan": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Argentina/San_Luis": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Argentina/Tucuman": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Argentina/Ushuaia": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Arguaina": return "Tocantins Standard Time";
- case "America/Aruba": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Asuncion": return "Paraguay Standard Time";
- case "America/Bahia": return "Bahia Standard Time";
- case "America/Bahia_Banderas": return "Central Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Barbados": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Belem": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Belize": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "America/Blanc-Sablon": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Boa_Vista": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Bogota": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Boise": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Buenos_Aires": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Cambridge_Bay": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Campo_Grande": return "Central Brazilian Standard Time";
- case "America/Cancun": return "Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Caracas": return "Venezuela Standard Time";
- case "America/Catamarca": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Cayenne": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Cayman": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Chicago": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Chihuahua": return "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Coral_Harbour": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Cordoba": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Costa_Rica": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "America/Creston": return "US Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Cuiaba": return "Central Brazilian Standard Time";
- case "America/Curacao": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Danmarkshavn": return "UTC";
- case "America/Dawson": return "Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Dawson_Creek": return "US Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Denver": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Detroit": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Dominica": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Edmonton": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Eirunepe": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/El_Salvador": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "America/Fortaleza": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Glace_Bay": return "Atlantic Standard Time";
- case "America/Godthab": return "Greenland Standard Time";
- case "America/Goose_Bay": return "Atlantic Standard Time";
- case "America/Grand_Turk": return "Turks And Caicos Standard Time";
- case "America/Grenada": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Guadeloupe": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Guatemala": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "America/Guayaquil": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Guyana": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Halifax": return "Atlantic Standard Time";
- case "America/Havana": return "Cuba Standard Time";
- case "America/Hermosillo": return "US Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Indiana/Knox": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Indiana/Marengo": return "US Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Indiana/Petersburg": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Indiana/Tell_City": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Indiana/Vevay": return "US Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Indiana/Vincennes": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Indiana/Winamac": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Indianapolis": return "US Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Inuvik": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Iqaluit": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Jamaica": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Jujuy": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Juneau": return "Alaskan Standard Time";
- case "America/Kentucky/Monticello": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Kralendijk": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/La_Paz": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Lima": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Los_Angeles": return "Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Louisville": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Lower_Princes": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Maceio": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Managua": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "America/Manaus": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Marigot": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Martinique": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Matamoros": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Mazatlan": return "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Mendoza": return "Argentina Standard Time";
- case "America/Menominee": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Merida": return "Central Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Mexico_City": return "Central Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Miquelon": return "Saint Pierre Standard Time";
- case "America/Moncton": return "Atlantic Standard Time";
- case "America/Monterrey": return "Central Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Montevideo": return "Montevideo Standard Time";
- case "America/Montreal": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Montserrat": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Nassau": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/New_York": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Nipigon": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Nome": return "Alaskan Standard Time";
- case "America/Noronha": return "UTC-02";
- case "America/North_Dakota/Beulah": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/North_Dakota/Center": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Ojinaga": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Panama": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Pangnirtung": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Paramaribo": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Phoenix": return "US Mountain Standard Time";
- case "America/Port-au-Prince": return "Haiti Standard Time";
- case "America/Port_of_Spain": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Porto_Velho": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Puerto_Rico": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Rainy_River": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Rankin_Inlet": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Recife": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Regina": return "Canada Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Resolute": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Rio_Branco": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Santa_Isabel": return "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)";
- case "America/Santarem": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Santiago": return "Pacific SA Standard Time";
- case "America/Santo_Domingo": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Sao_Paulo": return "E. South America Standard Time";
- case "America/Scoresbysund": return "Azores Standard Time";
- case "America/Sitka": return "Alaskan Standard Time";
