path: root/libgo/go/strings
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Diffstat (limited to 'libgo/go/strings')
6 files changed, 999 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/strings/export_test.go b/libgo/go/strings/export_test.go
index dcfec51..17c806a 100644
--- a/libgo/go/strings/export_test.go
+++ b/libgo/go/strings/export_test.go
@@ -7,3 +7,39 @@ package strings
func (r *Replacer) Replacer() interface{} {
return r.r
+func (r *Replacer) PrintTrie() string {
+ gen := r.r.(*genericReplacer)
+ return gen.printNode(&gen.root, 0)
+func (r *genericReplacer) printNode(t *trieNode, depth int) (s string) {
+ if t.priority > 0 {
+ s += "+"
+ } else {
+ s += "-"
+ }
+ s += "\n"
+ if t.prefix != "" {
+ s += Repeat(".", depth) + t.prefix
+ s += r.printNode(t.next, depth+len(t.prefix))
+ } else if t.table != nil {
+ for b, m := range r.mapping {
+ if int(m) != r.tableSize && t.table[m] != nil {
+ s += Repeat(".", depth) + string([]byte{byte(b)})
+ s += r.printNode(t.table[m], depth+1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func StringFind(pattern, text string) int {
+ return makeStringFinder(pattern).next(text)
+func DumpTables(pattern string) ([]int, []int) {
+ finder := makeStringFinder(pattern)
+ return finder.badCharSkip[:], finder.goodSuffixSkip
diff --git a/libgo/go/strings/replace.go b/libgo/go/strings/replace.go
index f53a96e..f63b179 100644
--- a/libgo/go/strings/replace.go
+++ b/libgo/go/strings/replace.go
@@ -33,47 +33,45 @@ func NewReplacer(oldnew ...string) *Replacer {
panic("strings.NewReplacer: odd argument count")
- // Possible implementations.
- var (
- bb byteReplacer
- bs byteStringReplacer
- gen genericReplacer
- )
- allOldBytes, allNewBytes := true, true
- for len(oldnew) > 0 {
- old, new := oldnew[0], oldnew[1]
- oldnew = oldnew[2:]
- if len(old) != 1 {
- allOldBytes = false
+ if len(oldnew) == 2 && len(oldnew[0]) > 1 {
+ return &Replacer{r: makeSingleStringReplacer(oldnew[0], oldnew[1])}
+ }
+ allNewBytes := true
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ if len(oldnew[i]) != 1 {
+ return &Replacer{r: makeGenericReplacer(oldnew)}
- if len(new) != 1 {
+ if len(oldnew[i+1]) != 1 {
allNewBytes = false
+ }
- // generic
- gen.p = append(gen.p, pair{old, new})
- // byte -> string
- if allOldBytes {
- bs.old.set(old[0])
- bs.new[old[0]] = []byte(new)
- }
- // byte -> byte
- if allOldBytes && allNewBytes {
- bb.old.set(old[0])
- bb.new[old[0]] = new[0]
+ if allNewBytes {
+ bb := &byteReplacer{}
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ o, n := oldnew[i][0], oldnew[i+1][0]
+ if bb.old[o>>5]&uint32(1<<(o&31)) != 0 {
+ // Later old->new maps do not override previous ones with the same old string.
+ continue
+ }
+ bb.old.set(o)
+ bb.new[o] = n
+ return &Replacer{r: bb}
- if allOldBytes && allNewBytes {
- return &Replacer{r: &bb}
- }
- if allOldBytes {
- return &Replacer{r: &bs}
+ bs := &byteStringReplacer{}
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ o, new := oldnew[i][0], oldnew[i+1]
+ if bs.old[o>>5]&uint32(1<<(o&31)) != 0 {
+ // Later old->new maps do not override previous ones with the same old string.
+ continue
+ }
+ bs.old.set(o)
+ bs.new[o] = []byte(new)
- return &Replacer{r: &gen}
+ return &Replacer{r: bs}
// Replace returns a copy of s with all replacements performed.
@@ -86,79 +84,326 @@ func (r *Replacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
return r.r.WriteString(w, s)
-// genericReplacer is the fully generic (and least optimized) algorithm.
+// trieNode is a node in a lookup trie for prioritized key/value pairs. Keys
+// and values may be empty. For example, the trie containing keys "ax", "ay",
+// "bcbc", "x" and "xy" could have eight nodes:
+// n0 -
+// n1 a-
+// n2 .x+
+// n3 .y+
+// n4 b-
+// n5 .cbc+
+// n6 x+
+// n7 .y+
+// n0 is the root node, and its children are n1, n4 and n6; n1's children are
+// n2 and n3; n4's child is n5; n6's child is n7. Nodes n0, n1 and n4 (marked
+// with a trailing "-") are partial keys, and nodes n2, n3, n5, n6 and n7
+// (marked with a trailing "+") are complete keys.
+type trieNode struct {
+ // value is the value of the trie node's key/value pair. It is empty if
+ // this node is not a complete key.
+ value string
+ // priority is the priority (higher is more important) of the trie node's
+ // key/value pair; keys are not necessarily matched shortest- or longest-
+ // first. Priority is positive if this node is a complete key, and zero
+ // otherwise. In the example above, positive/zero priorities are marked
+ // with a trailing "+" or "-".
