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-This is Info file gcc.info, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from the
-input file gcc.texi.
- This file documents the use and the internals of the GNU compiler.
- Published by the Free Software Foundation 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
-Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Free
-Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
-preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
-this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
-that the sections entitled "GNU General Public License," "Funding for
-Free Software," and "Protect Your Freedom--Fight `Look And Feel'" are
-included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire
-resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
-notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
-manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
-versions, except that the sections entitled "GNU General Public
-License," "Funding for Free Software," and "Protect Your Freedom--Fight
-`Look And Feel'", and this permission notice, may be included in
-translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the
-original English.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Cross Runtime, Next: Build Cross, Prev: Cross Headers, Up: Cross-Compiler
-`libgcc.a' and Cross-Compilers
- Code compiled by GNU CC uses certain runtime support functions
-implicitly. Some of these functions can be compiled successfully with
-GNU CC itself, but a few cannot be. These problem functions are in the
-source file `libgcc1.c'; the library made from them is called
- When you build a native compiler, these functions are compiled with
-some other compiler-the one that you use for bootstrapping GNU CC.
-Presumably it knows how to open code these operations, or else knows how
-to call the run-time emulation facilities that the machine comes with.
-But this approach doesn't work for building a cross-compiler. The
-compiler that you use for building knows about the host system, not the
-target system.
- So, when you build a cross-compiler you have to supply a suitable
-library `libgcc1.a' that does the job it is expected to do.
- To compile `libgcc1.c' with the cross-compiler itself does not work.
-The functions in this file are supposed to implement arithmetic
-operations that GNU CC does not know how to open code for your target
-machine. If these functions are compiled with GNU CC itself, they will
-compile into infinite recursion.
- On any given target, most of these functions are not needed. If GNU
-CC can open code an arithmetic operation, it will not call these
-functions to perform the operation. It is possible that on your target
-machine, none of these functions is needed. If so, you can supply an
-empty library as `libgcc1.a'.
- Many targets need library support only for multiplication and
-division. If you are linking with a library that contains functions for
-multiplication and division, you can tell GNU CC to call them directly
-by defining the macros `MULSI3_LIBCALL', and the like. These macros
-need to be defined in the target description macro file. For some
-targets, they are defined already. This may be sufficient to avoid the
-need for libgcc1.a; if so, you can supply an empty library.
- Some targets do not have floating point instructions; they need other
-functions in `libgcc1.a', which do floating arithmetic. Recent
-versions of GNU CC have a file which emulates floating point. With a
-certain amount of work, you should be able to construct a floating
-point emulator that can be used as `libgcc1.a'. Perhaps future
-versions will contain code to do this automatically and conveniently.
-That depends on whether someone wants to implement it.
- Some embedded targets come with all the necessary `libgcc1.a'
-routines written in C or assembler. These targets build `libgcc1.a'
-automatically and you do not need to do anything special for them.
-Other embedded targets do not need any `libgcc1.a' routines since all
-the necessary operations are supported by the hardware.
- If your target system has another C compiler, you can configure GNU
-CC as a native compiler on that machine, build just `libgcc1.a' with
-`make libgcc1.a' on that machine, and use the resulting file with the
-cross-compiler. To do this, execute the following on the target
- ./configure --host=sparc --target=sun3
- make libgcc1.a
-And then this on the host machine:
- binary
- get libgcc1.a
- quit
- Another way to provide the functions you need in `libgcc1.a' is to
-define the appropriate `perform_...' macros for those functions. If
-these definitions do not use the C arithmetic operators that they are
-meant to implement, you should be able to compile them with the
-cross-compiler you are building. (If these definitions already exist
-for your target file, then you are all set.)
- To build `libgcc1.a' using the perform macros, use
-`LIBGCC1=libgcc1.a OLDCC=./xgcc' when building the compiler.
-Otherwise, you should place your replacement library under the name
-`libgcc1.a' in the directory in which you will build the
-cross-compiler, before you run `make'.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Cross Headers, Next: Cross Runtime, Prev: Tools and Libraries, Up: Cross-Compiler
-Cross-Compilers and Header Files
- If you are cross-compiling a standalone program or a program for an
-embedded system, then you may not need any header files except the few
-that are part of GNU CC (and those of your program). However, if you
-intend to link your program with a standard C library such as `libc.a',
-then you probably need to compile with the header files that go with
-the library you use.
- The GNU C compiler does not come with these files, because (1) they
-are system-specific, and (2) they belong in a C library, not in a
- If the GNU C library supports your target machine, then you can get
-the header files from there (assuming you actually use the GNU library
-when you link your program).
- If your target machine comes with a C compiler, it probably comes
-with suitable header files also. If you make these files accessible
-from the host machine, the cross-compiler can use them also.
- Otherwise, you're on your own in finding header files to use when
- When you have found suitable header files, put them in the directory
-`/usr/local/TARGET/include', before building the cross compiler. Then
-installation will run fixincludes properly and install the corrected
-versions of the header files where the compiler will use them.
- Provide the header files before you build the cross-compiler, because
-the build stage actually runs the cross-compiler to produce parts of
-`libgcc.a'. (These are the parts that *can* be compiled with GNU CC.)