- case "America/St_Barthelemy": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/St_Johns": return "Newfoundland Standard Time";
- case "America/St_Kitts": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/St_Lucia": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/St_Thomas": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/St_Vincent": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Swift_Current": return "Canada Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Tegucigalpa": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "America/Thule": return "Atlantic Standard Time";
- case "America/Thunder_Bay": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Tijuana": return "Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Toronto": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "America/Tortola": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "America/Vancouver": return "Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Whitehorse": return "Pacific Standard Time";
- case "America/Winnipeg": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "America/Yakutat": return "Alaskan Standard Time";
- case "America/Yellowknife": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Casey": return "W. Australia Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Davis": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/DumontDUrville": return "West Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Macquarie": return "Central Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Mawson": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/McMurdo": return "New Zealand Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Palmer": return "Pacific SA Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Rothera": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Syowa": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Antarctica/Vostok": return "Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Arctic/Longyearbyen": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Aden": return "Arab Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Almaty": return "Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Amman": return "Jordan Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Anadyr": return "Russia Time Zone 11";
- case "Asia/Aqtau": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Aqtobe": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Ashgabat": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Baghdad": return "Arabic Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Bahrain": return "Arab Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Baku": return "Azerbaijan Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Bangkok": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Barnaul": return "Altai Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Beirut": return "Middle East Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Bishkek": return "Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Brunei": return "Singapore Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Calcutta": return "India Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Chita": return "Transbaikal Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Choibalsan": return "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Colombo": return "Sri Lanka Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Damascus": return "Syria Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Dhaka": return "Bangladesh Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Dili": return "Tokyo Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Dubai": return "Arabian Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Dushanbe": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Hebron": return "West Bank Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Hong_Kong": return "China Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Hovd": return "W. Mongolia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Irkutsk": return "North Asia East Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Jakarta": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Jayapura": return "Tokyo Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Jerusalem": return "Israel Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Kabul": return "Afghanistan Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Kamchatka": return "Russia Time Zone 11";
- case "Asia/Karachi": return "Pakistan Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Katmandu": return "Nepal Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Khandyga": return "Yakutsk Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Krasnoyarsk": return "North Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur": return "Singapore Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Kuching": return "Singapore Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Kuwait": return "Arab Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Macau": return "China Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Magadan": return "Magadan Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Makassar": return "Singapore Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Manila": return "Singapore Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Muscat": return "Arabian Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Nicosia": return "GTB Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Novokuznetsk": return "North Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Novosibirsk": return "N. Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Omsk": return "N. Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Oral": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Phnom_Penh": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Pontianak": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Pyongyang": return "North Korea Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Qatar": return "Arab Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Qyzylorda": return "Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Rangoon": return "Myanmar Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Riyadh": return "Arab Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Saigon": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Sakhalin": return "Sakhalin Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Samarkand": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Seoul": return "Korea Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Shanghai": return "China Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Singapore": return "Singapore Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Srednekolymsk": return "Russia Time Zone 10";
- case "Asia/Taipei": return "Taipei Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Tashkent": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Tbilisi": return "Georgian Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Tehran": return "Iran Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Thimphu": return "Bangladesh Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Tokyo": return "Tokyo Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Tomsk": return "Tomsk Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Ulaanbaatar": return "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Urumqi": return "Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Ust-Nera": return "Vladivostok Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Vientiane": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Vladivostok": return "Vladivostok Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Yakutsk": return "Yakutsk Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Yekaterinburg": return "Ekaterinburg Standard Time";
