path: root/libgo/go/bytes/buffer.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'libgo/go/bytes/buffer.go')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/bytes/buffer.go b/libgo/go/bytes/buffer.go
index c2a8c9f..fbfd621 100644
--- a/libgo/go/bytes/buffer.go
+++ b/libgo/go/bytes/buffer.go
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ package bytes
// Simple byte buffer for marshaling data.
import (
+ "errors"
- "os"
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) grow(n int) int {
// Write appends the contents of p to the buffer. The return
// value n is the length of p; err is always nil.
-func (b *Buffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
m := b.grow(len(p))
copy(b.buf[m:], p)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
// WriteString appends the contents of s to the buffer. The return
// value n is the length of s; err is always nil.
-func (b *Buffer) WriteString(s string) (n int, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
m := b.grow(len(s))
return copy(b.buf[m:], s), nil
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ const MinRead = 512
// The return value n is the number of bytes read.
// Any error except os.EOF encountered during the read
// is also returned.
-func (b *Buffer) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
// If buffer is empty, reset to recover space.
if b.off >= len(b.buf) {
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err os.Error) {
m, e := r.Read(b.buf[len(b.buf):cap(b.buf)])
b.buf = b.buf[0 : len(b.buf)+m]
n += int64(m)
- if e == os.EOF {
+ if e == io.EOF {
if e != nil {
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err os.Error) {
// occurs. The return value n is the number of bytes written; it always
// fits into an int, but it is int64 to match the io.WriterTo interface.
// Any error encountered during the write is also returned.
-func (b *Buffer) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if b.off < len(b.buf) {
m, e := w.Write(b.buf[b.off:])
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err os.Error) {
// WriteByte appends the byte c to the buffer.
// The returned error is always nil, but is included
// to match bufio.Writer's WriteByte.
-func (b *Buffer) WriteByte(c byte) os.Error {
+func (b *Buffer) WriteByte(c byte) error {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
m := b.grow(1)
b.buf[m] = c
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) WriteByte(c byte) os.Error {
// code point r to the buffer, returning its length and
// an error, which is always nil but is included
// to match bufio.Writer's WriteRune.
-func (b *Buffer) WriteRune(r rune) (n int, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) WriteRune(r rune) (n int, err error) {
if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
return 1, nil
@@ -202,12 +202,12 @@ func (b *Buffer) WriteRune(r rune) (n int, err os.Error) {
// is drained. The return value n is the number of bytes read. If the
// buffer has no data to return, err is os.EOF even if len(p) is zero;
// otherwise it is nil.
-func (b *Buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if b.off >= len(b.buf) {
// Buffer is empty, reset to recover space.
- return 0, os.EOF
+ return 0, io.EOF
n = copy(p, b.buf[b.off:])
b.off += n
@@ -237,12 +237,12 @@ func (b *Buffer) Next(n int) []byte {
// ReadByte reads and returns the next byte from the buffer.
// If no byte is available, it returns error os.EOF.
-func (b *Buffer) ReadByte() (c byte, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if b.off >= len(b.buf) {
// Buffer is empty, reset to recover space.
- return 0, os.EOF
+ return 0, io.EOF
c = b.buf[b.off]
@@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ func (b *Buffer) ReadByte() (c byte, err os.Error) {
// If no bytes are available, the error returned is os.EOF.
// If the bytes are an erroneous UTF-8 encoding, it
// consumes one byte and returns U+FFFD, 1.
-func (b *Buffer) ReadRune() (r rune, size int, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) ReadRune() (r rune, size int, err error) {
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if b.off >= len(b.buf) {
// Buffer is empty, reset to recover space.
- return 0, 0, os.EOF
+ return 0, 0, io.EOF
b.lastRead = opReadRune
c := b.buf[b.off]
@@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ func (b *Buffer) ReadRune() (r rune, size int, err os.Error) {
// not a ReadRune, UnreadRune returns an error. (In this regard
// it is stricter than UnreadByte, which will unread the last byte
// from any read operation.)
-func (b *Buffer) UnreadRune() os.Error {
+func (b *Buffer) UnreadRune() error {
if b.lastRead != opReadRune {
- return os.NewError("bytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune")
+ return errors.New("bytes.Buffer: UnreadRune: previous operation was not ReadRune")
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if b.off > 0 {
@@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ func (b *Buffer) UnreadRune() os.Error {
// UnreadByte unreads the last byte returned by the most recent
// read operation. If write has happened since the last read, UnreadByte
// returns an error.
-func (b *Buffer) UnreadByte() os.Error {
+func (b *Buffer) UnreadByte() error {
if b.lastRead != opReadRune && b.lastRead != opRead {
- return os.NewError("bytes.Buffer: UnreadByte: previous operation was not a read")
+ return errors.New("bytes.Buffer: UnreadByte: previous operation was not a read")
b.lastRead = opInvalid
if b.off > 0 {
@@ -310,12 +310,12 @@ func (b *Buffer) UnreadByte() os.Error {
// it returns the data read before the error and the error itself (often os.EOF).
// ReadBytes returns err != nil if and only if the returned data does not end in
// delim.
-func (b *Buffer) ReadBytes(delim byte) (line []byte, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) ReadBytes(delim byte) (line []byte, err error) {
i := IndexByte(b.buf[b.off:], delim)
size := i + 1
if i < 0 {
size = len(b.buf) - b.off
- err = os.EOF
+ err = io.EOF
line = make([]byte, size)
copy(line, b.buf[b.off:])
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ func (b *Buffer) ReadBytes(delim byte) (line []byte, err os.Error) {
// it returns the data read before the error and the error itself (often os.EOF).
// ReadString returns err != nil if and only if the returned data does not end
// in delim.
-func (b *Buffer) ReadString(delim byte) (line string, err os.Error) {
+func (b *Buffer) ReadString(delim byte) (line string, err error) {
bytes, err := b.ReadBytes(delim)
return string(bytes), err