-Some of them need suitable header files.
- Here's an example showing how to copy the header files from a target
-machine. On the target machine, do this:
- (cd /usr/include; tar cf - .) > tarfile
- Then, on the host machine, do this:
- lcd /usr/local/TARGET/include
- get tarfile
- quit
- tar xf tarfile
-File: gcc.info, Node: Build Cross, Prev: Cross Runtime, Up: Cross-Compiler
-Actually Building the Cross-Compiler
- Now you can proceed just as for compiling a single-machine compiler
-through the step of building stage 1. If you have not provided some
-sort of `libgcc1.a', then compilation will give up at the point where
-it needs that file, printing a suitable error message. If you do
-provide `libgcc1.a', then building the compiler will automatically
-compile and link a test program called `libgcc1-test'; if you get
-errors in the linking, it means that not all of the necessary routines
-in `libgcc1.a' are available.
- You must provide the header file `float.h'. One way to do this is
-to compile `enquire' and run it on your target machine. The job of
-`enquire' is to run on the target machine and figure out by experiment
-the nature of its floating point representation. `enquire' records its
-findings in the header file `float.h'. If you can't produce this file
-by running `enquire' on the target machine, then you will need to come
-up with a suitable `float.h' in some other way (or else, avoid using it
-in your programs).
- Do not try to build stage 2 for a cross-compiler. It doesn't work to
-rebuild GNU CC as a cross-compiler using the cross-compiler, because
-that would produce a program that runs on the target machine, not on the
-host. For example, if you compile a 386-to-68030 cross-compiler with
-itself, the result will not be right either for the 386 (because it was
-compiled into 68030 code) or for the 68030 (because it was configured
-for a 386 as the host). If you want to compile GNU CC into 68030 code,
-whether you compile it on a 68030 or with a cross-compiler on a 386, you
-must specify a 68030 as the host when you configure it.
- To install the cross-compiler, use `make install', as usual.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Sun Install, Next: VMS Install, Prev: Cross-Compiler, Up: Installation
-Installing GNU CC on the Sun
- On Solaris (version 2.1), do not use the linker or other tools in
-`/usr/ucb' to build GNU CC. Use `/usr/ccs/bin'.
- Make sure the environment variable `FLOAT_OPTION' is not set when
-you compile `libgcc.a'. If this option were set to `f68881' when
-`libgcc.a' is compiled, the resulting code would demand to be linked
-with a special startup file and would not link properly without special
- There is a bug in `alloca' in certain versions of the Sun library.
-To avoid this bug, install the binaries of GNU CC that were compiled by
-GNU CC. They use `alloca' as a built-in function and never the one in
-the library.
- Some versions of the Sun compiler crash when compiling GNU CC. The
-problem is a segmentation fault in cpp. This problem seems to be due to
-the bulk of data in the environment variables. You may be able to avoid
-it by using the following command to compile GNU CC with Sun CC:
- SunOS 4.1.3 and 4.1.3_U1 have bugs that can cause intermittent core
-dumps when compiling GNU CC. A common symptom is an internal compiler
-error which does not recur if you run it again. To fix the problem,
-install Sun recommended patch 100726 (for SunOS 4.1.3) or 101508 (for
-SunOS 4.1.3_U1), or upgrade to a later SunOS release.
-File: gcc.info, Node: VMS Install, Next: Collect2, Prev: Sun Install, Up: Installation
-Installing GNU CC on VMS
- The VMS version of GNU CC is distributed in a backup saveset
-containing both source code and precompiled binaries.
- To install the `gcc' command so you can use the compiler easily, in
-the same manner as you use the VMS C compiler, you must install the VMS
-CLD file for GNU CC as follows:
- 1. Define the VMS logical names `GNU_CC' and `GNU_CC_INCLUDE' to
- point to the directories where the GNU CC executables
- (`gcc-cpp.exe', `gcc-cc1.exe', etc.) and the C include files are
- kept respectively. This should be done with the commands:
- $ assign /system /translation=concealed -
- disk:[gcc.] gnu_cc
- $ assign /system /translation=concealed -
- disk:[gcc.include.] gnu_cc_include
- with the appropriate disk and directory names. These commands can
- be placed in your system startup file so they will be executed
- whenever the machine is rebooted. You may, if you choose, do this
- via the `GCC_INSTALL.COM' script in the `[GCC]' directory.
- 2. Install the `GCC' command with the command line:
- $ set command /table=sys$common:[syslib]dcltables -
- /output=sys$common:[syslib]dcltables gnu_cc:[000000]gcc
- $ install replace sys$common:[syslib]dcltables
- 3. To install the help file, do the following:
- $ library/help sys$library:helplib.hlb gcc.hlp
- Now you can invoke the compiler with a command like `gcc /verbose
- file.c', which is equivalent to the command `gcc -v -c file.c' in
- Unix.
- If you wish to use GNU C++ you must first install GNU CC, and then
-perform the following steps:
- 1. Define the VMS logical name `GNU_GXX_INCLUDE' to point to the
- directory where the preprocessor will search for the C++ header
- files. This can be done with the command:
- $ assign /system /translation=concealed -
- disk:[gcc.gxx_include.] gnu_gxx_include
- with the appropriate disk and directory name. If you are going to
- be using libg++, this is where the libg++ install procedure will
- install the libg++ header files.