- case "Asia/Yerevan": return "Caucasus Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Azores": return "Azores Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Bermuda": return "Atlantic Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Canary": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Cape_Verde": return "Cape Verde Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Faeroe": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Madeira": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Reykjavik": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/South_Georgia": return "UTC-02";
- case "Atlantic/St_Helena": return "Greenwich Standard Time";
- case "Atlantic/Stanley": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Adelaide": return "Cen. Australia Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Brisbane": return "E. Australia Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Broken_Hill": return "Cen. Australia Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Currie": return "Tasmania Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Darwin": return "AUS Central Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Eucla": return "Aus Central W. Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Hobart": return "Tasmania Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Lindeman": return "E. Australia Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Lord_Howe": return "Lord Howe Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Melbourne": return "AUS Eastern Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Perth": return "W. Australia Standard Time";
- case "Australia/Sydney": return "AUS Eastern Standard Time";
- case "CST6CDT": return "Central Standard Time";
- case "EST5EDT": return "Eastern Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT": return "UTC";
- case "Etc/GMT+1": return "Cape Verde Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+10": return "Hawaiian Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+11": return "UTC-11";
- case "Etc/GMT+12": return "Dateline Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+2": return "UTC-02";
- case "Etc/GMT+3": return "SA Eastern Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+4": return "SA Western Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+5": return "SA Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+6": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+7": return "US Mountain Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT+8": return "UTC-08";
- case "Etc/GMT+9": return "UTC-09";
- case "Etc/GMT-1": return "W. Central Africa Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-10": return "West Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-11": return "Central Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-12": return "UTC+12";
- case "Etc/GMT-13": return "Tonga Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-14": return "Line Islands Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-2": return "South Africa Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-3": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-4": return "Arabian Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-5": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-6": return "Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-7": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-8": return "Singapore Standard Time";
- case "Etc/GMT-9": return "Tokyo Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Amsterdam": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Andorra": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Astrakhan": return "Astrakhan Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Athens": return "GTB Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Belgrade": return "Central Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Berlin": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Bratislava": return "Central Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Brussels": return "Romance Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Bucharest": return "GTB Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Budapest": return "Central Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Busingen": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Chisinau": return "GTB Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Copenhagen": return "Romance Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Dublin": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Gibraltar": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Guernsey": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Helsinki": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Isle_of_Man": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Istanbul": return "Turkey Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Jersey": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Kaliningrad": return "Kaliningrad Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Kiev": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Lisbon": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Ljubljana": return "Central Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/London": return "GMT Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Luxembourg": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Madrid": return "Romance Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Malta": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Mariehamn": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Minsk": return "Belarus Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Monaco": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Moscow": return "Russian Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Oslo": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Paris": return "Romance Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Podgorica": return "Central Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Prague": return "Central Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Riga": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Rome": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Samara": return "Russia Time Zone 3";
- case "Europe/San_Marino": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Sarajevo": return "Central European Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Simferopol": return "Russian Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Skopje": return "Central European Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Sofia": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Stockholm": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Tallinn": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Tirane": return "Central Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Uzhgorod": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Vaduz": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Vatican": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Vienna": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Vilnius": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Volgograd": return "Russian Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Warsaw": return "Central European Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Zagreb": return "Central European Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Zaporozhye": return "FLE Standard Time";
- case "Europe/Zurich": return "W. Europe Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Antananarivo": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Chagos": return "Central Asia Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Christmas": return "SE Asia Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Cocos": return "Myanmar Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Comoro": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Kerguelen": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Mahe": return "Mauritius Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Maldives": return "West Asia Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Mauritius": return "Mauritius Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Mayotte": return "E. Africa Standard Time";