+ priority int
+ // A trie node may have zero, one or more child nodes:
+ // * if the remaining fields are zero, there are no children.
+ // * if prefix and next are non-zero, there is one child in next.
+ // * if table is non-zero, it defines all the children.
+ //
+ // Prefixes are preferred over tables when there is one child, but the
+ // root node always uses a table for lookup efficiency.
+ // prefix is the difference in keys between this trie node and the next.
+ // In the example above, node n4 has prefix "cbc" and n4's next node is n5.
+ // Node n5 has no children and so has zero prefix, next and table fields.
+ prefix string
+ next *trieNode
+ // table is a lookup table indexed by the next byte in the key, after
+ // remapping that byte through genericReplacer.mapping to create a dense
+ // index. In the example above, the keys only use 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x' and
+ // 'y', which remap to 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. All other bytes remap to 5, and
+ // genericReplacer.tableSize will be 5. Node n0's table will be
+ // []*trieNode{ 0:n1, 1:n4, 3:n6 }, where the 0, 1 and 3 are the remapped
+ // 'a', 'b' and 'x'.
+ table []*trieNode
+func (t *trieNode) add(key, val string, priority int, r *genericReplacer) {
+ if key == "" {
+ if t.priority == 0 {
+ t.value = val
+ t.priority = priority
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if t.prefix != "" {
+ // Need to split the prefix among multiple nodes.
+ var n int // length of the longest common prefix
+ for ; n < len(t.prefix) && n < len(key); n++ {
+ if t.prefix[n] != key[n] {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if n == len(t.prefix) {
+ t.next.add(key[n:], val, priority, r)
+ } else if n == 0 {
+ // First byte differs, start a new lookup table here. Looking up
+ // what is currently t.prefix[0] will lead to prefixNode, and
+ // looking up key[0] will lead to keyNode.
+ var prefixNode *trieNode
+ if len(t.prefix) == 1 {
+ prefixNode = t.next
+ } else {
+ prefixNode = &trieNode{
+ prefix: t.prefix[1:],
+ next: t.next,
+ }
+ }
+ keyNode := new(trieNode)
+ t.table = make([]*trieNode, r.tableSize)
+ t.table[r.mapping[t.prefix[0]]] = prefixNode
+ t.table[r.mapping[key[0]]] = keyNode
+ t.prefix = ""
+ t.next = nil
+ keyNode.add(key[1:], val, priority, r)
+ } else {
+ // Insert new node after the common section of the prefix.
+ next := &trieNode{
+ prefix: t.prefix[n:],
+ next: t.next,
+ }
+ t.prefix = t.prefix[:n]
+ t.next = next
+ next.add(key[n:], val, priority, r)
+ }
+ } else if t.table != nil {
+ // Insert into existing table.
+ m := r.mapping[key[0]]
+ if t.table[m] == nil {
+ t.table[m] = new(trieNode)
+ }
+ t.table[m].add(key[1:], val, priority, r)
+ } else {
+ t.prefix = key
+ t.next = new(trieNode)
+ t.next.add("", val, priority, r)
+ }
+func (r *genericReplacer) lookup(s string, ignoreRoot bool) (val string, keylen int, found bool) {
+ // Iterate down the trie to the end, and grab the value and keylen with
+ // the highest priority.
+ bestPriority := 0
+ node := &r.root
+ n := 0
+ for node != nil {
+ if node.priority > bestPriority && !(ignoreRoot && node == &r.root) {
+ bestPriority = node.priority
+ val = node.value
+ keylen = n
+ found = true
+ }
+ if s == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ if node.table != nil {
+ index := r.mapping[s[0]]
+ if int(index) == r.tableSize {
+ break
+ }
+ node = node.table[index]
+ s = s[1:]
+ n++
+ } else if node.prefix != "" && HasPrefix(s, node.prefix) {
+ n += len(node.prefix)
+ s = s[len(node.prefix):]
+ node = node.next
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// genericReplacer is the fully generic algorithm.
// It's used as a fallback when nothing faster can be used.
type genericReplacer struct {
- p []pair
+ root trieNode
+ // tableSize is the size of a trie node's lookup table. It is the number
+ // of unique key bytes.
+ tableSize int
+ // mapping maps from key bytes to a dense index for trieNode.table.
+ mapping [256]byte
-type pair struct{ old, new string }
+func makeGenericReplacer(oldnew []string) *genericReplacer {
+ r := new(genericReplacer)
+ // Find each byte used, then assign them each an index.
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ key := oldnew[i]
+ for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {
+ r.mapping[key[j]] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ for _, b := range r.mapping {
+ r.tableSize += int(b)
+ }
+ var index byte
+ for i, b := range r.mapping {
+ if b == 0 {
+ r.mapping[i] = byte(r.tableSize)
+ } else {
+ r.mapping[i] = index
+ index++
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure root node uses a lookup table (for performance).
+ r.root.table = make([]*trieNode, r.tableSize)
-type appendSliceWriter struct {
- b []byte
+ for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2 {
+ r.root.add(oldnew[i], oldnew[i+1], len(oldnew)-i, r)
+ }
+ return r
+type appendSliceWriter []byte
+// Write writes to the buffer to satisfy io.Writer.
func (w *appendSliceWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
- w.b = append(w.b, p...)