- 2. Obtain the file `gcc-cc1plus.exe', and place this in the same
- directory that `gcc-cc1.exe' is kept.
- The GNU C++ compiler can be invoked with a command like `gcc /plus
- /verbose file.cc', which is equivalent to the command `g++ -v -c
- file.cc' in Unix.
- We try to put corresponding binaries and sources on the VMS
-distribution tape. But sometimes the binaries will be from an older
-version than the sources, because we don't always have time to update
-them. (Use the `/version' option to determine the version number of
-the binaries and compare it with the source file `version.c' to tell
-whether this is so.) In this case, you should use the binaries you get
-to recompile the sources. If you must recompile, here is how:
- 1. Execute the command procedure `vmsconfig.com' to set up the files
- `tm.h', `config.h', `aux-output.c', and `md.', and to create files
- `tconfig.h' and `hconfig.h'. This procedure also creates several
- linker option files used by `make-cc1.com' and a data file used by
- `make-l2.com'.
- $ @vmsconfig.com
- 2. Setup the logical names and command tables as defined above. In
- addition, define the VMS logical name `GNU_BISON' to point at the
- to the directories where the Bison executable is kept. This
- should be done with the command:
- $ assign /system /translation=concealed -
- disk:[bison.] gnu_bison
- You may, if you choose, use the `INSTALL_BISON.COM' script in the
- `[BISON]' directory.
- 3. Install the `BISON' command with the command line:
- $ set command /table=sys$common:[syslib]dcltables -
- /output=sys$common:[syslib]dcltables -
- gnu_bison:[000000]bison
- $ install replace sys$common:[syslib]dcltables
- 4. Type `@make-gcc' to recompile everything (alternatively, submit
- the file `make-gcc.com' to a batch queue). If you wish to build
- the GNU C++ compiler as well as the GNU CC compiler, you must
- first edit `make-gcc.com' and follow the instructions that appear
- in the comments.
- 5. In order to use GCC, you need a library of functions which GCC
- compiled code will call to perform certain tasks, and these
- functions are defined in the file `libgcc2.c'. To compile this
- you should use the command procedure `make-l2.com', which will
- generate the library `libgcc2.olb'. `libgcc2.olb' should be built
- using the compiler built from the same distribution that
- `libgcc2.c' came from, and `make-gcc.com' will automatically do
- all of this for you.
- To install the library, use the following commands:
- $ library gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib/delete=(new,eprintf)
- $ library gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib/delete=L_*
- $ library libgcc2/extract=*/output=libgcc2.obj
- $ library gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib libgcc2.obj
- The first command simply removes old modules that will be replaced
- with modules from `libgcc2' under different module names. The
- modules `new' and `eprintf' may not actually be present in your
- `gcclib.olb'--if the VMS librarian complains about those modules
- not being present, simply ignore the message and continue on with
- the next command. The second command removes the modules that
- came from the previous version of the library `libgcc2.c'.
- Whenever you update the compiler on your system, you should also
- update the library with the above procedure.
- 6. You may wish to build GCC in such a way that no files are written
- to the directory where the source files reside. An example would
- be the when the source files are on a read-only disk. In these
- cases, execute the following DCL commands (substituting your
- actual path names):
- $ assign dua0:[gcc.build_dir.]/translation=concealed, -
- dua1:[gcc.source_dir.]/translation=concealed gcc_build
- $ set default gcc_build:[000000]
- where the directory `dua1:[gcc.source_dir]' contains the source
- code, and the directory `dua0:[gcc.build_dir]' is meant to contain
- all of the generated object files and executables. Once you have
- done this, you can proceed building GCC as described above. (Keep
- in mind that `gcc_build' is a rooted logical name, and thus the
- device names in each element of the search list must be an actual
- physical device name rather than another rooted logical name).
- 7. *If you are building GNU CC with a previous version of GNU CC, you
- also should check to see that you have the newest version of the
- assembler*. In particular, GNU CC version 2 treats global constant
- variables slightly differently from GNU CC version 1, and GAS
- version 1.38.1 does not have the patches required to work with GCC
- version 2. If you use GAS 1.38.1, then `extern const' variables
- will not have the read-only bit set, and the linker will generate
- warning messages about mismatched psect attributes for these
- variables. These warning messages are merely a nuisance, and can
- safely be ignored.
- If you are compiling with a version of GNU CC older than 1.33,
- specify `/DEFINE=("inline=")' as an option in all the
- compilations. This requires editing all the `gcc' commands in
- `make-cc1.com'. (The older versions had problems supporting
- `inline'.) Once you have a working 1.33 or newer GNU CC, you can
- change this file back.
- 8. If you want to build GNU CC with the VAX C compiler, you will need
- to make minor changes in `make-cccp.com' and `make-cc1.com' to
- choose alternate definitions of `CC', `CFLAGS', and `LIBS'. See
- comments in those files. However, you must also have a working
- version of the GNU assembler (GNU as, aka GAS) as it is used as
- the back-end for GNU CC to produce binary object modules and is
- not included in the GNU CC sources. GAS is also needed to compile
- `libgcc2' in order to build `gcclib' (see above); `make-l2.com'
- expects to be able to find it operational in
- `gnu_cc:[000000]gnu-as.exe'.