- case "Indian/Reunion": return "Mauritius Standard Time";
- case "MST7MDT": return "Mountain Standard Time";
- case "PST8PDT": return "Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Apia": return "Samoa Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Auckland": return "New Zealand Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Bougainville": return "Bougainville Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Chatham": return "Chatham Islands Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Easter": return "Easter Island Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Efate": return "Central Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Enderbury": return "Tonga Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Fakaofo": return "Tonga Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Fiji": return "Fiji Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Funafuti": return "UTC+12";
- case "Pacific/Galapagos": return "Central America Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Guadalcanal": return "Central Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Guam": return "West Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Honolulu": return "Hawaiian Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Johnston": return "Hawaiian Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Kiritimati": return "Line Islands Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Kosrae": return "Central Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Kwajalein": return "UTC+12";
- case "Pacific/Majuro": return "UTC+12";
- case "Pacific/Marquesas": return "Marquesas Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Midway": return "UTC-11";
- case "Pacific/Nauru": return "UTC+12";
- case "Pacific/Niue": return "UTC-11";
- case "Pacific/Noumea": return "Central Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Norfolk": return "Norfolk Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Pago_Pago": return "UTC-11";
- case "Pacific/Palau": return "Tokyo Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Ponape": return "Central Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Port_Moresby": return "West Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Rarotonga": return "Hawaiian Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Saipan": return "West Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Tahiti": return "Hawaiian Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Tarawa": return "UTC+12";
- case "Pacific/Tongatapu": return "Tonga Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Truk": return "West Pacific Standard Time";
- case "Pacific/Wake": return "UTC+12";
- case "Pacific/Wallis": return "UTC+12";
- default: return null;
- }
-version (Windows) version (UpdateWindowsTZTranslations) deprecated @system unittest
- import std.stdio : stderr;
- foreach (tzName; TimeZone.getInstalledTZNames())
- {
- if (tzDatabaseNameToWindowsTZName(tzName) is null)
- stderr.writeln("Missing TZName to Windows translation: ", tzName);
- }
-// Explicitly undocumented. It will be removed in June 2018. @@@DEPRECATED_2018-07@@@
-deprecated("Use parseTZConversions instead")
-string windowsTZNameToTZDatabaseName(string tzName) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
- switch (tzName)
- {
- case "AUS Central Standard Time": return "Australia/Darwin";
- case "AUS Eastern Standard Time": return "Australia/Sydney";
- case "Aus Central W. Standard Time": return "Australia/Eucla";
- case "Afghanistan Standard Time": return "Asia/Kabul";
- case "Haiti Standard Time": return "America/Port-au-Prince";
- case "Alaskan Standard Time": return "America/Anchorage";
- case "Aleutian Standard Time": return "America/Adak";
- case "Altai Standard Time": return "Asia/Barnaul";
- case "Arab Standard Time": return "Asia/Riyadh";
- case "Arabian Standard Time": return "Asia/Dubai";
- case "Arabic Standard Time": return "Asia/Baghdad";
- case "Argentina Standard Time": return "America/Buenos_Aires";
- case "Astrakhan Standard Time": return "Europe/Astrakhan";
- case "Atlantic Standard Time": return "America/Halifax";
- case "Azerbaijan Standard Time": return "Asia/Baku";
- case "Azores Standard Time": return "Atlantic/Azores";
- case "Bahia Standard Time": return "America/Bahia";
- case "Bangladesh Standard Time": return "Asia/Dhaka";
- case "Belarus Standard Time": return "Europe/Minsk";
- case "Bougainville Standard Time": return "Pacific/Bougainville";
- case "Canada Central Standard Time": return "America/Regina";
- case "Cape Verde Standard Time": return "Atlantic/Cape_Verde";
- case "Caucasus Standard Time": return "Asia/Yerevan";
- case "Cen. Australia Standard Time": return "Australia/Adelaide";
- case "Central America Standard Time": return "America/Guatemala";
- case "Central Asia Standard Time": return "Asia/Almaty";
- case "Central Brazilian Standard Time": return "America/Cuiaba";
- case "Central Europe Standard Time": return "Europe/Budapest";
- case "Central European Standard Time": return "Europe/Warsaw";
- case "Central Pacific Standard Time": return "Pacific/Guadalcanal";
- case "Central Standard Time": return "America/Chicago";
- case "Central Standard Time (Mexico)": return "America/Mexico_City";
- case "Chatham Islands Standard Time": return "Pacific/Chatham";
- case "China Standard Time": return "Asia/Shanghai";
- case "Cuba Standard Time": return "America/Havana";
- case "Dateline Standard Time": return "Etc/GMT+12";
- case "E. Africa Standard Time": return "Africa/Nairobi";
- case "E. Australia Standard Time": return "Australia/Brisbane";
- // This doesn't appear to be in the current stuff from MS, but the autotester
- // is failing without it (probably because its time zone data hasn't been
- // updated recently enough).
- case "E. Europe Standard Time": return "Europe/Minsk";
- case "E. South America Standard Time": return "America/Sao_Paulo";
- case "Easter Island Standard Time": return "Pacific/Easter";
- case "Eastern Standard Time": return "America/New_York";
- case "Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)": return "America/Cancun";
- case "Egypt Standard Time": return "Africa/Cairo";
- case "Ekaterinburg Standard Time": return "Asia/Yekaterinburg";
- case "FLE Standard Time": return "Europe/Kiev";
- case "Fiji Standard Time": return "Pacific/Fiji";
- case "GMT Standard Time": return "Europe/London";
- case "GTB Standard Time": return "Europe/Athens";
- case "Georgian Standard Time": return "Asia/Tbilisi";
- case "Greenland Standard Time": return "America/Godthab";
- case "Greenwich Standard Time": return "Atlantic/Reykjavik";
- case "Hawaiian Standard Time": return "Pacific/Honolulu";
- case "India Standard Time": return "Asia/Calcutta";
- case "Iran Standard Time": return "Asia/Tehran";
- case "Israel Standard Time": return "Asia/Jerusalem";
- case "Jordan Standard Time": return "Asia/Amman";
- case "Kaliningrad Standard Time": return "Europe/Kaliningrad";
- // Same as with E. Europe Standard Time.
- case "Kamchatka Standard Time": return "Asia/Kamchatka";
- case "Korea Standard Time": return "Asia/Seoul";
- case "Libya Standard Time": return "Africa/Tripoli";
- case "Line Islands Standard Time": return "Pacific/Kiritimati";
- case "Lord Howe Standard Time": return "Australia/Lord_Howe";
- case "Magadan Standard Time": return "Asia/Magadan";
- case "Marquesas Standard Time": return "Pacific/Marquesas";
- case "Mauritius Standard Time": return "Indian/Mauritius";
- // Same as with E. Europe Standard Time.
- case "Mexico Standard Time": return "America/Mexico_City";
- // Same as with E. Europe Standard Time.