+ *w = append(*w, p...)
return len(p), nil
+// WriteString writes to the buffer without string->[]byte->string allocations.
+func (w *appendSliceWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
+ *w = append(*w, s...)
+ return len(s), nil
+type stringWriterIface interface {
+ WriteString(string) (int, error)
+type stringWriter struct {
+ w io.Writer
+func (w stringWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
+ return w.w.Write([]byte(s))
+func getStringWriter(w io.Writer) stringWriterIface {
+ sw, ok := w.(stringWriterIface)
+ if !ok {
+ sw = stringWriter{w}
+ }
+ return sw
func (r *genericReplacer) Replace(s string) string {
- // TODO(bradfitz): optimized version
- n, _ := r.WriteString(discard, s)
- w := appendSliceWriter{make([]byte, 0, n)}
- r.WriteString(&w, s)
- return string(w.b)
+ buf := make(appendSliceWriter, 0, len(s))
+ r.WriteString(&buf, s)
+ return string(buf)
func (r *genericReplacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
- lastEmpty := false // the last replacement was of the empty string
- // TODO(bradfitz): optimized version
- for i := 0; i < len(s); {
- for _, p := range r.p {
- if p.old == "" && lastEmpty {
- // Don't let old match twice in a row.
- // (it doesn't advance the input and
- // would otherwise loop forever)
- continue
+ sw := getStringWriter(w)
+ var last, wn int
+ var prevMatchEmpty bool
+ for i := 0; i <= len(s); {
+ // Ignore the empty match iff the previous loop found the empty match.
+ val, keylen, match := r.lookup(s[i:], prevMatchEmpty)
+ prevMatchEmpty = match && keylen == 0
+ if match {
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[last:i])
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
- if HasPrefix(s[i:], p.old) {
- if p.new != "" {
- wn, err := w.Write([]byte(p.new))
- n += wn
- if err != nil {
- return n, err
- }
- }
- i += len(p.old)
- lastEmpty = p.old == ""
- continue Input
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(val)
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
- }
- wn, err := w.Write([]byte{s[i]})
- n += wn
- if err != nil {
- return n, err
+ i += keylen
+ last = i
+ continue
+ if last != len(s) {
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[last:])
+ n += wn
+ }
+ return
- // Final empty match at end.
- for _, p := range r.p {
- if p.old == "" {
- if p.new != "" {
- wn, err := w.Write([]byte(p.new))
- n += wn
- if err != nil {
- return n, err
- }
- }
+// singleStringReplacer is the implementation that's used when there is only
+// one string to replace (and that string has more than one byte).
+type singleStringReplacer struct {
+ finder *stringFinder
+ // value is the new string that replaces that pattern when it's found.
+ value string
+func makeSingleStringReplacer(pattern string, value string) *singleStringReplacer {
+ return &singleStringReplacer{finder: makeStringFinder(pattern), value: value}
+func (r *singleStringReplacer) Replace(s string) string {
+ var buf []byte
+ i := 0
+ for {
+ match := r.finder.next(s[i:])
+ if match == -1 {
+ buf = append(buf, s[i:i+match]...)
+ buf = append(buf, r.value...)
+ i += match + len(r.finder.pattern)
+ }
+ if buf == nil {
+ return s
+ buf = append(buf, s[i:]...)
+ return string(buf)
- return n, nil
+func (r *singleStringReplacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
+ sw := getStringWriter(w)
+ var i, wn int
+ for {
+ match := r.finder.next(s[i:])
+ if match == -1 {
+ break
+ }
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[i : i+match])
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(r.value)
+ n += wn
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ i += match + len(r.finder.pattern)
+ }
+ wn, err = sw.WriteString(s[i:])
+ n += wn
+ return
// byteReplacer is the implementation that's used when all the "old"
@@ -301,12 +546,3 @@ func (r *byteStringReplacer) WriteString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err erro
return n, nil
-// strings is too low-level to import io/ioutil
-var discard io.Writer = devNull(0)
-type devNull int
-func (devNull) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
- return len(p), nil
diff --git a/libgo/go/strings/replace_test.go b/libgo/go/strings/replace_test.go
index 23c7e2e..d33dea9 100644
--- a/libgo/go/strings/replace_test.go
+++ b/libgo/go/strings/replace_test.go
@@ -7,105 +7,390 @@ package strings_test
import (
- "log"
. "strings"
-var _ = log.Printf
-type ReplacerTest struct {
- r *Replacer
- in string
- out string
+var htmlEscaper = NewReplacer(
+ "&", "&amp;",
+ "<", "&lt;",
+ ">", "&gt;",
+ `"`, "&quot;",
+ "'", "&apos;",
-var htmlEscaper = NewReplacer("&", "&amp;", "<", "&lt;", ">", "&gt;", "\"", "&quot;")
+var htmlUnescaper = NewReplacer(
+ "&amp;", "&",
+ "&lt;", "<",
+ "&gt;", ">",
+ "&quot;", `"`,
+ "&apos;", "'",
// The http package's old HTML escaping function.
