path: root/gcc
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8 files changed, 829 insertions, 1028 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
index 26d8fcb..1728be4 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
+2011-12-20 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com>
+ * sem_ch4.adb (Operator_Check): Update the call to
+ Is_Dimensioned_Type.
+ * sem_dim.adb: Remove with and use clause for Namet.Sp. Reorganize
+ all type declarations and datastructures involved. Propagate
+ all changes involving data structures and types throughout
+ the pakage. Alphabetize all subprograms. Add ??? comments.
+ (AD_Hash): Removed.
+ (Analyze_Aspect_Dimension): Rewritten. This
+ routine now does all its checks in one pass rather than
+ two. Refactor code. The error message are now in a more GNAT-ish style.
+ (Create_Rational_From_Expr): This is now a function.
+ (Get_Dimensions): Removed.
+ (Get_Dimensions_String_Id): Removed.
+ (Dimensions_Of): New rouitne.
+ (Exists): New routines.
+ (Is_Invalid): New routine.
+ (Permits_Dimensions): Removed.
+ (Present): Removed.
+ (Set_Symbol): New routine.
+ (System_Of): New routine.
+ * sem_dim.ads: Rewrite the top level description of the
+ package. Alphabetize subprograms. Add various comments on
+ subprogram usage. Add ??? comments.
+ (Is_Dimensioned_Type):
+ Renamed to Has_Dimension_System.
+ * sem_res.adb (Resolve_Op_Expon): Update the call to Is_Dimensioned_Type
2011-12-20 Ed Schonberg <schonberg@adacore.com>
* sem_ch13.adb (Check_Indexing_Functions): The return type of an
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-dimkio.ads b/gcc/ada/s-dimkio.ads
index 27ac0ca..eb8d8e6 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-dimkio.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-dimkio.ads
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . D I M _ M K S _ I O --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
--- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
--- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-dimmks.ads b/gcc/ada/s-dimmks.ads
index 1026992..88a29dd 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-dimmks.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-dimmks.ads
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . D I M _ M K S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
--- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
--- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
--- This package defines the MKS dimension system which is the SI system of
--- units.
--- Some other prefixes of this sytem are defined in a child package (see
+-- Defines the MKS dimension system which is the SI system of units
+-- Some other prefixes of this system are defined in a child package (see
-- System.Dim_Mks.Other_Prefixes) in order to avoid too many constant
-- declarations in this package.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-dmotpr.ads b/gcc/ada/s-dmotpr.ads
index b91afb8..57fa139 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-dmotpr.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-dmotpr.ads
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . D I M _ M K S . O T H E R _ P R E F I X E S --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
--- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
--- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
index 4163231..99f2966 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
@@ -6042,7 +6042,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch4 is
and then Base_Type (Etype (R)) /= Universal_Integer
if Ada_Version >= Ada_2012
- and then Is_Dimensioned_Type (Etype (L))
+ and then Has_Dimension_System (Etype (L))
("exponent for dimensioned type must be a rational" &
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_dim.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_dim.adb
index 4f20e45..341ceda 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_dim.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_dim.adb
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
-with Namet.Sp; use Namet.Sp;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Opt; use Opt;
@@ -51,61 +50,9 @@ with GNAT.HTable;
package body Sem_Dim is
- Max_Dimensions : constant Int := 7;
- -- Maximum number of dimensions in a dimension system
- subtype Dim_Id is Pos range 1 .. Max_Dimensions;
- -- Dim_Id values are used to identify dimensions in a dimension system
- -- Note that the highest value of Dim_Id is Max_Dimensions
- -- Record type for dimension system
- -- A dimension system is defined by the number and the names of its
- -- dimensions and its base type.
- subtype N_Of_Dimensions is Int range 0 .. Max_Dimensions;
- No_Dimensions : constant N_Of_Dimensions := N_Of_Dimensions'First;
- type Name_Array is array (Dim_Id) of Name_Id;
- No_Names : constant Name_Array := (others => No_Name);
- -- The symbols are used for IO purposes
- type Symbol_Array is array (Dim_Id) of String_Id;
- No_Symbols : constant Symbol_Array := (others => No_String);
- type Dimension_System is record
- Base_Type : Node_Id;
- Names : Name_Array;
- N_Of_Dims : N_Of_Dimensions;
- Symbols : Symbol_Array;
- end record;
- No_Dimension_System : constant Dimension_System :=
- (Empty, No_Names, No_Dimensions, No_Symbols);
- -- Dim_Sys_Id values are used to identify dimension system in the Table
- -- Note that the special value No_Dim_Sys has no corresponding component in
- -- the Table since it represents no dimension system.
- subtype Dim_Sys_Id is Nat;
- No_Dim_Sys : constant Dim_Sys_Id := Dim_Sys_Id'First;
- -- The following table records every dimension system
- package Dim_Systems is new Table.Table (
- Table_Component_Type => Dimension_System,
- Table_Index_Type => Dim_Sys_Id,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 5,
- Table_Increment => 5,
- Table_Name => "Dim_Systems");
- -- Rational (definitions & operations)
+ -------------------------
+ -- Rational arithmetic --
+ -------------------------
type Whole is new Int;
subtype Positive_Whole is Whole range 1 .. Whole'Last;
@@ -115,7 +62,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Denominator : Positive_Whole;
end record;
- Zero_Rational : constant Rational := (0, 1);
+ Zero : constant Rational := (0, 1);
-- Rational constructors
@@ -138,222 +85,152 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
function "*" (Left : Rational; Right : Whole) return Rational;
- ---------
- -- GCD --
- ---------
- function GCD (Left, Right : Whole) return Int is
- L : Whole;
- R : Whole;
- begin
- L := Left;
- R := Right;
- while R /= 0 loop
- L := L mod R;
- if L = 0 then
- return Int (R);
- end if;
- R := R mod L;
- end loop;
- return Int (L);
- end GCD;
- ------------
- -- Reduce --
- ------------
- function Reduce (X : Rational) return Rational is
- begin
- if X.Numerator = 0 then
- return Zero_Rational;
- end if;
- declare
- G : constant Int := GCD (X.Numerator, X.Denominator);
- begin
- return Rational'(Numerator => Whole (Int (X.Numerator) / G),
- Denominator => Whole (Int (X.Denominator) / G));
- end;
- end Reduce;
- ---------
- -- "+" --
- ---------
- function "+" (Right : Whole) return Rational is
- begin
- return (Right, 1);
- end "+";
- function "+" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is
- R : constant Rational :=
- Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Denominator +
- Left.Denominator * Right.Numerator,
- Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator);
- begin
- return Reduce (R);
- end "+";
- ---------
- -- "-" --
- ---------
- function "-" (Right : Rational) return Rational is
- begin
- return Rational'(Numerator => -Right.Numerator,
- Denominator => Right.Denominator);
- end "-";
- function "-" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is
- R : constant Rational :=
- Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Denominator -
- Left.Denominator * Right.Numerator,
- Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator);
- begin
- return Reduce (R);
- end "-";
- ---------
- -- "*" --
- ---------
- function "*" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is
- R : constant Rational :=
- Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Numerator,
- Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator);
- begin
- return Reduce (R);
- end "*";
- function "*" (Left : Rational; Right : Whole) return Rational is
- R : constant Rational :=
- Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right,
- Denominator => Left.Denominator);
+ ------------------
+ -- System types --
+ ------------------
- begin
- return Reduce (R);
- end "*";
+ Max_Number_Of_Dimensions : constant := 7;
+ -- Maximum number of dimensions in a dimension system
- ---------
- -- "/" --
- ---------
+ High_Position_Bound : constant := Max_Number_Of_Dimensions;
+ Invalid_Position : constant := 0;
+ Low_Position_Bound : constant := 1;
- function "/" (Left, Right : Whole) return Rational is
- R : constant Int := abs Int (Right);
- L : Int := Int (Left);
+ subtype Dimension_Position is
+ Nat range Invalid_Position .. High_Position_Bound;
- begin
- if Right < 0 then
- L := -L;
- end if;
+ type Name_Array is
+ array (Dimension_Position range
+ Low_Position_Bound .. High_Position_Bound) of Name_Id;
+ -- A data structure used to store the names of all units within a system
- return Reduce (Rational'(Numerator => Whole (L),
- Denominator => Whole (R)));
- end "/";
+ No_Names : constant Name_Array := (others => No_Name);
- -- Hash Table for aspect dimension.
+ type Symbol_Array is
+ array (Dimension_Position range
+ Low_Position_Bound .. High_Position_Bound) of String_Id;
+ -- A data structure used to store the symbols of all units within a system
- -- The following table provides a relation between nodes and its dimension
- -- (if not dimensionless). If a node is not stored in the Hash Table, the
- -- node is considered to be dimensionless.
+ No_Symbols : constant Symbol_Array := (others => No_String);
- -- A dimension is represented by an array of Max_Dimensions Rationals.
- -- If the corresponding dimension system has less than Max_Dimensions
- -- dimensions, the array is filled by as many as Zero_Rationals needed to
- -- complete the array.
