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+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN">
+<title>The Cygnus Native Interface for C++/Java Integration</title>
+<subtitle>Writing native Java methods in natural C++</subtitle>
+<corpauthor>Cygnus Solutions</corpauthor>
+<date>February, 1999</date>
+This documents CNI, the Cygnus Native Interface,
+which is is a convenient way to write Java native methods using C++.
+This is a more efficient, more convenient, but less portable
+alternative to the standard JNI (Java Native Interface).</para>
+<sect1><title>Basic Concepts</title>
+In terms of languages features, Java is mostly a subset
+of C++. Java has a few important extensions, plus a powerful standard
+class library, but on the whole that does not change the basic similarity.
+Java is a hybrid object-oriented language, with a few native types,
+in addition to class types. It is class-based, where a class may have
+static as well as per-object fields, and static as well as instance methods.
+Non-static methods may be virtual, and may be overloaded. Overloading is
+resolved at compile time by matching the actual argument types against
+the parameter types. Virtual methods are implemented using indirect calls
+through a dispatch table (virtual function table). Objects are
+allocated on the heap, and initialized using a constructor method.
+Classes are organized in a package hierarchy.
+All of the listed attributes are also true of C++, though C++ has
+extra features (for example in C++ objects may be allocated not just
+on the heap, but also statically or in a local stack frame). Because
+<acronym>gcj</acronym> uses the same compiler technology as
+<acronym>g++</acronym> (the GNU C++ compiler), it is possible
+to make the intersection of the two languages use the same
+<acronym>ABI</acronym> (object representation and calling conventions).
+The key idea in <acronym>CNI</acronym> is that Java objects are C++ objects,
+and all Java classes are C++ classes (but not the other way around).
+So the most important task in integrating Java and C++ is to
+remove gratuitous incompatibilities.
+You write CNI code as a regular C++ source file. (You do have to use
+a Java/CNI-aware C++ compiler, specifically a recent version of G++.)</para>
+You start with:
+#include &lt;cni.h&gt;
+You then include header files for the various Java classes you need
+to use:
+#include &lt;java/lang/Character.h&gt;
+#include &lt;java/util/Date.h&gt;
+#include &lt;java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.h&gt;
+In general, <acronym>CNI</acronym> functions and macros start with the
+`<literal>Jv</literal>' prefix, for example the function
+`<literal>JvNewObjectArray</literal>'. This convention is used to
+avoid conflicts with other libraries.
+Internal functions in <acronym>CNI</acronym> start with the prefix
+`<literal>_Jv_</literal>'. You should not call these;
+if you find a need to, let us know and we will try to come up with an
+alternate solution. (This manual lists <literal>_Jv_AllocBytes</literal>
+as an example; <acronym>CNI</acronym> should instead provide
+a <literal>JvAllocBytes</literal> function.)</para>
+These header files are automatically generated by <command>gcjh</command>.
+The only global names in Java are class names, and packages.
+A <firstterm>package</firstterm> can contain zero or more classes, and
+also zero or more sub-packages.
+Every class belongs to either an unnamed package or a package that
+has a hierarchical and globally unique name.
+A Java package is mapped to a C++ <firstterm>namespace</firstterm>.
+The Java class <literal>java.lang.String</literal>
+is in the package <literal>java.lang</literal>, which is a sub-package
+of <literal>java</literal>. The C++ equivalent is the
+class <literal>java::lang::String</literal>,
+which is in the namespace <literal>java::lang</literal>,
+which is in the namespace <literal>java</literal>.
+Here is how you could express this:
+// Declare the class(es), possibly in a header file:
+namespace java {
+ namespace lang {
+ class Object;
+ class String;
+ ...
+ }
+class java::lang::String : public java::lang::Object
+ ...
+The <literal>gcjh</literal> tool automatically generates the
+nessary namespace declarations.</para>
+<sect2><title>Nested classes as a substitute for namespaces</title>
+<!-- FIXME the next line reads poorly jsm -->
+It is not that long since g++ got complete namespace support,
+and it was very recent (end of February 1999) that <literal>libgcj</literal>
+was changed to uses namespaces. Releases before then used
+nested classes, which are the C++ equivalent of Java inner classes.
