path: root/libjava/doc/java-sql.texi
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1 files changed, 2892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/doc/java-sql.texi b/libjava/doc/java-sql.texi
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+++ b/libjava/doc/java-sql.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,2892 @@
+@deftypemethod Array {public String} getBaseTypeName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the SQL type of the elements in this
+ array. This name is database specific.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public int} getBaseType () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the JDBC type identifier of the elements in this
+ array. This will be one of the values defined in the @code{Types}
+ class.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public Object} getArray () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the contents of this array. This object returned
+ will be an array of Java objects of the appropriate types.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public Object} getArray (java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the contents of this array. The specified
+ @code{Map} will be used to override selected mappings between
+ SQL types and Java classes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public Object} getArray (long@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a portion of this array starting at index
+ @code{offset} into the array and continuing for @code{length}
+ elements. Fewer than the requested number of elements will be
+ returned if the array does not contain the requested number of elements.
+ The object returned will be an array of Java objects of
+ the appropriate types.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public Object} getArray (long@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{count}, java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a portion of this array starting at index
+ @code{offset} into the array and continuing for @code{length}
+ elements. Fewer than the requested number of elements will be
+ returned if the array does not contain the requested number of elements.
+ The object returned will be an array of Java objects. The specified
+ @code{Map} will be used for overriding selected SQL type to
+ Java class mappings.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public ResultSet} getResultSet () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the elements in the array as a @code{ResultSet}.
+ Each row of the result set will have two columns. The first will be
+ the index into the array of that row's contents. The second will be
+ the actual value of that array element.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public ResultSet} getResultSet (java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the elements in the array as a @code{ResultSet}.
+ Each row of the result set will have two columns. The first will be
+ the index into the array of that row's contents. The second will be
+ the actual value of that array element. The specified @code{Map}
+ will be used to override selected default mappings of SQL types to
+ Java classes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public ResultSet} getResultSet (long@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{count}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a portion of the array as a @code{ResultSet}.
+ The returned portion will start at index @code{offset} into the
+ array and up to @code{length} elements will be returned.
+ Each row of the result set will have two columns. The first will be
+ the index into the array of that row's contents. The second will be
+ the actual value of that array element.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Array {public ResultSet} getResultSet (long@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{count}, java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a portion of the array as a @code{ResultSet}.
+ The returned portion will start at index @code{offset} into the
+ array and up to @code{length} elements will be returned.
+ Each row of the result set will have two columns. The first will be
+ the index into the array of that row's contents. The second will be
+ the actual value of that array element. The specified @code{Map}
+ will be used to override selected default mappings of SQL types to
+ Java classes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod BatchUpdateException {public int} getUpdateCounts ()
+This method returns the update count information for this error. If
+ not @code{null} this is an array of @code{int}'s that are
+ the update accounts for each command that was successfully executed.
+ The array elements are in the order that the commands were executed.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Blob {public long} length () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the number of bytes in the BLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Blob {public byte} getBytes (long@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns up to the requested bytes of this BLOB as a
+ @code{byte} array.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Blob {public InputStream} getBinaryStream () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a stream that will read the bytes of the BLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Blob {public long} position (byte[]@w{ }@var{pattern}, long@w{ }@var{offset}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the index into the BLOB at which the first instance
+ of the specified bytes occur. The searching starts at the specified
+ index into the BLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Blob {public long} position (java.sql.Blob@w{ }@var{pattern}, long@w{ }@var{offset}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the index into the BLOB at which the first instance
+ of the specified pattern occurs. The searching starts at the specified
+ index into this BLOB. The bytes in the specified @code{Blob} are
+ used as the search pattern.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public boolean} wasNull () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether the value of the last parameter that was fetched
+ was actually a SQL NULL value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public String} getString (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{String}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Object} getObject (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{Object}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Object} getObject (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{Object}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public boolean} getBoolean (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{boolean}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public byte} getByte (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{byte}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public short} getShort (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{short}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public int} getInt (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{int}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public long} getLong (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{long}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public float} getFloat (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{float}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public double} getDouble (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{double}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public BigDecimal} getBigDecimal (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{BigDecimal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public BigDecimal} getBigDecimal (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{scale}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{BigDecimal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public byte} getBytes (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ byte array.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Date} getDate (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Date}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Date} getDate (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{calendar}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Date}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Time} getTime (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Time}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Time} getTime (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{calendar}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Time}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Timestamp} getTimestamp (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Timestamp} getTimestamp (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{calendar}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Ref} getRef (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{Ref}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Blob} getBlob (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{Blob}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Clob} getClob (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{Clob}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public Array} getArray (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
+ @code{Array}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public void} registerOutParameter (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
+ of the specified SQL type.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public void} registerOutParameter (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{type}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
+ of the specified SQL type.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod CallableStatement {public void} registerOutParameter (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{type}, int@w{ }@var{scale}) @*throws SQLException
+This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
+ of the specified SQL type and scale.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Clob {public long} length () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the number of characters in the CLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Clob {public String} getSubString (long@w{ }@var{offset}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified portion of the CLOB as a
+ @code{String}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Clob {public InputStream} getAsciiStream () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a byte stream that reads the contents of the
+ CLOB as a series of ASCII bytes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Clob {public Reader} getCharacterStream () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a character stream that reads the contents of the
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Clob {public long} position (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{pattern}, long@w{ }@var{offset}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the index into the CLOB of the first occurrence of
+ the specified character pattern (supplied by the caller as a
+ @code{String}). The search begins at the specified index.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Clob {public long} position (java.sql.Clob@w{ }@var{pattern}, long@w{ }@var{offset}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the index into the CLOB of the first occurrence of
+ the specified character pattern (supplied by the caller as a
+ @code{Clob}). The search begins at the specified index.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public Statement} createStatement () @*throws SQLException
+This method creates a new SQL statement. The default result set type
+ and concurrency will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public Statement} createStatement (int@w{ }@var{resultSetType}, int@w{ }@var{resultSetConcurrency}) @*throws SQLException
+This method creates a new SQL statement with the specified type and
+ concurrency. Valid values for these parameters are specified in the
+ @code{ResultSet} class.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public PreparedStatement} prepareStatement (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}) @*throws SQLException
+This method creates a new @code{PreparedStatement} for the specified
+ SQL string. This method is designed for use with parameterized
+ statements. The default result set type and concurrency will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public PreparedStatement} prepareStatement (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}, int@w{ }@var{resultSetType}, int@w{ }@var{resultSetConcurrency}) @*throws SQLException
+This method creates a new @code{PreparedStatement} for the specified
+ SQL string. This method is designed for use with parameterized
+ statements. The specified result set type and concurrency will be used.
+ Valid values for these parameters are specified in the
+ @code{ResultSet} class.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public CallableStatement} prepareCall (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}) @*throws SQLException
+This method creates a new @code{CallableStatement} for the
+ specified SQL string. Thie method is designed to be used with
+ stored procedures. The default result set type and concurrency
+ will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public CallableStatement} prepareCall (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}, int@w{ }@var{resultSetType}, int@w{ }@var{resultSetConcurrency}) @*throws SQLException
+This method creates a new @code{CallableStatement} for the
+ specified SQL string. Thie method is designed to be used with
+ stored procedures. The specified result set type and concurrency
+ will be used. Valid values for these parameters are specified in the
+ @code{ResultSet} class.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public String} nativeSQL (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}) @*throws SQLException
+This method converts the specified generic SQL statement into the
+ native grammer of the database this object is connected to.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public boolean} getAutoCommit () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not auto commit mode is currently enabled.