+ type System_Type is record
+ Type_Decl : Node_Id;
+ Names : Name_Array;
+ Symbols : Symbol_Array;
+ Count : Dimension_Position;
+ end record;
- -- Here is a list of nodes that can have entries in this Htable:
+ Null_System : constant System_Type :=
+ (Empty, No_Names, No_Symbols, Invalid_Position);
- -- N_Attribute_Reference
- -- N_Defining_Identifier
- -- N_Function_Call
- -- N_Identifier
- -- N_Indexed_Component
- -- N_Integer_Literal
- -- N_Op_Abs
- -- N_Op_Add
- -- N_Op_Divide
- -- N_Op_Expon
- -- N_Op_Minus
- -- N_Op_Mod
- -- N_Op_Multiply
- -- N_Op_Plus
- -- N_Op_Rem
- -- N_Op_Subtract
- -- N_Qualified_Expression
- -- N_Real_Literal
- -- N_Selected_Component
- -- N_Slice
- -- N_Type_Conversion
- -- N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion
+ subtype System_Id is Nat;
- type Dimensions is array (Dim_Id) of Rational;
+ -- The following table maps types to systems
- Zero_Dimensions : constant Dimensions := (others => Zero_Rational);
+ package System_Table is new Table.Table (
+ Table_Component_Type => System_Type,
+ Table_Index_Type => System_Id,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 5,
+ Table_Increment => 5,
+ Table_Name => "System_Table");
- type AD_Hash_Range is range 0 .. 511;
+ --------------------
+ -- Dimension type --
+ --------------------
- function AD_Hash (F : Node_Id) return AD_Hash_Range;
+ type Dimension_Type is
+ array (Dimension_Position range
+ Low_Position_Bound .. High_Position_Bound) of Rational;
- -------------
- -- AD_Hash --
- -------------
+ Null_Dimension : constant Dimension_Type := (others => Zero);
- function AD_Hash (F : Node_Id) return AD_Hash_Range is
- begin
- return AD_Hash_Range (F mod 512);
- end AD_Hash;
+ type Dimension_Table_Range is range 0 .. 510;
+ function Dimension_Table_Hash (Key : Node_Id) return Dimension_Table_Range;
- -- Node_Id --> Dimensions
+ -- The following table associates nodes with dimensions
- package Aspect_Dimension_Hash_Table is new
+ package Dimension_Table is new
- (Header_Num => AD_Hash_Range,
- Element => Dimensions,
- No_Element => Zero_Dimensions,
+ (Header_Num => Dimension_Table_Range,
+ Element => Dimension_Type,
+ No_Element => Null_Dimension,
Key => Node_Id,
- Hash => AD_Hash,
+ Hash => Dimension_Table_Hash,
Equal => "=");
- -- Table to record the string of each subtype declaration
- -- Note that this table is only used for IO purposes
+ ------------------
+ -- Symbol types --
+ ------------------
+ type Symbol_Table_Range is range 0 .. 510;
+ function Symbol_Table_Hash (Key : Entity_Id) return Symbol_Table_Range;
- -- Entity_Id --> String_Id
+ -- Each subtype with a dimension has a symbolic representation of the
+ -- related unit. This table establishes a relation between the subtype
+ -- and the symbol.
- package Aspect_Dimension_String_Id_Hash_Table is new
+ package Symbol_Table is new
- (Header_Num => AD_Hash_Range,
+ (Header_Num => Symbol_Table_Range,
Element => String_Id,
No_Element => No_String,
Key => Entity_Id,
- Hash => AD_Hash,
+ Hash => Symbol_Table_Hash,
Equal => "=");
+ -- The following array enumerates all contexts which may contain or
+ -- produce a dimension.
+ OK_For_Dimension : constant array (Node_Kind) of Boolean :=
+ (N_Attribute_Reference => True,
+ N_Defining_Identifier => True,
+ N_Function_Call => True,
+ N_Identifier => True,
+ N_Indexed_Component => True,
+ N_Integer_Literal => True,
+ N_Op_Abs => True,
+ N_Op_Add => True,
+ N_Op_Divide => True,
+ N_Op_Expon => True,
+ N_Op_Minus => True,
+ N_Op_Mod => True,
+ N_Op_Multiply => True,
+ N_Op_Plus => True,
+ N_Op_Rem => True,
+ N_Op_Subtract => True,
+ N_Qualified_Expression => True,
+ N_Real_Literal => True,
+ N_Selected_Component => True,
+ N_Slice => True,
+ N_Type_Conversion => True,
+ N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion => True,
+ others => False);
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for assignment statement
+ -- ??? what does this routine do?
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for binary operators
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for component declaration
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for extended return statement
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for function call
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for N_Has_Etype nodes:
@@ -364,30 +241,42 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- N_Slice
-- N_Type_Conversion
-- N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion
+ -- ??? poor comment, N_Has_Etype contains Node_Ids not listed above, what
+ -- about those?
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Identifier (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for identifier
+ -- ??? what does this routine do?
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for object declaration
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for object renaming declaration
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for simple return statement
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Subtype_Declaration (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for subtype declaration
+ -- ??? same here
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Unary_Op (N : Node_Id);
-- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for unary operators
+ -- ??? same here
- procedure Copy_Dimensions (From, To : Node_Id);
- -- Propagate dimensions between two nodes
+ procedure Copy_Dimensions (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id);
+ -- Copy the dimension vector from one node to another
- procedure Create_Rational_From_Expr (Expr : Node_Id; R : in out Rational);
+ function Create_Rational_From_Expr (Expr : Node_Id) return Rational;
-- Given an expression, creates a rational number
+ -- ??? what does this expression represent?
+ function Dimensions_Of (N : Node_Id) return Dimension_Type;
+ -- Return the dimension vector of node N
procedure Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent
(N : Node_Id;
@@ -395,39 +284,116 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Evaluate the Expon if the exponent is a rational and the operand has a
-- dimension.
+ function Exists (Dim : Dimension_Type) return Boolean;
+ -- Determine whether Dim does not denote the null dimension
+ function Exists (Sys : System_Type) return Boolean;
+ -- Determine whether Sys does not denote the null system
function From_Dimension_To_String_Id
- (Dims : Dimensions;
- Sys : Dim_Sys_Id) return String_Id;
+ (Dims : Dimension_Type;
+ System : System_Type) return String_Id;
-- Given a dimension vector and a dimension system, return the proper
-- string of symbols.
- function Get_Dimensions (N : Node_Id) return Dimensions;
- -- Return the dimensions for the corresponding node
+ function Is_Invalid (Position : Dimension_Position) return Boolean;
+ -- Determine whether Pos denotes the invalid position
- function Get_Dimensions_String_Id (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id;
- -- Return the String_Id of dimensions for the corresponding entity
+ procedure Move_Dimensions (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id);
+ -- Copy dimension vector of From to To, delete dimension vector of From
- function Get_Dimension_System_Id (E : Entity_Id) return Dim_Sys_Id;
- -- Return the Dim_Id of the corresponding dimension system
+ procedure Remove_Dimensions (N : Node_Id);
+ -- Remove the dimension vector of node N
- procedure Move_Dimensions (From, To : Node_Id);
- -- Move Dimensions from 'From' to 'To'. Only called when 'From' has a
- -- dimension.
+ procedure Set_Dimensions (N : Node_Id; Val : Dimension_Type);
+ -- Associate a dimension vector with a node
- function Permits_Dimensions (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Return True if a node can have a dimension
+ procedure Set_Symbol (E : Entity_Id; Val : String_Id);
+ -- Associate a symbol representation of a dimension vector with a subtype
- function Present (Dim : Dimensions) return Boolean;
- -- Return True if Dim is not equal to Zero_Dimensions.
+ function Symbol_Of (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id;
+ -- E denotes a subtype with a dimension. Return the symbol representation
+ -- of the dimension vector.
- procedure Remove_Dimensions (N : Node_Id);
- -- Remove the node from the HTable
+ function System_Of (E : Entity_Id) return System_Type;
+ -- E denotes a type, return associated system of the type if it has one
+ ---------
+ -- "+" --
+ ---------
+ function "+" (Right : Whole) return Rational is
+ begin
+ return (Right, 1);
+ end "+";
- procedure Set_Dimensions (N : Node_Id; Dims : Dimensions);
- -- Store the dimensions of N in the Hash_Table for Dimensions
+ function "+" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is
+ R : constant Rational :=
+ Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Denominator +
+ Left.Denominator * Right.Numerator,
+ Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator);
+ begin
+ return Reduce (R);
+ end "+";
- procedure Set_Dimensions_String_Id (E : Entity_Id; Str : String_Id);
- -- Store the string of dimensions of E in the Hash_Table for String_Id
+ ---------
+ -- "-" --
+ ---------
+ function "-" (Right : Rational) return Rational is
+ begin
+ return Rational'(Numerator => -Right.Numerator,
+ Denominator => Right.Denominator);
+ end "-";
+ function "-" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is
+ R : constant Rational :=
+ Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Denominator -
+ Left.Denominator * Right.Numerator,
+ Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator);
+ begin
+ return Reduce (R);
+ end "-";
+ ---------
+ -- "*" --
+ ---------
+ function "*" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is
+ R : constant Rational :=
+ Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Numerator,
+ Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator);
+ begin
+ return Reduce (R);
+ end "*";
+ function "*" (Left : Rational; Right : Whole) return Rational is
+ R : constant Rational :=
+ Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right,
+ Denominator => Left.Denominator);
+ begin
+ return Reduce (R);
+ end "*";
+ ---------
+ -- "/" --
+ ---------
+ function "/" (Left, Right : Whole) return Rational is
+ R : constant Int := abs Int (Right);
+ L : Int := Int (Left);
+ begin
+ if Right < 0 then
+ L := -L;
+ end if;
+ return Reduce (Rational'(Numerator => Whole (L),
+ Denominator => Whole (R)));
+ end "/";
-- Analyze_Aspect_Dimension --
@@ -445,566 +411,341 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
procedure Analyze_Aspect_Dimension
(N : Node_Id;
Id : Node_Id;
- Expr : Node_Id)
+ Aggr : Node_Id)
- Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
- N_Kind : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (N);
- Analyzed : array (Dimensions'Range) of Boolean := (others => False);
- -- This array has been defined in order to deals with Others_Choice
- -- It is a reminder of the dimensions in the aggregate that have already
- -- been analyzed.
- Choice : Node_Id;
- Comp_Expr : Node_Id;
- Comp_Assn : Node_Id;
- Dim : Dim_Id;
- Dims : Dimensions := Zero_Dimensions;
- Dim_Str_Lit : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id := No_Dim_Sys;
- N_Of_Dims : N_Of_Dimensions;
- Str : String_Id := No_String;
- function Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension
- (Id : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Return True if the identifier name is the name of a dimension in the
- -- dimension system D_Sys.
- function Check_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions_In_Aggregate
- (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Check that each expression in the aggregate is known at compile time
- function Check_Number_Dimensions_Aggregate
- (Expr : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id;
- N_Of_Dims : N_Of_Dimensions) return Boolean;
- -- This routine checks the number of dimensions in the aggregate.
