path: root/libjava/include/java-interp.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/include/java-interp.h')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/include/java-interp.h b/libjava/include/java-interp.h
index c6d9955..c088e9f 100644
--- a/libjava/include/java-interp.h
+++ b/libjava/include/java-interp.h
@@ -175,6 +175,17 @@ class _Jv_InterpMethod : public _Jv_MethodBase
static pc_t breakpoint_insn;
static insn_slot bp_insn_slot;
+ // Mutex to prevent a data race between threads when rewriting
+ // instructions. See interpret-run.cc for an explanation of its use.
+ static _Jv_Mutex_t rewrite_insn_mutex;
+ // The count of threads executing this method.
+ long thread_count;
static unsigned char bp_insn_opcode;
@@ -455,9 +466,10 @@ public:
jobject obj_ptr;
_Jv_InterpFrame (void *meth, java::lang::Thread *thr, jclass proxyCls = NULL,
- pc_t *pc = NULL)
+ pc_t *pc = NULL,
+ _Jv_FrameType frame_type = frame_interpreter)
: _Jv_Frame (reinterpret_cast<_Jv_MethodBase *> (meth), thr,
- frame_interpreter)
+ frame_type)
next_interp = (_Jv_InterpFrame *) thr->interp_frame;
proxyClass = proxyCls;
@@ -501,6 +513,76 @@ public:
+// This class increments and decrements the thread_count field in an
+// interpreted method. On entry to the interpreter a
+// ThreadCountAdjuster is created when increments the thread_count in
+// the current method and uses the next_interp field in the frame to
+// find the previous method and decrement its thread_count.
+class ThreadCountAdjuster
+ // A class used to handle the rewrite_insn_mutex while we're
+ // adjusting the thread_count in a method. Unlocking the mutex in a
+ // destructor ensures that it's unlocked even if (for example) a
+ // segfault occurs in the critical section.
+ class MutexLock
+ {
+ private:
+ _Jv_Mutex_t *mutex;
+ public:
+ MutexLock (_Jv_Mutex_t *m)
+ {
+ mutex = m;
+ _Jv_MutexLock (mutex);
+ }
+ ~MutexLock ()
+ {
+ _Jv_MutexUnlock (mutex);
+ }
+ };
+ _Jv_InterpMethod *method;
+ _Jv_InterpMethod *next_method;
+ ThreadCountAdjuster (_Jv_InterpMethod *m, _Jv_InterpFrame *fr)
+ {
+ MutexLock lock (&::_Jv_InterpMethod::rewrite_insn_mutex);
+ method = m;
+ next_method = NULL;
+ _Jv_InterpFrame *next_interp = fr->next_interp;
+ // Record the fact that we're executing this method and that
+ // we're no longer executing the method that called us.
+ method->thread_count++;
+ if (next_interp && next_interp->frame_type == frame_interpreter)
+ {
+ next_method
+ = reinterpret_cast<_Jv_InterpMethod *> (next_interp->meth);
+ next_method->thread_count--;
+ }
+ }
+ ~ThreadCountAdjuster ()
+ {
+ MutexLock lock (&::_Jv_InterpMethod::rewrite_insn_mutex);
+ // We're going to return to the method that called us, so bump its
+ // thread_count and decrement our own.
+ method->thread_count--;
+ if (next_method)
+ next_method->thread_count++;
+ }
#endif /* INTERPRETER */
#endif /* __JAVA_INTERP_H__ */