- case "Mexico Standard Time 2": return "America/Chihuahua";
- // Same as with E. Europe Standard Time.
- case "Mid-Atlantic Standard Time": return "Etc/GMT+2";
- case "Middle East Standard Time": return "Asia/Beirut";
- case "Montevideo Standard Time": return "America/Montevideo";
- case "Morocco Standard Time": return "Africa/Casablanca";
- case "Mountain Standard Time": return "America/Denver";
- case "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)": return "America/Chihuahua";
- case "Myanmar Standard Time": return "Asia/Rangoon";
- case "N. Central Asia Standard Time": return "Asia/Novosibirsk";
- case "Namibia Standard Time": return "Africa/Windhoek";
- case "Nepal Standard Time": return "Asia/Katmandu";
- case "New Zealand Standard Time": return "Pacific/Auckland";
- case "Newfoundland Standard Time": return "America/St_Johns";
- case "Norfolk Standard Time": return "Pacific/Norfolk";
- case "North Asia East Standard Time": return "Asia/Irkutsk";
- case "North Asia Standard Time": return "Asia/Krasnoyarsk";
- case "North Korea Standard Time": return "Asia/Pyongyang";
- case "Pacific SA Standard Time": return "America/Santiago";
- case "Pacific Standard Time": return "America/Los_Angeles";
- case "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)": return "America/Santa_Isabel";
- case "Pakistan Standard Time": return "Asia/Karachi";
- case "Paraguay Standard Time": return "America/Asuncion";
- case "Romance Standard Time": return "Europe/Paris";
- case "Russia Time Zone 10": return "Asia/Srednekolymsk";
- case "Russia Time Zone 11": return "Asia/Anadyr";
- case "Russia Time Zone 3": return "Europe/Samara";
- case "Russian Standard Time": return "Europe/Moscow";
- case "SA Eastern Standard Time": return "America/Cayenne";
- case "SA Pacific Standard Time": return "America/Bogota";
- case "SA Western Standard Time": return "America/La_Paz";
- case "SE Asia Standard Time": return "Asia/Bangkok";
- case "Sakhalin Standard Time": return "Asia/Sakhalin";
- case "Saint Pierre Standard Time": return "America/Miquelon";
- case "Samoa Standard Time": return "Pacific/Apia";
- case "Singapore Standard Time": return "Asia/Singapore";
- case "South Africa Standard Time": return "Africa/Johannesburg";
- case "Sri Lanka Standard Time": return "Asia/Colombo";
- case "Syria Standard Time": return "Asia/Damascus";
- case "Taipei Standard Time": return "Asia/Taipei";
- case "Tasmania Standard Time": return "Australia/Hobart";
- case "Tocantins Standard Time": return "America/Arguaina";
- case "Tokyo Standard Time": return "Asia/Tokyo";
- case "Tomsk Standard Time": return "Asia/Tomsk";
- case "Tonga Standard Time": return "Pacific/Tongatapu";
- case "Transbaikal Standard Time": return "Asia/Chita";
- case "Turkey Standard Time": return "Europe/Istanbul";
- case "Turks And Caicos Standard Time": return "America/Grand_Turk";
- case "US Eastern Standard Time": return "America/Indianapolis";
- case "US Mountain Standard Time": return "America/Phoenix";
- case "UTC": return "Etc/GMT";
- case "UTC+12": return "Etc/GMT-12";
- case "UTC-02": return "Etc/GMT+2";
- case "UTC-08": return "Etc/GMT+8";
- case "UTC-09": return "Etc/GMT+9";
- case "UTC-11": return "Etc/GMT+11";
- case "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time": return "Asia/Ulaanbaatar";
- case "Venezuela Standard Time": return "America/Caracas";
- case "Vladivostok Standard Time": return "Asia/Vladivostok";
- case "W. Australia Standard Time": return "Australia/Perth";
- case "W. Central Africa Standard Time": return "Africa/Lagos";
- case "W. Europe Standard Time": return "Europe/Berlin";
- case "W. Mongolia Standard Time": return "Asia/Hovd";
- case "West Asia Standard Time": return "Asia/Tashkent";
- case "West Bank Standard Time": return "Asia/Hebron";
- case "West Pacific Standard Time": return "Pacific/Port_Moresby";
- case "Yakutsk Standard Time": return "Asia/Yakutsk";
- default: return null;
- }
-version (Windows) version (UpdateWindowsTZTranslations) deprecated @system unittest
- import std.stdio : stderr;
- foreach (winName; WindowsTimeZone.getInstalledTZNames())
- {
- if (windowsTZNameToTZDatabaseName(winName) is null)
- stderr.writeln("Missing Windows to TZName translation: ", winName);
- }