-func oldhtmlEscape(s string) string {
+func oldHTMLEscape(s string) string {
s = Replace(s, "&", "&amp;", -1)
s = Replace(s, "<", "&lt;", -1)
s = Replace(s, ">", "&gt;", -1)
- s = Replace(s, "\"", "&quot;", -1)
+ s = Replace(s, `"`, "&quot;", -1)
s = Replace(s, "'", "&apos;", -1)
return s
-var replacer = NewReplacer("aaa", "3[aaa]", "aa", "2[aa]", "a", "1[a]", "i", "i",
- "longerst", "most long", "longer", "medium", "long", "short",
- "X", "Y", "Y", "Z")
var capitalLetters = NewReplacer("a", "A", "b", "B")
-var blankToXReplacer = NewReplacer("", "X", "o", "O")
+// TestReplacer tests the replacer implementations.
+func TestReplacer(t *testing.T) {
+ type testCase struct {
+ r *Replacer
+ in, out string
+ }
+ var testCases []testCase
-var ReplacerTests = []ReplacerTest{
- // byte->string
- {htmlEscaper, "No changes", "No changes"},
- {htmlEscaper, "I <3 escaping & stuff", "I &lt;3 escaping &amp; stuff"},
- {htmlEscaper, "&&&", "&amp;&amp;&amp;"},
+ // str converts 0xff to "\xff". This isn't just string(b) since that converts to UTF-8.
+ str := func(b byte) string {
+ return string([]byte{b})
+ }
+ var s []string
- // generic
- {replacer, "fooaaabar", "foo3[aaa]b1[a]r"},
- {replacer, "long, longerst, longer", "short, most long, medium"},
- {replacer, "XiX", "YiY"},
+ // inc maps "\x00"->"\x01", ..., "a"->"b", "b"->"c", ..., "\xff"->"\x00".
+ s = nil
+ for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
+ s = append(s, str(byte(i)), str(byte(i+1)))
+ }
+ inc := NewReplacer(s...)
- // byte->byte
- {capitalLetters, "brad", "BrAd"},
- {capitalLetters, Repeat("a", (32<<10)+123), Repeat("A", (32<<10)+123)},
+ // Test cases with 1-byte old strings, 1-byte new strings.
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{capitalLetters, "brad", "BrAd"},
+ testCase{capitalLetters, Repeat("a", (32<<10)+123), Repeat("A", (32<<10)+123)},
+ testCase{capitalLetters, "", ""},
- // hitting "" special case
- {blankToXReplacer, "oo", "XOXOX"},
+ testCase{inc, "brad", "csbe"},
+ testCase{inc, "\x00\xff", "\x01\x00"},
+ testCase{inc, "", ""},
-func TestReplacer(t *testing.T) {
- for i, tt := range ReplacerTests {
- if s := tt.r.Replace(tt.in); s != tt.out {
- t.Errorf("%d. Replace(%q) = %q, want %q", i, tt.in, s, tt.out)
+ testCase{NewReplacer("a", "1", "a", "2"), "brad", "br1d"},
+ )
+ // repeat maps "a"->"a", "b"->"bb", "c"->"ccc", ...
+ s = nil
+ for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
+ n := i + 1 - 'a'
+ if n < 1 {
+ n = 1
+ }
+ s = append(s, str(byte(i)), Repeat(str(byte(i)), n))
+ }
+ repeat := NewReplacer(s...)
+ // Test cases with 1-byte old strings, variable length new strings.
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{htmlEscaper, "No changes", "No changes"},
+ testCase{htmlEscaper, "I <3 escaping & stuff", "I &lt;3 escaping &amp; stuff"},
+ testCase{htmlEscaper, "&&&", "&amp;&amp;&amp;"},
+ testCase{htmlEscaper, "", ""},
+ testCase{repeat, "brad", "bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrradddd"},
+ testCase{repeat, "abba", "abbbba"},
+ testCase{repeat, "", ""},
+ testCase{NewReplacer("a", "11", "a", "22"), "brad", "br11d"},
+ )
+ // The remaining test cases have variable length old strings.
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{htmlUnescaper, "&amp;amp;", "&amp;"},
+ testCase{htmlUnescaper, "&lt;b&gt;HTML&apos;s neat&lt;/b&gt;", "<b>HTML's neat</b>"},
+ testCase{htmlUnescaper, "", ""},
+ testCase{NewReplacer("a", "1", "a", "2", "xxx", "xxx"), "brad", "br1d"},
+ testCase{NewReplacer("a", "1", "aa", "2", "aaa", "3"), "aaaa", "1111"},
+ testCase{NewReplacer("aaa", "3", "aa", "2", "a", "1"), "aaaa", "31"},
+ )
+ // gen1 has multiple old strings of variable length. There is no
+ // overall non-empty common prefix, but some pairwise common prefixes.
