path: root/liboffloadmic/plugin/libgomp-plugin-intelmic.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'liboffloadmic/plugin/libgomp-plugin-intelmic.cpp')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/liboffloadmic/plugin/libgomp-plugin-intelmic.cpp b/liboffloadmic/plugin/libgomp-plugin-intelmic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ddbc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/liboffloadmic/plugin/libgomp-plugin-intelmic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+/* Plugin for offload execution on Intel MIC devices.
+ Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Contributed by Ilya Verbin <ilya.verbin@intel.com>.
+ This file is part of the GNU OpenMP Library (libgomp).
+ Libgomp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ Libgomp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
+ permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
+ 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
+ a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
+ see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+/* Host side part of a libgomp plugin. */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <libgomp_target.h>
+#include "compiler_if_host.h"
+#include "main_target_image.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define TRACE(...) \
+{ \
+fprintf (stderr, "HOST:\t%s:%s ", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__); \
+fprintf (stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
+fprintf (stderr, "\n"); \
+#define TRACE { }
+static VarDesc vd_host2tgt = {
+ { 1, 1 }, /* dst, src */
+ { 1, 0 }, /* in, out */
+ 1, /* alloc_if */
+ 1, /* free_if */
+ 4, /* align */
+ 0, /* mic_offset */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* is_static, is_static_dstn, has_length,
+ is_stack_buf, sink_addr, alloc_disp,
+ is_noncont_src, is_noncont_dst */
+ 0, /* offset */
+ 0, /* size */
+ 1, /* count */
+ 0, /* alloc */
+ 0, /* into */
+ 0 /* ptr */
+static VarDesc vd_tgt2host = {
+ { 1, 1 }, /* dst, src */
+ { 0, 1 }, /* in, out */
+ 1, /* alloc_if */
+ 1, /* free_if */
+ 4, /* align */
+ 0, /* mic_offset */
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* is_static, is_static_dstn, has_length,
+ is_stack_buf, sink_addr, alloc_disp,
+ is_noncont_src, is_noncont_dst */
+ 0, /* offset */
+ 0, /* size */
+ 1, /* count */
+ 0, /* alloc */
+ 0, /* into */
+ 0 /* ptr */
+/* Total number of shared libraries with offloading to Intel MIC. */
+static int num_libraries;
+/* Pointers to the descriptors, containing pointers to host-side tables and to
+ target images. */
+static std::vector< std::pair<void *, void *> > lib_descrs;
+/* Thread-safe registration of the main image. */
+static pthread_once_t main_image_is_registered = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+/* Add path specified in LD_LIBRARY_PATH to MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which is
+ required by liboffloadmic. */
+static void
+set_mic_lib_path (void)
+ const char *ld_lib_path = getenv (LD_LIBRARY_PATH_ENV);
+ const char *mic_lib_path = getenv (MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH_ENV);
+ if (!ld_lib_path)
+ return;
+ if (!mic_lib_path)
+ setenv (MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH_ENV, ld_lib_path, 1);
+ else
+ {
+ size_t len = strlen (mic_lib_path) + strlen (ld_lib_path) + 2;
+ bool use_alloca = len <= 2048;
+ char *mic_lib_path_new = (char *) (use_alloca ? alloca (len)
+ : malloc (len));
+ if (!mic_lib_path_new)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't allocate memory\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ sprintf (mic_lib_path_new, "%s:%s", mic_lib_path, ld_lib_path);
+ setenv (MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH_ENV, mic_lib_path_new, 1);
+ if (!use_alloca)
+ free (mic_lib_path_new);
+ }
+extern "C" enum offload_target_type
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_get_type (void)
+ enum offload_target_type res = OFFLOAD_TARGET_TYPE_INTEL_MIC;
+ TRACE ("(): return %d", res);
+ return res;
+extern "C" int
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_get_num_devices (void)
+ int res = _Offload_number_of_devices ();
+ TRACE ("(): return %d", res);
+ return res;