+ In auto commit mode, every SQL statement is committed its own transaction.
+ Otherwise a transaction must be explicitly committed or rolled back.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} setAutoCommit (boolean@w{ }@var{autoCommit}) @*throws SQLException
+This method turns auto commit mode on or off. In auto commit mode,
+ every SQL statement is committed its own transaction. Otherwise a
+ transaction must be explicitly committed or rolled back.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} commit () @*throws SQLException
+This method commits any SQL statements executed on this connection since
+ the last commit or rollback.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} rollback () @*throws SQLException
+This method rolls back any SQL statements executed on this connection
+ since the last commit or rollback.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} close () @*throws SQLException
+This method immediately closes this database connection.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public boolean} isClosed () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not this connection has been closed.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public DatabaseMetaData} getMetaData () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the meta data for this database connection.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public boolean} isReadOnly () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not this connection is in read only mode.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} setReadOnly (boolean@w{ }@var{readOnly}) @*throws SQLException
+This method turns read only mode on or off. It may not be called while
+ a transaction is in progress.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public String} getCatalog () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the catalog in use by this connection,
+ if any.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} setCatalog (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the name of the catalog in use by this connection.
+ Note that this method does nothing if catalogs are not supported by
+ this database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public int} getTransactionIsolation () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the current transaction isolation mode. This will
+ be one of the constants defined in this interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} setTransactionIsolation (int@w{ }@var{level}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the current transaction isolation mode. This must
+ be one of the constants defined in this interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public SQLWarning} getWarnings () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the first warning that occurred on this connection,
+ if any. If there were any subsequence warnings, they will be chained
+ to the first one.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} clearWarnings () @*throws SQLException
+This method clears all warnings that have occurred on this connection.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public Map} getTypeMap () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the mapping of SQL types to Java classes
+ currently in use by this connection. This mapping will have no
+ entries unless they have been manually added.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Connection {public void} setTypeMap (java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the mapping table for SQL types to Java classes.
+ Any entries in this map override the defaults.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} allProceduresAreCallable () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not all the procedures returned by
+ the @code{getProcedures} method can be called by this user.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} allTablesAreSelectable () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not all the table returned by the
+ @code{getTables} method can be selected by this user.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getURL () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the URL for this database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getUserName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the database username for this connection.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} isReadOnly () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database is in read only mode.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} nullsAreSortedHigh () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not NULL's sort as high values.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} nullsAreSortedLow () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not NULL's sort as low values.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} nullsAreSortedAtStart () @*throws SQLException
+This method test whether or not NULL's are sorted to the beginning
+ of the list regardless of ascending or descending sort order.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} nullsAreSortedAtEnd () @*throws SQLException
+This method test whether or not NULL's are sorted to the end
+ of the list regardless of ascending or descending sort order.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getDatabaseProductName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the database product.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getDatabaseProductVersion () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the version of the database product.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getDriverName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the JDBC driver.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getDriverVersion () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the version of the JDBC driver.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getDriverMajorVersion ()
+This method returns the major version number of the JDBC driver.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getDriverMinorVersion ()
+This method returns the minor version number of the JDBC driver.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} usesLocalFiles () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database uses local files to
+ store tables.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} usesLocalFilePerTable () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database uses a separate file for
+ each table.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports identifiers
+ with mixed case.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} storesUpperCaseIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
+ identifiers as all upper case.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} storesLowerCaseIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
+ identifiers as all lower case.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} storesMixedCaseIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database stores mixed case
+ identifers even if it treats them as case insensitive.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports quoted identifiers
+ with mixed case.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
+ quoted identifiers as all upper case.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
+ quoted identifiers as all lower case.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database stores mixed case
+ quoted identifers even if it treats them as case insensitive.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getIdentifierQuoteString () @*throws SQLException
+This metohd returns the quote string for SQL identifiers.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getSQLKeywords () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a comma separated list of all the SQL keywords in
+ the database that are not in SQL92.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getNumericFunctions () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a comma separated list of math functions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getStringFunctions () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a comma separated list of string functions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getSystemFunctions () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a comma separated list of of system functions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getTimeDateFunctions () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns comma separated list of time/date functions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getSearchStringEscape () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the string used to escape wildcards in search strings.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getExtraNameCharacters () @*throws SQLException
+This methods returns non-standard characters that can appear in
+ unquoted identifiers.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsColumnAliasing () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not column aliasing is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} nullPlusNonNullIsNull () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether the concatenation of a NULL and non-NULL
+ value results in a NULL. This will always be true in fully JDBC compliant
+ drivers.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsConvert () @*throws SQLException
+Tests whether or not CONVERT is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsConvert (int@w{ }@var{fromType}, int@w{ }@var{toType}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not CONVERT can be performed between the
+ specified types. The types are contants from @code{Types}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsTableCorrelationNames () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not table correlation names are
+ supported. This will be always be @code{true} in a fully JDBC
+ compliant driver.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether correlation names must be different from the
+ name of the table.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsExpressionsInOrderBy () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not expressions are allowed in an
+ ORDER BY lists.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsOrderByUnrelated () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or ORDER BY on a non-selected column is
+ allowed.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsGroupBy () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not GROUP BY is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsGroupByUnrelated () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether GROUP BY on a non-selected column is
+ allowed.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsGroupByBeyondSelect () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not a GROUP BY can add columns not in the
+ select if it includes all the columns in the select.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsLikeEscapeClause () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the escape character is supported in
+ LIKE expressions. A fully JDBC compliant driver will always return
+ @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsMultipleResultSets () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether multiple result sets for a single statement are
+ supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsMultipleTransactions () @*throws SQLException
+This method test whether or not multiple transactions may be open
+ at once, as long as they are on different connections.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsNonNullableColumns () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not columns can be defined as NOT NULL. A
+ fully JDBC compliant driver always returns @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsMinimumSQLGrammar () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the minimum grammer for ODBC is supported.
+ A fully JDBC compliant driver will always return @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsCoreSQLGrammar () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the core grammer for ODBC is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsExtendedSQLGrammar () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the extended grammer for ODBC is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the ANSI92 entry level SQL
+ grammar is supported. A fully JDBC compliant drivers must return
+ @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the ANSI92 intermediate SQL
+ grammar is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsANSI92FullSQL () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the ANSI92 full SQL
+ grammar is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the SQL integrity enhancement
+ facility is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsOuterJoins () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports outer joins.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsFullOuterJoins () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports full outer joins.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsLimitedOuterJoins () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports limited outer joins.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getSchemaTerm () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the vendor's term for "schema".
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getProcedureTerm () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the vendor's term for "procedure".
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getCatalogTerm () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the vendor's term for "catalog".
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} isCatalogAtStart () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name appears at the beginning of
+ a fully qualified table name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public String} getCatalogSeparator () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the separator between the catalog name and the
+ table name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSchemasInDataManipulation () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a data
+ manipulation statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a procedure
+ call
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a table definition.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in an index definition.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in privilege definitions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a data
+ manipulation statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a procedure
+ call
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a table definition.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in an index definition.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in privilege definitions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsPositionedDelete () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not that database supports positioned
+ deletes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsPositionedUpdate () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not that database supports positioned
+ updates.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSelectForUpdate () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not SELECT FOR UPDATE is supported by the
+ database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsStoredProcedures () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not stored procedures are supported on
+ this database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSubqueriesInComparisons () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not subqueries are allowed in comparisons.