+ gen1 := NewReplacer(
+ "aaa", "3[aaa]",
+ "aa", "2[aa]",
+ "a", "1[a]",
+ "i", "i",
+ "longerst", "most long",
+ "longer", "medium",
+ "long", "short",
+ "xx", "xx",
+ "x", "X",
+ "X", "Y",
+ "Y", "Z",
+ )
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{gen1, "fooaaabar", "foo3[aaa]b1[a]r"},
+ testCase{gen1, "long, longerst, longer", "short, most long, medium"},
+ testCase{gen1, "xxxxx", "xxxxX"},
+ testCase{gen1, "XiX", "YiY"},
+ testCase{gen1, "", ""},
+ )
+ // gen2 has multiple old strings with no pairwise common prefix.
+ gen2 := NewReplacer(
+ "roses", "red",
+ "violets", "blue",
+ "sugar", "sweet",
+ )
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{gen2, "roses are red, violets are blue...", "red are red, blue are blue..."},
+ testCase{gen2, "", ""},
+ )
+ // gen3 has multiple old strings with an overall common prefix.
+ gen3 := NewReplacer(
+ "abracadabra", "poof",
+ "abracadabrakazam", "splat",
+ "abraham", "lincoln",
+ "abrasion", "scrape",
+ "abraham", "isaac",
+ )
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{gen3, "abracadabrakazam abraham", "poofkazam lincoln"},
+ testCase{gen3, "abrasion abracad", "scrape abracad"},
+ testCase{gen3, "abba abram abrasive", "abba abram abrasive"},
+ testCase{gen3, "", ""},
+ )
+ // foo{1,2,3,4} have multiple old strings with an overall common prefix
+ // and 1- or 2- byte extensions from the common prefix.
+ foo1 := NewReplacer(
+ "foo1", "A",
+ "foo2", "B",
+ "foo3", "C",
+ )
+ foo2 := NewReplacer(
+ "foo1", "A",
+ "foo2", "B",
+ "foo31", "C",
+ "foo32", "D",
+ )
+ foo3 := NewReplacer(
+ "foo11", "A",
+ "foo12", "B",
+ "foo31", "C",
+ "foo32", "D",
+ )
+ foo4 := NewReplacer(
+ "foo12", "B",
+ "foo32", "D",
+ )
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{foo1, "fofoofoo12foo32oo", "fofooA2C2oo"},
+ testCase{foo1, "", ""},
+ testCase{foo2, "fofoofoo12foo32oo", "fofooA2Doo"},
+ testCase{foo2, "", ""},
+ testCase{foo3, "fofoofoo12foo32oo", "fofooBDoo"},
+ testCase{foo3, "", ""},
+ testCase{foo4, "fofoofoo12foo32oo", "fofooBDoo"},
+ testCase{foo4, "", ""},
+ )
+ // genAll maps "\x00\x01\x02...\xfe\xff" to "[all]", amongst other things.
+ allBytes := make([]byte, 256)
+ for i := range allBytes {
+ allBytes[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ allString := string(allBytes)
+ genAll := NewReplacer(
+ allString, "[all]",
+ "\xff", "[ff]",
+ "\x00", "[00]",
+ )
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{genAll, allString, "[all]"},
+ testCase{genAll, "a\xff" + allString + "\x00", "a[ff][all][00]"},
+ testCase{genAll, "", ""},
+ )
+ // Test cases with empty old strings.
+ blankToX1 := NewReplacer("", "X")
+ blankToX2 := NewReplacer("", "X", "", "")
+ blankHighPriority := NewReplacer("", "X", "o", "O")
+ blankLowPriority := NewReplacer("o", "O", "", "X")
+ blankNoOp1 := NewReplacer("", "")
+ blankNoOp2 := NewReplacer("", "", "", "A")
+ blankFoo := NewReplacer("", "X", "foobar", "R", "foobaz", "Z")
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{blankToX1, "foo", "XfXoXoX"},
+ testCase{blankToX1, "", "X"},
+ testCase{blankToX2, "foo", "XfXoXoX"},
+ testCase{blankToX2, "", "X"},
+ testCase{blankHighPriority, "oo", "XOXOX"},
+ testCase{blankHighPriority, "ii", "XiXiX"},
+ testCase{blankHighPriority, "oiio", "XOXiXiXOX"},
+ testCase{blankHighPriority, "iooi", "XiXOXOXiX"},
+ testCase{blankHighPriority, "", "X"},
+ testCase{blankLowPriority, "oo", "OOX"},
+ testCase{blankLowPriority, "ii", "XiXiX"},
+ testCase{blankLowPriority, "oiio", "OXiXiOX"},
+ testCase{blankLowPriority, "iooi", "XiOOXiX"},
+ testCase{blankLowPriority, "", "X"},
+ testCase{blankNoOp1, "foo", "foo"},
+ testCase{blankNoOp1, "", ""},
+ testCase{blankNoOp2, "foo", "foo"},
+ testCase{blankNoOp2, "", ""},
+ testCase{blankFoo, "foobarfoobaz", "XRXZX"},
+ testCase{blankFoo, "foobar-foobaz", "XRX-XZX"},
+ testCase{blankFoo, "", "X"},
+ )
+ // single string replacer
+ abcMatcher := NewReplacer("abc", "[match]")
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{abcMatcher, "", ""},
+ testCase{abcMatcher, "ab", "ab"},
+ testCase{abcMatcher, "abcd", "[match]d"},
+ testCase{abcMatcher, "cabcabcdabca", "c[match][match]d[match]a"},
+ )
+ // No-arg test cases.
