path: root/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h b/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
index 3f28087..3dc401d 100644
--- a/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
+++ b/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
@@ -612,34 +612,9 @@ class Gogo
- // Build an interface method table for a type: a list of function
- // pointers, one for each interface method. This returns a decl.
- tree
- interface_method_table_for_type(const Interface_type*, Type*,
- bool is_pointer);
- // Return a tree which allocate SIZE bytes to hold values of type
- // TYPE.
- tree
- allocate_memory(Type *type, tree size, Location);
- // Return a type to use for pointer to const char.
- static tree
- const_char_pointer_type_tree();
- // Build a string constant with the right type.
- static tree
- string_constant_tree(const std::string&);
- // Build a Go string constant. This returns a pointer to the
- // constant.
- tree
- go_string_constant_tree(const std::string&);
- // Receive a value from a channel.
- static tree
- receive_from_channel(tree type_tree, tree type_descriptor_tree, tree channel,
- Location);
+ // Return an expression which allocates memory to hold values of type TYPE.
+ Expression*
+ allocate_memory(Type *type, Location);
// During parsing, we keep a stack of functions. Each function on
@@ -687,11 +662,6 @@ class Gogo
register_gc_vars(const std::vector<Named_object*>&, tree*);
- // Build a pointer to a Go string constant. This returns a pointer
- // to the pointer.
- tree
- ptr_go_string_constant_tree(const std::string&);
// Type used to map import names to packages.
typedef std::map<std::string, Package*> Imports;
@@ -1119,14 +1089,14 @@ class Function
get_decl() const;
- // Set the function decl to hold a tree of the function code.
+ // Set the function decl to hold a backend representation of the function
+ // code.
- build_tree(Gogo*, Named_object*);
+ build(Gogo*, Named_object*);
- // Get the value to return when not explicitly specified. May also
- // add statements to execute first to STMT_LIST.
- tree
- return_value(Gogo*, Named_object*, Location, tree* stmt_list) const;
+ // Get the statement that assigns values to this function's result struct.
+ Bstatement*
+ return_value(Gogo*, Named_object*, Location) const;
// Get a tree for the variable holding the defer stack.
@@ -1151,14 +1121,8 @@ class Function
// Type for mapping from label names to Label objects.
typedef Unordered_map(std::string, Label*) Labels;
- tree
- make_receiver_parm_decl(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree);
- tree
- copy_parm_to_heap(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree);
- build_defer_wrapper(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree*, tree*);
+ build_defer_wrapper(Gogo*, Named_object*, Bstatement**, Bstatement**);
typedef std::vector<std::pair<Named_object*,
Location> > Closure_fields;
@@ -1531,16 +1495,16 @@ class Variable
get_backend_variable(Gogo*, Named_object*, const Package*,
const std::string&);
- // Get the initial value of the variable as a tree. This may only
+ // Get the initial value of the variable. This may only
// be called if has_pre_init() returns false.
- tree
- get_init_tree(Gogo*, Named_object* function);
+ Bexpression*
+ get_init(Gogo*, Named_object* function);
// Return a series of statements which sets the value of the
// variable in DECL. This should only be called is has_pre_init()
// returns true. DECL may be NULL for a sink variable.
- tree
- get_init_block(Gogo*, Named_object* function, tree decl);
+ Bstatement*
+ get_init_block(Gogo*, Named_object* function, Bvariable* decl);
// Export the variable.