+ A fully JDBC compliant driver will always return @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSubqueriesInExists () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not subqueries are allowed in exists
+ expressions. A fully JDBC compliant driver will always return
+ @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSubqueriesInIns () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether subqueries are allowed in IN statements.
+ A fully JDBC compliant driver will always return @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not subqueries are allowed in quantified
+ expressions. A fully JDBC compliant driver will always return
+ @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsCorrelatedSubqueries () @*throws SQLException
+This method test whether or not correlated subqueries are allowed. A
+ fully JDBC compliant driver will always return @code{true}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsUnion () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the UNION statement is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsUnionAll () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the UNION ALL statement is supported.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports cursors
+ remaining open across commits.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports cursors
+ remaining open across rollbacks.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports statements
+ remaining open across commits.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports statements
+ remaining open across rollbacks.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxBinaryLiteralLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the number of hex characters allowed in an inline
+ binary literal.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxCharLiteralLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a character literal.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxColumnNameLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a column name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxColumnsInGroupBy () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxColumnsInIndex () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of columns in an index.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxColumnsInOrderBy () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxColumnsInSelect () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of columns in a SELECT statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxColumnsInTable () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of columns in a table.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxConnections () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of connections this client
+ can have to the database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxCursorNameLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a cursor name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxIndexLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of an index.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxSchemaNameLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a schema name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxProcedureNameLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a procedure name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxCatalogNameLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a catalog name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxRowSize () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum size of a row in bytes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the maximum row size includes BLOB's
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxStatementLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method includes the maximum length of a SQL statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxStatements () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of statements that can be
+ active at any time.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxTableNameLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a table name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxTablesInSelect () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of tables that may be referenced
+ in a SELECT statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getMaxUserNameLength () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of a user name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public int} getDefaultTransactionIsolation () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the default transaction isolation level of the
+ database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsTransactions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports transactions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsTransactionIsolationLevel (int@w{ }@var{level}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports the specified
+ transaction isolation level.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not DDL and DML statements allowed within
+ the same transaction.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not only DML statement are allowed
+ inside a transaction.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not a DDL statement will cause the
+ current transaction to be automatically committed.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not DDL statements are ignored in
+ transactions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getProcedures (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schemaPattern}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{namePattern}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of all the stored procedures matching the
+ specified pattern in the given schema and catalog. This is returned
+ a @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+PROCEDURE_CAT - The catalog the procedure is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+PROCEDURE_SCHEM - The schema the procedures is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+PROCEDURE_NAME - The name of the procedure.
+REMARKS - A description of the procedure
+PROCEDURE_TYPE - Indicates the return type of the procedure, which
+ is one of the contstants defined in this class
+ (@code{procedureResultUnknown}, @code{procedureNoResult}, or
+ @code{procedureReturnsResult}).
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getProcedureColumns (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schemaPattern}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{namePattern}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{columnPattern}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of the parameter and result columns for
+ the requested stored procedures. This is returned in the form of a
+ @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+PROCEDURE_CAT - The catalog the procedure is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+PROCEDURE_SCHEM - The schema the procedures is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+PROCEDURE_NAME - The name of the procedure.
+COLUMN_NAME - The name of the column
+COLUMN_TYPE - The type of the column, which will be one of the
+ contants defined in this class (@code{procedureColumnUnknown},
+ @code{procedureColumnIn}, @code{procedureColumnInOut},
+ @code{procedureColumnOut}, @code{procedureColumnReturn},
+ or @code{procedureColumnResult}).
+DATA_TYPE - The SQL type of the column. This is one of the constants
+ defined in @code{Types}.
+TYPE_NAME - The string name of the data type for this column.
+PRECISION - The precision of the column.
+LENGTH - The length of the column in bytes
+SCALE - The scale of the column.
+RADIX - The radix of the column.
+NULLABLE - Whether or not the column is NULLABLE. This is one of
+ the constants defined in this class (@code{procedureNoNulls},
+ @code{procedureNullable}, or @code{procedureNullableUnknown})
+REMARKS - A description of the column.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getTables (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schemaPattern}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{namePattern}, java.lang.String[]@w{ }@var{types}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of the requested table as a
+ @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+TABLE_CAT - The catalog the table is in, which may be @code{null}.
+TABLE_SCHEM - The schema the table is in, which may be @code{null}.
+TABLE_NAME - The name of the table.
+TABLE_TYPE - A string describing the table type. This will be one
+ of the values returned by the @code{getTableTypes()} method.
+REMARKS - Comments about the table.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getSchemas () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the list of database schemas as a
+ @code{ResultSet}, with one column - TABLE_SCHEM - that is the
+ name of the schema.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getCatalogs () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the list of database catalogs as a
+ @code{ResultSet} with one column - TABLE_CAT - that is the
+ name of the catalog.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getTableTypes () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the list of database table types as a
+ @code{ResultSet} with one column - TABLE_TYPE - that is the
+ name of the table type.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getColumns (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schemaPattern}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{namePattern}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{columnPattern}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of the tables columns for
+ the requested tables. This is returned in the form of a
+ @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+TABLE_CAT - The catalog the table is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+TABLE_SCHEM - The schema the tables is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+TABLE_NAME - The name of the table.
+COLUMN_NAME - The name of the column
+DATA_TYPE - The SQL type of the column. This is one of the constants
+ defined in @code{Types}.
+TYPE_NAME - The string name of the data type for this column.
+COLUMN_SIZE - The size of the column.
+NUM_PREC_RADIX - The radix of the column.
+NULLABLE - Whether or not the column is NULLABLE. This is one of
+ the constants defined in this class (@code{tableNoNulls},
+ @code{tableNullable}, or @code{tableNullableUnknown})
+REMARKS - A description of the column.
+COLUMN_DEF - The default value for the column, may be @code{null}.
+CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH - For character columns, the maximum number of bytes
+ in the column.
+ORDINAL_POSITION - The index of the column in the table.
+IS_NULLABLE - "NO" means no, "YES" means maybe, and an empty string
+ means unknown.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getColumnPrivileges (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{columnPattern}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the access rights that have been granted to the
+ requested columns. This information is returned as a @code{ResultSet}
+ with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+TABLE_CAT - The catalog the table is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+TABLE_SCHEM - The schema the tables is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+TABLE_NAME - The name of the table.
+COLUMN_NAME - The name of the column.
+GRANTOR - The entity that granted the access.
+GRANTEE - The entity granted the access.
+PRIVILEGE - The name of the privilege granted.
+IS_GRANTABLE - "YES" if the grantee can grant the privilege to
+ others, "NO" if not, and @code{null} if unknown.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getTablePrivileges (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the access rights that have been granted to the
+ requested tables. This information is returned as a @code{ResultSet}
+ with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+TABLE_CAT - The catalog the table is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+TABLE_SCHEM - The schema the tables is in, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+TABLE_NAME - The name of the table.
+GRANTOR - The entity that granted the access.
+GRANTEE - The entity granted the access.
+PRIVILEGE - The name of the privilege granted.