- function Corresponding_Dimension_System (N : Node_Id) return Dim_Sys_Id;
- -- Return the Dim_Sys_Id of the corresponding dimension system
- function Corresponding_Etype_Has_Dimensions (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Return True if the Etype of N has a dimension
- function Get_Dimension_Id
- (Id : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id) return Dim_Id;
- -- Given an identifier and the Dim_Sys_Id of the dimension system in the
- -- Table, returns the Dim_Id that has the same name as the identifier.
- ------------------------------------
- -- Corresponding_Dimension_System --
- ------------------------------------
- function Corresponding_Dimension_System
- (N : Node_Id) return Dim_Sys_Id
+ Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
+ Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Def_Id);
+ Base_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Typ);
+ System : constant System_Type := System_Of (Base_Typ);
+ Processed : array (Dimension_Type'Range) of Boolean := (others => False);
+ -- This array is used when processing ranges or Others_Choice as part of
+ -- the dimension aggregate.
+ Dimensions : Dimension_Type := Null_Dimension;
+ procedure Extract_Power
+ (Expr : Node_Id;
+ Position : Dimension_Position);
+ -- Given an expression with denotes a rational number, read the number
+ -- and associate it with Position in Dimensions.
+ function Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions
+ (Aggr : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Determine whether aggregate Aggr contains only expressions that are
+ -- known at compile time.
+ function Position_In_System
+ (Id : Node_Id;
+ System : System_Type) return Dimension_Position;
+ -- Given an identifier which denotes a dimension, return the position of
+ -- that dimension within System.
+ -------------------
+ -- Extract_Power --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Extract_Power
+ (Expr : Node_Id;
+ Position : Dimension_Position)
- B_Typ : Node_Id;
- Sub_Ind : Node_Id;
- -- Aspect_Dimension can only apply for subtypes
- -- Look for the dimension system corresponding to this
- -- Aspect_Dimension.
- if Nkind (N) = N_Subtype_Declaration then
- Sub_Ind := Subtype_Indication (N);
- if Nkind (Sub_Ind) /= N_Subtype_Indication then
- B_Typ := Etype (Sub_Ind);
- return Get_Dimension_System_Id (B_Typ);
- else
- return No_Dim_Sys;
- end if;
+ if Is_Integer_Type (Def_Id) then
+ Dimensions (Position) := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Expr)));
- return No_Dim_Sys;
+ Dimensions (Position) := Create_Rational_From_Expr (Expr);
end if;
- end Corresponding_Dimension_System;
+ Processed (Position) := True;
+ end Extract_Power;
- -- Corresponding_Etype_Has_Dimensions --
+ -- Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions --
- function Corresponding_Etype_Has_Dimensions
- (N : Node_Id) return Boolean
- is
- Dims_Typ : Dimensions;
- Typ : Entity_Id;
- begin
- -- Check the type is dimensionless before assigning a dimension
- if Nkind (N) = N_Subtype_Declaration then
- declare
- Sub : constant Node_Id := Subtype_Indication (N);
- begin
- if Nkind (Sub) /= N_Subtype_Indication then
- Typ := Etype (Sub);
- else
- Typ := Etype (Subtype_Mark (Sub));
- end if;
- Dims_Typ := Get_Dimensions (Typ);
- return Present (Dims_Typ);
- end;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Corresponding_Etype_Has_Dimensions;
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Check_Number_Dimensions_Aggregate --
- ---------------------------------------
- function Check_Number_Dimensions_Aggregate
- (Expr : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id;
- N_Of_Dims : N_Of_Dimensions) return Boolean
+ function Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions
+ (Aggr : Node_Id) return Boolean
- Assoc : Node_Id;
- Choice : Node_Id;
- Comp_Expr : Node_Id;
- N_Dims_Aggr : Int := No_Dimensions;
- -- The number of dimensions in this aggregate
+ Comp : Node_Id;
+ Expr : Node_Id;
- -- Check the size of the aggregate match with the size of the
- -- corresponding dimension system.
- Comp_Expr := First (Expressions (Expr));
- -- Skip the first argument in the aggregate since it's a character or
- -- a string and not a dimension value.
- Next (Comp_Expr);
- if Present (Component_Associations (Expr)) then
- -- For a positional aggregate with an Others_Choice, the number
- -- of expressions must be less than or equal to N_Of_Dims - 1.
- if Present (Comp_Expr) then
- N_Dims_Aggr := List_Length (Expressions (Expr)) - 1;
- return N_Dims_Aggr <= N_Of_Dims - 1;
- -- If the aggregate is a named aggregate, N_Dims_Aggr is used to
- -- count all the dimensions referenced by the aggregate.
- else
- Assoc := First (Component_Associations (Expr));
- while Present (Assoc) loop
- if Nkind (Assoc) = N_Range then
- Choice := First (Choices (Assoc));
- declare
- HB : constant Node_Id := High_Bound (Choice);
- LB : constant Node_Id := Low_Bound (Choice);
- LB_Dim : Dim_Id;
- HB_Dim : Dim_Id;
- begin
- if not Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension (HB, D_Sys)
- or else not Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension (LB, D_Sys)
- then
- return False;
- end if;
- HB_Dim := Get_Dimension_Id (HB, D_Sys);
- LB_Dim := Get_Dimension_Id (LB, D_Sys);
- N_Dims_Aggr := N_Dims_Aggr + HB_Dim - LB_Dim + 1;
- end;
- else
- N_Dims_Aggr :=
- N_Dims_Aggr + List_Length (Choices (Assoc));
- end if;
+ Expr := First (Expressions (Aggr));
+ if Present (Expr) then
- Next (Assoc);
- end loop;
+ -- The first expression within the aggregate describes the
+ -- symbolic name of a dimension, skip it.
- -- Check whether an Others_Choice is present or not
+ Next (Expr);
+ while Present (Expr) loop
+ Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr);
- if Nkind
- (First (Choices (Last (Component_Associations (Expr))))) =
- N_Others_Choice
- then
- return N_Dims_Aggr <= N_Of_Dims;
- else
- return N_Dims_Aggr = N_Of_Dims;
+ if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Expr) then
+ return False;
end if;
- end if;
- -- If the aggregate is a positional aggregate without Others_Choice,
- -- the number of expressions must match the number of dimensions in
- -- the dimension system.
- else
- N_Dims_Aggr := List_Length (Expressions (Expr)) - 1;
- return N_Dims_Aggr = N_Of_Dims;
+ Next (Expr);
+ end loop;
end if;
- end Check_Number_Dimensions_Aggregate;
- -----------------------------------
- -- Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension --
- -----------------------------------
- function Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension
- (Id : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id) return Boolean
- is
- Na_Id : constant Name_Id := Chars (Id);
- Dim_Name1 : Name_Id;
- Dim_Name2 : Name_Id;
- begin
- for Dim1 in Dim_Id'Range loop
- Dim_Name1 := Dim_Systems.Table (D_Sys).Names (Dim1);
- if Dim_Name1 = Na_Id then
- return True;
- end if;
- if Dim1 = Max_Dimensions then
- -- Check for possible misspelling
- Error_Msg_N ("& is not a dimension argument for aspect%", Id);
+ Comp := First (Component_Associations (Aggr));
+ while Present (Comp) loop
+ Expr := Expression (Comp);
- for Dim2 in Dim_Id'Range loop
- Dim_Name2 := Dim_Systems.Table (D_Sys).Names (Dim2);
+ Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr);
- if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of (Na_Id, Dim_Name2) then
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Dim_Name2;
- Error_Msg_N ("\possible misspelling of%", Id);
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
+ if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Expr) then
+ return False;
end if;
- end loop;
- return False;
- end Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension;
- ----------------------
- -- Get_Dimension_Id --
- ----------------------
- -- Given an identifier, returns the correponding position of the
- -- dimension in the dimension system.
- function Get_Dimension_Id
- (Id : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id) return Dim_Id
- is
- Na_Id : constant Name_Id := Chars (Id);
- Dim : Dim_Id;
- Dim_Name : Name_Id;
- begin
- for D in Dim_Id'Range loop
- Dim_Name := Dim_Systems.Table (D_Sys).Names (D);
- if Dim_Name = Na_Id then
- Dim := D;
- end if;
+ Next (Comp);
end loop;
- return Dim;
- end Get_Dimension_Id;
+ return True;
+ end Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions;
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- Check_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions_In_Aggregate --
- -------------------------------------------------------
+ ------------------------
+ -- Position_In_System --
+ ------------------------
- function Check_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions_In_Aggregate
- (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean
+ function Position_In_System
+ (Id : Node_Id;
+ System : System_Type) return Dimension_Position
- Comp_Assn : Node_Id;
- Comp_Expr : Node_Id;
+ Dimension_Name : constant Name_Id := Chars (Id);
- Comp_Expr := Next (First (Expressions (Expr)));
- while Present (Comp_Expr) loop
- -- First, analyze the expression
- Analyze_And_Resolve (Comp_Expr);
- if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Comp_Expr) then
- return False;
+ for Position in System.Names'Range loop
+ if Dimension_Name = System.Names (Position) then
+ return Position;
end if;
- Next (Comp_Expr);
end loop;
- Comp_Assn := First (Component_Associations (Expr));
- while Present (Comp_Assn) loop
- Comp_Expr := Expression (Comp_Assn);
- -- First, analyze the expression
+ return Invalid_Position;
+ end Position_In_System;
- Analyze_And_Resolve (Comp_Expr);
+ -- Local variables
- if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Comp_Expr) then
- return False;
- end if;
- Next (Comp_Assn);
- end loop;
- return True;
- end Check_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions_In_Aggregate;
+ Assoc : Node_Id;
+ Choice : Node_Id;
+ Expr : Node_Id;
+ Num_Choices : Nat := 0;
+ Num_Dimensions : Nat := 0;
+ Others_Seen : Boolean := False;
+ Position : Nat := 0;
+ Symbol : String_Id;
+ Symbol_Decl : Node_Id;
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Aspect_Dimension
- -- Syntax checking
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (Id);
+ -- STEP 1: Legality of aspect
- if N_Kind /= N_Subtype_Declaration then
- Error_Msg_N ("aspect% doesn't apply here", N);
+ if Nkind (N) /= N_Subtype_Declaration then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("aspect % must apply to subtype declaration", N, Id);
end if;
- if Nkind (Expr) /= N_Aggregate then
- Error_Msg_N ("wrong syntax for aspect%", Expr);
+ if Nkind (Aggr) /= N_Aggregate then
+ Error_Msg_N ("aggregate expected", Aggr);
end if;
- D_Sys := Corresponding_Dimension_System (N);
+ -- Each expression in dimension aggregate must be known at compile time
- if D_Sys = No_Dim_Sys then
- Error_Msg_N ("dimension system not found for aspect%", N);
+ if not Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions (Aggr) then
+ Error_Msg_N ("values of aggregate must be static", Aggr);
end if;
- if Corresponding_Etype_Has_Dimensions (N) then
- Error_Msg_N ("corresponding type already has a dimension", N);
- return;
- end if;
- -- Check the first expression is a string or a character literal and
- -- skip it.