+/* This should be called from every shared library with offloading. */
+extern "C" void
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_register_image (void *host_table, void *target_image)
+ TRACE ("(host_table = %p, target_image = %p)", host_table, target_image);
+ lib_descrs.push_back (std::make_pair (host_table, target_image));
+ num_libraries++;
+static void
+offload (const char *file, uint64_t line, int device, const char *name,
+ int num_vars, VarDesc *vars, VarDesc2 *vars2)
+ OFFLOAD ofld = __offload_target_acquire1 (&device, file, line);
+ if (ofld)
+ __offload_offload1 (ofld, name, 0, num_vars, vars, vars2, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: Offload target acquire failed\n", file, line);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+static void
+register_main_image ()
+ __offload_register_image (&main_target_image);
+/* Load offload_target_main on target. */
+extern "C" void
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_init_device (int device)
+ TRACE ("");
+ pthread_once (&main_image_is_registered, register_main_image);
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_init_proc", 0,
+static void
+get_target_table (int device, int &num_funcs, int &num_vars, void **&table)
+ VarDesc vd1[2] = { vd_tgt2host, vd_tgt2host };
+ vd1[0].ptr = &num_funcs;
+ vd1[0].size = sizeof (num_funcs);
+ vd1[1].ptr = &num_vars;
+ vd1[1].size = sizeof (num_vars);
+ VarDesc2 vd1g[2] = { { "num_funcs", 0 }, { "num_vars", 0 } };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_table_p1", 2,
+ vd1, vd1g);
+ int table_size = num_funcs + 2 * num_vars;
+ if (table_size > 0)
+ {
+ table = new void * [table_size];
+ VarDesc vd2;
+ vd2 = vd_tgt2host;
+ vd2.ptr = table;
+ vd2.size = table_size * sizeof (void *);
+ VarDesc2 vd2g = { "table", 0 };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_table_p2", 1,
+ &vd2, &vd2g);
+ }
+static void
+load_lib_and_get_table (int device, int lib_num, mapping_table *&table,
+ int &table_size)
+ struct TargetImage {
+ int64_t size;
+ /* 10 characters is enough for max int value. */
+ char name[sizeof ("lib0000000000.so")];
+ char data[];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ void ***host_table_descr = (void ***) lib_descrs[lib_num].first;
+ void **host_func_start = host_table_descr[0];
+ void **host_func_end = host_table_descr[1];
+ void **host_var_start = host_table_descr[2];
+ void **host_var_end = host_table_descr[3];
+ void **target_image_descr = (void **) lib_descrs[lib_num].second;
+ void *image_start = target_image_descr[0];
+ void *image_end = target_image_descr[1];
+ TRACE ("() host_table_descr { %p, %p, %p, %p }", host_func_start,
+ host_func_end, host_var_start, host_var_end);
+ TRACE ("() target_image_descr { %p, %p }", image_start, image_end);
+ int64_t image_size = (uintptr_t) image_end - (uintptr_t) image_start;
+ TargetImage *image
+ = (TargetImage *) malloc (sizeof (int64_t) + sizeof ("lib0000000000.so")
+ + image_size);
+ if (!image)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't allocate memory\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ image->size = image_size;
+ sprintf (image->name, "lib%010d.so", lib_num);
+ memcpy (image->data, image_start, image->size);
+ TRACE ("() __offload_register_image %s { %p, %d }",
+ image->name, image_start, image->size);
+ __offload_register_image (image);
+ int tgt_num_funcs = 0;
+ int tgt_num_vars = 0;
+ void **tgt_table = NULL;
+ get_target_table (device, tgt_num_funcs, tgt_num_vars, tgt_table);
+ free (image);
+ /* The func table contains only addresses, the var table contains addresses
+ and corresponding sizes. */
+ int host_num_funcs = host_func_end - host_func_start;
+ int host_num_vars = (host_var_end - host_var_start) / 2;
+ TRACE ("() host_num_funcs = %d, tgt_num_funcs = %d",
+ host_num_funcs, tgt_num_funcs);
+ TRACE ("() host_num_vars = %d, tgt_num_vars = %d",
+ host_num_vars, tgt_num_vars);
+ if (host_num_funcs != tgt_num_funcs)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't map target functions\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ if (host_num_vars != tgt_num_vars)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't map target variables\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ table = (mapping_table *) realloc (table, (table_size + host_num_funcs