- To use GNU CC on VMS, you need the VMS driver programs `gcc.exe',
- `gcc.com', and `gcc.cld'. They are distributed with the VMS
- binaries (`gcc-vms') rather than the GNU CC sources. GAS is also
- included in `gcc-vms', as is Bison.
- Once you have successfully built GNU CC with VAX C, you should use
- the resulting compiler to rebuild itself. Before doing this, be
- sure to restore the `CC', `CFLAGS', and `LIBS' definitions in
- `make-cccp.com' and `make-cc1.com'. The second generation
- compiler will be able to take advantage of many optimizations that
- must be suppressed when building with other compilers.
- Under previous versions of GNU CC, the generated code would
-occasionally give strange results when linked with the sharable
-`VAXCRTL' library. Now this should work.
- Even with this version, however, GNU CC itself should not be linked
-with the sharable `VAXCRTL'. The version of `qsort' in `VAXCRTL' has a
-bug (known to be present in VMS versions V4.6 through V5.5) which
-causes the compiler to fail.
- The executables are generated by `make-cc1.com' and `make-cccp.com'
-use the object library version of `VAXCRTL' in order to make use of the
-`qsort' routine in `gcclib.olb'. If you wish to link the compiler
-executables with the shareable image version of `VAXCRTL', you should
-edit the file `tm.h' (created by `vmsconfig.com') to define the macro
- `QSORT_WORKAROUND' is always defined when GNU CC is compiled with
-VAX C, to avoid a problem in case `gcclib.olb' is not yet available.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Collect2, Next: Header Dirs, Prev: VMS Install, Up: Installation
- Many target systems do not have support in the assembler and linker
-for "constructors"--initialization functions to be called before the
-official "start" of `main'. On such systems, GNU CC uses a utility
-called `collect2' to arrange to call these functions at start time.
- The program `collect2' works by linking the program once and looking
-through the linker output file for symbols with particular names
-indicating they are constructor functions. If it finds any, it creates
-a new temporary `.c' file containing a table of them, compiles it, and
-links the program a second time including that file.
- The actual calls to the constructors are carried out by a subroutine
-called `__main', which is called (automatically) at the beginning of
-the body of `main' (provided `main' was compiled with GNU CC). Calling
-`__main' is necessary, even when compiling C code, to allow linking C
-and C++ object code together. (If you use `-nostdlib', you get an
-unresolved reference to `__main', since it's defined in the standard
-GCC library. Include `-lgcc' at the end of your compiler command line
-to resolve this reference.)
- The program `collect2' is installed as `ld' in the directory where
-the passes of the compiler are installed. When `collect2' needs to
-find the *real* `ld', it tries the following file names:
- * `real-ld' in the directories listed in the compiler's search
- directories.
- * `real-ld' in the directories listed in the environment variable
- `PATH'.
- * The file specified in the `REAL_LD_FILE_NAME' configuration macro,
- if specified.
- * `ld' in the compiler's search directories, except that `collect2'
- will not execute itself recursively.
- * `ld' in `PATH'.
- "The compiler's search directories" means all the directories where
-`gcc' searches for passes of the compiler. This includes directories
-that you specify with `-B'.
- Cross-compilers search a little differently:
- * `real-ld' in the compiler's search directories.
- * `TARGET-real-ld' in `PATH'.
- * The file specified in the `REAL_LD_FILE_NAME' configuration macro,
- if specified.
- * `ld' in the compiler's search directories.
- * `TARGET-ld' in `PATH'.
- `collect2' explicitly avoids running `ld' using the file name under
-which `collect2' itself was invoked. In fact, it remembers up a list
-of such names--in case one copy of `collect2' finds another copy (or
-version) of `collect2' installed as `ld' in a second place in the
-search path.
- `collect2' searches for the utilities `nm' and `strip' using the
-same algorithm as above for `ld'.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Header Dirs, Prev: Collect2, Up: Installation
-Standard Header File Directories
- `GCC_INCLUDE_DIR' means the same thing for native and cross. It is
-where GNU CC stores its private include files, and also where GNU CC
-stores the fixed include files. A cross compiled GNU CC runs
-`fixincludes' on the header files in `$(tooldir)/include'. (If the
-cross compilation header files need to be fixed, they must be installed
-before GNU CC is built. If the cross compilation header files are
-already suitable for ANSI C and GNU CC, nothing special need be done).
- `GPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR' means the same thing for native and cross. It
-is where `g++' looks first for header files. `libg++' installs only
-target independent header files in that directory.
- `LOCAL_INCLUDE_DIR' is used only for a native compiler. It is
-normally `/usr/local/include'. GNU CC searches this directory so that
-users can install header files in `/usr/local/include'.
- `CROSS_INCLUDE_DIR' is used only for a cross compiler. GNU CC
-doesn't install anything there.
- `TOOL_INCLUDE_DIR' is used for both native and cross compilers. It
-is the place for other packages to install header files that GNU CC will
-use. For a cross-compiler, this is the equivalent of `/usr/include'.