+IS_GRANTABLE - "YES" if the grantee can grant the privilege to
+ others, "NO" if not, and @code{null} if unknown.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getBestRowIdentifier (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}, int@w{ }@var{scope}, boolean@w{ }@var{nullable}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the best set of columns for uniquely identifying
+ a row. It returns this information as a @code{ResultSet} with
+ the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+SCOPE - The scope of the results returned. This is one of the
+ constants defined in this class (@code{bestRowTemporary},
+ @code{bestRowTransaction}, or @code{bestRowSession}).
+COLUMN_NAME - The name of the column.
+DATA_TYPE - The SQL type of the column. This is one of the constants
+ defined in @code{Types}.
+TYPE_NAME - The string name of the data type for this column.
+COLUMN_SIZE - The precision of the columns
+DECIMAL_DIGITS - The scale of the column.
+PSEUDO_COLUMN - Whether or not the best row identifier is a
+ pseudo_column. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{bestRowUnknown}, @code{bestRowNotPseudo}, or
+ @code{bestRowPseudo}).
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getVersionColumns (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the set of columns that are automatically updated
+ when the row is update. It returns this information as a
+ @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+SCOPE - Unused
+COLUMN_NAME - The name of the column.
+DATA_TYPE - The SQL type of the column. This is one of the constants
+ defined in @code{Types}.
+TYPE_NAME - The string name of the data type for this column.
+COLUMN_SIZE - The precision of the columns
+DECIMAL_DIGITS - The scale of the column.
+PSEUDO_COLUMN - Whether or not the best row identifier is a
+ pseudo_column. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{versionRowUnknown}, @code{versionRowNotPseudo}, or
+ @code{versionRowPseudo}).
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getPrimaryKeys (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of a table's primary key columns. These
+ are returned as a @code{ResultSet} with the following columns.
+@itemize @bullet
+TABLE_CAT - The catalog of the table, which may be @code{null}.
+TABLE_SCHEM - The schema of the table, which may be @code{null}.
+TABLE_NAME - The name of the table.
+COLUMN_NAME - The name of the column.
+KEY_SEQ - The sequence number of the column within the primary key.
+PK_NAME - The name of the primary key, which may be @code{null}.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getImportedKeys (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of the table's foreign keys. These are
+ returned as a @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+PKTABLE_CAT - The catalog of the table the key was imported from.
+PKTABLE_SCHEM - The schema of the table the key was imported from.
+PKTABLE_NAME - The name of the table the key was imported from.
+PKCOLUMN_NAME - The name of the column that was imported.
+FKTABLE_CAT - The foreign key catalog name.
+FKTABLE_SCHEM - The foreign key schema name.
+FKTABLE_NAME - The foreign key table name.
+FKCOLUMN_NAME - The foreign key column name.
+KEY_SEQ - The sequence number of the column within the foreign key.
+UPDATE_RULE - How the foreign key behaves when the primary key is
+ updated. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{importedNoAction}, @code{importedKeyCascade},
+ @code{importedKeySetNull}, @code{importedKeySetDefault}, or
+ @code{importedKeyRestrict}).
+DELETE_RULE - How the foreign key behaves when the primary key is
+ deleted. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{importedNoAction}, @code{importedKeyCascade},
+ @code{importedKeySetNull}, or @code{importedKeySetDefault})
+FK_NAME - The name of the foreign key.
+PK_NAME - The name of the primary key.
+DEFERRABILITY - The deferrability value. This is one of the
+ constants defined in this table (@code{importedKeyInitiallyDeferred},
+ @code{importedKeyInitiallyImmediate}, or
+ @code{importedKeyNotDeferrable}).
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getExportedKeys (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of the table's which use this table's
+ primary key as a foreign key. The information is
+ returned as a @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+PKTABLE_CAT - The catalog of the table the key was imported from.
+PKTABLE_SCHEM - The schema of the table the key was imported from.
+PKTABLE_NAME - The name of the table the key was imported from.
+PKCOLUMN_NAME - The name of the column that was imported.
+FKTABLE_CAT - The foreign key catalog name.
+FKTABLE_SCHEM - The foreign key schema name.
+FKTABLE_NAME - The foreign key table name.
+FKCOLUMN_NAME - The foreign key column name.
+KEY_SEQ - The sequence number of the column within the foreign key.
+UPDATE_RULE - How the foreign key behaves when the primary key is
+ updated. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{importedNoAction}, @code{importedKeyCascade},
+ @code{importedKeySetNull}, @code{importedKeySetDefault}, or
+ @code{importedKeyRestrict}).
+DELETE_RULE - How the foreign key behaves when the primary key is
+ deleted. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{importedNoAction}, @code{importedKeyCascade},
+ @code{importedKeySetNull}, or @code{importedKeySetDefault})
+FK_NAME - The name of the foreign key.
+PK_NAME - The name of the primary key.
+DEFERRABILITY - The deferrability value. This is one of the
+ constants defined in this table (@code{importedKeyInitiallyDeferred},
+ @code{importedKeyInitiallyImmediate}, or
+ @code{importedKeyNotDeferrable}).
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getCrossReference (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{primCatalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{primSchema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{primTable}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{forCatalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{forSchema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{forTable}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a description of how one table imports another
+ table's primary key as a foreign key. The information is
+ returned as a @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+PKTABLE_CAT - The catalog of the table the key was imported from.
+PKTABLE_SCHEM - The schema of the table the key was imported from.
+PKTABLE_NAME - The name of the table the key was imported from.
+PKCOLUMN_NAME - The name of the column that was imported.
+FKTABLE_CAT - The foreign key catalog name.
+FKTABLE_SCHEM - The foreign key schema name.
+FKTABLE_NAME - The foreign key table name.
+FKCOLUMN_NAME - The foreign key column name.
+KEY_SEQ - The sequence number of the column within the foreign key.
+UPDATE_RULE - How the foreign key behaves when the primary key is
+ updated. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{importedNoAction}, @code{importedKeyCascade},
+ @code{importedKeySetNull}, @code{importedKeySetDefault}, or
+ @code{importedKeyRestrict}).
+DELETE_RULE - How the foreign key behaves when the primary key is
+ deleted. This is one of the constants defined in this class
+ (@code{importedNoAction}, @code{importedKeyCascade},
+ @code{importedKeySetNull}, or @code{importedKeySetDefault})
+FK_NAME - The name of the foreign key.
+PK_NAME - The name of the primary key.
+DEFERRABILITY - The deferrability value. This is one of the
+ constants defined in this table (@code{importedKeyInitiallyDeferred},
+ @code{importedKeyInitiallyImmediate}, or
+ @code{importedKeyNotDeferrable}).
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getTypeInfo () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a list of the SQL types supported by this
+ database. The information is returned as a @code{ResultSet}
+ with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+TYPE_NAME - The name of the data type.
+DATA_TYPE - A data type constant from @code{Types} for this
+ type.
+PRECISION - The maximum precision of this type.
+LITERAL_PREFIX - Prefix value used to quote a literal, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+LITERAL_SUFFIX - Suffix value used to quote a literal, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+CREATE_PARAMS - The parameters used to create the type, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+NULLABLE - Whether or not this type supports NULL values. This will
+ be one of the constants defined in this interface
+ (@code{typeNoNulls}, @code{typeNullable}, or
+ @code{typeNullableUnknown}).
+CASE_SENSITIVE - Whether or not the value is case sensitive.
+SEARCHABLE - Whether or not "LIKE" expressions are supported in
+ WHERE clauses for this type. This will be one of the constants defined
+ in this interface (@code{typePredNone}, @code{typePredChar},
+ @code{typePredBasic}, or @code{typeSearchable}).
+UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE - Is the value of this type unsigned.
+FIXED_PREC_SCALE - Whether or not this type can be used for money.
+AUTO_INCREMENT - Whether or not this type supports auto-incrementing.
+LOCAL_TYPE_NAME - A localized name for this data type.
+MINIMUM_SCALE - The minimum scale supported by this type.
+MAXIMUM_SCALE - The maximum scale supported by this type.
+SQL_DATA_TYPE - Unused.
+NUM_PREC_RADIX - The radix of this data type.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getIndexInfo (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{table}, boolean@w{ }@var{unique}, boolean@w{ }@var{approx}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns information about a tables indices and statistics.
+ It is returned as a @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+TABLE_CAT - The catalog of the table, which may be @code{null}.
+TABLE_SCHEM - The schema of the table, which may be @code{null}.
+TABLE_NAME - The name of the table.
+NON_UNIQUE - Are index values non-unique?
+INDEX_QUALIFIER The index catalog, which may be @code{null}
+INDEX_NAME - The name of the index.
+TYPE - The type of index, which will be one of the constants defined
+ in this interface (@code{tableIndexStatistic},
+ @code{tableIndexClustered}, @code{tableIndexHashed}, or
+ @code{tableIndexOther}).
+ORDINAL_POSITION - The sequence number of this column in the index.
+ This will be 0 when the index type is @code{tableIndexStatistic}.
+COLUMN_NAME - The name of this column in the index.
+ASC_OR_DESC - "A" for an ascending sort sequence, "D" for a
+ descending sort sequence or @code{null} if a sort sequence is not
+ supported.
+CARDINALITY - The number of unique rows in the index, or the number
+ of rows in the table if the index type is @code{tableIndexStatistic}.
+PAGES - The number of pages used for the index, or the number of pages
+ in the table if the index type is @code{tableIndexStatistic}.
+FILTER_CONDITION - The filter condition for this index, which may be
+ @code{null}.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsResultSetType (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the datbase supports the specified
+ result type.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsResultSetConcurrency (int@w{ }@var{type}, int@w{ }@var{concur}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether the specified result set type and result set
+ concurrency type are supported by the database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} ownUpdatesAreVisible (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees its
+ own updates.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} ownDeletesAreVisible (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees its
+ own deletes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} ownInsertsAreVisible (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees its
+ own inserts.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} othersUpdatesAreVisible (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees
+ updates committed by others.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} othersDeletesAreVisible (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees
+ deletes committed by others.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} othersInsertsAreVisible (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees
+ inserts committed by others.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} updatesAreDetected (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type can detect
+ a visible update by calling the @code{rowUpdated} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} deletesAreDetected (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type can detect
+ a visible delete by calling the @code{rowUpdated} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} insertsAreDetected (int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified result set type can detect
+ a visible insert by calling the @code{rowUpdated} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public boolean} supportsBatchUpdates () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the database supports batch updates.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public ResultSet} getUDTs (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{catalog}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{schema}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{typePattern}, int[]@w{ }@var{types}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the list of user defined data types in use. These
+ are returned as a @code{ResultSet} with the following columns:
+@itemize @bullet
+TYPE_CAT - The catalog name, which may be @code{null}.
+TYPE_SCEHM - The schema name, which may be @code{null}.
+TYPE_NAME - The user defined data type name.
+CLASS_NAME - The Java class name this type maps to.
+DATA_TYPE - A type identifer from @code{Types} for this type.
+ This will be one of @code{JAVA_OBJECT}, @code{STRUCT}, or
+ @code{DISTINCT}.
+REMARKS - Comments about this data type.
+@end itemize
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DatabaseMetaData {public Connection} getConnection () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the @code{Connection} object that was used
+ to generate the metadata in this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataTruncation {public int} getIndex ()
+This method returns the index of the column or parameter that was
+ truncated.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataTruncation {public boolean} getParameter ()
+This method determines whether or not it was a parameter that was
+ truncated.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataTruncation {public boolean} getRead ()
+This method determines whether or not it was a column that was
+ truncated.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataTruncation {public int} getDataSize ()
+This method returns the original size of the parameter or column that
+ was truncated.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DataTruncation {public int} getTransferSize ()
+This method returns the size of the parameter or column after it was
+ truncated.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Date {public static Date} valueOf (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+This method returns a new instance of this class by parsing a
+ date in JDBC format into a Java date.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Date {public String} toString ()
+This method returns this date in JDBC format.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Driver {public int} getMajorVersion ()
+This method returns the major version number of the driver.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Driver {public int} getMinorVersion ()
+This method returns the minor version number of the driver.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Driver {public boolean} jdbcCompliant ()
+This method tests whether or not the driver is JDBC compliant. This
+ method should only return @code{true} if the driver has been
+ certified as JDBC compliant.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Driver {public DriverPropertyInfo} getPropertyInfo (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{url}, java.util.Properties@w{ }@var{properties}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns an array of possible properties that could be
+ used to connect to the specified database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Driver {public boolean} acceptsURL (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{url}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the driver believes it can connect to
+ the specified database. The driver should only test whether it
+ understands and accepts the URL. It should not necessarily attempt to
+ probe the database for a connection.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Driver {public Connection} connect (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{url}, java.util.Properties@w{ }@var{properties}) @*throws SQLException
+This method connects to the specified database using the connection
+ properties supplied. If the driver does not understand the database
+ URL, it should return @code{null} instead of throwing an
+ exception since the @code{DriverManager} will probe a driver
+ in this manner.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static int} getLoginTimeout ()
+This method returns the login timeout in use by JDBC drivers systemwide.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static void} setLoginTimeout (int@w{ }@var{login_timeout})
+This method set the login timeout used by JDBC drivers. This is a
+ system-wide parameter that applies to all drivers.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static PrintWriter} getLogWriter ()
+This method returns the log writer being used by all JDBC drivers.