+They provide similar (though less convenient) functionality.
+The old syntax is:
+class java {
+ class lang {
+ class Object;
+ class String;
+ };
+The obvious difference is the use of <literal>class</literal> instead
+of <literal>namespace</literal>. The more important difference is
+that all the members of a nested class have to be declared inside
+the parent class definition, while namespaces can be defined in
+multiple places in the source. This is more convenient, since it
+corresponds more closely to how Java packages are defined.
+The main difference is in the declarations; the syntax for
+using a nested class is the same as with namespaces:
+class java::lang::String : public java::lang::Object
+{ ... }
+Note that the generated code (including name mangling)
+using nested classes is the same as that using namespaces.</para>
+<sect2><title>Leaving out package names</title>
+<!-- FIXME next line reads poorly jsm -->
+Having to always type the fully-qualified class name is verbose.
+It also makes it more difficult to change the package containing a class.
+The Java <literal>package</literal> declaration specifies that the
+following class declarations are in the named package, without having
+to explicitly name the full package qualifiers.
+The <literal>package</literal> declaration can be followed by zero or
+more <literal>import</literal> declarations, which allows either
+a single class or all the classes in a package to be named by a simple
+identifier. C++ provides something similar
+with the <literal>using</literal> declaration and directive.
+A Java simple-type-import declaration:
+import <replaceable>PackageName</replaceable>.<replaceable>TypeName</replaceable>;
+allows using <replaceable>TypeName</replaceable> as a shorthand for
+The C++ (more-or-less) equivalent is a <literal>using</literal>-declaration:
+using <replaceable>PackageName</replaceable>::<replaceable>TypeName</replaceable>;
+A Java import-on-demand declaration:
+import <replaceable>PackageName</replaceable>.*;
+allows using <replaceable>TypeName</replaceable> as a shorthand for
+The C++ (more-or-less) equivalent is a <literal>using</literal>-directive:
+using namespace <replaceable>PackageName</replaceable>;
+<sect1><title>Primitive types</title>
+Java provides 8 <quote>primitives</quote> types:
+<literal>byte</literal>, <literal>short</literal>, <literal>int</literal>,
+<literal>long</literal>, <literal>float</literal>, <literal>double</literal>,
+<literal>char</literal>, and <literal>boolean</literal>.
+These are the same as the following C++ <literal>typedef</literal>s
+(which are defined by <literal>cni.h</literal>):
+<literal>jbyte</literal>, <literal>jshort</literal>, <literal>jint</literal>,
+<literal>jlong</literal>, <literal>jfloat</literal>,
+<literal>jchar</literal>, and <literal>jboolean</literal>.
+You should use the C++ typenames
+(<ForeignPhrase><Abbrev>e.g.</Abbrev></ForeignPhrase> <literal>jint</literal>),
+and not the Java types names
+(<ForeignPhrase><Abbrev>e.g.</Abbrev></ForeignPhrase> <literal>int</literal>),
+even if they are <quote>the same</quote>.
+This is because there is no guarantee that the C++ type
+<literal>int</literal> is a 32-bit type, but <literal>jint</literal>
+<emphasis>is</emphasis> guaranteed to be a 32-bit type.
+<informaltable frame="all" colsep="1" rowsep="0">
+<tgroup cols="3">
+<entry>Java type</entry>
+<entry>C/C++ typename</entry>
+<entry>8-bit signed integer</entry>
+<entry>16-bit signed integer</entry>
+<entry>32-bit signed integer</entry>
+<entry>64-bit signed integer</entry>
+<entry>32-bit IEEE floating-point number</entry>
+<entry>64-bit IEEE floating-point number</entry>
+<entry>16-bit Unicode character</entry>
+<entry>logical (Boolean) values</entry>
+<entry>no value</entry>
+This is a macro whose argument should be the name of a primitive
+type, <ForeignPhrase><Abbrev>e.g.</Abbrev></ForeignPhrase>
+The macro expands to a pointer to the <literal>Class</literal> object
+corresponding to the primitive type.
+has the same value as the Java expression
+<literal>Void.TYPE</literal> (or <literal>void.class</literal>).
