path: root/libgo/go/math/big/int.go
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1 files changed, 239 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/math/big/int.go b/libgo/go/math/big/int.go
index 0eda9cd..47a288a 100644
--- a/libgo/go/math/big/int.go
+++ b/libgo/go/math/big/int.go
@@ -442,24 +442,28 @@ func (x *Int) BitLen() int {
// Exp sets z = x**y mod |m| (i.e. the sign of m is ignored), and returns z.
-// If y <= 0, the result is 1 mod |m|; if m == nil or m == 0, z = x**y.
+// If m == nil or m == 0, z = x**y unless y <= 0 then z = 1.
// Modular exponentation of inputs of a particular size is not a
// cryptographically constant-time operation.
func (z *Int) Exp(x, y, m *Int) *Int {
// See Knuth, volume 2, section 4.6.3.
- var yWords nat
- if !y.neg {
- yWords = y.abs
+ xWords := x.abs
+ if y.neg {
+ if m == nil || len(m.abs) == 0 {
+ return z.SetInt64(1)
+ }
+ // for y < 0: x**y mod m == (x**(-1))**|y| mod m
+ xWords = new(Int).ModInverse(x, m).abs
- // y >= 0
+ yWords := y.abs
var mWords nat
if m != nil {
mWords = m.abs // m.abs may be nil for m == 0
- z.abs = z.abs.expNN(x.abs, yWords, mWords)
+ z.abs = z.abs.expNN(xWords, yWords, mWords)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && x.neg && len(yWords) > 0 && yWords[0]&1 == 1 // 0 has no sign
if z.neg && len(mWords) > 0 {
// make modulus result positive
@@ -485,162 +489,223 @@ func (z *Int) GCD(x, y, a, b *Int) *Int {
return z
- if x == nil && y == nil {
- return z.lehmerGCD(a, b)
- }
- A := new(Int).Set(a)
- B := new(Int).Set(b)
- X := new(Int)
- lastX := new(Int).SetInt64(1)
+ return z.lehmerGCD(x, y, a, b)
- q := new(Int)
- temp := new(Int)
+// lehmerSimulate attempts to simulate several Euclidean update steps
+// using the leading digits of A and B. It returns u0, u1, v0, v1
+// such that A and B can be updated as:
+// A = u0*A + v0*B
+// B = u1*A + v1*B
+// Requirements: A >= B and len(B.abs) >= 2
+// Since we are calculating with full words to avoid overflow,
+// we use 'even' to track the sign of the cosequences.
+// For even iterations: u0, v1 >= 0 && u1, v0 <= 0
+// For odd iterations: u0, v1 <= 0 && u1, v0 >= 0
+func lehmerSimulate(A, B *Int) (u0, u1, v0, v1 Word, even bool) {
+ // initialize the digits
+ var a1, a2, u2, v2 Word
+ m := len(B.abs) // m >= 2
+ n := len(A.abs) // n >= m >= 2
+ // extract the top Word of bits from A and B
+ h := nlz(A.abs[n-1])
+ a1 = A.abs[n-1]<<h | A.abs[n-2]>>(_W-h)
+ // B may have implicit zero words in the high bits if the lengths differ
+ switch {
+ case n == m:
+ a2 = B.abs[n-1]<<h | B.abs[n-2]>>(_W-h)
+ case n == m+1:
+ a2 = B.abs[n-2] >> (_W - h)
+ default:
+ a2 = 0
+ }
- r := new(Int)
- for len(B.abs) > 0 {
- q, r = q.QuoRem(A, B, r)
+ // Since we are calculating with full words to avoid overflow,
+ // we use 'even' to track the sign of the cosequences.
+ // For even iterations: u0, v1 >= 0 && u1, v0 <= 0
+ // For odd iterations: u0, v1 <= 0 && u1, v0 >= 0
+ // The first iteration starts with k=1 (odd).
+ even = false
+ // variables to track the cosequences
+ u0, u1, u2 = 0, 1, 0
+ v0, v1, v2 = 0, 0, 1
+ // Calculate the quotient and cosequences using Collins' stopping condition.
+ // Note that overflow of a Word is not possible when computing the remainder
+ // sequence and cosequences since the cosequence size is bounded by the input size.