+ nop := NewReplacer()
+ testCases = append(testCases,
+ testCase{nop, "abc", "abc"},
+ testCase{nop, "", ""},
+ )
+ // Run the test cases.
+ for i, tc := range testCases {
+ if s := tc.r.Replace(tc.in); s != tc.out {
+ t.Errorf("%d. Replace(%q) = %q, want %q", i, tc.in, s, tc.out)
var buf bytes.Buffer
- n, err := tt.r.WriteString(&buf, tt.in)
+ n, err := tc.r.WriteString(&buf, tc.in)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%d. WriteString: %v", i, err)
got := buf.String()
- if got != tt.out {
- t.Errorf("%d. WriteString(%q) wrote %q, want %q", i, tt.in, got, tt.out)
+ if got != tc.out {
+ t.Errorf("%d. WriteString(%q) wrote %q, want %q", i, tc.in, got, tc.out)
- if n != len(tt.out) {
+ if n != len(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("%d. WriteString(%q) wrote correct string but reported %d bytes; want %d (%q)",
- i, tt.in, n, len(tt.out), tt.out)
+ i, tc.in, n, len(tc.out), tc.out)
-// pickAlgorithmTest is a test that verifies that given input for a
-// Replacer that we pick the correct algorithm.
-type pickAlgorithmTest struct {
- r *Replacer
- want string // name of algorithm
+// TestPickAlgorithm tests that NewReplacer picks the correct algorithm.
+func TestPickAlgorithm(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ r *Replacer
+ want string
+ }{
+ {capitalLetters, "*strings.byteReplacer"},
+ {htmlEscaper, "*strings.byteStringReplacer"},
+ {NewReplacer("12", "123"), "*strings.singleStringReplacer"},
+ {NewReplacer("1", "12"), "*strings.byteStringReplacer"},
+ {NewReplacer("", "X"), "*strings.genericReplacer"},
+ {NewReplacer("a", "1", "b", "12", "cde", "123"), "*strings.genericReplacer"},
+ }
+ for i, tc := range testCases {
+ got := fmt.Sprintf("%T", tc.r.Replacer())
+ if got != tc.want {
+ t.Errorf("%d. algorithm = %s, want %s", i, got, tc.want)
+ }
+ }
-var pickAlgorithmTests = []pickAlgorithmTest{
- {capitalLetters, "*strings.byteReplacer"},
- {NewReplacer("12", "123"), "*strings.genericReplacer"},
- {NewReplacer("1", "12"), "*strings.byteStringReplacer"},
- {htmlEscaper, "*strings.byteStringReplacer"},
+// TestGenericTrieBuilding verifies the structure of the generated trie. There
+// is one node per line, and the key ending with the current line is in the
+// trie if it ends with a "+".
+func TestGenericTrieBuilding(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct{ in, out string }{
+ {"abc;abdef;abdefgh;xx;xy;z", `-
+ a-
+ .b-
+ ..c+
+ ..d-
+ ...ef+
+ .....gh+
+ x-
+ .x+
+ .y+
+ z+
+ `},
+ {"abracadabra;abracadabrakazam;abraham;abrasion", `-
+ a-
+ .bra-
+ ....c-
+ .....adabra+
+ ...........kazam+
+ ....h-
+ .....am+
+ ....s-
+ .....ion+
+ `},
+ {"aaa;aa;a;i;longerst;longer;long;xx;x;X;Y", `-
+ X+
+ Y+
+ a+
+ .a+
+ ..a+
+ i+
+ l-
+ .ong+
+ ....er+
+ ......st+
+ x+
+ .x+
+ `},
+ {"foo;;foo;foo1", `+
+ f-
+ .oo+
+ ...1+
+ `},
+ }
-func TestPickAlgorithm(t *testing.T) {
- for i, tt := range pickAlgorithmTests {
- got := fmt.Sprintf("%T", tt.r.Replacer())
- if got != tt.want {
- t.Errorf("%d. algorithm = %s, want %s", i, got, tt.want)
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ keys := Split(tc.in, ";")
+ args := make([]string, len(keys)*2)
+ for i, key := range keys {
+ args[i*2] = key
+ }
+ got := NewReplacer(args...).PrintTrie()
+ // Remove tabs from tc.out
+ wantbuf := make([]byte, 0, len(tc.out))
+ for i := 0; i < len(tc.out); i++ {
+ if tc.out[i] != '\t' {
+ wantbuf = append(wantbuf, tc.out[i])
+ }
+ }
+ want := string(wantbuf)
+ if got != want {
+ t.Errorf("PrintTrie(%q)\ngot\n%swant\n%s", tc.in, got, want)
-func BenchmarkGenericMatch(b *testing.B) {
+func BenchmarkGenericNoMatch(b *testing.B) {
str := Repeat("A", 100) + Repeat("B", 100)
generic := NewReplacer("a", "A", "b", "B", "12", "123") // varying lengths forces generic
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
@@ -113,6 +398,42 @@ func BenchmarkGenericMatch(b *testing.B) {
+func BenchmarkGenericMatch1(b *testing.B) {
+ str := Repeat("a", 100) + Repeat("b", 100)
+ generic := NewReplacer("a", "A", "b", "B", "12", "123")
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ generic.Replace(str)
+ }
+func BenchmarkGenericMatch2(b *testing.B) {
+ str := Repeat("It&apos;s &lt;b&gt;HTML&lt;/b&gt;!", 100)
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ htmlUnescaper.Replace(str)
+ }
+func benchmarkSingleString(b *testing.B, pattern, text string) {
+ r := NewReplacer(pattern, "[match]")
+ b.SetBytes(int64(len(text)))
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ r.Replace(text)
+ }
+func BenchmarkSingleMaxSkipping(b *testing.B) {
+ benchmarkSingleString(b, Repeat("b", 25), Repeat("a", 10000))
+func BenchmarkSingleLongSuffixFail(b *testing.B) {
+ benchmarkSingleString(b, "b"+Repeat("a", 500), Repeat("a", 1002))
+func BenchmarkSingleMatch(b *testing.B) {
+ benchmarkSingleString(b, "abcdef", Repeat("abcdefghijklmno", 1000))
func BenchmarkByteByteNoMatch(b *testing.B) {
str := Repeat("A", 100) + Repeat("B", 100)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
@@ -144,7 +465,7 @@ func BenchmarkHTMLEscapeNew(b *testing.B) {
func BenchmarkHTMLEscapeOld(b *testing.B) {
str := "I <3 to escape HTML & other text too."