-When you build a cross-compiler, `fixincludes' processes any header
-files in this directory.
-File: gcc.info, Node: C Extensions, Next: C++ Extensions, Prev: Installation, Up: Top
-Extensions to the C Language Family
- GNU C provides several language features not found in ANSI standard
-C. (The `-pedantic' option directs GNU CC to print a warning message if
-any of these features is used.) To test for the availability of these
-features in conditional compilation, check for a predefined macro
-`__GNUC__', which is always defined under GNU CC.
- These extensions are available in C and Objective C. Most of them
-are also available in C++. *Note Extensions to the C++ Language: C++
-Extensions, for extensions that apply *only* to C++.
-* Menu:
-* Statement Exprs:: Putting statements and declarations inside expressions.
-* Local Labels:: Labels local to a statement-expression.
-* Labels as Values:: Getting pointers to labels, and computed gotos.
-* Nested Functions:: As in Algol and Pascal, lexical scoping of functions.
-* Constructing Calls:: Dispatching a call to another function.
-* Naming Types:: Giving a name to the type of some expression.
-* Typeof:: `typeof': referring to the type of an expression.
-* Lvalues:: Using `?:', `,' and casts in lvalues.
-* Conditionals:: Omitting the middle operand of a `?:' expression.
-* Long Long:: Double-word integers--`long long int'.
-* Complex:: Data types for complex numbers.
-* Zero Length:: Zero-length arrays.
-* Variable Length:: Arrays whose length is computed at run time.
-* Macro Varargs:: Macros with variable number of arguments.
-* Subscripting:: Any array can be subscripted, even if not an lvalue.
-* Pointer Arith:: Arithmetic on `void'-pointers and function pointers.
-* Initializers:: Non-constant initializers.
-* Constructors:: Constructor expressions give structures, unions
- or arrays as values.
-* Labeled Elements:: Labeling elements of initializers.
-* Cast to Union:: Casting to union type from any member of the union.
-* Case Ranges:: `case 1 ... 9' and such.
-* Function Attributes:: Declaring that functions have no side effects,
- or that they can never return.
-* Function Prototypes:: Prototype declarations and old-style definitions.
-* C++ Comments:: C++ comments are recognized.
-* Dollar Signs:: Dollar sign is allowed in identifiers.
-* Character Escapes:: `\e' stands for the character <ESC>.
-* Variable Attributes:: Specifying attributes of variables.
-* Type Attributes:: Specifying attributes of types.
-* Alignment:: Inquiring about the alignment of a type or variable.
-* Inline:: Defining inline functions (as fast as macros).
-* Extended Asm:: Assembler instructions with C expressions as operands.
- (With them you can define "built-in" functions.)
-* Asm Labels:: Specifying the assembler name to use for a C symbol.
-* Explicit Reg Vars:: Defining variables residing in specified registers.
-* Alternate Keywords:: `__const__', `__asm__', etc., for header files.
-* Incomplete Enums:: `enum foo;', with details to follow.
-* Function Names:: Printable strings which are the name of the current
- function.
-* Return Address:: Getting the return or frame address of a function.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Statement Exprs, Next: Local Labels, Up: C Extensions
-Statements and Declarations in Expressions
- A compound statement enclosed in parentheses may appear as an
-expression in GNU C. This allows you to use loops, switches, and local
-variables within an expression.
- Recall that a compound statement is a sequence of statements
-surrounded by braces; in this construct, parentheses go around the
-braces. For example:
- ({ int y = foo (); int z;
- if (y > 0) z = y;
- else z = - y;
- z; })
-is a valid (though slightly more complex than necessary) expression for
-the absolute value of `foo ()'.
- The last thing in the compound statement should be an expression
-followed by a semicolon; the value of this subexpression serves as the
-value of the entire construct. (If you use some other kind of statement
-last within the braces, the construct has type `void', and thus
-effectively no value.)
- This feature is especially useful in making macro definitions "safe"
-(so that they evaluate each operand exactly once). For example, the
-"maximum" function is commonly defined as a macro in standard C as
- #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-But this definition computes either A or B twice, with bad results if
-the operand has side effects. In GNU C, if you know the type of the
-operands (here let's assume `int'), you can define the macro safely as
- #define maxint(a,b) \
- ({int _a = (a), _b = (b); _a > _b ? _a : _b; })
- Embedded statements are not allowed in constant expressions, such as
-the value of an enumeration constant, the width of a bit field, or the
-initial value of a static variable.
- If you don't know the type of the operand, you can still do this,
-but you must use `typeof' (*note Typeof::.) or type naming (*note
-Naming Types::.).
-File: gcc.info, Node: Local Labels, Next: Labels as Values, Prev: Statement Exprs, Up: C Extensions
-Locally Declared Labels
- Each statement expression is a scope in which "local labels" can be
-declared. A local label is simply an identifier; you can jump to it
-with an ordinary `goto' statement, but only from within the statement
-expression it belongs to.
- A local label declaration looks like this:
- __label__ LABEL;
- __label__ LABEL1, LABEL2, ...;
- Local label declarations must come at the beginning of the statement
-expression, right after the `({', before any ordinary declarations.
- The label declaration defines the label *name*, but does not define
-the label itself. You must do this in the usual way, with `LABEL:',
-within the statements of the statement expression.
- The local label feature is useful because statement expressions are
-often used in macros. If the macro contains nested loops, a `goto' can
-be useful for breaking out of them. However, an ordinary label whose
-scope is the whole function cannot be used: if the macro can be
-expanded several times in one function, the label will be multiply
-defined in that function. A local label avoids this problem. For
- #define SEARCH(array, target) \
- ({ \
- __label__ found; \
- typeof (target) _SEARCH_target = (target); \
- typeof (*(array)) *_SEARCH_array = (array); \
- int i, j; \
- int value; \
- for (i = 0; i < max; i++) \
- for (j = 0; j < max; j++) \
- if (_SEARCH_array[i][j] == _SEARCH_target) \
- { value = i; goto found; } \
- value = -1; \
- found: \
- value; \
- })
-File: gcc.info, Node: Labels as Values, Next: Nested Functions, Prev: Local Labels, Up: C Extensions
-Labels as Values
- You can get the address of a label defined in the current function
-(or a containing function) with the unary operator `&&'. The value has
-type `void *'. This value is a constant and can be used wherever a
-constant of that type is valid. For example:
- void *ptr;
- ...
- ptr = &&foo;
- To use these values, you need to be able to jump to one. This is
-done with the computed goto statement(1), `goto *EXP;'. For example,
- goto *ptr;
-Any expression of type `void *' is allowed.
- One way of using these constants is in initializing a static array
-that will serve as a jump table:
- static void *array[] = { &&foo, &&bar, &&hack };
- Then you can select a label with indexing, like this:
- goto *array[i];
-Note that this does not check whether the subscript is in bounds--array
-indexing in C never does that.
- Such an array of label values serves a purpose much like that of the
-`switch' statement. The `switch' statement is cleaner, so use that
-rather than an array unless the problem does not fit a `switch'
-statement very well.
- Another use of label values is in an interpreter for threaded code.
-The labels within the interpreter function can be stored in the
-threaded code for super-fast dispatching.
- You can use this mechanism to jump to code in a different function.
-If you do that, totally unpredictable things will happen. The best way
-to avoid this is to store the label address only in automatic variables
-and never pass it as an argument.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) The analogous feature in Fortran is called an assigned goto, but
-that name seems inappropriate in C, where one can do more than simply
-store label addresses in label variables.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Nested Functions, Next: Constructing Calls, Prev: Labels as Values, Up: C Extensions
-Nested Functions
- A "nested function" is a function defined inside another function.
-(Nested functions are not supported for GNU C++.) The nested function's
-name is local to the block where it is defined. For example, here we
-define a nested function named `square', and call it twice:
- foo (double a, double b)
- {
- double square (double z) { return z * z; }
- return square (a) + square (b);
- }
- The nested function can access all the variables of the containing
-function that are visible at the point of its definition. This is
-called "lexical scoping". For example, here we show a nested function
-which uses an inherited variable named `offset':
- bar (int *array, int offset, int size)
- {
- int access (int *array, int index)
- { return array[index + offset]; }
- int i;
- ...
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- ... access (array, i) ...
- }
- Nested function definitions are permitted within functions in the
-places where variable definitions are allowed; that is, in any block,
-before the first statement in the block.
- It is possible to call the nested function from outside the scope of
-its name by storing its address or passing the address to another
- hack (int *array, int size)
- {
- void store (int index, int value)
- { array[index] = value; }
- intermediate (store, size);
- }
- Here, the function `intermediate' receives the address of `store' as
-an argument. If `intermediate' calls `store', the arguments given to
-`store' are used to store into `array'. But this technique works only
-so long as the containing function (`hack', in this example) does not
- If you try to call the nested function through its address after the
-containing function has exited, all hell will break loose. If you try
-to call it after a containing scope level has exited, and if it refers
-to some of the variables that are no longer in scope, you may be lucky,
-but it's not wise to take the risk. If, however, the nested function
-does not refer to anything that has gone out of scope, you should be
- GNU CC implements taking the address of a nested function using a
-technique called "trampolines". A paper describing them is available
-from `maya.idiap.ch' in directory `pub/tmb', file `usenix88-lexic.ps.Z'.
- A nested function can jump to a label inherited from a containing
-function, provided the label was explicitly declared in the containing
-function (*note Local Labels::.). Such a jump returns instantly to the
-containing function, exiting the nested function which did the `goto'
-and any intermediate functions as well. Here is an example:
- bar (int *array, int offset, int size)
- {
- __label__ failure;
- int access (int *array, int index)
- {
- if (index > size)
- goto failure;
- return array[index + offset];
- }
- int i;
- ...
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- ... access (array, i) ...
- ...
- return 0;
- /* Control comes here from `access'
- if it detects an error. */
- failure:
- return -1;
- }
- A nested function always has internal linkage. Declaring one with
-`extern' is erroneous. If you need to declare the nested function
-before its definition, use `auto' (which is otherwise meaningless for
-function declarations).
- bar (int *array, int offset, int size)
- {
- __label__ failure;
- auto int access (int *, int);
- ...
- int access (int *array, int index)
- {
- if (index > size)
- goto failure;
- return array[index + offset];
- }
- ...
- }
-File: gcc.info, Node: Constructing Calls, Next: Naming Types, Prev: Nested Functions, Up: C Extensions
-Constructing Function Calls
- Using the built-in functions described below, you can record the
-arguments a function received, and call another function with the same
-arguments, without knowing the number or types of the arguments.
- You can also record the return value of that function call, and
-later return that value, without knowing what data type the function
-tried to return (as long as your caller expects that data type).
-`__builtin_apply_args ()'
- This built-in function returns a pointer of type `void *' to data
- describing how to perform a call with the same arguments as were
- passed to the current function.
- The function saves the arg pointer register, structure value
- address, and all registers that might be used to pass arguments to
- a function into a block of memory allocated on the stack. Then it
- returns the address of that block.
-`__builtin_apply (FUNCTION, ARGUMENTS, SIZE)'
- This built-in function invokes FUNCTION (type `void (*)()') with a
- copy of the parameters described by ARGUMENTS (type `void *') and
- SIZE (type `int').
- The value of ARGUMENTS should be the value returned by
- `__builtin_apply_args'. The argument SIZE specifies the size of
- the stack argument data, in bytes.
- This function returns a pointer of type `void *' to data describing
- how to return whatever value was returned by FUNCTION. The data
- is saved in a block of memory allocated on the stack.
- It is not always simple to compute the proper value for SIZE. The
- value is used by `__builtin_apply' to compute the amount of data
- that should be pushed on the stack and copied from the incoming
- argument area.
-`__builtin_return (RESULT)'
- This built-in function returns the value described by RESULT from
- the containing function. You should specify, for RESULT, a value
- returned by `__builtin_apply'.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Naming Types, Next: Typeof, Prev: Constructing Calls, Up: C Extensions
-Naming an Expression's Type
- You can give a name to the type of an expression using a `typedef'
-declaration with an initializer. Here is how to define NAME as a type
-name for the type of EXP:
- typedef NAME = EXP;
- This is useful in conjunction with the statements-within-expressions
-feature. Here is how the two together can be used to define a safe
-"maximum" macro that operates on any arithmetic type:
- #define max(a,b) \
- ({typedef _ta = (a), _tb = (b); \
- _ta _a = (a); _tb _b = (b); \
- _a > _b ? _a : _b; })
- The reason for using names that start with underscores for the local
-variables is to avoid conflicts with variable names that occur within
-the expressions that are substituted for `a' and `b'. Eventually we
-hope to design a new form of declaration syntax that allows you to
-declare variables whose scopes start only after their initializers;
-this will be a more reliable way to prevent such conflicts.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Typeof, Next: Lvalues, Prev: Naming Types, Up: C Extensions
-Referring to a Type with `typeof'
- Another way to refer to the type of an expression is with `typeof'.
-The syntax of using of this keyword looks like `sizeof', but the
-construct acts semantically like a type name defined with `typedef'.
- There are two ways of writing the argument to `typeof': with an
-expression or with a type. Here is an example with an expression:
- typeof (x[0](1))
-This assumes that `x' is an array of functions; the type described is
-that of the values of the functions.
- Here is an example with a typename as the argument:
- typeof (int *)
-Here the type described is that of pointers to `int'.
- If you are writing a header file that must work when included in
-ANSI C programs, write `__typeof__' instead of `typeof'. *Note
-Alternate Keywords::.
- A `typeof'-construct can be used anywhere a typedef name could be
-used. For example, you can use it in a declaration, in a cast, or
-inside of `sizeof' or `typeof'.
- * This declares `y' with the type of what `x' points to.
- typeof (*x) y;
- * This declares `y' as an array of such values.
- typeof (*x) y[4];
- * This declares `y' as an array of pointers to characters:
- typeof (typeof (char *)[4]) y;
- It is equivalent to the following traditional C declaration:
- char *y[4];
- To see the meaning of the declaration using `typeof', and why it
- might be a useful way to write, let's rewrite it with these macros:
- #define pointer(T) typeof(T *)
- #define array(T, N) typeof(T [N])
- Now the declaration can be rewritten this way:
- array (pointer (char), 4) y;
- Thus, `array (pointer (char), 4)' is the type of arrays of 4
- pointers to `char'.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Lvalues, Next: Conditionals, Prev: Typeof, Up: C Extensions
-Generalized Lvalues
- Compound expressions, conditional expressions and casts are allowed
-as lvalues provided their operands are lvalues. This means that you
-can take their addresses or store values into them.
- Standard C++ allows compound expressions and conditional expressions
-as lvalues, and permits casts to reference type, so use of this
-extension is deprecated for C++ code.
- For example, a compound expression can be assigned, provided the last
-expression in the sequence is an lvalue. These two expressions are
- (a, b) += 5
- a, (b += 5)
- Similarly, the address of the compound expression can be taken.