+ // See section 4.2 of Jebelean for details.
+ for a2 >= v2 && a1-a2 >= v1+v2 {
+ q, r := a1/a2, a1%a2
+ a1, a2 = a2, r
+ u0, u1, u2 = u1, u2, u1+q*u2
+ v0, v1, v2 = v1, v2, v1+q*v2
+ even = !even
+ }
+ return
- A, B, r = B, r, A
+// lehmerUpdate updates the inputs A and B such that:
+// A = u0*A + v0*B
+// B = u1*A + v1*B
+// where the signs of u0, u1, v0, v1 are given by even
+// For even == true: u0, v1 >= 0 && u1, v0 <= 0
+// For even == false: u0, v1 <= 0 && u1, v0 >= 0
+// q, r, s, t are temporary variables to avoid allocations in the multiplication
+func lehmerUpdate(A, B, q, r, s, t *Int, u0, u1, v0, v1 Word, even bool) {
+ t.abs = t.abs.setWord(u0)
+ s.abs = s.abs.setWord(v0)
+ t.neg = !even
+ s.neg = even
+ t.Mul(A, t)
+ s.Mul(B, s)
+ r.abs = r.abs.setWord(u1)
+ q.abs = q.abs.setWord(v1)
+ r.neg = even
+ q.neg = !even
+ r.Mul(A, r)
+ q.Mul(B, q)
+ A.Add(t, s)
+ B.Add(r, q)
- temp.Set(X)
- X.Mul(X, q)
- X.Sub(lastX, X)
- lastX.Set(temp)
- }
+// euclidUpdate performs a single step of the Euclidean GCD algorithm
+// if extended is true, it also updates the cosequence Ua, Ub
+func euclidUpdate(A, B, Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t *Int, extended bool) {
+ q, r = q.QuoRem(A, B, r)
- if x != nil {
- *x = *lastX
- }
+ *A, *B, *r = *B, *r, *A
- if y != nil {
- // y = (z - a*x)/b
- y.Mul(a, lastX)
- y.Sub(A, y)
- y.Div(y, b)
+ if extended {
+ // Ua, Ub = Ub, Ua - q*Ub
+ t.Set(Ub)
+ s.Mul(Ub, q)
+ Ub.Sub(Ua, s)
+ Ua.Set(t)
- *z = *A
- return z
// lehmerGCD sets z to the greatest common divisor of a and b,
// which both must be > 0, and returns z.
+// If x or y are not nil, their values are set such that z = a*x + b*y.
// See Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, Section 4.5.2, Algorithm L.
// This implementation uses the improved condition by Collins requiring only one
// quotient and avoiding the possibility of single Word overflow.
// See Jebelean, "Improving the multiprecision Euclidean algorithm",
// Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems, pp 45-58.
-func (z *Int) lehmerGCD(a, b *Int) *Int {
- // ensure a >= b
- if a.abs.cmp(b.abs) < 0 {
- a, b = b, a
- }
+// The cosequences are updated according to Algorithm 10.45 from
+// Cohen et al. "Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography" pp 192.
+func (z *Int) lehmerGCD(x, y, a, b *Int) *Int {
+ var A, B, Ua, Ub *Int
- // don't destroy incoming values of a and b
- B := new(Int).Set(b) // must be set first in case b is an alias of z
- A := z.Set(a)
+ A = new(Int).Set(a)
+ B = new(Int).Set(b)
+ extended := x != nil || y != nil
+ if extended {
+ // Ua (Ub) tracks how many times input a has been accumulated into A (B).
+ Ua = new(Int).SetInt64(1)
+ Ub = new(Int)
+ }
// temp variables for multiprecision update
- t := new(Int)
+ q := new(Int)
r := new(Int)
s := new(Int)
- w := new(Int)
+ t := new(Int)
+ // ensure A >= B
+ if A.abs.cmp(B.abs) < 0 {
+ A, B = B, A
+ Ub, Ua = Ua, Ub
+ }
// loop invariant A >= B
for len(B.abs) > 1 {
- // initialize the digits
- var a1, a2, u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2 Word
- m := len(B.abs) // m >= 2
- n := len(A.abs) // n >= m >= 2
- // extract the top Word of bits from A and B
- h := nlz(A.abs[n-1])
- a1 = (A.abs[n-1] << h) | (A.abs[n-2] >> (_W - h))
- // B may have implicit zero words in the high bits if the lengths differ
- switch {
- case n == m:
- a2 = (B.abs[n-1] << h) | (B.abs[n-2] >> (_W - h))
- case n == m+1:
- a2 = (B.abs[n-2] >> (_W - h))
- default:
- a2 = 0
- }
- // Since we are calculating with full words to avoid overflow,
- // we use 'even' to track the sign of the cosequences.