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- oldhtmlEscape(str)
+ oldHTMLEscape(str)
diff --git a/libgo/go/strings/search.go b/libgo/go/strings/search.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f77c879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/strings/search.go
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings
+// stringFinder efficiently finds strings in a source text. It's implemented
+// using the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm:
+// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyer-Moore_string_search_algorithm
+// http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/publications/fstrpos.pdf (note: this aged
+// document uses 1-based indexing)
+type stringFinder struct {
+ // pattern is the string that we are searching for in the text.
+ pattern string
+ // badCharSkip[b] contains the distance between the last byte of pattern
+ // and the rightmost occurrence of b in pattern. If b is not in pattern,
+ // badCharSkip[b] is len(pattern).
+ //
+ // Whenever a mismatch is found with byte b in the text, we can safely
+ // shift the matching frame at least badCharSkip[b] until the next time
+ // the matching char could be in alignment.
+ badCharSkip [256]int
+ // goodSuffixSkip[i] defines how far we can shift the matching frame given
+ // that the suffix pattern[i+1:] matches, but the byte pattern[i] does
+ // not. There are two cases to consider:
+ //
+ // 1. The matched suffix occurs elsewhere in pattern (with a different
+ // byte preceding it that we might possibly match). In this case, we can
+ // shift the matching frame to align with the next suffix chunk. For
+ // example, the pattern "mississi" has the suffix "issi" next occurring
+ // (in right-to-left order) at index 1, so goodSuffixSkip[3] ==
+ // shift+len(suffix) == 3+4 == 7.
+ //
+ // 2. If the matched suffix does not occur elsewhere in pattern, then the
+ // matching frame may share part of its prefix with the end of the
+ // matching suffix. In this case, goodSuffixSkip[i] will contain how far
+ // to shift the frame to align this portion of the prefix to the
+ // suffix. For example, in the pattern "abcxxxabc", when the first
+ // mismatch from the back is found to be in position 3, the matching
+ // suffix "xxabc" is not found elsewhere in the pattern. However, its
+ // rightmost "abc" (at position 6) is a prefix of the whole pattern, so
+ // goodSuffixSkip[3] == shift+len(suffix) == 6+5 == 11.
+ goodSuffixSkip []int
+func makeStringFinder(pattern string) *stringFinder {
+ f := &stringFinder{
+ pattern: pattern,
+ goodSuffixSkip: make([]int, len(pattern)),
+ }
+ // last is the index of the last character in the pattern.
+ last := len(pattern) - 1
+ // Build bad character table.
+ // Bytes not in the pattern can skip one pattern's length.
+ for i := range f.badCharSkip {
+ f.badCharSkip[i] = len(pattern)
+ }
+ // The loop condition is < instead of <= so that the last byte does not
+ // have a zero distance to itself. Finding this byte out of place implies
+ // that it is not in the last position.
+ for i := 0; i < last; i++ {
+ f.badCharSkip[pattern[i]] = last - i
+ }
+ // Build good suffix table.
+ // First pass: set each value to the next index which starts a prefix of
+ // pattern.
+ lastPrefix := last
+ for i := last; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if HasPrefix(pattern, pattern[i+1:]) {
+ lastPrefix = i + 1
+ }
+ // lastPrefix is the shift, and (last-i) is len(suffix).
+ f.goodSuffixSkip[i] = lastPrefix + last - i
+ }
+ // Second pass: find repeats of pattern's suffix starting from the front.
+ for i := 0; i < last; i++ {
+ lenSuffix := longestCommonSuffix(pattern, pattern[1:i+1])
+ if pattern[i-lenSuffix] != pattern[last-lenSuffix] {
+ // (last-i) is the shift, and lenSuffix is len(suffix).