+ This method should be used in place of the deprecated
+ @code{getLogStream} method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static void} setLogWriter (java.io.PrintWriter@w{ }@var{log_writer})
+This method sets the log writer being used by JDBC drivers. This is a
+ system-wide parameter that affects all drivers. Note that since there
+ is no way to retrieve a @code{PrintStream} from a
+ @code{PrintWriter}, this method cannot set the log stream in
+ use by JDBC. Thus any older drivers may not see this setting.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static PrintStream} getLogStream ()
+This method returns the log stream in use by JDBC.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static void} setLogStream (java.io.PrintStream@w{ }@var{log_stream})
+This method sets the log stream in use by JDBC.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static void} println (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+This method prints the specified line to the log stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static void} registerDriver (java.sql.Driver@w{ }@var{driver}) @*throws SQLException
+This method registers a new driver with the manager. This is normally
+ called by the driver itself in a static initializer.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static void} deregisterDriver (java.sql.Driver@w{ }@var{driver}) @*throws SQLException
+This method de-registers a driver from the manager.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static Enumeration} getDrivers ()
+This method returns a list of all the currently registered JDBC drivers
+ that were loaded by the current @code{ClassLoader}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static Driver} getDriver (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{url}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a driver that can connect to the specified
+ JDBC URL string. This will be selected from among drivers loaded
+ at initialization time and those drivers manually loaded by the
+ same class loader as the caller.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static Connection} getConnection (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{url}) @*throws SQLException
+This method attempts to return a connection to the specified
+ JDBC URL string.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static Connection} getConnection (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{url}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{user}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{password}) @*throws SQLException
+This method attempts to return a connection to the specified
+ JDBC URL string using the specified username and password.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod DriverManager {public static Connection} getConnection (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{url}, java.util.Properties@w{ }@var{properties}) @*throws SQLException
+This method attempts to return a connection to the specified
+ JDBC URL string using the specified connection properties.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setNull (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method populates the specified parameter with a SQL NULL value
+ for the specified type.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setNull (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{type}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method populates the specified parameter with a SQL NULL value
+ for the specified type.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setBoolean (int@w{ }@var{index}, boolean@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{boolean} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setByte (int@w{ }@var{index}, byte@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{byte} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setShort (int@w{ }@var{index}, short@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{short} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setInt (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{int} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setLong (int@w{ }@var{index}, long@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{long} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setFloat (int@w{ }@var{index}, float@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{float} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setDouble (int@w{ }@var{index}, double@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{double} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setString (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{String} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setBytes (int@w{ }@var{index}, byte[]@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{byte} array value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setBigDecimal (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.math.BigDecimal@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{java.math.BigDecimal} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setDate (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Date@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{java.sql.Date} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setDate (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Date@w{ }@var{value}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{calendar}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{java.sql.Date} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setTime (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Time@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{java.sql.Time} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setTime (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Time@w{ }@var{value}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{calendar}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{java.sql.Time} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setTimestamp (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setTimestamp (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{value}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{calendar}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setAsciiStream (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ ASCII @code{InputStream} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setUnicodeStream (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ Unicode UTF-8 @code{InputStream} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setBinaryStream (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ binary @code{InputStream} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setCharacterStream (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.io.Reader@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ character @code{Reader} value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setRef (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Ref@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{Ref} value. The default object type to SQL type mapping
+ will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setBlob (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Blob@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{Blob} value. The default object type to SQL type mapping
+ will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setClob (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Clob@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{Clob} value. The default object type to SQL type mapping
+ will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setArray (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Array@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{Array} value. The default object type to SQL type mapping
+ will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setObject (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{Object} value. The default object type to SQL type mapping
+ will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setObject (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{type}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{Object} value. The specified SQL object type will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} setObject (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{type}, int@w{ }@var{scale}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
+ @code{Object} value. The specified SQL object type will be used.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} addBatch () @*throws SQLException
+This method adds a set of parameters to the batch for JDBC 2.0.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public void} clearParameters () @*throws SQLException
+This method clears all of the input parameter that have been
+ set on this statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public ResultSetMetaData} getMetaData () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns meta data for the result set from this statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public boolean} execute () @*throws SQLException
+This method executes a prepared SQL query.
+ Some prepared statements return multiple results; the execute method
+ handles these complex statements as well as the simpler form of
+ statements handled by executeQuery and executeUpdate.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public ResultSet} executeQuery () @*throws SQLException
+This method executes a prepared SQL query and returns its ResultSet.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod PreparedStatement {public int} executeUpdate () @*throws SQLException
+This method executes an SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement. SQL
+ statements that return nothing such as SQL DDL statements can be executed.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Ref {public String} getBaseTypeName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the fully qualified name of the SQL structured
+ type of the referenced item.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} next () @*throws SQLException
+This method advances to the next row in the result set. Any streams
+ open on the current row are closed automatically.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} previous () @*throws SQLException
+This method moves the current position to the previous row in the
+ result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} close () @*throws SQLException
+This method closes the result set and frees any associated resources.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} wasNull () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether the value of the last column that was fetched
+ was actually a SQL NULL value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public String} getString (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{String}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Object} getObject (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{Object}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} getBoolean (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{boolean}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public byte} getByte (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{byte}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public short} getShort (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{short}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} getInt (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{int}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public long} getLong (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{long}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public float} getFloat (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{float}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public double} getDouble (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{double}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public BigDecimal} getBigDecimal (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{BigDecimal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public BigDecimal} getBigDecimal (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{scale}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{BigDecimal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public byte} getBytes (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ byte array.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Date} getDate (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Date}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Time} getTime (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Time}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Timestamp} getTimestamp (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public InputStream} getAsciiStream (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as an ASCII
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public InputStream} getUnicodeStream (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Unicode UTF-8
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public InputStream} getBinaryStream (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a raw byte
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Reader} getCharacterStream (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a character
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public String} getString (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{String}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Object} getObject (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{Object}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} getBoolean (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{boolean}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public byte} getByte (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{byte}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public short} getShort (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{short}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} getInt (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{int}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public long} getLong (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{long}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public float} getFloat (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{float}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public double} getDouble (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{double}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public BigDecimal} getBigDecimal (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{BigDecimal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public BigDecimal} getBigDecimal (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}, int@w{ }@var{scale}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{BigDecimal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public byte} getBytes (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ byte array.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Date} getDate (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Date}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Time} getTime (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Time}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Timestamp} getTimestamp (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public InputStream} getAsciiStream (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as an ASCII
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public InputStream} getUnicodeStream (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Unicode UTF-8
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public InputStream} getBinaryStream (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a raw byte
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Reader} getCharacterStream (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a character
+ stream. Note that all the data from this stream must be read before
+ fetching the value of any other column. Please also be aware that
+ calling @code{next()} or @code{close()} on this result set
+ will close this stream as well.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public SQLWarning} getWarnings () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the first SQL warning associated with this result
+ set. Any additional warnings will be chained to this one.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} clearWarnings () @*throws SQLException
+This method clears all warnings associated with this result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public String} getCursorName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the database cursor used by this
+ result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public ResultSetMetaData} getMetaData () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns data about the columns returned as part of the
+ result set as a @code{ResultSetMetaData} instance.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} findColumn (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{column}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the column index of the specified named column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} isBeforeFirst () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the cursor is before the first row
+ in the result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} isAfterLast () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the cursor is after the last row
+ in the result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} isFirst () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the cursor is positioned on the first
+ row in the result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} isLast () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the cursor is on the last row
+ in the result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} beforeFirst () @*throws SQLException
+This method repositions the cursor to before the first row in the
+ result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} afterLast () @*throws SQLException
+This method repositions the cursor to after the last row in the result
+ set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} first () @*throws SQLException
+This method repositions the cursor on the first row in the
+ result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} last () @*throws SQLException
+This method repositions the cursor on the last row in the result
+ set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} getRow () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the current row number in the cursor. Numbering
+ begins at index 1.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} absolute (int@w{ }@var{row}) @*throws SQLException
+This method positions the result set to the specified absolute row.
+ Positive numbers are row offsets from the beginning of the result
+ set (numbering starts from row 1) and negative numbers are row offsets
+ from the end of the result set (numbering starts from -1).
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} relative (int@w{ }@var{row}) @*throws SQLException
+This method moves the result set position relative to the current row.