- // For even iterations: u0, v1 >= 0 && u1, v0 <= 0
- // For odd iterations: u0, v1 <= 0 && u1, v0 >= 0
- // The first iteration starts with k=1 (odd).
- even := false
- // variables to track the cosequences
- u0, u1, u2 = 0, 1, 0
- v0, v1, v2 = 0, 0, 1
- // Calculate the quotient and cosequences using Collins' stopping condition.
- // Note that overflow of a Word is not possible when computing the remainder
- // sequence and cosequences since the cosequence size is bounded by the input size.
- // See section 4.2 of Jebelean for details.
- for a2 >= v2 && a1-a2 >= v1+v2 {
- q := a1 / a2
- a1, a2 = a2, a1-q*a2
- u0, u1, u2 = u1, u2, u1+q*u2
- v0, v1, v2 = v1, v2, v1+q*v2
- even = !even
- }
+ // Attempt to calculate in single-precision using leading words of A and B.
+ u0, u1, v0, v1, even := lehmerSimulate(A, B)
- // multiprecision step
+ // multiprecision Step
if v0 != 0 {
- // simulate the effect of the single precision steps using the cosequences
+ // Simulate the effect of the single-precision steps using the cosequences.
// A = u0*A + v0*B
// B = u1*A + v1*B
+ lehmerUpdate(A, B, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, even)
- t.abs = t.abs.setWord(u0)
- s.abs = s.abs.setWord(v0)
- t.neg = !even
- s.neg = even
- t.Mul(A, t)
- s.Mul(B, s)
- r.abs = r.abs.setWord(u1)
- w.abs = w.abs.setWord(v1)
- r.neg = even
- w.neg = !even
- r.Mul(A, r)
- w.Mul(B, w)
- A.Add(t, s)
- B.Add(r, w)
+ if extended {
+ // Ua = u0*Ua + v0*Ub
+ // Ub = u1*Ua + v1*Ub
+ lehmerUpdate(Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, u0, u1, v0, v1, even)
+ }
} else {
- // single-digit calculations failed to simluate any quotients
- // do a standard Euclidean step
- t.Rem(A, B)
- A, B, t = B, t, A
+ // Single-digit calculations failed to simulate any quotients.
+ // Do a standard Euclidean step.
+ euclidUpdate(A, B, Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, extended)
if len(B.abs) > 0 {
- // standard Euclidean algorithm base case for B a single Word
+ // extended Euclidean algorithm base case if B is a single Word
if len(A.abs) > 1 {
- // A is longer than a single Word
- t.Rem(A, B)
- A, B, t = B, t, A
+ // A is longer than a single Word, so one update is needed.
+ euclidUpdate(A, B, Ua, Ub, q, r, s, t, extended)
if len(B.abs) > 0 {
- // A and B are both a single Word
- a1, a2 := A.abs[0], B.abs[0]
- for a2 != 0 {
- a1, a2 = a2, a1%a2
+ // A and B are both a single Word.
+ aWord, bWord := A.abs[0], B.abs[0]
+ if extended {
+ var ua, ub, va, vb Word
+ ua, ub = 1, 0
+ va, vb = 0, 1
+ even := true
+ for bWord != 0 {
+ q, r := aWord/bWord, aWord%bWord
+ aWord, bWord = bWord, r
+ ua, ub = ub, ua+q*ub
+ va, vb = vb, va+q*vb
+ even = !even
+ }
+ t.abs = t.abs.setWord(ua)
+ s.abs = s.abs.setWord(va)
+ t.neg = !even
+ s.neg = even
+ t.Mul(Ua, t)
+ s.Mul(Ub, s)
+ Ua.Add(t, s)
+ } else {
+ for bWord != 0 {
+ aWord, bWord = bWord, aWord%bWord
+ }
- A.abs[0] = a1
+ A.abs[0] = aWord
+ if x != nil {
+ *x = *Ua
+ }
+ if y != nil {
+ // y = (z - a*x)/b
+ y.Mul(a, Ua)
+ y.Sub(A, y)
+ y.Div(y, b)
+ }
*z = *A
return z
@@ -659,20 +724,33 @@ func (z *Int) Rand(rnd *rand.Rand, n *Int) *Int {
// ModInverse sets z to the multiplicative inverse of g in the ring ℤ/nℤ
-// and returns z. If g and n are not relatively prime, the result is undefined.