+ f.goodSuffixSkip[last-lenSuffix] = lenSuffix + last - i
+ }
+ }
+ return f
+func longestCommonSuffix(a, b string) (i int) {
+ for ; i < len(a) && i < len(b); i++ {
+ if a[len(a)-1-i] != b[len(b)-1-i] {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// next returns the index in text of the first occurrence of the pattern. If
+// the pattern is not found, it returns -1.
+func (f *stringFinder) next(text string) int {
+ i := len(f.pattern) - 1
+ for i < len(text) {
+ // Compare backwards from the end until the first unmatching character.
+ j := len(f.pattern) - 1
+ for j >= 0 && text[i] == f.pattern[j] {
+ i--
+ j--
+ }
+ if j < 0 {
+ return i + 1 // match
+ }
+ i += max(f.badCharSkip[text[i]], f.goodSuffixSkip[j])
+ }
+ return -1
+func max(a, b int) int {
+ if a > b {
+ return a
+ }
+ return b
diff --git a/libgo/go/strings/search_test.go b/libgo/go/strings/search_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966c05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgo/go/strings/search_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package strings_test
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ . "strings"
+ "testing"
+func TestFinderNext(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ pat, text string
+ index int
+ }{
+ {"", "", 0},
+ {"", "abc", 0},
+ {"abc", "", -1},
+ {"abc", "abc", 0},
+ {"d", "abcdefg", 3},
+ {"nan", "banana", 2},
+ {"pan", "anpanman", 2},
+ {"nnaaman", "anpanmanam", -1},
+ {"abcd", "abc", -1},
+ {"abcd", "bcd", -1},
+ {"bcd", "abcd", 1},
+ {"abc", "acca", -1},
+ {"aa", "aaa", 0},
+ {"baa", "aaaaa", -1},
+ {"at that", "which finally halts. at that point", 22},
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ got := StringFind(tc.pat, tc.text)
+ want := tc.index
+ if got != want {
+ t.Errorf("stringFind(%q, %q) got %d, want %d\n", tc.pat, tc.text, got, want)
+ }
+ }
+func TestFinderCreation(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ pattern string
+ bad [256]int
+ suf []int
+ }{
+ {
+ "abc",
+ [256]int{'a': 2, 'b': 1, 'c': 3},
+ []int{5, 4, 1},
+ },
+ {
+ "mississi",
+ [256]int{'i': 3, 'm': 7, 's': 1},
+ []int{15, 14, 13, 7, 11, 10, 7, 1},
+ },
+ // From http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/publications/fstrpos.pdf
+ {
+ "abcxxxabc",
+ [256]int{'a': 2, 'b': 1, 'c': 6, 'x': 3},
+ []int{14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 11, 10, 1},
+ },
+ {
+ "abyxcdeyx",
+ [256]int{'a': 8, 'b': 7, 'c': 4, 'd': 3, 'e': 2, 'y': 1, 'x': 5},
+ []int{17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 7, 10, 1},
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ bad, good := DumpTables(tc.pattern)
+ for i, got := range bad {
+ want := tc.bad[i]
+ if want == 0 {
+ want = len(tc.pattern)
+ }
+ if got != want {
+ t.Errorf("boyerMoore(%q) bad['%c']: got %d want %d", tc.pattern, i, got, want)
+ }
+ }
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(good, tc.suf) {
+ t.Errorf("boyerMoore(%q) got %v want %v", tc.pattern, good, tc.suf)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libgo/go/strings/strings_test.go b/libgo/go/strings/strings_test.go
index 54046d6..c271e48 100644
--- a/libgo/go/strings/strings_test.go
+++ b/libgo/go/strings/strings_test.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package strings_test
import (
+ "math/rand"
. "strings"
@@ -311,6 +312,13 @@ var FieldsFuncTests = []FieldsTest{
func TestFieldsFunc(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, tt := range fieldstests {
+ a := FieldsFunc(tt.s, unicode.IsSpace)
+ if !eq(a, tt.a) {
+ t.Errorf("FieldsFunc(%q, unicode.IsSpace) = %v; want %v", tt.s, a, tt.a)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
pred := func(c rune) bool { return c == 'X' }
for _, tt := range FieldsFuncTests {
a := FieldsFunc(tt.s, pred)
@@ -984,3 +992,39 @@ func TestEqualFold(t *testing.T) {
+var makeFieldsInput = func() string {
+ x := make([]byte, 1<<20)
+ // Input is ~10% space, ~10% 2-byte UTF-8, rest ASCII non-space.
+ for i := range x {
+ switch rand.Intn(10) {
+ case 0:
+ x[i] = ' '
+ case 1:
+ if i > 0 && x[i-1] == 'x' {
+ copy(x[i-1:], "χ")
+ break
+ }
+ fallthrough
+ default:
+ x[i] = 'x'
+ }
+ }
+ return string(x)
+var fieldsInput = makeFieldsInput()
+func BenchmarkFields(b *testing.B) {
+ b.SetBytes(int64(len(fieldsInput)))
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ Fields(fieldsInput)
+ }
+func BenchmarkFieldsFunc(b *testing.B) {
+ b.SetBytes(int64(len(fieldsInput)))
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ FieldsFunc(fieldsInput, unicode.IsSpace)
+ }