+<sect1><title>Objects and Classes</title>
+All Java classes are derived from <literal>java.lang.Object</literal>.
+C++ does not have a unique <quote>root</quote>class, but we use
+a C++ <literal>java::lang::Object</literal> as the C++ version
+of the <literal>java.lang.Object</literal> Java class. All
+other Java classes are mapped into corresponding C++ classes
+derived from <literal>java::lang::Object</literal>.</para>
+Interface inheritance (the <quote><literal>implements</literal></quote>
+keyword) is currently not reflected in the C++ mapping.</para>
+<sect2><title>Object references</title>
+We implement a Java object reference as a pointer to the start
+of the referenced object. It maps to a C++ pointer.
+(We cannot use C++ references for Java references, since
+once a C++ reference has been initialized, you cannot change it to
+point to another object.)
+The <literal>null</literal> Java reference maps to the <literal>NULL</literal>
+C++ pointer.
+Note that in some Java implementations an object reference is implemented as
+a pointer to a two-word <quote>handle</quote>. One word of the handle
+points to the fields of the object, while the other points
+to a method table. Gcj does not use this extra indirection.
+<sect2><title>Object fields</title>
+Each object contains an object header, followed by the instance
+fields of the class, in order. The object header consists of
+a single pointer to a dispatch or virtual function table.
+(There may be extra fields <quote>in front of</quote> the object,
+for example for
+memory management, but this is invisible to the application, and
+the reference to the object points to the dispatch table pointer.)
+The fields are laid out in the same order, alignment, and size
+as in C++. Specifically, 8-bite and 16-bit native types
+(<literal>byte</literal>, <literal>short</literal>, <literal>char</literal>,
+and <literal>boolean</literal>) are <emphasis>not</emphasis>
+widened to 32 bits.
+Note that the Java VM does extend 8-bit and 16-bit types to 32 bits
+when on the VM stack or temporary registers.</para>
+If you include the <literal>gcjh</literal>-generated header for a
+class, you can access fields of Java classes in the <quote>natural</quote>
+way. Given the following Java class:
+public class Int
+ public int i;
+ public Integer (int i) { this.i = i; }
+ public static zero = new Integer(0);
+you can write:
+#include &lt;cni.h&gt;
+#include &lt;Int.h&gt;
+mult (Int *p, jint k)
+ if (k == 0)
+ return Int::zero; // static member access.
+ return new Int(p->i * k);
+<acronym>CNI</acronym> does not strictly enforce the Java access
+specifiers, because Java permissions cannot be directly mapped
+into C++ permission. Private Java fields and methods are mapped
+to private C++ fields and methods, but other fields and methods
+are mapped to public fields and methods.
+While in many ways Java is similar to C and C++,
+it is quite different in its treatment of arrays.
+C arrays are based on the idea of pointer arithmetic,
+which would be incompatible with Java's security requirements.
+Java arrays are true objects (array types inherit from
+<literal>java.lang.Object</literal>). An array-valued variable
+is one that contains a reference (pointer) to an array object.
+Referencing a Java array in C++ code is done using the
+<literal>JArray</literal> template, which as defined as follows:
+class __JArray : public java::lang::Object
+ int length;
+template&lt;class T&gt;
+class JArray : public __JArray
+ T data[0];
+ T&amp; operator[](jint i) { return data[i]; }
+ <funcdef>template&lt;class T&gt; T *<function>elements</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>JArray&lt;T&gt; &amp;<parameter>array</parameter></paramdef>
+ This template function can be used to get a pointer to the
+ elements of the <parameter>array</parameter>.
+ For instance, you can fetch a pointer
+ to the integers that make up an <literal>int[]</literal> like so:
+extern jintArray foo;
+jint *intp = elements (foo);
+The name of this function may change in the future.</para>
+There are a number of typedefs which correspond to typedefs from JNI.