+// and returns z. If g and n are not relatively prime, g has no multiplicative
+// inverse in the ring ℤ/nℤ. In this case, z is unchanged and the return value
+// is nil.
func (z *Int) ModInverse(g, n *Int) *Int {
+ // GCD expects parameters a and b to be > 0.
+ if n.neg {
+ var n2 Int
+ n = n2.Neg(n)
+ }
if g.neg {
- // GCD expects parameters a and b to be > 0.
var g2 Int
g = g2.Mod(g, n)
- var d Int
- d.GCD(z, nil, g, n)
- // x and y are such that g*x + n*y = d. Since g and n are
- // relatively prime, d = 1. Taking that modulo n results in
- // g*x = 1, therefore x is the inverse element.
- if z.neg {
- z.Add(z, n)
+ var d, x Int
+ d.GCD(&x, nil, g, n)
+ // if and only if d==1, g and n are relatively prime
+ if d.Cmp(intOne) != 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // x and y are such that g*x + n*y = 1, therefore x is the inverse element,
+ // but it may be negative, so convert to the range 0 <= z < |n|
+ if x.neg {
+ z.Add(&x, n)
+ } else {
+ z.Set(&x)
return z
@@ -745,6 +823,30 @@ func (z *Int) modSqrt3Mod4Prime(x, p *Int) *Int {
return z
+// modSqrt5Mod8 uses Atkin's observation that 2 is not a square mod p
+// alpha == (2*a)^((p-5)/8) mod p
+// beta == 2*a*alpha^2 mod p is a square root of -1
+// b == a*alpha*(beta-1) mod p is a square root of a
+// to calculate the square root of any quadratic residue mod p quickly for 5
+// mod 8 primes.
+func (z *Int) modSqrt5Mod8Prime(x, p *Int) *Int {
+ // p == 5 mod 8 implies p = e*8 + 5
+ // e is the quotient and 5 the remainder on division by 8
+ e := new(Int).Rsh(p, 3) // e = (p - 5) / 8
+ tx := new(Int).Lsh(x, 1) // tx = 2*x
+ alpha := new(Int).Exp(tx, e, p)
+ beta := new(Int).Mul(alpha, alpha)
+ beta.Mod(beta, p)
+ beta.Mul(beta, tx)
+ beta.Mod(beta, p)
+ beta.Sub(beta, intOne)
+ beta.Mul(beta, x)
+ beta.Mod(beta, p)
+ beta.Mul(beta, alpha)
+ z.Mod(beta, p)
+ return z
// modSqrtTonelliShanks uses the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm to find the square
// root of a quadratic residue modulo any prime.
func (z *Int) modSqrtTonelliShanks(x, p *Int) *Int {
@@ -811,12 +913,17 @@ func (z *Int) ModSqrt(x, p *Int) *Int {
x = new(Int).Mod(x, p)
- // Check whether p is 3 mod 4, and if so, use the faster algorithm.
- if len(p.abs) > 0 && p.abs[0]%4 == 3 {
+ switch {
+ case p.abs[0]%4 == 3:
+ // Check whether p is 3 mod 4, and if so, use the faster algorithm.
return z.modSqrt3Mod4Prime(x, p)
+ case p.abs[0]%8 == 5:
+ // Check whether p is 5 mod 8, use Atkin's algorithm.
+ return z.modSqrt5Mod8Prime(x, p)
+ default:
+ // Otherwise, use Tonelli-Shanks.
+ return z.modSqrtTonelliShanks(x, p)
- // Otherwise, use Tonelli-Shanks.
- return z.modSqrtTonelliShanks(x, p)
// Lsh sets z = x << n and returns z.