+ + host_num_vars)
+ * sizeof (mapping_table));
+ if (table == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't allocate memory\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < host_num_funcs; i++)
+ {
+ mapping_table t;
+ t.host_start = (uintptr_t) host_func_start[i];
+ t.host_end = t.host_start + 1;
+ t.tgt_start = (uintptr_t) tgt_table[i];
+ t.tgt_end = t.tgt_start + 1;
+ TRACE ("() lib %d, func %d:\t0x%llx -- 0x%llx",
+ lib_num, i, t.host_start, t.tgt_start);
+ table[table_size++] = t;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < host_num_vars * 2; i += 2)
+ {
+ mapping_table t;
+ t.host_start = (uintptr_t) host_var_start[i];
+ t.host_end = t.host_start + (uintptr_t) host_var_start[i+1];
+ t.tgt_start = (uintptr_t) tgt_table[tgt_num_funcs+i];
+ t.tgt_end = t.tgt_start + (uintptr_t) tgt_table[tgt_num_funcs+i+1];
+ TRACE ("() lib %d, var %d:\t0x%llx (%d) -- 0x%llx (%d)", lib_num, i/2,
+ t.host_start, t.host_end - t.host_start,
+ t.tgt_start, t.tgt_end - t.tgt_start);
+ table[table_size++] = t;
+ }
+ delete [] tgt_table;
+extern "C" int
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_get_table (int device, void *result)
+ TRACE ("(num_libraries = %d)", num_libraries);
+ mapping_table *table = NULL;
+ int table_size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_libraries; i++)
+ load_lib_and_get_table (device, i, table, table_size);
+ *(void **) result = table;
+ return table_size;
+extern "C" void *
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_alloc (int device, size_t size)
+ TRACE ("(size = %d)", size);
+ void *tgt_ptr;
+ VarDesc vd1[2] = { vd_host2tgt, vd_tgt2host };
+ vd1[0].ptr = &size;
+ vd1[0].size = sizeof (size);
+ vd1[1].ptr = &tgt_ptr;
+ vd1[1].size = sizeof (void *);
+ VarDesc2 vd1g[2] = { { "size", 0 }, { "tgt_ptr", 0 } };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_alloc", 2, vd1, vd1g);
+ return tgt_ptr;
+extern "C" void
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_free (int device, void *tgt_ptr)
+ TRACE ("(tgt_ptr = %p)", tgt_ptr);
+ VarDesc vd1 = vd_host2tgt;
+ vd1.ptr = &tgt_ptr;
+ vd1.size = sizeof (void *);
+ VarDesc2 vd1g = { "tgt_ptr", 0 };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_free", 1, &vd1, &vd1g);
+extern "C" void *
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_host2dev (int device, void *tgt_ptr, const void *host_ptr,
+ size_t size)
+ TRACE ("(tgt_ptr = %p, host_ptr = %p, size = %d)", tgt_ptr, host_ptr, size);
+ if (!size)
+ return tgt_ptr;
+ VarDesc vd1[2] = { vd_host2tgt, vd_host2tgt };
+ vd1[0].ptr = &tgt_ptr;
+ vd1[0].size = sizeof (void *);
+ vd1[1].ptr = &size;
+ vd1[1].size = sizeof (size);
+ VarDesc2 vd1g[2] = { { "tgt_ptr", 0 }, { "size", 0 } };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_host2tgt_p1", 2,
+ vd1, vd1g);
+ VarDesc vd2 = vd_host2tgt;
+ vd2.ptr = (void *) host_ptr;
+ vd2.size = size;
+ VarDesc2 vd2g = { "var", 0 };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_host2tgt_p2", 1,
+ &vd2, &vd2g);
+ return tgt_ptr;
+extern "C" void *
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_dev2host (int device, void *host_ptr, const void *tgt_ptr,
+ size_t size)
+ TRACE ("(host_ptr = %p, tgt_ptr = %p, size = %d)", host_ptr, tgt_ptr, size);
+ if (!size)
+ return host_ptr;
+ VarDesc vd1[2] = { vd_host2tgt, vd_host2tgt };
+ vd1[0].ptr = &tgt_ptr;
+ vd1[0].size = sizeof (void *);
+ vd1[1].ptr = &size;
+ vd1[1].size = sizeof (size);
+ VarDesc2 vd1g[2] = { { "tgt_ptr", 0 }, { "size", 0 } };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_tgt2host_p1", 2,
+ vd1, vd1g);
+ VarDesc vd2 = vd_tgt2host;
+ vd2.ptr = (void *) host_ptr;
+ vd2.size = size;
+ VarDesc2 vd2g = { "var", 0 };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_tgt2host_p2", 1,
+ &vd2, &vd2g);
+ return host_ptr;
+extern "C" void
+GOMP_OFFLOAD_run (int device, void *tgt_fn, void *tgt_vars)
+ TRACE ("(tgt_fn = %p, tgt_vars = %p)", tgt_fn, tgt_vars);
+ VarDesc vd1[2] = { vd_host2tgt, vd_host2tgt };
+ vd1[0].ptr = &tgt_fn;
+ vd1[0].size = sizeof (void *);
+ vd1[1].ptr = &tgt_vars;
+ vd1[1].size = sizeof (void *);
+ VarDesc2 vd1g[2] = { { "tgt_fn", 0 }, { "tgt_vars", 0 } };
+ offload (__FILE__, __LINE__, device, "__offload_target_run", 2, vd1, vd1g);