+ -- The dimension declarations are useless if the parent type does not
+ -- declare a valid system.
- Dim_Str_Lit := First (Expressions (Expr));
- if not Present (Dim_Str_Lit)
- or else not Nkind_In (Dim_Str_Lit,
- N_String_Literal,
- N_Character_Literal)
- then
- Error_Msg_N
- ("wrong syntax for aspect%: first argument in the aggregate must " &
- "be a character or a string",
- Expr);
+ if not Exists (System) then
+ Error_Msg_NE ("parent type of % lacks dimension system", N, Def_Id);
end if;
- Comp_Expr := Next (Dim_Str_Lit);
+ -- STEP 2: Structural verification of the dimension aggregate
- -- Check the number of dimensions match with the dimension system
+ -- The first entry in the aggregate is the symbolic representation of
+ -- the dimension.
- N_Of_Dims := Dim_Systems.Table (D_Sys).N_Of_Dims;
+ Symbol_Decl := First (Expressions (Aggr));
- if not Check_Number_Dimensions_Aggregate (Expr, D_Sys, N_Of_Dims) then
- Error_Msg_N ("wrong number of dimensions for aspect%", Expr);
+ if No (Symbol_Decl)
+ or else not Nkind_In (Symbol_Decl, N_Character_Literal,
+ N_String_Literal)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N ("first argument must be character or string", Aggr);
end if;
- Dim := Dim_Id'First;
- Comp_Assn := First (Component_Associations (Expr));
+ -- STEP 3: Name and value extraction
- if Present (Comp_Expr) then
- if List_Length (Component_Associations (Expr)) > 1 then
- Error_Msg_N ("named association cannot follow " &
- "positional association for aspect%", Expr);
- return;
- end if;
+ -- Positional elements
- if Present (Comp_Assn)
- and then Nkind (First (Choices (Comp_Assn))) /= N_Others_Choice
- then
- Error_Msg_N ("named association cannot follow " &
- "positional association for aspect%", Expr);
+ Expr := Next (Symbol_Decl);
+ Position := Low_Position_Bound;
+ while Present (Expr) loop
+ if Position > High_Position_Bound then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("type has more dimensions than system allows", Def_Id);
end if;
- end if;
- -- Check each expression in the aspect Dimension aggregate is known at
- -- compile time.
- if not Check_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions_In_Aggregate (Expr) then
- Error_Msg_N ("wrong syntax for aspect%", Expr);
- return;
- end if;
- -- Get the dimension values and store them in the Hash_Table
- -- Positional aggregate case
- while Present (Comp_Expr) loop
- if Is_Integer_Type (Def_Id) then
- Dims (Dim) := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Comp_Expr)));
- else
- Create_Rational_From_Expr (Comp_Expr, Dims (Dim));
- end if;
- Analyzed (Dim) := True;
+ Extract_Power (Expr, Position);
- exit when Dim = Max_Dimensions;
+ Position := Position + 1;
+ Num_Dimensions := Num_Dimensions + 1;
- Dim := Dim + 1;
- Next (Comp_Expr);
+ Next (Expr);
end loop;
- -- Named aggregate case
+ -- Named elements
- while Present (Comp_Assn) loop
- Comp_Expr := Expression (Comp_Assn);
- Choice := First (Choices (Comp_Assn));
+ Assoc := First (Component_Associations (Aggr));
+ while Present (Assoc) loop
+ Expr := Expression (Assoc);
+ Choice := First (Choices (Assoc));
- if List_Length (Choices (Comp_Assn)) = 1 then
+ while Present (Choice) loop
- -- N_Identifier case
+ -- Identifier case: NAME => EXPRESSION
if Nkind (Choice) = N_Identifier then
+ Position := Position_In_System (Choice, System);
- if not Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension (Choice, D_Sys) then
+ if Is_Invalid (Position) then
+ Error_Msg_N ("dimension name not part of system", Choice);
end if;
- Dim := Get_Dimension_Id (Choice, D_Sys);
- if Is_Integer_Type (Def_Id) then
- Dims (Dim) := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Comp_Expr)));
- else
- Create_Rational_From_Expr (Comp_Expr, Dims (Dim));
- end if;
- Analyzed (Dim) := True;
+ Extract_Power (Expr, Position);
- -- N_Range case
+ -- Range case: NAME .. NAME => EXPRESSION
elsif Nkind (Choice) = N_Range then
- HB : constant Node_Id := High_Bound (Choice);
- LB : constant Node_Id := Low_Bound (Choice);
- LB_Dim : constant Dim_Id := Get_Dimension_Id (LB, D_Sys);
- HB_Dim : constant Dim_Id := Get_Dimension_Id (HB, D_Sys);
+ Low : constant Node_Id := Low_Bound (Choice);
+ High : constant Node_Id := High_Bound (Choice);
+ Low_Pos : Dimension_Position;
+ High_Pos : Dimension_Position;
- for Dim in LB_Dim .. HB_Dim loop
- if Is_Integer_Type (Def_Id) then
- Dims (Dim) :=
- +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Comp_Expr)));
- else
- Create_Rational_From_Expr (Comp_Expr, Dims (Dim));
- end if;
+ if Nkind (Low) /= N_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_N ("bound must denote a dimension name", Low);
+ return;
+ elsif Nkind (High) /= N_Identifier then
+ Error_Msg_N ("bound must denote a dimension name", High);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Low_Pos := Position_In_System (Low, System);
+ High_Pos := Position_In_System (High, System);
+ if Is_Invalid (Low_Pos) then
+ Error_Msg_N ("dimension name not part of system", Low);
+ return;
+ elsif Is_Invalid (High_Pos) then
+ Error_Msg_N ("dimension name not part of system", High);
+ return;
+ elsif Low_Pos > High_Pos then
+ Error_Msg_N ("expected low to high range", Choice);
+ return;
+ end if;
- Analyzed (Dim) := True;
+ for Position in Low_Pos .. High_Pos loop
+ Extract_Power (Expr, Position);
end loop;
- -- N_Others_Choice case
+ -- Others case: OTHERS => EXPRESSION
elsif Nkind (Choice) = N_Others_Choice then
+ if Present (Next (Choice)) then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("OTHERS must appear alone in a choice list", Choice);
+ return;
- -- Check the Others_Choice is alone and last in the aggregate
- if Present (Next (Comp_Assn)) then
+ elsif Present (Next (Assoc)) then
- ("OTHERS must appear alone and last in expression " &
- "for aspect%", Choice);
+ ("OTHERS must appear last in an aggregate", Choice);
+ return;
+ elsif Others_Seen then
+ Error_Msg_N ("multiple OTHERS not allowed", Choice);
end if;
- -- End the filling of Dims by the Others_Choice value. If
- -- N_Of_Dims < Max_Dimensions then only the positions that
- -- haven't been already analyzed from Dim_Id'First to N_Of_Dims
- -- are filled.
+ Others_Seen := True;
- for Dim in Dim_Id'First .. N_Of_Dims loop
- if not Analyzed (Dim) then
- if Is_Integer_Type (Def_Id) then
- Dims (Dim) :=
- +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Comp_Expr)));
- else
- Create_Rational_From_Expr (Comp_Expr, Dims (Dim));
- end if;
+ -- Fill the non-processed dimensions with the default value
+ -- supplied by others.
+ for Position in Processed'Range loop
+ if not Processed (Position) then
+ Extract_Power (Expr, Position);
end if;
end loop;
+ -- All other cases are erroneous declarations of dimension names
- Error_Msg_N ("wrong syntax for aspect%", Id);
+ Error_Msg_N ("wrong syntax for aspect%", Choice);
+ return;
end if;
- else
- while Present (Choice) loop
- if Nkind (Choice) = N_Identifier then
+ Num_Choices := Num_Choices + 1;
- if not Check_Identifier_Is_Dimension (Choice, D_Sys) then
- return;
- end if;
+ Next (Choice);
+ end loop;
- Dim := Get_Dimension_Id (Choice, D_Sys);
+ Num_Dimensions := Num_Dimensions + 1;
- if Is_Integer_Type (Def_Id) then
- Dims (Dim) := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Comp_Expr)));
- else
- Create_Rational_From_Expr (Comp_Expr, Dims (Dim));
- end if;
+ Next (Assoc);
+ end loop;
- Analyzed (Dim) := True;
- Next (Choice);
- else
- Error_Msg_N ("wrong syntax for aspect%", Id);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
+ -- STEP 4: Consistency of system and dimensions
- Next (Comp_Assn);
- end loop;
+ if Present (Next (Symbol_Decl))
+ and then (Num_Choices > 1
+ or else (Num_Choices = 1 and then not Others_Seen))
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("named associations cannot follow positional associations", Aggr);
- -- Create the string of dimensions
+ elsif Num_Dimensions > System.Count then
+ Error_Msg_N ("type has more dimensions than system allows", Def_Id);
- if Nkind (Dim_Str_Lit) = N_Character_Literal then
- Start_String;
- Store_String_Char (UI_To_CC (Char_Literal_Value (Dim_Str_Lit)));
- Str := End_String;
- else
- Str := Strval (Dim_Str_Lit);
+ elsif Num_Dimensions < System.Count and then not Others_Seen then
+ Error_Msg_N ("type has less dimensions than system allows", Def_Id);
end if;
- -- Store the dimensions in the Hash Table if not all equal to zero and
- -- string is empty.