+Each is the type of an array holding objects of the appropriate type:
+typedef __JArray *jarray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jobject&gt; *jobjectArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jboolean&gt; *jbooleanArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jbyte&gt; *jbyteArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jchar&gt; *jcharArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jshort&gt; *jshortArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jint&gt; *jintArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jlong&gt; *jlongArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jfloat&gt; *jfloatArray;
+typedef JArray&lt;jdouble&gt; *jdoubleArray;
+ You can create an array of objects using this function:
+ <funcdef>jobjectArray <function>JvNewObjectArray</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jint <parameter>length</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef>jclass <parameter>klass</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef>jobject <parameter>init</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Here <parameter>klass</parameter> is the type of elements of the array;
+ <parameter>init</parameter> is the initial
+ value to be put into every slot in the array.
+For each primitive type there is a function which can be used
+ to create a new array holding that type. The name of the function
+ is of the form
+ `<literal>JvNew&lt;<replaceable>Type</replaceable>&gt;Array</literal>',
+ where `&lt;<replaceable>Type</replaceable>&gt;' is the name of
+ the primitive type, with its initial letter in upper-case. For
+ instance, `<literal>JvNewBooleanArray</literal>' can be used to create
+ a new array of booleans.
+ Each such function follows this example:
+ <funcdef>jbooleanArray <function>JvNewBooleanArray</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jint <parameter>length</parameter></paramdef>
+ <funcdef>jsize <function>JvGetArrayLength</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jarray <parameter>array</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Returns the length of <parameter>array</parameter>.</para>
+Java methods are mapped directly into C++ methods.
+The header files generated by <literal>gcjh</literal>
+include the appropriate method definitions.
+Basically, the generated methods have the same names and
+<quote>corresponding</quote> types as the Java methods,
+and are called in the natural manner.</para>
+Both Java and C++ provide method overloading, where multiple
+methods in a class have the same name, and the correct one is chosen
+(at compile time) depending on the argument types.
+The rules for choosing the correct method are (as expected) more complicated
+in C++ than in Java, but given a set of overloaded methods
+generated by <literal>gcjh</literal> the C++ compiler will choose
+the expected one.</para>
+Common assemblers and linkers are not aware of C++ overloading,
+so the standard implementation strategy is to encode the
+parameter types of a method into its assembly-level name.
+This encoding is called <firstterm>mangling</firstterm>,
+and the encoded name is the <firstterm>mangled name</firstterm>.
+The same mechanism is used to implement Java overloading.
+For C++/Java interoperability, it is important that both the Java
+and C++ compilers use the <emphasis>same</emphasis> encoding scheme.
+<sect2><title>Static methods</title>
+Static Java methods are invoked in <acronym>CNI</acronym> using the standard
+C++ syntax, using the `<literal>::</literal>' operator rather
+than the `<literal>.</literal>' operator. For example:
+jint i = java::lang::Math::round((jfloat) 2.3);
+<!-- FIXME this next sentence seems ungammatical jsm -->
+Defining a static native method uses standard C++ method
+definition syntax. For example:
+#include &lt;java/lang/Integer.h&gt;
+java::lang::Integer::getInteger(jstring str)
+ ...
+<sect2><title>Object Constructors</title>
+Constructors are called implicitly as part of object allocation
+using the <literal>new</literal> operator. For example:
+java::lang::Int x = new java::lang::Int(234);
+<!-- FIXME rewrite needed here, mine may not be good jsm -->
+Java does not allow a constructor to be a native method.
+Instead, you could define a private method which
+you can have the constructor call.
+<sect2><title>Instance methods</title>
+<!-- FIXME next para week, I would remove a few words from some sentences jsm -->
+Virtual method dispatch is handled essentially the same way
+in C++ and Java -- <abbrev>i.e.</abbrev> by doing an
+indirect call through a function pointer stored in a per-class virtual
+function table. C++ is more complicated because it has to support
+multiple inheritance, but this does not effect Java classes.
+However, G++ has historically used a different calling convention
+that is not compatible with the one used by <acronym>gcj</acronym>.
+During 1999, G++ will switch to a new ABI that is compatible with
+<acronym>gcj</acronym>. Some platforms (including Linux) have already
+changed. On other platforms, you will have to pass
+the <literal>-fvtable-thunks</literal> flag to g++ when
+compiling <acronym>CNI</acronym> code.
+Calling a Java instance method in <acronym>CNI</acronym> is done
+using the standard C++ syntax. For example:
+ java::lang::Number *x;
+ if (x-&gt;doubleValue() &gt; 0.0) ...
