path: root/libgo/go/fmt/doc.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'libgo/go/fmt/doc.go')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/fmt/doc.go b/libgo/go/fmt/doc.go
index 6713f0a1..11e9f19 100644
--- a/libgo/go/fmt/doc.go
+++ b/libgo/go/fmt/doc.go
@@ -89,18 +89,22 @@
If an operand implements interface Formatter, that interface
can be used for fine control of formatting.
- Next, if an operand implements the error interface, the Error method
+ If the format (which is implicitly %v for Println etc.) is valid
+ for a string (%s %q %v %x %X), the following two rules also apply:
+ 1. If an operand implements the error interface, the Error method
will be used to convert the object to a string, which will then
be formatted as required by the verb (if any).
- Finally, if an operand implements method String() string that method
+ 2. If an operand implements method String() string, that method
will be used to convert the object to a string, which will then
be formatted as required by the verb (if any).
To avoid recursion in cases such as
- type X int
- func (x X) String() string { return Sprintf("%d", x) }
- cast the value before recurring:
- func (x X) String() string { return Sprintf("%d", int(x)) }
+ type X string
+ func (x X) String() string { return Sprintf("<%s>", x) }
+ convert the value before recurring:
+ func (x X) String() string { return Sprintf("<%s>", string(x)) }
Format errors: