path: root/gcc/go/gofrontend/backend.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/go/gofrontend/backend.h')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/go/gofrontend/backend.h b/gcc/go/gofrontend/backend.h
index cbe5f22..fd657ec 100644
--- a/gcc/go/gofrontend/backend.h
+++ b/gcc/go/gofrontend/backend.h
@@ -269,6 +269,22 @@ class Backend
virtual Bexpression*
complex_constant_expression(Btype* btype, mpfr_t real, mpfr_t imag) = 0;
+ // Return an expression for the string value VAL.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ string_constant_expression(const std::string& val) = 0;
+ // Return an expression for the real part of BCOMPLEX.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ real_part_expression(Bexpression* bcomplex, Location) = 0;
+ // Return an expression for the imaginary part of BCOMPLEX.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ imag_part_expression(Bexpression* bcomplex, Location) = 0;
+ // Return an expression for the complex number (BREAL, BIMAG).
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ complex_expression(Bexpression* breal, Bexpression* bimag, Location) = 0;
// Return an expression that converts EXPR to TYPE.
virtual Bexpression*
convert_expression(Btype* type, Bexpression* expr, Location) = 0;
@@ -312,6 +328,38 @@ class Backend
binary_expression(Operator op, Bexpression* left, Bexpression* right,
Location) = 0;
+ // Return an expression that constructs BTYPE with VALS. BTYPE must be the
+ // backend representation a of struct. VALS must be in the same order as the
+ // corresponding fields in BTYPE.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ constructor_expression(Btype* btype, const std::vector<Bexpression*>& vals,
+ Location) = 0;
+ // Return an expression that constructs an array of BTYPE with INDEXES and
+ // VALS. INDEXES and VALS must have the same amount of elements. Each index
+ // in INDEXES must be in the same order as the corresponding value in VALS.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ array_constructor_expression(Btype* btype,
+ const std::vector<unsigned long>& indexes,
+ const std::vector<Bexpression*>& vals,
+ Location) = 0;
+ // Return an expression for the address of BASE[INDEX].
+ // BASE has a pointer type. This is used for slice indexing.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ pointer_offset_expression(Bexpression* base, Bexpression* index,
+ Location) = 0;
+ // Return an expression for ARRAY[INDEX] as an l-value. ARRAY is a valid
+ // fixed-length array, not a slice.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ array_index_expression(Bexpression* array, Bexpression* index, Location) = 0;
+ // Create an expression for a call to FN with ARGS.
+ virtual Bexpression*
+ call_expression(Bexpression* fn, const std::vector<Bexpression*>& args,
+ Location) = 0;
// Statements.
// Create an error statement. This is used for cases which should
@@ -367,6 +415,15 @@ class Backend
virtual Bstatement*
statement_list(const std::vector<Bstatement*>&) = 0;
+ // Create a statement that attempts to execute BSTAT and calls EXCEPT_STMT if
+ // an exception occurs. EXCEPT_STMT may be NULL. FINALLY_STMT may be NULL and
+ // if not NULL, it will always be executed. This is used for handling defers
+ // in Go functions. In C++, the resulting code is of this form:
+ // try { BSTAT; } catch { EXCEPT_STMT; } finally { FINALLY_STMT; }
+ virtual Bstatement*
+ exception_handler_statement(Bstatement* bstat, Bstatement* except_stmt,
+ Bstatement* finally_stmt, Location) = 0;
// Blocks.
// Create a block. The frontend will call this function when it
@@ -570,6 +627,26 @@ class Backend
function(Btype* fntype, const std::string& name, const std::string& asm_name,
bool is_visible, bool is_declaration, bool is_inlinable,
bool disable_split_stack, bool in_unique_section, Location) = 0;
+ // Create a statement that runs all deferred calls for FUNCTION. This should
+ // be a statement that looks like this in C++:
+ // finish:
+ // try { UNDEFER; } catch { CHECK_DEFER; goto finish; }
+ virtual Bstatement*
+ function_defer_statement(Bfunction* function, Bexpression* undefer,
+ Bexpression* check_defer, Location) = 0;
+ // Record PARAM_VARS as the variables to use for the parameters of FUNCTION.
+ // This will only be called for a function definition. Returns true on
+ // success, false on failure.
+ virtual bool
+ function_set_parameters(Bfunction* function,
+ const std::vector<Bvariable*>& param_vars) = 0;
+ // Set the function body for FUNCTION using the code in CODE_STMT. Returns
+ // true on success, false on failure.
+ virtual bool
+ function_set_body(Bfunction* function, Bstatement* code_stmt) = 0;
// The backend interface has to define this function.