+ -- STEP 5: Dimension symbol extraction
- if not Present (Dims) then
- if String_Length (Str) = 0 then
- Error_Msg_N
- ("?dimension values all equal to zero for aspect%", Expr);
- return;
- end if;
+ if Nkind (Symbol_Decl) = N_Character_Literal then
+ Start_String;
+ Store_String_Char (UI_To_CC (Char_Literal_Value (Symbol_Decl)));
+ Symbol := End_String;
- Set_Dimensions (Def_Id, Dims);
+ Symbol := Strval (Symbol_Decl);
end if;
- -- Store the string in the Hash Table
- -- When the string is empty, don't store the string in the Hash Table
+ if String_Length (Symbol) = 0 and then not Exists (Dimensions) then
+ Error_Msg_N ("useless dimension declaration", Aggr);
+ end if;
- if Str /= No_String
- and then String_Length (Str) /= 0
- then
- Set_Dimensions_String_Id (Def_Id, Str);
+ -- STEP 6: Storage of extracted values
+ if String_Length (Symbol) /= 0 then
+ Set_Symbol (Def_Id, Symbol);
+ end if;
+ if Exists (Dimensions) then
+ Set_Dimensions (Def_Id, Dimensions);
end if;
end Analyze_Aspect_Dimension;
@@ -1034,10 +775,10 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Dim_Name : Node_Id;
Dim_Node : Node_Id;
Dim_Symbol : Node_Id;
- D_Sys : Dimension_System := No_Dimension_System;
- Names : Name_Array := No_Names;
- N_Of_Dims : N_Of_Dimensions;
- Symbols : Symbol_Array := No_Symbols;
+ D_Sys : System_Type := Null_System;
+ Names : Name_Array := No_Names;
+ N_Of_Dims : Dimension_Position;
+ Symbols : Symbol_Array := No_Symbols;
function Derived_From_Numeric_Type (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Return True if the node is a derived type declaration from any
@@ -1048,7 +789,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
function Check_Number_Of_Dimensions (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Return True if the number of dimensions in the corresponding
- -- dimension is positive and lower than Max_Dimensions.
+ -- dimension is positive and lower than Max_Number_Of_Dimensions.
-- Derived_From_Numeric_Type --
@@ -1161,10 +902,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
function Check_Number_Of_Dimensions (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean is
List_Expr : constant List_Id := Expressions (Expr);
- if List_Length (List_Expr) < Dim_Id'First
- or else List_Length (List_Expr) > Max_Dimensions
+ if List_Length (List_Expr) < Dimension_Position'First
+ or else List_Length (List_Expr) > Max_Number_Of_Dimensions
return False;
@@ -1175,7 +915,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Start of processing for Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (Id);
+ -- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (Id);
-- Syntax checking
@@ -1206,10 +946,10 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Create the new dimension system
- D_Sys.Base_Type := N;
+ D_Sys.Type_Decl := N;
Dim_Node := First (Expressions (Expr));
- for Dim in Dim_Id'First .. N_Of_Dims loop
+ for Dim in Names'First .. N_Of_Dims loop
Dim_Name := First (Expressions (Dim_Node));
Names (Dim) := Chars (Dim_Name);
Dim_Symbol := Next (Dim_Name);
@@ -1230,13 +970,13 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Next (Dim_Node);
end loop;
- D_Sys.Names := Names;
- D_Sys.N_Of_Dims := N_Of_Dims;
- D_Sys.Symbols := Symbols;
+ D_Sys.Names := Names;
+ D_Sys.Count := N_Of_Dims;
+ D_Sys.Symbols := Symbols;
-- Store the dimension system in the Table
- Dim_Systems.Append (D_Sys);
+ System_Table.Append (D_Sys);
end Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System;
@@ -1308,28 +1048,28 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
Lhs : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
- Dim_Lhs : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (Lhs);
+ Dim_Lhs : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Lhs);
Rhs : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
- Dim_Rhs : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (Rhs);
+ Dim_Rhs : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Rhs);
procedure Analyze_Dimensions_In_Assignment
- (Dim_Lhs : Dimensions;
- Dim_Rhs : Dimensions);
- -- Subroutine to perform the dimensionnality checking for assignment
+ (Dim_Lhs : Dimension_Type;
+ Dim_Rhs : Dimension_Type);
+ -- Perform the dimensionality checking for assignment
-- Analyze_Dimensions_In_Assignment --
procedure Analyze_Dimensions_In_Assignment
- (Dim_Lhs : Dimensions;
- Dim_Rhs : Dimensions)
+ (Dim_Lhs : Dimension_Type;
+ Dim_Rhs : Dimension_Type)
-- Check the lhs and the rhs have the same dimension
- if not Present (Dim_Lhs) then
- if Present (Dim_Rhs) then
+ if not Exists (Dim_Lhs) then
+ if Exists (Dim_Rhs) then
Error_Msg_N ("?dimensions missmatch in assignment", N);
end if;
@@ -1360,16 +1100,18 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
L : constant Node_Id := Left_Opnd (N);
- L_Dims : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (L);
- L_Has_Dimensions : constant Boolean := Present (L_Dims);
+ L_Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (L);
+ L_Has_Dimensions : constant Boolean := Exists (L_Dims);
R : constant Node_Id := Right_Opnd (N);
- R_Dims : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (R);
- R_Has_Dimensions : constant Boolean := Present (R_Dims);
- Dims : Dimensions := Zero_Dimensions;
+ R_Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (R);
+ R_Has_Dimensions : constant Boolean := Exists (R_Dims);
+ Dims : Dimension_Type := Null_Dimension;
if Nkind_In (N, N_Op_Add, N_Op_Mod, N_Op_Rem, N_Op_Subtract) then
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (N);
+ -- What is the following deleted code about
+ -- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (N);
-- Check both operands dimension
@@ -1403,14 +1145,14 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Get both operands dimension and add them
if N_Kind = N_Op_Multiply then
- for Dim in Dimensions'Range loop
+ for Dim in Dimension_Type'Range loop
Dims (Dim) := L_Dims (Dim) + R_Dims (Dim);
end loop;
-- Get both operands dimension and subtract them
- for Dim in Dimensions'Range loop
+ for Dim in Dimension_Type'Range loop
Dims (Dim) := L_Dims (Dim) - R_Dims (Dim);
end loop;
end if;
@@ -1428,17 +1170,18 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
end if;
end if;
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
Set_Dimensions (N, Dims);
end if;
- -- N_Op_Expon
+ -- N_Op_Expon
-- Propagation of the dimension and evaluation of the result if
-- the exponent is a rational and if the operand has a dimension.
elsif N_Kind = N_Op_Expon then
- Rat : Rational := Zero_Rational;
+ Rat : Rational := Zero;
-- Check exponent is dimensionless
@@ -1455,23 +1198,23 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- compile time. Otherwise, the exponentiation evaluation
-- will return an error message.
- if Get_Dimension_System_Id
- (Base_Type (Etype (L))) /= No_Dim_Sys
+ if Exists (System_Of (Base_Type (Etype (L))))
and then Compile_Time_Known_Value (R)
-- Real exponent case
if Is_Real_Type (Etype (L)) then
-- Define the exponent as a Rational number
- Create_Rational_From_Expr (R, Rat);
+ Rat := Create_Rational_From_Expr (R);
if L_Has_Dimensions then
- for Dim in Dimensions'Range loop
+ for Dim in Dimension_Type'Range loop
Dims (Dim) := L_Dims (Dim) * Rat;
end loop;
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
Set_Dimensions (N, Dims);
end if;
end if;
@@ -1483,13 +1226,13 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Integer exponent case
- for Dim in Dimensions'Range loop
+ for Dim in Dimension_Type'Range loop
Dims (Dim) :=
L_Dims (Dim) *
Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (R)));
end loop;
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
Set_Dimensions (N, Dims);
end if;
end if;
@@ -1501,7 +1244,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- performed (no propagation).
elsif N_Kind in N_Op_Compare then
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (N);
+ -- What is this deleted code about ???
+ -- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (N);
if (L_Has_Dimensions or R_Has_Dimensions)
and then L_Dims /= R_Dims
@@ -1526,19 +1271,19 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
E_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Id);
- Dim_T : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (E_Typ);
- Dim_E : Dimensions;
+ Dim_T : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (E_Typ);
+ Dim_E : Dimension_Type;
- if Present (Dim_T) then
+ if Exists (Dim_T) then
-- If the component type has a dimension and there is no expression,
-- propagates the dimension.
if Present (Expr) then
- Dim_E := Get_Dimensions (Expr);
+ Dim_E := Dimensions_Of (Expr);
- if Present (Dim_E) then
+ if Exists (Dim_E) then
-- Return an error if the dimension of the expression and the
-- dimension of the type missmatch.