+Defining a Java native instance method is also done the natural way:
+#include &lt;java/lang/Integer.h&gt;
+ return (jdouble) value;
+<sect2><title>Interface method calls</title>
+In Java you can call a method using an interface reference.
+This is not yet supported in <acronym>CNI</acronym>.</para>
+<sect1><title>Object allocation</title>
+New Java objects are allocated using a
+new <replaceable>Type</replaceable> ( <replaceable>arguments</replaceable> )
+The same syntax is used in C++. The main difference is that
+C++ objects have to be explicitly deleted; in Java they are
+automatically deleted by the garbage collector.
+Using <acronym>CNI</acronym>, you can allocate a new object
+using standard C++ syntax. The C++ compiler is smart enough to
+realize the class is a Java class, and hence it needs to allocate
+memory from the garbage collector. If you have overloaded
+constructors, the compiler will choose the correct one
+using standard C++ overload resolution rules. For example:
+java::util::Hashtable *ht = new java::util::Hashtable(120);
+ <funcdef>void *<function>_Jv_AllocBytes</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jsize <parameter>size</parameter></paramdef>
+ Allocate <parameter>size</parameter> bytes. This memory is not
+ scanned by the garbage collector. However, it will be freed by
+the GC if no references to it are discovered.
+A Java class can <firstterm>implement</firstterm> zero or more
+<firstterm>interfaces</firstterm>, in addition to inheriting from
+a single base class.
+An interface is a collection of constants and method specifications;
+it is similar to the <firstterm>signatures</firstterm> available
+as a G++ extension. An interface provides a subset of the
+functionality of C++ abstract virtual base classes, but they
+are currently implemented differently.
+CNI does not currently provide any support for interfaces,
+or calling methods from an interface pointer.
+This is partly because we are planning to re-do how
+interfaces are implemented in <acronym>gcj</acronym>.
+<acronym>CNI</acronym> provides a number of utility functions for
+working with Java <literal>String</literal> objects.
+The names and interfaces are analogous to those of <acronym>JNI</acronym>.
+ <funcdef>jstring <function>JvNewString</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>const jchar *<parameter>chars</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef>jsize <parameter>len</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Creates a new Java String object, where
+ <parameter>chars</parameter> are the contents, and
+ <parameter>len</parameter> is the number of characters.
+ <funcdef>jstring <function>JvNewStringLatin1</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>const char *<parameter>bytes</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef>jsize <parameter>len</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Creates a new Java String object, where <parameter>bytes</parameter>
+ are the Latin-1 encoded
+ characters, and <parameter>len</parameter> is the length of
+ <parameter>bytes</parameter>, in bytes.
+ <funcdef>jstring <function>JvNewStringLatin1</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>const char *<parameter>bytes</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Like the first JvNewStringLatin1, but computes <parameter>len</parameter>
+ using <literal>strlen</literal>.
+ <funcdef>jstring <function>JvNewStringUTF</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>const char *<parameter>bytes</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Creates a new Java String object, where <parameter>bytes</parameter> are
+ the UTF-8 encoded characters of the string, terminated by a null byte.
+ <funcdef>jchar *<function>JvGetStringChars</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jstring <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Returns a pointer to the array of characters which make up a string.
+ <funcdef> int <function>JvGetStringUTFLength</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jstring <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ Returns number of bytes required to encode contents
+ of <parameter>str</parameter> as UTF-8.
+ <funcdef> jsize <function>JvGetStringUTFRegion</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jstring <parameter>str</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef>jsize <parameter>start</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef>jsize <parameter>len</parameter></paramdef>
+ <paramdef>char *<parameter>buf</parameter></paramdef>
+ </funcsynopsis>
+ This puts the UTF-8 encoding of a region of the
+ string <parameter>str</parameter> into
+ the buffer <parameter>buf</parameter>.
+ The region of the string to fetch is specifued by
+ <parameter>start</parameter> and <parameter>len</parameter>.
+ It is assumed that <parameter>buf</parameter> is big enough
+ to hold the result. Note
+ that <parameter>buf</parameter> is <emphasis>not</emphasis> null-terminated.