+ The offset can be positive or negative.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} setFetchDirection (int@w{ }@var{direction}) @*throws SQLException
+This method provides a hint to the driver about which direction the
+ result set will be processed in.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} getFetchDirection () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the current fetch direction for this result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} setFetchSize (int@w{ }@var{rows}) @*throws SQLException
+This method provides a hint to the driver about how many rows at a
+ time it should fetch from the database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} getFetchSize () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the current number of rows that will be fetched
+ from the database at a time.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} getType () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the result set type of this result set. This will
+ be one of the TYPE_* constants defined in this interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public int} getConcurrency () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the concurrency type of this result set. This will
+ be one of the CONCUR_* constants defined in this interface.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} rowUpdated () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the current row in the result set
+ has been updated. Updates must be visible in order of this method to
+ detect the update.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} rowInserted () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the current row in the result set
+ has been inserted. Inserts must be visible in order of this method to
+ detect the insert.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public boolean} rowDeleted () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the current row in the result set
+ has been deleted. Deletes must be visible in order of this method to
+ detect the deletion.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateNull (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a NULL value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBoolean (int@w{ }@var{index}, boolean@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a boolean value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateByte (int@w{ }@var{index}, byte@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a byte value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateShort (int@w{ }@var{index}, short@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a short value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateInt (int@w{ }@var{index}, int@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have an int value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateLong (int@w{ }@var{index}, long@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a long value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateFloat (int@w{ }@var{index}, float@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a float value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateDouble (int@w{ }@var{index}, double@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a double value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBigDecimal (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.math.BigDecimal@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a BigDecimal value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateString (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a String value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBytes (int@w{ }@var{index}, byte[]@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a byte array value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateDate (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Date@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Date value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateTime (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Time@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Time value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateTimestamp (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Timestamp value.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateAsciiStream (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column from an ASCII text stream.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBinaryStream (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column from a binary stream.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateCharacterStream (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.io.Reader@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column from a character stream.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateObject (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateObject (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{scale}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateNull (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a NULL value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBoolean (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, boolean@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a boolean value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateByte (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, byte@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a byte value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateShort (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, short@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a short value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateInt (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, int@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have an int value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateLong (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, long@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a long value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateFloat (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, float@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a float value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateDouble (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, double@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a double value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBigDecimal (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.math.BigDecimal@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a BigDecimal value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateString (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a String value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBytes (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, byte[]@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a byte array value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateDate (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.sql.Date@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Date value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateTime (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.sql.Time@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Time value. This
+ does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateTimestamp (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Timestamp value.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateAsciiStream (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column from an ASCII text stream.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateBinaryStream (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column from a binary stream.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateCharacterStream (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.io.Reader@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{length}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column from a character stream.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateObject (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateObject (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{value}, int@w{ }@var{scale}) @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
+ This does not update the actual database. @code{updateRow} must be
+ called in order to do that.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} insertRow () @*throws SQLException
+This method inserts the current row into the database. The result set
+ must be positioned on the insert row in order to call this method
+ successfully.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} updateRow () @*throws SQLException
+This method updates the current row in the database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} deleteRow () @*throws SQLException
+This method deletes the current row in the database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} refreshRow () @*throws SQLException
+This method refreshes the contents of the current row from the database.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} cancelRowUpdates () @*throws SQLException
+This method cancels any changes that have been made to a row. If
+ the @code{rowUpdate} method has been called, then the changes
+ cannot be undone.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} moveToInsertRow () @*throws SQLException
+This method positions the result set to the "insert row", which allows
+ a new row to be inserted into the database from the result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public void} moveToCurrentRow () @*throws SQLException
+This method moves the result set position from the insert row back to
+ the current row that was selected prior to moving to the insert row.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Statement} getStatement () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a the @code{Statement} that was used to
+ produce this result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Object} getObject (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{Object} using the specified SQL type to Java type map.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Ref} getRef (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a @code{Ref} for the specified column which
+ represents the structured type for the column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Blob} getBlob (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a BLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Clob} getClob (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a CLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Array} getArray (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as an @code{Array}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Object} getObject (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the value of the specified column as a Java
+ @code{Object} using the specified SQL type to Java type map.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Ref} getRef (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a @code{Ref} for the specified column which
+ represents the structured type for the column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Blob} getBlob (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a BLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Clob} getClob (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a CLOB.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Array} getArray (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as an @code{Array}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Date} getDate (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{cal}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a
+ @code{java.sql.Date}. The specified @code{Calendar} is used
+ to generate a value for the date if the database does not support
+ timezones.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Time} getTime (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{cal}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a
+ @code{java.sql.Time}. The specified @code{Calendar} is used
+ to generate a value for the time if the database does not support
+ timezones.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Timestamp} getTimestamp (int@w{ }@var{index}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{cal}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp}. The specified @code{Calendar} is used
+ to generate a value for the timestamp if the database does not support
+ timezones.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Date} getDate (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{cal}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a
+ @code{java.sql.Date}. The specified @code{Calendar} is used
+ to generate a value for the date if the database does not support
+ timezones.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Time} getTime (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{cal}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a
+ @code{java.sql.Time}. The specified @code{Calendar} is used
+ to generate a value for the time if the database does not support
+ timezones.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSet {public Timestamp} getTimestamp (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}, java.util.Calendar@w{ }@var{cal}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the specified column value as a
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp}. The specified @code{Calendar} is used
+ to generate a value for the timestamp if the database does not support
+ timezones.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public int} getColumnCount () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the number of columns in the result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isAutoIncrement (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method test whether or not the column is an auto-increment column.
+ Auto-increment columns are read-only.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isCaseSensitive (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not a column is case sensitive in its values.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isSearchable (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether not the specified column can be used in
+ a WHERE clause.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isCurrency (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the column stores a monetary value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public int} isNullable (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a value indicating whether or not the specified
+ column may contain a NULL value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isSigned (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the value of the specified column
+ is signed or unsigned.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public int} getColumnDisplaySize (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum number of characters that can be used
+ to display a value in this column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public String} getColumnLabel (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns a string that should be used as a caption for this
+ column for user display purposes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public String} getColumnName (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the specified column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public String} getSchemaName (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the schema that contains the specified
+ column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public int} getPrecision (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the precision of the specified column, which is the
+ number of decimal digits it contains.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public int} getScale (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the scale of the specified column, which is the
+ number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public String} getTableName (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the table containing the specified
+ column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public String} getCatalogName (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the catalog containing the specified
+ column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public int} getColumnType (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the SQL type of the specified column. This will
+ be one of the constants from @code{Types}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public String} getColumnTypeName (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the SQL type for this column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isReadOnly (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the specified column is read only.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isWritable (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the column may be writable. This
+ does not guarantee that a write will be successful.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public boolean} isDefinitelyWritable (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the column is writable. This
+ does guarantee that a write will be successful.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod ResultSetMetaData {public String} getColumnClassName (int@w{ }@var{index}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the Java class which will be used to