@@ -1571,8 +1316,8 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Obj_Decls : constant List_Id := Return_Object_Declarations (N);
R_Ent : constant Entity_Id := Return_Statement_Entity (N);
R_Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Return_Applies_To (R_Ent));
- Dims_R : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (R_Etyp);
- Dims_Obj : Dimensions;
+ Dims_R : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (R_Etyp);
+ Dims_Obj : Dimension_Type;
Obj_Decl : Node_Id;
Obj_Id : Entity_Id;
@@ -1584,11 +1329,11 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Obj_Id := Defining_Identifier (Obj_Decl);
if Is_Return_Object (Obj_Id) then
- Dims_Obj := Get_Dimensions (Obj_Id);
+ Dims_Obj := Dimensions_Of (Obj_Id);
if Dims_R /= Dims_Obj then
- Error_Msg_N ("?dimensions missmatch in return statement",
- N);
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("?dimensions missmatch in return statement", N);
end if;
end if;
@@ -1606,8 +1351,8 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N : Node_Id) is
Name_Call : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
Par_Ass : constant List_Id := Parameter_Associations (N);
- Dims : Dimensions;
- Dims_Param : Dimensions;
+ Dims : Dimension_Type;
+ Dims_Param : Dimension_Type;
Param : Node_Id;
function Is_Elementary_Function_Call (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
@@ -1624,9 +1369,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Note that the node must come from source
- if Comes_From_Source (N)
- and then Is_Entity_Name (Name_Call)
- then
+ if Comes_From_Source (N) and then Is_Entity_Name (Name_Call) then
Ent := Entity (Name_Call);
-- Check the procedure is defined in an instantiation of a generic
@@ -1659,9 +1402,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Sqrt function call case
if Chars (Name_Call) = Name_Sqrt then
- Dims := Get_Dimensions (First (Par_Ass));
+ Dims := Dimensions_Of (First (Par_Ass));
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
for Dim in Dims'Range loop
Dims (Dim) := Dims (Dim) * (1, 2);
end loop;
@@ -1675,14 +1418,16 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Param := First (Par_Ass);
while Present (Param) loop
- Dims_Param := Get_Dimensions (Param);
+ Dims_Param := Dimensions_Of (Param);
+ if Exists (Dims_Param) then
+ -- What is this deleted code about ???
+ -- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (Name_Call);
- if Present (Dims_Param) then
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (Name_Call);
- ("?parameter should be dimensionless for elementary " &
- "function%",
- Param);
+ ("?parameter should be dimensionless for elementary "
+ & "function%", Param);
end if;
@@ -1703,13 +1448,13 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N : Node_Id) is
E_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N);
- Dims : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (E_Typ);
+ Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (E_Typ);
N_Kind : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (N);
-- Propagation of the dimensions from the type
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
Set_Dimensions (N, Dims);
end if;
@@ -1749,9 +1494,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Identifier (N : Node_Id) is
Ent : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N);
- Dims : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (Ent);
+ Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Ent);
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
Set_Dimensions (N, Dims);
Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N);
@@ -1766,18 +1511,18 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
E_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Id);
- Dim_T : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (E_Typ);
- Dim_E : Dimensions;
+ Dim_T : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (E_Typ);
+ Dim_E : Dimension_Type;
- if Present (Dim_T) then
+ if Exists (Dim_T) then
-- Expression is present
if Present (Expr) then
- Dim_E := Get_Dimensions (Expr);
+ Dim_E := Dimensions_Of (Expr);
- if Present (Dim_E) then
+ if Exists (Dim_E) then
-- Return an error if the dimension of the expression and the
-- dimension of the type missmatch.
@@ -1790,9 +1535,8 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- If the expression is dimensionless
- -- If the node is not a real constant or an integer constant
- -- (depending on the dimensioned numeric type), return an error
- -- message.
+ -- If node is not a real or integer constant (depending on the
+ -- dimensioned numeric type), generate an error message.
if not Nkind_In (Original_Node (Expr),
@@ -1819,9 +1563,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
Ren_Id : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
E_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Ren_Id);
- Dims_Typ : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (E_Typ);
+ Dims_Typ : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (E_Typ);
- if Present (Dims_Typ) then
+ if Exists (Dims_Typ) then
Copy_Dimensions (E_Typ, Id);
end if;
end Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration;
@@ -1832,10 +1576,10 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
- Dims_Expr : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (Expr);
+ Dims_Expr : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Expr);
R_Ent : constant Entity_Id := Return_Statement_Entity (N);
R_Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Return_Applies_To (R_Ent));
- Dims_R : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (R_Etyp);
+ Dims_R : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (R_Etyp);
if Dims_R /= Dims_Expr then
Error_Msg_N ("?dimensions missmatch in return statement", N);
@@ -1849,28 +1593,27 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
procedure Analyze_Dimension_Subtype_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is
Ent : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
- Dims_Ent : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (Ent);
+ Dims_Ent : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Ent);
E_Typ : Node_Id;
if Nkind (Subtype_Indication (N)) /= N_Subtype_Indication then
E_Typ := Etype (Subtype_Indication (N));
- Dims_Typ : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (E_Typ);
+ Dims_Typ : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (E_Typ);
- if Present (Dims_Typ) then
+ if Exists (Dims_Typ) then
-- If subtype already has a dimension (from Aspect_Dimension),
-- it cannot inherit a dimension from its subtype.
- if Present (Dims_Ent) then
+ if Exists (Dims_Ent) then
Error_Msg_N ("?subtype& already has a dimension", N);
Set_Dimensions (Ent, Dims_Typ);
- Set_Dimensions_String_Id
- (Ent, Get_Dimensions_String_Id (E_Typ));
+ Set_Symbol (Ent, Symbol_Of (E_Typ));
end if;
end if;
@@ -1878,21 +1621,20 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
E_Typ := Etype (Subtype_Mark (Subtype_Indication (N)));
- Dims_Typ : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (E_Typ);
+ Dims_Typ : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (E_Typ);
- if Present (Dims_Typ) then
+ if Exists (Dims_Typ) then
-- If subtype already has a dimension (from Aspect_Dimension),
-- it cannot inherit a dimension from its subtype.
- if Present (Dims_Ent) then
+ if Exists (Dims_Ent) then
Error_Msg_N ("?subtype& already has a dimension", N);
Set_Dimensions (Ent, Dims_Typ);
- Set_Dimensions_String_Id
- (Ent, Get_Dimensions_String_Id (E_Typ));
+ Set_Symbol (Ent, Symbol_Of (E_Typ));
end if;
end if;
@@ -1925,22 +1667,22 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Copy_Dimensions --
- procedure Copy_Dimensions (From, To : Node_Id) is
- Dims : constant Dimensions := Aspect_Dimension_Hash_Table.Get (From);
+ procedure Copy_Dimensions (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id) is
+ Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (From);
-- Propagate the dimension from one node to another
- pragma Assert (Permits_Dimensions (To));
- pragma Assert (Present (Dims));
- Aspect_Dimension_Hash_Table.Set (To, Dims);
+ pragma Assert (OK_For_Dimension (Nkind (To)));
+ pragma Assert (Exists (Dims));
+ Set_Dimensions (To, Dims);
end Copy_Dimensions;
-- Create_Rational_From_Expr --
- procedure Create_Rational_From_Expr (Expr : Node_Id; R : in out Rational) is
+ function Create_Rational_From_Expr (Expr : Node_Id) return Rational is
Or_N : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Expr);
Left : Node_Id;
Left_Int : Int;
@@ -1949,6 +1691,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Right_Int : Int;
R_Opnd_Minus : Node_Id;
Rtype : Entity_Id;
+ Result : Rational;
-- A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient
@@ -1974,9 +1717,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
if Right_Int > 0 then
if Left_Int mod Right_Int = 0 then
- R := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Expr)));
+ Result := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Expr)));
- R := Whole (Left_Int) / Whole (Right_Int);
+ Result := Whole (Left_Int) / Whole (Right_Int);
end if;
@@ -2009,9 +1752,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
if Right_Int > 0 then
if Left_Int mod Right_Int = 0 then
- R := +Whole (-UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Expr)));
+ Result := +Whole (-UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Expr)));
- R := Whole (-Left_Int) / Whole (Right_Int);
+ Result := Whole (-Left_Int) / Whole (Right_Int);
end if;
@@ -2028,19 +1771,41 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
if Is_Integer_Type (Etype (Expr)) then
Right_Int := UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Expr));
- R := +Whole (Right_Int);
+ Result := +Whole (Right_Int);
Error_Msg_N ("must be a rational", Expr);
end if;
end if;
+ return Result;
end Create_Rational_From_Expr;
+ -------------------
+ -- Dimensions_Of --
+ -------------------
+ function Dimensions_Of (N : Node_Id) return Dimension_Type is
+ begin
+ return Dimension_Table.Get (N);
+ end Dimensions_Of;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Dimension_Table_Hash --
+ --------------------------
+ function Dimension_Table_Hash
+ (Key : Node_Id) return Dimension_Table_Range
+ is
+ begin
+ return Dimension_Table_Range (Key mod 511);
+ end Dimension_Table_Hash;
-- Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type --
- -- Eval the expon operator for dimensioned type
+ -- Evaluate the expon operator for dimensioned type
-- Note that if the exponent is an integer (denominator = 1) the node is
-- not evaluated here and must be evaluated by the Eval_Op_Expon routine.
@@ -2050,10 +1815,10 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
B_Typ : Entity_Id)
R : constant Node_Id := Right_Opnd (N);
- Rat : Rational := Zero_Rational;
+ Rat : Rational := Zero;
if Compile_Time_Known_Value (R) and then Is_Real_Type (B_Typ) then
- Create_Rational_From_Expr (R, Rat);
+ Rat := Create_Rational_From_Expr (R);
Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent (N, Rat);
end if;
end Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type;
@@ -2071,7 +1836,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
(N : Node_Id;
Rat : Rational)
- Dims : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (N);
+ Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (N);
L : constant Node_Id := Left_Opnd (N);
Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (L);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
@@ -2085,25 +1850,23 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
New_E : Entity_Id;
New_N : Node_Id;
New_Typ_L : Node_Id;
- Sys : Dim_Sys_Id;
+ System : System_Type;
-- If Rat.Denominator = 1 that means the exponent is an Integer so
-- nothing has to be changed. Note that the node must come from source.
- if Comes_From_Source (N)
- and then Rat.Denominator /= 1
- then
+ if Comes_From_Source (N) and then Rat.Denominator /= 1 then
Base_Typ := Base_Type (Etyp);
-- Case when the operand is not dimensionless
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
-- Get the corresponding Dim_Sys_Id to know the exact number of
-- dimensions in the system.