-// This script is for regenerating tzDatabaseNameToWindowsTZName and
-// windowsTZNameToTZDatabaseName from
-// http://unicode.org/cldr/data/common/supplemental/windowsZones.xml
-import std.algorithm;
-import std.array;
-import std.conv;
-import std.datetime;
-import std.exception;
-import std.path;
-import std.stdio;
-import std.string;
-int main(string[] args)
- if (args.length != 4 || args[1].baseName != "windowsZones.xml")
- {
- stderr.writeln("genTZs.d windowsZones.xml <nix2WinFile> <win2NixFile>");
- return -1;
- }
- string[][string] win2Nix;
- string[][string] nix2Win;
- immutable f1 = `<mapZone other="`;
- immutable f2 = `type="`;
- auto file = File(args[1]);
- foreach (line; file.byLine())
- {
- line = line.find(f1);
- if (line.empty)
- continue;
- line = line[f1.length .. $];
- auto next = line.find('"');
- auto win = to!string(line[0 .. $ - next.length]);
- line = next.find(f2);
- line = line[f2.length .. $];
- next = line.find('"');
- auto nixes = to!string(line[0 .. $ - next.length]).split();
- if (auto l = win in win2Nix)
- *l ~= nixes;
- else
- win2Nix[win] = nixes;
- foreach (nix; nixes)
- {
- if (auto w = nix in nix2Win)
- *w ~= win;
- else
- nix2Win[nix] = [win];
- }
- }
- foreach (nix; nix2Win.byKey())
- {
- auto wins = nix2Win[nix];
- nix2Win[nix] = wins.sort().uniq().array();
- }
- foreach (win; win2Nix.byKey())
- {
- auto nixes = win2Nix[win];
- win2Nix[win] = nixes.sort().uniq().array();
- }
- // AFAIK, there should be no cases of a TZ Database time zone converting to
- // multiple windows time zones.
- foreach (nix, wins; nix2Win)
- enforce(wins.length == 1, format("%s -> %s", nix, wins));
- // We'll try to eliminate multiples by favoring a conversion if it's already
- // in Phobos, but if it's new, then the correct one will have to be chosen
- // manually from the results.
- string[] haveMultiple;
- foreach (win, nixes; win2Nix)
- {
- if (nixes.length > 1)
- haveMultiple ~= win;
- }
- bool[string] haveConflicts;
- foreach (win; haveMultiple)
- {
- if (auto curr = windowsTZNameToTZDatabaseName(win))
- {
- if (auto other = curr in nix2Win)
- {
- if ((*other)[0] == win)
- {
- win2Nix[win] = [curr];
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- haveConflicts[win] = true;
- writefln("Warning: %s -> %s", win, win2Nix[win]);
- }
- string[] nix2WinLines = [
- `string tzDatabaseNameToWindowsTZName(string tzName) @safe pure nothrow @nogc`,
- `{`,
- ` switch (tzName)`,
- ` {`];
- foreach (nix; nix2Win.keys.sort())
- nix2WinLines ~= format(` case "%s": return "%s";`, nix, nix2Win[nix][0]);
- nix2WinLines ~= [
- ` default: return null;`,
- ` }`,
- `}`];
- string[] win2NixLines = [
- `string windowsTZNameToTZDatabaseName(string tzName) @safe pure nothrow @nogc`,
- `{`,
- ` switch (tzName)`,
- ` {`];
- foreach (win; win2Nix.keys.sort())
- {
- immutable hasMultiple = cast(bool)(win in haveConflicts);
- foreach (nix; win2Nix[win])
- win2NixLines ~= format(` case "%s": return "%s";%s`, win, nix, hasMultiple ? " FIXME" : "");
- }
- win2NixLines ~= [
- ` default: return null;`,
- ` }`,
- `}`];
- auto nix2WinFile = args[2];
- std.file.write(nix2WinFile, nix2WinLines.join("\n"));
- auto win2NixFile = args[3];
- std.file.write(win2NixFile, win2NixLines.join("\n"));
- return 0;
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/internal/windows/advapi32.d b/libphobos/src/std/internal/windows/advapi32.d
index b25956b..9ed6762 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/internal/windows/advapi32.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/internal/windows/advapi32.d
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ version (Windows):
import core.sys.windows.windows;
-version (GNU) {}
-else pragma(lib, "advapi32.lib");
+pragma(lib, "advapi32.lib");
immutable bool isWow64;
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/json.d b/libphobos/src/std/json.d
index fd6cf41..8ba0f05 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/json.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/json.d
@@ -1123,14 +1123,6 @@ if (isInputRange!T && !isInfinite!T && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!T))
return parseJSON!T(json, -1, options);
- "Please use the overload that takes a ref JSONValue rather than a pointer. This overload will "
- ~ "be removed in November 2017.")
-string toJSON(in JSONValue* root, in bool pretty = false, in JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none) @safe
- return toJSON(*root, pretty, options);
Takes a tree of JSON values and returns the serialized string.
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/process.d b/libphobos/src/std/process.d
index 6571d47..a1cac2c 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/process.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/process.d
@@ -3966,8 +3966,7 @@ version (Windows)
import core.sys.windows.windows;
- version (GNU) {}
- else pragma(lib,"shell32.lib");
+ pragma(lib,"shell32.lib");
void browse(const(char)[] url)
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/range/primitives.d b/libphobos/src/std/range/primitives.d
index d602048..1a4e6fb 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/range/primitives.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/range/primitives.d
@@ -1388,41 +1388,13 @@ This is because a narrow string's length does not reflect the number of
characters, but instead the number of encoding units, and as such is not useful
with range-oriented algorithms. To use strings as random-access ranges with
length, use $(REF representation, std, string) or $(REF byCodeUnit, std, utf).
-Deprecation: Historically `hasLength!R` yielded `true` for types whereby
-`R.length` returns other types convertible to `ulong`, such as `int`, `ushort`,
-`const(size_t)`, user-defined types using `alias this`, or notably `ulong` on
-32-bit systems. This behavior has been deprecated. After December 2017,
-`hasLength` will yield `true` only if `R.length` yields the exact type `size_t`.
template hasLength(R)
static if (is(typeof(((R* r) => r.length)(null)) Length))
- {
- static if (is(Length == size_t))
- {
- enum bool hasLength = !isNarrowString!R;
- }
- else static if (is(Length : ulong))
- {
- // @@@DEPRECATED_2017-12@@@
- // Uncomment the deprecated(...) message and take the pragma(msg)
- // out once https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10181 is fixed.
- pragma(msg, __FILE__ ~ "(" ~ __LINE__.stringof ~
- "): Note: length must have type size_t on all systems" ~
- ", please update your code by December 2017.");
- //deprecated("length must have type size_t on all systems")
- enum bool hasLength = true;
- }
- else
- {
- enum bool hasLength = false;
- }
- }
+ enum bool hasLength = is(Length == size_t) && !isNarrowString!R;
- {
enum bool hasLength = false;
- }
@@ -1432,12 +1404,41 @@ template hasLength(R)
static assert( hasLength!(int[]));
static assert( hasLength!(inout(int)[]));
- struct A { ulong length; }
- struct B { size_t length() { return 0; } }
- struct C { @property size_t length() { return 0; } }
+ struct A { size_t length() { return 0; } }
+ struct B { @property size_t length() { return 0; } }
static assert( hasLength!(A));
static assert( hasLength!(B));
- static assert( hasLength!(C));
+// test combinations which are invalid on some platforms
+ struct A { ulong length; }
+ struct B { @property uint length() { return 0; } }
+ version (X86)
+ {
+ static assert(!hasLength!(A));
+ static assert(hasLength!(B));
+ }
+ else version(X86_64)
+ {
+ static assert(hasLength!(A));
+ static assert(!hasLength!(B));
+ }
+// test combinations which are invalid on all platforms
+ struct A { long length; }
+ struct B { int length; }
+ struct C { ubyte length; }
+ struct D { char length; }
+ static assert(!hasLength!(A));
+ static assert(!hasLength!(B));
+ static assert(!hasLength!(C));
+ static assert(!hasLength!(D));
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/socket.d b/libphobos/src/std/socket.d
index c008d62..78479c8 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/socket.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/socket.d
@@ -57,12 +57,8 @@ import std.internal.cstring;
version (Windows)
- version (GNU) {}
- else
- {
- pragma (lib, "ws2_32.lib");
- pragma (lib, "wsock32.lib");
- }
+ pragma (lib, "ws2_32.lib");
+ pragma (lib, "wsock32.lib");
import core.sys.windows.windows, std.windows.syserror;
public import core.sys.windows.winsock2;
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/string.d b/libphobos/src/std/string.d
index 34a1452..5b61cde 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/string.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/string.d
@@ -5174,30 +5174,8 @@ body
assert(buffer.data == "h5 rd");
- * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
- * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
- * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
- * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
- *
- * See if character c is in the pattern.