-These two expressions are equivalent:
- &(a, b)
- a, &b
- A conditional expression is a valid lvalue if its type is not void
-and the true and false branches are both valid lvalues. For example,
-these two expressions are equivalent:
- (a ? b : c) = 5
- (a ? b = 5 : (c = 5))
- A cast is a valid lvalue if its operand is an lvalue. A simple
-assignment whose left-hand side is a cast works by converting the
-right-hand side first to the specified type, then to the type of the
-inner left-hand side expression. After this is stored, the value is
-converted back to the specified type to become the value of the
-assignment. Thus, if `a' has type `char *', the following two
-expressions are equivalent:
- (int)a = 5
- (int)(a = (char *)(int)5)
- An assignment-with-arithmetic operation such as `+=' applied to a
-cast performs the arithmetic using the type resulting from the cast,
-and then continues as in the previous case. Therefore, these two
-expressions are equivalent:
- (int)a += 5
- (int)(a = (char *)(int) ((int)a + 5))
- You cannot take the address of an lvalue cast, because the use of its
-address would not work out coherently. Suppose that `&(int)f' were
-permitted, where `f' has type `float'. Then the following statement
-would try to store an integer bit-pattern where a floating point number
- *&(int)f = 1;
- This is quite different from what `(int)f = 1' would do--that would
-convert 1 to floating point and store it. Rather than cause this
-inconsistency, we think it is better to prohibit use of `&' on a cast.
- If you really do want an `int *' pointer with the address of `f',
-you can simply write `(int *)&f'.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Conditionals, Next: Long Long, Prev: Lvalues, Up: C Extensions
-Conditionals with Omitted Operands
- The middle operand in a conditional expression may be omitted. Then
-if the first operand is nonzero, its value is the value of the
-conditional expression.
- Therefore, the expression
- x ? : y
-has the value of `x' if that is nonzero; otherwise, the value of `y'.
- This example is perfectly equivalent to
- x ? x : y
-In this simple case, the ability to omit the middle operand is not
-especially useful. When it becomes useful is when the first operand
-does, or may (if it is a macro argument), contain a side effect. Then
-repeating the operand in the middle would perform the side effect
-twice. Omitting the middle operand uses the value already computed
-without the undesirable effects of recomputing it.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Long Long, Next: Complex, Prev: Conditionals, Up: C Extensions
-Double-Word Integers
- GNU C supports data types for integers that are twice as long as
-`int'. Simply write `long long int' for a signed integer, or `unsigned
-long long int' for an unsigned integer. To make an integer constant of
-type `long long int', add the suffix `LL' to the integer. To make an
-integer constant of type `unsigned long long int', add the suffix `ULL'
-to the integer.
- You can use these types in arithmetic like any other integer types.
-Addition, subtraction, and bitwise boolean operations on these types
-are open-coded on all types of machines. Multiplication is open-coded
-if the machine supports fullword-to-doubleword a widening multiply
-instruction. Division and shifts are open-coded only on machines that
-provide special support. The operations that are not open-coded use
-special library routines that come with GNU CC.
- There may be pitfalls when you use `long long' types for function
-arguments, unless you declare function prototypes. If a function
-expects type `int' for its argument, and you pass a value of type `long
-long int', confusion will result because the caller and the subroutine
-will disagree about the number of bytes for the argument. Likewise, if
-the function expects `long long int' and you pass `int'. The best way
-to avoid such problems is to use prototypes.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Complex, Next: Zero Length, Prev: Long Long, Up: C Extensions
-Complex Numbers
- GNU C supports complex data types. You can declare both complex
-integer types and complex floating types, using the keyword
- For example, `__complex__ double x;' declares `x' as a variable
-whose real part and imaginary part are both of type `double'.
-`__complex__ short int y;' declares `y' to have real and imaginary
-parts of type `short int'; this is not likely to be useful, but it
-shows that the set of complex types is complete.
- To write a constant with a complex data type, use the suffix `i' or
-`j' (either one; they are equivalent). For example, `2.5fi' has type
-`__complex__ float' and `3i' has type `__complex__ int'. Such a
-constant always has a pure imaginary value, but you can form any
-complex value you like by adding one to a real constant.
- To extract the real part of a complex-valued expression EXP, write
-`__real__ EXP'. Likewise, use `__imag__' to extract the imaginary part.
- The operator `~' performs complex conjugation when used on a value
-with a complex type.
- GNU CC can allocate complex automatic variables in a noncontiguous
-fashion; it's even possible for the real part to be in a register while
-the imaginary part is on the stack (or vice-versa). None of the
-supported debugging info formats has a way to represent noncontiguous
-allocation like this, so GNU CC describes a noncontiguous complex
-variable as if it were two separate variables of noncomplex type. If
-the variable's actual name is `foo', the two fictitious variables are
-named `foo$real' and `foo$imag'. You can examine and set these two
-fictitious variables with your debugger.
- A future version of GDB will know how to recognize such pairs and
-treat them as a single variable with a complex type.
-File: gcc.info, Node: Zero Length, Next: Variable Length, Prev: Complex, Up: C Extensions
-Arrays of Length Zero
- Zero-length arrays are allowed in GNU C. They are very useful as
-the last element of a structure which is really a header for a
-variable-length object:
- struct line {
- int length;
- char contents[0];
- };
- {
- struct line *thisline = (struct line *)
- malloc (sizeof (struct line) + this_length);
- thisline->length = this_length;
- }
- In standard C, you would have to give `contents' a length of 1, which
-means either you waste space or complicate the argument to `malloc'.