+<sect1><title>Class Initialization</title>
+Java requires that each class be automatically initialized at the time
+of the first active use. Initializing a class involves
+initializing the static fields, running code in class initializer
+methods, and initializing base classes. There may also be
+some implementation specific actions, such as allocating
+<classname>String</classname> objects corresponding to string literals in
+the code.</para>
+The Gcj compiler inserts calls to <literal>JvInitClass</literal> (actually
+<literal>_Jv_InitClass</literal>) at appropriate places to ensure that a
+class is initialized when required. The C++ compiler does not
+insert these calls automatically - it is the programmer's
+responsibility to make sure classes are initialized. However,
+this is fairly painless because of the conventions assumed by the Java
+First, <literal>libgcj</literal> will make sure a class is initialized
+before an instance of that object is created. This is one
+of the responsibilities of the <literal>new</literal> operation. This is
+taken care of both in Java code, and in C++ code. (When the G++
+compiler sees a <literal>new</literal> of a Java class, it will call
+a routine in <literal>libgcj</literal> to allocate the object, and that
+routine will take care of initializing the class.) It follows that you can
+access an instance field, or call an instance (non-static)
+method and be safe in the knowledge that the class and all
+of its base classes have been initialized.</para>
+Invoking a static method is also safe. This is because the
+Java compiler adds code to the start of a static method to make sure
+the class is initialized. However, the C++ compiler does not
+add this extra code. Hence, if you write a native static method
+using CNI, you are responsible for calling <literal>JvInitClass</literal>
+before doing anything else in the method (unless you are sure
+it is safe to leave it out).</para>
+Accessing a static field also requires the class of the
+field to be initialized. The Java compiler will generate code
+to call <literal>_Jv_InitClass</literal> before getting or setting the field.
+However, the C++ compiler will not generate this extra code,
+so it is your responsibility to make sure the class is
+initialized before you access a static field.</para>
+<sect1><title>Exception Handling</title>
+While C++ and Java share a common exception handling framework,
+things are not quite as integrated as we would like, yet.
+The main issue is the incompatible exception <emphasis>values</emphasis>,
+and that the <quote>run-time type information</quote> facilities of the
+two languages are not integrated.</para>
+Basically, this means that you cannot in C++ catch an exception
+value (<classname>Throwable</classname>) thrown from Java code, nor
+can you use <literal>throw</literal> on a Java exception value from C++ code,
+and expect to be able to catch it in Java code.
+We do intend to change this.</para>
+You can throw a Java exception from C++ code by using
+the <literal>JvThrow</literal> <acronym>CNI</acronym> function.
+ <funcdef>void <function>JvThrow</function></funcdef>
+ <paramdef>jobject <parameter>obj</parameter></paramdef>
+ Throws an exception <parameter>obj</parameter>, in a way compatible
+with the Java exception-handling functions.
+ The class of <parameter>obj</parameter> must be a subclass of
+ <literal>Throwable</literal>.
+Here is an example:
+if (i >= count)
+ JvThrow (new java::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException());
+Each Java object has an implicit monitor.
+The Java VM uses the instruction <literal>monitorenter</literal> to acquire
+and lock a monitor, and <literal>monitorexit</literal> to release it.
+The JNI has corresponding methods <literal>MonitorEnter</literal>
+and <literal>MonitorExit</literal>. The corresponding CNI macros
+are <literal>JvMonitorEnter</literal> and <literal>JvMonitorExit</literal>.
+The Java source language does not provide direct access to these primitives.
+Instead, there is a <literal>synchronized</literal> statement that does an
+implicit <literal>monitorenter</literal> before entry to the block,
+and does a <literal>monitorexit</literal> on exit from the block.
+Note that the lock has to be released even the block is abnormally
+terminated by an exception, which means there is an implicit
+From C++, it makes sense to use a destructor to release a lock.
+CNI defines the following utility class.
+class JvSynchronize() {
+ jobject obj;
+ JvSynchronize(jobject o) { obj = o; JvMonitorEnter(o); }
+ ~JvSynchronize() { JvMonitorExit(obj); }
+The equivalent of Java's:
+synchronized (OBJ) { CODE; }
+can be simply expressed:
+{ JvSynchronize dummy(OBJ); CODE; }
+Java also has methods with the <literal>synchronized</literal> attribute.