+ create objects representing the data in this column.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLData {public String} getSQLTypeName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the user defined datatype name for this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLData {public void} readSQL (java.sql.SQLInput@w{ }@var{stream}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method populates the data in the object from the specified stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLData {public void} writeSQL (java.sql.SQLOutput@w{ }@var{stream}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the data in this object to the specified stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLException {public String} getSQLState ()
+This method returns the SQLState information associated with this
+ error. The value returned is a @code{String} which is formatted
+ using the XOPEN SQL state conventions.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLException {public int} getErrorCode ()
+This method returns the vendor specific error code associated with
+ this error.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLException {public SQLException} getNextException ()
+This method returns the exception that is chained to this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLException {public void} setNextException (java.sql.SQLException@w{ }@var{e})
+This method adds a new exception to the end of the chain of exceptions
+ that are chained to this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public String} readString () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{String}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public boolean} readBoolean () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{boolean}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public byte} readByte () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{byte}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public short} readShort () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{short}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public int} readInt () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{int}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public long} readLong () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{long}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public float} readFloat () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{float}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public double} readDouble () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{double}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public BigDecimal} readBigDecimal () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{BigDecimal}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public byte} readBytes () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ byte array
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Date} readDate () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Date}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Time} readTime () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Time}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Timestamp} readTimestamp () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{java.sql.Timestamp}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public InputStream} readAsciiStream () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a ASCII text
+ @code{InputStream}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public InputStream} readBinaryStream () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a binary
+ @code{InputStream}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Reader} readCharacterStream () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a character
+ @code{Reader}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Object} readObject () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java
+ @code{Object}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Ref} readRef () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java SQL
+ @code{Ref}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Blob} readBlob () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java SQL
+ @code{Blob}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Clob} readClob () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java SQL
+ @code{Clob}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public Array} readArray () @*throws SQLException
+This method reads the next item from the stream a Java SQL
+ @code{Array}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLInput {public boolean} wasNull () @*throws SQLException
+This method tests whether or not the last value read was a SQL
+ NULL value.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeString (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{String}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeBoolean (boolean@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{boolean}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeByte (byte@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{byte}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeShort (short@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{short}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeInt (int@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{int}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeLong (long@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{long}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeFloat (float@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{float}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeDouble (double@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{double}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeBigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{BigDecimal}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeBytes (byte[]@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{byte} array
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeDate (java.sql.Date@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{java.sql.Date}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeTime (java.sql.Time@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{java.sql.Time}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeTimestamp (java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{java.sql.Timestamp}
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeCharacterStream (java.io.Reader@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java character stream
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeBinaryStream (java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified uninterpreted binary byte stream
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeAsciiStream (java.io.InputStream@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified ASCII text stream
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeObject (java.sql.SQLData@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java @code{SQLData} object
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeRef (java.sql.Ref@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java SQL @code{Ref} object
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeBlob (java.sql.Blob@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java SQL @code{Blob} object
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeClob (java.sql.Clob@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java SQL @code{Clob} object
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeStruct (java.sql.Struct@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java SQL @code{Struct} object
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLOutput {public void} writeArray (java.sql.Array@w{ }@var{value}) @*throws SQLException
+This method writes the specified Java SQL @code{Array} object
+ to the SQL stream.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLWarning {public SQLWarning} getNextWarning ()
+This method returns the exception that is chained to this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod SQLWarning {public void} setNextWarning (java.sql.SQLWarning@w{ }@var{e})
+This method adds a new exception to the end of the chain of exceptions
+ that are chained to this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public ResultSet} executeQuery (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}) @*throws SQLException
+This method executes the specified SQL SELECT statement and returns a
+ (possibly empty) @code{ResultSet} with the results of the query.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} executeUpdate (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}) @*throws SQLException
+This method executes the specified SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement
+ and returns the number of rows affected, which may be 0.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} close () @*throws SQLException
+This method closes the statement and frees any associated resources.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getMaxFieldSize () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum length of any column value in bytes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} setMaxFieldSize (int@w{ }@var{maxsize}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the limit for the maximum length of any column in bytes.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getMaxRows () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the maximum possible number of rows in a result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} setMaxRows (int@w{ }@var{maxrows}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the maximum number of rows that can be present in a
+ result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} setEscapeProcessing (boolean@w{ }@var{esacpe}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the local escape processing mode on or off. The
+ default value is on.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getQueryTimeout () @*throws SQLException
+The method returns the number of seconds a statement may be in process
+ before timing out. A value of 0 means there is no timeout.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} setQueryTimeout (int@w{ }@var{timeout}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the number of seconds a statement may be in process
+ before timing out. A value of 0 means there is no timeout.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} cancel () @*throws SQLException
+This method cancels an outstanding statement, if the database supports
+ that operation.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public SQLWarning} getWarnings () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the first SQL warning attached to this statement.
+ Subsequent warnings will be chained to this one.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} clearWarnings () @*throws SQLException
+This method clears any SQL warnings that have been attached to this
+ statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} setCursorName (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name}) @*throws SQLException
+This method sets the cursor name that will be used by the result set.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public boolean} execute (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}) @*throws SQLException
+This method executes an arbitrary SQL statement of any time. The
+ methods @code{getResultSet}, @code{getMoreResults} and
+ @code{getUpdateCount} retrieve the results.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public ResultSet} getResultSet () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the result set of the SQL statement that was
+ executed. This should be called only once per result set returned.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getUpdateCount () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the update count of the SQL statement that was
+ executed. This should be called only once per executed SQL statement.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public boolean} getMoreResults () @*throws SQLException
+This method advances the result set pointer to the next result set,
+ which can then be retrieved using @code{getResultSet}
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getFetchDirection () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the current direction that the driver thinks the
+ result set will be accessed int.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} setFetchDirection (int@w{ }@var{direction}) @*throws SQLException
+This method informs the driver which direction the result set will
+ be accessed in.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getFetchSize () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the number of rows the driver believes should be
+ fetched from the database at a time.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} setFetchSize (int@w{ }@var{numrows}) @*throws SQLException
+This method informs the driver how many rows it should fetch from the
+ database at a time.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getResultSetConcurrency () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the concurrency type of the result set for this
+ statement. This will be one of the concurrency types defined in
+ @code{ResultSet}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} getResultSetType () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the result set type for this statement. This will
+ be one of the result set types defined in @code{ResultSet}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} addBatch (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{sql}) @*throws SQLException
+This method adds a SQL statement to a SQL batch. A driver is not
+ required to implement this method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public void} clearBatch () @*throws SQLException
+This method clears out any SQL statements that have been populated in
+ the current batch. A driver is not required to implement this method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public int} executeBatch () @*throws SQLException
+This method executes the SQL batch and returns an array of update
+ counts - one for each SQL statement in the batch - ordered in the same
+ order the statements were added to the batch. A driver is not required
+ to implement this method.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Statement {public Connection} getConnection () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the @code{Connection} instance that was
+ used to create this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Struct {public String} getSQLTypeName () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the name of the SQL structured type for this
+ object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Struct {public Object} getAttributes () @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the attributes of this SQL structured type.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Struct {public Object} getAttributes (java.util.Map@w{ }@var{map}) @*throws SQLException
+This method returns the attributes of this SQL structured type.
+ The specified map of type mappings overrides the default mappings.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Time {public static Time} valueOf (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+This method returns a new instance of this class by parsing a
+ date in JDBC format into a Java date.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Time {public String} toString ()
+This method returns this date in JDBC format.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public static Timestamp} valueOf (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{str})
+This method returns a new instance of this class by parsing a
+ date in JDBC format into a Java date.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public String} toString ()
+This method returns this date in JDBC format.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public int} getNanos ()
+This method returns the nanosecond value for this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public void} setNanos (int@w{ }@var{nanos})
+This method sets the nanosecond value for this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public boolean} before (java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{ts})
+This methods tests whether this object is earlier than the specified
+ object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public boolean} after (java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{ts})
+This methods tests whether this object is later than the specified
+ object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public boolean} equals (java.lang.Object@w{ }@var{obj})
+This method these the specified @code{Object} for equality
+ against this object. This will be true if an only if the specified
+ object is an instance of @code{Timestamp} and has the same
+ time value fields.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Timestamp {public boolean} equals (java.sql.Timestamp@w{ }@var{ts})
+This method tests the specified timestamp for equality against this
+ object. This will be true if and only if the specified object is
+ not @code{null} and contains all the same time value fields
+ as this object.
+@end deftypemethod