- Sys := Get_Dimension_System_Id (Base_Typ);
+ System := System_Of (Base_Typ);
-- Step 1: Generation of a new subtype with the proper dimensions
@@ -2114,10 +1877,10 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Generate:
-- Base_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etyp);
- -- Sys : constant Dim_Sys_Id :=
+ -- Sys : constant System_Id :=
-- Get_Dimension_System_Id (Base_Typ);
- -- N_Dims : constant N_Of_Dimensions :=
- -- Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).N_Of_Dims;
+ -- N_Dims : constant Number_Of_Dimensions :=
+ -- Dimension_Systems.Table (Sys).Dimension_Count;
-- Dim_Value : Rational;
-- Aspect_Dim_Expr : List;
@@ -2144,7 +1907,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Append (Make_String_Literal (Loc, No_String), List_Of_Dims);
- for Dim in Dims'First .. Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).N_Of_Dims loop
+ for Dim in Dims'First .. System.Count loop
Dim_Value := Dims (Dim);
if Dim_Value.Denominator /= 1 then
@@ -2245,6 +2008,20 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
end if;
end Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent;
+ ------------
+ -- Exists --
+ ------------
+ function Exists (Dim : Dimension_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Dim /= Null_Dimension;
+ end Exists;
+ function Exists (Sys : System_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Sys /= Null_System;
+ end Exists;
-- Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_String --
@@ -2278,12 +2055,12 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Actual : Node_Id;
Base_Typ : Node_Id;
Char_Pack : Name_Id;
- Dims : Dimensions;
+ Dims : Dimension_Type;
Etyp : Entity_Id;
First_Actual : Node_Id;
New_Par_Ass : List_Id;
New_Str_Lit : Node_Id;
- Sys : Dim_Sys_Id;
+ System : System_Type;
function Is_Procedure_Put_Call (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Return True if the current call is a call of an instantiation of a
@@ -2363,17 +2140,17 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
end if;
Base_Typ := Base_Type (Etype (Actual));
- Sys := Get_Dimension_System_Id (Base_Typ);
+ System := System_Of (Base_Typ);
- if Sys /= No_Dim_Sys then
- Dims := Get_Dimensions (Actual);
+ if Exists (System) then
+ Dims := Dimensions_Of (Actual);
Etyp := Etype (Actual);
-- Add the string as a suffix of the value if the subtype has a
-- string of dimensions or if the parameter is not dimensionless.
- if Present (Dims)
- or else Get_Dimensions_String_Id (Etyp) /= No_String
+ if Exists (Dims)
+ or else Symbol_Of (Etyp) /= No_String
New_Par_Ass := New_List;
@@ -2392,15 +2169,14 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Check if the type of N is a subtype that has a string of
-- dimensions in Aspect_Dimension_String_Id_Hash_Table.
- if Get_Dimensions_String_Id (Etyp) /= No_String then
+ if Symbol_Of (Etyp) /= No_String then
-- Put a space between the value and the dimension
Store_String_Char (' ');
- Store_String_Chars (Get_Dimensions_String_Id (Etyp));
- New_Str_Lit :=
- Make_String_Literal (Loc, End_String);
+ Store_String_Chars (Symbol_Of (Etyp));
+ New_Str_Lit := Make_String_Literal (Loc, End_String);
-- Rewrite the String_Literal of the second actual with the
-- new String_Id created by the routine
@@ -2409,7 +2185,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
New_Str_Lit :=
Make_String_Literal (Loc,
- From_Dimension_To_String_Id (Dims, Sys));
+ From_Dimension_To_String_Id (Dims, System));
end if;
Append (New_Str_Lit, New_Par_Ass);
@@ -2418,7 +2194,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Rewrite (N,
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
- Name => New_Copy (Name_Call),
+ Name => New_Copy (Name_Call),
Parameter_Associations => New_Par_Ass));
Analyze (N);
@@ -2436,8 +2212,8 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- dimensions Dims.
function From_Dimension_To_String_Id
- (Dims : Dimensions;
- Sys : Dim_Sys_Id) return String_Id
+ (Dims : Dimension_Type;
+ System : System_Type) return String_Id
Dim_Rat : Rational;
First_Dim_In_Str : Boolean := True;
@@ -2451,9 +2227,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
Store_String_Char (' ');
- for Dim in Dimensions'Range loop
+ for Dim in Dimension_Type'Range loop
Dim_Rat := Dims (Dim);
- if Dim_Rat /= Zero_Rational then
+ if Dim_Rat /= Zero then
if First_Dim_In_Str then
First_Dim_In_Str := False;
@@ -2464,11 +2240,10 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Positive dimension case
if Dim_Rat.Numerator > 0 then
- if Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).Symbols (Dim) = No_String then
- Store_String_Chars
- (Get_Name_String (Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).Names (Dim)));
+ if System.Symbols (Dim) = No_String then
+ Store_String_Chars (Get_Name_String (System.Names (Dim)));
- Store_String_Chars (Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).Symbols (Dim));
+ Store_String_Chars (System.Symbols (Dim));
end if;
-- Integer case
@@ -2493,11 +2268,10 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Negative dimension case
- if Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).Symbols (Dim) = No_String then
- Store_String_Chars
- (Get_Name_String (Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).Names (Dim)));
+ if System.Symbols (Dim) = No_String then
+ Store_String_Chars (Get_Name_String (System.Names (Dim)));
- Store_String_Chars (Dim_Systems.Table (Sys).Symbols (Dim));
+ Store_String_Chars (System.Symbols (Dim));
end if;
Store_String_Chars ("**");
@@ -2524,130 +2298,92 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
return End_String;
end From_Dimension_To_String_Id;
- --------------------
- -- Get_Dimensions --
- --------------------
- function Get_Dimensions (N : Node_Id) return Dimensions is
- begin
- return Aspect_Dimension_Hash_Table.Get (N);
- end Get_Dimensions;
- ------------------------------
- -- Get_Dimensions_String_Id --
- ------------------------------
- function Get_Dimensions_String_Id (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id is
- begin
- return Aspect_Dimension_String_Id_Hash_Table.Get (E);
- end Get_Dimensions_String_Id;
- -----------------------------
- -- Get_Dimension_System_Id --
- -----------------------------
+ ---------
+ -- GCD --
+ ---------
- function Get_Dimension_System_Id (E : Entity_Id) return Dim_Sys_Id is
- D_Sys : Dim_Sys_Id := No_Dim_Sys;
+ function GCD (Left, Right : Whole) return Int is
+ L : Whole;
+ R : Whole;
- -- Scan the Table in order to find N
- -- What is N??? no sign of anything called N here ???
+ L := Left;
+ R := Right;
+ while R /= 0 loop
+ L := L mod R;
- for Dim_Sys in 1 .. Dim_Systems.Last loop
- if Parent (E) = Dim_Systems.Table (Dim_Sys).Base_Type then
- D_Sys := Dim_Sys;
+ if L = 0 then
+ return Int (R);
end if;
+ R := R mod L;
end loop;
- return D_Sys;
- end Get_Dimension_System_Id;
+ return Int (L);
+ end GCD;
- -- Is_Dimensioned_Type --
+ -- Has_Dimension_System --
- function Is_Dimensioned_Type (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+ function Has_Dimension_System (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
- if Get_Dimension_System_Id (E) /= No_Dim_Sys then
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Dimensioned_Type;
+ return Exists (System_Of (Typ));
+ end Has_Dimension_System;
+ ----------------
+ -- Is_Invalid --
+ ----------------
+ function Is_Invalid (Position : Dimension_Position) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Position = Invalid_Position;
+ end Is_Invalid;
-- Move_Dimensions --
procedure Move_Dimensions (From, To : Node_Id) is
- Dims : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (From);
+ Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (From);
-- Copy the dimension of 'From to 'To' and remove dimension of 'From'
- if Present (Dims) then
+ if Exists (Dims) then
Set_Dimensions (To, Dims);
Remove_Dimensions (From);
end if;
end Move_Dimensions;
- ------------------------
- -- Permits_Dimensions --
- ------------------------
- -- Here is the list of node that permits a dimension
- Dimensions_Permission : constant array (Node_Kind) of Boolean :=
- (N_Attribute_Reference => True,
- N_Defining_Identifier => True,
- N_Function_Call => True,
- N_Identifier => True,
- N_Indexed_Component => True,
- N_Integer_Literal => True,
- N_Op_Abs => True,
- N_Op_Add => True,
- N_Op_Divide => True,
- N_Op_Expon => True,
- N_Op_Minus => True,
- N_Op_Mod => True,
- N_Op_Multiply => True,
- N_Op_Plus => True,
- N_Op_Rem => True,
- N_Op_Subtract => True,
- N_Qualified_Expression => True,
- N_Real_Literal => True,
- N_Selected_Component => True,
- N_Slice => True,
- N_Type_Conversion => True,
- N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion => True,
- others => False);
+ ------------
+ -- Reduce --
+ ------------
- function Permits_Dimensions (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ function Reduce (X : Rational) return Rational is
- return Dimensions_Permission (Nkind (N));
- end Permits_Dimensions;
+ if X.Numerator = 0 then
+ return Zero;
+ end if;
- -------------
- -- Present --
- -------------
+ declare
+ G : constant Int := GCD (X.Numerator, X.Denominator);
- function Present (Dim : Dimensions) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Dim /= Zero_Dimensions;
- end Present;
+ begin
+ return Rational'(Numerator => Whole (Int (X.Numerator) / G),
+ Denominator => Whole (Int (X.Denominator) / G));
+ end;
+ end Reduce;
-- Remove_Dimensions --
procedure Remove_Dimensions (N : Node_Id) is
- Dims : constant Dimensions := Get_Dimensions (N);
+ Dims : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (N);
- if Present (Dims) then
- Aspect_Dimension_Hash_Table.Remove (N);
+ if Exists (Dims) then
+ Dimension_Table.Remove (N);
end if;
end Remove_Dimensions;
@@ -2655,22 +2391,19 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Remove_Dimension_In_Call --
- procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Call (N : Node_Id) is
- Actual : Node_Id;
- Par_Ass : constant List_Id := Parameter_Associations (N);
+ procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Call (Call : Node_Id) is
+ Actual : Node_Id;
if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then
end if;
- if Present (Par_Ass) then
- Actual := First (Par_Ass);
- while Present (Actual) loop
- Remove_Dimensions (Actual);
- Next (Actual);
- end loop;
- end if;
+ Actual := First (Parameter_Associations (Call));
+ while Present (Actual) loop
+ Remove_Dimensions (Actual);
+ Next (Actual);
+ end loop;
end Remove_Dimension_In_Call;
@@ -2681,16 +2414,13 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- N_Component_Declaration as part of the Analyze_Declarations routine
-- (see package Sem_Ch3).
- procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Declaration (D : Node_Id) is
+ procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Declaration (Decl : Node_Id) is
- if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then
- return;
- end if;
- if Nkind_In (D, N_Object_Declaration, N_Component_Declaration) then
- if Present (Expression (D)) then
- Remove_Dimensions (Expression (D));
- end if;
+ if Ada_Version >= Ada_2012
+ and then Nkind_In (Decl, N_Object_Declaration, N_Component_Declaration)
+ and then Present (Expression (Decl))
+ then
+ Remove_Dimensions (Expression (Decl));
end if;
end Remove_Dimension_In_Declaration;
@@ -2701,9 +2431,7 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Removal of dimension in statement as part of the Analyze_Statements
-- routine (see package Sem_Ch5).
- procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Statement (S : Node_Id) is
- S_Kind : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (S);
+ procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Statement (Stmt : Node_Id) is
if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then
@@ -2711,9 +2439,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Remove dimension in parameter specifications for accept statement
- if S_Kind = N_Accept_Statement then
+ if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Accept_Statement then
- Param : Node_Id := First (Parameter_Specifications (S));
+ Param : Node_Id := First (Parameter_Specifications (Stmt));
while Present (Param) loop
Remove_Dimensions (Param);
@@ -2723,9 +2451,9 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Remove dimension of name and expression in assignments
- elsif S_Kind = N_Assignment_Statement then
- Remove_Dimensions (Expression (S));
- Remove_Dimensions (Name (S));
+ elsif Nkind (Stmt) = N_Assignment_Statement then
+ Remove_Dimensions (Expression (Stmt));
+ Remove_Dimensions (Name (Stmt));
end if;
end Remove_Dimension_In_Statement;
@@ -2733,20 +2461,59 @@ package body Sem_Dim is
-- Set_Dimensions --
- procedure Set_Dimensions (N : Node_Id; Dims : Dimensions) is
+ procedure Set_Dimensions (N : Node_Id; Val : Dimension_Type) is
- pragma Assert (Permits_Dimensions (N));
- pragma Assert (Present (Dims));
- Aspect_Dimension_Hash_Table.Set (N, Dims);
+ pragma Assert (OK_For_Dimension (Nkind (N)));
+ pragma Assert (Exists (Val));
+ Dimension_Table.Set (N, Val);
end Set_Dimensions;
- ------------------------------
- -- Set_Dimensions_String_Id --
- ------------------------------
+ ----------------
+ -- Set_Symbol --
+ ----------------
- procedure Set_Dimensions_String_Id (E : Entity_Id; Str : String_Id) is
+ procedure Set_Symbol (E : Entity_Id; Val : String_Id) is
- Aspect_Dimension_String_Id_Hash_Table.Set (E, Str);
- end Set_Dimensions_String_Id;
+ Symbol_Table.Set (E, Val);
+ end Set_Symbol;
+ ---------------
+ -- Symbol_Of --
+ ---------------
+ function Symbol_Of (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id is
+ begin
+ return Symbol_Table.Get (E);
+ end Symbol_Of;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Symbol_Table_Hash --
+ -----------------------
+ function Symbol_Table_Hash (Key : Entity_Id) return Symbol_Table_Range is
+ begin
+ return Symbol_Table_Range (Key mod 511);
+ end Symbol_Table_Hash;
+ ---------------
+ -- System_Of --
+ ---------------
+ function System_Of (E : Entity_Id) return System_Type is
+ Type_Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (E);
+ begin
+ -- Scan the Table in order to find N
+ -- What is N??? no sign of anything called N here ???
+ for Dim_Sys in 1 .. System_Table.Last loop
+ if Type_Decl = System_Table.Table (Dim_Sys).Type_Decl then
+ return System_Table.Table (Dim_Sys);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Null_System;
+ end System_Of;
end Sem_Dim;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_dim.ads b/gcc/ada/sem_dim.ads
index cda1135..be6a8da 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_dim.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_dim.ads
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
-- --
--- This new package of the GNAT compiler has been created in order to enable
--- any user of the GNAT compiler to deal with physical issues.
+-- This package provides support for numerical systems with dimensions. A
+-- "dimension" is a compile-time property of a numerical type which represents
+-- a relation between various quantifiers such as length, velocity, etc.
--- Indeed, the user is now able to create their own dimension system and to
--- assign a dimension, defined from the MKS system (package System.Dim_Mks)
--- or their own dimension systems, with any item and to run operations with
--- dimensionned entities.
+-- Package System.Dim_Mks offers a ready-to-use system of SI base units. In
+-- addition, the implementation of this feature offers the ability to define
+-- an arbitrary system of units through the use of Ada 2012 aspects.
--- In that case, a dimensionality checking will be performed at compile time.
--- If no dimension has been assigned, the compiler assumes that the item is
--- dimensionless.
+-- Dimensionality checking is part of type analysis performed by the compiler.
+-- It ensures that manipulation of quantified numeric values is sensible with
+-- respect to the system of units.
-- Aspect_Dimension_System --
@@ -93,63 +93,68 @@ with Types; use Types;
package Sem_Dim is
- -----------------------------
- -- Aspect_Dimension_System --
- -----------------------------
- procedure Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System
+ procedure Analyze_Aspect_Dimension
(N : Node_Id;
Id : Node_Id;
- Expr : Node_Id);
- -- Analyzes the aggregate of Aspect_Dimension_System
- ----------------------
- -- Aspect_Dimension --
- ----------------------
+ Aggr : Node_Id);
+ -- Analyze the contents of aspect Dimension. Associate the provided values
+ -- and quantifiers with the related context N.
+ -- ??? comment on usage of formals needed
- procedure Analyze_Aspect_Dimension
+ procedure Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System
(N : Node_Id;
Id : Node_Id;
Expr : Node_Id);
- -- Analyzes the aggregate of Aspect_Dimension and attaches the
- -- corresponding dimension to N.
- -------------------------------------------
- -- Dimensionality checking & propagation --
- -------------------------------------------
+ -- Analyze the contents of aspect Dimension_System. Extract the numerical
+ -- type, unit name and corresponding symbol from each indivitual dimension.
+ -- ??? comment on usage of formals needed
procedure Analyze_Dimension (N : Node_Id);
- -- Performs a dimension analysis and propagates dimension between nodes
- -- when needed.
+ -- N may denote any of the following contexts:
+ -- * assignment statement
+ -- * attribute reference
+ -- * binary operator
+ -- * compontent declaration
+ -- * extended return statement
+ -- * function call
+ -- * identifier
+ -- * indexed component
+ -- * object declaration
+ -- * object renaming declaration
+ -- * qualified expression
+ -- * selected component
+ -- * simple return statement
+ -- * slice
+ -- * subtype declaration
+ -- * type conversion
+ -- * unary operator
+ -- * unchecked type conversion
+ -- Depending on the context, ensure that all expressions and entities
+ -- involved do not violate the rules of a system.
procedure Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type
(N : Node_Id;
B_Typ : Entity_Id);
-- Evaluate the Expon operator for dimensioned type with rational exponent
+ -- ??? the above doesn't explain the purpose of this routine. why is this
+ -- procedure needed?
- function Is_Dimensioned_Type (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Return True if the type is a dimensioned type (i.e: a type which has an
- -- aspect Dimension_System)
- procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Call (N : Node_Id);
- -- At the end of the Expand_Call routine, remove the dimensions of every
- -- parameter in the call N.
+ procedure Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_String (N : Node_Id);
+ -- Determine whether N denotes a subprogram call to one of the routines
+ -- defined in System.Dim_Float_IO or System.Dim_Integer_IO and add an
+ -- extra actual to the call to represent the symbolic representation of
+ -- a dimension.
- procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Declaration (D : Node_Id);
- -- At the end of Analyze_Declarations routine (see Sem_Ch3), removes the
- -- dimension of the expression for each declaration.
+ function Has_Dimension_System (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Return True if type Typ has aspect Dimension_System applied to it
- procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Statement (S : Node_Id);
- -- At the end of the Analyze_Statements routine (see Sem_Ch5), removes the
- -- dimension for every statements.
+ procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Call (Call : Node_Id);
+ -- Remove the dimensions from all formal parameters of Call
- ------------------
- -- Dimension_IO --
- ------------------
+ procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Declaration (Decl : Node_Id);
+ -- Remove the dimensions from the expression of Decl
- procedure Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_String (N : Node_Id);
- -- Expansion of Put call (from package System.Dim_Float_IO and
- -- System.Dim_Integer_IO) for a dimensioned object in order to add the
- -- dimension symbols as a suffix of the numeric value.
+ procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Statement (Stmt : Node_Id);
+ -- Remove the dimensions associated with Stmt
end Sem_Dim;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb
index 3ebd88f..5a5ebfa 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb
@@ -8016,7 +8016,7 @@ package body Sem_Res is
-- Evaluate the exponentiation operator for dimensioned type with
-- rational exponent.
- if Ada_Version >= Ada_2012 and then Is_Dimensioned_Type (B_Typ) then
+ if Ada_Version >= Ada_2012 and then Has_Dimension_System (B_Typ) then
Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type (N, B_Typ);
-- Skip the Eval_Op_Expon if the node has already been evaluated