- * Patterns:
- *
- * A $(I pattern) is an array of characters much like a $(I character
- * class) in regular expressions. A sequence of characters
- * can be given, such as "abcde". The '-' can represent a range
- * of characters, as "a-e" represents the same pattern as "abcde".
- * "a-fA-F0-9" represents all the hex characters.
- * If the first character of a pattern is '^', then the pattern
- * is negated, i.e. "^0-9" means any character except a digit.
- * The functions inPattern, $(B countchars), $(B removeschars),
- * and $(B squeeze) use patterns.
- *
- * Note: In the future, the pattern syntax may be improved
- * to be more like regular expression character classes.
- */
-deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, in S pattern) @safe pure @nogc
if (isSomeString!S)
@@ -5262,16 +5240,8 @@ deprecated
- * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
- * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
- * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
- * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
- *
- * See if character c is in the intersection of the patterns.
- */
-deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, S[] patterns) @safe pure @nogc
if (isSomeString!S)
@@ -5285,16 +5255,8 @@ if (isSomeString!S)
return true;
- * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
- * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
- * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
- * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
- *
- * Count characters in s that match pattern.
- */
-deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
size_t countchars(S, S1)(S s, in S1 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
if (isSomeString!S && isSomeString!S1)
@@ -5319,16 +5281,8 @@ deprecated
- * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
- * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
- * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
- * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
- *
- * Return string that is s with all characters removed that match pattern.
- */
-deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
S removechars(S)(S s, in S pattern) @safe pure
if (isSomeString!S)
@@ -5380,18 +5334,8 @@ deprecated
assert(removechars("abc", "x") == "abc");
- * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
- * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
- * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
- * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
- *
- * Return string where sequences of a character in s[] from pattern[]
- * are replaced with a single instance of that character.
- * If pattern is null, it defaults to all characters.
- */
-deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
S squeeze(S)(S s, in S pattern = null)
import std.utf : encode, stride;
@@ -5456,24 +5400,8 @@ deprecated
- $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
- Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
- instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
- $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
- Finds the position $(D_PARAM pos) of the first character in $(D_PARAM
- s) that does not match $(D_PARAM pattern) (in the terminology used by
- $(REF inPattern, std,string)). Updates $(D_PARAM s =
- s[pos..$]). Returns the slice from the beginning of the original
- (before update) string up to, and excluding, $(D_PARAM pos).
-The $(D_PARAM munch) function is mostly convenient for skipping
-certain category of characters (e.g. whitespace) when parsing
-strings. (In such cases, the return value is not used.)
- */
-deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
S1 munch(S1, S2)(ref S1 s, S2 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
size_t j = s.length;
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/utf.d b/libphobos/src/std/utf.d
index 63ae736..beb4d8f 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/utf.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/utf.d
@@ -2699,14 +2699,6 @@ if (isSomeString!S)
-deprecated("To be removed November 2017. Please use std.utf.encode instead.")
-char[] toUTF8(return out char[4] buf, dchar c) nothrow @nogc @safe pure
- const sz = encode!(Yes.useReplacementDchar)(buf, c);
- return buf[0 .. sz];
* Encodes the elements of `s` to UTF-8 and returns a newly allocated
* string of the elements.
@@ -2748,14 +2740,6 @@ if (isInputRange!S && !isInfinite!S && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!S))
assert(r2.toUTF8.equal([0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, 0xB7]));
-deprecated("To be removed November 2017. Please use std.utf.encode instead.")
-wchar[] toUTF16(return ref wchar[2] buf, dchar c) nothrow @nogc @safe pure
- const sz = encode!(Yes.useReplacementDchar)(buf, c);
- return buf[0 .. sz];
* Encodes the elements of `s` to UTF-16 and returns a newly GC allocated
* `wstring` of the elements.