+This is equivalent to wrapping the entire method body in a
+<literal>synchronized</literal> statement.
+(Alternatively, an implementation could require the caller to do
+the synchronization. This is not practical for a compiler, because
+each virtual method call would have to test at run-time if
+synchronization is needed.) Since in <literal>gcj</literal>
+the <literal>synchronized</literal> attribute is handled by the
+method implementation, it is up to the programmer
+of a synchronized native method to handle the synchronization
+(in the C++ implementation of the method).
+In otherwords, you need to manually add <literal>JvSynchronize</literal>
+in a <literal>native synchornized</literal> method.</para>
+<para>The types <literal>jfieldID</literal> and <literal>jmethodID</literal>
+are as in JNI.</para>
+The function <literal>JvFromReflectedField</literal>,
+<literal>JvToReflectedField</literal>, and
+<literal>JvToFromReflectedMethod</literal> (as in Java 2 JNI)
+will be added shortly, as will other functions corresponding to JNI.</para>
+<sect1><title>Using gcjh</title>
+ The <command>gcjh</command> is used to generate C++ header files from
+ Java class files. By default, <command>gcjh</command> generates
+ a relatively straightforward C++ header file. However, there
+ are a few caveats to its use, and a few options which can be
+ used to change how it operates:
+<term><literal>--classpath</literal> <replaceable>path</replaceable></term>
+<term><literal>--CLASSPATH</literal> <replaceable>path</replaceable></term>
+<term><literal>-I</literal> <replaceable>dir</replaceable></term>
+ These options can be used to set the class path for gcjh.
+ Gcjh searches the class path the same way the compiler does;
+ these options have their familiar meanings.</para>
+<term><literal>-d <replaceable>directory</replaceable></literal></term>
+Puts the generated <literal>.h</literal> files
+beneath <replaceable>directory</replaceable>.</para>
+<term><literal>-o <replaceable>file</replaceable></literal></term>
+ Sets the name of the <literal>.h</literal> file to be generated.
+ By default the <literal>.h</literal> file is named after the class.
+ This option only really makes sense if just a single class file
+ is specified.</para>
+ gcjh will print information to stderr as it works.</para>
+ These options can be used to generate dependency information
+ for the generated header file. They work the same way as the
+ corresponding compiler options.</para>
+<term><literal>-prepend <replaceable>text</replaceable></literal></term>
+This causes the <replaceable>text</replaceable> to be put into the generated
+ header just after class declarations (but before declaration
+ of the current class). This option should be used with caution.</para>
+<term><literal>-friend <replaceable>text</replaceable></literal></term>
+This causes the <replaceable>text</replaceable> to be put into the class
+declaration after a <literal>friend</literal> keyword.
+This can be used to declare some
+ other class or function to be a friend of this class.
+ This option should be used with caution.</para>
+<term><literal>-add <replaceable>text</replaceable></literal></term>
+The <replaceable>text</replaceable> is inserted into the class declaration.
+This option should be used with caution.</para>
+<term><literal>-append <replaceable>text</replaceable></literal></term>
+The <replaceable>text</replaceable> is inserted into the header file
+after the class declaration. One use for this is to generate
+inline functions. This option should be used with caution.
+All other options not beginning with a <literal>-</literal> are treated
+as the names of classes for which headers should be generated.</para>
+gcjh will generate all the required namespace declarations and
+<literal>#include</literal>'s for the header file.
+In some situations, gcjh will generate simple inline member functions.</para>
+There are a few cases where gcjh will fail to work properly:</para>
+gcjh assumes that all the methods and fields of a class have ASCII
+names. The C++ compiler cannot correctly handle non-ASCII
+identifiers. gcjh does not currently diagnose this problem.</para>
+gcjh also cannot fully handle classes where a field and a method have
+the same name. If the field is static, an error will result.
+Otherwise, the field will be renamed in the generated header; `__'
+will be appended to the field name.</para>
+Eventually we hope to change the C++ compiler so that these
+restrictions can be lifted.</para>